12 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVKSTlSINQl Par tin 15b Par Lint I tlmu 4o Per Lint t tlmej 0o Pet Lint 1 month 13.00 Outside of Salem too pa? line pet day 11 In IOci 1 tlmej mtn. We t times Kiln. 11.20 No Refunds READERS in Local New GoL OaJyt 100 per lint To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES B.R., LhV d.H, Iclicn. St nook, VA hatha, fireplace, auto, oil furnace. 365 Maple Ave. Phone 3-6030. a54 ENGLEWOOD DIST. 4 bdrm. fcb. Hdwd. firs., weather strip, ped. Insulated. 2 fireplaces. Breeze Way. 1510 Madison. Ph. 2-5539. a56 CONSIDEB OFFER on 3 bdrm hse. Unfln upstairs. 2387 Adams. Ph. 35522. a56 ARE YOU DISAPPOINTED AFTER LOOK ING THROUGH THE NEW HOMES OP TODAY7 Do you feel you get the bare necessities for your money? Let us show you a new three bedroom suburban home, full of new Ideas, designed St built by DON UAJWNtut wno duuos nomes to last. By appt. only. $18,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eva. 3-B93 a54 $500 DOWN 3 drm. hrdwd firs, gar, )rg lot, Immed poss. $4750 full price, $50 per mo. on oai. Normeasi. pn. a-inoa. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 MasonlO Bldg. Ph. 3-9217 Ins. - Mortgage Loans a54 Only $260 Down on this 1 year old a bedroom suburban house with hdwd floors, ven blinds, fire place, unfinished upstairs and large lot. Total price only 18500. Monthly pay men ' like rent. Oct key at 3705 Sun nyvlew Ave. Ph. 36408. a54 MODERN 2 bdrm. home, oarage St gar - den apace. $4095. Ph. 20190. a54 KEIZER DISTRICT New home ready to occupy. LR St K St N. Utility rm., 2 BR. All decorated. Hdwd. floors. Close to bus St school. Terms. Onas 8. Olson. 66ft Chemawa Rd. Vi ml. W. Kelzer school. Ph. 3-1380. a54 All This For $6950 2 largo bedrooms on 1 floor. Well planned for small children. Large util ity rm with clothes drying area. Fenced yard, trees, paved streets, W block to bus, Dining rm, living rm, with fire place, plastered and attractive. Move right In. Ph. 24791 days. 23738 tvenlnas. a54 $4500 Drive by at 620 Ratcllff drive a very attractive 3 bdrm. modern house on bus line, Ige. lot, here you get real value. $9750 Drive by at 315B N. 34th st. Here Is a lovely 2-yr.-old horns Just listed. Has 2bdrm. and unfln. attic, large enough 2 more lae. Llv. coved ceilings, fireplace, auto fur nace, lge. lot. Owner will consider 8. Salem or $2500 down. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4640. Eve. 3-5497 54 tt.two. AFPROX. "4 acre and clean 3 bdrm. home Northeaat. Fireplace. Attached aaraae. OH furnace. On paved high way close to achool. Immediate po&sea alon. 31,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 8. Hleh Phone 3-1131. a57 $3350 Furnished cute little house, close In, newly decorated. Immediate possession. $4500 Highland Ave. Small house, lge. lot, close to shopping schools St church. $5500 Greenhouse With small adorable residence. Unusual secluded situation, fruit trees, flowers alore. Wonderful chance for plant grow ing business. Close In. Don't pass this UP. L. E. Klumpp,- Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eves. 2-0126 ail ENGLEWOOD DIST. Mice 3 BR home, 3 yrs old. extra well constructed. Has HW floors, auto oil furnaca In service R. Att garage. Be sure to see this one. We think this noma go o.i. A real buy, this 1-bedroom home Is all on l floor, has very large L.R., Fire place, large B.R., double plumbing, baam't and marvelous view. 3 yrs, old. Bee this at the full price of 10500. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS 484 Court St. Tel. 14707 Eve. 3-4773. 156' SAVE MONEY by buying this 2-bedroom modern home. All hardwood floors, auto oil heat. Auto washer. Insulated. Payments only 142.50 lncl. taxes and Int. Down pay ment S750 or less. No. 202 MOVE IN MONDAY!! Immediate possession on this 2-bedroom home that could be used as 3-bedroom. Nice large kitchen. Fenced in back yard. Auto washer. Close to school. $500 down. S75 per month. No. 214 PLENTY OP ROOM 4-bedroom home with full basement. 1400 sq. ft. of floor soace. i'i bath Living room, dining room, breakfast nooK in Kitcnen. Hardwood floors. Cor ner location. Only 110,600. No. 400 Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Ph. 3-9303 OUD. a-IJ3T, 4-2874, 2-4028 855 BY OWNER 4 room shake house near grade school, 4950. Ph. 2-3B85. a 58 i ACRE 6 room unfinished house, 2 room house near Lincoln school. Bus by door, 500 8. Elma by Owner. Four Corners. 00. B55 BY OWNER, 2 bdrm house, lg lot, furn or unfurn. 705 N. 15t h St. a 34 CLOSE IN 6 room, large lot, (0,000. 860 N. Cottage. B54 ISM Economical 2 bdrm home with additional sleeping room. Good loca tion, mu w. Hiuem tits. Aw. M.H.IO. CI.i:an modern 3 bdrm. home in West Salem. Full basement. Sawdust furnace. Fireplace. Close to school and bus. 11,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 8. High Phone 3-4121. a57a Federal or Oregon G. I. Aumsville, Ore., $7,000 4 bdrm. homr, living rm., dining rm.. kitchen, breakfast nook, and utility rm. Large lot 100x100. Right in town. Real buy. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 Also in Aumsville, $6,250 3 bdrm. home, living rm., dinette, kit chen, bath, automatic wa.her. Plas tered house. Good bus service for both of these homes. Eve, 2.0473 Attention: Builders Home and 13 lota. In dtr limit... M ono. Thla la real bur. With the Nice Wea ther comlnc on, you aot to aet busy. CALL Mn T.K nttnf J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court Street Ph. 2-7756. a54 vst.um jju. 1 fcllMfl .1 B "ranged, b roomy rooms. Very well built. Lge. lot. 2 lots If desired. Keller dlst. Immediate possession. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE llPJLiiy- Ph- 3-113. Salem. aSi 13,750 NEW modern 3 bedroom home all on one floor. Entlewood dlit. Close to school. Fireplace, auto, oil furnace. Immed. pass. FHA commitment. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 133 a. mah. Phone 3-1131. tsv W.S7D. 1 ACRlf nllh clean mode7n3blrm" home unfinished upatalra. Clone In. Bus at door. Chicken house. Walnut tree.,. Beautiful yard and shrubbery. Call Stanley Drown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 133 8. Hleh Phone 3-1131. .57' Journal Wont Ads Pay Oregon, Saturday, March 4, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSES W A K A NOOK. LR tt DR comb. Lga. BR down, 2 m. BR up. Bath, nursy., lga. utll., gar., close in, good, needs paint. Trade on better Ise. home. Sub. oref. Reasonable. Ph. 2-8308, P.O. box 688. a56 2235 BREYMAN 2225 BREYMAN 2 bedrooms. Large living rooms. Dining room. Kitchen, lots of bullt-lns. Fireplace. Auto, oil heat. Venetian blinds. Hardwood floors thruout. Utility room. ) Plastered garage. LANDSCAPING TO BE DONE PRICE $9,750. EA. TERMS Wm. T. J. Foster FOR SALE LOTS LOTS South East Salem. One-fourth block. Possession at once. $100 down, $10 monthly. Price $1100. 10 off for cash. W. G. KRUEGER Ph. 3-4728. 147 N. Com'l. St. aa54 LOT Hi GERVAIS, good residential dis trict, $150. Excellent home site. See Clair Harvey, Gervats. aa55 SPECIAL PRICE on 2 adjoining wooded tracts, in ivingwooa ieigms. lad II. frontage, on paved Cascade Dr. Ph. 24538 after 1 p.m. aa56 $10 DOWN! Lots with water, trees, bus service, electricity. Balance $15 per month. START building tomorrow. 2 locations north Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Ph. 3-9203 aa55 BUSINESS LOT 101 ft. front, N.W. cor. i-airgrounas et aoutn sis. ft block will. Valley Bank. Ph. 3-8835, Walt Socolof sky, Real Estate. aa55 FOR SALE FARMS RANCH 25 acre ranch. All under cultivation Near Aumsville. 6 room home, electric lights and water system. Price $7500. W. G. KRUEGER Ph. 3-4738. 147 N. Com'l St. Ml 20 ACRES 6 acres strawberries, raspberries, cane- berries, 3 springs, large barn, 3 bed room home. All equipment and some stock goes. 6 miles from downtown. $4,000 down. Will trade for house In town. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Ph. 3-1 YOUR BEST BUY! $4000 DOWN takes this 100 A. farm loc. short drive from college town. Approx. 14 In rich bottom joam irrigateable from lge. stream, bal, rolling cut-over land, good for pasture. Bldgs. include 2 houses, ona la new. also new barn. Paved highway almost to floor, a 12,500. includes cross. GRADE A DAIRY tt STOCK FARM. 384 A. dark, valley soil, yr. stream St springs, 85 A. In cert fled seed croos. 5 Rm. home Is neat St moderq. Orade A barn St milk house are up to date in every respect. You'll like this model rarm, loc. close to thriving Willamette Valley town, all routes by door. $21,000. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service 104 8. Con'l St. - Phone 3-8389 D54 FOR SALE ACREAGE Subdivision Possibilities 32 acres enst at a price you can afford to pay. Owner will sell In small tracts, 1A or more. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS 484 Court at. Tel, 3-4707 Eve. 2-477.7. bb56 33 A., 25 A. orchards, close In. 15400, 1500 on. owner, 1011 Elm. Ph. 37230. bb59 REAL ESTATE BIO II A. Business cornir where two Salm arteries meet, Trade St terms. DeWitt Land Co. Ph. 34016. 212 N. High. c55 DO YOU want a good going business? We have several making aood money St will trade. Call St, talk It over. No phona Information, please. DeWitt Land Co., 212 N. High. c55 (2780 2 room house with bath, garage, small lot. 045 Pine Street. 16000 8 room house, garage, large lot. close to bus and Highland school. At 2165 North 4th Street. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. BEST BUYS Acreages and Farms ll1! Acres All under cultivation, furn. 4 rm. home, built In 1044, poultry house. 2 car gar age, garden tractor, 65 walnut trees. 25 cherry trees. Everything goes for $7950. Liberal terms. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3553. 5 Acres, East 2 bdrm. home, built In 1048. Double garage, chicken house, 6 miles from Sa- lem, private well. Willamette soils. To tal price only $6600. Terms. Eves. Ph. or 3-3.)3B, l'o Acres North, modern 5 rm. home, chicken house, 'a bnsement. Willamette soil, paved st. Liberal terms, total price only 16300. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Livability & Charm Very nice 3 bdrm. home In Manbrln Gardens, 1450 sq, ft. fir. space, good fireplace, radlnnt bent, lots of built Ins, spacious rms., choice corner lot, breezeway, private well, very large F. H. A. loan available, Total price only 113,800. Owner Iraving city. Eves, phone 2-7674 or 3-3558. Professional Office In a very prosperous town, 1400 sq. ft. floor space right downtown, building practically fireproof, total price only 1B500. Liberal terms. Kves. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Easy Money If you are Interested In a real money maker, Investigate this one. Concrete block bldg., very good equipment, own er reports gross take last year of ap prox. 123,000. Low overhead. Eves ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596. c36' $10,500 B, rcwi walnuts with i room nousa on aaiem-uaiias highway. 117.500. 14 acres In Polk county. Good 4 oearoom nouse, targe living room, fire place, barn, garage and 2 large chicken houses. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. HO'.fc N. commercial St. - Salem Ore. Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 3-8314. c4 5 ACRES, fir grove on 99-E. Long Hwy. ironiage. t modern units, 2 pump gas station. Price 119,000. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. HOW N. Commercial St. - Salem Ore. Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 3-8314. c34 10 ACRE TRACT Royal Ann cherries. 500 trees. ib ton crop. Excell. for residential site In growing farm community. 6 ml So. on old Pacific highway. Ladders ana oucxeu inciuaea. hi -vase shed. Ph 3-1231, C39 OUTSTANDING BUY Canvass the town and you can't find a better, more attractive home for the money. A large 2 bdrm. home 2 yrs. old. Spacious rms.. fireplace, utility rm. Beautiful large lot, nice lawn, trees all around, needs only to be touched up to make a really delightful home. A real value at 110,500. Walter Musgrave R'ltors tii Edsewater St. Ph. 3 mop FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLISH BEAUTY Very attractive English style home on lovely grounds, llv rm fc din rm, carpeted wall to wall, den, 4 bdrm, 2',4 sets plbg, dble garage, basement. A very fine home, CALL PETER OEISER. 3 BEDROOMS EAST New 3 bdrm home with lie llv rm it din rm, fireplace, auto-hot water heat, ranch style hdwd firs thruout. This home Is large it priced right. CALL EARL WEST. OUR BEST BUY 3 bdrms. all on one fir, llv rm, din rm. hdwd firs, fireplace, nice kitchen St , bath, full dry basement, excellent location, 1 block from school in good residential section. Fine condition Inside St out. $9,000. CALL ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phona 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-9968 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, March 5-2 p.m to 5 p.m. 3455 NEEF AVE. Between Triangle Drive and 99E ALMOST NEW 180 SQ. FT FLOOR SPACE OIL FURNACE INSULATED WEATHERSTRIPPED 55' BY 135' LOT HARDWOOD FLOORS AL ISAAK AND 3035 PORTLAND ROAD FOR SALE FARMS CHANCE OF A LIFETIME 105 A. BERRY FARM ' HAZEL GREEN DISTRICT This farm Is all Willamette silt soil In high state of cult. 28 A. strawberries, 13 A. thornless blackberries, 25 A. ready for planting this spring. This crop should net around 30 or 35 thousand dollars this year. Every kind of equip ment practically new. including 2 tractors, go with farm. Good modern, 2 bedroom home. Machine shed and other buildings. Shown by appointment only. Full price 155,000. LAKE LABISH BEAVERDAM About 15'A A. 0 A. real deep beaverdam, none better, 5'A A. fine seml beaverdam. Balance Is very good upland soil. This place Is a real onion farm and the price Is right, 121,000. About $6,000 will handle. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 PORTLAND ROAD PH. 3-3255 EVE. PHONE 3-4479 OR 4-2758 REAL ESTATE B ACRES on good airee. close to main highway St new school. Excellent lor subdivision. Easy terms, iva N. nign. DeWitt Land Co. Ph. 34010. c55 $300 Down Now that we have had an opportunity to show this very neat home to the public we are Indeed happy to announce the people of Salem are far beyond ex pectations In wanting an to build many of them. We are also nappy to be In a position to do so. We will be glad to arrange an evening appointment for you with the builder and draftsman to draw your individual plans St arrange the financing for you. lie member this nome nas vnu tq. it, oi noor space, hardwood floors throughout, Coleman oil furnace, plate glass windows, utility room inside, large storage space up stairs, lots of closet St linen space. Don't forget the terms . , . 1JU0 down St the total price of 16300 . , built on your lot. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 30.15 orlland Rd. Ph. 3-7030-2-4506 c56 WANTED REAL ESTATE CASH BUYER For 3 or 4 bdrm. home. Call Mr. Vlcary, a with Mabel Needham, Realtor 341 State Ph. 3-0201. ca54 RANCH IN foothills with or without bldi.s. Must have some woods. Spring which can be piped to house, all wea ther road. Complete details first let ter. Cash deal. Box 407 Capital Journal. ca54 BUYER HAS 15000. wants 3 Bdrm modern home. Like to have basement, prefer ably EnKlewood district. Walter Mus irave. Realtors. 1311 Edge water St. Ph. 35109. ca56 SO A OB MORE brush or grazing land. write description and price to Box 402, Capital Journal. co55 WE ARK In need of good houses to sell in or uear Salem. If you with to list your property for sale see-- (IRABENnORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca NOTICE' It your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list it wltb us. We have all kinds ot cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High SL ca ACRrAtlR with berries Sz bldgs. Also bus. lot with or without bldgs. 172 S. Lib erty. Ph. 3-7113. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE CHS4 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or trade modern apt. house St 13 space trailer pnrk. For sin nil mod ern house In Salem, Box 409 Capital journal. rl54 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE, all modern Beauty Shop. Good going business. Downtown shopping cen ter. Ph. 27031. cd55 SM. CROC. STORE, good loc. mod. llv. quarters, wired tor range, rlec. h water. Near Salem. Out bldg.. slock, fixtures St property. Will consider some real estate trade. Bal. terms. Box 410, Cap ital Journal. cd36 BEAUTY OPERATORS ATTENTION! It you ai looking for a nice Beauty Shop In a good location, doing good business, be aurr to see this. Price 12000. X can arranie the terms. IVAN B. SUTTON, REALTOR By City Hall in Jefferson Phone Jefferson 253 cd54 NEARLY NEW income property, paying over i4T piemy room lor expan sion. Ph. 34016. DeWitt Land Co. 313 N. High. cd55 A WELL established auto supply whole- sum ousmess paying rxceueni dividends. Must sell Immediately because of ill ness. Small Investment required. Write Capital Journal Box 408. cd57 THIS 18 IT. A chanca of a life time for industrious couple. Hu!li.rs with a bdrm. home. All furnished. Phone 2-3040. cd54 DO YOU WANT ACTION on buying, sell- urn or irnuins. usi your wanU WItn DeWitt Land Co. at once. Ph. 34016. 313 N. High. . Cd55 HERE'S A STEAL Non-resident willing "to iaxe toss tor quicx disposal: Restaurant confectionery In Sweet Home. Oregon. Located on main highway, individual building, deep freeze, reach-In refriger ator, counter and stools, stainless steel cooking utensils, two unit stainless steel French fry. etc. Also 3 room house on same property. Buildings, land, equip ment, everything. 16250 cash i that's the full pricet and it has to be cash. If ou are definitely Interested, phone Salem, cli4 IFOR SALE HOUSES WALKING DISTANCE FROM SUPER MARKET AND SCHOOL CLOSE TO BUS VENETIAN BLINDS EXTRA NEAT AND WELL BUILT TOTAL PRICE 18750.00 CO. REALTOR PH. 37820 or 24596 I FOR SALE FARMS FURNITURE FOR SALE 40 GAL. Wesscx clec. water heater. Used a mu. oa. iuiu nooa. fti. 30Z4S eves. d55' HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS. includes moil rrig. Musi sen immediately. Ph. wjm. d58 FOR SALE, antique Swedish love scat mime oi rose wood, with curvo back WANTED FURNITURE All Cash Trader Louie Pays HIGHEST PRICES Households, goods, furniture, bric-a-brac, appliances, rugs, silverware, dishes. QUICK SERVICE - Ph. 38558 da (il.KNN WOODRY. Ph 35110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SADDLE HORSE TO LOAN. GENTLE. muni:; z-4434. e5,. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED Si LICENSED livestock buyer. . O. McCandlish, 1137 S. 25th. Ph. 38147 ea7b" LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne- men. ioau Lancaster Di Ph. 2-1345. ea76 PETS CHOICE CANARY, male and female. Ph. "too. c67 KITTEN to give away. Ph. 38706. ec54 FRENCH POODLES, males St females. 4 mo. oia, nouse crone. lal2 State. ec56 BLACK CURLY cocker pup to give away. .soil warq urive. Pn. 31987. ecS4 MOORE'S TROPICAL FISH, heaters, ther- iiioftiiiis. iuhks k equipment. New ship ment Just arrived. Danlos, White Clouds, Amazon Catfish, Angels, Rt. S, Box 483. 3 ml. from Lancaster Dr. on Macleay Rd. Ph. 27321. eC56 CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRHSVER PUPS. ncany ior coming nun ting season. Both AKC St FDSB Reft, A. C. Friesen Rt. 5 Box 480 Salem. Ph. 2-0106. ec54 CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec57' FUEL CLL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dr Blah WnnH Dry Planer Ends St Block Wood Ph. 3-6444 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7143 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Iiuslde Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK POR S&H GREEN STAMPS 16" HAND PICKED slabwood, 3 cord load HO. Ph. 27751 or 25052. ee5D Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Eds Ins Preah Clean Sawdust Green Edging 15.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phona 35533 EE- West Salem Fuel Co. DR PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OIL Ph SaJem 3-4031 Pick up wood at 1535 Edge water West Salem PHILLIPS BROS! Old fir. oak, ash, Ss maple. 4 fir. IS" .iiHt ina caBinns. rn s-nsn FOR SALE POULTRY CHIX-CHIX: Certified baby N. H. In dependence Farm Fd Supply. 73 Main St. Ph. 1S9W Independence, Ore. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Parmenter. now vall- asie every iues. tat Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. f PRODUCE EASTFRN ALFALFA BAT I'll. Mill help wanted male MAJOR OIL CO. HAS OPENING LOCALLY siena application in own Handwriting to P.O. box 505, Salem. Ore., immediately Give full name, aae (prrfer between ars 31-35, physical characteristics lliright, weight. tc, education record, occupational history listing last employ ers first (Include military service), three references with addresses (local pre ferreddo not list relatives or former employers!, and any qualifications not mentioned. All replies received will be confident 1st. ga56 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE Exceptionally Good Investment IS Unit Brick Apt. house, dose-In to the bualne&s dUtr. Thta property la ahowlna a net profit of more than 10. We have all the Information at the office. Come in ft talk It over. Xlgilna. SUBURBAN I'i A. with 3 BR home, 14 bath, chick house to accommodate 200 chlx., aar aae, fruit, nuts As berries. Bus by door. I The price Is $9950. Johnson. I BURT PICHA, REALTORS 879 N. High St. Ph. Eve. 3 $700 DOWN AND MOVE RIGHT IN this nice 2 bedroom home 'In the Keiier district. House only 2 years old. Wired for range. Large lot. Close to city transportation. Taka over FHA mortgage. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG buying this 2 bedroom house In West Salem. Nlca lawn, plenty of flowers and shrubs. Garage. Paved street and sidewalk In. Price only $5250. A BEAUTY IN THE KEIZER DISTRICT 2 bedrooms and an unfinishd attic. Insulated and weatherstrlpped. Wired for range. Fruit and berries on half-acrt lot. Price 111,000. Terms. YOU DON'T HAVE TO Everything. Including a 8 room house full of furniture, with electric range and refrigerator, goes with this 20 acre farm near Shaw. Crops In. Plenty of out buildings. 3 tractors and miscellaneous farm equipment. (9.850. Looks As Though We're Going to Have to Run Another Ad on This 86 acre farm near Sllverton. 40 acres In cultivation, with M acres In berries. Good 8 room house, with plenty of outbuildings. Will sell for S12.500 or trade for good house In NE district of Salem or In Sllverton. DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 State Street Evenings Phone Mr. Voorheea 2-4007 115,000. SUBDIVISION 5 'A acres, good S Br. homt, real attractive, close in on Lansing Ave. Paul. 113,500. Close to Senior HI. Nice 3 Br., living St dining rm, fire place, good dry basement with oil piped heat. Ed, 122,000, Well equipped 80 acre farm, 70 under Cult, family orchard, fair to excellent buildings, growing crops go. Reasonable terms. Peck, 10,500. Ten acres' clear Lake Dlst, good barn, 2 Br. homo on Pvd. Rd. Paul. 110,500. No. 3 business zone, 3 Br. home, all on one floor, full dry baam., oil furnace, this Is In top condition. Ed 132,000. 125 acres, all cultivated, living stream, 3 barns, good house, placa all fenced, all well drained. Feck. 1500 and up, good building lots located on Evans Add. In Kelzer, also nlca business lot located on Pvd. Rd. $1500. Paul. 18500. Three Br., full basm., fire place, close to Englewood Sch. Peck. 18500. Neat, clean St roomy 2 Br, home near Leslie Sch. Paul. 16000. Grocery store, stock and equipment, well located In Salem. 17 rent. Ed. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. Hlah St. Eve. Ph. Paul Oell 377 HELP WANTED MALE LOCAL OFFICE MANAGER for national organization. Require high calibre per son with interest In future. Age 22-30, college preferred. Must type and have general office management experience. Excelent salary, opportunity, and em ployee relations. Phone International Business Machines corp., 3-vioi ior in terview. ga55 HELP WANTED FEMALE DOUBLE YOUR INCOMEI Show gorgeous 15-Card Assortment of Birthday, other Greeting Cards. Sensa tional tl seller pays you up to 50c cash Plastics. Me tallies, one wraps, others, FREE samples ot Imprinted notes, napkins, stationery. Assortments on approval, stylart. 13 10 santee, Dept. 88, Los Angeles 55. Calif. gb54 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3W State Street Phone 3-148B. af54' WANTED POSITIONS VET WITH family needs employment of any kind. 4th yr. electrical apprentice, Ph. 42600. 1)54 Mimeographing-Typing PAINTING St Decorating. Free Est. Reas. Rates. Rel. Fii. 2-9983. n55 HOUSEWORK St Ironing by the hour. Ph. 23720. h5S CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 3-6876. h61a REMODELING St alteration. Ph. 3-9694. h PAINTING St decorating. Ph. 3-S604. h WILL CARE for children daytime or night. Ph. 42633. h59 MARRIED MAN 25 yTS old would like steady job bookkeeping or payroll elk, Please Ph. 26089. h5fi SPECIALIZED children's sewing. Ph. 26081 h77 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5073. M9 TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph, -2ujj. noi NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL. 6 DAYS. AUBH i III 0. UK. 'CJU 1U 0. FH h56 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- ing ins. op worn guar w ucaiiis XtJ' 8 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 h59 NURSES BY HOUR week or live In. Practical Nurses' Registry Ph 3-5072. h59 PAINTING, paperhanglng. floor cleaning. wnxing, reiinisning. i-rea estimates. Ph. 33720. h55 BABY SITTING by middle ate lady. Ph. 1919. P67 EXPERIENCED practical nurse. Ph. 38864 119 CARPENTER, new remodeling special ty, rn. j-(no. nil GARDENS PLOWED by Roto-tiller. Reas. Ph. 2-2709. h70 CHILD CARE, my home. Ph. 3361 L h68 BABY SITTING. PH. 30580. CHILD CARE my home by day, week or month Ph. 29865. h54 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4850. FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING room. Gentleman. Ph. 37176. Jk58 PLEASANT sleeping rm for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 3-4547. jk58 NEAR BUSINESS dlst. Employed gentle man, rn. j-ojzj. MAN'S SLEEPING ROOM. Auto heat. Prlv. bath, entry. Ph. 3-9043. J It 06 LARGE SLEEPING RM. S25. Emp. person. 949 N. Winter St. Ph. 3-8459. Jk54' ROOM ladles only. Small kitchen. 520 Statfstn an St. Ph. 35210. J k55 HO N. 14TH. Single or double. 39670. Jk68 SLEEPING RM, single or double furn, heat, kitchen prlv. Near State Bldg. No drinkers. Ph. 26412. Jit 57 SLEEPING ROOMS for men only. 395 N. Hth. Jk55 SLEEPING RMS. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 35539. Jk73 NICELY FURN. Heated Ladies preferred. ojw n. winter. JK58 RMS. 195 S. Cottage. Ph. 3-7817. Jk72' SLEEPING, light hsekpg rms" Ph. 3 S4 )k5J. I REAL ESTATE 7 GOOD ACRES Close-In on pvm't, N.X., near school, bus, small mod. house, good well, layj nice for aub-dlvlslon, will divide acreage If wanted. Total price $7200. Gooc terms, Crawford. Listen - Listen - Listen 3 B.R. home, So., full bsm't, oil lurn. fireplace, wall to wall carpeted llv rm, paved at. Fine location for children' Just $9250 on good terms. Crawford, - 5300 or 3-7451 Office 3-3M3 BUY ANOTHER THING Phona 2-3663 Thelma 2-8053 Mr. Brennan 3-4948 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-RM. FURN. apt., prl. bath. Prig. 588 N. Church St. jp55 FURN. 1 fc 8 RM. apts. Ph. 3-728S. Jp78' FURN. REDEC. 2 and 3 rm. apt. S24.50 and 9Z7.M) per mo. Also furn. sm. house. Baby welcome, no pets. 6244b H. Capitol jp55 3 RM. FURV. apt. 1 bdrm. Ph. 3-8231, Jp54 1 RM APT. partly furn. Private bath. Hollywood dlst. Ph. 36058 or 31586. Jp55 3 ROOM furn apt, clean, adults. Utll mrnisneo, sit.dq. rn. 31768. 355 S, 14th. JP55 FURN. LIGHT hskn. room. ntiUMn fnm .... M.uv. jLiao- NEW 9 rooms St prlr. bath, partly furn. who uaaison oeiora 10 and after 4. , ' Jp54' 2 BM FURN APT, 346 8. 17th after 5 p.m Jp56 3 RM unfurn apt. Range, refrlg 6c private entrance. Adults. 835 N. Bummer. Jp54 NEW 3 rm apt, private bath, partially mrnigneq. aouiis. mil MaaiSOn. JP5B NICE FURN. court apt. All electric. Close In. Ph. 3-0546. ip54 ONE 1 RM, 1 3 rm, furn upstairs apt. rn. jiaao. jp54 1 BDRM large unfurn. apt. Electric stove auto. 011 neat. rriv. bath. Alio 3 rm. smaller apt. with electric stove si prlv. bath. Children accepted. Ph. 37773 or iiJ) n. 4in. JP57 DESIRABLE 1 bdrm. court apt. Unfurn except reing., wasning macnine St stove. Near W.U. St state bldgs. Adults. 352.50 rn. 3-Joa. jp54 3 ROOM furn. upstairs apt. Prlr. bath, eni. ss garage, rreier working couple. No children. Ph. 35033. Jp54 CLOSE IN, all electric, private bath. Mod- rm. apt, ajs n. winter. Jp54 FRONT 1ST floor apt. Nicely furn. Very muuern. central location s not water neat, tea w. winter. Jp54' 3 RM. furn. apt. Quiet working couple ptcierreq. Il9 nigniana Ave. jpst RM. partly furn. apt. N. Salem, oil heat, elec. range. 365 Taylor St. JpS6 NEAT, ATTRACTIVE 2 rm. furn. apt. rnv. oatn. 40 725 s. 13th. Jp54' SOME SIVGLE GIRL to share my apt. rn. d-oaua eve. IPSO 3 NICELY turn. apts.. closa In. Ph. 3-5838. JP" FOR RENT HOUSES 3 RM. house, part. furn. 135. Not mod. inq. wuiiams Ave. Jm54 4 RM. unfurn house, elec wtr htr A wlrd ior range, uiose in. couple only. Ph. Jm56 3 BR house, elec heat, wired for range. ou a. aotn. Inq. at 580 S 19th. JmB5 NEARLY NEW, 3 bdrm., elec. heat, auto matic wasner. oarage. $65. 1583 Market St. Phone 3-9409. Jm54 UP St DOWN duplex, furnished. Will lease. 30Y n, summer St. Jm54 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE with Ltvesley Bldg. ent rance. Pll. 3-8801. J58 S1NCER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma- cnines. Keasonaoie rates. Free pick up St delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3513. J RENT USED CAR lot, 1895 N. Com'l. J77 BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J 61 USED REFRIGERATOR, Al Laue Ref. to., aaao atate. pa. 3-5443. j63 BUSINESS RM. lor rent a L. Stlfl. ) U DRIVE Trucks. RoJInson shell Sei-vlee Center at Cottage Ph 39103 r GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L, Stiff. J floor SANDERS for rent. Montgomery ward. ) POWER TOOL rentals tor home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Pb. 3-3646. ) TRAILERS 1300 per day. Howser Bros. i4io a. 13th. west Salem. J TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er, wt seu evervtmni to complete the Job HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 J ROOM & BOARD SALEM Nursing Home. 3519 "D" St. Am- ouiatory or Ded patients. Men or worn rn Trained jnurses, 24-hr. service. J)73 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG COUPLE with baby desire 1 or 4 varm. nouse. net. rn. a-nsia. jaia WANTED to rent i room house, a adults. rn. -aiio. jaau WANTED 3 or 4 rm. modern furn. apt. viosa in. writs box 401. capita) jour nal. jiss RESPONSIBLE business man with 2 chil dren desires 3 or 3 bd rm unfurn house. Between Market Si Union. Ph. 31933. Ja54 WANT ? bdrm. unfurn. Prefer Renter Pii'l AbPu M Pn- J54 LOST & FOUND LOST billfold with valuable papers. Find- rv my kppp money, pn, 37440, Kenneth Holmes, IS Court St. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ONLY DO YOU know Mr. you can buy a new Packard Sedan for $2537, Salem price. STATE MOTORS, INC, 340 H. Hiah Ph. I-113. qx57' 49 Mercury 4-door sedan. 3 months old. Only 1000 miles. Local owner. Complete deluxe quipment. x $1945 Loder Bros. Used Car Mkt. Pi. 3-7913 4X55 1939 CHEVROLET COUPE - HEATER $395 BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE 370 N. Church Ph. 3-9377 0X55' SPECIAL SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 3-DOOR SEDAN WARNER MOTOR CO. 545 Center Ph. 3-3013 qxot AUTOMOBILES 12 Months Written Guarantee DON'T GUESS - 1948 Chev. 4 Dr. Fleetline (Nicest Car in Town) 1948 Chev. Aero Sedan (Only 11,000 Miles) 1948 Stude Champion (A Little Black Beauty) Look Them Over and Make Us an Offer Teague Motor Co. 355 North Liberty MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGES, men'a hatter. 464 Court. wa closa saturoaTa 12:30. mos SPENCER CORSETIERE Call 3-5073. m73 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR -Hlt. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolrt Bids. Stat, xj Commercial Sta. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL USED SIDING BRICK, lumber. buUt-ins St piaster hoard. 3510 uaraen ttc. mapa- BUILDER Bankrupt stock of roofing materials and equipment consisting of paper felt and asbestos, ladders, tar pot versatile pump, miscellaneous supplies and equipment, will be sold as private sale. Property can be seen at 1003 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. Ph, 3-7707, evenings 3-5514. R. Hi coppock Trustee. isb3 n. Summer. ma54 WE SELL ONLY the best cedar shingles all arades. Del. 18" No. 1 carton pack ed cedar wall shakes with under-course 313.50 sq Oak St Pecan floorlm, Cedar s spruce siding. Ted MUller. Ph. Salem 3-11 9 II. ma FOE PgRMA-STONE, Ph. 3-0805. ma78 Oak Flooring No. 3 com shorts S130perM No. 3 com Rl 1160 per M Pull line of bulldtns supplies. Estimates liadly liven. FHA blue prints FREE with material. Epping Lumber Co. 4140 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 33054 ma57' HOW'S YOUR ADDITION? Top quality lumber. PLUS prompt effi cient service, PLUS unbeatable prices, EQUAL West Salem Saw Mill 1050 Wallace Rd. lh Mile North of River . , Ph. 3-0593 ma73 SAVE AT KEITH BROWN! ,ix4" Cedar Siding 335 U. Windows prices slashed on special shipment. Va riety of sizes. Some as low as $1.80. REJECT PLYWOOD: V, V. V, i" from 4c pesq. ft. 1x8 and 1x8 RUSTIC FLOORING, Ideal for flooring or siding In attics, farm buildings, tool sheds, etc. Priced cheaper than ship lap. Everything to build anything at that convenient KFITH BROWN LUMBER Y'D Location, Front and Court, Salem., ma HOME BUILDERS CONTRACTORS - CARPENTERS Inquire about spec, low-price on new Plaster board, 4x8 sheets. Write C. O. Long. Rt. 3, Salem, Ore. or Ph. 35831. ma56 ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber, mlllwork, hard ma terials, hardware, floor covering, el ectric appliances, paints, Insulation, roofing and house wares for as little as 10 r. down on a purchase of S20 up to S300. . Small, easy monthly payments take care of the rest. Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD At that convenient location Front and Court Streets. Salem, ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS THAYER baby buggy. 3 strollers (1 fold up style) S30. Ph. 3-0223. n54 NEW ELECTRIC STOVE St refrlg., only eo aays 01a. 070 Elma Ave after 5 p.m. nS4 OIL CIRCULATOR, at greatly reduced prices. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n NO WAXING required wltb PLASTXO- kote, me eeliopoane llkt finish for floors or linoleum. X EATER APPLIANCE CO, 373 Chemeketa n PHILLIPS BROS PertUitera, well rotted or fresh, any k' ' By yard or sack Flagstone for all rock wore Cedar fence posts Teleohone and elec. poles Any length Shingles. xew posts Lumbar pa 1-1451 Rt hot 118 n SMALL PIANO. New Spinet model, maho- luj nnnn. ou o. ton age. n55' SEARS WA8RER ' $30 , Collapsible baby xiuuuca D-iineiio ai siana S3. Play pen 85. Ph. 21031. n55 STRAUSS, BABY Grand piano. Ebony fin- isn. iuase neeos reimtshlngl, mechan ically perfect. Price 1450. Call 3-8910 after 7 p.m. or 1845 8. Church. n5l 10 GAL. WRITE outside paint, 13 gal. uooa oining room table $8. Good cir culating wood heater $10. Hot water inna lii.ag, pn. 3-1SJ0. n38 EW GOOSE feather pillows, 645 Ferry St. n55 NEARLY NEW G.E. Washer with timer St pump, ssv.ao. Trader Louii. 3035 Port land Rd. ti54a LATE MODEL Wedgewood gas ratine with neater, sriu St auto clock. Cost $399. Now only 1135.00. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. nii 1948 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan. Beautiful black finish Upholstery covered from new with seat covers. 95 new tires. Less than 33,000 actual miles. This car Is Ilka new in every way. Extra special at $1475 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - SERVICE - PLYMOUTH QUALITY USED OARS 495 N. Commercial Ph. 3-41 IT B.X55 WILSON'S WE HAVE THREE 1939 Chev. 2-Door $42S ALL WITH NEW PAINT 1937 Plymouth Sedan $178 Otto J. Wilson COMMERCIAL AT CENTER 1939 CHEVROLET 3-Door Sedan. Heater, sport lite, new paint. This won't last long at $295 ) SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeketa at Church Ph. 3-7933 qx54 I AUTOMOBILES BUY AT TEAGUE'S 1949 Mercury Conv. (Low Mileage and Loaded with Extras) 1950 Ford Tudor Custom Loaded with Extras) Several 1937 through 1941 models. Good transportation cars. Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BEAUTIFUL matched walnut ft pleca bed rm suite. Cost owner $230 a short time ago. Now 189.50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. n54 BABY BATHENETTE $4.00. Motorlde baby buggy 118.00, deluxe play pen 813.00, Kroehler davenport St chair, blue va lour $60. All excellent condition. Call 34384. n55. USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 819JB UP. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa a SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY -Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basemen Equipment Rental 15 B Mi yds. 10 B jds. D-7 Cat St Doeer D-0 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat Si Dozer Set us about ditching by tht f. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon n USED Electric Refrigerators. $49.95 A up. 375 Chemeketa REROOFING, painting, remodeling. Willa mctte Valley Roof Co., Salem, FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 1-8307. nBS GENERAL ELECTRIC Ciimt niK... and Montag Appliances at Gevurta. n USED Electric ranges, $19.95 St up, Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa & HEAT your home electrically with West Inghousa or Wesln automatic alectrle heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. , STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railings. In stock, madt to order. 1145 N. Liberty. nSS USED RADIOS St record players, $9.95 up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n TEXAS BERMUDA onion plants here now. Puritan Cider Wka., . Salem. B57 PLASTIC APRONS, variety to choose from, makes beautiful gifts. Some host ess, Ideal for kitchen use. Ph. 30403. . n79 GET YOUR yard and garden peet mosa at Northwest Poultry, 1505 N. Front. Ws have both half and whole bales. n79 WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CRUSHED ROOK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing. -yd shovel St drag Una. Ph. 8-9249 n FOR YOUR spring tonic drink and en joy Pure Apple Cider. Contains all tHe fruit vitamins (no preservative). Pur itan Cider Wks W. Salem. n57 '35 REO Vh T.-L.W.B. Truck $96. 2 wheel Trailer, 16" tires. Used pipe St fittings, bricks, windows, etc. Rt. 6 Box 333. mile No. of Frultland Church. n56 SALE OR TRADE for horse hay, 2 wheel trantr or nse. trailer, 1 sm. western sad dle, 1 Texan ropelng saddle, 4-ln. horn, 1 5-pass. '30 Ford cpe., new tires, new battery. D. D. Deip, 3670 Sllverton Rd. li mile E. Fairgrounds. n54 KENT Wheelchairs and hospital beds. Buren, 3-7775. 745 Court St. n62 DOMESTIC treadle sewing machine 810. uaca cnoiDCt electric D. 1830 N. I8th. n54 ELEC. WATER heater 385. Ph. 1-6837. n56 WATCHMAKERS 1 K&D stake tool set 52 punches 12 slump jjo X K&D stake tool set 94 punches 30 stump $3o ALMS JEWELRY, 536 Main, Lebanon n55 HOP STAKES for sale. Chas. P. Wyffels. i. uua m, noooourn. ure. pn. mm. n5fl RUBBER MATTING made from discarded him. rw oor mm, oacg oars, SCHOOLS, churches, machine shops, etc. Any size. Very reasonable. Ph. Green 368. Charles Klopp. Woodburn. Ore. vf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS USED SAFES, used door closures. Ph. na57 WANTED: GOOD piano. Ph. 28725. Ba54 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 36334. i-.u. nox 72, i MCA wed.. Fri., 8:30 p.m. pian Earn Extra Dollars $ $ Selling latest greeting cards, stationery, wraps. Orders for Doehla greeting cards filled from our stock. Make up to 50c per box. Seattle Card Mart, 103 Bellevue. no. Seattle. 054 8TANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 39307. p5t AUTOMOBILES 18.19 I TON DODGE truck. A-l condition. new luuoer, aooa racx, 33-it. trailer house, aood condition, new electric re (rlierator ft lou ol entru. 33H Stat. St. Ph. 35413. q5J (Continued on Page 13)4 i,