1 Capital Journal, Salem, OLAMiraD ADVERTIglNQl Fir Uu ...16o Per Line t times .. 40c Per Lin 6 tlmei .,. flOc Pel Lid 1 month 13.00 Outside of Salem 1S per tin pi day Mln. loot t time mln. Me times mln. 11.30 Mo Refunds RCADERA In Local News Col OnlF! lOo per line go Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES 4 L.R., D.R., kitcn. St nook, ltt ftmths, fireplace, auto, oil furnace. 3845 aaapie Ave. raone z-airau. aor I BR UNFIN. hse. 2 blks. E. Trading Post. Lblsb Village. Easy terms Ph. 3-1454. asj foil SALE: ssoo DOWN. Bal. 140 month. acre. 4 room modern house complete ly furnished, new elec. Frig, ranee, 42 sallon elec. wtr. htr., nice chix house St fenced pen, fruit St walnut wees. South 99E, Prlngle road, route 4, box 618. Ph. 4-2344 after 0 p.m. a53 .ENGLEWOOD DIST. Vbdrm. fcb. Mdwd, firs., weather strip ped, Insulated, 2 fireplaces. Breese Way, 1610 Madison. Ph. 2-5539. a56 CONSIDER OFFER on 2 bdrm hse. Dnfln Vpstalrs. 23S7 Adams. Ph. 35522. &56 ARE YOU DISAPPOINTED AFTER LOOK ING THROUGH THE NEW HOMES OP TODAY? Do you feel you set the bare necessities for your money? Let us show you a new three bedroom suburban home, full of new Ideas, designed it built by DON GARDNER who builds homes to last. By appt. only. (16,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co, Xxcluslve Listings Personal Service 104 S. Oom'l St. Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 3-9980 $500 DOWN B bdrm, hrdwd firs, gar, Irg lot, immed poss, 14760 full price, $50 per mo. on nai. Nortneast. rn. a-iuuo. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 MasonlO Bldg. Ph, 3-9217 Ins. - Mortgage Loans a54 Only $260 Down on this 1 year old 2 bedroom suburban house with hdwd floors, yen blinds, fire- ?lace, unfinished upstairs and large lot. otal price only 18500. Monthly pay ment - like rent. Get Key at auo un nyview Ave. Ph. 36408. a54 KEIZER DISTRICT Modern 3 bedroom home. Karaite at tached. Near bus line, school and church. Lot 75 by 175, 'A cash. Price 18500. W.G. KRUEGER 147 N. Commercial St, Ph. 3-4 MODERN bdrm. home. Garage. gar den space. 14995. Ph. 20190. a64' loVELY VIEW HOME IN CHOICE LO CATION: Large living room with fire place; dining room, tile kitchen with ample bullt-inst nook; unusual glassed in sun room; 3 bedrooms; double plumbing; knotty pine den; full base ment, oil heat. One of the nicest land scaped yards In Salem. Price 126,500 wltn terms, fir appointment oau a-jooi. - Leo N. Childs. Realtor 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. Eve. Ph. 3-4610 or 2-8103. aw KEIZER DISTRICT New home ready to occupy. LR gt X St N. Utility rm., 2 BR. All decorated. Hdwd. floors. Close to bus Se school. Terms. Onas S. Olson. 865 Chemawa Rd. M ml. W. Kelzer school. Ph. 3-1380. a54 American Colonial 19800 ft beautiful rooms with large unfinished upstairs, attached garage St utility, about B mo. old. Fireplace, eleo. heat, extra large lot. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 1-3849 Eve. 2-S260. a53 .Small Down Payment 18200 Almost new 2 bedroom home with attached garage, elec. neat, nre place, woatherstrlpped Se insulated. 11000 down, 900 per mo. East. Call Bob. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-9849 Eve. 2-9200. a53 - All- This For $6950 t large bedrooms on 1 floor. Well ' planned for small children. Large util ity rm with clothes drying area. Fenced yard, trees, paved streets,' blook to bus. Dining rm, living rm, with fire place, plastered and attractive. Move right In, Ph. 24701 days. 23738 evenings, r a54 " NORTH 1 bdrm. and den; Hv. rm., din. rm. and kitchen on one floor, Attached garage; lots of shrubs and flowers. Extra lot, A new house and very nice. Only til, 500. ENGLEWOOD 1 bdrm.; two fireplaces; full basement. Auto oil heating; Newly redecorated; garage; nice shrubs; close to school; bus Mi block. Call Mr, Ruberg. Edward A. Dyck, Realtor 338 H. Com'l. Ph. 2-5211. Eve. 1-6880. a53 One Acre East IB960 2 bed room home with unfinished attle, small barn or chicken house, ber ries, S varieties, six different kinds of fruit, walnut St filberts, all bearing, on bua line, paved road. Call Willis Hill. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Phone 3-3849 Eve. 3-3877. a53 ; $4500 Drive by i 820 Ratcllff drive a very attractive lbdrm, modern house on bvis line, lie, lot, here you get real value. $9750 Drive by at 9168 N. 34th st. Here Is a lovely 3-yr.-old home Just listed. Has Sbdrm. and unfln. attic, large enough 3 more Ige. Llv. eoved ceilings, fireplace, auto fur nace, Ige. lot. Owner will consider S. Salem or 32500 down. E. M. Hunter Real Estate TI0 a. Oom'l. Ph. l-Uit. Eva. 3-84S7 $3350 Furnished cute little house, close In, 1 newly decorated, Immediate possession. $4500 Highland Ave. Small house, Ige. lot, close to shopping schools St church. $5500 Greenhouse With small adorable residence. Unusual secluded situation, fruit trees, flowers galore. Wonderful chance for plant grow ing business. Close In. Don't pass this UP. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 X. Church. Ph, 3-7643. Eves, 3-0136 a54 $8250 LOVELY NEW HOME WEST SALEM, $1650 DN. 35250 NEW MOD. 6 RMS. at Reiser. Immed. poss. Terms. Others 5000 to 112,000. trades. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S. Liberty Ph. 3-7113 Salem a53 WANT ACREAGE with bldgs. and-be"rrTeai -, also business lot with or without hse. for oaah. Also house that $600 dn. will handle. Willamette Real Estate, 172 6. Liberty. Ph. 3-7113 Salem. a53 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS South East Salem. One-fourth block. Possession at once. IIOO down, tlO monthly. Price $1100. 10 off for cash. W.G. KRUEGER Ph. 3-4728. 147 N. Com1!, St. aq84 LOT Ut GERVA18, good residential dis trict, $150. Excellent home site. See Olalr Harvey, Gervals. aa55 BLDG. LOT EXCLUSIVE LISTING One block from Keltsr aehool. Lot 18 by 160. $50 cuh, bal 110 monthly. Price 195D. W. G. KRUEGER - 147 N. Commercial St. Ph. 1-4738 FECIAL PRICK on S "ad Joining, wooded tracts, m smgwooa neignu. in it, frontage, on paved Cascade Dr. Ph 2463$ after 1 p.m. aa56 Journal Want Ads Pay Oregon, Friday, March 3, 1950 FOR SALE FARMS Chance of a Lifetime 105 A. BERRY FARM HAZEL GREEN DISTRICT This farm Is all Willamette silt soil In high state of cult. 28 A. strawberries, 13 A. thornless blackberries, 25 A. ready for planting this spring. This crop ahould net around 30 or 35 thousand dollars this year. Every kind of equipment practically new. including 2 tractors. go with farm. Good modern, 2 bedroom home. Machine shed ana other build- Ings. Shown by appointment only, full price I55,ooo. Lake Labish Beaverdam About 15', 4 A. 6 A. real deep beaverdam, none better, 5',i A. fine seml-beaverdam, Balance Is very gooo. upland soil. This place Is a real onion farm and the price Is right. 121,000. About $6,000 win nanoie. Sullivan Realty Co. 1305 Portland Road Ph. 3-3255 Eve. Phone 2-4479 or 4-2758. b53 RANCH 25 acre ranch. AH under cultivation. Near Aumsvllle, 5 room home, electric lights and water system, trice svaoo. W. G. KRUEGER Ph. 3-4728. 147 N. Com'l St. b54' 78 ACRES, loc In good farming dlst close to Woodburn. Ideal for gen farming, has small creek for irrigation, ft room mod home, comb garage St 3 room guest house, tile fruit house, new chick en house, corn crib St barn, 1A straw berries. $6000 handles. HARRIS NELSON, Bkr. On Highway at Woodburn Phone Blue 644 or Black 244. b53 YOUR BEST BUY! $1000 DOWN takes this 100 A. farm loc. short drive from college town. Approx. in rich bottom loam Irrigateable from Ige. stream, bal, rolling cut-over land, good for pasture, Bldgs. include 3 houses, one Is new, also new barn. Paved highway almost to door. 112.500. Includes crops. GRADE A DAIRY & STOCK FARM. 284 A. dark, valley sol), yr. stream St springs, 85 A. In certified seed crops. 5 Rm. home Is neat St modern. Grade A barn Ac milk house are up to date In every respect. You'll like this model farm, loc. close to thriving Willamette vaiiey town, an routes oy aoor. ai,uuu. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. - Phone 3-8389 b54 BY OWNER, 73 Acre Howell Prairie Farm. Easy Day monks. 418 E. Main St. Silver ton, Ore. Ph. 953. b53 REAL ESTATE y2 Acre Suburban 17950 Good modern 2 bdrm. home, gar age Se worshoo. chicken house St barn, close to bus and shopping center. Call Mr. Frederlclcon. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 S, Commercial Phone 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260. C53 Good City Buys Modern 2 bedroom home, nice kitchen St dinette, automatic heat, paved street with bus by door, close to Richmond school, (7,500. Good terms. Call Mr. Brown, Eve. 34037. Northeast A home you would like to come home to. Large lot, plenty of shrubbery. LR, DR, sun porch, 4 bedrooms, fireplace, full basement with automntlc oil heat, 114,000. Shown by appointment. Call Mr. Brown, Eve. 34937. South Located south close to McKinley and Leslie Jr. High. Neat St clean residence on small lot, fireplace, oil floor fur, large garage, fruit ond shade trees. All this for $7500, will carry good loan. Call Mr. Lee Eve. Ph. 38342. ; North ! 3 bedroom plastered home with full basement, automatic oil fur., double on roan thu la n. oood older type of home, an excellent value at 18250. Call Mr. Brown, evo. pn. aiuin. Suburban You can't beat this for about $1000 down. Located N.E, on paved road closo to bus St school. Over Mi acre. Five rooms, extra large living room, ap praised price $9500. Will go G.I. Call Mr. Lee, Eve. Ph. 38342. The Good Earth We think this Is a good doal, 21 acres, 3 bedroom home, family orchard, well, electric pressure system, chicken house for 500. Full price (6300. , Terms. See Mr. Bennett. 25 Acres Trade Owner retired, and wants a home In Salem, will pay up to $7000, Farm has a full set of buildings St modern home. All land In cultivation. Near Salem. $18,500. Terms. See Mr. Wamberg. 5 Acres At Hubbnrd on 09E, six rooms modern home. Plenty of room Inside St out. Owner will sell on favorable terms, or trade for Salem property. Full parti culars at office. Eve. Ph. Mr. Lee 38342. Suburban 4 acres plus on paved road, north. Has desirable large older type plastered home, city water, only about 2 miles from downtown Snlcm. Cnn be purchas ed for a low down payment. Surround ing area building up, a good Investment and a word to the wise Is sufficient. See Mr. Bourne, Eve. Ph, 37217. Good Building Lots Englcwood district $1250. Paved St. City sewer and water. Knob Hill district $1600. Paved St., city sewer and water, Southeast, city sewer and water, sur rounding area all built up, an excellent bus for only 1570. Como quick. Suburban 4 acres, not fancy, but sur rounding area developing rapidly, prop erty will Increase In value $2300. Re liable party con name their bwn terms within reason. See Mr. Bourne. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 38216 Best Buys Attention Builders We have rm unfinished has. plnnni for . duplex renin!. Upstairs llvnblA. Owner will sell for J300 dwn. Priced for quick null. Onlr S300. Eva. ph. 2-1671 or 3-3558. Large Famliy Home Four bedrooms, electric heat, insulated, only 4 yrs. old. This Is not the very best of locations but we believe this well worth $85110. See this before you buy. Kves. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. Machine Shop Just listed. One of the best equipped machine shops In the valley. Every thing In tho way of machinery St tools. Net rent on building 125 per mo. Lease available. We consider this a buy for $8500. Eve, ph, 2-7674 or 3-3558. Implement Business Just listed, nationally advertised Im plement business. An exoluslve territory. Owner has filed with us and excellent financial statement on this business. Servicing several counties. Owner sell ing because of age. If you are familiar with Implements this Is it. Unlimited potulbllltles. Please come In for all de tails. Choice Acre Very modern 5 rm. home, 2 chicken houses, family orchard, berries. Good soil for gnrden. Well, plenty of water. Close to town. This Is a buy for $6250. Eves ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 6! Acres 4 rm. modern home, very clean, 1$ min utes from downtown. Paved road, deep welt. This Is a god suburban acreage for only $9500. Eves ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 5 Acres - New Home Very modern, some new furniture goes. Oood well, garage. Total price only 16500. Eves. Ph. 34735 or 3-3558. 3 Acres North Six room modern homt, aeveral out buildings. Willamette soil. Home built In 1940. See this one for only $0500. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 5 ACRES on goon street, close to main highway A new school. Excellent lor subdivision. Easy terms. 213 H. High. DeWltt Land Co, Ph. $4$1, eel FOR SALE HOUSES 627 N. WINTER Fine 8 B.R. home on 1 fir, over 1500 sq, feet, H.W. firs, fireplace, Ige D.R., full bsmt with auto oil ht, 3 furn apti bringing $80 mo. Good 2 B.R. house on paved alley with oil ht St bsmt on rear of 50x165 ft lot. Better see this. Craw ford. WEST SALEM 3 Yr old 2 B.R. . home with cement bsmt, auto ell ht. 18950. Klgglns. BURT PICHA, IIS N. Huh St. Xv.. REAL ESTATE $700 DOWN AND MOVE RIGHT IN this nice 3 bedroom home in the Kelzer district. House only 2 years old, Wired for range. Large lot. Close to elty transportation. Take over FHA mortgage. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG buying this 2 bedroom house In West Salem. Nice lawn, plenty of flowers and shrubs. Garage. Paved street and sidewalk In. Price only $5250. A BEAUTY IN THE KEIZER DISTRICT 2 bedrooms and an vnflnlshd attle. Insulated and weatherstrlpped. Wired for range. Fruit and berries on half-acre lot. Price $11,000. Terms, YOU DON'T HAVE TO Everything, Including a 0 room house full of furniture, with electric range and refrigerator, goes with this 20 acre farm near Shaw. Crops In. Plenty of out buildings, 3 tractors and miscellaneous farm equipment. $9,850. Looks As Though We're Going to Have to Run Another Ad on This 88 acre farm near Silverton. 40 acres in cultivation, with VA acres in berries. Good 6 room house, with plenty of outbuildings. Will sell for (12,500 or trade for good house In NE district of Salem or In Silverton. DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 State Street Evenings Phone Mr, Voorheej 3-4007 GRABENHORST SPECIALS - FOR SALE - TRADE OR LEASE Good warehouse, excellent for cabinet shop, as misc. wholesaling, approx. 1900 Sq. Ft. offlcespace, concrete floor, modern exterior. Lot size 50.4x245 ft. Owner will sell at $1,000 down, FINE DISTRICT SOUTH Good Ige 3 bdrm home, ge Hv rm, with fireplace, din rm, hdwd firs, kitchen with nook, full bosmt, Ige lot fenced In back, on bus line, $9,950.00. CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST. 1025 N. SUMMER ST. Very liveable home, nice Hv rm St din rm, kitchen with nook. 3 bdrma, sitting rm, basmt, auto-oil heat, fireplace, hdwd firs, FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PETER GEISER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Llborty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 3-8010 - Peter Geiser 3-9968 REAL ESTATE $300 Down Now that we have had an opportunity to show this very neat home to the public we are indeed nappy to announce the people of Salem are far beyond ex pectations In wanting us to build many of them. We are also nappy to be In a position to do so. We will be glad to arrange an evening appointment for you with the builder and draftsman to draw your inamauai pians arrange the financing for you. Remember this home has 780 sq. ft. of floor space, hardwood floors throughout, Coleman oil furnace, plate glass windows, utility room Inside, large storage space up stairs, lots of closet St linen space. Don't forget the terms . . . $300 down St the total price of $6300 , , built on your lot. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 ortland Rd. Ph. 3-7820-2-4506 C56 BIG 1W A. Business corntr where two Salm arteries meet. Traoe terms. DeWltt Land Co. Ph. 34016. 212 H. High. C55 OUTSTANDING BUY Canvass the town and you can't find a better, more attractive home for the money. A large 2 bdrm. home 2 yrs. old. Spacious rms., fireplace, utility rm. Beautiful large lot, nice lawn, trees all around, needs only to be touched up to make a really delightful home. A real value at $10,500. Walter Musgrave R'ltors 1211 Edgewater St. Ph. ssiob $10,500 8 'A acre walnuts with I room house on Saiem-Dauos nignway. (17,500. 14 acres In Polk county. Good 4 bedroom house, large living room, fire place, barn, garage and 2 large chicken houses. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. N. Commercial St. - Salem Ore. Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 3-8314. c54 BUSINESS LOT MUST SELL - LOT 50x100. 1841 S. 12th St. Bldg. 24'x26' lltes and water. Offer considered. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1, Box 343 Ph. 3-2147 or 3-8836 5 ACRES, fir grove on 99-E. Long Hwy. frontage, moaern units, s pump gas station. Price $19,000. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110'i N. Commercial St. - Salem Ore. Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 3-8314. c34 DO YOU want a good going business? We have several making good money si win trade. Call St talk It over. No phone Information, please. DeWltt Land Co., 313 N. High. C55 $'71.0 2 room house with bath, garage, small lot, 845 Pine street. S6000 6 room house, garage, large lot, close to bus and Highland school. At 2165 North 4th Street. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110 N. Commercial St. - Salem Ore. Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 3-8314. C54 Sullivan Realty Co. Kapphan Rd. Mi acre with nice little one-bedroom home completely furnished for $6,850. $6,500 New and nice 2 BR home, suburban, east, hdwd flora, auto, oil heat, att, garage, wired for elec. range and 75x100 lot. $1,000 will handle, . 114 Acres North Just off SDK, 1-year-old home with 2 BR, LR, DR, kitchen, bath and utility room. Large garage, small barn. Lots of fruit trees. 4 blocks to grade school, 2 blocks to bus line. Price $9,500. Monmouth acres with pears, apples, and prune trees. 7 room modern home. 2 blocks from buslnejis seotlon for only $5,800. Woodburn 35 acres, edge of town. Very good soil all has Just been limed and sub-soiled, part In crop. Very nice new ranch type 2-bdrm. house, fireplace and elec. heat. Good deep well. Owner says, sell It. $12, 600. Eve. Ph. 4-3758. Sullivan Realty Co. S365 Portland Road Ph. 3-3355. C5.1 WANTED REAL ESTATE CASH BUYER For 3 or 4 bdrm. home. Call Mr. Vlcsry, with Mabel Needham, Realtor 341 State Ph. 3-9301. a54 RANCH IN foothills with or without blrits. Uust have some wooos. opnng which can be piped to house, all wea ther road. Complete details first let ter. Cuh deal. Box 401 Capital Journal. ca54 BUYER HAS $5000. wants 3 Bdrm modern home. Like to nave Basement, pmcr ably Ens Is wood district. Walter Mus grave. Realtors. 1311 Edgewater St. Ph. 35109. ea56" WANTED Lot where we an build our bom. 0411 1012a, au IFOR SALE HOUSES 2375 MASON ST. A 3 B.R. home with garage St extra size lot. The full price Is $2500. Can be sold on small down payment, look this over St make offer. Johnson. Got Some Idle Money? We have an 18x46 con ore te business bldg on So 12th with 3 B.R. home St 16x34 bldg on rear of lot. Brings in 3150 per mo Inc. Total price for all $11,500. Don't pass this one up. Klgglns, REALTORS J-SS90 or 1-7.91 Office 3-36(9 I REAL ESTATE BUY ANOTHER THING Mr. Brennan 3-4948 Phone 2-3663 Thelma 3-8053 WANTED REAL ESTATE 0 A OR MORE brush or grazing land. Write description and price to Box 402, Capital Journal. ca55 WE ARE in need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTOR 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ea NOTICE' If your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St, ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or trade modern apt. house St 12 space trailer pane. For small mod ern house In Salem. Box 409 Capital Journal. cb54 OR TRADE 2 houses on Vh A. in city, Grants Pass, Ore., for saiem city prop erty. Ph. 3-7612. cb53" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE, all modern Beauty Shop. Good going business. Downtown snoppmg cen ter. Ph. 27031. cd55 $190 PER month income. Concrete block Diag. low overneaa cose, xonai price flZ.DUU. fa. ib Aba. CODJ BEAUTY OPERATORB ATTENTION! If you are looking for a nice Beauty Shop In a good location, doing good business, be sure to see this. Price (2000. I can arrange the terms. IVAN B. SUTTON, REALTOR By City Hall in Jefferson Phone Jefferson 253 cd54 NEARLY NEW income property, paying over 12 St plenty room for expan sion. Ph. 34016. DeWltt Land Co. 212 N. High. cd55 EXTRA Better than money In the bank to own this fine 4-unit rental. Close in on Court St. Price reduced for quick sale to $24, 000. To see this call L. H Ellis, broker, 2-1231. 3120 Garden Rd. cd53 A WELL established auto supply whole- sate ousmess paying excellent aivioenns. Must sell Immediately because of Ill ness, Small investment required. Write uapuai journal uox 4UB. cabi THIS IS IT. A chance of a life time for Industrious couple. Business with 2 bdrm, home. All furnished. Phone 2-3040. cd54 SPORTING GOODS stort rent free lots of traffic. Inventory at cost plus fix tures. Total approx (3,500. Box 395 Cap ital Journal. cd53 DO YOU WANT ACTION on buying, sell ing or trading. List your wants wun DeWltt Land Ca. at once. Ph. 34016. 212 N. High. cd55 HERE'S A STEAL Non-resident willing to take loss for quick disposal: Restaurant confectionery in Sweet Home, Oregon. Located on main highway, Individual building, deep freeze, reach-in refriger ator, counter and stools, stainless steel cooking utensils, two unit stainless steel French fry, etc. Also 3 room house on same property. Buildings, land, equip ment, everything, $6250 cash (that's the full price) and it has to be cash. If you are definitely Interested, phone 3-6893, Salem. cd54 FURNITURE FOR SALE 0 GAL. Wessex elec. water heater. Used 3 mo. $65. 1040 Hood. Ph. 35248 eves. d55 FOR SALE, antique Swedish love seat made of rose wood, with curve back. Ph. 2-7947. d55 HOUSEHOLD furnishings. See Ford. Ph. 20943. WANTED FURNITURE All Cash Trader Louie Pays HIGHEST PRICES Households, goods, furniture, bric-a-brac, appliances, rugs, silverware, dishes. QUICK SERVICE - Ph. 38558 da GLENN WOODRT. Ph. 35110 AUCTIONS THIS SAT.. Mar. 4, at Scotty's Auction House, Yes i Bargains galore, sou oaoy cockerels (reds), '36 tudor Ford Sdn, 1 new Universal elec sewing machine, 1 used Singer sewing machine, new clothing, hats St sweaters, apples, on ions, potatoes, carrots St turnips by the bag. Alfalfa hay, straw St roofing. Many misc. tools, also chickens St rabbits. Come bring something to sell St take home the cash, life mile K. out Center St. of Salem. Ph. 26274. dd53 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer. I. O. McOandllsh, 1127 8, 35th. Fh. 38147 ea76 LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne- then. 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-1345. ea76 PETS CHOICE CANARY, male and female. Ph. 34385 ec67 CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER PUPS. Ready for coming minting season. Both AKC A PDSB Reg. A. C. Frlesen Ht. 5 Box 480 Salem. Ph. 1-4106. tc54 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE $15,000. SUBDIVISION Vh acres, good I Br. home, real attractive, close in on Lansing Ave. Paul. $13,500. Close to Senior HI. Nice 3 Br., living 8$ dining rm, fire place, good dry basement with oil piped ,heat. Ed. $32,000. Well equipped 80 acre farm, to under Cult, family orchard, fair to . excellent buildings, growing crops go. Reasonable terms. Peck. $9,500. Ten acres clear Lake Dlst, good barn, 3 Br. home on Pvd. Rd. PauL 110,500. No. 3 business zone, 3 Br. home, all on one floor, full dry basm., oil furnace, this Is In top condition. Ed. $32,000. 12s acres, all cultivated, living stream, 3 barns, good house, place all fenced, all well drained. Peck. $500 and up, good building lots located on Evans Add, In Kelzer, also nice business lot located on Pvd. Rd. $1500. Paul. $8500. Three Br., full basm., fire place, close to Englewood Sch. Peck. (8500. Neat, clean St roomy 3 Br. home near Leslie Sch. Paul. $6000. Grocery store, stock and equipment, well located In Salem. $7$ rent. Ed. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. Hltrh St. Ph. 3(630 Eve. Fh. Paul Oell 37739 PeckenPftUlh 35413 Ed 38704 SUBURBAN (47503 Bedrm, new bung-style. Living rm, dining rm, kitchen, bath, utility rm, garage. Close to bus, school and store. Oil heat. Don't pass up a good buy. 10 ACRES WALNUTS (8900 2 bedroom, living, kitchen, nook, bath, fireplace, View property, 10 acres of good bearing walnut trees, new well. $1000 dn. Bal on contract. NORTH SALEM $11,5004 bedrm, living rm, dining rm, kitchen, nook, VA baths. Full basement. New auto oil furnace, fireplace, large lot, extra lot goes with sale. Owner leaving town. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD We have FHA approved lots, city water, view, paved streets, trees. One of the nicer sections of town. ANDY HALVORSEN Office 28629 191 S. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor HELP WANTED MALE AUTO MECHANIC WANTED EXPERIENCED GENERAL MECHANIC. BUICK EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. PERMANENT POSITION FOR SKILLED WORKMAN WITH SOBER HABITS AND PLEASANT PERSONALITY. OTHERS NEED NOT APPLY. TOB WAGES. GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS. SEE MR. NEUENS SATURDAY FROM A.M. to 1 P.M. ONLY. OTTO J. WILSON CO. 388 No. COMMERCIAL ST. PETS ATTENTION HAMSTER FANCIERS 3-4 unit breeding cages. Scientifically designed by Gale, leading authority on Hamsters. Same type used by govern ment labs. Self-cleaning, knaw proof, made of ply with galv, trays. A real buy at $10 each. (25 takes all Plus sup Ply of books St pamphlets by Gale, Call 20638. Heart-O-Gold Hamstery. ec53 CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec57 FUEL CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOB Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 3-9444 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONR 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Out Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double $10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 85533 West Salem Fuel Co. DRif PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL Si STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater West Salem ee PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash. St maple. 4" fir. 18' slab and edgings. Ph. 3-145B. ee' FOR SALE POULTRY CHIX -CHIX: Certified baby N. H. In dependence Farm As Feed Supply. 72 Main Bt. rn. iuaw inaepenaence, ure. 156 NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter, now avail able every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. f PRODUCE HELP WANTED MALE LOCAL OFFICE MANAGER for national organization. Require high calibre per son with interest In future. Age 22-30, college preferred. Must type and have general office management experience. Excelent salary, opportunity, and em ployee relations. Phone International Business Machines Corp., 3-9261 for in terview. ga55 YOUNG MAN 17, must be courteous, for occasional worn alter scnooi ds -Saturdays. Apply 8 a.m. only. Bradley Fur niture Mart, 1978 N. Capitol. ga53 YOUN MEN under 26 to assist In circu lation campaign. Must be free to tra vel. Av. $60 weekly. See Mr. Yarbarugs, Marion Hotel. ga53 WANTED : EXPERIENCED MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN, GERLINGER CARRIER CO., DALLAS, OREGON. ga53 HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNG LADIES (5) under 25 to assist In circulation campaign. Must oe iree to travel, av, seo weexiy. etee Mr. xar Da rugs, Marion Hotel. gb53 EXPERIENCED Beauty Operator Wanted. Phone 38823. gDSJ GIRL OR woman for general housework. All modern conveniences, private oatn. Room, board & wages. Ph. 34704, gb53 WANTED fountlan girl. Apply In person bet. 2 and 3 p.m. The Ace, 127 no. High. gb53 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 369 State Street Phone 2-1488. gf54 WANTED POSITIONS VET WITH family needs employment of any kind. 4th yr. electrical apprentice. Ph. 42690, h54 Mimeographing-Typing Poe's 665 North 16th - Phone 3-3643 h78 PAINTING St Decorating. Free Est. Reas. Rates. Ref. Ph. 2-9983. D55 HOUSEWORK A Ironing by the hour, Ph. 23720, h55 CARPENTEE work. New. repair Ph. 3-3093 h57" CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 3-6876. h61 PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to el derly lady, box 3H capital journal. hS3 MARRIED VET, 2. Bus. College grad.. would like interviews Tor on-lob-train-ing In Pub. Acct. office. Consider any dependable position. Box 405 Capital Journal. h53 INTERIOR PAINTING. Xxp. Ph. S-8798. M2" REMODELING St alteration. Ph. 3-9694. h" PAINTING 4$ deeoratlnc. Pa, 1-994. k I REAL ESTATE High St. Home 37163 I HELP WANTED MALE WANTED POSITIONS FIR OAKS Nursing Home. 24-hr. care. Ph. 2-2125. b57 DECORATING. Reas. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. h61 TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph. 4-2033. b61 NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, 6 DAYS. AGES 2 TO 5. HR, 7:30 TO 6, PH. 24940. h56 BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE. Sawmill, logging and machine shop ex perience. Books kept, closed and all tax returns. Tel. 2-6508. b.53 NOW IS the time to take care of your irees. Mopping, trimming 6i removing. Free est. J. C. Murphy. 426 S. 20th, Ph. 37678. h53 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, insured operator. John Payne, 893 Bellevue. Rh. 2-6014. h53 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ina. op, whs guar, w u. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h59 NURSES BY HOUR, week or live In. Practical Nurses' Registry. Ph. 3-5072 b59' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h53 PAINTING, paperhanging, floor cleaning, waxing, reflnlshlng. Free estimates. Ph. 23720. h55 BABY SITTING by middle age lady. Ph EXPERIENCED practical nurse. Ph. 28864. h54 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-2618. CARPENTER, new St remodeling special ty. Ph. 3-7746. U71 GARDENS PLOWED by Roto-tiller. Reas. Ph. 2-2709. h70" CHILD CARE, my home. Ph. 33611. h68' PAINTING AND Interior Decorating. C, J. Fisher. Ph. 20984. h53 BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. CHILD CARE my home by day, week or montn. Jtn. aaaes. h54' CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING room. Gentleman. Ph. 37176. Jk58' PLEASANT sleeping rm for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. jk58 NEAR BUSINESS dlst. Employed gentle man, rn, j-DJiij. JK03 ROOM ladies only. Small kitchen. 620 statesman St. Ph. 35210. Jk55 140 N. 14TH. Single or double. SLEEPING RM, single or double furn, neat, xitcnen priv. near state mat. No drinkers. Ph. 26412. Jk57 SLEEPING ROOMS for men only. 395 N. 14th. Jk55 SLEEPING RMS. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 35539. JH73 NICELY FURN. Heated. Ladies preferred. 539 N. winter. JK58 RMS. 195 S. Cottage. Ph. 1-1817. JkU- SLEEPING, light hietpg. rms Ph. 3-4335. 1W FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-RM. FURN. apt., prl. bath. Prig. 589 n. unurcn st. jps& FURN. 1 & S RM. apts. Ph. 2-7288. Jp78 FURN. REDEC. 2 and 3 rm. apt. 124.50 and J27.50 per mo. Also furn. sm. house. Baby welcome, no pets. 624 N. Capitol. Jp55 3 RM. FURN. apt. 1 bdrm. Ph. 3-8231. JP5 1 RM APT, partly furn. Private bath. nonywooa ust. rn, joudb or jjoho. jpod- 8 ROOM furn apt, clean, adults. Util furnished, $47.50, Ph. 21769. 355 S. 14th. JP55 CLOSE IN furn apt for 1 or 2. Clean. Close in. Utilities furn. Ph. 29201. 700 N. Church. Jp53 NICE CLEAN court, 3 rms. St bath, range Se relrlg. 1348 S. 12th. Jp53 FURNISHED FRONT view apt. 2 rooms. Close in. 35 mo. 66 s. commercial. JP53 FURN. LIGHT hskp. room. Utilities furn. Ph. 37310. pa" 3 RM. partly furn. apt. N. Salem, oil heat. eiec. range, inq. jaa Oregon oiag. jppj' NEW 3 rooms Se prlv. bath, partly furn. loos uaaison Deiore m ana aiier 4. ip54 RM FURN APT, 246 S. 17th after 5 p.m. JP56 4 ROOM unfurn apt, close In, also 2 room St Kitcnenette xurn ape rn. aio. jpoi S RM unfum apt. Range, re frig St private entrance. Adults. 635 m. summer, jpot- ONE I KM, 12 rm, furn upstairs apt. 1 BDRM large unfurn. apt. Electric stove dc auto, on neat. rnv. nam. aiso j rm. smaller apt with electric stove St prlv. bath. Children accepted, Ph, 37773 or 1437 N. 4th. . Jp57 S ROOM furn. upstairs apt. Priv. bath, ent, & garage, rreier wonting couple. No children. Ph. 25033. Jp54a CLOSE IN, all electric, private bath. Mod- 2 rm. apt. 535 N. winter. jp&4 S ROOM turn. apt. AdulW. Ph. 3-5372. 193& center St. JP FRONT 1ST floor apt. Nicely furn. Very modern, central location noc water heat. 468 N. Winter. JP54' S RM. furn. apt. Quiet working couple preierrea. iia mgniana Ave. jpsi 2 MCILT furn. pts., dose in. Ph. J-583 8 AUTOMOBILES AGAIN YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER HAS A FINE SELECTION OF QUALITY USED CARS TO PICK FROM HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY Club Coupes: 1849 LINCOLN BROWN 1949 MERCURY MAROON 1942 CHEVROLET TWO TONE BROWN 1941 PLYMOUTH - GREEN 1941 CHRYSLER -- BLUE 1948 HUDSON MAROON Sedans: 1949 MERCURY GREEN 1947 FRAZER BLACK 1941 BUICK GRAY 1939 MERCURY GREEN 1942 FORD "6" BLACK Cheapies: 1937 FORD 60 1935 FORD COUPE 1936 FORD SEDAN 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1932 MODEL B COUPE ' Our Best Buy - 1941 Chev. y2 Ton Pickup EASY TERMS - LIBERAL TERMS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AT Warner Motor Go. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 845 CENTER PH. 3-3012 At Less Than You Expect To Pay Valley Motor Economy Car Lot 1937 Ford Tudor $65 1937 Ford Tudor $99 1939 Chev. 2 Dr $289 1940 Chev. Sedan $298 1941 Ford Tudor $379 1940 Ford Sedan $299 3600 Silverton Road Joe Burke's Corner Monroe Cheek Shrock Sez: WHY GILD THE LILY? QUITE OFTEN WE RECEIVE OARS THAT ARE IN OOOD RUNNING ORDER WHEN THEY COME TO OUR LOT. WITHOUT HAVING TO BEAR EXPENSE OP RECONDITIONING, WE CAN OFFER THESE CARS AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. IP YOU'RE A MAN WHO KNOWS MOTORS, HERE ARE A PEW CARS YOU'LL LIKE TO LOOK AT: 1939 CHEVROLET J-DOOR. NIOB AND CLEAN. " MOTOR. A BUY AT ,15. H-R-O-C-K- Shrock Motor Company YOUR HUDSON DEALER WHERE CHEMEKETA GOES TO CHURCH SALEM, ORE. PH. 3-7922 FOR RENT HOUSES 3 RM. house, part. furn. $26.. Not mod. inq. 63 wuuams 4ve. jmo. 2 BR house, eleo heat, wired for. range. 950 S. 20th. Inq. at 580 s, iBtn. jmss NICE CLEAN 2 BR, entire 2nd floor. Part lurn. Priv. ent. Yara. rn, 3-,oai. jmoa- UP A DOWN duplex, furnished. Will lease. 587 N. summer Ht. jmo. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE with Livejley Bldg. ent rance. Ph. 3-9801. job SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. ReasonaDia rates, rree pick up St delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3512. J RENT USED CAR lot, 1895 N. Com'l. J77 BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J61 USED REFRIGERATOR, Al Laue Ref. CO., 2350 state, pn. 3-6. 103- BUsINESS RM. lor rent R L. Stiff. l O DRIVE Trucks. Ro'jlnson Shell Service Center at Cottage Ph 2B103 T GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. " POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howaer Bros. rn. a-aoitK TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 8. 12th, West Salem. r TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er, we seu evernnmg to complete me job HOWSER BROS. . Ph. 3-3648 i ROOM & BOARD SALEM Nursing Home. 3519 "D" St. Am bulatory or bed patients. Men or wom en. Trained nurses, 24-hr. service. JJ73 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG COUPLE with baby desire 1 or 2 bdrm. house. Ref. Ph. 2-8815. Jaw WANTED 3 or 4 rm. modern furn. apt. Close In. write Box 401. Capital Jour nal. Ja55 RESPONSIBLE business man with 3 chil dren desires 1 or 1 bd rm unfurn house. Between Market St Union. Ph. 21933. Ja54 REFINED MIDDLE age couple wants to rent nice i or a norm. nome. rermanem. Close to bua. Box 408 Capital Journal. ja53 COUPLE with 2 mo. old baby desires 1 bdrm. apt., furn. or unfurn. 140 to 145 mo. Prefer S.K. of town. Ph. 2-7821. J5J IAUTOMOBILES 1935 Plymouth Coup .... $79 1937 Plymouth Sedan ....$245 1935 Ford Tudor $79 1937 Ford Sedan $89 1938 Dodge Coupe $79 1936 Buick Spec. Sedan . .$66 Salem Phone 26931 1938 OLDSMOBTLE 6 CLUB COUPE. RADIO, NEW PAINT. THIS WILL GO AT 1283. 1941 FORD TUDOR. BLACK PAINT. RADIO AND HEATER. LOOK AT THIS PRICE, 1496. 1939 HUDSON J-DOOR. A LITTLE DANDY. WHY PAT MORE? THIS IS THE BUY OF THE WEEK. 29t. 19tl DE SOTO CONVERTIBLE COUPE. FOR YOD SPORT MINDED PEOPLE, AT ONLY 1995. TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS OLD AND NEW, DONT FOR GET WE HAVE OPENED OUR HIGHWAY LOT AT 3220 PORTLAND ROAD. IT IS FULL OF MANY GOOD CARS. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT modern 2 bd rm unfurn house by Mgr of local concern, and Wife. Ph. 36633. Ja53 WANT 2 bdrm. unfurn. Prefer Kelzer Dlst. About $50. Ph. 42524, Ja54 COUPLE and 6 mo. baby want 2 BR unfurnished house or flat. Garden space St yard desired. State employed. No drinkers. Ref. Ph. 2-7942. Ja53 LOCAL BUSINESS Man desires to lease modern 2 or 3 BR home. Prefer South or consider suburban within 5 or 8 miles of Salem. Adults. S65 to $86. Call 34016; eves. 38213. Ja53 LOST & FOUND LOST, billfold with valuable papers. Find er may keep money. Ph. 37440, Kenneth Holmes, 695 Court St. k55 LOST: Brown wallet containing money, cards Tacoma driver's license on Park Ave., near Market St. Ph. 21637. k5S LOST: LARGE Copper Colored Persian Cat, Vicinity of South Side Veterinary S. Commercial. Reward. Ph. 38049 after 6 p.m. k53 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. mtt SPENCER CORSETIERE Call 3-5073. mTO DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-H3. SERVICE LN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolp'.i Bldg. state St Commercial Sta. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL PUMICE BLDG. BLOCKS Soil pipe, y's, and elbows, shower sett, some lumber. Cheap. Phone 3-7113. mass USED SIDING BRICK, lumber, buUt-ini Plaster board. 3510 Garden Rd. ma55 BUILDER Bankrupt stock of roofing materials and equipment consisting of paper felt and asbestos, ladders, tar pot versatile pump, miscellaneous supplies and equipment, will be sold as private sate. Property can be seen at 1003 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. Ph. 3-7767, evening 3-5514. R. H. Coppock Trustet. 1595 N. Summer. ma54" WE sell ONLY the best cedar ahinglea all grades. Del. 18" No. 1 carton pack ed cedar wall shakes with under-courae $12.50 sq Oak St Pecan flooring, Cedar b Spruce siding. Ted Mullar. Ph. Salem 2-1195. ma (Continued on Page 17)