Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 04, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    I ISTERIA Dancing club's March
party is scheduled for next Fri
day evening, March 10, at the
Salem General Hospital Auxiliary Arranges Sale
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Veterans of Foreign Wars hall.
On the committee for the evening are
Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Alford, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Sholseth, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Colgan,
Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mr. and
Mrs. George Keortge, Mr and Mrs.
Charles R. Knapp, Dr. and Mrs. R. M.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
COMMITTEE chairmen in the Salem
Women's Golf association are be
ing announced by the captain, Mrs.
Fred Bernardi. The women golfers
launch their new year on March 29.
Mrs. Werner Brown and Mrs. Robert
Joseph are to be the Oregon Women's
Golf association directors this year from
the Salem group.
Mrs. Morris Crothers is to be chair
man of the scoring committee; Mrs. Ed
ward Roth of the eclectic committee.
Mrs. Robert Cannon is chairman for
Named as chairman of the rules com
mittee is Mrs. Howard Wicklund, of the
publicity committee, Mrs. James Walton,
while Mrs. Elmore Hill is scrapbook
Mrs. Chandler Brown is to be hos
pitality chairman; Mrs. Stephen Fouchek
the social chairman. On the OWGA
calling committee will be Mrs. Claude
Johns as chairman. The day's pairing
committee chairman is to be Mrs. R. I.
MacLaughlin. Heading the luncheon
committee is Mrs. M. A. Pekar as chair
man, Mrs. John H. Johnson is chairman
for the telephone committee, and Mrs.
Ralph Hamilton and Mrs. A. C, Gerlinger
are to be class D advisers.
Serving on the board of officers with
Mrs. Bernardi are Mrs. Glenn Stevens
as co-captain; Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, sec
retary; Mrs. James Haworth, treasurer;
Mrs. Rex Adolph, handicap chairman;
Mrs. Marc Sealc, tournament chairman.
The early spring finds many Salem
folk planning extensive trips.
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom and her sis
ter, Mrs. Elvin Herr of Silverton, will
be leaving in mid-April for a trip taking
them to Europe and Ethiopia. They will
sail from Montreal, April 21. In Ethio
pia they will join Mrs. Herr's son-in-law
and daughter, who are in a mission there.
Mrs. Herr plans to spend the coming
year there with her family. Mrs. Elf
strom plans to be gone about three
Among others planning trips this
month are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Shep
ard, who will leave March 20 by plane
for New York City, Washington, D.C.,
and Miami, Fla. In Miami, Mr. Shepard
is to attend a business meeting, after
which the couple will go on to Havana
and Nassau, then home by New Orleans.
They will be gone three weeks, flying
all the way. During their absence, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Hayward are occupy
ing their home.
Interesting a large group for Tuesday
evening is the concert of the Salem
Senior high school orchestra and chorus,
at the high school auditorium.
Miss Edna Marie Hill, talented pianist,
is to be soloist with the orchestra num
bers. Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor, will observe her usual Tues
day afternoon at home, local and out-of-town
friends being invited to call that
For Patronesses
Patronesses of the Salem Spinsters
club are to be honored at a dinner to be
given by the club next Tuesday evening,
March 7, at the American Legion club.
The dinner will be at 6:30 o'clock, fol
lowed by bridge.
Miss Patricia Vlcsko is chairman of
the committee arranging the party.
The patronesses to be honored include
Mrs. Henry V. Compton, Mrs. Curtis B.
Cross, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mrs. Douglas
McKay, Mrs. Robert E. Shinn, Miss Be
ryl Holt, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs.
Linn C. Smith, Mrs. Frank H. Spears,
Mrs. C. S. Hamilton and Mrs. George A.
White, the latter of Portland.
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(JMttn.Mlller fttudlo plctur.)
ANNOUNCED LAST WEEK wm the njiwiirnt of Miss Margaret (Mlditr! Newlon,
daiifhter of Mrs. A. R. Newton, to Frank A. Brown, ion of Mr. and Mra, Keith Brown,
Tka worlrllni It pUonoi for box Mho,
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SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL auxiliary members are busy with plans for their annual spring: rummage sale to be
staged next Friday and Saturday, March 10 and 11. Three of the workers sorting over articles for the sale are pic
tured at left above, left to right: Mrs. Charles H. Huggins, Mrs. A. L. Adolphson and Mrs. Walter Kirk. In the picture
at right are the co-chairmen or the sale, ready to price articles, Mrs. Edgar T. Fierce at left and Mrs. h. V. Benson.
Miss Chi Ids Bride This Afternoon
Miss Betty Louise Childs, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. Childs, was an
attractive bride this afternoon, her mar
riage to Frederick Gale Bradshaw, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Bradshaw,
being solemnized at 5 o'clock in Salem's
First Presbyterian church before a large
gathering of friends and relatives. Dr.
Chester W. Hamblin read the vows.
An all-white setting was arranged at
the church for the service. There were
Calla lilies and white stock at the church
front and altar, softened with the light
from the tapers in tall candelabrums;
while white nosegays decked the pews
down the processional aisle.
Mrs. Daryl Drorbaugh was soloist,
singing "I Love Thee" and "Ave Maria."
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs was at the organ.
The blonde bride was a quaint picture
in her old-fashioned designed gown. The
bodice and long sleeves were of Chantilly
lace set off with a marquisette yoke en
circled with a lace ruffle, and a panel of
the ruffled lace extended down the front
of the dress from the waistline. The very
full marquisette skirt was fashioned with
the padded hips. The two-tiered fin
gertip veil was of French illusion, ar
ranged from a cloche of the illusion.
For her flowers the bride carried a fan
shaped bouquet of bouvardia, China
lilies and stephanolis, tied with wide
white satin ribbon. Mr. Childs gave
his daughter in marriage.
Two Attendants
Mrs. Rodney Taylor of Eugene was
the matron of honor. Her gown was of
pale yellow organdy, in ballerina length,
with a purple velvet sash tied in back.
With the dress she wore a headpiece
of the yellow organdy and purple satin
pumps, and for her flowers carried a
nosegay of yellow Pinocchio roses sur
rounded by white gladioluses.
Miss Frances Bennett of Portland was
the bridesmaid, and her gown and flow
ers were identical lo those of Mrs. Taylor.
Donald Bower of Portland, formerly
of Salem, was the best man and usher
ing were Raymond Farmer, Warren Ling,
George Tomlinson and Ted Ogdahl.
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Childs wore a rose crepe gown with
iridescent beading and a corsage of pur
ple orchids. Mrs. Bradshaw, mother of
the bridegroom, wore a green crepe
gown with corsage of white orchids.
Reception in Home
The reception following was at the
North 14th, street home of the bride's
Invited to cut the bride's cake were
Mrs. H. G. Maison and Mrs. Duane
Gibson. Asked to pour were Mrs. Gene
Vandeneynde, Mrs. Clarence Byrd, Miss
Etta Sutter and Mrs. Francis Kern, the
latter of Portland. Friends assisting in
serving included Mrs. John Steelham
mer, Mrs. George Tomlinson, Mrs. John
Kelty, Mrs. Charles Powers, Mrs. Rich
ard Grabenhorst and Mrs. Richard Sul
livan. The bride chose a chamois colored
hat and short coat to go with her green
and gold tweed suit for traveling, the
accessories being in brown lizard.
Following a trip to Carmel, Calif., the
couple will be at home at 4511 N.E.
Prescott, Portland, after March 15.
Plan Book Carts
A project to furnish two complete
library carts, one for each of the local
hospitals, is being launched by the aux
iliary to the Marion-Polk County Med
ical society. "
To assist with itik project, the auxil
iary members are planning a benefit
bridge luncheon the afternoon of Thurs
day, March 16, at the American Legion
club, the luncheon to be at 1 o'clock.
Featuring the benefit will be a free
children's fashion show, presenting Easter-time
styles for youngsters. Models
will be children of auxiliary members
and the fashions are being presented
by Margwen's shop.
Co-chairmen for the benefit will be
Mrs. Harmon Harvey and Mrs. William
In charge of reservations are Mrs.
Robert F. Wulf, 35532, and Mrs. Carl W.
Emmons, 38365.
The library carts for the hospitals
will be complete with books for all ages
and they will be maintained and staffed
by auxiliary members.
Pi Beta Phi alumnae are meeting at
ihe Willamette university chapter house
on Thursday evening for their regular
March meeting. Mrs. Chester Zumwalt
heads the committee of hostesses.
On the committee with Mrs. Zumwalt
are Mrs. P. D. Quisenherry, Mrs. Wolcott
E. Burcn, Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Mrs.
John Stcelhammcr, Miss Patricia Van
deneynde, Mrs. James Phillips, Mrs.
Clyde Hunnicutt of Independence, Mrs.
Sidney Hoffman and Mrs. Philip Blake.
Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is to
meet on Thursday evening at the hotne
of Miss Helen Lane, 980 North Summer,
at 7:30 o'clock for dessert.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bringgold of West
Concord, Minn., are visitors in the capi
tal for a lime as guests at the home of
Mrs. Bringggold's brother and sister-in-law,
Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson.
Yomavcos are to be entertained Tues
day at the home of Mrs. Ruth Fugatc,
2220 Haydcn. luncheon to be at 1:15
o'clock with Mrs. B. F. Williams, Mrs.
Zella James and Mrs. A. A. Siewcrt as
The board for Salem branch, Ameri
can Association of University Women, is
meeting next Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Reginald Williams.
Soroptimist club's regular luncheon
and meeting will be Wednesday noon at
th Golden Pbsnt.
(Jesten-Mlller studio candid)
to be married to Grant Mills of
Hubbard on March 22, is an
nouncing plans for the ceremony.
The service will take place at 8 o'clock
in the evening of that date in Knight
Memorial Congregational church, the
Rev. Louis White officiating. Lighting
the candles will be Miss Kathryn Gett
man, sister of the bride-to-be, and Miss
Jean Hoppe. For the music, William
Bush is to sing and Miss Lucille Mitchell
will be the organist.
Miss Dorothy Englehart is to be maid
of honor for Miss Gettman and Lawrence
Miller of Hubbard will be the best man.
Ushering will be William Rose of Cor
vallis and Jack Grossnickle of Mon
mouth. The reception following will be in the
church fireplace room.
Miss Gettman is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Gettman of Salem, Mr.
Mills the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Mills of Hubbard.
THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Lloyd Hinz
the wedding to be April 2. Miss Hinz is the
Jr., Vancouver, Mr. Poole the son of Mr, and
Second in the series of motion pictures
sponsored by the Salem Art association
will be shown next Tuesday evening,
March 7. at 7:30 o'clock in Waller hall,
Willamette university campus.
The program will include' a March of
Time and the film version of the Eng
lish play, "Cavalcade," by Noel Coward.
This noted picture covers high spots of
the British Empire's history from the
Boer war to 1931. Among those in the
erst are Diana Wynyard, Clive Brook,
Frank Lawton. Margaret Lindsay, Her
bert Mundin and Una O'Connor. The
film was a much-discussed one when it
first appeared.
The scries as sponsored by the Art
association is to revive some of the
outstanding work in the motion pictures
art field. The committee in charge of
the series includes Stewart Johnson,
chairman; Mrs. James Walton and Mrs.
Chandler Brown,
Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay
will be special guests at events in Hood
River and The Dalles next week. They
will be at a luncheon in Hood River at
noon and at a dinner in The Dalles that
evening, planning to return home Saturday.
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Miss Arnold Wed
Miss JoAnn Arnold and Don T. Wil
liams, the latter of Seattle, exchanged
their marriage vows this afternoon at a
charmingly arranged service in the First
Congregational church, Dr. Seth R. Hunt
ington reading the ceremony at 2 o'clock.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Eulela
Arnold of Salem and Judge E. G. Arnold
of Albany. Mr. Williams is the son of
"Mrs. John Harold Belden of Seattle.
Baskets of mixed white blooms and
daffodils, and lighted tapers in cande
labrums decorated the church for the
wedding. Lighting the tapers were Miss
Zeta Awylward, Albany, in a rose dress,
and Miss Eileen Wilson, in yellow.
For the music, Mrs. Clyde Williamson
of Albany was the soloist and Lural Bur
graff of Albany played the organ.
The bride wore a gown of white satin,
(Jcstcn-Mlller studio picture)
lo James Poole was announced recently,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hinz,
Mrs. James Poole of Mil) City.
The 60th anniversary program for the
school of home economics at Oregon
State college next Friday and Saturday
is of interest to many Salem women.
Dean Ava B, Milam, who has headed
the school for many years, is retiring
this year and is being feted at several
of the anniversary program events.
A luncheon is planned for Friday noon,
a banquet for Friday evening and anoth
er luncheon on Saturday. Invitations
have gone to graduates of the cshool
throughout the world.
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers and Miss
Dorathea Steusloff are among Salem
women planning to take in the two-day
Delta Delta Delta alumnae are to be
entertained Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. Fred B. Moxley for their March
meeting, dessert to be at 7:30 o'clock.
Mrs. D. C. Moore, Mrs. H J. Anning
and Mrs. Carlisle B. Roberts are co
hostesses. Theatre Arts group is meeting for
dessert Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. J. M. Devers, Sr., 1375 Market.
Mrs. A. A. Schramm is to give the play
review on "South Pacific."
(Jesten-MUler fltudlo oandld)
entrain, the dress having a sheer yoke;
long, tight-fitting sleeves; a row of but-
tons down the back and a bustle in back.
The fingertip nylon veil was arranged
from a tiara of seed pearls. The bride
carried a white Bible with white orchid.
Miss Beverly Lytle was the honor at
tendant for the bride. She wore an aqua
gown and carried a corsage of pink car
nations. Miss Laraine Baron, in a pink sheer,
and Miss Elaine Baron in a blue over
pink sheer, were the bridesmaids. They 1
carried nosegays of mixed flowers.
Jack Moore of Seattle was the best
man. Ushering were Dick Hazelton of
Albany, Bud Herberger of Salem and
Bob West of Albany,
For the wedding the bride's mother
wore a navy blue suit with pink acces
sories and a corsage of pink rosebuds.
. The bridegroom's mother wore a tan
suit with black accessories and corsage
of the pink roses.
The reception following was in the
church also. Miss Shirley Schantz pass
ed the guest book.
Mrs. Walter Keyes was at the coffee
urn and Mrs. Ralph Skopil served the
cake. "
In charge of gifts were Mrs. S. E.
Spencer, Mrs. Frank Senz and Miss Bar
bara Keyes.
For traveling the bride wore a navy
clubsuit with pink accessories and her
bridal orchid.
The couple will make their home in
Among affairs for Sunday Is the in
formal at home for which Miss Elizabeth
Lord and Miss Edith Schryver are to en
tertain at their home to honor Mr. and
Mrs. Harry S. Dorman, recent newcom
ers to Salem. Guests have been invited
to call between 6 and 8 o'clock. Assist
ing will be Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell,
Mr and Mrs. Stewart Johnson and Mr.
and Mrs. James Walton. 1
Mrs. Harry Myers, sister of Mrs! Dor
man, and a visitor here from Seattle will
be- an out-of-town guest at the affair.
Mrs. Myers is leaving Sunday night for
her home.
Parties Planned
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Gragg are en
tertaining Sunday evening at an informal'
dinner, places to be marked for eight.
Mrs. L. C. McLeod is to be hostess
on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for
bridge luncheons, giving the affairs at
hor North 13th street home. Twelve
have been invited each day. The parties
are two in a series Mrs. McLeod is giv
ing. She was hostess to a group the
past Thursday.
Among hostesses of the new week will
be Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee and Mrs.
Charles Heltzel who are to entertain on
Wednesday afternoon at an informal
neighborhood tea to honor Mrs. Harry
S. Dorman, newcomer to Salem. Guests
are invited to call at 3:30 o'clock at the
Woodmansee home.
Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard has invited a
small group for a luncheon next Friday
at her North Summer street home, hon
oring Mrs. Harry S. Dorman and Mrs.
Lawson McCall, both newcomers to Sa
lem, guests to include friends of the
For UO Mothers
Planned for Monday is the first after
noon meeting for University of Oregon
Mothers club, the gathering to be at 2
o'clock at the home of Mrs. John R.
Caughell, 240 North Cottage. At a re
cent meeting it was decided the mothers
are to meet for afternoon sessions in the
alternate months from those featuring
the joint dinners for mothers and fathers.
A white elephant sale is planned at
the Monday event. Mrs. A. E. Archi
bald, Mrs. Thomas Kelly arid Mrs. George
S. Hoffman are co-hostesses with Mrs.
Caughell for the Monday meeting.
Invitation is extended to mothers of
all alumni and active students at the ,
university to attend. -k.