one in Joseph. About 17 slots and a number of merchandise punchboards were confiscated. Two other taverns, in Wal lowa, were also cited. ' Enterprise City Attorney Rob ert Christman said the slots had been operated through an agree ment between the city, veterans' organizations and the tavern owners. Veterans' groups assertedly received 45 percent of the "take," the city 35 percent and the taverns 20. Mayor H. O. Harmon said ac tion by his city would be post poned until the settling of gam- Ming cases pending in the courts, i Christman said as a result of the crackdown on slots Enterprise would have to abandon hopes for a new fire engine and plans to pay off bond issues and finance a sewer system. Vernon Long, former Ameri can Legion commander, said, "They're hitting the smaller towns and letting the larger places, such as La Grande and Baker, get by." Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, March 6, 195013 New-Born Babe in Automobile Crash Portland, Ore., March 8 Three persons were injured when an ambulance with its siren screaming ran a red light ferred to another ambulance and taken to Multnomah county hos pital. Trains Collide Plymouth, Ind., March 8 (!. Two Pennsylvania railroad freight trains collided today, kill ing the fireman on one engine. Fireman John Hartman was killed instantly when his diesel engine plowed Into the rear of another train that had stopped on the mainline tracks one mile east of here. '.. J Enterprise. Ore., March 6 UJ!) State police raids hit Wallowa county taverns operating slot machines and closed down one of the few "open cities" for one- and hit an automobile broadside. armed bandits in Oregon this week-end. ponce said today. A mother and her newborn daughter in the ambulance escaped injury. They were trans The raids resulted in citations for two Enterprise taverns and WHETHER YOU NEED ONE FIXTURE OR HOUSE FULL . . . 155 North Liberty Phono 3-3191 Police Raid Wallowa Slots Mommy's Home Mrs. Helen Overlander, 30, smiles upon being re-united with her husband and children after her return home at Rensselaer, N. Y. She disappeared for a week because, her husband-said, she mistakenly thought she had cancer. The family, left to right: Carl, 8; Sherrell, Jr., 10; Mrs. Overlander; Sherrell Overlander and Mary Eliza beth, 6. (AP Wlrephoto) . Guild of Organists Will Honor Roberts The Oregon chapter of the American Guild of Organists, will hold its March meeting in Salem March 12 at the Roberts Studio, in compliment to Prof. T. S. Roberts. A number of prominent Port land organists will present a recital on Prof. Roberts three manual pipe organ. Invitations have been sent to interested patrons. Envoy to Burma David McKendree Key (above), of Essex, Conn., state department career officer, has been nom inated by President Truman as ambassador to Burma. Revival of the Old CCC Proposed by Utah Woman By WILLIAM E. LOWELL Washington, March 8 ff) Revival of the civilian conservation corps, recently proposed to congress, would be welcomed in many parts of the west, says Rep. Bosne (D., Utah). The original program, established in 1933 to train and occupy the nation's jobless youth, was abandoned in 1942 when the de mand for labor in defense in- dustries drained off this pool of unemployed. In the nine years, more than 3,000,000 boys had planted 2, 358,000,00 trees, built 126,000 miles of trails, truck trails and minor roads, set and strung 89, 000 miles of telephone lines, built thousands of erosion con trol check dams, spent more than 6,000,000 man-days at for est fire fighting and engaged in tree and plant disease and pest control over 21,000,00 acres. A very large part of this was in the forests, ranges and parks of the west, where boys from the sprawling industrial centers of the east learned about the wide open spaces and where many of them settled down to live and work. , The problems of conservation of human and natural resources have arisen again, says Mrs. Bosone,' author of one of the new CCC bills. She said; ' "First; there werfe 1,000,000 boys between the ages of 16 and 24 who were looking for jobs last month. Unemployment at the present times is greatest in this age group. "Second there are some 4 000,000 acres of national forests which need reforestation. There are 2,000,000 acres of trees suf fering from blister rust. One hundred thousand miles of roads and trails need to be built into th mountains and wooded areas. For fire protection, 1,400 lookout towers are needed." As the boys worked, they learned such thinks as equip ment operation and mainten ance, rudimentary engineering, In connection with bridge build ing and road construction tim ber estimating rough carpentry and the like. In the western states alone, 221,500,000 trees were planted, 22,500 miles of roads and trails and many bridges built many hundreds of thousands of acres of timber treated for protection against plant disease and pests, numerous observation towers other fire protection structures built. 'Telephone lines were built in all the western states except Montana, North Dakota, Ore gon, Utah and Wyoming. Construction of erosion con trol dams was a major project in Idaho, Montana, South Da kota and Utah. . In Colorado, 84,000 acres of range were improved, in Utah, 214,000 acres. Millions of game fish were planted in the lakes and streams of Wyoming, South Dakota and Montana. In North Dakota 602 wild life shelters were provided. And in Wyoming, the CCC crews spent 147,588 man-days fighting coal fires. . "I have long since been con vinced" said Mrs. Bosone a for mer Salt . Lake city municipal judge "that the thousands of boys who know nothing but the pavenemts of congested areas should have an opportunity to breathe the fresh air that comes from working out of doors. . "I very definitely think that the influence of such a program has an important effect on the future lives of these boys. It is a program of conservation all the way around." Tergeni Are Hosts Butteville Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Yergen entertaned at a fam ily birthday dinner in their home honoring Glen L. Yergen, Glen A. Yergen and Mrs. Richard Dates Set lor Square Dances The Willamette Valley Square Dance Round-Up, in which scores of colorfully costumed men and women will strut their stuff, will be staged at the Sa lem armory the night of March 24. Host to this "square dance frolic" will be the Hill Anthony club which meets every two weeks at the Roberts Grange hall, with Bryan Goodenough as president. Fred Halvarsen has been named chairman for the frolic by Goodenough and he, in turn has selected approximately 50 couples to assist with the pro gram. Committee heads include: Jim Hardy, finance and conces sions; Neil Brown, publicity; John and Ethel Geisler, recep tion; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carr, programs; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Paterson, pre-dance; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Seamster, decorations. Robbins Is Admitted To Club Membership Columbus, O., March i John C. Robbins of Aurora, has been named a member of the Ameri can Jersey Cattle club. He is a local breeder of registered Jer sey cattle. Requirements for membership specify that an applicant must be an owner of Jersey cattle and a careful and reliable breeder. Robbins' applicaton was endors ed by at least five members of the club. Sheridan Visitation teams nf the Methodist church wll be call ing on prospective members and persons interested in the church during the period of Lent, begin ning Monday. CUTICURA RESULTS OFTEN AMAZING Pimples, rashes start to dear ip In jvst7days Tom to nay 1m anarad the prompt way Cvficim Soap and Ointment aptcd out Mack bsadit Drip reftora paiiptea. pc it ot locally tuolicated 70 yean aoooasB. Buy today Thomas Farm Sold Near Pleasanfdale Pleasantdale A surprise farewell party was held at the home of Mrs. Jessie Thomas and family in the Pleasantdale district. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L a u n e r and two doughters, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nichols, Mrs. Adolph Schultz and two sons, Mrs. Minnie Shep ard, Miss Esther Nichols, Mrs, Thomas and family. Games were played and rfe- freshments served. Mrs. Thomas has sold her 158 acre farm here and purchased a place at La Center, Wash. The new owners are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Biles of Stayton. Pos session will be given soon. Sharon Hyder Honored Sheridan A party was given for Sharon Hyder at her home, the occasion being her 12th birthday. Twenty-one of her seventh grade classmates enjoy ed the evening. Donna Tatom took several flash pictures of the party. Refreshments were served. Cost LET. PIONEER TRUST HELP YOU! Yes ... at Pioneer Trust you can always feel free to talk about your home financing problems! Whe ther you are building your home on the cheaper-than-renf FHA Mortgage Loan plan or refinancing your present mortgage. So why not let Pioneer Trust help YOU . . . today! DIAL i in I i 1 Pioneer Trust Co. Incorporated under the Oregon SUte Banking Lmwi State at Commercial CASH LOANS Auto or Personal '100. '1000 COMMERCIAL CREDIT PJLAItf MMissMMiNeoiiPoiuriDM 3iem Agency! M N. Ctanrch St. TeL I41W Jv SAVE AT WARDS l-'l SALE! 3-PC. BATHROOM ' 0'''ijt I I t1a"s7,th $125 I m- A 7vi -fagp ( COMPLETE PLUMBING OUTFIT FOR AVERAGE 5-ROOM HOUSE Sale! Sink with A C 00 all fittings Sale! Laundry Tray O fiOO and fittings AV COMPARE WITH $350,00 OUTFITS! No down payment; up to 36 months to pay on FHA approved loans. HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! ONE 5 FOOT CAST IRON TUB Right or left hand, complete with all fittings. ONE 17" x 19" CAST IRON LAVATORY Acid resisting porcelain, includes faucet, trap, shut-off and suppiies. ONE REVERSE TRAP CLOSET OUTFIT 12" rough-in. With white seat, shut-off and supply. ONE DOUBLE COMPARTMENT STEEL SINK With spray and faucet, basket strainer, continuous waste and trap. ONE DOUBLE COMPARTMENT LAUNDRY TRAY Complete with faucet, trap and stand. ONE 42 GAL. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Supreme quality! Double element, automatic. AIX FITTINGS INCLUDED! Notice that not only the chrome fittings, out also traps, shut-offs and supply tubes are included at these low sale prices! 1:04$ , i fc Vi', yi f Kk Sale! 42 Gal. Automatic Electric 70oo SAVE ON YOUR ROUGH-IN-MATERIAL AT WARDS Complete Stock of Soif Pip and Fittings, Galvanized Pipo and Fittings At Lowest Prices COMPLETE INSTALLATION SERVICE AVAILABLE Contract or Time and Material, with Competent Plumbers Sec Wards far Ail Your Plumbing and Heating Needs v Chaz. -