Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 04, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    MARCH meeting and luncheon for
Salem club, Daughters of the
Nile, will be Monday. The mem
bers will assemble at 10:30 o'clock at
the Masonic temple to do sewing
The luncheon will be at 12:15 o'clock.
On the committee are Mrs Claude H.
Post as chairman; Mrs. V. B Wolfe Mrs.
Reed Carter, Mrs. Robert McEwan, Mrs.
Harold F. Phillippe, Mrs. Adolph Bom
beck, Mrs. E. A. F i n 1 a y Mrs Harry
Riches, Mrs. Lloyd Larsen Mrs. Errol
Roff, Mrs. R. A. Fish, Mrs. Felix Wright,
Mrs. Elmo McMillan, Mrs Cecil Rhodes.
The business meeting will follow the
At the business meeting. Mrs. R. D.
Bright, new president of the club, is to
announce her standing committees.
Garden Club Event ,
The Santiam district meeting of the
State Federation of Garden clubs is
scheduled for next Tuesday, March 7, in
Salem, 29 clubs comprising the district.
The Salem Garden club, the Little
Garden club of Salem Heights and the
Lansing Garden club are the host groups.
Sessions will be at the American Lev
gion club, 2650 South Commercial. Reg
istration will start at 10:15 a.m. Busi
ness meetings will be held between 10:45
a.m. and 12 o'clock noon.
A buffet luncheon will be served at
the club, starting at 12 o'clock. After
noon sessions will take up at 1:15 o'clock
with Robert Schreiner to talk on day
lilies and Al Clark of Vista Gardens on
hybrid begonias.
Meeting Monday
Regular meeting for the Salem Gar
den club is planned for Monday after
noon at 2 o'clock in the Salem Woman's
club house. Fred Edmunds, curator of
the International Rose Test Gardens,
Portland, is to be guest speaker. His
topic is "Roses That I Grow." The pro
gram is arranged for 2:30 o'clock.
Co-chairmen for the tea following
are Mrs. Hall S. Lusk and Mrs. Lester
Members are asked to take flower
arrangements of early spring blooms.
Hi-Y Mothers club announces its
meeting and a special program for
Tuesday. The group will assemble at the
YMCA for dessert at 1 p.m. Speaker is
to be E. A. Carleton, principal of the
high school. Hostesses for the meeting
are Mrs. G. Stevens, Mrs. F. Neuswan
ger, Mrs. L. White, Mrs. J. L. Hardy,
Mrs. M. C. Buchanan, Mrs. E. H. Riggs.
Invitation is extended especially to new
Hi-Y mothers to attend.
Regular program of the Oregon society
of the Daughters of the American Rev
olution will be given over KOAC Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. "The Old Finley
Mill" is the topic for the program, Geor
gia Finley Snodgrass of Salem having
written the script for the program which
she will present for the Linn chapter,
DAR, Albany.
' Priscilla guild of Christ Lutheran
church is meeting Tuesday at 7:45 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Jacob Fox, 2168 Mill
street, Mrs. Gideon Klein as co-hostess.
Mrs. Harvey Hamann is to present the (
topic on "The Chosen People."
Evening circle of the Woman's Society
for Christian Service, Jason Lee Meth
odist church, is meeting Tuesday at the
home of Mrs. John Glodt, 669 Riverview
drive, West Salem. Mrs. H. E. Ramsden
and Mrs. Elwin Klein are hostesses for
the meeting.
Liberty Woman3 s Glub
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AS NO-HOST LUNCHEONS always are for club affairs this anniversary proved no
exception the tables were loaded. Others at the party included this group of four in
lower picture, left to right: Mrs. Walter Schendel, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Wayne Slpe,
vice president; Mrs. Louis Kurth, ready to put the special birthday cake on the table;
Mrs. J. Wesley Barling.
Some of the past president of the Liberty club and the speaker of the day are shown
In the group in the upper picture, left to right: Mrs. Jennie Wolf, Mrs. Donald Griffith,
Mrs. Charles A. Ratcliff, who ww the guest speaker; Mrs. Vera Shattuc, Mrs. 8. B,
Davidson, Mrs. C. W. Btacey.
Salem General Hospital Auxiliary
Plans Spring Rummage Sale
It's going to be a rummage sale of Of interest for Monday evening will
rummage sales, report members of the be the concert of Joseph Knitzer, violin
Salem General Hospital auxiliary, who ist, sponsored by Willamette university
are sponsoring their spring rummage in Waller hall at 8:15 o'clock. Mr. Knit
sale next Friday and Saturday, March zer, head of the violin department at the
10 and 11, over Greenbaum's. All pro- Cleveland Institute of Music, is being
ceeds go into the organization's funds to presented under auspices of the Associ
purchase equipment for the hospital. ation 0f American Colleges Arts pro
Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce ana Mrs. L. V. gram. Program for the Monday event
Benson are co-chairmen for the sale and follows:
are being assisted by a large number I
of the auxiliary membership in calling, Sonata Opus 12, No. 1 Beethoven
marking and selling. Allegro con brio
The sale is one of two major projects Tema cn variazioni
given by the auxiliary each year to aug- Rondo
ment its funds for the hospital, the other "
being the fall silver tea. The member- Concerto in G Minor Bruch
ship drive each year also assists the Vorspiel: Allegro moderato
group in raising money. Adagio
Meetin? Tuesday Finale: Allegro energico
Regular meeting of the auxiliary will Intermission
be conducted Tuesday morning, March HI
7. in the Salem YWCA. beginning at 10 Etude in 54 (Violin alone) Maurice
o'clock. Mrs. Carl E. Nelson is president Leysens
of the group. Capitan Fracassa M. Castrlnuovo-
Among the members assisting with the Tedesco
rummaee asle are Mrs. A. T. King. Mrs. Pastorale Igor Strawinsky
A. L. Adolphson, Mrs. Harry N. Crain, Variations for Violin and Piano
Mrs. A. C. Gerlinger, Mrs. John J. Grif- Herbert Elwcll
fith, Mrs. George Hug, Mrs. Charles H. tt iv
Hugeins, Mrs. Charles Heltzel, Mrs. Wil- Ruralia Hunganca (Hungarian rural
lard' Marshall, Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, scenes) Ernest von Dohnanyl
Mrs. J. M. Devers, Jr., Mrs. Clayboume Presto
Dyer Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst, Mrs. AnaJ1 bato' a11 "ngaresca
Stuart Lancefield, Mrs. Edward Lebold, MoUo vlvace
Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Mrs. Robert DeAr- m
mond, Mrs. Ralph Purvine, Mrs. Richard
A. Meyer, Mrs. Chester A. Downs, Mrs. Zonta club's program meeting and
Chester. M. Cox, Mrs. Roscoe Wilson, luncheon will be next Thursday noon
Mrs Wallace Carson, Mrs. Kenneth Pow- at the Golden Pheasant,
er, Mrs. Theron Hoover, Mrs. Conrad Mark Hatfield, member of the Willam-
Paulson, Mrs. Robert F. Wulf, Mrs. John ette university political science depart-
R. Caughell, Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs. ment faculty, is to be speaker to discuss
Paul Hendricks, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. "The Hoover Report: Natural Resour-
' R"x Kimmell, Mrs. J. R. Linn, Mrs. Don- ces."
aid McCargar, Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, Members are working out plans for
Mrs. George Schwarz. their annual spring silver tea to be giv-
Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs. Robert en in May for benefit of the Helen Yock-
Brownell, Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr., ey Memorial fund for Salem General
Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr., Mrs. Glenn hospital, the tea to be at the Daniel J.
Wilbur, Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Wal- Fry home.
ter Grimm, Mrs. James Young, Mrs. Mrs. R. W. Land has been named as
Earl Snell, Mrs. Lester Barr, Mrs. James coordinator for the directorate in charge
Walton, Mrs. Wilmer C. Page, Mrs. Wer- f the tea.
ner Brown, Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Mrs.
James R. Humphrey, Mrs. John H. John-
Son, Mrs.- Clayton Foreman, Mrs. Ralph Hollywood Lions club auxiliary will
Hamilton, Mrs. Arthur Knox. , be entertained on Wednesday evening at
Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. E. Burr 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. Harry
Miller, Mrs. T. M. Medford, Mrs. Wil- Moran, 1845 South High. There will be
liam H. Burghardt, Mrs. David Bennett initiation of new members. Mrs. C. A.
Hill, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. Taylor . Walding, "Mrs. J. L. Batdorf and Mrs. C.
Hawkins, Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Mrs. w. Robbins are hostesses for the meet
John S. Beakey, Mrs. W. F. Poorman jngf
Mrs. Burton A. Myers.
Mrs. Harmon Harvey, Mrs. Charles
D. Wood, Mrs. T. A. Windishar, Mrs. R. .
D. Paris, Mrs. W. J. Braun, Mrs. Robert SOIOUmGrS rOrtV
Needham, Mrs. Russel E. Pratt, Mrs. ' '
William L. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. A. A. The fifth birthday anniversary and
Schramm, Mrs. Otto Wilson, Sr., Mrs. homecoming party for Salem Sojourners
M. A. Pekar, Mrs. Robert White, Mrs. club is planned for next Thursday after-
W. W. Baum, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons. noon in the Salem Woman's club house,
Mrs. James D. Haworth, Mrs. Howard dessert to be served at 1 o'clock, fol-
Kurtz, Mrs. W. L. Lidbeck, Mrs. Ver- lowed by cards.
non Perry, Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson, Mrs. Charter members are to be honored by
Francis T. Wade, Mrs. Ellis Von Eschen, tne gr0Up, which was organized to pro
Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Wendell Webb, vjde social interests for newcomers.
Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Mrs. Ward Davis, charter members to attend will include
Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer, Mrs. H. Jacobsen, Mrs. Sam C. Campbell, Mrs. Irvin F.
Mrs. A. W. Loucks., Mrs. Homer Smith, Bryan, Mrs. L. A. Ballmer, Mrs. Jacob
Jr., Mrs. William Waterman, Mrs. J. W. poos, Mrs. Lee I. Thomas, Mrs. Stuart
Wood, Mrs. Horace McGee, Mrs. Richard ''Thede, Mrs. Dent D. Reed, Mrs. Arthur
Slater, Mrs. Harry Weinstein, Mrs. G. w. Jensen, Mrs. Lloyd Sanders.
E. McCormick, Mrs. Floyd Seamster, Hostesses for the party will be Mrs.
Mrs. Leon Perry. Loren W. Lewis, Mrs. Rogers Webb, Mrs.
James Heldman, Mrs. Tom F. Bagan,
Job's Daughters, bethel No. 35, meet" ' Mrs. Frederick Fleury, Mrs George G.
Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock in Beav-. . . Denton, Mrs. Charles Grove. Mrs. Ger-
er hall. There will be initiation. ' aid J. Tucker, Mrs. Ted V. Tibbutt.
Stages Its 25th' Anniversary Party
(Kenncll-EUis tudio picture)
, MISS TWYLA VAN NICE has announced her engagement to Leonard A. Fry, the
wedding planned for next June. Miss Van Nice is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Van Nice of The Dalles, Mr. Fry the son of Mrs. Beth Fry, Salein, and Leo M. Fry,
Scouts Plan Party
A large birthday party to celebrate
the national Girl Scout birthday, on
March 12, is being planned for all mem
bers of the Salem district for Saturday
morning, March 11, between 10 and 12
o'clock, at the Salem Chamber of Com
merce. All Girl Scouts and Brownies of the
Salem district are invited. There will be
a program to include the flag ceremony,
Juliette Low contributions, movies of
day camp and other camp activities and
songs. Cake and ice cream will be served
the girls.
The crowning of Miss Cookie and Miss
Brownie Cookie will also be a highlight
of the party. The two girls who have
sold the most cookies during the recent
Girl Scout cookie sale, representing in
termediate and Brownie Girl Scouts,
will have these honors and receive
awards for their efforts.
The committee in charge of arrange
ments consists of Mrs. John R. Wood,
Mrs. Carl G. Collins, Mrs. Richard Chase,
Mrs. R. B. Stringham, and Mrs. B. J.
Girl Scouts of t r o o p 98 have been
busy rehearsing their parts for the play,
"Cinderella," which is to be given over
radio station, KOCO, Wednesday, March
9, between 5:30 and 6 p.m.
The girls are being coached by Mrs.
Murco Ringnalda, instructor at Willam
ette university, who is the mother of one
of the troop members. Mrs. Lloyd Frese
is the leader for the group.
The cast includes: Cinderella, Sally
Frese; stepmother, Karen Ringnalda;
Araminta (stepsister), Merry Lee Smith;
Arethusa (stepsister), Joan Ward; fa
ther, Barbara Dunn; fairy godmother,
Judy Stewart; prince, Suzanne Davis;
herald, Marilyn Scott; and page, Judith
ALEM WOMEN'S Army and Navy
League plans its monthly luncheon
v-y and entertainment for Tuesday, the
luncheon to be at 1 o'clock at Chuck's
Steak House.
Planning the entertainment are Mrs.
Leonard Hicks, Mrs. Carl Nelson and
Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst. Reservations
for the luncheon should be telephoned
to one of those three.
Salem unit of the League of Women
Voters has arranged a discussion pro
gram for next Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. Nora Thompson, 460 North Win
ter. There will be a sack luncheon at noon,
voting on issues as lined up in the state
voting on issues as line up in the state
League program will be discussed, Mrs.
Hal DeSart as leader. Also there will
be discussion on registration of voters
and voters' information, Mrs. J. M.
Mjolsness being discussion leader.
Jason Lee Wesleyan Service guild is
meeting at 8 p.m., Monday, at the home
of Mrs. Herman Rehfuss, 4340 Cherry.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Joe Brooks and
Mrs. Lloyd Hockett. Mrs. John Anning
is worship leader, Mrs. Ott Yunker and
Mrs. Joe Bourne the program leaders.
Missouri club is meeting Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. Wylie Rolofson, 161
South 14th, a no-host luncheon to be
served at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Roy Car
ter is co-hostess.
American War Mothers are meeting
Tuesday at 2 o'clock in the Carrier room
of the First Methodist church for their
business session.
TWO CHARTER MEMBERS of Liberty Woman's club receive their 25-ycar pins In tho
picture at top, left to right: Mrs. Roland Secgcr, a past president; Mrs. Olive Dallas,
charter member and first president of the club; Mrs. Helen Dasch, charter member
and past president; Mrs. Wllbert Kurth, president now, presenting the pins to Mrs. Dallas
and Mrs.Dasch.
A special table was set up for the little folk at the 25th anniversary luncheon.
In the lower picture are some of the small fry attending, left to right, clockwise:
Jrannette, Virginia and Steven Schendel; Sharon Knepper; Sharol Walling, Gloria,
Mayor Lee Speaks
Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee ot
Portland is booked as the speaker for
the meeting of the Salem Woman's club
meeting next Friday afternoon at the
club house, the program to be at 2
o'clock. Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom of
Salem will introduce the speaker.
Mrs. Carl W. Emmons and Mrs. Harry
J. Weidmer are co-chairmen for the tea
following the program and are being
assisted by Mrs. Glenn S. Paxon, Mrs.
Charles H. Strickfaden, Mrs. Ralph
Schlesinger, Mrs. W. O. Widdows, Mrs.
W. H. Parker and Mrs. D. W. Lamb.
Mrs. Henry M.' Hanzen and Mrs. Frank
G. Myers are to pour.
Mrs. George W. Ailing, club president,
announces the executive board is to meet
at 1 o'clock ahead of the general club
session and program.
Tuesday Program
For the weekly Tuesday afternoon
proram of the club, Mrs. W. S. Ankney
is to review "The Son of the Moon," by
Joseph George Hitrec, th program to be
at the club house at 2 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon. All members and friends in
terested are invited.
Woman's Society of Christian Service,
Jason Lee Methodist church, plans its
meeting for Wednesday in the new par
lor. Mrs. Joe Klinger will preside over
the business session, starting at 11 a.m.
The luncheon will be in charge of the
March-September circle, Mrs. Roy Rob
erts as chairman.
The atternoon session will begin at
1:30 o'clock with Mrs. Lee Haskins
leading the devotions and' Mrs. Glen
Larkin giving the lesson on "Christian
Advance in Japan." Mrs. Roy Sylvester
will present the lesson from the study
book, "Japan Begins Again." There will
be special music.
Mrs. Margaret Meyers, grand chief of
Oregon, Pythian Sisters lodge, made her
official visit in Salem this week to Cen
tralia temple. Mrs. Neda Grinde, grand
manager of Silverton; Mrs. Ethel Mur
phy, past grand chief, and Mrs. Eunice
Burk, district deputy grand chief of
Salem, were honored guests. During
the dinner hour Wayne Meusey gave
vocal and piano solos. Other guests in
cluded six from Alletta temple, Corval
lis; eight from Home Temple, Silverton,
and two from Neah-Kah-Nie.
Ccntralia Temple presented the grand
chief with a check for the Washington
Oregon Pythian Home.
Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, plans its regular meeting for next
Tuesday evening in the Masonic temple,
Mrs. William L. Lewis presiding.
Delta Gamma alumnae announce their
meeting planned for March 9 has been
postponed until March 16, Mrs. Eugene
Booth, Mrs. Clayton Foreman and Mrs.
Leon Perry to be hostesses for the meet
' The Marion county chapter of the
Oregon Republican Women's Federation
has planned a meeting for next Tuesday
evening, March 7, in the courthouse at
7:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Roy T. Bishop of Portland, state
president, is to be here to talk to the
Invitation is extended to all member!
and friends to attend.
In April the local club is sponsoring
candidates' night, special guests to in
clude republican candidates on the May
primary election ballot.
(Jcstcn-Mlller studio eandlds)