:?f 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 3, 1950 RADIO PROGRAMS ON TO OREGON The Way West FRIDAY P. M. By A. B. ,J SYNOPSIS: The On-lo-Oreion wagon rln hu been moving ... ilowl alone the Bear River let- .. .ting the horses and oxen feed a ,lf -bit and rat before the lait had isr--"climb over the mountains. Death, desertion, and Indian trouble have beset the little company. But the Snakes amnnr whom thev are ; ma.. ...now moving, have only given trou- , ... pie wrougn uuie caiurai tniev ' Kvans, captain of the train, come back from hunting , to find a strange sight beside the mi " river. Now go on with the story 1 "f " ChaDter IT' 'J.' .-.There were eight or ten men, , r, -"riose-gTouped by a tree that held a mi branch above their heads. Tadlock : Me made out as he walked closer and i r,I.""l$FOther Weatherby, then Brewer j " and McBee. He didn't try to single i out more, lor now he saw an in. !' dlan with them, hands behind him. Brewer held a 'rifle on him. Weath- er by and Tadlock were arguing. Tad : t ' lock had a roDe. ." ' The men didn't notice Evans until ;." .he spoke. "What you all almin' to 5 do7" , Weatherby turned. "They're going id nane a man.'' ""The Indian wasn't much more than a boy, Evans thought, an In dian boy no older much than Brown a le standing dignified with a molty w-learner in nis nair. f -"What'd he steal?" Evans asked. w'""HHe was wearing my coat for one ".'filing. For another, Shields caught him chasing off a horse." Tadlock f.- answered, i " -"That ain't hangin' business." -iJet' git on with it," McBee put; in. For a minute they all looked at Evans, mans' gaze ieu oeiow ineirs and traveled an the around and f came to Weatherby. who stood' at -r "the side as if praying, and went irom mm to tne ieec oi tne inaian ...i and climbed ud and saw the bov, -a. . dirty and thin and sturdy and un- flinching, facing death because he " had done what it had been born '.Z and drilled in him to do; and a sudden fury took him over, rising out of shame and outrage. "No," " he cried out, "you don't do lti" " There was blood-hunger in the .., faces. . - "Drop the rope, Tadlockl" Tadlock threw the rope aside " and squared away. ' Evans never had hit a man before. , J Never In his grown life had he ji struck out. The swing missed and j.u left him open, and Tadlock struck "'twice, the short and heavy blows 1 of one who knew the up of fists. Evans swung and missed again and felt the double hammer or the prac ticed hands. The blows shook him. They Jar red his brain and struck lights in his skull and dizzied his aim and atop, and he knew he fought clumsi ly, flaying out at air while his feet staggered under him. Blow and blow and lick on lick, and the brain stunned and the eye dimmed and- his fists forever off the mark, and in his mouth the salty leak of blood. He could stand forever. There wasn't power enough in 'raaiocKS arms to lay mm oui. With' all his strength Evans swung at tne ooneo line oi nis jaw. Tadlock didn't falter and then ,t ir.slt. Ho slammed backwards all at la once, neaa ana snomaers ana neeis, and moved a little and lay quiet !"WJth blank, half -opened eyes. CltEvans pulled in a breath and '..looked around the circle, and then -ho walked to the Indian and untied him. -He didnt see the Indian slide into j"tIe brush, for Rebecca tugged at 'his arm as tne rope came loose. ;..-?Come on, Llje." ('What?" 'Your face Is a sight." i died in him. and the pride rage that had made him glare his '22Are at the men, and he said, "We 'hast see to Tadlock first. I didn't . aim to hurt him bad." - When Dick came into camp, he . said, with the aulet grin in his Bfy eyes, "I hear you done the JSJedful, Llje." But Evans didn't hve to have Dick's words to feel aaUld in the right. While the children shouted around "Wjr. Mercy McBee dipped up a cup hjqtb DUDDitng water ana surrea a aflpon of sugar In It. They were M crying at her ana at one an -other, crying and pushing and shov "Land's sake I" Mercv said. "Just HRJit now. You'll all get some." She juiDDed it up without letting herself Uiinlc about the taste of it, for the ; thought troubled her stomach as the mien oi irymg dhcuu tua ur 01 Tmion-seasoned stews. "I'm goin' ' rTftm the littlest to the biggest, ghat's fair." The train was camped out a piece '4rom the river and the spring she .tHpped the water from. She could .' see the women stirring around it, "rjgking fires and readying Dutch o7ena for the bread dough they had ..mixed, using water from the springs '4n, place of yeast or saleratus. The men were hunting, or flsh '" Inn upriver, or watching the stock TTtcross the Bear, where the graze "3JJs better. Only Brownie Evans 3Kas in sight, wandering among the tants and wagons as if lost for tompany. """Mercy watched them traipse away Qd listened to the young voices ..complain. She sat dangling the . cup from a finger. She bowed her head with the sick weight of thought In- It, telling herself maybe it wasn't It didn't have to be so. It could helps keep M6W GUTHRIE, JR. be It wasn't. A body couldn't tell for sure so soon. Then her atomach turned with sickness. . The cup trembled from her finger, and she set it down and locked her hands in her lap. trying to catch noia oi iear. If she could talk to Mr. Mack! but he hadn't made a way to see her aealn. not after Laramie, which seemed so long ago it was aometmng on tne edge oi areams. A voice spoke, Brownie's voice. saying. "How-de-do, Mercy. Why, vou're crvln'." ttne Drusnea at ner eyes ana went. to stei un ana was suaaeniv ao aizzv she had to let herself sink back. "It's this fizz water brings tears to my eyes. It s this nzz water x been drinkln'." "Oh " he said. She saw Just tne blurred feet of him, shuffling as II not knowing what to do. "You're a purty thing." The words came out of him like a blurt out of one of the springs, as if they had been building up ana woman c be held and so spilled out of his moutn in soite oi mm. ine oiooa rising in his face drowned tan and irecues ootn. Before she thought, she said, "Purty is as purty does." "Purty does all r'ght, I bet." "You don't know nothln' about me. Brownie." Reckon I ao. iou wining to walk?" She said. "Can't stay long." Of a sudden she felt close to him and somehow In his debt, for here, In her aloneness. was a one that prized her. Would he prize her no matter what, she asked herself while she waited for the dizziness to die in her. Would he if he knew? Thev walked downriver, beyond the camp, and came to Beer Springs, and he tried the taste of it. and they sat down afterwards behind a white cone where water had stopped flow ing. "You ever think what you'll do after you get to Oregon?" he asked. "just Keep on neipin' Ma. "I think a heap of things. I aim to work hard and get along and own a nice farm and have time to hunt and fish." He leaned back and out the heels of his hands at his sides to brace himself. "A heap of things. Like about you, f'rinstance." I ain't mucn w Hung aoout, Brownie.'' "I'm nigh eighteen. Mercy." "I best go." "Pa got hlsself married younger'n me.' She kept silent, drawing fear In, putting it quiet in its secret place. "I reckon you know what I'm set to say." "I ain't ready to think about it, Brownie. I can't think about it. I do' know as I feel the same, but I thank you all the same." She couldn't keep from crying. The crying started deep In her and wrenched up ana Drone out, ana she put her hands to her face and felt his arm go across ner anouiaer. Whv. it's naught to take on over. Mercv. Don't have to cry on account of I want to marry you." The hand lay gently on ner oacK. He held quiet, as If he knew she had to crv though the why of it was lost to him. There was concern In his face, and questions and kindness, and of a sudden he bent and kissed her cheek, kissed the kiss not of hun ger, but of care and good-wishing. "You alius look so sad," he said, dropping his hand and drawing his arm from across her back. "Wisht I could make it so you didn't. I'd do anything." "You re good, .Brownie," sne saia. Whatever happens, I know you're She got up oecauae ne coumn i talk without more tears, and they went back, saying little, and neared camp, and ne saia, "i nope mis ain't the last time, I'll get to walk with you." "I do' know." she answered and turned from him and walked and arrived at her family's wagon and heard Pa saying. "I swear, womanl Hurry up them victuals I This coun try maices a man always nungry. (To Be Continued) Brooks Man Fined In Silverton Case Silverton In Silverton jus tice court of Judge Alt O. Nel son, reports show R. G. Emerick of Brooks, charge of "operating motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor," fined $200 and costs, operators license sua- ponded for one year, 30 day jail sentence suspended. G. A. Peters and N. D. Davis were each fined $25 and costs for shooting across a public highway, 30-day jail sentence suspended. A. J. Bianco, Harlan Schurter and H. N. Lundeen, no operators license, each fined $5 and costs. B. H. Roth, Inadequate muffler, $2.50 and costs. B. H. Ramey, obstructed view, $2.50 and costs. Dale Larson, overloading, $34 and costs. R. R. Perkins, no ve hicle license, $5 and costs, and A. W. Amstutz, no fender, $2.50 and costs. Scic The P. T. A. mectnlg honoring Founder's day was attended. The program was pre pared by Mrs. Floyd Coldiron and Mrs. Leslie Finegan. The business session was conducted by Faith Harding In the absence of Mrs. C. J. Thurston, who was unable to attend. The high school Glee clubs furnished the music, and the program was very Interesting and Instruc tive. Refreshments were served. ' BUOO IS WH1TINO SOMETHNG fTlVI A L.1 SHOULD HWE KNCWN T ONLY BWT CF MY NOT1ME TO ARGUE WITH WORDS JA U ' 3 TUB CLIP ARTIST WOULTVFIRST NAME; MR.ROPER1 S , rJ "-c vj n ,nfTfl C f? CARRY A DUPLICATE --BUT-WHAtS ALL THE J T TSSSm'rt CONTgACTA-YQU QlfflT "RUMPUS ABOUT-"' A TALLULAH V WAIT! FIRST I'D I If THI ORES COST ME JlTi I I ( ...MY HMR-DO WtA 5.00 01 1 I NOW! WHAT'LL. IT BE, OBUS.... J LIKE TO GIVE 39.75 -THE WDCZJif. V AND AAY FACIAL COST J A PROPOSAL OR AN 7- VOU SOME LATE '"t WERE W.50 St-T 2-50! , IMPERSONATION "", I If BUT wy-M0(JRAPPEe) VOUR WHISKERS! the'' r VHaNKS. MRS OfWT- O ' ANNIE BROUGHT I VE8-I KNOW-IN l W AND THE HANOCUFFS IF I HOW RIGHT 1 HARD WOY VOU LOOK DAISY THfiT B-VOU I p VOU HBW-ee HJS 1 MYOB.IRHJM rVE VOU'RE A CRIMINAL BUT ) VOU ARE, I THE HAHDCUFFS-vtX) SEE I Do RETAIN I FRIEND YDU ft6 HEARD AND RETAINED I ANNIE WOULD NEVER VOUCH MRS. DRIFT I M ARE SAFE HERE '-I'LL NAMES-NAMES OF I fTHE"ATrTETHEGE!5?THEVERSU?VuTE?E ANDNEimEfi CAM THE, TOR- I ITcONCCOEStnLATri 1' .J awtf vmm 5i 'VA , . TURED ATMOSPHERES JlCjfuJ, I SC3D, COISE IT, IS BETTER jj I It CANT5TAND IT 7 -k- v-t-t--t than evil-because. w-jA I M v roM(a -x m mr , va e ui 1 xcssri us m vkw 3vi SCTJEFP.WALKUPTOTHet p0G THIS GAME IS TOO ) Ifpf ( UTT- 1 COULDN'T FIND ArCOMEALONel M WcmohA eoRNE? SEE lF j HLfyeS JU NO,sy- I WISH C fWi'sAN,! I HM.MMi ourre- ON ubanwhilbt mm we. soBOiy P0660NE rr! I hats to oo JSgSg R f A PIXeCT LINE BETWEEN HEy nANN DO I LEAVE f SAID ANYTHIH3 TO IT, BUT I'LL HAVE ID GO SACK Jhs 2 111 M 1 1 UlllLfH I HI w IILll 1 1 Tm LC Tu'!y'IISi'" p-. h v-' I WELL1.' 'PIGGY MOUNTED HER WESAGOOO" BLEW VOU, BEAUTIFUL AYVE. .1 KNOW..ll 5 i THEV CAN NEVER ACCU5E 50FTH EAKTEO HIGH HORSE ANDRCCEOUTOF I7J05EPHINE.,FEILA!. -A LADV.'. -THAT XJ5T WHAT g I OLD BRKK OF CUTTING CUPID'S -Sl WPtPJOHAlUFE, BRICK!., h STRAIGHT 'SHOOTER.. I HOPiDVEXJlD TU fOm' . , V B0W5TRING ! . TJ KGW KOIN 1 KEX I KSLM KOCO" gap NBC 0 CBB 11M ABO 13H0 MBC 1490 Kc. 5M Th t af Of Rarnyiird Chl. of Yukon Mark Trill Swing Tfmt fi'lS Newi . rbo Uttl Show Chl. of Yukon Mark Trail vini TImo fi'30 9oni it Tlrat Newt Sky Kin Ton Mil 3lng Croiby ' Elmr PettfMa Ncw Sky King loin Mil Band of Day "7oo Directors' Um II to Joan Edwin C. H1U Oabrlel Htaier DaniJIa Llfht 6-15 Plarhouta Lcavo II to Joan Horaa Edition N. W. Ncwi Muile Jackpot fl:Sfl IturiMi Lum 'n' Abner Hlti Encorw Tello Teil Evelyn Knlfhft fl;45 Duranta Lum 'n' Abner Hlta A Encorea Dinner Concert MldcoUrt 7:00 Xavlar Caaal Johnny Dollar' Figbta Sporta Mirror Diitrlet 7:15 Xatler Cuta Johnny Dollar Fiahta olk Huala Tournatnenl 7:SftBIU Stern Number Fleaia Flfhla CIC Kid Diitrlet 1;45 Rhythm TImo Number Pleaae Flghti CUco Kid Tournament :0d Slnatra-KIraten Lowell Thomaa Fat Man Proudly Rail Diitrlet 1:15 Newa of World lack Smith Fal Man Proudly Hall Tournament 8:30 Halle of Ivy Show Goea On Yogr FBI Lean Back Diitrlet 8:45 HaHaof Ur Show Goea On Your FBI Jerry Scan Tournament 9:00 MGM Theater Columbia Oitla Harriet Muile Dlitrlcl 9:15 MGM Theater Colombia Onle Harriet Fulton Lewie Tournament 9:30 MGM Theater Beulafa Weitern Sklea Comedy Errora Newa 9:45 MGM Theater Club Weitern Sklea Comedy Errore Plana Pattern 10:00 Sam Hayoe S Star Final Men, Reporter I Love Myilery Warwick Thaat. 10:15 More or Life Bporte Bpotllfht Intermeito Mutual Newa Warwick Tbeai. 10:30 Sports Final Alr-flo Concert Honr Newa Hnilo Yon Want 10:45 Qrcheitra You World Concert Hour Navy Air Mmle Yon Want 11:00 Newa Treaiury Band Concert Honr Net Newi Voetarna 11:15 Wax Maienm Treaiury Band Concert Hour Cue to Mualo Noeturno H;30 Wax Muieum Drian Musle Vteraot Mldnito Melod. Nocturne :45 Wai Muieum Organ Muilo Memoa Mldnlta Melod. Mocturna 12:0QBIm OH Isilent bttra Hour Sign Off Sign OK PM Mag., KGW 100.8, S-10 p.m., KOIN 101. 1, b a.m.. 12 p.m., KEX 92.S, IUI p.m. SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. S:00 Hodga Podga Mewa pawn Newa ;1S Hodga Podga KOIN Kloek Downbeat rimekaeper 6:30 Hodga Podga KOIN Kloek Dawn March Tim KOCO Kloek 6:45 Hodge Podga KOIN Kloek Downbeat Mewa KOCO Kloek 00 Now Rear Thli KOIN Kloek Ronnd-Up Boya Wewa Tea Bitter ; 15 Now Hear ThU Newa Bob Garred Rise Shine Vewa 7:30 Newa Stwa Top Morning Ireakfaat Gang Fieata Time 7:45 Sam Hayea Conaumer Newi Coffee Time 'op Trades Extension San 8-00 Frti Waring Let's Pretend Yesterday Rita Bargain Connter RemlnUelng 8:15 Fred Waring Let's Pretend Yesterday Hits Musle Remfnlsolng g:30 Smiling lunlor Miss Home Agent Haven ot Rest West'u Melodies 8:45 MoConnelt Junior Mlis Musical Bridge Haven of Beat Science Eenr. 9:00 Mr L Theatre of Musleal" Bridge Northwest News Pop YarletlBL ' 9:15 Taylor Today Musical Bridge Ring Sings Defense BH 930 Reading Is Fun Grand Central loyland Tunes Pastor'a Call Uusle Wltheal 9;45 Newe Qrand Central Toyland Tunes Willing Words 10:00 Henry Russell Stare Ovec Stars of News Babe Bath 0:15 Henry Russell Hollywood Tomorrow Quls Club ' Salem Air lea. 0:30 Voices Wind Give and Take Stars of Proudly Hall Concert 0;45 Volcaa fc Wind Give and Take Tomorrow Proudly Ball Favorites 1:00 Lassie County Fair Met. Oparn Platter Jock Aunt Sophia 1:15 Broadway Cor. County Fair Met. Opera Platter Joek Aunt Sophie :30 Young Oreg, Jeff Regan Met. Opera Platter Jock Sat. Serenade 1:45 Young Oreg. Jeff Began Met. Opens Platter Jock Sat. Beronnda 12:00 Farm -Home Newi Met. Opera Top Trade At the Opera 12:15 Farm-Home For the Living Met. Opera News At the Oparrn 2:30 Marina Band Family Party Met, Opera Gay 90 'a Newa 2 ;45 Marine Band Family Party Met, Opera Bob Eberlo Navy Band 1:00 Voices, Events More of Life Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matlnea :15 Voices, Events Handyman Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matlnea :3Q Mualcana Newspaper Met, Opera Man on Farm Bat, Matlnea 1:45 Mualcana Newspaper Mel. Opera Man on Farm Bat. Matlnea 2:00 Orchestra Orchestra Jacques Frey News Sat. Matlnea ?:15 Orchestra Cross Section Tea, Crumpets Hand Concert Sat. Matlnea ;30 T B A Farm Newa Tea, Crumpets College Choir Sat. Matlnea 2:45 News Garden Gate Tea, Crumpets CoHc.ro Choir Sat. Matlnea 3:00 Newa News Junior Baker's Oven Melodlo 3:15 Guest Star V, N. Junotlon Bsker's Oven Melodlo 3:30 NBO Symphony Red Barber At Home Music Sat. Matlue Bit o' Jan 3:45 NBO Symphony Larry Leaner At Home Music Sat. Matlnea Bit m' Jass 4:00 NBO Symphony Young Love . Red Cross Sportscast Chln-up Chat 4:15 NBO Symphony Young Love Harry Wlsmer Hemlagway Chln-up Chat 4:30 Bands of Land Joe DlMagglo Albert Warner Bandstand PSA Curtain Calla 4:45 Bands of Land Joe DIMagglo tChnrch, Nation Bandstand TJ ACurtaln Calls DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 1 OA" Friday P.M. 5:1)0, Children's IX wMV- Theater! fi:lft, On the Upbeat: 5:45, Webfoot Huddlei 6:00, News; 6:15, Dinner Melodlesi 6:30, Musto of Czecho slovaklaf 7:16, Evening Farm Honr; 8:00, Pianist! 8:30, Research: 8:45, News and Weather) 0:00. Musle Thst Endures; 9:45, Evening Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off. Club Work Expands In Willamina Area Willamina The town of Wil lamina and surrounding area are becoming very well organized tor the 4-H club year of 1950. Willamina schools have three health clubs, one led by Mrs. Grace Herzberg with 24 mem bers, one by Dale Johnson with 23 members, and one by H. O. Kravig with 26 members. There is a good possibility of four more being organized. In the Fendall district, Mrs. BWalfrlflfflfffflj ACROSS L Mineral iprlng 4. Frolio 8, Sour 12. Pronoun 13. Wind instrument 14. Sheet of f;lass Id water 16. Telegraph 17. Sea eagle 18. Fixed chargee 20. Exchange 22. Was aware 23. Face covering 24. Tree 27, Jewish month 29. Scarcer 81. Very hot 14. Palms off 15. Cook with dry heat 18. Plays on words 87. Demon 88. Always 40. Molten rock 44. Second odd number 48. Bar for transmitting force 47. Faithful 49. Wild plum 61. Literary fragments E2. Merchandise 53. Sea bird 54. Under: prefix 55. Was Indebted) 56. Branches of learning ST. Light repast DOWN L Evade duty w m 37 mm i 3? AF Newsfaofures ROOM AND BOARD ' THIS MINIATURE STARTING GATE WILL BE THE HOWE OF1W3R.TON AOUSE"""THE NUMERALS SIGNIFY THE POST POSITIONS OF HORSES IN A RACE -AND THE HOLES FROM LEFT TO RIGHT ARE THE RACES FOR EXAMPLE. ON THE MORNING OF A RACING Niwf. for Worn. n i 11:00, Conor! Ball: 12:00, N.irii 12:1s, Noon Farm Hour: 1:00, Rid. 'cm Cowborl 1:30, Voice or Armyt 1:45, Melody Lanci 2:00, Muiile of Masters; 3:30, Selene. Newsi 3:45, Here's to Vets: 4:00, Son, of the Islands; 4:18, Soma of the West. Bob Bainter has a clothing club and a rose and flower club. Mrs. Ronald Johnston has a cooking club and Mr. Johnston has a tractor club. Fred Men denhall has organized a riding club. There is a health club and a "My Room" club at the Rock Creek school, led by Mrs. Roy Bird and Mrs. R. H. Len ocker. The Willamina Kiwanis club will again sponsor two scholar ships to summer school in Cor vallis. These will be given to boys and girls living in or near Willamina. O R aIIa mc N tII I N O trani t Unorsc1 lTSr?RQR,g aIlTOjN Solution of Yesterday's Puzzfs) t. Kind of nut 1. Rugged mountain ridge Tien Japanese sash Human being Equals Imitated Courses of public Ute Hostelry Scotch river Pitchers City In Ohio Mire Rent Married woman' title Me trio measure of capacity Passageway Three: prefix Uncle: So. African Ecstasy ' Fine hair Parer t Goddess ot thf hearth Cease: nautical Place where a trial Is held Oriental wagon Pay attention Device for refracting light ray a First even number Crude Fragment I' Bv Gene Ahem THE J I'LL LIFT THE BOARD IN RAns Olt TUE UOI C H AND IF NORTON' COMES OUT OF THE 7 HOLE THAT WILL MEAN THE 7 RACE AND THE HORSE TO BET ON WILL BE DAY - NUMBER. Z Af Satord.r A.M. 10:01 MJMV. 10:15. Esp.fil.1ly for J J K J r