Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1950, Page 13, Image 13

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    Dana Lenfen
Series Talker
Marshall Dana of Portland
will be the first speaker in a
Lenten Sunday evening series
at the First Presbyterian church
beginning Sunday at 7:30 o'clock.
Each speaker in this series will
be a member of a different pro
fession, who from this point in
the mid-century, will present a
message on the subject, "If I
Had One Sermon to Preach."
In covering this theme, Dana
has chosen as his special sub
ject, "2000 Years Is a Long,
Long Time."
Dana has been a member of
the staff of the Oregon Journal
since 1909 and editor of its edi
torial page since 1938. He is
widely traveled and experienced
in determining facts.
To his distinguished career in
journalism, Dana has added
years of unselfish service in
public affairs. A democrat, he
was regional advisor and region
al chairman, public works ad
ministration, 1932-1936. He was
also president, Pacific Advertis
ing Clubs association, 1927-1928;
president, National Reclamation
association, 1931-1934; chairman,
board of trustees, Linfield col
lege, 1941-1946; member, Ore-
a&on Economic council, and
chairman, Oregon game commis
sion, 1932; district chairman,
national resources board, 1933
1936. Whitman and Linfield
colleges have honored him with
the degree of LL.D,, and from
Oregon College of Education
has come a Litt.D. He is also
a member of the American So
ciety of Newspaper Editors.
LDS Church to ;
Hold Lectures
A series of visual aid mission
ary lectures is in progress at the
Reorganized Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints, 17th
and Chemeketa streets. Elwin
R. Vest is in charge.
The lectures will continue
through March 9 on a variety of
subjects, with the exception of
Saturday. Friday night at 7:45
the subject will be "The Divine
Mission of His Church." Other
subjects are: March 5, "Life Af
ter Death;" March 6, "The Fall
ing Away;" March 7, "Our Hope
of Salvation;" March 8, "Christ
Visited the Early Americans;"
March 9, "You Can Enter the
Following the lectures, Vest
will visit wth individuals and
families in their homes, holding
rnttnpp mpptines and nnswerincr
Rev. Billie Opie
Here Saturday
Rev. Billie Opie will be
peaking at the Faith Taber
nacle, 5th and Gaines, Satur
day evening. Opie is the pastor
of a large interdenominational
church in downtown Indianap
olis, Ind. He has been an ac
tive speaker for Youth for Christ
services across the nation, work
ing with such outstanding speak
ers as Billie Graham, Bob Pierce
and others. . He spoke at the
Chicago Gospel tabernacle, An-
gelus temple, Soldiers Field,
Chicago, and many youth camp
meetings. He comes to Salem
for one night only from Port
land, where he has been preach
ing to a packed house nightly.
Rev. Max Wyatt is the pas
tor of Faith Tabernacle.
Salem i Cliurcli
Faith Lutheran Sunday school, 9:46
i.m. Parents' and adults' Bible class,
8:45 a.m. Wohfp service lor sJJ, 11.
Luther league (youth .iroupi 7 p.m. Ad
ult' preparation, for membership serv
lce S. Mid-weeic services Wednesday nUht
at 8. Choir Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Special
Catechetical clusea Saturday at 9 and
10:30 o'clock.
First Chirch f Christ Scientist Lib
erty and Chemelceta. Sunday school at
11. Moraine service at 11. Lesson-sermon
subject: "Man." Nursery for children un
der 3 years of age provided durms the
mornlnv service. Evening service at 8.
Lesson-sermon subject: "Man."
Institute of aUHt-lous Selenee Sunday
school, 10 a.m. Service, topic, "Be Still
and Know," 11 a.m. Salem Woman's
club, 460 K, Cottage St. Rev. Olive Stevens.
West Salem Mttfaedlit Third and
Oerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church
school, 9:45. Worship, 11. Sermon, "Twice
born Men." Junior Choir, 6 p.m. Youth
fellowship, 6:30. Young adult fellowship,
8, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Beera-aniiel Chareh af Jesus Christ (
Latter Day Salnd 17 and Chemelceta.
Ohas. H. Asher. pastor. Church school, 10.
Communion service 11. Evening preach
in? ' service 7:45. Missionary Elwin K.
Vest speaking . on subject, "Life After
Death." Elwin R. Vest nightly except
Saturday, March 1, through March 9 (inclusive).
First Spiritualist 248 N.
Serve! w at 7:30. Bev. Thos.
uazeley,. speakers.
KfHcweod Bible 1125 Elm Street. A.
. Fadenrecht. . pastor; Bible school. 9:45
,m. Morning worship and communion
service, 10:45. Youth groups meet 6:45 p.m.
Evening gospel and baptismal service, 7:45.
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Bible study. Dr.
Houaer, guest speaker.
Central Lutheran North Oaoltol and
Gaines. O. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Broad
cast over ROCO, 9:16. Sunday school, with
classes for all ages, 9:45. Morning wor
ship, 11. Central gospel hour, 7:45.
Ceari Street Christian 17th and Court.
W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible school as
sembly, t: 45. Morning worship and com
munion. io:so o'ciocK. sermon subject,
'Common Labor." Bible study and youth
hour, 6:30 p.m. Evening worship, 7:30
'clock. Ordination service for James E.
F&rrell at the evening hour of worship.
First Church of Gad Hood and N. Cot
tage. O. W. Clemens, pastor. Church
school,, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11.
Topic, "Laws Governing Spiritual
Growth," Youth fellowship, 8:48. Mission
ary slides on Africa, Evening worship,
r. topic, 'The Way Out." ,
First Chrlitlan Center and Hitrh. Dud
ley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, Asso
ciate minister. Bible school, 9:45 a.m.
Morning worship and communion. 10:50.
Sermon, "God's Beckoning Sky Line," by
waiter nan. xoucn groups meet, oris
P.m. Adult Bible class, 6:15. Evening serv
ice, 7:30. Worship by the Jr. High depart
ment. Sermon, "When God Forgets," by
Walter Naff. .
Assemble af Go iThe . Chanel So. 12tt
and Leslie. Minister John W. Hodges. Sun
day school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve
ning services. 7:45. Tuesday nlaht Bible
study, 7:45. Friday night prayer meeting,
Chare mt lease Christ at Latter D
Saints 5th and Madison. John Z. Sails.
bury, bishop. Sunday school. 10 a.m. No
evening meeting, stake conference in
Portland, meetings,. 10 a.m., 6:30 p.m.
Central Church mt Christ Chemeketa
cottage. M. c. Cuttibertson, minister.
Bible- school, 9:45 a.m. Preaching, 10:45
a.m. - and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week service.
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. .
FearsHre 490 N. 19th St. Rev. Rov
wortmngion, pastor, sunoay school, 9:45,
Morning worship, 11, Communion Sunday
Crusaders, 8:45. Young people's mission
ary service, evening evangelistic service,
aenaoB, -visions oi trie Lamb."
First Evangelical United Brethren
Where Marlon crosses Summer. Rev. Wil-
mer N. Brown, pastor. . Morning worship,
II. Sermon, "Extravagant Love." Eve.
nlng service: 7:45. Sermon, "The Testi
mony ox a Man Who Had Been There.
CaWarr Baalist 1380 South Libert?.
Rev. Victor Hunt Sword, Th. D pastor
aa interim. ieie acnooi, t:. classes for
all ages. Morning worship, 11. "Intelligent
Faith." Evening worship, 7:30. "Something
for Nothing." 6:30. Baptist youth fellow
ship groups. Wednesday at 7:30, hour of
prayer and leiiowsmp. The world tour
stops to see Burma. . ,
Christ Lithtran State Street at 18th.
C. R. Schuls, pastor. Sunday church school
at id. Divine worship at 9 and 11 a.m.
Stayron Churches
Baptist Rev. willard Buckner, pastor
Sunday school, 10. Morning worsnip, u
Tralning hour. 7:13. Evening service, I.
Church of Christ Clyde Freeman, pas
tor. Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11
Youth fellowship. 6:30, Evening worship.
I o'clock.
Charch of Christ L. M. Seld, minister
Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve
. nlng worship, i.
Methodist John Morange. pastor. Bible
school, 10. worsnip service, 11. xoutn ici
lowship, 6:30. Evening worship. 8.
fmmaenlate Conception Catholic Rev.
Nath. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services:
Masses 6. 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.
St, Patrick's Catholic (Lyons) Father
Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched
ule, 1st 2nd and 5th Sundays mass at
S:36 a.m.
Oar Lady of Loardes (Jordan) Father
Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched
ule, 1st, 2nd and 9th Sundays mass 6:30
a.m.: ira ana tin eunoays. mass io;ao
Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor Sun
day school 10. Moraine worship. 11. Youth
fellowship, 7. evening service, m.
Charch af Christ Wm, F. Morse, min
ister, Bible school 10. Morning worship 11.
Junior meeting, 7. Young people's meet
ing. 7. Evening services. 8.
tttiftttiat R. Fremont Paul, paster.
Sunday school. 10. Moraine worship. 1L
Junior fellowship, 6. Youth fellowship.
V o'clock.
Assembly af Ged Stay ton. Rev. P. C.
Watcher, castor. Sunday school 9:45. Morn
ing worship service, 11. Evangelistic serv
ice, a pjn. Young people's mecuss.
Amity Churches
.i. tiritfta Wakeman. pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Baptismal service
Just before worship service. Morning wor
ship 11 a.m. Sermon topic: "An Open
Book and a New Song." Youth Fellow-
ahtp 1 p.m. Evening service 8 p.m. ser
mon Topio "come.
' u.ikAUl Fremont Faul. minister.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship
11 a.m. Junior Fellowship 6 p.m. Youth
Fellowship 7 p.m.
rhh mt Christ Wm. F. Morse,
pastor. Bible school 10 a.m. Communion
a wtrihin rviee 11 a.m. tonic: "Stum
bling Blocks." Christian Endeavor 6:30
n.m. Evening service i:w P.m. iopw
"Pleasing Ourselves."
Assembly of OK - Wm. N. Beachy,
a.irwtv annnol 0:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11 a.m. Youth service 1:11
auau aroint tsrrtoe T.U 9A.
Church of God Raymond W. Hood,
pastor. Church school 10 a.m. Worship 11
m. and 6 p.m. Y.p. 7 p.m..
Assembly of God Lester Gibson, cas
tor. S.S. 9:45 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and
46 p.m. y.p. e:45 p.m.
Christian Don Priest, oastor. S.S..
iu a.m. service n a.m, c.a. 7 p.m. Eve
ning service 8 p.m.
Methodist Ormal B. Trick. mutor.
Church school 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m.
Bethel Presbyterian Earl K. Fenton.
pastor. Worship 10 a.m. SJ3, 10:45 a.m.
Church of Jesua Chi-Ut nt T..T1.R Run.
day school 10 a.m.; Sacrament meeting
St. Acnes CathoII fHnhhnrdY AM-mrft
oy wooaourn parish priests. Sunday
masses a.m.
Mary's EDisnnnal rinrni-a
Slocum, Vicar. Church school 9:30 a.m.
uivine worsnip n a.m.
Immanuel Lutheran Harvin N
tensen, pastor. Doud and Oswald Sts.
wwaaip service ii a.m. 8,8, 18 a.m.
Jasoa Lee Method!! N. Winter mt J.f.
ferson. Louis O. Klrby. D. D.. minister.
Sunday school 9:46 a.m. Worship 11.
sermon, "A confused Disciple Enlight
ened." Bvening worship, 7:30. Sermon,
The Triumphs of the Oalilean." High
school and Junior high groups meet at
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win.
ter. Chester W. Htmblln, pastor. John
uooaenoerger, assistant pastor, :,
a.m.. Church school. Identical morning
services at 9:45 and 11. "Some Hard
words of Christ." Sermon by the oastor.
Special Lenten evening service, 7:30. "2000
Years is a Long. Long Time." Speaker.
Mr. Marshall Dana, Editor, The Oregon
journal, Portland. Wednesday;, ?:3B p.m
mi a wees service.
Christian and MUsimary Alliance N.
5th and Gaines. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.
Morning worship, 11. Sunday broadcast
KOCO, 1400 k.c. -1 p.m. Evangelistic
service, 7:30 p.m. - -
Leslie Methedlat S. Commercial at My
ers. G. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday
scnooi, s:t5. Morning service, II. Sermon,
-urown Him wra. 01 All." interme
diate fellowship, youth fellowshin and ad.
alt study, -6:30 p,m. Evening service, 7:39.
sermon. Message br Rev, Dorothy Hard
ing, unten Mid-week service, Thursday at
7:30 p.m. .
St. Mark Ev. Latheran 343 N. Church
Rev. M. A. Getaendaner, : D.D., pastor.
sunuay school, 9:45 a.m. Morning service,
11. Sermon, "Gethsemane". Luther league,
0:39 p.m.
Salat Pail's Eaiseaaal - Church and
onenwiceta. The Rev. George H. Swift.
D rector. Holy communion (in the chap
el) 7:30 a.m. Junior church and classes.
9:30 a.m. Nursery school in parish house.
ix. sucnarisc ana sermon, 11 a.m,
Youth vespers, 1 p.m.
Knight Memorial Cenaregatienal 19th
and perry, ixmis e. White, minister. Bun-
aay scnooi, includes two adult class.
es. Morning worship, 11, Sermon. "Makin
tne Higns Enemies," another m the series
on tne seatituoes as rne oospei or Hap.
pines.- pugrim fellowship. 6:30 o.m.
Group for Junior high and Senior high
young people.
St. Jeha'a Latfctraa (Ms. ftynad) N.
16th and A Sts. Rev. H. W. Rnm
tor. Morning service at 9 a.m. and 11
a.m. noiy communion in the 11 a.m. serv
ice. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Midweek
Muter service i: p.m. Wednesday,
; "r " 'j,.
s r ,mmm
Japanese China A woman
worker paints a design on
fancy ehinaware in a factory
at Kanazawa, Japan, which is
turning out products to bid
for foreign markets.
Wood burn
Free Methodist Mrs. Hozelia B, Dous-
as, pastor. S.3. 9:45 a.m. Preaching 11
m. and 7:45 p.m.
Foursquare Arthur Goble, pastor.
S., 9:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. and 7:45
m. Y.P. 6:45 p.m.
Bible Baptist Earl Baker, pastor. S.S.
45 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m. and
p.m. y.r. b:45 p.m.
Gervall Preftbvterlnn Rrnsef Trnm.
Way, pastor. S.S. 10 a.m. Worship U a.m
... iiau p.m.
St. Luke'a Catholic V. L. Mnfrpnhnfr
pastor. Sunday services 7 am 8:30 a.m..
10:38 a.m. Devotions 4 p.m. Sunday.
Weekday mass 8:15 a.m. Devotions Friday
The Reorganized Church nf Joans rht
of Latter Day Saints George Omans,
pastor. Church school 10 a.m. Preaching
it a.m, Mons icagae 7 p.m. Lecture study
First- Presbyterian Earl K Vpntnn
pastor. B.S. 9:45 a.m. Divine worship 11
111. nun i.av p.m. y.v. 6:30 p.m.
Esther Circle Guest
At Sprjck Residence
Silverton Mrs. Austin San-
ford assisted Mrs. Ben Sprick
as social and entertainment hos
tess at the Wednesday afternoon
meeting of the Esther cireile of
the Methodist Woman's Society
of Christian Service, at the
Sprick home, 1534 Bethany
Mrs. Lawrence Lierman dir
ected devotionals and presented
tne theme topic for considera
tion: "Christian Brotherhood
Over Seas." Mrs. Wayne Mc
Murray was a special guest.
&ignteen members were present.
As a surprise feature durine
the social hour was the shower
for two members, Mrs. Wayne
Grodrian and Mrs. Felix Wright.
The next meeting for Esther
circle is announced for April 5,
Wednesday, at the 527 South
Water street home of Mrs. C.
Davis. -
Alaska Scenes
Offered League
Silverton Church activities
aside from the regular Sunday
programs of service include the
Trinity Lutheran reorganization
of the Luther League for Sun
day evening, with Alaskan
slides to be shown, and special
observances of the second Sun
day of Lent.
Each Thursday evening Rev.
Joseph A. L u t h r o , pastor of
Trinity, is conducting Lenten
services beginning at 8 o clock.
Christian and Missionary Al
liance special series ) of services
open Tuesday, the speaker Rev.
Joe Morone of New York City.
The Salem Academy quartet will
sing. The meetings are to be
held each evening excepting Sat
urdays with out-side churches
taking part in the music. Rev.
Gordon T. Bratvold is host pastor.
Immanuel Lutheran Sunday
noon fellowship dinner will be
observed. Hostesses are Mrs,
Amos Funrue, Mrs. George An
derson, Mrs. Stanley Swanson,
Mrs. John Overlund, Mrs. Con
rad Johnson, Mrs. Elier Aarhus,
Mrs. Marie Thorkildson, Mrs. Al
bert Overlund, Mrs. Otto Dahl
and Mrs. H. B. Jorgenson.
Immanuel church council
meets Tuesday evening at 8 o-
clock, the Sunday school teach
ers meet Monday evening at the
John Overlund home, The Zion
circle meets Tuesday, 2 p.m.
at the fireside room, and the
Bethany circle, Wednesday af
ternoon at 2 o clock at Mrs,
John Lahners with Mrs. Eric
Walen assisting hostess. Mid
week Lenten service Thursday
evening 8 o'clock, the Rev. A
J. Kunsteng of Canby, guest
Miss Bessie Gregerson is
showing films of their summer
Norway trip Friday evening at
8 o'clock sponsored by the Nao
mi society.
Young folk Afterglow at the
parsonage of the Christian
church after evening service
and singing to the shut-ins.
Church of Christ will have
singing from 7 to 7:30 Sunday
evening at the MWA hall.
Choir rehearsal and music in
struction Wednesday evening at
the Methodist church, Felix
Wright director.
Salem Unitarians
Meet Tuesday
The Salem Unitarian fellow
ship will meet Tuesday, March
7, at the YWCA, 7:30 p.m., witii
the Rev. L. R. Call, minister at
large for the American Unitar
ian association, in charge. The
Rev. Call will discuss the sub
ject, "The Road Ahead," in
which he will outline the future
of the Unitarian church and
will explain the present activi
ties of the Unitarian association.
In addition to the talk, the
Rev. Call will show colored
slides showing the various Unit
arian churches in the country
and the actviities which they
carry on. The public is welcome.
Sunday, March 5, members of
the Salem Unitarian fellowship
will travel to Eugene for an in
formal conference with mem
bers of the college and Eugene
Unitarian church groups.
Christian Science Sunday school at
&:4i. Services at l.
;. Paul's Catholie Father John J.
Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses 8 and 10.
Weekdays 8:15 during Lent.
Assembly of God Berrel H. Scott, pas
tor. Sunday school 9:45. Divine worship
SI. Yean peopSe's society at Evan
geSatlc at 3.
Church of God Rev. F. E. Nicks.
pastor. Sunday school at 10. Worship hour
at 11. Evening services at 8.
Seventh Bay AdvBttt Elder A. D.
Chtleon, Salem, and HaroSiS Johnson, lo
cal elder In charge. Sabbath school Sat
urday, 9:30. Morning worship at 11, Sat
urday. Sunday evening evangelistic service.
Pilgrim Holiness D. C. Olson, pastor.
Sunday school 9:45. Sermon by pastor, ll.
Younr people meet at 7. Evangelistic ser
mon at 8.
Methodist Marquam and Molalla Joint
pastorate. J. S. Kendall, minister. Bible
school and sermon forenoon Sunday, at
Msrsuam, a iter noon as MOisua,
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter
Day Saints (Mormon) Sunday school at
id. evening service at 7.
Christian and Missionary Alliance Gor
don T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday school
10 a.m., Oscar Satern, Supt. Morning
worship 11, sermon by pastor, theme:
"Complete in Christ." Communion service
will be observed. Young people meet at
S:33 P.m. Evangelistic service
Sermon r "The Great Shepherd." t
Dr. Anderson to
Preach in Eugene
Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pas
tor of the First Baptist church,
will be speaking this coming
week at the "Spiritual Awaken
ing Services' to be held in the
First Baptist church, Eugene.
Dr. Vance Webster, pastor of
the Eugene church will fill the
pulpit at First Baptist in Salem
on Sunday evening, speaking on
the subject, "In the Shadow of
the Cross."
Wednesday March 8 the
Moody Institute of Science will
show the new scientific film,
'Dust or Destiny," in the church
auditorium at 7:30 p.m.- "Dust
or Destiny" is a 40-minute color!
film, showing the mysteries ofj
the universe, ranging from bats
that use radar to guide them in
night flying, fish that lay eggs
ort dry land, and even a closeup
of the human heart are among
the perplexing miracles of na
ture featured in the film.
Calvary Lutheran Rev. P. W. Erlck-
son, Salem, supply pastor. Sunday school
10 a.m. Miss Olga jonnson, supt. moie
class. Morning worship 11, sermon by
Sev. Erie&son Luther league i p.m.
First Christian Arthur Charles Bates,
minister. Bible school 9:45 a.m. M. B.
Ford. Supt.. opening period by Christian
Men's Brotherhood. Communion and ser
mon: "Laodicea A Luke Warm Church,"
sermon series from Revelations, Junior
airf senior Christian Endeavor 8:56, Eve
ning sermon theme: "Life From Death.'1
After church the young people sing for
shut-ins and meet at the parsonage for
Aitergiow, a social nour.
Church of Christ L. M. Vice, minis
ter. Meet at MWA-RHA haS. Bible study
16 a.m. Sermon by minister. It a.m, Soiy
communion 11:45 a.m. Evening hour of
song 7:00 to 7:30 o'clock. Evening 7:30
sermon in charge of L, M. Seid.
Methodist Ben F. Browning, pastor.
Sunds-f school class for each sge croup,
nursery provided, Ted Harsreaves, act
ing Supt. Worship service sermon by pas
tor: "Solid Security." Special choir selec
tion. Youth Fellowship, 7:00, Miss Nettie
Polk, worship director, Mrs. Harrison
FLsher, counsellor, Blair Finlay, president.
Trinity Lutheran Joseph A, Luthra,
pastor. Observing second Sunday in Lent.
S'jnday school and Bible classes 10 a.m.
Divine worship 11, sermon: "Use Your
Faith." Anthem, choir. Holy Baptism.
Luther league reorganizatlonal meeting
7:30 p.m. Alaska slides to be shown after
Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle,
pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes
10 a.m. Divine worship 11, pastor speak
ing. Solos by Mrs. Ina Selga, Latvian
singer. Luther league 7:30 p.m. Topic:
"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross."
First Baatlal Marion find T,lhfrtv
streets. Dr. Lloyd T. Andersen. BMtnr.
Sunday school f:4S a.m. with class as for
ait aces. Mom lng worship 11 a.m., "God
Xs Faithful in Temptation," Pastor An
derson. Touth meetings 1:15 p.m. Eve
ning gospet acme 7:10 p.m. Guest speak
er. Dr. Vance Webster af Euaene. "in th
Shadow of the Cross." Mid-week service
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Dedicatory Service
Slated at Woodburn
Woodburn A dedicatory
service of church equipment
will be held at the Bible Bap
tist church now located at First
and Garfield streets, Sunday
evening, following the 7:45
o'clock service. A candle-light
communion service will follow
immediately afterwards. Rev.
tari Li. Darter is pasiur.
Society Entertained
Falls City The Women? Mis
sionary society of the Christian
church were luncheon guests of
the Dallas Missianary society
Mrs. Kenneth Hendricks, mis
sionary to Japan was the speak-
Those attending were Mrs,
Richard Paul, Mrs. Howard
Gramling Mrs. Lillie Ward and
Mrs. Hope Lettermen.
Brown Returns
To EUB Pulpit
Rev. Wilmer N. Brown, min
ister of the First Evangelical
United Brethren church, Mar
ion and Summer streets, will
be back in the pulpit next Sun
day morning after two months'
illness. He will be speaking on
the subject, "Extravagant Love."
Representatives of the Men's
Congress, being conducted at
Jennings Lodge this week, will
participate in the service. The
message for the evening service
at 7:45 p.m. will be, "The Testi
mony of a Man Who Had Been
Brownings Invite
Friends of Church
Silverton The parsonage
home of Rev. Ben F. Browning
and Mrs. Browning will be the
scene of an open house Sunday
afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30
o'clock in compliment to the
members added to the church
during the past months.
The Brownings are issuing an
invitation through the press to
all members of their pastorate
and friends of the congregation
to attend the affair. The parson
age home of the Brownings is at
404 South Third street.
Mill City
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 3, 195013
Gideons in Charge
Hopewell Sunday
Hopewell The Gideons of
McMinnville will have charge
of the forenoon church services
at 11 o'clock at the Hopewell
Evangelical United Brethren
Immediately following the
services dinner will be served in
the social room of the church.
Committees in charge for ar
rangements will be; Decorations,
Mrs. Owen Pearse, Mrs. John
Fuqua and Mrs. Henry Deedon,
both of Hopewell. Dinner, Mrs.
Peter Parvin, Mrs. David Olke,
both of Fatrview, and Mrs. Joe
Russeff of Hopewell. Publicity,
Mrs. Ross Rogers of Fairview,
Mrs. Richmond Horton of Wheatland.
East Salem Mothers' Club
Sponsoring First Benefit
East Salem, March S For the first special benefit Srograist
Washington school Mother's club members are sponsoring the
Salem Civic players in their latest play, which is a three-act
comedy, "Manhattan Honeymoon." It will be presented in the
school auditorium Saturday night, March 4 at 8 o'clock. Proceeds
will be used to purchase equip--
ment for use by the children
of the school.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Irving
of Auburn community were
hosts this past week for a fam
ily reunion with several out of
state members present. Coming
from Los Angeles, Calif., were
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peterson;
from Orange, Calif., Mr. and
Mrs. Clair Allison; from Huron,
S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hud
dleston and from Independence
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Irving.
A guest the past week in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hanson on Monroe avenue was
her sister, Mrs. Earl Landsen
and Betty Lou of Portland.
Week-end guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Hanson and daugh
ter, Beverly.
Mrs. Ali Harp of Fruitland,
Ida., came last week for a visit
in Salem at the Jack Gibson
Raymond Barter and Amy Rad-
cliff homes. She was a former
Classes Are Moved
From Church Rooms
Grand Island The Grand Isl
and and Unionvale joint school
were able to get to the school
Thursday morning after hold
ing school three days at the Un
ionvale church social room be
cause of high water over a por
tion of the roads.
Marcena Dale Fowler return
ed to her home Wednesday eve
ning after staying with her un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Fmmeum m Webfoot district at
tending Dayton Union high
school during high waters.
Prayer Day Observed
Pedee Women's Missionary
society observed World Day of
Prayer at the home of Mrs.
Tobias Stepper. Fifteen mem
bers and two visitors were pres
ent. Mrs. Sidney Howard fin
ished the book on Stewardship.
Mrs. Frank Sheythe gave the
lesson from the study book,
"Japan Began Again." Mrs.
Thera Werner conducted the
business meeting. Mrs. Step
per led the World Day of Prayer
Hour of Sharing
Sunday, March 12
Uniting in a nation-wide
world relief effort will be 19
Protestant denominations with
an offering Sunday, March 12,
One Great Hour of Shar
ing." Each of the cooperating
denominations will handle its
own offering, which will be
used to relieve the needs of
hunger, homelessness and hu
man misery. .
A number of radio programs
will be aired locally and over
nation-wide networks in con
nection with the movement dur
ing the week of March 5-12.
King's Choralaire
Choir Will Sing
The Kings Choralaire choir of
the Salem College and Academy
will present a sacred concert on
Sunday afternoon at the First
Baptist church. This choir is
45 in number and is under the
direction of Ronald J, Lush,
In addition to choir numbers
there will be special trios, quar
tets, and instrumental numbers.
Dr. Hovland, president of the
school, will bring a short message.
The program will begin at 3
o'clock, and the public is cor
dially invited to attend.
Youth Rally Slated
Woodburn A Woodburn
Youth for Christ rally will be
held Saturday evening at 7:45
o'clock in the First Presbyterian
church. A special speaker and
singers from Salem are expect
ed through arrangements by Dr.
Emmons. The Broughton sisters
will present several numbers
and a musical special is planned
by the Bible Baptist church. The
public is invited to attend.
Six Purls Observe
Fruitland Program
Fruitland The Fruitland 4-H
knitting club "The Six Purls"
will celebrate national 4-H eiab
week Monday with a Mother's
Tea at the home of Betty Fagg
club secretary.
Invitations have been sent to
Mrs. Stanley Fagg; Mrs. Aaron
Ediger, Mrs. E. W. Southwick,
Mrs. Cecil Miller, Mrs. R. L.
Jones, Mrs. George Gillespie,
Fruitland teacher and Mrs, An-
thol Riney, club leader.
The program is to be as fol
lows: Welcome by Lorretta South
wick; 4-H report, Patricia Mil
ler; vocal duet, Janet and Bar
bara Edigar; piano solo, Betty
Fagg; demonstration, Eunice
Jones. Buffet refreshments will
be served in 4-H theme.
resident of Monroe avenue and
visited in the Henry Hansoji,
Arthur Stowell, Stuart Johns,
Wilfred Wilier homes and the
S, M. Hussetaaa home on Elrea
Mrs. Stuart Johns was hostess
at her Monroe avenue home on
Wednesday for members of her
sewing club. Attending wej-e
Mrs. C. A. Barney,. Mrs. Warren
Shrake and Gregg, Mrs. Pajil
Gilmer and Lee Ann; Mrs. Steve
Irving, Mrs. John Meir, Mst
Wilfred Wilier, Freddy and
Dorothy, Mrs. Henry Hanson aid
niece, Betty Lou Landsen it
Portland. Mrs. Glenn Moody re
ceived the anniversary gift from
her secret pal.
Swegle Woman's club meets
Tuesday for the regular March
meeting in the home of Mrs.
Walter Biggerstaff os Gardea
Dianne La Due, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin LaDue of
Hollywood drive is at home this
week recovering frsm her two
days stay at the hospital for
the removal of her tonsils.
Members of Church
Class Entertained
Willamina Past and present
officers of the Berean class of the
Church of Christ met at the home
of Mrs. J. A. Newton. Plans
were outlined for the coming
year, and duties were outlined
for each officer and committee.
Refreshments were served.
Those attending were Helen
Kershaw, Maxine Endres and
Irene Linton, past presidents of
the class; Devota Newton, cur
rent president; and Ruth Smith,
Ruth Mishler, Catherine Hud
dleston, Mavoura Stuart, Doris
Sundrud, Elfrieta Myers, Marion
Johnston, and the teacher, Ethel
Past Matrons Club
At Schwerzer Home
Monmouth The Past Matron's
club of Adah chapter No. 34,
met at the home of Mrs. Hsttle
Sehweizer with Mrs. Homer
Dodds and Mrs. Harry Hag-
meier as co-nostesses. The club
voted to contribute $50 toward
the worthy grand matron pro
jeet at the Masonic and Eastern
Star home at Forest Grove. ."
Games were played by the 15
members present after which rer
freshments were served by the
hostesses. The next meeting will
be March 17 at the home of Mrs.
Lora Butler in Independence
with Alda Smith and Mrs. O. D.
Butler assisting.
Fort Hill Extension
Unit Meeting Delayed
Willamina The Fort Hill ex
tension unit held its February
meeting at the Henthorn home
with 15 members, two visitors,
and the home demonstration
agent, Miss Elsie Marco, pres
ent. Since no meeting wag held
in January due to the silver
thaw, the project, "A Step-Saving
Kitchen" which had been
planned for that meeting, was
given in the morning session at
this meeting, and "Meal Plan
ning was given in the afternoon.
Miss Mares illustrated her lec
ture with charts and pictures.
The March 17 project will -be
"Lamp Shades."
I Cafvary Baptist I
I ffefN Wd&am You
I Wt3 1230 South Liberty St.
P j28s2j!3j qu'et; P'ace to worship I
HI Hear Dr. Victor Hugo Sword 1!
f If 1 1 :08 a.m. 'Intelligent Faith" Communion Service J
HI 7:30 p.m. "Something for Nothing" '1
9:45 a. m. Bible School 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship -f
I, "The church with a warm and friendly heart" "
Talbot Churches
Talbot Community Talbot, Ore, R.
Rogers Irwin, pastor, Sunday school IS
a.m. Loren Hoven, Sap, Biine worship
II a.m. 'The Restoration of Peter." Y.P.
b roups meet at 6:30 p.m. Evening service
7:30 p.m. Sermon, "Revival in America."
Special revival jwrvlcea will benin Wed
nesday, March 8, with Rev. and Mr.
Flrai FrmbrtcrUa Dr. D. 3. Fergu
son, minister. Sandar school 58 i,m.
Morning .service 11 o'clock. Sermon, "Ex
periment, Experience, Enjoy."
Flnt Christian Thomaj Courtney,
Jr., pastor. Bible school 9:45 a.m. Morn
in worship 11 o'clock. Christian Endeav
or hour 6:33 p.m, Evenins worship 7:45
81. Catherine Catholie Father C. Mai,
pastor. Sunday mass 9 a.m. Confessions
heard before mass.
Free Methodist - L C, Gould, putsr
Sunday school 13 a.m. Morning servica it
o'clock. Evening worship 7:30 o'clock.
Community Rev. Wayne Watkinf,
pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7:30
Ralbort Meat trial Rartirt On mil
north of undarpaM on Highway 99-E.
Ker. C. I. Brlckwedel, pastor. Sunday
school 9:4$ a.m. with classes for all
ages. Morning worship 11 a.m.. outai
speaking. Young People's le&cu 9:18 p.m.
Bvaning gospei m v.30 p.m. Asia
week services Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Ftir Ctratri Baptist State and Elm
streets. Rev. Victor L. Loucks. oastor.
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. with classes for
all asas. Morning worship 11 a.m., pastor
speaking. Young PtopICs ltactrs 9:18
p.m. Evening gospel service 7:98 p.m. Mid
week service Thursday, 1:10 p.m.
Safest Heights Ctmsaanlty Liberty
road and Madrona street. Mr. Lee Ship
ley, minister. Sunday school 10 a.m.
MarmlM vorhJg U sjb
Tuberous Begonia in all their glory for your garden this
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Specialist . . . where begonias are a business not a
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Faith Tabernacle
North 5th at Gaines
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Pastor of Indianapolis'
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Be Alert
For Measles
In the spring more than at any
other time of the year you can
expect your child ta have the
As soon as symptoms appear,
or if you know your child has
been exposed, call your doctor.
If a child's general health is
good enough to withstand an at
tack without danger of serious
complication, most doetors con
cede that it is best to establish
an immunity to the disease in
However, if there is a real
threat to the child's health the
doctor can give a serum that
will check the attack. You can
readily see how Important it is
to have the doctor edvtcs a
soon as possible.
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per ek FrUUr.
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