: 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 21, 1950 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Par Line .Ho Per Line I times .,.. .40c Per Line 6 timet 60e Pei Doe 1 month , 12.00 Outside of Salem 15o per Une pex day. Uln. 10ci 3 times mln. toe 6 times mln. 11.20. No Refunds EKADEBS In Local News CoL OnlF! SOo per tin To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Highland Disk Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Small dn. payment. Full price $4500. C. W. Reeve Realtor MS B. Com'l. Ph. 1-4500. Ere. 3-4313. .45 ENGLEWOOD DIST. 4 bdrm. fob. Hdwd. fin., weather strip Bed. Insulated. 3 flreolaces. Ph. 3-5529, a44 OPEN FOR INSPECTION 3 BR home. Nice corner location, bus at door. For sale by builders. Price issao. Terms 1010 S. 14th. a44 1 Ideal for Large Family 18500 Older type house, 5 bed rooms, 3 down, 3 up, li baths, full basement, - oil furnace, In Englewood Dlst. Also ex cellent for rooming house. Call Willis Hill. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 45 UNFINISHED house. 3 bdrm., attract lve and well constructed on A. tract, h ml. E. of Swegte Sen. on Oarden Rd. $3600. Ph. 3-1939. 45 Sullivan Realty Co. Highland 1 Dandy little 3 B.R. home In good dlst. North. All plastered, auto-heat, att gar . age. Big fenced back yard for the kids. A real buy at $3,500 down. Bal 4. Eve. Ph. 3-8012. ; Norway St. r 1 Bedroom home. Hardwood floors, fire place, two car garage, nice fenced, yard. Small garden spot. Two walnut trees. This home 1b not overpriced. Owner says sell for $8,950. " Englewood - Furnished All new furniture Including range, ret. in this newly decorated 3 BR noma. Large lot, paved st. Fireplace, and only $7,850. South Heights i New 3 BR all plastered home, auto oil heat, close to Salem Heights school. A neat, well-built home with $5,800 FHA ' loan. Full price $7,900. T 25 A North Very good soil. AH has Just been limed and sub-soiled. Part In crop. Very nice new ranch type 2 BR home, fireplace - and electric heat. Good deep well. - The man Is leaving state and says, - sell it. $12,600. t Sullivan Realty Co. 3385 PORTLAND ROAD Ph. 3-3255 Days - 4-2758 - 3-1778 ffves a44' Near Leslie Jr. High $8950 Extra clean 3 bedroom older home on South High St. Large living Z rm., dining rm., den, kitchen St nook, full basement, sawdust furnace. Large lot. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor " 980 S. Commercial " Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 3-5260 a45 THE EVERGREENS A cute small house In lovely fir trees: two acres of ground on Improved road, near fine school; live stream. Consider easy terms. $4750. SEVEN ACRES Your home and an easy living; small neat two bedroom house, barn, chicken house, garage; fruit and berries; city sewer; school bus at door. nooo, SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7600 Eve. Ph. 2-0605 - 3-4S91. a44 t BLOCKS TO ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL. 1 WE OFFER YOU a modern home with fireplace, hdwd. firs., LAD rooms, 3 BRs, plus BR In basement, furnace heat. An attractive property on corner lot, bus by, for only $8950. Loan available. 9800 DOWN. Late built home, features L - St D rms., 3 BR dn., unfln. upstrs., all hardwood firs., fireplace, coved cell . inns, ven. blinds, attached garage, lga. , lot. Really worth looking at. 39150. Larsen Home & Loan Co. , Exclusive Listings Personal Service . 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve, 1-9989. a45 Cafe on 99E North $3500 buys this business, stock A flx " tures, excellent location, it's good. Call ' Mr. JTederlckson. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-5260 Cd45 N.E. LOVELY late built 3 BR home, nice Llv. St Din. rms. H.W. floor, flrenlace. basement you'll be proud of, oil furnace. uetti oi surrounaiogs. sii.wra. Terms. R. E. MEREDITH RLT. or B. M. MASON 170 S. Com'l Ph. 3-8841 a44 ENGLEWOOD . 4, bdrm. home with LR, DR, full cmt. bsmt, with oil furnace. Some furniture. OLDER TYPE HOME IN CHOICE LO CATION. Consider small home on small acreage in exchange. PRICE $7950. $800 DOWN buys small modern plastered home, sub urban east. On bus line, 3 blocks to school. FURNISHED. PRICE $4750. SMALL ACREAGE SPECIAL Secluded. Quiet. Summer cool. One of those hard to find small acreages east In FRUIT LAND DISTRICT. 6 acres Willamette soil. Old hse. If you like privacy and a nice home site, THIS IS ' IT. Full price ONLY $3500. $1000 down to right party. SUBURBAN TRADE Modern S bdrm. home 1 acre eholce soil. Price $6300. Trade for small 1 or 3 bdrm. homp In town. PRATUM DISTRICT All Willamette Silt soli. Tiled. All cleared. Can be Irrigated. EXTRA NICE CLEAN 4 BDRM. HOME BUILT 5 YRS. AGO. Small barn, chick hse., brood hse., garaxe. Located on pvmt. east. Price $10,750. Consider small home In town. HOWELL PRAIRIE 14M, acres deep, rich WILLAMETTE SILT SOIL. Yr. stream. Barn, chick hse. Modern 3 bdrm. home. Priced right at $8750. OWNED WILL CONSIDER HOME IN TOWN TN EXCHANGE. ARE YOU MAD at your landlord or tired of paying rent? Then why not move to the coun try en this dandy little place. Modern small 3 bdrm. home with fireplace. Oood , walnut orchard. EXCELLENT VIEW. About 5 miles out. Price 18500. Terms $1000 DOWN AND $50 PER MO. OR TAKE SMALL HOME OR LOT AS DWN. PAYMENT. See T. R. Pyle HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 3288 Palrirounda Rd. Ph. 2-0313 a44 5 Acres on 99E North $9800 Modern 3 bedroom home, nice St ciean. earn, emeu en nouse, family irult, - 1 acre nuta. Will consider trade on house In town. Call Mr. Frederlckson. Geo, A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-5360 c45 FOR SALE or rent: 2M, A., 3 rm. house, 2'4 miles west of nervals, $1500.00. Will take very small down payment, Bal. by month. Ph. 3-1823 after 5 p.m. a46 BY OWNER Well Insul. 3-bdrm, tue unfln. upstrs., fireplace, oil furn., hdwd. firs., Ven. bids., att. gar. Large dry landscp. lot. Above average for . $8686, $495 dn. (Includes lnsur. & fin. fee). $70 mo. Worth seeing, 3305 June. 3-4898. alfl jAiirn.nl Winf AAm Piu n whi aw e wj FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER S RM. HOME, ATTACHED OARAOE, NICE FIREPLACE. GOOD VIEW, FENC ED IN YARD, SHRUBS St FLOWERS. CLOSE TO SCHOOL St BUS. KINO WOOD HEIGHTS DIST. FHA APPRAIB. ED. CAN BORROW DP TO $5600 ON THIS $4000 EQUITY WILL HANDLE. SOME BALANCE. PH. 3-5059. a46 $1000 DOWN New 9 bdrm. home, finest hdwd. floors. large bdrm., delightful kitchen, laun dry rm. of garage. Good dlst. $8500. Salem Heights School Well built, attractive 2 bdrm. home, finest back yd., fine shrubs St loan. On ly $7,350. worth more. L. E. Klumpp Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 3-7643. Eve. 3-0126 i a44' $8250. 6 ROOMS, good location, fireplace, hdwd. floors, close to bus line. Priced lor quick sale. Chas, Hudkins & Son 350 N. High St., Phone 3-4129. a45 Englewood Dlst. Very nice 3 bdrm.. sewing rm.. flrd, attic full burnt., fur. Plastd. Gar. Large LB, DR, 1600 It. nr. space. Fireplace. Sprinkling system In lawn. Corner lot. trice 918,300. - C. W. Reeve Realtor 946 8. Com'. Fh. 3-4500. Eve. 2-4311 COMFORTABLE Inaulated 3 B.R. home conveniently located at ISO Weat Salem neignu Ave. a4B' 6-Room Home Cape Cod 1-year old. Attached larate. Lot ,0x232. Walnut Je apple treea. Full price 19,850. Ph. 3-3281). General Real Estate 255 Center .44 URGENTLY NEEDED We have several buyers needing homed priced from $4500 to $7500 with low down payments. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTOR 1311 Ediewater Ph. 3-9109 ca49 BY OWNER 1 BEDROOM HOUSE Entlewood dtatrlct, 1 diock to anoppin, center. 3 diock, to achool, ft bike, to bu. Price 14000. Own er at 1470 N. 16th fit. Phone 3-6531. a49 IB.OSO. FURNISHED 2 bdrm. home, well lo- cated In west Salem. Oood clean home with good lurnlture. Terms caah. Call o. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 3 S. High Ph. 3-2121. a48 Sullivan Realty (Jo. $900 DOWN 3 bedroom new home In Four Corners Eiec. neat, hardwood floors, att. gar age, 70x120 lot. Full price $7,850. Eve. Ph. 3-8013. $910 DOWN North East. 3 bedroom home with un finished upstairs, fireplace, hardwood floors, oil heat. Only $8,500. Eve. Ph. 3-8012. N. CHURCH ST. 3 BR home In good dlst. all plastered, auto-heat, attached garage. Big fenced back yard, two blocks to school, a real buy for $7,500. Eve. ph. 2-8012. SECURITY Beautiful brick home on , acre East. Just out of city limits. 3 BRs and a den down with large living room and din ing room. Room for 3 more bedrooms up. Really a nice home. $14,800. Eve, Ph. 3-8012. SUBURBAN 3 months old, modern 3 bedroom home. 16x25 living room with wall to wall carpet, DR, kitchen, with breakfast nook and bar, utility room, fireplace, hardwood floors, patio, dbl, garage, Montag oil furnace. Ask to see this home, $13,700. Eve. Ph. 3-7565. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd, Ph. 3-3255 a46 Close In North Modern S bdrm. home., lge. lot, excel lent location. $1,000 dn, $50 per mo. To tal price $6850. "LISTING NEEDED" Joe Noonchester REAL ESTATE 3985 Pleasant View Dr. Ph. Day-Eve. 30103 a44 NEAR HIOHLAND SCHOOL $3800. Living rm. 3 bdrm. Kitchen. Bath. Some fruit trees. NEAR ENOLEWOOD SCHOOL $5500. New 1-bdrm. home. Living rm., dining rm., kitchen, bath. hdwd. firs, A WELL BUILT HOME $9850. New 2 bdrm. Nice large living St dining combined. Kitchen with plenty bullt-ins. Utility rm. Hdwd. firs. Oood terms. V. OMER HUFF 311 Chemeket. Ph. 2-9091 or 2. But! i B4 FOR SALE LOTS LARGE LOTS. Rep. Ph. 37113. EXCEPTIONAL VIEW These are without question the finest view lots available. Adjoined $30,000 Si $25,000 homes on Klngwood Drive. Call Walt Musaravr. Walter Musgrave, Rltr. 1311 Ednrwater Ph. 3-5100 a48 FOR SALE FARMS 143 ACRES No buildings. 65 acrrs seeded to fescue grass, balance pasture, all under fence; fine place for sheep; about nine miles out on pavement. 111,500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 3-7660 Eve. Ph. 3-6605 - 3-4591. b44- SPRINO IS HERE CROPS ARE FINE! 284 Acre dairy and stock farm, located on highway, few mites from Willamette Valley town. 85 acrrs In certified seed crops, about 75 A. more can easily br put tn cultivation and bnlance Is wood ed pasture. Yr. stream thru place. All Is fenced sheep tUht. Bldits. consist of modern 3 BR home, Grade A barn and milk house, other smaller bldgs., all surrounded by neat ranch style plank fence. A very deslreable property, all routes by door, 320 electricity and water to barn and house. Priced to sell quick ly at $21,000. Easy terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9989 b45' Farm for Sale 70 acres, 60 acres cultivated, 20 acres of mint 30 acres of 3-year old prune trees, more can be put In mint. All can be Ir rigated, Irrigation enulpment Including 3 Irrigation pumps. Chehalls soil. 8 -room modern house, barn, chicken house, hoi house. Close to good school and store, on good highway. Full price $35,000. Will take small acreage close to Salem or house In Salem on part payment. Ivan B. Sutton, Realtor Sullivan Realty Co. Lake Labish Beaverdam Right )n the heart of the lake. 10 A, or 7 acres real onion land, about 3 A mint. This farm Is clean.. Irrigation outttt, good 7 car onion house. 2 wells. Very nice 3 bedroom plastered home, fire place, wall to wall carpet, all furnished with the latest electrical appliances. Lots of shade, shrubs, and flowers. The best neighborhood, school buses. This farm has to be seen to be appreciated and It will really pay dividends. 1 Acre N. Close to Salem, fint sou, berries and fruit. Oood deep well, can irrigate. Very nice new 3 bdrm. home, plastered, elec tric heat, fireplace. If you are looking for a real nice country home, don't fall to see this. The price is right, $13,600, H cash Sullivan Realty Co. MSI FerUend Ro4 Fh. 1-335$. bU FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS ALL BRICK RANCH TYPE Situated on H acre, beautiful grounds overlooking Salem St Mtna, Wall-to-wall carpeting thruout, Ige. llv. rm. St bdrms., lge. inside utility, beautiful kitchen, Ige. bath with tile shower, 3 sets plbg., push button electric garage doors, patio, automatic sprinkling system. This home is a steal. CALL ROY FERRIS. EAST OF LANCASTER Aoorox. 1 acre of ground, very attractive suburban home, entrance hall, llv. rm with beamed celling, inside utility rm. 3 bdrms., fireplace. Very cute home. CALL PETER OEISER. 630 N. WINTER ST. Modern 3 bdrm. home, dble. plbg., basmt., auto-furnace, fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting, dble. garage, walking distance to town St shopping center, FOR APPOINTMENT CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Llbertr Phone 2-2471 REAL ESTATE 150x150 CORNER LOT In 9 zone, story house with 3 Apts. 11 blocks to $6,000. Grocery store, stock and fixtures, Salem. Lease $75.00 mo. Really under-priced, this beautiful 3 Lg. B.R. home, located in south Salem, full plumbing up, V down, 26x18 living rm. Sz fireplace, 14x16 dining rm., nice den, kitchen St nook, party rm. with bar St fireplace. 3-car Ga., sprink ling system In lawn. $7950. Close to Highland Scb. Neat, clean 3 B.R. home, also nice 3 Rm, house on back of lot, can be had with smaU down payment to right party. Don't pass this one up. $13,500. Nice 3 B.R. home located in Englewood. Has fully dry basm., dining rm., fireplace, plus nice 1 Rm. Apt. separate from the home. Lge. lot. $8,500. Nice clean 3 B.R. home close to Englewood Scb., full basm., oil heat, good garden space, fruit St nut trees. $12,000. Year net Income, from residential court overlooking the beach, lo cated In retired man's town in 8. California. Will take in trade, resort prop erty, or small farm, la Willamette Valley. What have you? Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 NORTH HIOH ST. FOR SALE FARMS 42 ACRE lrrlsated ranch. 21 acrea Deans. Tractor,, truck. Irritation ayatem, etc. Fair Improvement,. Price complete 312, 600. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. Hllh FOR SALE ACREAGE Sullivan Realty Co. NURSERY ACREAGE OR SUBDIVISION Nine acres of fine sllty Chehalls soli. Eight inch cased well with 3 H.P. pump. On paved main road and only two blocks to school and bus. Property also plated Into 32 lot subdivision. $8,200. V down. Sullivan Realty Co. 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255 Eve. Ph. 3-1778. bb46 HAVE-MORE-PLACE, 10 A, gd. 3 BR nomc, nil mou. conv. saDuu. mi. out u. river Rd. Box 701, Sawmill Rd. bb49 SECLUDED CLOSE IN, aprox. 23 acres. ao. 10 a, iruic, ? a, open iano as a a. wooded area. Some VIEW spots. Over 1900 ft. roRd frontage. $5500. Walt Soc olofaky, Real Estate, Ph. 3-8835. bb45 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS l Business of Your Own Owner reports net Income per year be tween 13 and 17 thousand. Well equipped concrete building and lot in good loca tion. Low overhead we believe this is a rare opportunity. Total Investment tor everything $40,000. Eves. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. Service Station And garage, Well equipped, doing good repair business, building only 10 yrs, old. Located In very prosperous town. Equip ment In best condition. A buy for only $10,600. Terms. Eves. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558 Duplex Plus livable house for owner. Income $130 per mo. Located In a small town. A real buy for only $7500. Eves. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558, Here's a Hot One Motel, 1 yr. old. Ten units plus living quarters furnished. Possible gross In come of $6780 per year. Low overhead. Total price only $25,000. Owner may consider city property as part payment. Eves. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. Rare Home Value 1200 sq, ft. floor space. Brand new Very attractive St well arranged, elec. heat, weatherstrlpped St insulated, attached garage, large utll. rm., fireplace, hdwd. firs, throughout, tile bath, 70x125 lot. $2500 down. Total price has been reduc ed to $11,000. Eves. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. Acreage & Farm 6 acres, north with new 3 BR home, par tially furnished with new furniture, good well. A bargain for only $6500. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. 1 acre North, modern home, garage, pri vate well, nice setting, lots of shrubs St trees, close to bus. Total price only $7900. Eve, phones 3-4735 or 3-3553. 69 Acres, extra modern home St out buildings. This Is a real farm. If you are Interested In a farm with some stock close to Salem and excellent view, see this one for 117,600. Owner may consider Income property as part payment. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. 3 acres North, modern home, barn, chicken house, Willamette soil. Total price only 15500. Eve. phones 3-4733 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. $4200 3 bdrm. home. In duplex zone. $1500 down, 150 mo. $4950 Will buy a grocery business that gross ed $43,000 last your. $8950 Will buy good 4 bdrm. home with fur nnce & basement. North. $5200 Will buy 78x120 lot. In No. 3 business tone with small 4 room house St auto, washer. Ideal for court site or small business. 4 bdrm. home on 8. Liberty St. only 0 blocks from center ot town. 3 good new rentals, 1 on N. High, 520 sq. ft. of floor space, lota of light; 3 on Fairgrounds Rd., 800 sq. ft. each. WM. BLIVEN & CO. REALTORS 047 N. Hlth St. Ph. 2-317. Eve. 3-I253 INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED. REAL ESTATE lOR EVERY PURPOSE. ct NELSON NEWS CONFECTIONER GROCERY Large St constant turnover. Equipped to serve lunch, Ice cream, handle school supplies, etc. Ideal for family operation, reasonable rental, very good net. $10,000. HIGHWAY TAVERN 5 booths, counter, stoves, refrlg., wtr. Mr., monthly rent, $73. Profitable tav ern, new equipment, netting over $800 per month, with living qtrs. $16,000. WEST SALEM INVESTMENT Store rentals, offices and apartment grossing almost 1 10.000 a year. Operat ing expense. Including taxes and In surance less than $700 a year, Buildings In good condition in good location. This would make an excellent investment property with a minimum of looking NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE LISTINO REALTORS Peraonal Service br Men Who Speciallie 703 N. Hlah St. Ph. 3-1931. ct4' IF YOU WISH to aell. xchanf, or rent your property Phone 2-SS51 Cluett & Kenyon Real Estate lOKO FAIRGROUNDS RD. MU Oluett, T. I. Huron, Witt Freler 441 IFOR SALE HOUSES I REAL ESTATE church. Apt. house or eraplez, has eld 3 Ladd St Bush bank. $15,300. good location, on main drag In , close to state EVE. PH. 2-3413 3-7702 2-1704 REAL ESTATE OUT OF THE RAIN THIS LITTLE 3-RM. COTTAQE ON A LOT 100X113 CAN BE BOUOHT FOR ONLY 13750. It mllht be well to look at thla one. call Mr. Brown Eve. Fh. 3-4937. Exclualve. THREE BEDROOMS A 3-BDRM. PLASTERED HOME, ON une aukis of OROUND, near school and bus, small barn, garage, good soil .juu. .terms, see ur, iirown. Eve. Pa, 3-4937. Exclusive. A GOOD BUY NEARLY ONE THIRD OP AN ACRE ri.U. 11 HEUKOOM PLASTERED HOME. large garage, an excellent ranch style home, plenty of garden space, walnut trees, priced right at $8300. Call Mr. iirown. uve. rn. Exclusive. NORTHWEST IN THE GROWING KEIZER DIST. we have a very nice modern, ranch style nome, witn large living room opening on to a patio, 3 large bedrooms, very neat workable kitchen, large garage and utility. Might be able to get by on this one ror siouo down, call Mr. Lee. 3-6342. Exclusive. $8,000 ABOUT $1,500 DOWN, FOR THIS ROOMY BUNOALOW, LOCATED CLOSE TO CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, nice living room, with dining space. Gas range and re frigerator included at this price. Oar age has large work shop, and there Is plenty of garden space. Call Mr. Lee. 3-8342. Exclusive. $4500 3 BEDROOM HOME, PLASTERED, PULL CEMENT FOUNDATION, nice large lot, paved street, city sewer and water. May be able to handle for $500 down. Loca tion north, good area. Call Mr. Lee Eve. Ph. 3-8342. Exclusive. The Good Earth FOR SALE: 5 ACRES GOOD SOIL, WITH 180 FT. FRONTAOE ON 99E NORTH. Largo 3-bedroom modern home, electric water system, family orchard, shrubs. Could be made Income property. $8500. See Mr. Bennott. Exclusive. FREE 20 Acres FREE WILL GIVE 20 ACRES GOOD LAND LOCATED ABOUT ONE MILE WEST OP McCLAEY, to buyer of 25 acre farm located In same locality' for full price of $13,500. Oood buildings on the 35 acres Including large modern home, two wells, large good barn, lots of fruit and nuts, fenced. Owner Vlll trade for small home near Salem. A real bargain for someone. See Mr. Weinberg, ACREAGE NO BUILDINGS ON THIS 4 ACRES Surrounding area building up rapidly. Name your own price and terms within reason. See Mr. Bourne. Exclusive. LOTS CITY SEWER, WATER, LOT 80x125, 1575. Terms, exclusive, NICE CITY LOT PAVED STREET, COR NER OF HOYT AND WEST KNOB HILL, EXCLUSIVE. WE HAVE A COMPLETE FINANCING SERVICE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS, WHICH IS A BIG HELP IN MAKING DEALS. 4 SALESMEN TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR NEEDS. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8216. c46 WANTED REAL ESTATE 3 RR, large lot or small acreage to $10,- ooo. no dealers, write Box 389 Capital Journal. ca4B WE ARE In need of good houses to sell in or near Salem. If you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 3-2471. ea Now is the time to Sell We have many buyers for home with one-two or more bdrms. with basements or without In town or out with or with out acreage. Cash buyers or with small down payment. Call days 3-4590, Eve. 3-4313 or 3-9536. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Commercial ca45 NOTICE' If your property is fdV sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. BEALTORS 153 S. High St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL 4 BDRM. HOME NORTH Sell or trade, give or take difference. Rep. Ph. 37113. cb44 MODERN 3 bedroom home In Dallas; trade for Salem house, 3 lots on pav ed highway. Bus line, fine location. Will rent for 150 per mo. Write box 383 Cap ital Journal. cb44 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DUPLEX Near Capitol Shopping Center. Large 3 bdrm. In each apt. Full basement. Rents 8160 a mo. Price $14,500. General Real Estate 355 Center Ph. 3-32B9. cd44 BUS. BLDO. St Apts. Rep. Ph. 37113. Cd44 Coast Locker Plant Grocery store, home, 360 lockers, all rented. Fine established business. Ill health causes sale. Price $30,000. Terms. General Real Estate Co. 355 Center. Phone 3-3389. cd44 INCOME PROPERTY. Modem 3 bdrm. house. Occupied by owner, 3 smaller hounes rented. Close to but, school stores. 2175 Maple Ave. cd44 FURNITURE FOR SALE WALNUT DIMNO table, 6 chairs and buf fet. 1910 Laurel Ave. d44 8 PC. BLOND dining rm. set. 3 pc. blue velour living set. Manogany drop leaf dfsk. t chest of drawers. Ph. 38818, 795 Waldo. d46 DAVENPORT St chair. Good cond. Bed, mattress, new dbl. coll springs. 3280 Sllverton Rd. d46 FOR SALE at sacrifice. Moving, mutt sell furniture, pn. -a.iM. 445 WANTED FURNITURE aULNN WOODBT, Fn. Mill. REAL ESTATfc OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS SUBURBAN HOME ON FAIRVIEW AVE. V acre with comfortable 3 bedroom home, small basement, garage, $5950. Additional acreage available. JUST REDUCED TO 87850 FURNISHED Englewood School District, good 3-bedroom home with fireplace, fully furn ished, large lot Don't miss this buy. DRY BASEMENTIII OIL HEATH! Exception illy well-built 3-bedroom home. Englewood School Dist., fireplace, hardwood floors thruout, beautifully landscaped. A real buy at $9250. OOOD BUT IN A FAMILY HOME Excellent residential district South, 4 bedroom home, lots of room, wall-to-wall carpeting, lovely yard with double lot It's a good deal for $9500. ROOMY (3 BEDROOM) RANCH STYLE HOME Well Planned throughout, beautiful hardwood floors, dining room plus nook in kitchen, auto-oil pipe furnace, located Northeast. A home with plenty room priced right at $11,750. FARM SPECIALS 30 ACRES IN CENTRAL HOWELL All tillable, well drained, 14 stanchion barn with cement floors, silo, 3 chicken houses, machine shed. A dandy farm for a small dairy $17,000. 35 ACRES TN WEST STAYTON 10 A. bean yard, 1 A. variety fruit, some timber, old but useable buildings. Irrigation system supplied from 3 wells, top grade soil for any type farm ing $15,000. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve; Henry Tervend 8-3633 Pat SUBURBAN HOME Almost 7 A. mostly walnuts filberts. Own water for Irrigation. City water for home. Home in park-like setting, abundance of flowers St shrubs. Out side fireplace. Phone us for more Infor mation. Price $32,000. Klgglns. SELF-OPERATING Almost new 6-unit court showing very good returns on Investment, not much for the owner to do but collect the rent. Located close to the State Capitol Bids. Klgglns. BURT PICHA, REALTOR 379 N. High St. Eve. 1-5390 or AUCTIONS 7:30 P.M. FRIDAY an auction will be held held at the stone cnurcn on rairgrounas Rd. St Winter st. Everything goes from steel cabinets, light fixtures, cooking utensils, flower bulbs, eggs, etc. rro-t-eedA will help nay for the new Sun day school bldg. Refreshments will be served. M5 Livestock & Furniture AUCTION Wed., Feb. 22, at 10 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. 8 -pc. walnut dining set 5-pc. walnut bedroom set 14 rollaway bed complete Daveno and swing rocker 3 davenos St 1 davenport 5 chest of drawers 1 pair metal bunk beds complete. Dressers 4k beds Dining room cnalrs Upholstered chair Beauty Rest box springs St mattress, like new Butition barber chair, good condition s Radios Baby beds St play pens 3 tank vacuum cleaners 42 gal. elec. hot water heater Oil circulator & wood ranges 1 lot of new hardware 2 9x13 wool rugs Many miscellaneous articles Potatoes, corn St apples Chickens St rabbits Calves tic veals Weaner St feeder pigs Cows, heifers St bulls LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located 1 block W. of Lanouter on 611 verton Rd. Ph. 3-6088. dd44 Furniture Appliance AUCTION TUES. FEB. 31, 7:30 P.M. OLENWOOD BALLROOM 4Va MILES N. OF SALEM ON S9E MAYTAO WASHER M St W WASHER A.B. APT. ELECTRIC RANGE O.E. RADIO-PHONO,. TABLE MODEL 4Vs' DEEP FREEZER MACHINE TREADLE SEWING MACHINE $ ELECTRIC HEATERS ) 3 BEDROOM SUITES 3 DINETTE SETS 3 USED DAVENOS SWING ROCKERS SS ENU TAUiiCB s SHELVES DRESSER SPRINGS St MATTRESS CRIB St MATTRESS BOYS WAGON m RECORD PLAYER MAOIC CHEF OAS RANGE 1943 MDL. S LINOLEUM LAMPS. MIRRORS 9x12 WOOL RUO VACUUM CLEANERS NEW RUBBER BOOTS MALLEABLE OIL CIRCULATOR BUNK BED SET CABINET RADIO OCCASIONAL CHAIRS DISHWARE, BOOKS BREAKFAST SET MANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS Glenn Woodry Auctioneer Ph. 3-5110 PRIVATE SALES DAILY AT .1605 N. BUMMER HOUSEHOLD AUCTION THURSDAY. FEB. 33rd. 1 P.M. AT THE RESIDENCE 3015 CORAL ST. (Out Sunnyvlew to CoraL turn left) s rooms sood furniture, no reserve MONARCH ELECTRIC RANGE M St W REFRIGERATOR NORGE WASHER NEW UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE RCA VICTOR RADIO BIGELOW 9X13 RUG 4-PC. BED SUITE SERTA BOX St MATTRESS 3 BEDS SPRINGS MATTRESS CHESTS, DRESSER 20 GAUGE SHOTGUN .33 RIFLE VELOUR DAVENPORT ft CLUB CHAIR FIREPLACE SET FLOOR LAMP 8 PC. DINING SET SWING ROCKER COCKTAIL TABLE $ MIRRORS MAN'S BICYCLE S) FIRE EXTINGUISHER CARD TABLE BASSINETTE KODAK GARDEN TOOLS TANK VAC. CLEANER HOSE. LADDER UTENSILS DOZENS OTHER ITEMS Goods can be examined Wednesday or Thursday a.m. MR. ALBERT M. JOHNSTON, OWNER Glenn Woodry Auctioneer Phone 3-5110 dd45a FOR SALE LIVESTOCK HEIFERS Just fresh. Ph. 3-7103. e44 LIVESTOCK WANTED LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sae- then, 1350 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-1345. ea76 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. UCCsndliah. 1137 S, Hto. ra. I814T. easoa RABBITS WINGS needs rabbits. 3983 State. Ph. 3-1489. eM9- PETS CHOICE CANARY, male and female. Ph. wet CHOICE canarr blrda. 3M N. llth. KS7 FUEL CALL HIO.HWAY FUEL FOB Diesel and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dr, Slab Wood Ott Mum lull Block Wood. Ph. I REAL ESTATE Phone 3-4115 - 3-4116 Kemper 3-5297 Bob sumvan 3-6770 c45' SUBURBAN We have a five-acre tract with modern 3 B.R. home, near Prultland. Soil, Willa mette, chlok house, brooder, barn, new elec. pump, boysenberrles St strawber ries. Wonderful garden land. The price is $9000, carries a mortgage of $4000, balance cash. Johnson. SUBURBAN VALUES $8500 takes this year-old 3 B.R. ranch style home on nearly 2 A. east close to school, city bus serv., lge. garage, chick house, $2500 will handle. Craw ford. 3-7431 FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-1443 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8&H GREEN STAMPS WOOD AND sawdust. Basement service. Ph. 37868. ee48 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double $10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash, St maple. 4' fir, 18" slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. DRif PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL & STOVE OH, Ph Salem 3-4031 Pick op wood at 1533 Sdsew.tw Waat Salem i FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter, now avail- aoie every -rues, fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4989. f PRODUCt EASTERN ALFALFA St timothy. By ton or truca loaa, sua a. ina. en. 3-9923. tf48 EASTERN ALFALFA HAY. Ph. 8-1458 HELP WANTED SALES LADIES St MEN WANTED Yes, If It Is quick, easy dollar profit you want and feature economic inde pendence, here Is the opportunity you have been looking for right In your own home town. Our present personnel is earning from $200 to $1,000 mo., some more. If Interested, write or call Rex Air Division, 757 Center St., Salem, Ore., between 12 and 1:30 every day. B66 ELDERLY WOMAN alone would like miooie-aged cnristian couple to share home rent-free In return for care and services. References required. P h . 38-F-2 Salem. g44 HELP WANTED MALE EXP. PARTS man. By March 1st. Chrysler praaucis preierrea. see H. A. Elliott at Stan Baker Motors. ga46 NEW CAR .SALES MANAGER Must be man with an aggressive sales background who can take responsibility and carry through. Salary, commission and bonus. Leave picture and reference at Box 388 Capital Journal. ga HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: MIDDLE age woman, to care ior oea riaaen coupie nignts, may live in. J. Q. Smith, 405 N. Water St., Sll verton, Ph. Salem 34924. gb46 ANSWER TO YOUR MONEY NEEDS I Take orders for new Everyday Assort ments. Box of 15 Birthday, other Greet ing Cards, pays you up to 50c on $1. Metallic. Plastics, Gift Wraps, others. Imprinted Napkins, Stationery, Notes. FREE Samples, Assortments on approv al STYLART, 1310Santee, Dept. 81, Los Angeles 55, Calif. gb44 WANTED SALESMAN SALESMEN: Sell fine Oregon Blankets di rect irom ine mui. low Prices. Big commissions. Territory going fast. Make $100 or more per week. Write for Intelew. Box 383 Capital Journal. gg48 WANTED POSITIONS HOUSE CLEANING by hr. Ph. 2-3146. h44 PAINTING St decorating. Ph. 3-9694. REMODELING St alteration. Ph. 3-9694. h CHILD CABE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 3-6876. h61 DECORATING. Reas. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5322. bfll TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph. -itujj. nei NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, 8 DAYS. avjivo t iu a, tut. i u 9, ra. h56 CARPENTER work. New, repair Ph. 3-3093 H57 n.E.B nvnn, topping, trimming, remuT- ter. 849 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h59 EXP. brush painter. Free est Guaranteed. Reas. Ph. 3-9732. h49 NURSES BY HOUR, week or live In. Practical Nurses' Registry. Ph. 3-5073. ' h59- FIR OAKS Nursing Home. 34-hr. care. EXCLUSIVE hand knitted. & aewlnl for emiaren. Fh. 2-7819. H43 Mimeographing-Typing Poe'a Mo North Uth. Phon. 1-3343. KXFER. Interior decorator. Free utlmates. Guaranteed, reasonable. Ph. 3-8733. h51 TREE WORK, topplna-. trlnvmlns, re movlni. Insured operator. John Payne. 348 S. Church. Ph. J-6014. h43 nUTHOMI CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. ferr ic. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5073. hS3" INTERIOR FAINTING. Sip Ph 3-6793. h4' DO IRONING In my home. Ph. 31730. h44' WILL CARE for children r do Hint work. Llv. In your home. Ph. Mis, Plttman, 1388-R-3, Taneent, Oreion. h48 WILL CARE for children tn my home, daya. Ph. 3-7337. h45- CHILD CARE, my home. Ph. 33011. h3 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper vlahee aet of booki to keep at horn. Ph. 2803A after BABY SITTING. PH. 10SSO. ClMtM WORK .anted rh I-48M) Journal Want Ads Pay EXTRA SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY 1938 CHEVROLET Coupe. In excellent condition. An Ideal car for someone for $274 WARNER MOTOR CO. 545 Center Ph. 3-3013. qx44 1942 OLDSMOBILE "68" dub coupe. Hydramatic, heater. Clean. $595 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeketa at Church Ph. 3-7922 qx44' '40 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan. Radio it heater, $395 STAN BAKER MOTORS Union at High Ph. 3-2468 qx44 '49 FORD CUSTOM 4-D00R With the hard to get overdrive, fresh air heater St five new white wall Fire stone tires. Here's the buy of the week. $1545 Lee's Used Cars 340 N. Church Ph. J-1S37 W44 EDUCATION SEWING CLASSES beginning thla week at new home sewing center, rnone j-jiju for Information. Ralph Johnson Appli ance. 355 Center St. hh47 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE HEATED sleeping room. Hot St cold water. 266 Center. J"- HOLLYWOOD. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093 NICELY FURN. Heated. Ladies preferred. S39 N. winter. w SLEEPING light baekpg. rms. Ph. 3-4335. PLEASANT Sleeping rm. for gentleman. 1050 Norway, fn. aia-w. LARGE WARM room. 1555 N. Capitol. ROOM FOR Rent, Friv. bath. Gentleman. Ph. 37739. JK4SV SLEEPING room In good home. Elec. heat. Ph. 3-7508. jk 140 N. 14TH. Single or double. Jk68' CLEAN WARM sleeping rm. with H. St C. water. 473 N. Liberty. jw HEATED SLEEPING rooms, double and single. 385 N. I4th. Jk46 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICE 3 bdrm. duplex apt, eh. 35086. Jp6 3 ROOM furn. apt. Friv. bath St shower, Frlgldalre. outside ent. ai n. wotiage. JP45 FURN. 2 or 3 bdrm. Refrlg., lights, auto. hot water, laundry itciuiiei, aouub. oxu Juduon. Ph. 36288. Jp49 DUPLEX Apartment lor rent. Call 3-7113 after 6. JP" FURN., redec. 3- and 3-rm. apts. One prlv. bath, $23.50 per mo. and up; aiso furn. frt. part of house, Prlv. bath, babe accepted here. 624W N. Capitol St. Jp46' S RM. APT., furn., Inc. refrlg., close to downtown, north, 135.00. mq. sure ri cha, Realtors, 3-3649 or 3-5240. Jp48 3 BIG ROOMS. Phone, outside ent., prlv. bath, laundry faculties. 1431 N. cottage. Jp49 SPARKLING NEW spacious apt. Bullt-lns galore, stove, reirig. st storage, rine lo cation. 380 S. 17th. 1p46 CLEAN 8 rm. second floor apt. Adults. Near state Piag. job b. lttn. jpia' ROOM turn. apt. Adults, 870 Union. jptv FURN. 4 rm. apt. Working couple. Fire place, convenient to state mag., uni versity. Bus by door. 190 S. 25th. h. 35045. JP CLEAN, QUIET, warm, 1 room apt. Mid dle agea laoy preierrea. wn rerry. jpin- UNIVERSAL TRAILER. Butane equipped. Mission St. Trailer Court, 1005 s. 3lst Jp45 WARM REDECORATED furn. apt. Lower floor. 3 adults. 359 N. Liberty. jpt- 4 BLK8. East of New Capitol Office Bldg. Nicely turn, basement apt. ror a em ployed girls or couple. 149. Includes utilities. Ph. 34802. Jp45 8 APARTMENTS. Phone 3-5838. Jp NEW 3-RM. unfurn. apt. Elec. stove, re frlg. Auto, washer, immed. poss. pn. 3-7108. Jp45 SMALL, clean apartment, 330. 714 6. 10th St. JP.D- LARGE X BR unfurn apt. Elec. atove and auto oil heat Included. Prlv. hath. Will take children. Ph. 37173 or 1437 N. 4th. Jp44 CNFtlEN. I BM. apt. Elec heat, 345. 1351 McCoy. Ph. 3-8083. Jp44 FOR RENT HOUSES WILL LEASE pleasant 2 bdrm. house. Oil heat, electric water heater, garage. 365 per month. Ph. 3-3583. jm45 3 RM. modern furs, cottage. Ph. 2-6618. Jm44 MODERN 1 bdrm. house. Lg. llr. rm., kit chen, nook, utility rm., garage. Em ployed adults. No drinking, no pets. Ref erence. Ph. 39046. Jm46 4 ROOM mod. house, wired for range. Unfurn. or furn., suitable for couple. Garage. After 3 p.m. 55 Highway Ave. Jm44 3 BDRM. Located on S. 14th St. Modern. Rent reasonable. Inquire at 1390 Fir, Jm45 HOUSE. FOR particulars phone 3-4881. . Jm44 NICELY FURN. duplex 3 rooms St bath, hdwd. firs., 365 month, 13th month free, l'i blocks S. of Colonial House. Call 33768. Jm43 TRAILER SPACE for rent. Has all modern conveniences. Quiet location close to everything. Children welcome. Come out St sea us. 15 Highway Ave. Ph. 3-1746. Jm46 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS BLDG. for rent on 99E. Ph. 3-7430. 4S BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J81 USED REFRIGERATOR. Al Laua Ref. Co., 3330 State. Ph. 3-5443. 165' BUSINESS KM. for rent H L Stiff RENT Wheelchairs and hospital beds. Buren, 3-7775. 743 Court St. J63 TJ DRIVE Trucks. Ro'jmsoa Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph 39103 1 SINCE!" ELECTRIC porvable sewing ma. chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 83513. ) 10OD USED PIANOS. B. L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent Urn tenner Ward. J POWER TOOL rentals for borne and in duatrlal use. Bowser Bros Ph. 3-3646. TRAILERS 93,00 per day. Bowser Bros 1410 6 13th. West Salem. I TC DO a good Job rent a good floor land er. We tell everything to complete the Job BOWSER BROS, Ph, 1-3143 1946 OLDSMOBILE "6" club .coupe. Original blue col or. Almost new tires. Has radio, heater, sun visor St other extras. Also has hy dramatic drive. This car really looks like new ail the way through. A real buy at $1295 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - SERVICE - PLYMOUTH QUALITY USED OARS m H. Com'l Ph. 3-4117. 44 1941 PONTIAC pass, coupe. Radio St heat $595 BONESTEJELE Sales & Service 370 N. Church. Fh. 3-D377. 4X44 '48 DODGE - CUSTOM 4-DOOR Low mileage. Local ont:-owner car. $1495 VISIT Loder Bros. Used Car Mkt. & Save ttS Center Ph. 3-7973. 144 1949 DEMONSTRATORS DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. iSD N. Com'l Fh. I-317S. 1X43 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG STATE employee, wife and baby desire 2 BR house to rent, east side preferred. Ph. 3-7892. ja48 COUPLE with 2 children want 2- or 9-BR house by March 1st. Ph. 3-9086. Ja46 WANTED to rent at reasonable price, light airplane. Box 386 Capital Journal. Ja46 WILL PAY S50 to 100 for suitable house to rent. Ph. 3-3191 district office. Ja46 TO BUY or rent a dog house large enough for small dog, and medium size man. Ph. 3-3437 after 6 p.m. Ja44- YOUNG COUPLE, 3 yr. old daughter, de sires 2 bdrm. unfurn. home. Garage. Ex cellent care. Ph. 37995. Ja.48" 8 BDRM. home with basement. Ph. 36421. . McEinmny. Ja45 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men'a hatter, 44 court. We close Saturdays 13:30. mSS SPENCER CORSET1ERE. Call 3-5073. m47 FREE DIRT for haullnt. 1480 Court. m48 MUSIC LESSONS Piano St violin. State accredited, STUDIO. PH. 3-6013. m44 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HTt. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial Sts. SALEM Phon S.1S11 m BUILDING MATERIAL PUMICE BLDO. BLKS. Soli pipe, y's St T's. Cheap. Ph. 37113. ma.44 SAVE AT KEITH BROWN! Mx4" Cedar Siding $25 M. WINDOWS In all sizes to fit almost any opening. Some as low as 11.80. REJECT PLY wood: W", 4, , from 4e per sq. ft. 1x6 and 1x8 RUSTIO FLOOR ING, Ideal for flooring or siding la at tics, farm buildings, tool sheds, etc. Priced cheaper than shlplap. Every thing to build anything at that eon venlent KEITH BROWN LUMBER Y'D Location, Front and Court, Salem., ma ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber, mlllwork, hard ma terials, hardware, floor covering, el ectric appliances, paints, insulation, roofing and house wares for as little as 10 down on a purchase of 830 up to 8300. Small, easy monthly payments take care of the rest. Make It easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD At that convenient location Jfont and Court Streets, Salem, ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 6" WHEELS, transmission & rear end, and other parts for model A. Ph. 35811. 2nd house E. of Keiier School. n48" WELSH BABY Carriage, used very little. oB.au i ni ior f.(B. ra. 3-8357. D4t USED WASHING machine. Ph. 21933. n46 !0O FEET of Eastern Walnut, St veneer press, 28x48, 1648 S. Cottage. n46 oiui iiihhiium, erect TIC pon- auiea nuiu sjd.ju up BIM1 come ITtHOltS from 329.50 up. Good condition St guaranteed. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Com'l. REROOFING, painting, remodeling. Willa mette vauey kooi Co., Salem. n OR TRADE A woods aw with Chev. en gine ior power on Model A truck, all complete and ready to go in good condi tion. E. Gruenfelder, R. 7, Box 417, 6a lem, Oregon. &4S RICKENBACKER electric double-neck steet guitar. Act now-save 3100. Phone -"5- n4 NEW ENGAGEMENT and wedding ring set, ma. aox 3B7, capital Journal. n49 HOTPOINT RANGE Used Hotpolnt range. All white por celain. 2 large St 2 small calrod units. Divided cooking top with light. Guar anteed. 150. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n48 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 1-8387. GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, Gibson, ana Montag Appliances at Gevnrts. n USED Electric ranges, 119.95 ss ap, . Y EATER APPLIANCE CC. 37ft OBemcketa USED Electric Refrigerators, 340.93 ft up. 375 Chemeketa o HEAT your home electrlcalry with West iiBODUM or wesm automatic eiectrta heaters Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 373 Chemeketa. STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railings, in otwea., iono to oraer. ii n. uoerty. nsi USED RADIOS & record players, 9M UP. asaann nrruumvi iai ' 373 Chemeketa TRASH BURNER Osed trash burner. Like sew. All white porcelain. Fully guaranteed. Only 833. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n43 WALUNQ SAND St O RAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing, K-yd shovel 4k drag line Ph. 3-9249 n A. B APT. RANGE A.B. apartment houi, rania. All whit, porcelain. 3 aurfae. unite. Only 830.91. EASY TERMS ON ANT PDHCHASI R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n48 (Continued on Page 17)