I Novyfier this, blurb- from TvERYweuur I reckon rrs hjckya you were about! r wax. well.' my enterfwstng friend-! I 1 hOiV ON, RIBflEf? , AND 1 J BOY I . I YOU CAME ALONG, MR. ht) RENT VOUR HOW VOUU YOU UKE TO SELL, A SHe g 1 1' Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March 4, 19509 ON TO OREGON The Way West RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P. M. By A. B. GUTHRIE, JR. SYNOfhlo: Lije Evans, captain of 'the On-to-Oregon wa&on irain, ii now also leader by the strength of bis arm and the power oi ilia seldom used list, ladlock knows now that he can't lynch an In dian boy merely because his coat is stolen. But Lije Kvans' son, Brownie, is not so sure of his fiower. He has shyly proposed marriage to pretty Mercy IttcHee. Something tragio is troubling the girl. Meanwhile the little com pany of pioneers has a hard road ahead between the valley of the Bear and the promised land of Oregon. Although it is only Au gust the snow will soon be flying in the mountains. Now go on with the story Chapter IS Mercy waited in the dark. She made herself a shadow in the dark so that people, looking, would take her for a bush or for a cloud across a star. The stars were out, cold and distant before the moon that would come later. She pulled her coat around her neck and told herself to wait. Walt ior the last look around. Wait for the last chore before people took themselves to bed. A dog came up, unseen, and nosed her hand, and she started and c&Jmed and felt him to be Rock sMJ held him with her while she waited. She knew him when he stepped out, knew him by the thin, clean shadow that he was against the shadowed night, and boldness died in her and her legs trembled to run. She said, "Mr. Mack," and heard her voice as no more than a whisper, drowned by the sh-h-h of the spring. "Mr. Mack." "What's that? Who is it?" Then, lower-voiced, "Oh, hello." . . "It's Mercy McBee." "I see now. How are you?" "Mr. Mack?" "Yes." "Could we get away a piece, so's to talk?" He took her arm without answer ing and led her out . from camp1, down toward the 'steamboat spring. "It has seemed best not to try to see you, Mercy." "I wouldn't try to see you but but" "What Is It?" "I'm afeared, Mr, Mack. I'm so svfeared." "For God's sake!" he sold. Then, "It's probably just your imagina tion." "I been tryin' to tlel myself that." "Well?" "What kin we do?" "Don't you see I can't do any thing?" While she wandered at it, he asked, "Have you thought about marriage, Mercy?" "To who?" "Well to anyone?" The voice in her said. "Talk don't seem to be no use. Must be your wife's exDectin' you." He cried out then, cried fierce but soft so that she felt the misery In him. "Mercy I I'm sorry. All I can say is I'm sorry." He left without patting her, with out touching her. without the kiss that she had thought would give her comfort. She asked herself if she could wrong a boy like Brownie. Curtis Mack didn't go immediate ly to his tent. Thinking of her. he hated him self, hated his shabby answering to her need, hated the cheap sug gestion that she marry. Curtis Mack had found comfort in hard work and unaccustomed patience with Amanda, after the killing of the Kaw. It was In the nature of things, he thought, that now, with a better understanding reached be tween his wife and him, the conse quences of misunderstanding should arise. They were coming to ad justment, each trying to keep in mind the other. And he felt ful filled and knew he loved his wife bevond all women.' Amanda's voice said in the dark ness, "I almost went to sleep. Curt." "It's such a grand night out." He at down and started taking off rus snoes. "YouH have yourselves a srree I'm thlnkin'," the old countaineer am. this cmid's been tnat way, and it's some, that's what it is." He was, Lije Evans thought, about the age of a hill allow a hundred years one way or the other and he sat on the ground with the solid ease of a hill, as if he never needed A chair or back-rest for his car cass. Greenwood, his name was, Caleb Greenwood. "Ain't I right. Cap'n?" There were eight or ten of them quatted around in the Fort Hall yard, outside the dried-mud build ing that Captain Grant used for office and home. Captain Grant was the only one who stood. He had England writ ten all over him. He brushed his r beard with his hand. "The Hud' I son's Bay Company rever has tried to get a wagon train through," he answered. Evans asked himself whether he was ready to dislike the man just because he was British. He had been good enough to the train, good enough to be better than you might expect from a Britisher. You could buy flour from him, brought by boat and horse from the Oregon settlements, at twenty dollars a ROOM AND BOARD p "MORTON THE WOUSE'WAS Ht? WAIT UNTIL VOU SEE THE gg f RAISED IN THE STALL OF CONTRAPTION HE KEEPS A RACE HORSE-SO THE S .'MORTON' IN, AND HEAR. THE g JUDGE, BEING A NATURAL W 1 SYSTEM HE DREAMED ,UP HUNCH PLAYER., FIRMLY ) FOR. IT TO PICK THE ' ( BELIEVES THE MOUSE WINNER. OF A RACE HAS MYSTIC POWERS I TO PREDICT THE I WINNING HORSE IN WELL. HES TRIED V A RACE , EVERYTHING ELSE TO J v . jS PRODUCE A PROFIT ; 7 S AND NOW HE HAS A ) (w.Vo I MOUSE WORKING Q W V FOR. HIM stJsN9 L WfX W JE GO.NG SfH Ip 3tL 10 morton i i hundred, or horses at from fifteen to twenty-five each. "Some of you'll get through, and mavbe some wagons." the old man said and took the pipe from his mouth. "We done all right so far," Evans put in. "Shore you did, boy. Ain't quite the whisker of August, and here ye be." "Well?" "More this child thinks to it," Greenwood said, "more he almost wishes he was trailin' along. Cali forny way is too tame. Nothin' the whole length of her to test a man. Nothin' to remember 'cept easy go- in The look of thinking ahead was on Patch's sharp face. "What did you say tney raised in California? notnin-. fjouuir 'cept wnats sot in the ground and whatever chews on grass. She's a soft country, she is. and so sunny a man wonders ain't there ever no weather there. It ain't like Oregon thataway." "Let's talk straight," Tadlock said. hitching forward. "Why do you tnmk we can't make it to tne Willamette?" Old Greenwood spread his hands. "Did this child sav that, now? Said some of you would. Shore. There's tne Snake to ford twice, and fer days you roll along her rim and no drink for man or brute, and there she flows, so tar and steep below you couldn't leg it down and back from sunup to sundown." Evans said, "We know somep'n about rivers." "Shore, boy," old Greenwood an swered. "The Missouri or the Mis sissippi, I'm thlnkin'. Nice water. Come to think on it, what you aim to do with your cattle?" "Take 'em along." "Oh! An' then after the Snake, or Lewis River like sometimes we call it, you come to its pappy an' there's more fun." The company just Yesterday had finished a toilsome stretch, through the black rocks and black dust this side the Bear, and had come down into the valley and seen water and woods and grass and bobolinks and killdeers. and he didn't guess any one wanted to move again, much less tackle wnat Greenwood was putting into words. Greenwood started up his song again. "You got such a smart start, mayDe you'll git to tne Willamette afore snow flies. Could be you will. Course, you'll have rain, one day on another, fer the rainy season's nign here." summers asked. "Who's ravin vou. Caleb?" "Now as fer fevers," Greenwood said, giving summers just tne cor ner oi nis eyes, "tneres some as hold there's fever on the lower river." Are there markets In Califor nia?" Tadlock asked. well, if you want to talk Call- forny, there's no trouble about mar kets, stiddy markets, wheat a dol lar and corn fifty cents and sheep a dollar or two. "And you'll lead a train to the Sacramento?" Tadlock asked. Al ready, Evans knew, his mind was making up and it was all right. Let Tadlock go. for he couldn't stand the Oregon train now he wasn't captain and had been whip ped to boot. And let McBee go. Let him and his family go. The train dldn t need numbers for sale ty any more. "Who's nayln' you. Caleb?" "Glad you asked me that. It's a honest question and deservln' of a honest answer. CtD'n John Sut ter down in the Sacramento valley, he f iggered maybe some would want to come his way not throwin' off on Oregon and he says, 'Caleb, here's a little piece of money fer your old age, and whyn't you traipse to nan so s to snow any poor folks the way?'" Evans said, "Tell him I'm obliged, but that them that goes with me will go to Oregon." Patch nodded to the words, and Daughtery and MacK ano uornam ano weatneroy, and ne understood with a little gush or good feeling that they were com' mitted to Oregon like himself. Summers stood up. Evans saw then that Brownie had come into the fort and stood back from the circle. He thought he saw trouble in the boy's face. "Want me, boy?" "No. There's there's someone wants to talk to Dick." Friendly Neighbors Club Entertained Web foot The Webfoot Freindly Neighbors club held its March meeting with 22 mem bers present at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Ediger. Mrs. Ste phen Benedict was co-hostess, Mrs. Raymond White and Mrs. Marion Sisco won in two con test games in charge of Mrs. John Heffley. Mrs. Howard Baker, of Web foot became a .new member. Members worked on their own wancy work. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Schroeder. By Gene Ahern 5 WILL STAND GUARD UW.VID BOW TO KLtK r-KANKLX I y BABIES OUT FOR IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT? -ANO NAME NIGHT ANO IF YOU SET FOOT T DEFEAT J DONX KNCW ANY' aPE-SHOW FREAKS LL- YOUR OWN PRICET lit. T INSIDE THAT ROPE YOLTLL WKD jtilp- krfd MORE ABOUT BUS&jtjlfeCBljT TTHNrT iS '-c-v J ITTtlTO7 ! UgTOD " mr.bigbrmn, I've been I V Tlirir, ..,rri(r , C that's 1 1 ...but you know it just takes . WORKING HERE THREE J tfffV JIi T ,ollvJ-r l ! SOME PEOPLE LONGER WEEKS AND 1 FEELTHAT fclVSh ?S,t8)lXVM)!J!ll V SHAME... THAN OTHERS T I'M ENTITLED TO A J ftth?? WORKED HEBE FOR 1 T Sbr 7 0 W WQ.L-WQJ.-WBX-) BO OLNE. SHALL WE I HONDCUFPSH-I. DONT r VOU KEEP VOUR LP T ANNIE-WHAT TT GOOD WLE-UME SEE j p NICE TO SEE VOU SCK? O.K..CHUM! W I MIND-BUT I HOWE BUTTONED I SUESS UE VOO QOT THERE? I THOSE HANDCUFFS B !L SO-SO- 1 YOU'VE BEEN A HELP- M I MY FCMIty TO THINK WONT HflJE TO FRET J Jpi 1 " EATTLIN"McNCODNIK WILL NOW II McNOODNIK HASN'T GOT i LEAVE THIS If VERY HORSPtTUBBLE -AN', NOW, AH GOES ON WIF A RETIRE. FUM TH' RING, ASSOOMIN I THE SAME. SAVAGE. - JOIK, AND Z OF Yo; BUT xf TH' SEARCH FO' TH' REST O' L HE'S STILL ALIVE. SO, NOW. HE 4. APPEAL FOR ME. THAT ) I MAKE -W ALL AH WANTS TH' GAL WHOSE KNEECAP S ' WON'T HAFTA TRAIN ANYMORE- A v- HE USED TA.V BEAUTIFUL )k IS THET LIST O' AH" LOVES r A-FIRSTCN I 1 AN' HE CAN SPEND ALL HIS TIME J rSQ' t f" MUSIC "v 'FEARLESS .TH' LIST IS'ANKLES'AARD- S I GOIN' STEADY WIF VO', TH'' (FftfJ l TOGETHER.'TV FOSDICK'' FANS I ' ' VARK.. PORESOUL ' VO' PROMISED f?2- rZ" iturit(( HTf - Z'mZ 1 .THEY'RE TfWAi OUR BLASTING ! Z&SjZMP throwing torches Y5 EQUIPMENT IS IN BEATIN' OFF W RAI0ERM'S57 THEY'RE SHED NEXT TO . SJSwfrWniKVfi' ?2iLT0 STOP THAT BLAZE OR I O C HOPPY HOWS TH' 7 ii GETTING IT JHE BARN -toSfT iiiifllffill W I W&ri Wf .. VwEU ALL BE BLOWN i VBOYS DOIN'WITH JJfi 1 11 WNDER..V!' T nT-fmWmWW'lb'i I SKY HIGUS I ' I- s J . ... ... ,.....il ivniftnMftu-njArlj. ( I 3" 4 " 1 M HEy.PORGlMMEV!' rZJZ. ) SEEM TO REALIZE THE TN ORDER TO EARN OX.. POP GO AHEAD--1 m FWJRBITS-I rn VALUEOFMONEVDO r SURE,FFTVCENTS. I - W I'LL WAIT! BUT MAKE V5gk " WANNA GO TO VOU KNOW WHAT TOUR, I HAVE TO WORK (k? IT SNAPPV. THE SHOW TE'F MM II II I I Will I I II 1 . ' m" muT NOW TRY TO REMEMBER fefe24?, glillp IfSf SSt"' I THAT AlNT 6000! THEM J l R PATTY AND I WERE WALKIN5 ls: WAS THE GLOVE l bbS-JbiSiL JERKS IS 6ETTIN' A 2) .. -..0 t.JFLJTViz.. vlctT r9 DCV? THAT IS rlJFT J. Vlirn BEFORE THAT MAN WAS I lyv-irjCFI , Jk 1 1 1 U ALONS THE ROAD. FLIP RAN,lTORI PTJ?., WOM S$S. nWfl BILLED. IF THE GLOVE trCf INCLOSE J JhlU T T Lk BEEN HERE' . I tWSB.A iMSMlIM, M I HERE'S COPY FOR WUR ) MR .KALKENBROOM A WOMii' UKE 5CEIN6 wfii . .t tuf -" I SAYOtDCRUMPET- IS JEaJ NEWSPAPER A0S.MR. J OEUfiHTED WTTHTTIE tJ DOUBLE MYOLDSVEETHEART rflSl MfFNT-.THAT f THERE A PERSON HERE NAMED- j KAUtEN BROOM! A TWmAlBRKKl M -SO SIMPlE.THEyARE.'. -SO 'TlAs I AH. ."BRKKORSOME ' iffl M VlZZM M0DEST!SO....lMU5TMEET 1 HARD TOMWANGE' Ar. 3UO ROT? jJ f A KGW KOIN KEX KSLM K0C0 "0 WBO 70 CBB 11W ABO 1300 MBC 1490 go, Bindi of Land Mak Way Remember True or Falae Cy Shannon Band of Land Make Way special Eyenl True or False Cy Shannon Bands of Land Danier Ahead Nary Hour Orsao Reveries Political Pnlso Elmer Peterson Columbia N'ayy Hour Christ. Science l-Sanaro Gosp. Dlileland Jan Onest Stars Scootlnc Stars A A F Candleliiht a Dixieland Jasa Memo. In Mnile Home Edition A A F Silver Denn s Day Goldberrs Mod. Romanea Nile Riders Xews Dennis Day Goldberss Mod. Romance Nile Riders Ass'bly of God Jody Cinns Sim It Acaln Hollyw'd Byline Mr. Feathers District Judy Canova sins It Asaln Hollyw'd Byline Mr. Feathers Tournament Grand 01 Opry Sim II Asaln Chandn Mails West Coast District Grand OI Opry Sins It Asaln Chandn Masle Ramblers Tournament Truth or V. Monroe Lone Ranser Chet Mulkey Mldcoort conseonenees V. Monroe Uue Rsncer Chet Mulkey District Hollywood star Gene Aotry Heinle's Band Meet the Press Tournament Hollywood Star Gene Autry Heinle's Band Meet the Press Dlstrlet '!!! E"2 Gansbusters Rayburn, Flih News Tournament Hit Parade Gansbustere Rayburn, Finch Crystal Oard. Dlst. Tourn. T I . 54"' ir! Rayburn, Finch Buddy Marino News Ufa of Riley Art Godfrey Rayburn. Finch Buddy Marino Tropicana 1 B?f i"8'" ""' NW Barber Salute Reserve nV u . 0rrn Intermets. Shop Contest Salute Reserve n'l . Capitol Dance BanA Benny Strom Danelm Parly orchestra Cloakroom Dance Band Benny Strom Danclnr Party w .1 Treasury Band Lei's Danca Open House Danolm Party all Treasury Bsnd Let's Dance Open Rouse Danelm Party wJI M"nm Orsan Melodlei Let's Danca Open Homo Dancinc Parly wax Mnssum Orsan Melodlea Let's panes Open Houso Danelm Party Slsn Off Ullcnl . Era Hour "Isirn Off Isisn Off ' 0:15 0:3n 10:45 11:00 11:15 K0AC SltardT P. M. 5:00. Chll- I UPbemt: S:50. 50 Sporti Clobi 6:00. Newn ureni intiitn 0:10. un in 6:15, London Letteri 6:80, U. of O. Sem- I FM Mer., KGW 100.3, 8-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, 6 a.m., U p.m., KEX 92.8. 8 to 9 p.m. SUNDAY 7 :()0 Radio Pulpit .Chnrch of Air Band Box 7:15 Radio Pulpli Church nf Air Band Bos 7:30 Family Tint Church of Air Rand Bos Mutual Masle 7 ;45 Family Tlmo Church of Air Band Bos Mutual Mmla 8:00 I. Doe'a Mitio Mewamakera Revival Hour 1st Baptlit Ch. Biver Bora 8:15 Morn, serenade II. K. Smith Revival Hour 1st Baptist Ch. Newa 8:30 Church to Your Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Vole Prophecy Fell 'hip Vole jt:45 Homi Salt Lake Taber Revival Hoar Volco Prophecy Fello'ahlp Volco 9:00 N'ewa More of Life Southern aire Ra. Bible Class Bible ProiranT 9:15 Garden Talk More of Life Southernalrea Ra. Bible Class Lutheran 9:30 Eternal Llsht Guest Star Mcisaxe of Lutheran Dour Ave Marie B. 9:45 Eternal Light Newt Israel Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Hr. 10:00 Glenn Shelley. People's Newa News Ch'rch In WUeV 10:15 Ortranist Platform Romance Sonn Orsan Loft 10:30 Cbicaeo Round Invitation to Sunday Vespers News Sacred Heart 10:45 Table Learnlnr Snnday Vespers Voice ef Strings Wayne Kins 11 :00 NBC Theater Israel Forclsn Report One Great Hr. First Baptist 11:15SBC Theater Israel 4 Ernst One Great Hr. First Baptist 11:30 NBC Theater Gallery Gossip PIno House, Hymns First Baptist 11:4s NBC Theater News Playhouse Canaries First Baptist 12:00 One Man's NY Phllharm, Hour of Faith News Serenade for 12:15 Family NT Phllharm, "our of Faith Guest Star Strinis 12:30 Qui' Kids NX Phllharm. Parade of Hits Juvenile Jury Headline News 12:45 Quli Kids hllharm. Parade of Hits Juvenile Jury United Nations 1:00 Mr. Fix-It NT. Phllharm. Week's World Hopalonr Church Pros. 1:15 News NT Phllharm. Week's World Cassldr Church Pros. ;30 Hlsh Advent. Festival Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Musio for 1:45 lllsh Advent. News . Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Paid ream Ins 2:00 Dick Powell LP Records Mr. President The Shadow Huslo for 2:15 Dick Powell LP Records Mr. President The Shadow Daydreamlnr 2:30 H'vest of Stars Galen Drake Greatest Story True Detective Band Showeaae 2:45 H'vest of Stars Jack Sterling Greatest Story True Detective Band Showcase) 3:00 The nardy Favorite Lutheran nour John alecle Son. Serenade 3:15 Family Husband Lutheran Hoar John Stella Son. Serenade) 3:30 nenry Morgan Boston Blackle Muslo with Nick Carter Musle 3:45 Henry Morsan Boston Blackie the Girls Nick Carter Mnale 4:00 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Here's to Vets Falcon Donald Stewart 4:15 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Research Falcon Donald Stewart 4:30 Harris-Fare Amos 'n' Andy Guest Star Newa Concert 4:45 Harris-Fare Amos 'n' Andy Robt. St. John Congress Rep't Concert 5:00 Sam Spade llerr.-M'C'rthy stop the Muslo Alexander Dallas Minister 5:15 Sam Spade Bers.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Alexander For the LlrlnjT 5:30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan stop the Music Lynn Murray Sappcrtime 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray Serenade 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer W'lter WInehell Revlewlns Speaker of. Wk. 6:15 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer Louella Parsons Stand Speaker of Wk. 6:30 Album Familiar Horace Heldt Chance of a Family Theatre Newa 6:45 Mnsle Horace Heldt Lifetime Family Theatre St. Francis ?;00 Take It or Contented Hr. Jimmle Fldler Medical nilltes Sunday .ales 1 :15 Leave It Contented Hr. Chapel Songs of Times Sunday Saloa 7:30 Bob Crosby The Whistler Amaiinf Roy Rosen Naxarene Civ. 7:45 Bob Crosby The Whistler M alone Roy Roscrs Natarene ChT 8:00 Science Editor Mlsa Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'stlons Natarene Ch. "" 8:15 Peacha Kasan Miss Brooks Headlines Twenty Q'stlons N'axarene Co. 8:30 Symphony Hoar Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter WInehell Can You Frank do Vol 8:45 Symphony Hoar Bers.-M'C'rthy Louella Parsons Top This? Frank de Vol 9:00 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast Newa Sunday Reverie 9:15 Symphony Hoar Red Skelton Think Fast Editorial Sunday Reverie 9:30 Best Seller Jaok Benny Orchestra Cunningham Dallas Church 9:45 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Boy. McKay NW News Dallas Chnrch 10:00 News Five Star Final Rlchf 'Id Rep'tr Slsn Off Moon Dreams ' 10:15 Mary A. Mereer Night Editor Intermesio Moon Dreams 10:30 Catholio Hour St. Francis Hr. Orchetitra Moon Dreams 10j45 Catholio Hoar Orchestra Orchestra Moon Dreams 1:00 News Treasnry Band Drew Pearson Sisn Off ' 1:15 Wax Hnsenm Treasury Band Nocturne 1:30 Was Museum Orsan Muslo Nocturne 11 :45 Wax Museum Orran Muslo Nocturne i2:00'Slsn Off ""Isisn" Off Xtra Hour I MONDAY 6 6:00 Hodsa Poo's (News Farm News News 6:15 Newa KOIN Klock Keep Smlllns Timekeeper 6'30 Fa" Tim KOIN Klock Keep Smlllns March lime KOCO Kleeh 6:45 Farm Tim KOIN Klock Jack Norman News KOQO Klock ' 7:00 Early Bird KOIN Klock News News Tex Bitter " 7:15 Old Songs Duncan M'Lcod nob Gar red Breakfast Gang KOCO Kloek 7:30 News News Hob Uaien Muslo News 7 ;15 Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zeke Manners Top Trades KOCO Kloek 8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Bargain Countr Urusaders 8:15Kddle Albert Dave Valle llrenkfast "Jlub Family Alter Crusaders 8:30 lack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club nible Institute Western Melody 8:45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Tempi Echoes "9:00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N W News Melody Time 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Sidney Walton Melody Time ):30 Hometownera Helen Trent dulck as Flash Pastor's Call Stars Sins 9j45 News 'Gal Sunday Quick as Flash Walls lime John C. Thosa, 10:00 Marriage for Bis Sister Ladles Be Seat Newa NW. News " 1(1:15 Car. Cavallero Ma Perkins Ted Malone Gospel Singer Memory Mnsle 10:30 Brad Reynolds Rr. Malone My True Story Concert Mln. Tune Tim 10:45 Geo. Murphy Guiding Light My True Story Russ Morsan 48 Keys 11:00 Double or Mrs. Furton netty Crocker Ladles Fair Musle Mart ' 11:15 Nothing rv Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladles Fair Musle Mart 11:30 Children Today Norah Drake N'westerners Queen for Day Eddie LeMar 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'westerners Queen for Day Vocal Variety 12:00 News Newa Baukhage Talk Top Trades H'wood Mnsle " 12:15 Road of Life Come & Get It News News H'wood Must 12:30 P. Y's's Family House I'arty Meet Menjoos Gay 00'a News 12:45 Rlsht to Happl. House Party Art Baker Jimmy Wakely Dave Dennis :00 Backstage Wire From Nowhere Welcome to nob Mitchell Mao's Melodies :15 Stella Dallas Jack Hill Show Hollywood Hob Mitchell Mac's Melodies l:30Lorenao Jones Muslo Please Kay West Trlt Neighbor Mao's Melodies 1:45 Wlddcr Brown Kirk ham News Kay West Bins Sings Mac's Melodies 2:00 Girl Marries Klrkham News Jay Stcwirt Bob Poolo Mao's Melodies' 2:15 Por. Faces Life Garry Moore Jny Stewart Bob Poole Mao's Melodies 2:30 Just Plain Bill Garry Moore Hannibal Cobb Ladles First Mac's Melodies 2:45 Fr. Pge. Farrell tunefully Xrs. Hannibal Cobb Ladles First Mac's Melodies 3:00 Wei e. Travelers ; Irk ham New Bride & Groom r'arm-Ilome Mac's Melodies 3:15 Welc. Traveler- Arthur Godfrey Wall. Klcrnan Polks Time Mac's Melodies 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Barney Keep Newa Mac's Melodies 3:45 Love A Learn Arthur Godfrey Barney Keep Hawaiian Har. Mac's Melodies 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Rhythm-a-tlks Fulton Lewis IovIa Time 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Frnk. nem'way Philosopher 4:30 Dr Paul Curt Msev Squirrel Cage Behind Story Byers Can 4:45lPanla Stone Ed. R. Murrow Firefighters News Be Beautiful ACROSS 1. Ethereal salt 6. Beasts 13. Steeple 14. Income 16. Fortiml pro- S2 33. Palm Illy Hewing tool 3t. KXlHt 36. Shape 3R. Past 33. African trlb COHHIOtl 4U. spoil 17. Act of holding 42. Southern 18. Genua of constellation ducKs 19. Chinese measure of distance XI. More certain 32, Pleasure excursion 23. Limb 25. Publlo notices 44. Seed covering 45. Maltreat 48. Forward 49. &S0 feet BO. MahORanj pine 63. Shutn 6. Feminine 26. Small pes; name used in roll fid. Occurrenc . Exclamation 67. Compositional , Israelite for six Judge KS. Sand hills: , Oil: suffix English 7 p I3 I dp!6 7 e 1 ' I" V2 7LZZZWrZZZZTZ ,s mt So S g52 SI sr '1,'mjr Mw . I 1 I h WA I I I Opora Tonlihti 8:i5, , ... ., . OQ nnimi w Dance Parsdet lom' Siin A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl DOWN L Kind of grass 2. Dog I. Long abusive speech Inir; 7-lVI. l.lvht SjPAgR0MPfjACl I IP Hj E R H O B O E j I P A N E C Ejiw jJr &U E R NlE R A TlElS flT RlAlp E g kin e1wBma si kB e l m TjOlRIR I PiaafnOTS T 5 i m pBeme RnujA V A E3t hirTe eOlIeJv e r TiR u es lQ e ii a In a w A R1EIIT E:R nIIsIu b o!ivjEpU artsUt1e1a 4. Obliterate 5. Color 6. English letter T. Meshed fabrlej t. Patron saint of lawyers I. B1U of far 10. Frog or toad 11. Enticed 12. Prophet 16. Greenland settlement 10. Abraham's birthplace) 24. Myself 27. Tune 29. Not profes sional 20. Draft animal 33. For 34. City tn Texas 85. Disturbs 36. In botany, m shrub 87. Mother 33. Judges' court bench S9. Ascended 40, Companions 41. Over 43. Artificial language 44. Plsmtss from office: law 46. Common condiment 47. Great Lako 51. Insect 63. Wont ahs4 55. Uk AP Newsf totviet