Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 21, 1950, Page 17, Image 17

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12 Months Written Guarantee S"; sswssb
Don't Guess. Buy at TE AGUE'S rc szma
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serr-
, ii lee. Free estlatea. Trade-lea accepted
4 1949 Mercury Conv. m m ppnce.. vin'. Eiectns. .
ur- rinme (Low Miieage and Loaded Apio badios
(Nicest Car in Town) with Extras) marion motors
1948 Chev. Aero Sedan m7,Sn?'sh") l'ZP3-
(Only 11,000 Miles) - . ,0,7(krnnL bmldimo carfenibt
several iyj inrougn Klw remooeHns contractor. bi-
1948 Stude Champion 1941 models. Good trans- gntMut. w. e. scgt.
(A Little Black Beauty) portation cars. bulldozing
Look Them Oyer and Make Us an Offer tni, teeth 'for brush, Virgil Husfcey, letQ j
fw Fairvltw Ae. Ph. 3-314C, Salem, o63
Teague Motor Co. sHFL1
paired. Roea. 458 Court. Ph. 38773. o
355 North Liberty Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 cement wobk
Por expert guaranteed satisfaction sew
or repair of foundation, sidewalks.
driveways, patlot, curbs, walls, ate. Call
TVTrTCiv,3 CZciyypy caiS sweep
1t,1L1.LI V VVi. i-l-Vx Oil stove, furnace chimney vacuumed
mf cinned, Ensley, Tit S Slat. Ph. S-n?8,
2 Trade-Ins on New Cadillacs
ter. 3-7579 eve. ofig
'49 Buick Roadmaster" &rs,sg
sf ae. O J Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service.
jrMf 06CIU.I1 . 4-2474. Lee Crow, Bt. , Boi 43T-C.
Ay V Dyflo Drive-Lo Mileae- aNssr"
iaJT fiJOiQC WatMne Co. products. Free it-
4Zrl70 Hreir. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-S33S. a
. . . . . . P. A. Doerfler & Sons, Ornamentals. 160
'48 Pontiac "6" 5-Pass.
DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 345 Jef-
g a IAntlP ferson St. Phone 23453. o'
i..r , ! (r At Ur Door grinding; lawn mower ei-
3)A57) sors, fcnives, Dexter's Fh, 3-6633, o
' Capital Bedding Phone 3-4088. o
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 'ZZa..
, , , r-u o flini Banjo, etc 1588 Court St Ph. S-1588.
550 No. Commercial St. Ph. 3-3175 o53
twsy Desk chairs, riles sod tiling tuppltea,
LARGE FLORENCE 3 burner oil clrcula- CBEV. '20. Ton. Cheap. Ph. 3H13. n terce Wire Recorders. Roen, 49a court.
tor heater. Good condition. 50. " 1Daa chev. 4 door. 50. '34 Ply. lor 100.
Carlton Way. Ph. 37838. n48 a t p teotrte motot ,2S, uts 8.. jjth, PA1NT1NO . . -
INCH TABLE eaw. ri hp. motor. $50. . flJS" Eu,tronl., , MUipped to da your
IMS N. 23rd, " 1035 PLYMOUTH coupe (100. A nice olean painting. Phone 2-2483. C
2T1ANO WITH lovely tone in excellent con- car. Motor needs eome work. Ph. 2-6988. paintiNO PAPERHANOIN&
ditlon, very reasonable. 1890 S. Cottage. 3098 Portland Road. c.48 ' .,
. . 4 g 49.cHEv,sTyLELraE,,de,ux..,4.dWr.!e- "ttsgsrs&jr as?
tt-Ttjit . dan. R&H. 6300 miles. Price ,,1625.
lxCUiNlliK Ph. 2-1855 after 5 p.m. Q44 FAPEBHANG1NG
Simplex Deluxe Rotary Ironer. Only 1M, F0KB door OLDS deluxe adn. R- JERKY JOHNSON PH. 2-8348. o82
JMs'oN'ANY'pnRCHASE " 2l "Wrl "pff", JSfi 'Sft &
R. L. ELPSTROM CO. Eisner Motors to Buy J- "T- rtu 'V
5151 '41 FORD 4-door. Excel, eond. Must sell, Freeze daman repairs. Fh, 3-0388, lS7
; FHtLLIPS BROS 85.00 3025 Oarden Road. Ph. 3-8551. D, -.faM
IkrtUlien, w.U rotted or Imh, any . Fihr,170 Lancaster Dr. Pn. 3-J8M.
kl- . By yard or sack. Flagstone lor all 19M OLDSMOBILE sedan, xood shape.
rock work. Cedar tence posts. Telephone call eve M584 45 PICTURE FRAMING
Yet ,pkSmbM?'ph!''"l458!h Rt J,' 6TUDEBAKER Sedan. 1849 Studeba- Picture frarnin,. Hutcha Paint Store
Sox ml n ter truck, 5500 miles. Ph. 25161. o,48' Phone 3-3-6687. o;
MO WAXING required with PLA8T10- '86 CHEV. 4-dr. New tires, tubes, & bat- BOTO ROOTER -
SOTS, the eellopban. Ilk. finish lor tery. Motor in xood shape, U00.0O. call Electrie Roto RooUr lor clogged
doors or linoleum, 4642 Lowell Ave., Keirer. 45 jewera, drains. Ph. 3-5827. L Howard.
375 Phemeketa n ElSlier MotOrS tO Sell BAND GRAVEL
WASTTPIT? ' . oarden Soil, crushed rook, Shovel and
nAOlluu . dragline excavating, Welling Sand At
lust Hi. new. Used one month. Deluxe ' f "HH. Ph ar," el Phone J-8249, o
lasy Spinner with automatic rinse. -"85- 551. : !
148.91. Fully guaranteed. OLDSMOBILE SOCKETS AHEAD SAWS
rOlfstrom co! Oldsmobile m
i J?SLt FACTORY DELIVERY K. F. Hamel, septic tanks, and
OH. CIRCULATORS at areatlj reduced 2nin vttht dr,!n !!n cleaned. Guaranteed work
prices AGAIN AVAILABLE ni3 Jth St., Wast Salem. Ph. 3-7404.
376 Chemeketa ' btartino AT Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned
GTJ DA XTr'tr UTl , Bote Rooter Service on sewers. 1079
. Hi. XVAJN KjHj (PI FJAC Elm St., W. Salem, Fh. J-8468. 3-5321.
.. name. All white porcelain. Calrod J)X tJ ' "
. 'onlts. Very xood condition. Only 889.96. Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge
EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE Delivered to you at Lansing, Mich. call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank
R L. ELFSTROM CO. OOMB a OR PH0NE 'm Service, 880 Larien. Phone 3-8734. c
h6" I Aflpl1 KVAC One man, electric sewer cleaning ser-
' SALEM SAND el GRAVEL COMPANY UlWl vice. Phone 3-4800. Bin gkewls. C44'
Contract Work .A rtitit Cf Electrio Roto-Rootr Exclusive Patent.
Boad - Clearing - Dltchinx oo t-ouri at. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades clean
Sewer At Basement .w sewen. drains. L. Howard. Fh, S-S327.
Equipment Rente ... D.
D-7 Cat It Doser ; AU makes repaired, Iree estimates.
, D-6 Oat & Doser '49 MERCURY outboard motor. Perfect singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No.
D-4 Cat 6e Dozer condition. Phone 2-8828 eveninss or Commercial, ph. 3-3512, o
See w about ditching by the ft. week-ends. qq44 nDD,
Phone Days 3-9408 SPRAYING
Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Spraying U pruning. Ph. 3-7809. C52
GIRL'S WOBLD bicycle. 425 N. 17th. n44 . ' Prung Bpj w, smili
;Westinghouse Range wu. o T storage '
1 months old Deluxe 1949 Westlnxhouse Parking a. Plenty TRANSFER a STORAGE
Range. Automatic oven-warmer. 5 speed pn. 3-3457 Lie No M-1S9 S-154 1 Local it Distance Transfer, storage.
heat switches, timer. Only 3249.88. Fully Burner oils, coal A briquets. Trucks to
guaranteed. a rw.iSSStw T sVif m.m Portland dally. Agent for Bektns. House-
lASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE 6T5?io JS hold goods moved to anywhere to V. S.
R. L. ELFSTROM CO. .WlrfMIIS "rm" ""- "T
' REALTORS Smith Corona, Remington, Royal, Under-
Cf ED ELECTRIC WASHERS 118.88 up 44 State Bt. Phone -86 t -omJ portables. All makes used machines
YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ,nm .n ,... Repairs end rent. Roen, 456 Court. c
WANTED miscellaneous Abrams & Skinner, Inc. ' 5&XS YZ&S
WANTED: 1 1 H.P. motor, 3. phase. CJar- 184 o
.nc. Dexter, 1140 Center. Ph. 3-6833. OENERAL FINANCB CORF, Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37328. c-
WANT TO BUY a dog house suitable for ' tic 8-U?And U-J28 WELL CBILLINO .
large collie. Must be in good condl- ftQj Fred Wymore, Rt. 2, Box 317. Ph. 2-5135.
tlon. Ph. 2-0146 alter j:30 p.m. na44 soY B, SIMMONS o83
UUJJUIJiroroj.niilHjrjOK. INSURANC AND LOANS K. J. West. 4240 Sunnyvlew. 2-2773. O60
, , 138 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-S161 t Free estimate, T. PULLMAN, Pb, 3-5968.
TIRED OF BUYING foundations that iust -. , S2
make different bulxesr Try Spencer PAii!P 57- ., ...
treamung. Ph. 3-5072. Eve. Fh. 3-1618. window cleaning
nit. YOUR OWN TERMS 01 repayment wlthm ,... njn w.n.
: - reason, cash for Real Estate ContracU W.IJ!W, fcSS?" WS?fw'.i.TJS"
1 WILL NOT be responsible for any debts ,nd Second Mortgages. woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned,
other than those made by myself as of CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347
Feb. 18, 1850. W. c. HaHier. p44 301 pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-2383. r court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather.
4TONSULT: Ordained Psychic advisor and & j A CfTT
Psychologist for all Personal Problems. ip UAiSXl $ WINDOW SHADES
Apt. 103 - 850 N. Summer Bt. No phone TJnllv,nnJ FitintlfP C,n Washable, Roller, Made to order. 1 Day
calls, please. P46 lOUyWOOU rindllCe VjU. Del. Reinhcldt At Lewis. Fh. 3-3839. c
Palm and psychic reader Madame NMt.Do0' ' BMk ", " " , .
aolves your worries. Advice 8 .m. to 16 .J. ,p,r!Sm .... . .B.J'J5 -F!j'-'- 9?-- A-A'- . . .
p.m. daUy 173 S.Oom'l. Dnder new man- 37032-Lic. No. M369-S19! wmrrti
asement. With this ad and M.OO get a Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. r . . , r
peclal reading. Ph. 3-3285. P48 "RT? TiTTR TlTV 4"cs
STANLEY HOME Products, Ph, 38307. PS D-Ej -1 n"1JJ -1- 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE
IN '50 ANRHIONShlJc,rdr0,S
Jx..Z.?Z,?,& A "Bi!1 Consolidation" J32?2Si
AYfJLW, mi LOAN MAY MAKE YOU estate Of ALICE J. HILLER, deceased. Any
AUTOMOBILES "THRIFTY IN '59" persons having claims against said estate
PAY OFF YOUR BILLS are requested to present them, with proper
1VOWER YOUR MONTHLY vouchers, to said executcr at 310 Pioneer
- TTTTT firvXTtCI PAYMENTS Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six
W I I Sl 1 INI 4fl 11 KfiA months from the date of this notice.
XA--- 1 a-" thOU LO iplOUi; Dad this 34th day of January, 1950.
Beautiful convertible, miles, per- INDUSTRIAL LOANS saF eerbtha'
Ject condition. All the extras. u, . LIBERTY PHONE 4-MOS 310 Pioneer Trust Building
OJOflQC Salem, Oregon
JbU0 PRIVATE MONEY ' 'Jf'jff'.fbTl'jl
flU. T tini--.-. Special Rate, and Tern. tjfhlZtiifjiiU trttrtsuss
UttoJ. Wilson Co. suffzJrsi. lomT -
commercial AT center. qx44 fNDS Loyal Order of Moms meet Thurs.
-r 126 South Commercial St Phone 3-6161 nlte, 284 N. ComL Ph. 3-5227. 60
Eisner Motors Fine Cars , g . No 4 A p &
311 CHEV. 2 door, top con- 10 Oral TRAILERS W A II, Wed., Feb. 32. M, M.
Ave, off Teas Ave. q44 CUTE AS A BUGS EAR Degree. 7:30 pjn. 45
4 NASH "800". 3500 mileage. Ph. 43603. New 14-ft. Travelegae trailer house. ,, r
3213 Chemawa Rd. q44 1884 State. t47 A. ALaswortil Lodge No. 301, A
FOR SALE K-7 '42 International 5-yd. NEAELY NEW modern 37-ft. Trallway ? T. & A. Special, Tiles,
dump truck. Oood mechanical condl. trailer house. Fir Oroya Trailer Court. .. ni r xr n, T-lnnm
Uom. (7W. Ph. 3-OU4. qU Woodbam, Ore. tU "O. 31, 1 i Uegres, 7.30 P-O,
Married Actress Mercedes McCambridge, 31, nominated
for best supporting actress of 1949, and Fletcher Markle, 28,
radio producer, are pictured just before they depart for Las
Vegas, Nev., where they married. The couple returned to
Hollywood after the ceremony. (AP Wirephoto)
Actress Honeymoons
With Radio Producer
Hollywood, Feb. 21 9
Actress Mercedes McCambridge,
who won a 1849 academy award
nomination for her role in "All
The King's Men," honeymooned
today with radio producer
Fletcher Market.
They were married Sunday
night at Las Vegas, Nev., and
returned immediately to Holly
wood. It was the second mar
riage for both.
Miss McCambridge, an estab
lished radio performer but a
newcomer to motion pictures,
won a nomination for the best
performance by an actress in
a supporting role for her por
trayal of a hard-bitten secretary.
Angell Raps
Spending Orgy
Washington, Feb. 21 im Rep.
Angell (R-Ore) told the house
that the "administration seems
bent on putting two tax collec
tors in every garage."
"The present administration
is determined to continue to the
bitter end this orgy of profligate
spending," Angell said yester
The American people, he con
tinued, should not forget "the
money being spent is your tax
dollars, earned by your sweat
and self denial."
Angell presented a list of gov-
ernment expenditures under
each president the country has
This, he said, showed that un
der 32 presidents the govern
ment cost $179,620,111,545
while in less than five years un
der President Truman expendi
tures have totalled $191,081,-
'Ours is indeed a spendthrift
government," Angell asserted.
"Every day here in Washington
we feel the impact of reckless
government spending and were
Common Council of th City of Salem,
Oregon, deem It ttecess&ty and expedient
and hereby declares Its purpos and In
tention to improve Yew Street from the
north ana ol Electric Avernio to.wie aoum
line of Rural Avenue, tn the City ol aa-
lem, Marion County, "'regon,
at the expense of the abutting and adja
cent oreToertv. exceot the alley Intersec
tions the expnee of which will be assumed
uy tne city or Baiem, oy Brinsj.iis ww
portion at s&la sireeis zo me ea.BD.jaiieu
grade, constructing cement concrete curbs,
and paving said portion of, aaid street with
a A inrh Portland cement concrete pave
ment thirty feet wide tn accordance with
the plans and specifications thecetar which
were adopted by the Coiam&n Council
February 13, 1950 which are now on file
in the office of the city recorder and
which by this reference thereto ate made
a oart hereof. The Commop Council" here-
by declares its purpose and intention to!
mase Hie auove aescrioea imiiruvemnui.
and through the street improvement ae-
Written remonstrance anatnst the above
proposed improvement may be iiled with
the city recorder at any time withia ten
days after the final publication of this
notice Dy-sne owners oj wie yiosjen?
By Order ot the common council reo-
ruary 13, 1850,
Date of first publication ftersoi is reo
ruary 15, 1S5Q.
Date of final publication February 27,
Feb. 15, 18t 17, 13, 28, 21, 22, 23, 2t,
25, 27-
Common Council of the City of Baiem,
Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient
and hereby declares Its purpose and inten
tion to improve JudBon Street ftora the
east line of High Street to the west Une
oi cnurcn Btreet. in ins miy oumm,
Marlon County, Oregon
at tne exnense Ol tne a&uuu kw aaia-
Kmt TsPfiDPrtv extent the a lie? intersec
tion the expense of which will oe assum-:
efl by the City or ft&iem uy Bringing sawi
portion of said street t& the established
grade constructing cement concrete curbs,
and paving said portion of said street
with a 2'A inch asBhaitis concrete pave
ment thirty feet in width In accordance
with the plans and specifications there
for which were adopted by the Common
council February u, i&u, wnicn re now
on file In the office of 'he city recorder
and which by thts reference thereto ere
made part hereof. The Common Coun
cil hereby declare its purpose and in
tention to make the above described im
provement by and through the street im
nrovement denartment.
Written remonstrance against the above
proposed improvement mtj be filed with
the city recorder at any time within ten
days after the- flnai publication of this
notice oy toe owners oi property mi-
By Order of the Common Council Feb
ruary , JSMJ.
ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder
Date ef first publication hereof is Feb
ruary IS. 1850.
Date of final publication February, 97,
et Sfti it: 11. Ii. W.vJl Sti 13. 34,
shocked to hear the recommen
dations of the president for the
next fiscal year (shirting July
1) which will involve an expen
diture of over $5,000,000,000
more than revenues coming in.
Our efforts to stop wasteful
and profligate spending by the
government and bring expendi
tures and receipts into balance
are overridden by the adminis
Judge Holman Files
Clackamas County Circuit
Judge Ralph. M. Holman filed
for election yesterday. He re
cently was appointed to the
bench. Circuit judges run as
Completed from reports ef Sslent dealer
for the suidance of Capital Journal
Beaders. (Revised daife
Retail Fee Prleeet
E Hash $4.aa.
Rabbit Pellets iJ3&,
Dairy Feed
PoultrTi ButIqb orlces Grsie A c&lor-
ed hens, 3qc; grade A Leghorn hens
ana up grade A old reenter.
grade A colored fryers, 3 lbs. 38c.
Buylnr Price luit AA, 37c; larze
A, 34-3SC, medium AA, S&s; medium A,
33c: pullets. aa-S'Jc.
Whelescle Prices E wholesale prices
s-tc aoove tnesc prices! asove sraae a
generally Quoted at 43c, medium, SSe.
Premium 87ct l9o, 1 83oj Ha. 3, 88-olcj
(buying prices).
cButter Wholesale irade A, 89c; re
tail 74c.
Portland Livestock
Portland, Ore., Feb-. 21 8M9 Llveatock:
Oattle aaiatble 150; market actttre, stea
dy; canner-cutier cows predominated;
serins' strong to 5& cents higher at most
ly 13-H.75; common cowa 15.&a-l7j com
mon heifers t8-lTi0l steers ecaicex me
dium ib feeders 21: iiSah sood fed
atft&rs tjuotablo a 27; medium eaueage
omis is-is.
Calves salable 60; sood-cheic scarce
early; salable 28-30 or above; extreme top
Monday 31; commons down to 15.
Hews saiabie ISO; market active, stead?:
apod-choice 180-230 lbs 19-19.50: 260-
aao lbs 17.30-13; good 3&S-&&& lb aowa sal
able 145Q-I5.50i sood-choiss feeders Mon
day 1?-17,T5,
Sheen salable loo: nothins done ear
ly, market nomlnalir steady; good-choice
rea woojed and ho. l pelt under iss lb
Jambs eaiabUe around 22.58-23: good
feeders Monday 20-21; good ewes 19; good
ehoice Monday to It-It. 60,
CMcaro Livetteek
Chicago, Feb, 21 Sti Livestock market:
Hogs saiabie 12,003; slow, weak to most
ly 25 cents lower on all hogs; most good
and choice 170 to 250 lbs 16.30 to 17,10; top
17,20 for load choice around 226 lb aver
ages; bulk good and choice 280 to 328
lb butchers 15.75 to 13.58; most compar
able 320 ta tQO lbs 15,25 to 15.75; good and
choice sows 4&0 lbs down iarxely to
15.35; heavier weishts mainly 13.00 to
14,25. Indications (airly good clearance.
Sheep salable 8,500; not enousth dons to
make a market; biz packers bidding 58
to 75 cents lower; saiabie supply almost
entirety good to choice fed lambs scal
ing 135 lb downward; sheep' very scarce,
undertone firm.
Cattle salable 5,500; calces 300; slaugh
ter steers steady to 50 cents higher; gen
erally fully steady; heifers steady to
strong: good cows steady, others around
25 cents lower; bulls sieady; vealers
steady to weak; bulk medium and good
fed steers and yearlings 22.75 to 28.00;
load. o high-goad: 1350 lb bccircs 35,06;
odd head iow-c-hoic steers 32.00; 40 head
8&od 93& ib fed heifer 27.80; odd head to
23.G&; other medlam and good heifers
22,36 to 25,50; common to good beef cows
1S.25 to 20.00; few on heifer order to 31.88;
canners and cutters 12.50 to 1S.Q0; medi
um and stood sattsaie hulls 20,00 to 22,05;
bulk medium good veslers 26.00 to 30.08:
few choice 31.00 to 32.00; load of choice
835 lb feeding steers 24,00,
Chicago Grain
Chicago, Feb. 21 (3 Gretna made
soma progress toward the close of today's
board of trade-sesion, after loafing along
the greater part of the day.
It took wheat some time to respond to
reports that chain bakeries wouid be in
the market for March and April ne&ds '
The board of trade wilt be closed tomor
row, Washington's birthday.
At the finish wheat was higher to
lower than yesterday's close, March
Cam was to H4 higher, March
,28, Oai were unchanged to & lower,
March 14. Rye was to 1 cent lower,
May $1.30-30. .Soybeans were A tal
cent lower, March tZ.m-ZZ'&, Lard was 5
cent a hundredweight lower to 10
cents higher, March 110.87.
Portland Grain
Portland, Feb. 31 JP Wheat:
Cash wheat (bldj; Soft white 5.22; soft
whit (excluding rtxi 2,22; white ciub
Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.22:; 10 pv
cent 2,22; U per. cent 2,22; 12 per cent
Today's car receipts: Wheat 88; barley
5; flour 8; earn 14; oats 1; mtUfsed 15,
Fifteen per cent of drivers are
responsible for &0 oer p&n nf
accidents, research studies re
nd other rectal cis-i
orders treated with-
ut hospitalization,
Naturo-Rectaf Specialist
1144 Center St. Phone 3'
Capitol Spy
Ring Probed
Washington, Feb. 21 m A
republican senator's charges
that two men and a woman make
up a "big three" directing a spy
ring in the state department
headed today for an investiga
tion by the senate foreign rela
tions committee.
Senator Lucas of Illinois, the
democratic leader, told report
ers he will propose that the com
mitted look into accusations
made by Senator McCarthy (R.
Wis.) that 81 communists either
have or jiow work for the de
McCarthy, who described
these individuals from suppos-j
edly secret files in a five-hour j
senate speech last night, said he!
would give their names to such
a committee. He didn't give any
in Ms speech.
In a running word battle with
Lucas, the Wisconsin senator re
fused in his senate speech to
tell who he suspects of being
members of what he described
as "an espionage ring in the
state department.
As an off-shoot. McCarthy
said at one point that a member
of a communist front organiza
tion who failed to get security
clearance in the state depart
ment had turned up as a White
House speech writer.
Sales fvl7ei&& Mrx
tay Valley Paexms company
tA Vamri 122.&&
Calves, good 1356-458 Ibs.i SZ2.GS to tUm
Veal tta8-388 re.l top . . sat.ou 10 w&.u
Wot datrw ortw- StSJ18 tQ 114.50
Cutter cows ,.tttttttf.. sicca to $ao
Dairy, heifers to i&.w
Bulls to !&.&&
Portland Eattsi&s Market
Prices on Portland's Eiytislde Farmers
Wholesale Produce market today were
nominal with offerings confined to loose
and face packed apples, root crops, cab
bage and mustard greens.
On the- Portland Wholesale market ma-dium-aised
dry onions soid Jor $i-&-3:
a SQ-itt. sacie.
Portland Product
nnstorfai Tant.atlre. aubieet t& !mnve
dlate change. Premium cualtty maximum
i& .SS to 1 percent acidity delivered tn
Portland e&-&8e lb.; 82 score ee
scom, 01-84C, S& score 55c. Vall&y routes
snd country points 2c less than first.
Butter wholesale roa ouis cudc wj
whilesalers. srnds 83 score. 84e. A
92 score, 03c; B searef Otc; C, 3& score.
88s. Above prices are swicwy nonunsu
Cheese Seillng pries to Portland whole
tale Oregon singles 3942e, Oregon 5
smalt loai, tclpieU 1 lass than
fi tii nkftiMtaiV A grass- large
4i-4tMtc; A medlam, 4G-4&'&c; grade- B,
large, 3S-3T&; smali A grade 34ic,
)"ortiaio vtTT aHarxe
Butter Price to retailers: Orade AA
prints, 8c; AA cartons, Qc; A prints,
89o; A cartons ?5oi B prints, 6Sc
Kkkb prices to retailers: Orade AA
trr 4Sa Aoz.t certified A larce. 43&i A
large 43a? AA mediant, 42c; A medium.
8e; 3 medium,: &iz, carious 20 mkw
: ttnnal.
: Cheese Price ta retailers: Portland
Oregon singles 39-42Q; Oregon ioai o
lb. loafs 44450 Ib.t triplets, IK cents
less than ameiea. premium sranos, aisgiea.
5lc loaf, 530, .
Live thicken Sa, S Quality FOB
plant So. 1 broilers under 2 lbs, 17c;
fryers, 2-t lbs,, 24-3Sc; 3-4 !&. 23c;
ffs and ovfip, 2To: roasters, 4 lbs.
and ever, 37o; Leghorn hens, 4 lbs, and
under, 14-15c; over 4 lbs., 15-18c; heavy
hens, all weights, 10c; rooster, sit weights,
Xaricer Net to grower, terns, S8-S1&
bens, 44cv Price to retailers dressed; A
ycung hens, S0-5Ic; A young toma, 2T
38c; Usht torn, 41-43o.
Sabbtts Average to grower lire
whites 4-5 lbs, t?-20c Jb,; 5-8 lbs, 13-lSc
lb.; colored 3 cents Jowerj old or heavy
does and bucks, 8-328. Fresh dressed
Idaho fryers and retailer, 40c i local, 48
53s, Coantrr-KUltd Sfea-ts-
Veai Top ttualitr, 33-4&e lb.; other
grades according to weight and ftoalttr
with lighter or heavier, 33-5o.
Hoc Xlght blockers. 35-38: sows,
L&g Top quality, springeri,. 3S-4U;
mutton. 18-18&.
Beef Oood cof 3&-310 2b.; eanaer'
cutters, 2S-20C
Fresh Dressed Meats
(Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.!
Beef steers; Good 508-800 lbs., $39-42;
commercial, $39-39; utility, 35-37.
Cows: Commercial, W4-37J utility, $33
34; cannera-cuttera, (29-32.
Beet Cats 'Goad Steeesi; Hind quarter
J48-4S; rounds J4&-48; fuB loins trimmed,
J&&-S3; triangle, J3S-4&; square ehwsks,
J42-44; ribs, J53-57; foreqttarters, J28-4&.
Vcai and caif; Good, $-4S; ccmmercittl,
J39-48; Utility, 532-39.
Lamb: Good-chotcs spring Jambs, 43
45; commercial, J41-43; utility, 38-t.
Mutton: Good. 70 I&s. down, $3S-3&.
Pork loins, 148-43; shoulders-, 18 lbs.,
down, 134-38; spawrtbs, 447-50; catcaw
es, $27-29 mixed weights, $$ per cwt
Portland MlsceHaneon
Onions: supply moderate, market dull;
Ore. yellows. Ho, 1, 58 !bs, tl. 55-2.90;
large i2.15-2.25, some 2.50; to Iba, oQ
SSc; boilers, 10 lbs, 25-SOc.; onion sets,
Oregon yellow, && lbs, 55.75-5.88.
P&ttot; Ore. Uese-fctttea ft assets Ko.
1A, 13,23-80; No, 2 50 lbs, tttt-35; 25
ibs, l?0c-$f.00; IS ifes. S3-S5C. Wash. Hutted
Gems, No. 1A 53.25-59; 25 lbs, 85-906! 1&
ao-85c; No, 2, it.23-33; large bakers,
H,03-25; Idaho RujsseU No, 3A, five 10
lb. sacks, 2.5-8&. New potatoes-, Fla. Tri
umphs, else A, 13-3,40; sise B, J2,40-50,
Hay i New crop, stack oaies, V. S, No, 2
green Alfalfa, truck or ear-lots F-O-B
Portland or Puget Sound markets, $33.50
41,00 ton; U, S. No, 1 mixed Timothy, J44
ton; now crop oats and vetch mixed hay
or uncertified clover hay, nomirtally 125
28 depending an quality and tacstton bal
ed on WiiifljnKte vaiifl? farms,
Oscar Bark Dry i& t?tea 4c
Woet Valley coarse and medium grides
45c i&,
Mhair-35a lb. on 12-month growth
Hides Calves SSe- Jb.; according Se
weight. pip, 35c ib.( &Mf. &-I&0 lb.;
balls, 8-7c lb Country buyer pay S less
fBt Qtratstians
Wainuta Franquettes, first oaalf Jam
00. 34.7c; large, 32.7c; medium, 27.2ci
second nuatlty iambos, SQ,2c; large, 28,2c;
medium, 2S,2&; bs&y, 23.2s; soft shEli, firs!
fiuaiity large. 39.7c! medium. 28.2cj first
cuallty large, 2&.7c; medium, 28.2a; aec
ond o.ttltty large, 5?2ci medium, 2t,Tc;
baby 22,2c
Fiert Jumbo. 20e Ih.f large, 13c.
The Right Way to RebuiSd
Free of Weed Seeds
6 cks $5.00
I ton.... $10.00
' 2 tons 17.50
FREE Deiivery Anywhere
in Salem area
Phone 3-8127
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 21, 19501?
By ih Associated Pieas
American Can ...,..a.lii
Am Por is 1A 21
Am Tel & Tel 149
Anaconda 28-35
Bendix Aviation , 40'4
Beth Stee1 33
Boeing ASrpiane 27
Caii-J Paekln ....,,...,..,,, 35
Canadian Pacifla li
Case J 1 45
Caterp-JJlar , 354
Chrrsler ........,..,.,.,.. 04.
Cos Valtee t is
Continental Can .,..,.,....,. 38
'Crown ZfJIerbash 32i
Curtlss Wright 0
EJauscUs Atrcca.ft t
Dupoot d atta SrSi
General- El&ctrio ,,,,, 43i
General Pood i&
General Motors .., 75 fi
Goodyear Tira 43
Int Harvester 231
Int l?aper ,,,
Kennecot!. ....,,,,..,...,..,.., 54
Lioby McS ge tr , 7i
Long Bell "A"
Montgamery Ward 5SS
Nash Keivinator 11Va
Kat Dairy 40
NY Central 12H
Northern Pacific sj
Pae Am Fish ,
Pa Gas & Elea ,w..(4.ti4i 33!i
Pa Tel 5s Tei ,104
Penney 3 O 58
Radio Corp- 15V4
Hayonier ...,,
Raronler Ptd ,
Reymiids Hetal 23ft
Richfield 38H.
Safeway Store
Seats Boebuck ,,, 43ft
Southern Pacific ,.,, 544
Standard Oil Co, 02!4
Studebaker Crnra. 9it
, Sunshine Mining ..,,,,,,.,,,.... lOfe
i rassanverica 17lk
Union Oil Cal 23i
United Airline $
Union Pacific 15Vi
O S Steel ........................ 30
Warner Bros Pia 14
Waolworta 8
New Tork Sissks
New York, Feb. 21 The stack
marseu cosacea siang m ilisJMy tower
ground today,
Cotiiinaanea- of the- coal strike, a fast
dwindling coat supply,, and more cur
tailment of production had no appre
ciabie effect as selling stimulants.
The strike, however, did check buy
ing interest.
Trading giswetJ t& a ruth of araimrf ?.
388,888 shares for the full aeaaton doss
to tne years law.
Prices sttpped a- bit in ikv mornirMf b
soon icveied off. Some Sssuee managed:
paniBi recovery iatet.
Newport indastrtes- lirae t.
late deaiinss following news of a 39
een6 common dividend, first sine is-ea-.
isower masc at cne no were u, s, Bieeir!
wunera-i mosoes, et-uoooaxer, seftsisy.
dall Oil, Warner Bros and Johns-Msn-
More in demand wr SaiirmsT mv
Republic Steel. Chrysler. Wnnlworth.
uuuHitMi Aitccais ana uuu ,jiu
Pacific Telephone
Resumes Conferences
Portland, Feb, 21 m Pacific
Tel&phone & Telegraph company
and CIO Communication Work
ers representatives resumed
contract negotiations today.
C. H. Wright of the utitoa said
"We are a iittle closer on some
items." He said he was hopeful I
tiiat agreement woasa be reach-!
The onion membership recent-i
3y voted on whether to author
ize a strike should negotiations
break down, The results have
not been announced bat Wright
said locals were Seteg notified'
today of the outcome.
The current contract talks!
have no connection with the dis-,
pute between equipment install
ers and Western Electric, al-i
though aa phone service could
be affected by the instaners
threatened strike, set for Feb, 24.
Mlii Xlvina Halm
Mis Ewtnt Hahn, formerly oi Breast,!
Ore,, in a SsaHle hospital February 18 at;
ths- age of &3 years. Survived by two hro-!
ther, Herbert W. Hahn of Lee, Mms sod!
Herman A, Hahn of Saiem; six sisters,
Mrs, Augusta Cutsinger ef Salem, tydia
Hahn of Portlsnd1 Amanda Hahxt ol 8n
Dtesa, Mrs Martha Frszer oi Oafeiand,
Caiif,, Mrs, EBa- Oood of Saeram&nto- anrf
Mrs. Esther Keller of Ban Francisco. Mem- i
bcr of eherch at Oni, Ftatcral arrstige
mentx later hy Howell-Edwards chapel,
Jesse W. Kamphrer i
Jesse W, Rrxmphreyi, late resident of:
20SS B, Cottftge street at a Jocal hespitat
February 19 at the age of 83 years. Sur-i
vived by Wife, Mrs, May Humfthrcy, Sat-.
temj two, Attc E, and Jsie
May HumphrEys, fen-th s-f Saim; thres-i
hroth&re, John A. of Rasta-id Ore.r Wit
Want 1. at Dansatttlr, CaliE, snd Mslcoim
Druggists Prescription
For Reiief of Itch
When your skin is Irritated
w ith pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from ex
ternal causes, you're crazy with
itching torture, try Sanitone
Ointment, Itching stops prompt
iy. Smarting disappears imme
diately, Sanitone Ointment is
also wonderful for iteomg feet
cracks between toes and Ath
lete's foot
For Sale
Wiilctfs Capital Drug Store
State at Liberty Phone 8-3118
Eav-to-8e SUppcts These com
fortable felt slippers can be "nm
ur" in iust a coimis of evenings.
Trimmed with fake pearls or nov
elty nations, tiiey are nreray enouin
to wear with "at home" party frocks,!
talra tracing pattern for small, me
of Hoaebure; Utec; Mcs. MUdccd Stubble
field at Csiiiornia, Member oi Ftsst Sap-.
iS&t church &f Saiem and of the Max&n-io
lodge, service will be held from tfc
HoweH-Edwardi ea&pe'i Thursday, Pesrsfr.
ary 23, at J p.m.
Mrs. Caroline Reisser Sesmcttd
stts, Gataitne seisser DesmojMi, law les
iden-i- of OrovHie, Wash., at- the- home f
her daughter o& S&leza route- 9, box 3012,.
February 20. Surviving are two tfa ashore,
Mrs. H. I Brown, Saiem, and Mrs, Sex
B assert, Okanofio, Wash.; a slater, Mrs,
Jaroes Woods, Eutte, Mont,; two irand
Ehildrea and two great grandchildren
Servlcea will be held from the CI cash-
Biorick chapel wwtcossitaT ireomary as
at S:30 p,m. with Rft M, A, Getwntan
offieiatine. Jnterment in Be&rw Memor
iai part.
Mr. Mary Benedict
Stay ton Mrs. Mary Benedict, 80, died
Monday at a Portland nursing home.
RmltftfcE,-m of th rosary at the Weddle
chapei Tuesday night at a o'clock with
funeral services irony si. womiace cnuicn
rvn WwJnMAav at l& fs else It. Rev. Fr. J&s,
Scherhrlng: officiating and burial in the
BuSSJmity cemetery, eoe. was aanx to.
arma?. Ana. SSv I3SS, Surviving we
she daughters, Arms Istvaaonle, Theresa
Smith, Sister Mary of Sacred Heart and
Mary Za&er, &! or Foruana; ssiscers sous
lie and Rosalie, both of Eeaverton: son
Mttee Benedict, aablimlty; Ed Benedict,
Bias ton and Ft, Patii Benedict, Sacred
Heart, P&rtiand and a sister, Mrs, Csth
ertne- O'Meara, Alahambra. Caiif,
PrltceU Boesak.
BaBas Piacai Bosanfcft- was bom Asa
3, 18&7 at EgevlSIs, Wis., died a r Dai
las hospital Feb. 14, 1958. She married
W0i Bss&nk& at Dodsevtlie. Thar speait
man? years wording in the mining camps:
tmiH his health :aee ana sney moves
wMt ta Bonner Ferry, Idaho. Three-
years later on Feb, 1, ISS?, istaiis mowd
to Salem where they livec i&r severai
YfurA in the Yew Park district. They al
so lived on- N, ITth St Mr, Bfstaxtks waa
carpenter fey Srade. T&ew son- sain, a
painter br trade Ss also an amateur ar
tint was weH knawix In Satenu He helped
pain She new &ridse which now spans
the Willamette. They built a home and
ma?d ta West Salem more than: 3& rear
ago, where the ion. died in 1023 and
the husband in 3925. Since the death &i
her husband Mrs, Boaanka has lived
alone until about two years ago. She
leaves a niece, Mrs. Ha&le Gleason of
San Gabriel, Cal. Also several ether
nieces ssd jwpftsws, kiss s hoM of
friends. FuneraX services were heid s4
How-Edwarda Friday afternoon. Burial
was in Lee Mission, cemetery heaide her
Albert P. Blamt
Tintoiivitte Alharfc P. Bison. 84. at wsS
3er& f SivSf, are siivoft less iled: ssc&fcnlr
e! a altaek at fcls fesja la sn
Vt&anviLls Al&rleti PrMsy. H was feera
December IT, less at Ktckecfim, Ksat. H
was a rasmfcer of iris Sei&edi&t ctesHBlr
thers at ths tlms oj his death. ShrSvlrw
are fchres sons, Oscar sawi Harold, both of
HermSsion, Howard and Tom- ot llnton
vals! two dauahtfrrs, Mrs. Can Si&utea
tattre ol Plsaaantdals; Mrs. Edward Clev
er.Kl, DftS-torij 9M Ixratixet. Ray at SlcJc
trs&n, Kaa.; tw& sistera, Mrs. fcssia.
Hackw&rth, IaTts, Mrs. VirsK Sllfsr ei
Stetersott, Kaa. 14 srBrwlohVldrsn.
Funeral services were tu crtarsa ot Maw
of MsK4ianylll& at fha HspeweH svaivael
Ical United Brethren eharch at 1:S& Tues
day, Re?, Geone ifEKlen of Uttiamrala will
offslaie,. Burial wis fcft at HopeweH.
Mr Rtttrr B. Seed
Amy Mrs, Kaby B. ReedV SS 3res, t
months. 15 days, died Feb. SS at the
homo ol her son on the farm. Funeral
services were held at MacSa chapel Sat
urday with Rev, Fremont F&ul tftciatingi
Pall bearers were Rupert Ohrlstenser., Le
McKee, Joe Kratty,. Robarfc Neumanrt, Joe
McKee and Donald Fuldsir, Sacvloc r
fcsr husband Charles Hsed. Sr.: two soaA,
Ohartea Jr. and Robert; one daughter.
Mrs, Qeonre van otten, Fffrrrctaie, ana
four grandeh&dren. Burial was ia Amicr
Seward liftoYesea
Lebanon Edward 3. ZpArtstn died Fefe
10 at his home 1242 Sooth Second atr4.
Born Oct- 55, 1884 ta Bergen Norway,, h
had been a. resident of the United States
for 45 years, coming to Oregon 8 year
ago and to Lebanon In 1947. He was em
ployed as fireman at the Cascade Fir
wood plant. Services wiii fee held Wed
nesday at 3 p.m. at the Hows-Huston
.ihaneL Interment witf be 5n the TOO?
ctiueter?. Surviving: .r his widow, Clams
ssn, Leonard si Oafeiand, Ore.; daughter,
Betty Aplanal? of Portland; brother
Hans at Barter Ore., Thonraid of Porfc
land and. Gerhard of CJiend&ie, CsUf
Theoutc G, Gtliant
Lebanon. Death earn sassssas l
Thomas Cf. D-iliard, S6. at- his hrr.e is
the got dasrict saaoay moriHns. Jor
the past M rests he hsd tterrn tmsftortd
ai the Crowa Zeiierbach paper miii. Bom
in Sprirvghlil, Iowa, Tune 3. 1SSJ, he had
lived In Oregon: e years. Funeral aerrlctr
were held at the Howe-Huston chsnet
Tuesday, with Rev. Lyantea Elweii of-
iSciatlnt. Buri&i m tne Masonic eems
tery SntnttvoM are hi widow, Lenai soa
Jack, daughters, Mrs, Donna- Fearsoa
and Mrs. Shirley Wynn- and arar.d
chtl-trenv alt of Lebanon; sister, SJarr
Francis E&tLtex or eprmgfttttv ia., cwa
haif-br&thers. Paul ST. I,uis or" Pr&vo.
Utah and Carl Lutx ef Lons Beach, Calif,
Sirs, rTsiii
Laraystta Mrs. rfett! HstB7t. wir
at E. ?. Hetnbrse died at ttra Mc&linnvllla
hospital Sander after brief illness, Tn
fwneral was held at the 54asy funeral hoa
and was laid to rest In Erersreen Memor
ial pars. She leases her aasharid, tw
dauahters, Mrs. SJary IJavies of SScSJina
villa, Mrs. Allee Jshnson sf San Plezs.
Galll.i one aon. Zdar Hemhree, alan of
5Se5Stnnfittei two sreadens and twa
srahdaualters, tw& hrsthera and &3
slater, who- reside In Mlehlean.
Now She Stop
"Cash and Carr?r
Without Painful Backache
As we get older, stress and strain, over
exertion, excessive smoking er exposure to
cold sometimes eiowa down kldtwir func
tion. This may teed: many folk. 4o cofi&
plain of nasBinsE feackiishe, tees- of pe-p asd
nersiy, Jwadaebee and diMir?eae. Grfllrre
P nishis or f repfertt iraasage may peitri
from mirror hlaASec irritattona- due- to coki,
darapniMa tar ciietsiry irwiisereifens.
if your disesmf&rts are dac it these
causes. Ufn't wait, try DoaaV Ptlis, . ruled
diuretic. Used racceastnUy hy m-itiion for
ascr 5a While. 5iis yrHpt&rr: stay
ofiKii oiiwirwise &sear, ft amMine how1
Btofty times teafi-' aWe Jrappy relief
help tha 15 mile of kidney tubes and fiitcra
aastt out waste. Get Soan' I'iiis icdayi
dium and large aisea; material r
quirements aafi eomfJiete making
and finishing directions.
To obtain this pattern, send 36a
in COINS, giving pattern aian&er,
your name, address ana zone num
ir to Pesrgy Roberts Capita! Joar
nai S2S Mtasion fitreet Sas Fran-
iSsoo i. Calif.