Morse Declines Thomas Debate Portland, Ore., March 2 U.P Norman Thomas, senior spokes man for the American Socialist party, offered to debate the Co lumbia Valley Administration proposal with Sen. Wayne Morse, R., Ore.,) but Morse today de clined the invitation. . Morse said the Thomas invita tion "only goes to show that those who favor the establish ment of a state economy in America are using CVA as one of the devices for accomplishing their socialistic objectives." Thomas challenged Morse to the debate while here for a lec ture appearance Tuesday night. Finland's President Begins New Term Helsinki, Finland, March 2 W) President Juho Paasikivi be gan his second term of office Wednesday by promising to work for "good and trustful relations, especially between Finland and the Soviet Union." The 79-year-old statesman "CVA is not an issue in my primary campaign because most of us in the republican party are opposed to it," Morse said. "It may become an issue in the gen eral election next fall if my Accused Men Use Klan Alibi Rome, Ga., March 2 ffl One after another of ten men on trial for plotting the lashing of seven Negroes at Hooker, Ga., is plead ing that red-caped and hooded Ko Klux Klansmen alone are to! blame for the savage deeds. Three of the defendants in U.S. district court have gone so far as to assert in their testimo- ny that instead of conniving with the Klan they themselves were victims of its coercion and arro gance. One was Dade County Sher iff John W. Lynch who said yes terday a masked man rammed what "felt like a gun" in his back and forced him to turn ov er two of the Negroes to robed lash-wielders. Deputy Sheriff John Bleck ley, also a defendant, followed his superior to the stand and gave similar testimony. A third defendant, 28-year-old Robert Keener of Trenton, Ga., admitted he drove the sev en Negroes in his station wagon from the home of Mamie Clay, also a Negro, to the flogging scene the night of April 2. Keener testified he did so, however, only because a Klans man reached under his robe as if he were going to draw a gun. democratic opponent advocates it. "During my primary campaign I shall devote my public dis cussions to those problems which are an issue in that campaign and therefore I have no inten tion of taking the time to carry on a public discussion with Nor man Thomas on one of his pet S H IP AT PENNEY'S Friday and Saturday Get the PENNEY Buying Habit! was sworn into office with the dark shadow of Russian politi cal pressure marring the inaug uration ceremonies. Russia yesterday handed Fin state economy proposals." Thomas suggested to a Port land audience that the United States could offer to abandon heavy armaments in the interest of world peace provided other nations followed suit. land a note reiterating previous demands for the extradition of some 300 alleged Soviet war criminals. NOW: MARATHON FUR-FELT HATS 24 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, March 2, 1950 TO plan IJu Hurry, hurry, hurry! Don't miss this dollar-saving sale of the century! Come share in these terrific yes, unsurpassed savings in suits, topcoats, hats, etc., while they last! Stock up now! You'll be glad you did later on! Here's Value-Plus! SPORT COATS Values to 27.50 m u 0 . 1450 J and sport coats THIS GROUP IN BROKEN LOTS If you can find your size it's all youn for oi low as 1950 Values to 55.00 Another special group of super suit values! War selling at 49.75 Now Only 2950 EXTRA! One group of fine suits regularly priced at 55.00 Now Jutt 3950 'W0RSTED-TEX' Top quality fabric tailor ing. 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PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE 4, 00 NOW: ALL-WOOL GABARDINE SLACKS Smooth finish, all worsted fabric Smart shades, pleated front Slide fastener fly. 28-42 . PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 9. 90 NOW: RAYON SATIN BRA VALUES Smooth fit, plenty of comfort Tea-rose in sizes 32-40 Good uplift . . . A, B, C, cup PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 2 for 00 NOW: WOMEN'S GIRDLE VALUES 9 Youthful, lightweight elastic Detachable, crotch, garters. S-M-L 2-Way stretch, tea ros only PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR ! (Q)(Q) NOW: WOMEN'S SPRING SHORT CROATS Rayon gabardine, all-wool suede Both styles fully lined. 10-18 Hjj ffg ffj New, high spring shades jj iT Jlffll PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR " 'r NOW: GIRL'S ALL-WOOL FLANNEL COATS Popular short coat style All-wool, unlined, patch pockets JJ fj tf P New Spring shades. Reduced! jj ffjj NOW: 100 WOOL COATING MATERIAL In beige, gray, aqua shades . 60 inches wide . . . ample for clothing Heavyweight, soft napped wool PENNEY'S MEZZANINE 2.98 Yd. Shop PENNEY'S 9:30 A.M. till 5:30 P.M. Daily Re. U. 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