! ii ; 1. 22 Capital Journal, Salem, -uLuiiruo ftDvnxuiNOi rat un .....18o Per Lin. ( tlmaa 40a Per Una time. aoa Pet lid 1 month 12.00 Outskl. of Salem 15e per Una per dar hid. loei tlmea mln. Ha tlmea tain. 11.20. No Aeluode READERS In Local N.wa OoL Onlri IDC pat Una To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES B.K., Zj.H., U.K., Kiwn. s nuoi, vi baths, fireplace, auto. oil furnace. 3645 OPEN FOR INSPECTION - t BR home. Nice corner location, bus at """door, for sale oy ouuaen. tnicm ?oodu. Terms 1010 S. 14th. .a52 NRAR BTATH OFTOOE BUILDINO "'16000 8-room house. Is baaemt, corner lot, paved. Ideal tor apartments. Good term. " ' NKAR LESLIE SCHOOL "110,50011500 dn. English type t bed ITO, 11V r, dining St Kitcnen, unit, lurnaoa. NEAR SALEM HIGH --110,750 Living room with frplcc, kitch en h dining, 2 bed rm, hwd floor thru- out. You can have 2 nice bed rm St ' bath up. F.H.A. ii wanted. FOR COUNTRY LIVING; . - 14000 2 'A A. living, kitchen, bed rm, ..flreplce, barn. Will accept reasonable man down payment. V. Omer Huff Realty Ml Chemeketa B BR UNFIN. hse. 3 bike. E. Trading Poet, LabUh Village. Easy terms Ph. 3-1454. I5S GOOD BARGAIN Neat 2 bedroom home eaat with possible 3rd bedroom. Plastered. Laraa lot. Good value at 18500. 11700 down. Goodwin & McMillin Realtor! 4M Court Eve. 2-4773. Near Glen Creek Road Good modern houao, Acre. Wired for rente. 2 BR. 'a do. Siooo dn. and $50 per mo. Full price 10200. B. Isherwood, Realtor St. 1, Boi 243 Ph. 2-3147 or 2-S83S a6J McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Attractlce home In the country on aero of excellent soil. It hai a well and auto. pump. The house li new, plastered Interior, hardwood floor and la In a . oeauiuui aeciuaea setting, rrwe jjojou. '" We have a 2-bedroora, plastered home with hardwood floors, fireplace, close - in, near schools, cnurcn, dus ana store. This li sood buy for only $7500. Suburban 2-bedroom home with beautl- ul pecan flooring. It has larva rooms that are fell arranged. The house will take a good F.H.A, committment. Full price 18550. - Looking for an acre with food plaster Ad home? Let us show you one with hardwood floors, fireplace, large liv ing room, tile bath, utility room St dou ble garage. Owner will consider trad ,hiB for 3 -bedroom home. Price 110,200. . '"Englewood dlst. home about 10 yrs. old 'ylth 6 bedrooms, full "basement, hard b'wood floors, sun porch, fireplace and h.thany other attractive features. J 14,000. T $190 A MONTH PLUS Svery fine 3-bdroom apt. for owner, xcellent location, close In. Will take . .house in on trade. Do not miss see 4pg this at $24,500. daytime phone 3-6620. Eve. Phone uu. 3-8400 3-5514 rMcKillop Real Estate ! 403 Center at High j - WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS a62 FOB SALE: $200 DOWN1, Dal. $40 month.) V4 acre, 4 room modern house complete- j y furnished, new elec. Frig, range, 42 gallon elec. wtr, Mr., nice chlx house St fenced pen. fruit Ac walnut trees. South 00E, Prlngle road, route 4, -box BIB. Ph. 4-2344 alter 0 p.m. a53 f SINGLE CREEK PARK i rm. home with CREEK across corner, some trees, "Bendlx washer Inc., 1 blk city bus, 15300. Walt flocolofsky. Real Estate, Ph. $-8835. a52 "ENGLEWOOD DIST. -4 bdrm. fcb. Hdwd. firs., weather strip ped, Insulated. 2 fireplaces. Breegg Way. 1510 Madison. Ph. 3-5539. a56 DO YOU want to buy a home this week? . E. yrs. old. Very nice 3 BR home, -fcdwd. floors, attached garage, fenced back yard, good district transporta tion. $6050. Terms, VKGLEWOOD. Lute -built 5-rm. home. -Hdwd. floors, lots of closet space, large - windows, lovely dry basemnt. Auto, oil furnace, best of surroundings. Loan to fit the buyer. $11,900. B.E. MEREDITH RLY. or B. M. MASON q76 S. Com'l Ph. 8-8841. a53 Exceptional Buy Highland New 1 -bedroom and garage. Fine large lot. Only $4500. - Here's Another $3500 buys 1-bdrm. home, A., fruit. 1 block outside city. Equity Sacrificed bdrm. nearly new. Hdwd. firs. Gar. attached. In city. Make offer. $450 Down. $65 Mo. Move In. 3 bdrm. home. Hdwd. firs. Large living room. Nice kitchen and dinette. : Furnished 4-Bedroom Very close In. Easily made Into apts. $9500. L. E. Klumpp, Realtors 480 N. Church. Ph. 3-7643, Eve. 3-0126 , a52 CONSIDER OFFER on 3 bdrm hse. Unfln upstairs. 3397 Adams. Ph. 35533. a56 ARE YOU DISAPPOINTED AFTER LOOK INO THROUGH THE NEW HOMES OF TODAY? Do you feel you get the bare necessities for your money? Let us show you a new three bedroom suburban home, full of new Ideas, designed St built by DON GARDNER who builds homes to last. By appt. only. $18,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Oom'l St. Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 3-98(19 54 $500 DOWN bdrm, hrdwd firs, gar, lrg lot, lmmed pass, $4750 full price, $50 per mo. on bal. Northeast. Ph. 3-7965. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonlo Bldg. Ph. 3-9217 Ins. - Mortgage Loans a54 Only $260 Down en this 1 year old 3 bedroom suburban house with hdwd floors, ven blinds, fire place, unfinished upstnlrs and large lot. Total price- only- $8500. Monthly pay ment! like rent. Get key at 3705 Bun ny view Ave. Ph. 36468. a54 KEIZER DISTRICT "Modern 3 bedroom home, garage at tached. Near bus line, school and church, tached. Near bus line, school and church. Lot 75 by 175. cash. Price 19500. :. K. G. KRUEGER 117 N. Commercial St. Ph. 3-4738 ass : IN AUMSVILLE -New two bedroom, near school and -all op ping district; wired for ranee, elec. water htr. A real value at 14500, SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS ' N. HUh at. - Phone 1-1860. aM MODERN t bdrm. home. Oarage e. gar den apace. 14095. Ph. 30100. aM : WEST SALEM Nice location. Lovely Calif, style I bdrm. home. Mardwood floors thruout. Nice St good fireplace. Electric heat. Utility - tt garage. Price 9500. Ph. 3-3280. : General Real Estate 151 Cent M Ore., Thursday, March 2, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSES CLOSE IN NORTH Older type 3 bdrm. modern home. Excel lent location, large lot. Dbl. garage. 11000 down, $50 per mo. Joe Noonchester REAL ESTATE 3065 Pleasant View Dr. Ph. day, eve. 30103 LOVELY VIEW HOME IN CHOICE LO CATION: Large living room with fire- place; dining room; tile kitchen with ample omit-ins, nook: unusual glassed' In sun room; 3 bedrooms; double Plumbing: knotty pine den; full base ment, oil heat. One of the nicest land scaped yards In Salem. Price $26,500 with terms. Fir appointment call 2-3551. Leo N. Childs, Realtor 1080 Fairgrounds Rd. Eve. Ph, 3-4510 or 2-8103. a 53 KEIZER DISTRICT New home ready to occupy. LR St K St N. Utility rm.. 2 BR. All decorated. Hdwd, floors. Close to bus St school. Terms. Onas 8. Olson. 665 Chemawa Rd. V4 ml. W. Kelzer school. Ph. 3-1380. a54 American Colonial $98005 beautiful rooms with large unfinished upstairs, attached garage et utility, about e mo. old. Fireplace, elec. heat, extra large lot. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor S60 8. Commercial Ph. 3-3840 Eve. 2-5260. a53' Small Down Payment $6200 Almost new 3 bedroom home with attached garage, elec. heat, fire place, weathers tripped St Insulated. $1000 down. 160 per mo. East. Call Bob. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 2-5260. a53 $2150 $150 DOWN. Unfinished 4-room house. North. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, BROKER 328 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-5211. Eve. 3-3203. a53 FOR SALE LOTS BLDG. LOT EXCLUSIVE LISTING One block from Kelzer school. Lot 75 by 160. $50 cash, bat $10 monthly. price . .50. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Commercial St. Ph. 3-4 TWO LOTS 10-112. City water, bus, re strictlons. 8875 each. Terms. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, BROKER 338 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-5211. Eve. 2-3203. aa52 SPECIAL PRICE on 2 adjoining wooded tracts, in Kingwooa we ignis, ioj it. iron tane, on pavea uascaae ui. rn. 34538 after 1 p.m. aa66 FOR SALE FARMS YOUR BEST BUY! $1000 DOWN takes this 100 A. farm loc. short drive from college town. Approx. Vi in rich bottom loam lrrlcateable from Ige. stream, bal. rolling cut-over land, good for pasture. Bldgs. Include 2 houses, one Is new, also new burn. Paved highway almost to door. $12,500. includes crops. GRADE A DAIRY St STOCK FARM. 384 A. dnrk, valley soil, yr. stream St springs, 85 A. In certified seed crops. 6 Rm. home Is neat St modern. Grade A barn St milk house are up to date In every respect. You'll like this model farm, loc. close to thriving Willamette Valley town, all routes by door. $31,000. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 B. Com'l St. - Phone 3-8389 b54 Dairy Farm 135 acres, all stock St machinery, 100 A. In cut. 50 In vetch Sc oats. 3 springs St 2 wells, year round creek. Older buildings. Price $20,000. Ph. 3-3389. General Real Estate 255 Center St. b52 34 ACRES $5250 About 20 acres cultivated, one acre strawberries, acre boysenborrles; full set fair buildings. Call Mr. Beckett. SALEM REALTY CO. . REALTORS 140 N. Hlih St. ' Phone S7660 Eve. Phone 24501 b52 BY OWNER, 73 Acre Howell Prairie Farm. Easy payment. 41B . Main at.. Sllverton, Ore. Ph. 053. 053 FOR SALE ACREAGE REAL ESTATE (E ACRES on good street, close to main highway St new school. Excellent for subdivision. Easy terms. 212 N. High. DoWltt Land Co. Ph. 34016. c55 $300 Down Now that we have had an opportunity to snow tnis very neat nome to mc public we are indeed happy to announce the people of Salem are far beyond ex pectations In wanting un to build many of them. We are also happy to be In a position to do so. We will be glad to arrange an evening appointment for you with the builder and draftsman to draw your individual plans et arrange the flnnnclng for you. Rem ember this home has 780 sq. ft. of floor spnee, hardwood floors throughout, Coleman oil furnace, plate glass windows, utility room InMctc, large storage space up stairs, lots of closet ds linen space. Don't forget the terms . . , $300 down Si the total price of $6300 . . built on your lot. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 ortland Rd. Ph. 3-7620-2-4596 r5fl Best Buys Attention Builders We have an unfinished hse. plnnnrd for a dupk-x rental. Upstairs livable. Owner will sell for $500 lwn. Priced for quick sale. Only $3900. Eve. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Large Famliy Home Pour bedrooms, electric heat, Insulated, only 4 yrs. old. This la not the very best of locations but we believe this well worth $8500. See this before you buy. Eves. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Machine Shop . Just listed. One of the best equipped machine shops In the valley. Every thing in the way of machinery St tools. Net rent on building $35 per mo. Lease available. We consider this a buy for $8500. Eve. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. Implement Business Just listed, nationally advertised Im plement business. An exclusive territory. Owner has filed with us and excellent financial statement on this business. Servicing several counties, Owner sell ing because of age. If you are familiar with Implements this Is It. Unlimited possibilities. Please coma In for all de tails. Choice Acre Very modern 5 rm. home, 2 chicken house, family orchard, berries. Good soil for garden. Well, plenty of water. Close to town. This Is a buy for $6250. sves pn. j-nas or 9.3558. 6Vfc Acres 4 rm. modern home, very clean, 16 min utes from downtown. Paved road, deep well. This Is a god suburban acreage for only 19500. Eves ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 5 Acres - New Home Very modern, some new furniture goes. Good well, garage. Total price only 16500. Eves. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 3 Acres North Six room modern home, several out buildings. Willamette soil. Home built In 1940. Sea this one for only 15500 Eves. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 103$ Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830, 1-4596 REAL ESTATE $700 DOWN AND MOVE RIGHT IN this nice 3 bedroom home In the Keiser district. House only 3 years old. Wired for range. Large lot. Close to city transportation. Take over PHA mortgage. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG buying this 9 bedroom house In West Salem. Nice lawn, plenty of flowers and shrubs. Garage. Paved street and sidewalk In. Price only $5250. A BEAUTY IN THE KEIZER DISTRICT 3 bedrooms and an unflnlihd attic. Insulated and weatherstrlpped. Wired for range, Prult and berries on half-acre lot. Price tl 1,000, Terms. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY ANOTHER THING Everything, Including a 8 room house full of furniture, with electric range and refrigerator, goes with this 30 acre farm near Shaw. Crops In. Plenty of out buildings. 3 tractors and miscellaneous farm equipment. $9,850. Looks As Though We're Going to Have to Run Another Ad on This 86 acre farm near SUverton. 40 acres In cultivation, with 4 acres In berries. Oood 6 room house, with plenty of outbuildings. Will sell for $13,500 or trade for good house In NE district of Salem or In SUverton. DENTON & DENTON REALTORS MAKE AN OFFER 200x200 lot with 3 B.R. home, double garage, at 775 Missouri. Crawford. AS THE CROW FLIES 1 ml. from city limits. No. an excel lent value in a 4 B.R. home, 3 fireplaces, bsm't, auto oil ht, chick house, family fruit, lots of shrubs St flowers, on nearly 3 A. Good dfit. $13,000. Crawford. CLOSE-IN Nice 6 rm home, HW fir, 3 BR, llv. rm, 30x14, din rm 14x15, kit 12x14, nook, all on 1 fir, full cement basm't, also 3 BR home with basm't on back part of lot for rental. Drive by 827 N. Win ter St Si look It over, but PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB OCCUPANTS. Shown by appt only. Kigglns. ISN'T IT A SHAME??? We have so many prospects for 3 ft 3 B.R. homes and no listings. No fooling folks. If your home Is for sale and Is not overpriced we really need the listing. Give us call and we'll be right out. BURT PICHA, REALTOR 370 N. HlEh St. Eve. 3-5390 or 3-7451 Olflce 9-3640 REAL ESTATE BIG Vi A. Business corner where two Salm arteries meet. Trade St terms. DeWltt Land CO. Ph. 34016. 313 N. High. C55 2 BR Modern Sub. Home, completely furn- isnea, insuiaeea, eiec. neat, ait. garage, everything goes. $8460. ONLY $800 Dwn. buys this late built 3 BR sub. home. LR, dk. Kit., hdwd. lira llreplace, Ige. lot. $9150. FURNISHED S BR home. LR. DR. Kit. Ige. utility rm. Located East Just off uenter ai. seuira. CLOSE IN S Acres South, will trade as aown payment on city nome. ajsuo. 17 A. Bub. division property West of Kei ser Sen. 40 iOtS. 13,001. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l, St. Ph, 3-8389; Eve. 3-998G c52 Homeseekers Agency New 2 bedroom mod home, well con structed and very attractive, nice lo cation, good sized lot, attached garage, $5,600.00. V.h acres, mod 4 rm home, eement foundation, fireplace, electric heat, wired for range, etc., a very attractive ac-eage about 3 miles out, $4,800.00. Good 7 rm St bath, cement foundation, wired for range, electric water heater, double garage, etc, $5,900.00. 1900 dn. 34 acres, nearly all cultivated, good 3 bedrm mod home, cement foundation, wired for range, etc., comb, woodshed and garage, two chicken houses, ma chine shed, good barn, brooder houses, etc., Includes furniture, farm equip ment, stock. A dandy for $13,000.00. WRITE OR CALL POR OUR NEW LISTING BULLETIN. BE SURE TO CHECK WITH THIS AGENCY BE FORE YOU BUY. WE MAY HA.VE JUST WHAT YOU WANT. Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON OUTSTANDING BUY Canvass the town and you can't find a better, more attractive home for the money. A large 3 bdrm. home 3 yrs. old. Spacious rms., fireplace, utility rm. Beautiful large lot, nice lawn, trees all around, needs only to be touched up to make a really delightful home. A real value at $10,600. Walter Musgrave R'ltors 1211 Edgewater St, Ph. 35109 C56' $10,60064 acres walnuts with I room house on Salem-Dallas highway. 117,500. 14 acres In Polk county. Good 4 Bedroom nouse, large living room, llre place, barn, garage and 3 large chicken houses. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. BUSINESS LOT MUST SELL - LOT 50x100. 1541 S. 13th St. Bids. 34x35' litea and water. Offer considered. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1, Box 343 Ph. 3-3147 or 3-SR35 CSS- NELSON NEWS RUSTIC HOME, RUSTIC SETTING Less than two years old. On a knoll with native timber Background. A full bsmt. home with utll. rm., oil fur. ft den. ground fir, with 3 bdrms., llv. rm., din. rm. (knotty pine finish), bnth. f place, hdwd. firs., v. blinds, w. stripped, built in gar., deep drilled well, 60 ft. front age on surfaced rd. 113.500. ENGLEWOOD DIST., FHA TERMS Are you looking for a good home. 2 Ige. bdrms. in usmt.. Ige. llv. rm. with attractive f place, full din. rm., hdwd. firs, throughout, automatic oil piped furnace, nicely landscaped yard. Pull price $11,900. MECHANICS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Gar. and service sta., street on 3 sides. Heavily traveled thoroughfare, good bldg., 3 gas pumps. $30,000 annual turn over. $33,500. CLOSE-IN INCOME, 80 DOWN Non-resident owner authorised lmmed. snle of bldg, with 6 rentals plus llv. qtrs. with 3 bdrms. All very well fur nished, bsmt., L. furnace for central heating plant, lot 40x135. only 3 blks from Carttol. rice only $15,000. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 3 ac. misc. orchard principally cherries and walnuts In full bearing. A good Ige. home, wall to wall carpets, well hse., mach. shed, 250 cap. laying hse., sm. two story barn and other bldgs. In a rapidly developing community In tht Salem high school dlst., only 4i miles east. 53 ACRES, NORTH Lsft. home with mod. plumb., elec. wtr. htr., wrd. elec. rge., 3 car gar., 5 cows, tractor, St other equip., Including hay St grain. $32,500. FREE REAL ESTATE CATALOG Homes. Pa rms, Acreages, Business and Income properties. 135 Pictures and prices of sold homes. Call at our of fice or send postcard for free copy. NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 703 N. High Ph. 3-4632 c52 5 ACRES, fir grove on 09-E. Long Hwy. ironiaae. mooern units, z pump gas station. Price $19,000. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. U0' N. Commercial St. Salem Ore. Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 3-8314. c54 DO YOU want a good going business? We have several making good money St will trade. Call St talk It over. No phone Information, pleas. DeWltt Land Co.. 313 N. High. 55 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 I REAL ESTATE . Mr. Brennan 3-4018 Good Rental Property 4 BR up, complete bath. 5 rm down stairs. Drive by 645 8. Summer Ss look It over. We have the key. Terms. STOCK FARM 393 A, 65 A under cultivation, mod 8 rm home, gravity water system. Old barn, 8 stanchions, price $16,000 or will In clude 85 head of sheep, 80 lambs, new tractor, with all equip for an additional $4000. $8000 will be carried tor a period of 8 years. Taxes $323. Johnson. REAL ESTATt $2750 3 room house with bath, garage, small lot. 645 Pine Street. $6000 6 room house, garage, large lot. close to bus and Highland school. At 3165 North 4th Street. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110 N. Commercial St. - Salem Ore. Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 3-8314. c54 Sullivan Realty Co. Kapphan Rd. acre with nice little one-bedroom home completely furnished for $6,850. $6,500 New and nice 3 BR home, suburban, east, hdwd. flors, auto, oil heat, att. garage, wired for elec. range and 75x100 lot. $1,500 will handle. V4 Acres North Just off 99E, 1-year-old home with 3 BR, LR, DR, kitchen, bath and utility room. Large garage, small barn. Lots of fruit trees. 4 blocks to grade school, 3 blocks to bus line. Price $9,500, Monmouth 3Vs acres with pears, apples, and prune trees. 7 room modern home. 2 blocks from buslne.is section for only $5,800. Woodburn 35 acres, edge of town. Very good soil all has Just been limed and sub-soiled, part In crop. Very nice new ranch type 3-bdrm. house, fireplace and elec. heat. Good deep well. Owner says, sell It. $13, 600. Eve. Ph. 4-2758. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Road Ph. 3-3255. c53a WANTED REAL ESTATE ranch IN foothills with or without bldgs. Must have some woods. Spring which can be piped to house, all wea ther road. Complete details first let ter. Cash deal. Box 407 Capital Journal. ca54 CASH BUYER For 3 or 4 bdrm. home. Call Mr. Vlcary, ass. with Mabel Needham, Realtor 341 State Ph. 1-9201. ea52 BUYER HAS $5000, wants 3 Bdrm modern home. Like to have basement, prefer ably Englewood district. Walter Mus grave, Realtors. 1311 Edgewater St. Ph, 35109. ca56 WANTED Lot where we can build our home. Call 20320. ca56 20 A OR MORE brush or grazing land. Write description and price to Box 402. Capital Journal. ca55 WE ARE In need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you with to Ust your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty ph. 3-2471. ca NOTICE' If your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with via. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or trade modern apt. house St I space trailer para. For small mod ern house In Salem. Box 400 Capital Journal. cb54 OR TRADE 3 houses on 2 Mi A. In city, Grants Pass, Ore., for Salem city prop erty. Ph. 3-7613. cb53 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $100 PER month income. Concrete block bldg. Low overhead cost Total price $12,500. Ph. 25382. cd53" BEAUTY OPERATORS ATTENTION t If you are looking for a nice Beauty Shop In a good location, doing good business, be sure to see this. Price $2000. I can arrange the terms. IVAN B. SUTTON, REALTOR By City Hall In Jefferson Phone Jefferson 253 cd54 NEARLY NEW Income property, paying over 12 T, fc plenty room for expan sion. Ph. 34016. DeWltt Land Co. 212 N. High. cd35 EXTRA Better than money In the bank to own this fine 4-unIt rental. Close In on Court St. price reduced lor quick sale to $34, 000. To see this call L. H Ellis, broker, 3-1231. 3120 Garden Rd. cd53 A WELL established auto supply whole sale ousmess paying excellent dividends. Must sell Immediately because of Ill ness. Small Investment required. Write Capital Journal Box 408. cd$7a THIS IS IT. A chance of a life time for Industrious couple. Business with 3 bdrm. home. All furnished. Phone 2-3040. cd54 SPORTING GOODS ston rent free tots of traffic. Inventory at cost plus fix tures. Total approx $3,500. Box 395 Cap ital Journal. cd53 DO YOU WANT ACTION on buying, sell ing or trading. List your wants with DeWltt Land Co. at once. Ph. 34016. 313 N. High. cd55 HERE'S A STEAL Non-resident willing to take loss for quick disposal: Restaurant confectionery In Sweet Home, Oregon. Located on main highway. Individual building, deep freeie, reach-In refriger ator, counter and stools, stainless steel cooking utensils, two unit stainless steel French fry. etc. Also 3 room house on same property. Buildings, land, equip ment, everything, $6250 cash (that's the full price) and It has to be cash. If you are definitely Interested, phone 3-6893. Salem. Cd54 FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD furnishings. See at 445 Ford. Ph. 30943. d5.V WANTED' FURNITURE AU Cash Trader Louie Fays HIGHEST PRICES Households, goods, furniture, bric-a-brac, appliances, rugs, silverware, dishes. QUICK SERVICE - Ph. 38558 da OLsVOl UdOMf, Fk. Mil. da REAL ESTATE $15,000. SUBDIVISION l'4 acres, good S Br. borne, real attractive, close in on Lansing Ave Paul. $13,500. Close to Senior HI. Nice 3 Br., living it dining rm, tlrt plact, good dry basement with oil piped heat. Ed. $32,000. Well equipped 80 acre farm, 70 under Cult, family orchard, fair to excellept buildings, growing crops go. Reasonable terms. Peck, 19,500. Ten acres clear Lake Dlst, good barn, 3 Br, home on Fvd. Ad. Paul. $10,500. No. 3 business zone, 3 Br. home, all on one floor, full dry basm., oil furnace, this Is In top condition. Ed. $33,000. 125 acres, all cultivated, living stream, 3 barns, good house, plact all fenced, all well drained. Peck. $500 and up, good building lots located on Evans Add. In Keiser, also Diet business lot located on Pvd. Rd. $1500. Paul. $8500. Three Br., full basm., fire place, close to Englewood Scb. Peck. $8500. Neat, clean St roomy 3 Br. home near Leslie Sch. Paul. $6000. Grocery store, stock and equipment, well located In Salem. $75 rent. Ed. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. Hlfh St. Eve. Ph. Paul del 377t SUBURBAN 34750 3 Bedrm. new bunx-atrle. Ltvlnr rm, dining rm, kitchen, bath, utility rm, garase. close to Due, school and atore. oil heat. Don't pass up a. good buy. 10 ACRES WALNUTS 189003 bedroom, living, kitchen, nook, bath, llreplace. View property, 10 acres of good bearing walnut trees, new well. 81500 dn. Bal on contract. NORTH SALEM 811.500 4 bedrm, living rm, dining rm, kitchen, nook, 1V& baths. Pull basement. New auto oil furnace, fireplace, large lot, extra lot goes with sale. Owner leaving town. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD We have PHA approved lota, city water, view, paved streets, trees. One of the nicer sections of town. ANDY HALVORSEN Office 28629 191 S. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor GRABENHORST SPECIALS FAIRMOUNT HILL Large B bdrm home fireplace, oil heat .price 810,000, Will trade for mailer home. CALL RICHARD E. ORABENHOHST. 10 ACRES Located East on Center St. Very good soil. 8 ac under cult as in crop. 5 rm plastered nome, barn se Ige chicken house. Price 810,000. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. RANCH TYPE - NORTHEAST Beautiful 3 bdrm home, Ige llv rm, din rm, hwd firs, llreplace, inside utility rm, beautiful kitchen, attached garage, lots of land. Drive by this one at 3330 Sunnyview. New low price. CALL ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 e Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 3-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-9968 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SADDLE HORSE TO LOAN. GENTLE. PHONE 3-4434. esi- LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED St licensed livestock buyer. E. O. McCandllsn, iia? s. aotn. in. ea7b LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne- tben. 1550 Lancaster ur. en. a-i.no. ea76 PETS CHOICE CANARY, male and female. Ph. 34385. o- CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER PUPS. Ready for coming hunting season, sotn AKC St FDSB Reg. A. C. Frlesen Rt. 5 Box 480 Salem. Ph. 2-0106. ec54 3 OR 4 part shepard pups to give away. Rt. 6, BOX 301E. Ph. 2-0096. C53 FRENCH POODLES, males St females. 4 mo old. nouse Drone. 1&73 mate. ecao ATTENTION HAMSTER FANCIERS 3-4 unit breeding cages. -Scientifically designed by Gale, leading authority on Hamsters. Same type used by govern ment labs. Self-cleaning, knaw proof, made of ply with galv. trays. A real buy at $10 each. $25 takes all plus sup Ply of books St pamphlets by Gale. Call 20638. Heart-O-Gold Hamstery. ec53' CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec57 FUEL CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Blab Wood Dry Planer Ends St Block Wood Ph. 1-6444 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 10" Slab Wood and Edglnga Flesh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inblde U1U Wood Dry Wood ASK POR S&B ORESM STAUPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or Dry Edging Presb Clean Sawdust Green Edging 15.50 load Double 310.00 Also 18" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE' West Salem Fuel Co. DRVT PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL at STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 3-40S1 Pick up wood at 1538 SEdgewatax Wast Salem i PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash. Ss maple. 4" nr. 18" slab and edgings. Ph 3-1458. ee' FOR SALE POULTRY CHIX-CH1X: Certified baby N. H. In dependence Farm as Feed supply. 73 Main St. Ph, 189W Independence, Ore. 156 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Parmenter, now avail able every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. ( PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA BAY. Ph. 3-145A ff HELP WANTED MALE TWO MEN, mechanically Inclined for spe cialised activity, u you can qualify, this is permanent with opportunity for sizeable Income, Must have neat ap pearance St be bondable. Inquire Frl., 1:30 p.m., 480 No. Church St. ga52 YOl'N MEN under 35 to assist In circu lation campaign. Must be iree to tra vel. Av. S60 weekly. See Mr. Yarbarugs, Marlon Hotel. gaS3 WANTED: EXPERIENCED MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN, OERLINOER CARRIER CO., DALLAS, OREGON. ga53 HELP WANTED FEMALE COMPETENT lady for house work, room, ooara wages. tn. 36M9 gosa1 YOUNG LADIES (5) under 35 to assist In circulation campaign. Must be free to travel, av. sco weeaiy, see Mr. yarba rugs, Marlon Hotel. gb53 WOMAN TO cart for baby, light house wore, stay nignts. Heier. required, call at iao s. water, si.verion. gb53' EXPERIENCED Beauty Operator Wanted. fnone aesaa. gb53 GIRL OR woman for general housework. aii moaern conveniences, private oatn. Koom, Doaro. s wages, rn, jr.m, gooJ' WANTED fountlan girl. Apply In person oet, a ano s p.m. ine Ace, 137 no. High. gb53 WANTED SALESMAN MAN WANTED for Rawleigh business. Sell to 150O families. Write today. Raw leigh. Dept. Ore-155-SA. Oakland. Calif. gg52 WANTED POSITIONS HOUSEWORK tt Ironing by the hour. pn. 23730. hsa CARPENTER work. New. repair Ph. 2-2093 h57 CULB CAJU 1M Sk Mth. Ph. 3 -4876. h I REAL ESTATE Ph. 380 Ed 38704 Peckenpauih 35413 High St. Home 37163 WANTED POSITIONS PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to el- aeny laay. .BOX JDO capital journal, h53' MARRIED VET, 20, Bus. College grad., wouiu iixe interviews lor on-loo-traln-ing In Pub. Acct. office. Consider any dependable position. Box 405 Capital Journal. 1 h53 B. F. (SPARKY) CUEhlng, Reg. Land Sur veyor. j?e n. uom i. rn. Z-&211. noz INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-8798. h73 EXCLUSIVE hand knitted.- as aewlng for cnilflrep. Ph. 3-761S. h53 PAINTING ee decorating. Ph. 3-9634. REMODELING At alteration. Ph. 3-9694. FIR OAKS Nursing Home. 34-hr. care. rn. 3-3135. h57 DECORATING. Reas. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5523. b.61 TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph. v-.vo.. nei NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, DAYS. h56 BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE. Sawmill, logging and machine shop ex perience. Books kept, closed and all tax returns. Tel. 2-6568. h53 NOW IS the time to take care of your trees. Topping, trimming eg removing. Free est. J. c. Murphy. 425 B. 30th. Ph. 37678. h63 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, insured operator. John Payne, 893 Bcllevue. Ph. 2-6014, h53 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov. Ing. Ins. op. Work guar W H. llcAllla. ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h69 NURSES BY HOUR, week or live In. Practical Nurses' Registry. Ph. 3-5072. H59- Mimeographing-Typing Poe'a 865 North 16th. Phone 1-3643 h52' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 nr. SerT- ice. former pnone opr. Ph. 3-8073. h53a PAINTING, paperhanging, floor cleaning, waxing, reflnlshing. Free estimates. Ph. 33720. h55 BABY SITTING by middle age lady. Ph. 31919. . h57 experienced practical nurse. Ph. 38884. h54 BABY SITTING. Ph. 3-3618. CARPENTER, new at remodeling apeclal ty. Ph. 3-7746. h71 GARDENS PLOWED by Roto-UUer. Reas. Ph. 2-3709. h70 CHILD CARE, my home. Ph. 33811. h68 PAINTING AND Interior Decorating. C. J. Fisher. Ph. 20984. h53 BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. CHILD CARE my home by day, week or month. Ph. 29865. h54 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h RESORTS Fishing Resort, Sale Includes about 2 acres', 3 B.R. home, several cabins, boats, motors, dock, dock house all mdn. nlumblna. Gross about 37000 year, net 35000, Open irom April 'tin Nov. priced under 320, 000. Ph. 2-6680. Ed. Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 1-8704 3-7769 - 3-5413 ha53 FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM, PRIVATE bath, gentleman. Ph. 37739. Jk52 NEAR BUSINESS dlst. Employed gentle man. Ph. 3-5323. Jk55 BOOM ladles only. Small kitchen. 530 Statesman St. Ph. 35210. Jk55 140 N. 14TH. Single or double. SLEEPING RM, single or double furn, heat, kitchen prlv. Near State Bldg. No drinkers. Ph. 26412. ik57 ROOMS for girls In modern home, cook ing privileges. Use of entire house. 648 N. Winter St. Ph. 34372. Jk52 sleeping ROOMS for men only. 395 N. 14th. Jk55 SLEEPING RM In private home. Lady only. Ph. 36357. Jk52' SLEEPING RMS. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 35539. ' Jk73' NICELY FURN. Heated Ladlea preferred. 539 N Winter. Ik58 RMS. 195 S. Cottage. Ph. 2-7817. SLEEPING, light hsekpg. rms. Ph. 1-4335. Jk55 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-RM. FURN. apt., prl. bath. Prig. 388 N. Church St. 1P52 NICE CLEAN court. 3 rme. at bath, range ai refrlg. 1348 s. lxtn. jpw FURNISHED FRONT view apt. 3 rooma. Close in. 335 mo. 084 B. commercial. 1P531 CLOSE IN modern I rm. furn. apt. Call at e n. winter jpoa1 NEAT t rm. furn. apt. Prlv. beta. Prlv. ent. oround noor, 129 b. I3tn. jpw FVRN. LIGHT hskp. room. Utilities furn, Ph. 37310. JP55 ROOMS ATTS. lor rank 180 14. Capitol. 1P43 AUTOMOBILES AGAIN YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER HAS A FINE SELECTION OF QUALITY USED ' 4 CARS TO PICK FROM HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY Club Coupes: 1949 LINCOLN BROWN 1949 MERCURY - - - MAROON 1942 CHEVROLET TWO TONE BROWN 1941 PLYMOUTH - -- -- -- - GREEN 1941 CHRYSLER BLUE 1948 HUDSON MAROON Sedans: 1949 MERCURY - - - GREEN 1947 FRAZER BLACK 1941 BUICK - - - - GRAY 1939 MERCURY GREEN 1942 FORD "6" BLACK Cheapies: 1937 FORD 60 1935 FORD COUPE 1936 FORD SEDAN 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1932 MODEL B COUPE Our Best Buy - 1941 Chev. y2 Ton Pickup EASY TERMS - LIBERAL TERMS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AT Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER f 545 CENTER PH. 3-3012 At Less Than You Expect To Pay Valley Motor Economy Car Lot 1937 Ford Tudor $65 1937 Ford Tudor $99 1939 Chev. 2 Dr $289 1940 Chev. Sedan $298 1941 Ford Tudor $379 1940 Ford Sedan $299 3600 Silverton Road Joe Burke's Corner Monroe Cheek Salem Shrock Sez: WHY GILD THE LILY? QUITE OFTEN WE RECEIVE CARS THAT ARB IN OOOD RUNNING ORDER WHEN THEY COME TO OUR LOT. WITHOUT HAVING TO BEAR EXPENSE OF RECONDITIONING, WE CAN OFFER THESE CARS AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. IP YOU'RE A MAN WHO KNOWS MOTORS, HERE ARE A FEW CARS YOU'LL LIKE TO LOOK AT: 1936 CHEVROLET 2 - " MOTOR. A BUY H-R-O-C-K- 1938 OLDSMOBTLB 6 THIS WILL GO TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS OLD AND NEW. DON'T FOR GET WE HAVE OPENED OUR HIGHWAY LOT AT 3330 PORTLAND ROAD. IT IS FULL OF MANY GOOD OARS. Shrock Motor Company " YOUR HUDSON DEALER WHERE CHEMEKETA GOES TO CHURCH SALEM, ORE. PH. 3-7922 FOR RENT APARTMENTS S RM. furn. basement apt. for rent. 27 N. winter. jp" RM. partly turn. apt. N. Salem, oil heat. tlee. range, inq. jio oregon jtog. jpaj- NEW S rooms St prlv. bath, partly furn. lOflG Madison beiora JO ana alter . JP54 2 RM FURN AFT, 146 8. 17Ui alter 5 p.m. ipso- SPARKLING NEW apacloua apt. Bullt-lni galore. Stove, rerrlg. St storage. Fine lo cation. 380 S. 17th. Jp52 4 ROOM unfurn apt, close Id, also 2 room St mtcnenette iurn apt, rn. aiaw. jpa S RM unfurn apt. Range, refrlg St private entrance. Adults. 5 H. summer, jpst ONE 1 RM, 1 a rm, furn upstalri apt. Ph. 31330. JP54 1 BDRM large unfurn. apt. Electric stove A auto, on neat. rnv. oatn. aiso j rm. smaller apt. with electric stove St prlv. bath. Children accepted. Ph. 37773 or 1437 N. 4th. . Jp57 NEW l RM. apt., private bath, partially furnished. Adults. 1047 Madison. Jp52 S ROOM furn. upstairs apt. Prlv. bath. ent. et garage, i reier worxing coupie. No children. Ph. 25033. jp54a CLOSE IN, all electric, private bath. Mod- 2 rm. apt. 636 . winter. jpat CLEAN SMALL furn, apt. Employed lady. 260 B. cottage. jpsa- S ROOM furn. apt. Adults. Ph. 2-3373. 1933 Center St. Jp53 FRONT 1ST Hoor apt. Nicely furn. Very modern, central location s not water heat. 498 N. Winter. jp54a 8 RM. furn. apt. Quiet working couple preierrea. n& mgniana Ave. jpst NICELY turn. apU.. close In. Ph. 1-5838. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES FURN. TRAILER hotiM for rent. No ob jection to children or peti. Ph. 3-6428. Jm52 ATTRACTIVE 1-room cottage with wood range, H. and O. water. V miles from Center St. Bridge.' Call 3-6314. Jm53 t ROOM furn. house. Ph. 2-4946. Jm54 IN SILVERTON Cute 1 BR, nice bath R. LR Kit. Unfurn except for elect range wash. 140 Mo. 121 Flske St. Phone 37931, Salem. Jm52 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up k delivery. Singer Sewing Machine, Co 1H St. OcgmX Ph. 3-3512. (AUTOMOBILES 1935 Plymouth Coupe ....$79 1937 Plymouth Sedan ....$245 1935 Ford Tudor $79 1937 Ford Sedan $89 1938 Dodge Coupe $79 1936 Buick Spec. Sedan ..$66 Phone 26931 DOOR. NICK AND CLEAN. GOOD AT 3145. CLUB COUPE. RADIO, NEW PAINT. AT 3385. 1941 FORD TUDOR. BLACK PAINT. RADIO AND HEATER. LOOK AT THIS PRICE, 49S, 1039 HUDSON J-DOOR. A LITTLE DANDY. WHY PAY MORE? THIS 15 THE BUY OP THE WEEK. 39S. 1941 DE SOTO CONVERTIBLE COUPE. POR YOU SPORT MINDED PEOPLE, AT ONLY 1695. iFOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Trailer space, 110 month with all modern conveniences. Safe Place for children. Roth Trailer Court. South side of Pauliu Packing Co., 1740 Oxford. -Ph. 2-8885. 152" RENT USED CAR lot, 1698 N. Com'L J77 OFFICE space with Llvesley Bldg. en- irnnce. tra. a-auui ror appointment. J82" - BUSINESS - BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J61 USED REFRIGERATOR, Al Lauo Ret. CO., 2350 State. Ph. 3-B443. J65 BUSINESS RM. lor rent. B. L. Stiff. J" V DRIVE Trucks. Robinson shell Servtca. nearer mt wottage. pn. 19103. J GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L, Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. f POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. ) TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 B. 12th, West Salem. J- TO DO a good job rent a good floor Sand er. We seU everything to eomplato th Job. HOWSER BROS. . Ph 9.1 Mitt i ROOM & BOARD ELDERLY LADY wants room, board in No smoking or drinking, L.DJ9. horn preferred. Oood pay. 830 Cade St. JIM SALEM Nursing Home. 3598 "D" St. Am- Duiaioir or ota patients. Men or wom en. Trained nurses, 24-hr. service. JJ73 WANTED TO RENT WANTED I or 4 rm. modern furn. apt Close in. Write Box 401. Capital Jour- Jas GARAGE IN West Salem. Ph. 2-1643. JaS2 RESPONSIBLE business man with 3 chll- dren desires 2 or 3 bd rm unfurn bouse. Between Market tt Union. Ph. 21933. Ja54" refined middle age couple wants to rent nice 1 or 2 bdrm. home. Permanent. Close to bus. Box 406 Capital Journal. COUPLE with 2 mo. old baby desires 1 bdrm. apt., furn. or unfurn. 140 to 141 mo. Prefer B.E. of town. Ph. 2-7821. U5J WANTED TO BENT modern 1 bd rm unfurn house by Mgr of local eonctrn, and wife. Ph. 36633. jaU WANT ? bdrm. unfurn. Prefer Kelzer Dlst. About 830. Ph. 42834. Ja54 (Continued on Page 23)