Shirley Temple Tours Pearl Harbor Actress Shirley Tem ple discusses the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor with H. George Baker, journalist, first class, during her tour of the Hawaiian naval installation. Baker ii showing Shirley an album of pictures taken during the historic attack on Dec. 7, 1941. Miss Temple is vacationing In the islands with her parents. (Acme Telephoto.) One-Legged War Hero Makes Good as a Diver (AP Newsfeatures) Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 21 One might think things have been rather rough for ex-Marine Fignter mot sam wgm ever since that fantastic June day seven years ago when a Jap Zero de liberately cut off one of his feet as he was parachuting down. At that time, the Marines rated him as one of the real heroes of World War II. But the glory didn t amount to much when the big show was over. Logan went broke trying to run a charter air service in Los Angeles after the war. . Today, he figures he has solv ed forevermore the dilemma of maimed war veterans whose lives to them seem hopeless. Simply, his philosophy Is: , "Don't let anyone tell yon you can't do something just because you're nicked a little. Keep practicing. Quit coddl ing yourself, and - you'll be better than the average guy." Logan, a native of Faola, Kan., is a well-built, good looking man of 20 who has taken up deep-sea diving and is making a go of It. He works for his two broth ers who operate a diving and salvage business here. Every few days he dons a heavy brass helmet and plummets to the depths of the St. John River and the Atlantic Ocean, wearing a plastic waterproof leg he made himself. He's believed to be the only one-legged diver anywhere. F . '-p1, " Wife Helps Sam Logan don diver's helmet to try his plas tic leg under water. , Totally Blind Donate Blood Seattle, Wash., Feb 21 U.R Twenty young men and wo men explained Monday that they did not subscribe to the popular notion that they could not contribute to worthy causes. The 20, all totally blind, inarched into a clinic here led by their seeing-eye dogs and contributed to the blood bank. Hubbard Mrs. Mamie Beach of Portland is visiting her niece; and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sherman. Letters Going To Congress Many letters are going from this community to fne Oregon delegation in congress urging their support for senate bill 57, according to Lawrence Oster man, chairman of the congres sional action committee of the Atlantic Charter committee for Oregon. The bill would request the president to invite f.e demo cracies that sponsor the Nortn Atlantic treaty to name dele gates to a federal convention for the purpose of exploring possi bilities of federal union. The letters going out from here are not form letters, Oster man said. "We have avoided that," he said. "We want them to repre sent the actual feelings of the people who write them." Prafum Community Club Offered Play Pratum Pratum Community club held the first meeting of the year at the school house. The president, Noble Basher, named the following committees for March meeting: Program, Peter Bishoff, Harold de Vrees, Walter Ruyle;refreshment, Mrs. Cornelius Bateson, Mrs. Fred Cornue and Mrs. Homer Welty A play "Bolts and Nuts" will be given by Pratum young peo ple at Pratum school Saturday night at 8 o'clock was announced by Maxine Hansen. Cornelius Bateson introduced W. W. McKinney, adviser of Sa lem chapter of Future Farmers of America. This group of boys furnished the program for the evening. Refreshments were served by Maxine Hansen, Mrs, Ed Jensen, Mrs. Albert Gerig. Movies for Club Fairview Thp Fairview community club will meet Fri day, Mrs. Vernon Stephens, the secretary, reports. Mrs. Morris Miller, McMlnnville, will show moving pictures. Logan today ' displays -. the same doggedness that carried him through one of the most re markable episodes of the war. Flying a Vought Corsair, Lt, Logan was dog-fighting at 20,- 000 feet when enemy bullets shredded his plane's tail assem bly. Logan kicked himself out of the craft and began to float down. - A Zero raced at him. He felt a stab of pain. The Zero' propellor had cut his right foot off. He was picked up and spent five months in a hospital. He came to Florida and took up diving. He married a girl he met on a blind date Mrs. Jac queline Tate of Greensboro, N.C tier first Husband, Marine Lt. Donald Tate, was killed in the same area where the Japs got Logan. He Spoke His First Words Today "I Want Curly's Milk!" CURLY'S DAIRY Your Friendly Home Owned Dairy Phone 38783 V Old 2-";'t Sunny Brooke the whiskey that's vv fey asttsVame" .-'. ':'' Jjfrl Set the stage for after-rhe-show jPfesSSeWNs ' Fx i ll Km Party pleasure by having cheer- WWr Tk" mt" lgfj . ; Bjljffl f"l Old Sonny Brook on handl If "jjt " ' fMJ3f ' me"ow Kw,nlcy flavor wins lSSStfyf ' ''FF '', JiTj&L applause from the toughest ff 'Ul -ffZ? H -- '-"".f Sat- : S? Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 21, 19503 li NOOF KENTUCKY WHISKEY-A BLEND a uun amm sums . wTiomt disthlus mod. utrn n . 10 Free 0&?C Green Stamps given Wednes day at the Redemption Desk downstairs. Bring your books. 4 1 l7 north liberty f-B1. ' I Ml III! II I Cannon Nylon Hose Sale! If perfect, they'd sell for '1.35 Th Irregularities in these fine nylons are 10 slight you'd need a magnifying glass to find them! They're beautifully full-fashioned, in mellow Spring shades. Dress sheers of 5 1 gauge, 1 5 denier; and street sheers, SI gauge, 30 denier. Sizes 8 'a -' 0 '2 - Hosiery, main oof FLOOR SAMPLE SALE Electric Ganges A tremendous floor sample sale of nationally famous "Electromaster" ranges at drastically reduced prices. One of a kind completely guaranteed per fect condition. An opportunity to buy an outstanding electric range at a terrific reduction come early for these values! 1 ONLY APARTMENT SIZE RANGE Reg, $169.50 NOW $1QQ00 3 burners, deep well cooker. I 37 1 ONLY SPEED QUEEN WASHER .Regular $129.95 $0000 Double aluminum tub Balloon rolls. 77 1 ONLY HOLIDAY MODEL Regular $239.95 NOW $00000 Deep well cooker, roller bearing drawers. - ZU 1 ONLY ROYALE MODEL Regular $289.95 NOW $04000 Oven control clock warming oven left element. JmHtW 1 ONLY .SUPERB MODEL Regular $349.95 NOW $)QO00 Fully automatic oven eye, clock and light. A7 1 ONLY L&H 40 GAL. WATER HEATER Reg. $149.00 NOW $0000 Double element, adjustable thermostat, upright style. 77 Appliances Downstairs NO DOWN PAYMENT LIBERAL TERMS Cannon Bath-Size Towels Reg. $1.98. "Lido" pattern, choice of 6 colors. $1 l A RmRU Hand towel, reg. 98c for 59c; wash cloth, reg. 39e tor I9e, Domestics Downstairs Short-Sleeved Slipon Sweaters Valued as high as $3.49. They're knit of all Jt 1.77 wool, in plain and novelty weaves. Sizes 34 to 40. cctnorr'ci, main floor Long-Sleeved Cardigan Sweaters A $3.95 value. Boxy-style cardigans, in your $0 iTkfk favorite sweater colors. Sizes 34 to 40. &9l39 Accwoiitt, main floor Part Wool and Cotton Blankets 2.98 Values in group to $4.98. Some all cotton, $ some a0 wool, nains ana assigns, irregu lars in group. Domestics Downstairs Plastic Window Shades You can wash them they won't fade, nor tearl Ivory, green, cream, 36" wide, 6' long. Curtains Downstairs 1.59 lack Trimmed Tricot Knit Slips Famous maker's slips that'd sell for $2.95, if CBj fftt perfect. Applique and lace trim, in white, I a B tearose. 32 to 40. V Lnqtrh, main floor Rayon-Cotton Panties Manufacturer's closeout, should sell for 85c. Tuck, n stitch type in rayon-cotton durene. Tearose and white. w-w L'flgfrt, moA floor mourn SML1 50 Wool -50 Rayon If not specially pur chased, our prices would have been from $2.50 to $2.95 yd. 00 yd. Shadow Checks and Plains Houndstooth Pin Stripes f) Large Block Pattern! Shepherd Checks Plain Colors 54 to 60 Inches Wide We're listing just a few of the magnificent patterns you'll find in this outstanding woolen sale the kind Roberts' is so justly famous for. You'll just have to come in and see the rest! There are weights suitable for every type of sew ing .. . skirts, suits, sports jackets, toppers, even for bed spreads and drapes in important new Spring colors. And the fantastic low price for this prize sale just $1.00 a yard. Come early as you can for the best selection. j Yardage, Meiianin Women's Plastic Raincoats Don't miss this bargain! A regular $8.95 va. rAA ua . . . in either clear, blue, green plastic. JLt)r JIF S, M sizes. yJectnott'M, mailt floor Ladies' Handbags You'll find smart purses valued to $2.95. BO (pin tai) 29 10' Clever styles, in failles, patents, plastic leathers. Acctuoriii, ffloiit Hoot White Cotton Anklets Reg. 59c, these fine mercerized cotton anklets have heavy ribbed cuff. White, sizes 82-l I. AnUtlt, loin floor Mens Work Sox Long style, white, black and khaki. Sizes 10 to 12. Fine mercerized cotton irregulars. A tremendous work sox valuel MEN'S MAIN FLOOR Metal Skirt Rack Saves precious closet space. This rack will hold rf fQ from 6 to 10 skirts. Notions Mezzanine White Sheet Blankets "Relderest" Ridgeway irregulars. Giant size 1fh ftk of 72x108. Double napped cotton, whipped edges. Domestics Downstairs 36" Kitchen Prints Rag. 79e yd. Use it for curtains, lunch cloths! O'QO Four bright patterns, all fast colors. Domestics Mezzanine Yd.