&l ; tJfe Midlife Msfe 111 Coal Lineup Trucks from as far away as Illinois, Indiana and Michigan and numbering as high as 400 line up to be loaded with coal at an operating coal mine in Somerset, O., while 372,000 striking soft coal miners continue their "no contract, no work" policy. United Mine Workers chief, John L. Lewis, and the soft coal operators are reported to be within pennies of an agreement. (Acme Telephoto) Doctors Disagree as to Cause Of Death of Mrs. Borroto i By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE (Associated Preai Sclenct Writer) Manchester, N. H., Mar. 3 VP) The doctors disagree as to whether Mrs. Abbie Borroto was dead when Dr. Hermann N. Sander injected air into a vein in her arm. This difference of medical opinion showed up in the closing hours of the prosecution testimony in Dr. Sander's trial for "mercv" killlne. It was the same difference Greeks to Vote ' Next Sunday Athens, Greece, March 3 VP) The outcome of Sunday's parlia mentary elections here may di rectly affect the success of cur rent efforts to patch ruptured trade and diplomatic ties be tween Yugoslavia and Greece, observers forecast today. One high diplomatic source said the result of the election certainly will influence negotia tions now under way for resum ing trade and eventual full diplo matic relations between the two countries. Greece long has been at odds with Yugoslavia and her other Balkan neighbors because of their aid to the communist-led Greek guerrillas in the-civil war The rift was widened by Yu goslav charges that Greece was conducting a terrorist campaign against her subjects, arresting Yugoslavs who sought visas to return to their native lands. Delicate negotiations now afoot for patching this rift are being conducted with a watchful eye to see whether .the Greek voters will reject the royalist populists largest party in the last parliament when they go to the polls Sunday. Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Constantin Tsaldaris, leader of the populists, long has been a symbol and target of communist charges that Greece is "monarcho-fascist." Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 8, 1950 S that lesser personages have giv en in evidence ever since the testimony started one week ago today. This time it came from the top arbiters, whose opinion is usually taken as final. As today's testimony started, the count stood: 1. Dr. Robert E. Biron that she was alive. 2. Dr. Albert E. Miller that she could have been alive. 3. Dr. Albert Snay that she probably was dead. Dr. Miller, who is eminent in medical circles, told the first story of an autopsy. He said It did not show the immediate cause of 'death. Answering a hypothetical question, he said 40 cubic centi meters of air, the amount the state charges Dr Sander In jected, was enough to have caused death in Mrs. Borroto's condition. To a second hypothetical ques tion he answered that in his opinion air killed her. He said, I however, that the autopsy was performed too long after death to prove whether air was the cause. . -. He gave the defense support for its contention that Mrs. Bor roto's last gasp could have been from an already dead body. This is the gasp which her nurse told about just as the air was injected. The only other sign of life shown by the prosecution for the air injection period was slight twitching of face and arms. Dr. Miller did not testify about twitching, but said that for some hours after death it is possible for skeletal muscles to move. These are the muscles which attach one bone to an other. Dr. Miller added a new chap ter to the almost unbelievable record in this case of the. ability of a human being to stay alive. The autopsy showed not only the original cancer in intestines and liver, but added five new sites. They were kidneys, thy roid gland, adrenal glands, ab dominal walls and lymph glands, which are pumping stations for the watery white fluid that flows slowly in tissues. And blood clots had checked the flow of blood in the lower half of her body. Dr. Miller said there was no proof that any of these things caused death. He said a per son can be pulseless for days, but still live. k The nearest he came to de- 'v fining death, under prodding of the defense, was to say it is the moment when the body's organs cease to coordinate so complete ly that there is no chance of getting them to work together again. Gervais Card Club Offers Four Tables Gervais Four tables of cards were in play at the "500" Com munlty Card club, with Mrs. Fred Manning and Miss Freda Manning in charge. High scores were held by Mrs. Ernest An dres and Fred Manning and econd by Mrs. John Henny, Sr., and Ernest Andres. Mrs. M. D. Henning and Mrs. Cecil Colby will be in charge of the March 14 meeting. 162W N. Commercial You walking up TT over paint store Mn com,ni ,o my pltce day talking income tax. wnavi iou thing calling Income tax? He Is saying I should be giving govern ment man much per cent of busi ness. I don't know, maybe so. any way I'm saying okay you alt down I giving you one bcwl noodle, one dish loose duck, one dish almond duck, two dish fried rice, nineteen cups oolong tea, that be about right. Then he say, no no I'm not wanting percentage food. These Americans funny people, never make up mind, asking on thing, taking another, wanting something else. I'm knowing plenty fine people wanting Chinese Ksh, this percent man no take kllrlgnt with me, I'm plenty maa, urst people ever re i fuse my fine food I work very hard to fix up lust right, yesalr I'm plenty maa. Man say some friend of his name Harry like spend very much money each year okay let Harry cook noodle make own money spend much as he like, I'm not oaring I'm Just mad. YEESING (that's my name, sure) focus your eye on this GREAT dollar-saving of Our Finest HIGH GRADE MAKE Kodak Medal ist II 1 3.5 Extra lens 214x3 Vi R. B. Series "B" Graflex 3V4x4'4 Ser ies'" Graflex 4x5 Speed Graphic Press Camera 2'4x3'i Watson Press ADOX 35mm Camera 16mm BOLEX Cinklose 16mm DESCRIPTION This camera is shopworn Camera has a 127 mm. f4.5 Kodak Ektar lens. New, but slightly shopworn. Camera is used but In ex cellent condition. It has a 5Vi" Kodak Anastigmat f4.5 lens with case. Camera has a 14.5 Carl Zeiss Tessar lens coupled RF and flash gun. Has been used by the store for press work. Camera is new. It has a 101 mm. f4.5 Raptar coated lens and Kalart RF. This is a NEW camera of German make. It has a 12 lens in a Compur rapid shutter. Speeds to 1500 of a second. Has same lens and shutter as on the new Eastman Retina II camera that sells for 197.7S. A demonstrator and has never been sold. It has a 1" 11.5: 2" 3.5 and a 93 mm. 3.5 telephoto lens.' In new condition, This is a trade-in on a Bell and Howell. It has a 2.5 lens and looks and works like new. This would be a good camera to start out with. CLOSEOUT PRICE 230.00 95.00 65.00 215.00 105.00 95.00 350.00 50.00 Where Photo Equipment Is Not a Sideline We Give and Redeem S 4V H Green Stamps. Vtt north liberty DOUBLE-VALUED SPRING FAVORITES! Slim, straight line skirts and fine blouses! Skirts B) WR 3.8)5 A. Mandarin neckline with semi detached ribbed front tie. Rayon faille in white, powder, aqua sizes 32 to 38. B. Fly front skirt in rayon gabar dine, with self -belt. In grey, aqua, black, navy, sizes 10-18. C. Long-sleeved classic shirtwaist blouse, in spanking white rayon crepe. Cuffs have removable studs. 32 to 38. D. Slim-lined skirt in season's fav orite black-white or brown-whlta Shepherd's checks. Fly front. Sizes 10-18. E. This colorful print blouse with It's club collar looks perky under your spring suit too. Sixes 32-38. F. Styled in Dan River royon fabric, with front slit.Slim, straight lined, selft belt. Tan, grey 10-18. SPORTSWEAR, MAIN PI "OR I SAVE ON NYLONS! 7 . . . priced so you can buy them by the dozen! Per Poir ' If perfect, these SI gouge, IS denier nylons would sell for $1.33 I This famous mill absolutely refuses to put their seal of approval on anything but perfect so beeause of minor imperfections these nylons are classed as "sub-standards". They're exquisitely sheer 51 gauge, 15 denier, with pencil slim seams, neat heels in delightful spring shades. Sizes 8 'A to lOVi. HOSIERY, MAIN FLOOR Sale! Cannon's puffy9 thirsty towels in "Dogwood" pattern Look of tit tmmptaont colore Flamingo Axure Greenspray lHwrep PtachMeem iff 9 !(Mfy .i i 2 et 1 m w rjk 'Bill w mwwmi - ,! i "(V 1f V FOR THE BIG, MAN-SIZE BATH TOWEL HAND TOWEL 49' Thousands of puffy, soft loops mates these Cannon towels actually p up water like a sponge. The beautiful finely designed "Dogwood" pattern will dress up your bathroom, toe, when you select it in any one of the above blooming colors. WASH CLOTH ... I9 3-PIECE ENSEMBLE ... 1.47 DANCE SATURDAY Cottonwoods Glenn Woodry and Hit Orchestra &h mm 469 STATE STREET DOMESTICS, Downstairs