Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1950, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 3, 1950
j ii hi 1 1 i ,i i My i
j f$ l ,
Y--- -- ' iii lf.r.1Mir,.mr.BllTy"r.f,?ifv?A..f'lr5rll
Thp Plffh Two Yankee rookies from the west coast,
lilt r llVli Jackie Jensen (left) and Al Martin (right),
set the "pitch" on spring training from fellow west coaster
Joe DiMaggio as the world champion Yanks began their
training for the 1950 baseball race in St. Petersburg, Fla.
...(Acme Telephoto)
Semi-Final Round Slated
For District B-2 Tourney
Monmouth Semi-finals
the District 2-B high school bas
ketball tournament will be
played on the O.C.E. floor Fri
day night with St. Boniface of
Sublimity meeting Amity at 7:30
and Monmouth squaring off
against Gervais at 8:45.
Results of first round compe
tition Thursday were: St. Boni
face 40, Perrydale 29; Gervais
55, Corbett 44; Amity 39, Mill
City 30; Monmouth 54, Aums
ville 40.
Under the single elimination
type of play in effect the cham
pionship will be decided Satur
day night with the losers of the
semi-finals playing for third and
fourth positions at 7:30.
0J. Nelson 10 ,
Hall time:
AmliT (89)
Willlami 9
Cast 7
(30) Hill City
..9 Loo Poole
.... Thomley
..... 4 Mulse
a.... 18 Lav. Poole
a 1 Baltimore
Amity 26, Mill City 7.
Sublimity (40)
Meier 9 F
Llvlay 2 F
Bradley 3 C
E. Hlghbereer 7 ....Q
T. Hlghberger 4 . ...CI
HUbsmmes lor sublimity,
(29) Ferrydale
.... 3 Rempel
... 3 Mcintosh
. 4 Hlebenthal
.... 5 EdlRcr
. 1 N. Beaver
A. Christian
sen 2, R. Christiansen 6, Grles 3, Klntt 5;
lor Perrydale, Power ll, nave 2.
Half time: Sublimity 22, Perrydale 12.
Gervais (55) (4t) Corbett
J. Shumaker 3 F. 1 Hunter
TooJey 9 F 2 Ferrlngton
Bellegue 5 C 3 McCleary
Dunn 14 .....0 1 Merschon
Halt 16 Q 13 Pomante
Substitutes For Gervais- Martin 6. Mi-
hany 2; for Corbett, Emmons 17, Welen 4.
Hailtime: Oervais as, Corbett 18.
Officials: Howell and Cody.
(54) Monmouth
F 12 Lytle
F 7 Thompson
C...... 5 Rosenstock
.... 9 Buss
Aumivllle (40)
Cox 10 ,
Russell 6 ....
Worley 6
Speer 5
Dalbert Drake 5 ...0 8 Loch
Substitutes For Aumavllle: Darren
Dalke 8: for Monmouth: Brostrom 2. Ro
gers 3, Lawrence 1, Partlow 7.
nauume; jwonmouin ut, Aumsvine 11,
Desperate Heave
Sets Hoop Record
New York, March 3 tfP)
Jack Byrnes, Manhattan for
ward, sank a 64 -foot field
goal a Madison Square Gar
den record in the basketball
game last night with CCNY.
Byrnes was standing just a
' foot beyond the CCNY foul
line, toward center with time
running out in the half.
Frick Tells Nat Umps to
Ignore New Strike Rule
(United Press Sport. Editor)
Bradenton, Fla., March 3 UB
President Ford Frick of the
National league revealed today
that he had instructed his um
pires to disregard the new strike
'I have told them to call the
balls and strikes this coming
season the same as they did last
year," he said. "The National
league is not going to be a party
in establishing a new twilight
zone for umpires.
"The game has done pretty
well with the strike zone as it
used to be so we are not
changing it, no matter what
the rule book says."
The new rule describes the
strike zone as that area between
the batter's arm pits and his
knees. That narrowed it down
New Swim Record
Set in Big Ten
Ann Arbor, Mich., March 3
yp) A 15-year-old swim record
set by Jack Medica of the Uni
versity of Washington in 1935
was broken last night when
Jack Taylor of Ohio State won
the 1,500-meter free style event
of the Big 10 swim meet.
Taylor's time ot 18:58.1 was
on and two-tenths seconds un
der Medica's mark, the oldest
record in the NCAA book.
(VvmpleU Beaulte)
University Alleys
VFW (2) White 382, Miller 427, Partes
385, Valleau 389, Wodzewoda 547; Cush
Inr'i Union Service (2 Pease 554, Parley
Wi, stone jm, oc on ojj, tomswci ouo.
Drer A Sona (0) Schroeher 454. Cher-
rlngton 441, Brought 494, Plautz 392, Per-
man bob; s&n ciotniera (4) kicks nu,
Darker 485, Muelhapt 481, Kanesfcl 401,
NaRley 520.
Western Paner (4) Gadach 473. Ander
sen 515, Luke 429, J. Kuebler 412, L. Kue-
bler 586: Pumillte 0 Elwood 463, Bol
ser 471. Sheridan 411, Kelley 464, Duncan
Elites (S) Peterson 523, Reld 445, Rltz
man 436, Pero 476, Hammond 528; 1st
Nat'l Bank (1) Drlggfl 612, Kottke 430,
Marr 391, Cllne 414, Morris 483.
Yeater ApnJ. (4) Prank 415. R. Bell 502,
Schleppenback 436, Hlllerlch 509, A. Bell
488; Judson's (0) Angove 337, Bronson
375. Judson 359, Little 384, Jeffries 390.
Interstate Tractor (1) Morns 495, Ro
binson 317, fihackman 439, Tanquery 433,
earl 489: Naval Air Fae, Sta. (3) B,
Knedler 132, Halman 421, Ball 469, J.
Knedler 472, Brown 472, Haworth 283.
Dick DasBil4el' College Basketball Power Index
EXPLANATION Tht Power Index provides a direct comparison of the -elative strength
of any two teams for this season to date. Thus, a 50.0 team has been 10 scoring points
stron r than a 40.0 team on their comparative records, in vhlch scoring margin has
been weighed agalnut strength of opposition, 'tills does not necessarily mean that a 50.0
team should defeat a 40.0 team by exactly 10 points in the uture. Teams rarely follow
past performance that closely. Furthermore, the ratings are not adjusted for such fac
tors as home court. Injuries and Ineligibilities. The Dunk el system correlates records of
all college teams and was started In 1929.
. When Ohio State's basketball
team wound up its season by
licking Michigan, 69-58, last
Monday, the Bucks still topped
the nation's 775 quintets with a
Power Index of 78.9.
Un compiling their 19-3 record,
they had met opponents with av
erage rating of 69.8, and, against
that opposition, had set an aver
age scoring margin of plus 9.1.
ihose two factors add to 78.9.
IZ However, there still was a
chance that this rating could be
topped by others not only in
remaining scheduled games, but
also in tne post-season tourna
ments. As Big Nine champions,
the Buckeyes were in as the
!bistrict 4 representatives in the
WCAA play-offs.
"No. 2 Holy Cross (77.2) and
;W2. 3 Bradley (76.0) had the
Ibest chances to catch the Scar
let and Gray. The Crusaders, al
ready named to the NCAA tour
ney, had won 24 straight, and
:till must play New York AC
(57.9) tonight, Columbia (64.5)
tomorrow, and Yale (66.3) next
I Bradley finishes its regular
eason tomorrow with Drake
1(59.3), and then enters the NIT.
- No. 4 La Salle (75.8) had an
1 18-3 record, was awaiting a
tournament bid, and still had to
Iplay Boston College (62.2) and
-Muhlenberg (57.2).
- No. 5 Kansas State (75.6) was
'tied with Nebraska for the Big
, Seven lead, and still has to play
Missouri (68.6) tonight and
; Kansas (73.6) next Tuesday.
No. 6 Indiana (74.3) had com
pleted its season, while No. 7
Kentucky (74.1) is the favorite,
as usual, in the current SEC
'. No. 8 Duquesne (74.0) had a
' 22-1 record and had already ac
cepted an NIT bid.
No. 9 UCLA (73.8) and No.
10 Kansas (73.6) completed the
Top ten at that time.
Rank and Power Index of na
tional and sectional leaders
through games of last Monday
3. Ohio State 78.9
2. Holy Cross 77.2
3. Bradley 76.0
4. La Salle 75.8
5. Kansas State ...75.6
6. Indiana . 74.3
7. Kentucky ......... 74.1
8. Duquesne ,...74.0
9. UCLA 73.8
10. Kansas 73.6
Holy Crosa ....
La 8all
- Lent Island ..
wL JoWi,"Y
Kentucky 74.
E. Ky. Stata ...73.
NC State 72,
W. Ky. BUte ...71.
Vanderbllt 08.
Murray State ...61.
Tulane 81.
BMU 81.
Baylor . . . .
.77.1 Ohio BtaU ...
.75.8 Bradley
.74.0 Kansaa State .
.71.9 Indiana
.70.5 Kansas
.68.7 Wisconsin
.66.3 Cincinnati
.68.3 Illinois
.68.1 Loyola. 111. ....
74 Mebraita.
UCLA 73.8
Wyomlni 70.3
Denver ........87.8
8. Francisco ....67.6
8. California
California ,.
Wash. Stat
.1 Stanford ...
-I Brig. Young ....64.6
.6 Oregon State ...64.0
(Rati ti fa through fames of Febraary 17)
In each listing below. ,tae team on the
left haa established Itself as the favorite
by compiling a hither rating to date than
Its opponent. Por example, a 50.0 team
has been 10 points stronger, per game,
than a 40.0 team.
- home team
Probable Probable
Bates 35.5 va Bowdoln
Brldueport ... .41.3 ve Fairfield
Brooklyn Poly .32.5 va Pratt .
Buffalo 50.6 vs Hobart
Edlnboro St. 35.1 vs Thlel .
Holy Croaa ....77.2 vs New York AC 57.9
Ithaca 49.4 vs Cortland St. .36.4
J. Marshall ...50.3 vs Panzer 39.8
LeMoyne 47.2 vs bcranton M3.9
St. John's NY '67.5 vaSt. Peter'i ....43.6
iirmRiicia , ,.oa.H vs Ais 39.1
loiedo 67.3 vs St. Fran., NY 50.8
iriimy vs Hamilton 27 4
Tufts '49.5VS Colby 45.5
Upaala 49.7 vs Pace 30.5
Bowling Oreen 67.4vsBelolt 88.1
Central, Mo. . .54.9 vs Culv. Btockt'n 35.9
Cincinnati ...,72.0 vs W. Reserve ..41.9
Detroit 64.4 vs W. Ontario ,.a30.6
Emporia St. ..'53.1 vs Washburn 51.9
Duquesna 74.0 vs Akron 52.7
Kansas 73.6 va Iowa State ...58.0
Kans. State ,.76.6 v a Missouri a.e
Mo. Valley ....M4.I va Drury 35.5
Mt. Union ... ,55.1 vs filln'rv Rock ..41.6
Peru State ...54.6 vs Neb. Wesley an 50.6
S. Illinois St. 5B.9VSIU. Wesleyan .50.6
W. Illinois St. 55.5 vs Mich. Tech. ..35.2
Wheaton 47.7 vs Taylor 44.3
W. Liberty Bt. "40.8 v s Potomac St. ..38.9
Far West
67.4 vs Stanford 06.4
67.8 va Utah State ..!...
64.0 vs Washington ,.59.2
'56.4 vs Adams St 31.2 vs Loyola, Cal. ,62.1
'62.2 vs Sta. Barbara .9.9
California . .
Oregon State
S. Francisco
San Jose St.
73.8 vs 8. California
Wash. State ...67.1 vs Idano "63.8
Willamette ....41.9 vs Lewis A Clark 37.7
Wyoming 70.3 vs Brig. Young .64.6
Albrtnht 52.3 v EUsab't'wn ... w i
Allfgneny 38. lvs Alfred 35 5
AIC 39.1 vs Clark 36.8
Bloomsburg St. 40.9 vs Wilkes 24 5
Boston Coll. ..63.2 vs Providence ....48 9
Bur knell 43.8 vs Dlcalnson ....'37.9
Buffalo St. ..MO.JrsW. Ontario ...30.6i
Clarion St. ...
Connecticut ..
E. Stroudaburg
Hart wick ....
Holy Crosa ...
Muhlenberg ..
Newk. Rutgers
Penn State ...
Princeton ....
RI State
St. Jos..
St. Michael's
Swarthmore ..
VUlanova ....
W 6c J
W. Chester St.
Wstm'str, Pa.
Bradley ....
Duquesne ....
Heidelberg ....
Nebraska ....
Notre Dame ,.
O. Wesleyan .
Okla. A. & M.
Washington U
W. Michigan .
Wisconsin ....
W. Virginia, ..
California ....
Oregon State .
U. C. L. A
Wash. State ..
Wyoming ....
28.8 vs Alliance ....
.45.5 vs Boston U ...
58.7 vs MIT
.68.1 vs Penn ......
41.5 vs Delaware ...
43.1 vs Bcranton , , .
64.6vsNew York U
'50.2 vs Grove City .
.53.1 vs Oswego St. .
40.8 vs Adelphi ....
.77.3 vs Columbia ...
.63.7 vs Rutgers ....
.47.3 vs King's, Pa.
.44.0 vsF 4c M
57.3 vs Gettysburg .
.61.9 vs Army 1
39.2 vs Newk. Engln ..'
.71.9 vs Canislus
63.0 vs Qeorget'n, DC
.45.8 vs Haverford . ...
66.6 vs Dartmouth . . .
47.7 vs Brooklyn Poly
.58.0 vs Springfield ...
45.9 vs Clarkson
.19.4 va Predonla St. .
07.5 vs St. Fran., Pa,
.56.4 vs St. Anselm's .
44.4 vs Urslnus
68.7 vs Colgate
.45.6 vs Union, NY ..
.49.5 vs Worcester Poly
.49.7 vs Yeshlva
.45.3 vs Middlebury ...
70.5 vs St. Bonavntre.
52.3 vs Kings Point .
56.6 vs Marietta
50.3 vs MUlersvllle ...
67.5 vs Carnegie Tech
.45.1 vs Amherst
.66.3 vs Harvard
76.0 vs Drake
"44.6 vs W. Reserve ...
'68.4 v s Bowling Oreen
74.0 vs Bald. -Wallace
43.5vslnd. Tech. ...
52.2 vs Capital
46.4 vs Mich. Normal
70.7 Vs Northwestern
69.6 vs CrelRhton ....
70.2 vs Oklahoma ....
67.3 Vs Marquette ....
52.5 vs Wooster ....
68.4 vs St. Louis ....
68.2 vs Michigan ....
60.8 vs 111. Wesleyan .
59.0 vs Ohio U
72.9 Vs Minnesota ....
52.0 vs Pittsburgh ....
Far West
67.4 vs Stanford ....
67.8 vs Utah State .,
64.0 vs Washington ..
56.4 vs Adams St. ...
73.8 vs S. California.
67.1 vs Idaho
70.3 vs Brig. Young .
home team
Holy Crosa ..
Boston Coll, .
Connecticut .
R. I. State ...
77.3 St. Mlchael'a . 56.4
66.3 Harvard 55-4
, 62.3 N. Britain St. , 54.3
58.7 Brown 529
68.0 Springfield ... 52.8
Copyright 1D50, by R. C. Dunkel
High Ind. game, Wodsewoda, 326: high
ina. series, uomstocK, dub; ngn tram
gnme and series. Western Paper, 992 and
Momyer Chevron Station (S) Momyer
527, Odermatt 482, Covert 413. L. Miller
451, W. Miller 472; Smith Auto Parts U
Clark 505, Edmlnister 361, SchueU 420,
Lemon 423. Lee 494.
KOCO (1) Ransom 403. Riley 394, Na-
son 346, Bolser 407, M. Finden 4871 Van's
Parking Station (3) Vleck 445, Garrison
383, Rogers 448, Morlsky 465, McDanlels
Shrock Motors (3 R. Meyer 385,
Shuck 397, L. White 427, McFarland 427,
Grlcus 39fi; Knights of Pythias U)
catur 509, Elwood 487, Bchledel 426, Ma
ens 453. Tschida 487.
McDonald Candy Co. (8) Scott 457,
Bryant 466, Gemmell 413. Nichols 464,
Lewis 466; Zeebs Used Cars (1) F. Zeeb
463, B. Carr 486, A. eeb 4J4, 8. Zeeb 416,
Pederson 438.
High lnd. game, Clark of Smith Auto
Parts, 438; high lnd. series, Momyer of
Momyer unevron station, aw, nign team
series, Momyer' Chevron Station, 2996.
Capitol Alleys
Good Housekeeping (2 Albrlch 436.
Olney 462, Duncan 381, Jones 4B6, Poa
schl 465. Keslettes (1) Dawson 471, Boyd
430, Wherley 368, Putnam 417, Meyer 452.
Senator Beauty Shop (0) Thomas 359.
Scott 365. Kodak owski 345, McOlain 287,
Aaoipn 424. uoiaen rneasani (3) uiarK
403, Thrush 406, MueUhaupt 30, Laird
445, Garbarino 549.
Qniaenberry'a (0) McElhaner 373, Ev
ans 409, Pugh 398, Black 374, Kennedy
456, Capital City Laundry (3) Bays 432,
Doerfler 377, Fleck 440, Krelcl 501, Bain
Y.WX.A. (0) Gardner 384, LeDoux .381,
Butts 319, Mackey 301, Tlbbets 282. Wll
lard Art Tile 3 Gibb 388, Lawless 421,
Robertson 4cl, Willard 404, Cosman 383.
Aekllns Bootery (2) Loken 313, Whit
taker 386, Wilder 308, Vlttone 403. Ar
cher 363. Cupboard Cafe 1 Thompson
432, Halsey 303, Force 411, Olodt 377,
Boyce 418.
High team series: Golden Pheasant, 2333.
HlRh Individual series and same: Virginia
Garbarino, 549 and 198.
Craftsman (2) Kraus 403, Barker 406,
Klein 362, Morris 499. J. C. Hltrlns (ll
Ambrose 388, Salstrom 468, Slerp 350,
Oslund 505.
Pilerlm (2) Forstrom 432, Letofsky
500, ChrlMtanson 353. Oough 537. Homart
(1 Forbes 436, Roach 467, Cooper 463,
Cook 502.
Harmony House (3) Pltaor 410, Paul
son 469, Hill 469, Davey 559. Ken more (1)
Adams 378, Carver 405, Hutmaker 407,
Hcmann 386.
Allstate (2). Coldspot (1).
HiRh individual game; Oough 326. High
Individual series: Davey 559. High team
game: Pilgrim, 700. Hleh team series: Har
mony House, 1907. Ray Roach has three
'200' games Instead of two as Indicat
ed on average sheet.
Duck Pin
Quality Used Cars (3) Royal Pawley
459, B. B. Snelgrove 431, Mose Van Dell
445. Em 11 Schola 461, Byg 486. BAB
Wholesale (11 Al Hakanson 434, Arlo
Young 417, Bob Orirfith 385, Wes Good
rich 348, John Wood 360.
A. L. Cummin it's Heating 0) Mac Lar
son 396, Lester Woods 331, Tom Kit
zlah 387. John Reese 334, Dave Spalding
401. Tweedle Oil (4 Carl Flood 382, Har
ry Scharf 371, Ira Short 383, Al Kenfleld
509. Emery Alderman 529.
Willamette Valley Bank (4) Carroll
Meeks 309, Keith Kaye 473, Bob Jung
ling 373, Camel Waldlng 369, Al Flicker
371. Gleason'a Bakery (0) Tom Wood 359,
Marion Oleason 410. Harold Bonner 364,
Paul Russell 457, Eddie Wulfr.
G.M.C. Truck Co. (11 Darby Sermon
351, John Fullenwlder 410. Joe Brooks
391. Darwin Sermon 356, Milt Thomas 446.
Willamette Amusement Co. (3) Clarence
Applesnte 473. Roy Robinson 331. Wil
rred Wilier 352, Glen Blanton 453, Bill
Gnuthior 528.
High team series and same: Quality,
22S2 and 868. Ilteh individual series and
tcanie: Emery Alderman iTweedle) 539 and
His Students Know
Their Stuff
for the beneiit of the hitters
about three and a half inches
less than it used to be. Under
the old regulation the strike
zone was the area between the
top of the batter's shoulders and
his knees.
"That old rule, which has
been in the books ever since
the (fame has been played, es
tablished a set area for strikes
as far as umpires were con
cerned," Frick explained as he
watched the Boston Braves
work out "As a result, there
came into being a sort of a
twilight zone with the top of
the shoulder the boundary
"Nothing above that ever
was caled a "strike" he ex
plained. "But now, the rules ask
the umpires to change their per
spective and establish a new
strike zone.
"Well, we are not going to do
it. Our strikes and balls this
season will be the same as they
always have been."
Frick said the new strike
zone rule also was open to cri
ticism because of "unfortunate
wording" in the description of
a batter's crouch.
Under the new regulation,
adopted in the revised playing
code, the stipulation is that a
batter's "normal crouch" must
be considered when the strike
zone area is considered. In
other words, a batter could
come crouched to the plate so
low that a pitcher would have
very limited space in which
to throw a strike.
"We would see the biggest
crop of crouching batters in
history if we followed that
rule," the league prexy declar
ed. "No one ever would be able
to settle an argument as to a
batter's normal crouch."
'Had the rules committee said
natural stance, instead, it would
have made some sense. The um
pires, who know all the batters
(By the A&socl.ted Pressl
Sogthe.atern Conference Tonrney
Mm. State U, Tulene 47. . ...
aeorsi. 59, MiuUelppt 58.
LouUlsn State 8. Florid. ST.
Tenneuee S3. Oeorzla Tech 58.
Southern Conference Tourney
irirai Kounoi
Wake Forest 65, George Washing-ton 61.
North Carolina St. 61, Vlrslntr. Tech a.
Duke 53, South Carolina, 41.
William, and Mary 50. North Carolina 43.
Other Gamea
Utah 38. Wyomlnc 19.
Look Xaland 63, Hamllne 53.
Siena 43, St. Bonaventure 38.
CCNY 57, Manhattan 55.
Indiana State 60. Washlnaton (St. Louis)
40. .
(By the Associated Press)
Dlitrlol 1 Flayaff
LaGrande 81. Vale 48.
District 6 Tournament '
Eugene 50, Willamette (Eugene) 40.
Cottage Grove 36, St. Mary'a (Eugene)
Dlatrlet S Tournament
Newberg 03, Sheridan 37,
Dallas 43. McMlnnvllle 37. .
District 18 Tournament
Central Catholic (Portland) S3, Fart-
rose 42. '
Greaham 30. Estacada 31.
Dlitrlct 1-B Tournament
Tillamook Catholic 84, Gatton 53.
Garibaldi 48. Knanoa 28.
District 2-B Tonrnament
Monmouth 54, Aumsvllle 40.
Amity 30, Mill City 30.
Sublimity 40, Perrydale 29.
Oervala 65, Corbett 41.
Dlitrlct B-B Playoff
Rogue River 52. sacred Heart (Kiamatn
Palls) 38.
District A-B Tournament
Arlington 40, Maupln 31.
Heppner 33, Odell 27.
Fossil! 28. Park dale 30.
Condon 41, Culver 32.
District 8-B Tournament
Union 70, Enterprise 29.
Wallowa 62, Hereford 20.
Elgin 43, Halfway 35.
Powder Valley 46, Adrian 45 (overtime).
well, could call a hitter for try
ing to change his stance in or
der to narrow the strike zone.
But they can't under this 'nor
mal crouch' stipulation."
Angry Cuban Heavyweight
Vows to Retire Wolcott
(United Press Sports Editor)
New York, March 3 CU.R)
Angry Omelio Agramonte, Cu
ban heavyweight with dreams of
a world title shot, vowed today
to "retire old Jersey Joe Wal-
cott and do his family a favor"
because his veteran rival talked
too much.
Aramonte, who tackles Wal-
cott at Madison Square Garden
on Friday night, was all steam
ed up as he finished training be
cause his aged opponent claimed
that he had kayoed the Cuban
in a 1946 exhibition with pillow
like 16-ounce gloves. '
"She's never happened," Ag
ramonte growled in his bat
tered English. "That Wal
cott he's put me down but I
am up again and finish the
box. At the finish he is having
so much as he can handles."
Shaking a right fist the size
of a full-fledged triphammer, a
paw which has powdered 19 of
his 33 pro opponents into dream
land, Omelio added that this time
it would-be waleott on the re
ceiving end.
"He should be leaving the
box to younger and better
men. Waleott says he is 36.
At the 36 he is, the legs can't
be what she used to was."
Agramonte added that .there
was "nothing personal" in Ms
remarks "except how I feel
about heem." . .
with Safety
5M Stale Street Salem. Oregon Telephone 2 4139
With that firmly understood,
Omelio started to smile again
and reminisced of his youth in
Camaguey, Cuba, where he final
ly had to make a decision wheth
er he wanted to be a boxer or a
baseball player.
"I was the good baseball play
er," he insisted. Omelio he could
play the centerfield fine and
good hit, too. Only, I figure out,
I hit better in the box."
At 25, the five-foot, 11-inch
slugger has been moving rapidly
upward, losing only five bouts in
his 33 as a pro.
Blended WUdrcT 8 PrwC
65 Grain Neutral Spirit.
Mr. Boston Distiller Inc.. Bomoo. Ml
sergetuit Ueorge H. Hatto is a
top-fltght mechanic. What's more,
he can explain to a beginner what
makes an engine tick. That s why
George often has recruits assigned
him lor on-the-job training. When
a young man has completed this
prncuciu course He nas a skill that
enn be turned into dollars anywhere.
George says. "I learned my trade
in the Army like thousands of other
guys. It's the only place I know
where they pay you good money to
learn something you can cash in en
all your life."
George thinks a young man is
missing a bet if he doesn't visit his
local Recruiting Office to find out
wna tne Army nas to oiter him.
In Salem go to Room 211, Post Of
fice Building.
Wards Great Spring Sale of
select the la
do ! pay $1 now and
the lawn mower you wantl
Pay the balance in 90 days and
pick up your mower. Sale ends
Saturday, March 4.
REGULAR $19.95
Thick, semi-pneumatic tires wont
hurt lawn I Ball-bearing action for
easy pushing. Chrome hub caps.
Tubular steel handle. 10" wheels!
REGULAR $22.45
Wards Master Quality ... a fast
cutting, smooth-rolling machine!
Chrome trim, 10" wheels. Enclosed
gears. Tubular steel handle! Sale!
4-cycle engine. Thick rubber tires.
Tubular steel handle. Quart fuel
tank ... uses H pint per hour.
See it today at Wards! A Value!
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Shop 'til 9 Friday Night