Capital ' Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 21, 1950 Spinsters Set Dinner, Plan Tea Spinsters club members were entertained last evening by Miss Suzanne Small, Miss Harriet Huston and Mrs. Richard Gentz kow at the home of Miss Small. The group scheduled its post poned dinner to honor patron- esses for the evening of March 7, the event to be at the Ameri can Legion club. Also, the group talked over plans for its annual spring sil ver tea, this year's event to be given right after Easter, the date and place to be set later. Next meeting for the group will be on Thursday evening, March 23, that time being set to enable some members who are away at college to attend, the meeting coming during spring vacation at the state university and college. About 20 attended last night's meeting, Mrs. Ralph Underwood coming over from McMinnville for the event. . St. Anne's Guild Entertained Monday About 45 attended the meet ing for St. Anne's guild, St, Paul s Episcopal church, Mon day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard. Early dessert was served, Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Mrs. William J. Bu sick, Mrs. T. M. Medford, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. Charles Clarke and Mrs. Breyman Boise being the committee. Mrs. Ber tram Thomson, president of the guild, and Mrs. Charles McClel land, the secretary, poured. The tea table was set with a white cloth, a silver candlestick with yellow swirled tapers standing in the center with a bouquet of daffodils and other spring flow ery at either side, yellow maline encircling them. Guests at the meeting were the Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift; Mrs. George Lawrence of Portland, who Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Donald McCar gar; Mrs. William H. Lytle, Mrs. William S. Van Meter, and Miss Katharine O'Reilly. The Rev. Mr. Swift talked to the group briefly on Lent and the Bervices in the church during that per iod. The guild members discussed possible projects during the coming year. Mrs. Donald A. Young reported on the guild's participation in the all-church guild and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Jr. reported on the group's ma gazine drive. Thursday Party Hostess on Thursday evening for the second of a series of in formal bridge parties she is giv ing will be Mrs. Peery T. Bur en. A late dessert supper will follow the hours of cards. Guests will include Mrs. Sam Speerstra, Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. Ray Rhotcn, Mrs. Law rence Fitzgerald, Mrs. Phil Brownell, Jr., Mrs. Irvin Bry an, Mrs. Don Cannon. A LUNCHEON gathering for members of the local court of Catholic Daughters of America is conducted each Monday noon at Golden Pheasant. Several at' tended the meeting yesterday. Open Everyday Including Sundays and Holidays SHRUB SPECIAL! DAPHNE ODORA 18"-24" Your Choice for Only $ j 5 These Plants Are All of the Finest Quality Specimen Types F. A. DOERFLER & SONS LANDSCAPING AND DESIGNING OUR 150 N. Lancaster Drive At 4 Cornert Women LOWBX FISCHEE Plan Fashion Show Dated for Thursday evening, March 30, is a fashion show to be sponsored by the Salem Busi ness and Professional Women's club. The event will be in the Salem Woman's club building. Mrs. Sue Booch is chairman of the committee in charge, oth ers assisting including Miss Hal lie Shard, Mrs. Eugene Estcs, Mrs. John Versteeg, Miss Ellen Van Arsdale, Mrs. Robert Mom smith, Mrs. Agatha Nelson Miss Margaret Magee, Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea, r., Mrs. E. A. Tueski. MissWilken Recent Bride Miss Cordelia Wilken, daugh ter of William M. Wilken of Hillsboro, was wed to Bruce E. Hamilton, son of Mr and Mrs. E. C. Hamilton of Salem, at a ceremony in the First Congrega tional church February 12, be fore a candlelighted altar, decor ated with white and yellow roses. The Rev. F. F. Otto offi ciated. Preceding the ceremony. Mr. Adelbert Haffner sang, accom panied by William Fawk, organ ist. Mr. Wilken gave his daughter in marriage. She wore a baller ina length white organdy gown over yellow satin and carried white roses. The bride's sister, Mrs. Stanley Malo, was matron of honor in a matching gown of yellow organdy. She carried a nosegay of yellow narcissuses and white acacia. Neil K. Hamilton, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and ushers were Stanley Malo, William Floyd and Theodore Snorack. For her son's wedding, Mrs, Hamilton wore a cocoa brown crepe dress with silver and black accessories. The couple left for a trip to Mt. Hood and Seattle. For travel ing the birde wore a navy suit with rose accessories. The couple are now at home in Salem. . Mrs. Lewis Tells Of Mexico Trip An account of her trip to Mexico was given by Mrs. Sid ney B. Lewis for the meeting of Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis returned at mid-February from the trip to Mexico. At the meeting of the alum nae, assistance was voted for a child in need of dental care. About 20 attended the meet ing, Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mrs. Harry U. Miller, Mrs. Roscoe C. Wilson and Mrs. David Eason being hostesses for the event at the home of Mrs. Claggett s mo ther, Mrs. Frank G. Myers. , Women of Rotary Members of the board of Wo men of Rotary met Monday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Floyd Bressler for a salad lunch eon. Attending were Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. Robert Sprague Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs Clay Cochran, , Mrs. P. H. Brydon, Mrs. Chester Pickens and Mrs. Brassier. Plans were made for .the meeting of the group next Mon day afternoon, Mrs. Victor P, Morris of Eugene to address the group, the luncheon to be at the Golden Pheasant. I .' ' " ' , X , ' f: ? ' . f . ' ' ' 4 "J X 'A'Y , , f"A i. - -it KAnf '',''' ' ''"f I ' J Wed Saturday Mrs. Albin William Sundsten, Jr., the for mer Margaret Viola Domes, was married Saturday afternoon at the Methodist church in Amity The bride is the daugh ter of Mrs. Henry Domes of Rickreall, Mr. Sundsten the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sundsten of Bridal Veil. ( Jesten Miller studio picture). Miss Predeek, Mr. Holmes Wed atMt. Angel Church Mt. Angel St. Marys Catholic church, Mt. Angel, was the set ting, Saturday, February 18, for Predeek. daughter of Mr. and Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Holmes of Battle Ground, Wash. Rev. Father Vincent Koppert, OSB, officiated at 9 o'clock nuptial high mass, and read the: vows for the double ring cere mony before the high altar dec orated with orchid hued tulips and greenery and lighted by cathedral tapers. Serving the mass were Joseph Seller and Bobby Scharbach, cousin and nephew of the bride. Miss Hel en Keber played the processional and recessional marches, and was accompanist for the sing ing. . Bernard Smith of Wood burn sang before the bridal group entered the church and preceding the recessional. Mr. Predeek escorted his daughter down the aisle and gave her in marriage. The bride wore traditional white satin, made with a front pointed nylon yoke ruffled with lace at the low off-shoulder line; lace cuffs edged with lace ruffle on the long satin sleeves, a tight-fit ting bodice and a skirt falling to a full court train. The dou ble illusion fingertip veil was held by a satin half-hat finish ed with satin rosettes. The bride carried a cascade bouquet of white single hyacinths and white carnations, arranged with lace similar to the lace on the gown, surrounding a white orchid with purple throat. Sisters Attend Miss Donna Mae Predeek was maid of honor for her sister and wore a pink taffeta gown. She carried a nosegay of white car nations edged in coral and lace tulle to match her gown. Brides maids were their elder sister, NURSERIES SPECIALTY Ph. 21322 the marriage of Miss Dorothy Ann Mrs. William Predeek, to Clifford Mrs. Robert Miller (Mildred) of Woodburn, and Mrs. Richard Test (Dolores Gamble) of Salem. They were dressed in aqua taf feta gowns, made identically to that of the honor attendant, fashioned with double portrait collars and long sleeves on the fitted bodices and bias fold ex tending from low front to bus tle bows in back of the floor- length skirts. They carried yellow carnation and aqua lace tulle in a nosegay. All the at tendants wore half-hats to match their gowns. Orin Holmes of Battle Ground was best man for his brother. Leonard Obersinner, cousin of the bridegroom, and Raymond Predeek were groomsmen, and Paul Predeek and Tony Kahut of Woodburn were ushers. Mrs. Predeek- wore a black silk print afternoon dress for her daughter's wedding with which she wore black accessor ies and a gardenia corsage. The bridegroom's mother chose gray suit and pink accessories for her son's marriage. Her cor sage was of white gardenias. Breakfast was served in the St. Mary's dining hall at 11 o'clock with covers placed for 40 guests and the Rev. Father Vincent and bridal party. The bride's table was centered with tulips, carna tions and hyacinths, and lighted by white candles. The Misses Mary Lou Weisenfels and Evelyn Purdy served. To Live In Battle Ground A reception was held in- the F. A. Doerfler Don Doerfler j -11 4j Woodburn Duo Engaged Woodburn Miss Anita Mill er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Miller of Woodburn, announced her engagement to Wallace Eugene Gibbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gibbs of Hood River, at her sorority house, Kappa Kappa Gamma, at Oregon State college February 17. Mr. Gibbs is a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity and will graduate from Oregon State this June. The announcement was made by using a fake front page of a newspaper with the news of the engagement printed in the headlines. Miss Nancy Snyder of Salem and Miss Mary Jean Anderson of Portland, sorority sisters, acted as newsboys. Heart shaped cakes decorated with the initials of the couple featured the refreshment hour The table was centered with a large Valentine, guarded with red candles in hurricane lamps, decorated with Cupids. Miss Jean Pickens, sorority sister from Salem, assisted in serving. Miss Miller is employed in the accounting division of the state highway commission in Salem. Panhellenic Event Salem City Panhellenic has scheduled a meeting for Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Chi Omega sorority, 345 North 17th. The sponsorship again of the Easter sale, the day before Eas ter, will be discussed. HOME FROM three weeks at Phoenix, Ariz., are Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Schimberg. There they vis ited Mr. bcmmberg s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schimberg. Richard Schimberg is a student at the college there. same hall when Mrs. Joseph Obersinner, an aunt, cut the cake and Mrs. August Scharbach, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Clar ence Predeek, sister - in - law, poured at the coffee urns. Miss Pat McKay of Salem passed the guest book. Opening the gifts were Miss Donna Mae Predeek, Mrs. Robert Miller and Mrs. Au gust Scharbach. Serving the guests were the Misses Anne Fennimore, Flore Fennimore and Corrine Predeek, cousins of the bride. For the wedding trip south. the bride chose a black wool suit with black and white accessories. She pinned her white orchid corsage to her jacket lapel. Fol lowing their wedding trip south, the couple will live in Battle Ground, Wash. The bride is a graduate of Mt.' Angel Academy and Has been employed at the Salem Navigation Company. The bridegroom was graduated from Washington State college in Jan uary and is employed as a field man for the Battle Ground Co operative. The Hosmtalitv Set 34-piece Service for 8 plus 15" tray t coo nc (fed. Tax on fray only) JHWm ROGERS SILVERPLATE By Roger j Silversmiths ... in Connecticut since 1825 For only $19.95 here's silverware that will equip you for years of gracious entertaining! It's famous silverplate magnificently finished and generously plated with pure silver for last ing use. The beautifully pierced and chased tray serves sandwiches, cocktails, hat hundred of uses. Plastic rack conveniently stores silver, carries it to the table for setting. See this value today! S&H Green Stamps M 3 f mi ex L ewe en COURT Home from East Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace returned Monday from a trip to the east. While in New York City they visited with Mr. Wal lace's brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. .William S. Lambie. Returning to the west coast they visited in Sah Diego with an uncle of Mr. Wallace, Hance Black. MissSonderman Shower Feted Honoring Miss Shirley Son derman, bride-elect of Kermit Burson, a surprise party and shower were given Sunday aft ernoon at the Elizabeth street home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Sonderman. Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. Raymond Bernardy, Mrs. Philip Endres and Mrs. James Lies. About 20 relatives and friends attended the party. Tiny green and white parasols decor ated the serving trays and the gift table. Canasta Club Mrs. Earl Pearc'y was hostess Friday evening to the Canny Canasta club. In the group are Mrs. James Clark, Mrs. J. M. Coburn, Mrs. Edward Domogal la, Mrs. George H. Grabenhorst, Jr., Mrs. H. R. Jones, Mrs. Ur ban Peterson, Mrs. Earl Straus- baugh and Mrs. Pearcy. Honors at cards went to Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Grabenhorst. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Grab enhorst. SUBLIMITY Mr. and Mrs. John Koenig and family of Sub limity were hosts at a dinner Sunday. The occasion was to honor the 41st wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan. Present at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. R. F. West of Salem, who were attendants at the wedding. Others pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford West and son of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Deetz and family of Stay ton, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Morgan and family of Ly ons, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mor gan and family of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Morgan and family of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. William Hargin and family of Scio, Tom Morgan of Lyons, Mrs Elizabeth Koenig and Miss Agnes Koenig of Sublimity, and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan. . S PI R I T UALIST Sunflower club is to meet Thursday at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Sarah Vrooman, 3220 State street. MRS. ROBERT W. GORMSEN is to be hostess to her bridge club on Friday, the group meet ing for dessert and cards. TERMS 500 Down Monthly of Course " t anders 2 Entertain On Wednesday Among hostesses of the week will be Miss Margaret Lovell and Mrs. William R. Shinn, who are entertaining Wednesday evening at the home of the former to honor Mrs. Richard Hayward a newcomer moving to Salem from Tacoma. Guests Invited Include Mrs. Hayward, Miss Esther Baird, Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. Robert! Brownell, Mrs. Richard L. Cool ey, Mrs. Roger M. Schnell, Mrs, Carlton- J. McLeod, Miss Betty Jean Manoles, Mrs. Leonard Hicks, Mrs. Peter H. Gelser, Mrs. Robert Burrell, Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs. James Bedingfield, - AT THE meeting of Salem Re- bekah lodge last evening, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allen were initiated. A visitor at the meet ing was Mrs. Esther Jenness of Quimby, la. Mrs. Lawrence Mc Clure gave a report on the Coun cil of Women's Organizations. The newly formed Theta Rho club is to be instituted on Feb ruary 25, it was announced, the event to be staged at 8 p.m. that date. Following the initiation the public is invited to attend the installation of new officers. The ladies auxiliary is an nounced to meet Thursday of this week; Three Links club on Friday at 2 p.m. at the hall; and social night for the lodge Is set for next Monday evening. THE REGULAR meetine for the Tri-Y-Teen Mothers club Is arranged for Thursday, a no host luncheon to be served at 12 o'clock in the YWCA. f MR. AND MRS. Dwayne Bo- line of Salem were hosts at din ner and supper, in their home on Sunday for Mrs. Anna Bo line of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. LeDoux of Mt. Angel. MR. AND MRS. ROY WRIGHT and sons, Gary and Greg of Salem, were Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptman and sons, George, Jr., Danny and Tommy, at their country home In Brooks. During the aft ernoon they motored to Mt. An gel to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schaecher and family. Edward Jr., and Diane. AS SEEN IN HARPER'S BAZAAR vr U- 1 ) V 'Breath of continental charm for Spring! Choose this ETTA GAYNES exclusive with its double-breasted, little-waisted Jackets, its slim-as-a-column skirt! The sweepaway collar and Puritan cuffs of Birdseye pique detach for easy sudsing. In MIRON'S gab ardine. Exclusively at Schlesinger & Co. 409 Court St. Officers Installed By Alumnae New officers for the Alpha Chi Omega alumnae group were installed last evening when the association met at the home of Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers. Mrs. Vernon Gilmore is the new president; Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith the vice president; Mrs. Frank Guerin, secretary; Mrs. Ralph Smither, treasurer; Mrs. Gerald M. Robison, Lyre editor. Hostesses with Mrs. Chambers for the meeting were Miss Dora- thea Steusloff, Mrs. James Wal ton, Mrs. Forrest Bodmer, Mat. William Croghan. The members also discussed building plans for the Willa mette university chapter. Announcement was made that Alpha Chi Omega state day will be held in Portland, May 8. Twenty-five attended the Monday meeting. Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith poured. The tea table was set with a colorful center piece of varied coral shells. Toastmistress Club i Mrs. M. E. Clemens will be toastmistress for the regular meeting of the Salem Toastmis tress, February 23, at the Golden. Pheasant. Table' topics will ba(. handled by Mrs. J. M. Hartley. Miss Ruth Jaynes will act as hostess and the general evalua tion will be taken care of by Miss Amanda Anderson. Speak ers scheduled are Mrs. George Beane, Miss Marguerite Glee- son, Miss Maxine Heringer, Mrs. Emerson Teague and Miss Myrtle Weatherholt. IN PORTLAND Monday af ternoon to attend the reception and program for the first anni versary of the opening of the Portland regional blood center were Miss Susan M. Faherty and Mrs. Gordon Shattuck. FIGURINE PAINTING will be featured at the YWCA on Tuesday, February 28, at 1 p.m. This first class will be six weeks in term and each class session will be from 1 to 3 p m. All who are interested in this new craft of figurine painting are asked to call the YWCA for further in formation. Registration will be limited. FOR YOUR EASTER PARADING! Wally Doerfler