Crucial District Hurdles Await Four Squads Friday The chips are down Friday night for four of the contestants In the District 11 basketball tournament who will meet on the Salem high gym floor in fames slated for 7 and 8:30 o'clock. In the curtain raiser, Silver ton meets Mt. Angel while Sa cred Heart and Stayton are matched for the nightcap. Each of the four teams has already sustained one setback, and Dis trict 11 double elimination rules drop a team from competition after a second defeat. Silverton was edged by Sa cred Heart in the opening round while Mt. Angel was stopped in an upset victory by the Stayton Eagles in the initial night of play. The Cardinals' loss to Salem Wednesday put them in the game with Stayton, loser to Woodburn on Wednesday night. Three of the state's top high school basketball teams moved within a game of district titles last night, the Associated Press reported. All could cinch matters tonight. La Grande, long the District 1 favorite, romped over Vale, 61 46, in the first game of their playoff. Another win tonight would give La Grande a berth in the state tourney at Eugene. Eugene in District 6 nosed out Willamette of Eugent, 50-48, to remain unbeaten in a round- robin playoff there. A win by Eugene high over St. Mary's of Eugene would end the affair to night. High-scoring Central Cath- olic of Portland moved into the finals of the District 13 tournament at Gresham with a 62-42 win over Parkrose. Gresham will be the opponent In the finals tonight. Gresham downed Estacada last night, 39-31. The District 8 tourney also opened last night with favored Newberg trampling Sheridan, 63-27. Dallas defeated McMinn- ville in another game, 43-37. Semi-finals will be played Sat urday night with Newberg meet ing Dallas. In Class B action, Rogue Riv er, the Jackson county cham pion, became the second team to qualify for the state tourna ment at Astoria. The Rogues de feated Sacred Heart of Klamath Falls, 52-38. It was a second straight win, and gave them the District 5-B crown. Alsea in District 3-B was the first team to qualify. In District . 1-B Tillamook Catholic eliminated Gaston, 64 53, while the favored Garibaldi team downed Knappa, 46-26. The District 2-B tourney opened with Monmouth, Amity, St. Boniface of Sublimity, and Gervais winning. Sublimity will face Amity and Monmouth will oppose Gervais tonight. In District 6-B Arlington, Heppner, Fossil and Condon came through with opening round wins. In District 8-B favored Union chalked up a first-round win along with Wallowa, Elgin and Powder Valley. J Feb. 27 Silverton 33 Sacred Heart 35 March 1 Sacred Heart 28 March 3 March 4 March 6 March 8 District 11 Basketball Tourney Pairings Winner 1 3. Salem 67 Salem Winner S 8. Woodburn Silverton Loser 1 5. Mt. Angel Stayton 36 Winner 4 Loser 3 Sacred Heart Loser 8 6. Stayton 10. Woodburn 30 Mt. Angel 34 4. Stayton 26 Third ROUnO The crucial iMri round in District 11 tour IliliU IWUIIU ney action comes Friday night when four, one-time losers are matched. A defeat drops the loser from the tournament. Silverton meets Mt Angel at 7 p.m. Sacred Heart plays Stayton at 8:30 p.m. Sports Calendar March S BASKETBALL DUtrlet 11 tournament, Salem hlfb 7m: 7 md 8:15 p.m. Lewis St Clark vs. Willamette 8 p.m. Orel on B-tm v. Washnigton, Seattle. March 4 BASKETBALL District 11 tournament, Salem high jm, 1 and 8:15 p.m. City Loop Scores CHURCH LEAGUE Knight Memorial (35) (1?) -Leslie Meth. Conover 15. P Crittenden Tavener 3 P Murray Dougherty 8 ...C 6 Adams Davis fi O 1 Verdeck McKlnney 4 G 4 Dean C. 8. Christian (31) (37) 1st Christ. Lyman 10 . , Vanish , Moore 9 ..... 1 Flower 5 Uarngl 7 ... Presbyterian Angle 15 .... Myers 23 ... Knapp 12 Morgali Maden 3 .... Benson 2 .... St Mark (43) Rex Oenteman 2 Zeuske 18 . . Stewart 12 Brown 9 ...P 4 Watts ...P Wright ...C : West ...a S Vergets a 16 Lebold S 2 Boyes (54) (73) 1st Methodist F.. ........ 2 McOee F 7 Smith C 2 Sohrt G 2 McMillan ....... .Q 6 Nieswander S 4 Cole (IS) Cal. Baptist 10 Raymond ....P... ...,c..., ,.,.o... 17 Grenz 3 Isaac 4 Martin Gebour Walker 2 S 2 Burcham Latter Day saints forfeited to Church i uoa. First Baptist lorieitea to salva tion Army. Post Season Cage Contests Move to Complete Lineups By JOHN GRIFFIN (United Press SportB Editor) New York, March 3 (U.R) The big post-season basketball tour naments started moving fast to ward completing their fields to day as Syracuse entered the na tional invitation with Long Island U. certain to follow, and Bradley given a shot at a spot in the NCAA tourney. The selection of Syracuse, with a record of 17 wins and six de feats, left seven spots still open in the NIT. And one of those was sure to go to LIU, either today or only hours later. The Blackbirds sewed it up last night when they trounced a top-notch Hamline university team, 63 to 52, in Ma dison Square Garden. It was the 20th victory in 24 games for the men of Coach Clair Bee and they achieved it despite a 33-point splurge by Hal Haskins of Hamline. LIU, paced by Sher man White's 18 points, never was behind. Hamline, with 27 wins and two losses, is headed for the NAIB tourney in Kan sas City. Bradley, already entered in the' NIT, was delighted at get ting a chance at the district five spot in the NCAA. The Braves had coveted both slots, but were told last Tuesday by the district five selection committee that they had for feited their right to an NCAA bid by accepting the NIT. Fol lowing inquiries from Bradley and protests from Braves" sup porters, the selection committee reversed itself in a meeting in Kansas City last night and de clared Bradley was eligible. So, now, Bradley, champion of the Missouri Valley confer ence, will tangle with the Big Seven champion for the district five slot. The Big Seven king will be either Nebraska or Kan sas State. Whichever it is, Brad ley will be favored in the play off. That means the Braves are likely to try the stunt that Kentucky tried last year play in both tourneys. The Wildcats won the NCAA, lost in the NIT. And Kentucky is moving to ward an entry in one or both again. The Wildcats start seek ing their eighth straight South eastern conference championship tonight when they tangle with Mississippi State in the SEC tourney at Louiseville, Ky. It' a quarter-final game, and the Wildcats aren't expected to have trouble until probably the final round. '.'"1 ' I I I i j r v, 1 tV flglHtVllff '-'W,yMlbinmTir harilltV l0am Willamette faculty members who will up- utility ivuiii nol(j jne physical education department in next Thursday night's Faculty versus W Club basketball gigantic at 8 o'clock. Left to right, Chester Stackhouse, foot ball coach and physical director; Dr. Egbert Oliver, of the English department; Ambrose D'Eagle, line coach; Prof. Maurice Cohn of the accounting department and Johnny Lewis, basketball coach. Wolfe-Ball Fistic Show Rescheduled for Armory The 10 round engagement between Indian Dick Wolfe and Davey Ball, planned for the last V.F.W. boxing show at the armory, but postponed due to an injury suffered by Ball, will feature next Wed nesday night's program at the armory. Wolfe displayed consider able ability last week In dis posing of Al Cliff who substi tuted for Ball. The latter is re ported as having completely recovered from a cut over an eye and, according to Match maker Ted Salkeld, will be in good shape for the Wolfe scrap. Wolfe and Ball have box ed three times, with Wolfe winning the first encounter In the ninth when Ball broke a hand. The second bout, staged in Eugene, resulted in a split decision for Wolfe. They were rematched for a third session which was stopped in the ninth when Ball received a LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 3, 1950 Page 11 FAN FARE By Walt Dirzen PONT YOBKY ABOUT HIM.KIP I ( MOW DO '""' '- PN his bark's wasse . . vvou wow? . St THAN His BITE JN Vftfe badly cut eye to a head butt. A six round semi-final and three four round preliminaries will complete the card. A re-1 duction In admission charges will be In effect for the pro-" gram. Gill Coliseum Housed 87,463 In Banner Year Corvallis, March 3 VP) Oregon State college's basket ball team player before more hometown rooters this year than ever before, Athletic -Director Roy (Spec) Keene said yesterday.. The 14-game home season drew 87,463 fans. It was at tributable largely to the new 10,200-seat Gill Coliseum which replaced a 3,500-capa-city court. Sr. Mary's Inks New Grid Coach Moraga, Calif., March 3 W) Joe Ruetz, former Notre Dame star guard, has been signed as head football coach at St. Ma ry's college. Bearcats Close Season Play Friday with L&C Beavers Cling to Slim Hope of Division Knot (By the Associated Press) i Oregon State college, its hopes for a co-hold on the Northern division basketball title as much in the nanus of the Idaho Vandals as themselves, clashes tonight and Saturday with the University of Washington. The Seattle series, along with Idaho's two-game set with Wash ington State, rings down the curtain on the division schedule. The Beavers need a double miracle to draw even with the pace-setting Washington State college Cougars. Not only must OSC knock over Washington twice on the Se- PlSnninfl Sports writers, broadcasters and university lUllillllJI coaches and officials go into a huddle over press accommodations for the new $100,000 McCullough football stadium. Back row: left to right, Chester Stackhouse, physi cal director and head football coach; John Lewis, basketball coach; Chris Kowitz, Jr., Oregon Journal; Travis Cross, di rector of Information, Willamette; Tom Yates, statistician; bottom row Fred E. Zimmerman, Capital Journal; Dave Hoss, KSLM; Robert Fenix, financial vice president of Willamette; Dick Nason, KOCO and Julian "Buck" Smith, line coach.. Per hops Higbe Can Do Something for Lippy! Phoenix, Aria. March 3 U.B New York Giant manager Leo Duroeher things it's fine that pitcher Kirby Higbe has "ac cepted Christ" as a follower of Evangelist Billy Graham. "If It helps his pitching," said Leo the Lip, "I'll send for this Graham fellow immediately." . Higbee said he sighed a con tract with the Lord after a 30- minute talk with Graham in Columbia, S. C, last week and would "carry the word of ' Christ" to the rest of the Giants. "Billy's a good preacher and a fine fellow," the big righthander said. "I went to all of his meetings in Colum bia and signed a 'decision' card before I left." The card meant he "accepted unrist as tne savior" Higbee explained. The hurler, .who joined New York last year after six seasons with Brooklyn, said he intended to carry the word of Christ to other players this season. He wasn't sure .however, exactly how he would go about it. i "I'm no preacher, but I'll do all I can," he vowed. Higbe doesn't think he'll have much trouble talking to other players, although he still hasn't figured out how to approach "I'm reading my Bible and fill have more to say later" the drawling hurler said. "Ball players are a good bunch and guess a lot of them know more about religion than I could tell them." Higbe, a church-goer all his life, said he was attracted to Graham's "Crusade for Christ' because he always had been in terested in religion. I never felt so wonderful In my life as I did after meeting Billy," he said. Higbe said prayers have help ed him out of a few tight spots on the diamond. He said they give him a boost whenever "the going gets tough." Duroeher is anxious to see what effect Higbe's religion will have on his pitching. He hopes it will improve his two-won two-lost record made last season as a relief pitcher. attle floor, but Idaho must trip the Cougars in both week-end meetings. Neither will be any cinch. Washington has lost only four games on its home floor and only WSC was able to take pair. Currently Washington and Idaho are tied for third, two games behind Oregon Slate which, in turn, is two games be hind WSC. Oregon, its season completed, is two games back of the Huskies and Vandals. Tonight's WSC-Vandal tilt is on the Idaho floor. Saturday finds the two clubs switching back. Emma Jean Makes Mountain Folk Gawk-at Hoop Record By PAUL DUKE Pennington Gap, Va., Mar. 3 (Pi The folks who figure the fellows have it all over the gals on the basketball court doubtless never heard tell of Emma Jean Yeary. But the mountain folks who inhabit this southwest Virginia hill town know there never has been anybody like Emma Jean. The things Em ma Jean, 17, does with a bas ketball make the guys gawk In amazement. Her record: 954 points in 24 games for Penniigton gap high school during the 1949 50 season. Unbelievable? Well, con sider this. In Pennington's last five games, the tall, blonde ace she reaches al most six-feet-three flipped in 304 points. On Feb. 18, Emma Jean scored 63 points as the Pen nington Gap lassies squeaked past Keokee, 71-70. Next night, on the same court, she clicked off another 63 mark ers. Both marks set Virginia records high school, prep, and college figures included. Emma Jean, daughter of a brickmason, employs a dandy two-handed overhand shot to dazzle the opposition. CHANGE OF TIME "Fif.coter" On at 5:45 This Evening Instead of 6:30 over KOCO Presented by Herrall-Owens & The Salem Boat House With the championship of the Northwest conference al ready written into the records books to the credit of Coach Johnny Lewis' squad, Willam ette university will bring down the curtain on regular sea son competition at 8 o'clock Friday night. Their opponents will be the Lewis & Clark Pi oneers, twice victims to 'Cat attack. As has been the case all season the burden of the of fense is expected to be car ried by five Willamette sopho mores Ted Loder, Doug Lo der, Hugh Bellinger, Lou Scrivens, Dick Brouwer or Chuck Robinson. The two senior members of the squad Pete Bryant and Al Fedje are almost certain to see action, for it will be their final appearance under the Cardinal and Gold colors. Bob Pollard, big 6 foot T ace, is the chief scorer for the Pioneers. Roosevelt Leads With 108 Night : hotting Dates New York Lonit Island'a' Roosevelt Raceway at Westburyy regarded as the country's major) narness racing track, again has the lead In the East with 10S nights of racing this year. Th meeting opens on May 22 ana- continues through Sept. 23. The spacious plant will have. a competitor this year in Yor kers Raceway, the former Em-I pire City thoroughbred track hv Westchester county. Yonkers has listed 83 night dates. They are split into three meetings, Aprils i i ior 2i nignts, a lz-nlght sum. mer meeting from Aug. 13" through Aug. 28 and a 30-night fall session, Sept. 25 through' Oct. 28. .. The Eastern season again will be launched at Harrington, Del,!! with a 20-night meeting begin ning April 26. Traditional Grand Circuit" meetings at Goshen, N. Y., are: listed for June 3-7 at Historic. Track and Aug. 7-12 at Good"' Time Park where the $85,00(5 Hambletonian trot is set for Aug. 9. Other Eastern dates announc ed by the United States TrotS! ting association follow: Buffalo Raceway at Ham- burg, N. Y., 60 nights from' May 22 to July 29. -Batavla Downs at Batavla, N. Y., 60 nights from July 31"; to Sept. 30. Rosecroft Raceway at Oxon ' Hill, Md., 24 nights from , May 22 to June 17. Laurel Raceway at Laurel, 1 Md., 22 nights from June 19 to July 13. Baltimore Raceway, 22 -nights from July 14 to Aug. 8. Ocean Downs at Ocean City Md., 20 nights from Aug. 10 to Sept. 2. Syracuse, N. Y., State Fair, , five days from Sept. 4 to 8. The Lexington Trqjs at Lex--ington, Ky., will hold its meet-' ing from Sept. 27 through Oct 7 featured by the $60,000 Ken-' Itucky Futurity on Oct. 5. Dallas and Newberg Nab Semi-Final Tourney Spots McMinnville The. Dallas iNewben Dragons and the Newberg Tigers advanced to the semi - finals scheduled for Saturday night as the result of first-round compe tition in District 8 basketball play. Dallas beat McMinnville 43 to 37 and Newberg eliminated Sheridan 63 to 27. Dallas and Newberg will meet at 8:45 with Salem academy playing Dayton at 7:30. (17) SherMia Ruen 16 ........P 4 Oclevl Hot 13 F 4 Mini Thruher 4 c 10 filovtr Krueger 0 7 Shott LoekA 8 0 3 Col Substitute: Newberg Martin 3, Crab tree 4. Ellis 4. Scott 3. Halftlme: Newber 28, Sheridan 13. OlllclaU: Emll Fllu and Chopple ltlnl. DaUaa (43) Edlier 13 .. Fbher 3 .. Olson S .... Cook 9 .... Bese 3 Substitutes: (87) MeHlmnTlllo ....P.... 18 Montgomery ,...F 3 Knopf ,...C 10 Porter ...J 1 Wiser ...a 1 Tdlver Dallas Clark 8, Jansen 3r McMinnville Beard 2, Ollson 3. HalftlmR Dallas 24, McMinnville 21. the Swe Road DIRECTIONS: Follow Route 7 all the way. It's the shortest. . . SUREST. . . most satisfying road to the place where perfect drinks come from a bottle of 7 Crown. ..Seagram's finest American whiskey I Ses.rm's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65S Grain Hwtril Spirits. Siftin-Distinrl Corp., Chrysler Building, H.I. 4