f ; 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 21, 1950 Scribes Rooting for Oil Capitol In Derby He Makes Writing Easy IAP Newifeituru) . Miami, Fla. If Oil Capitol wing the Kentucky Derby the ; sports writers will not want for -.material, rue unianoma uusn er is a grey turned black, has a . misspelled name, forms a one- horse stable and eats, o all 'things, boiled dandelion greens, The unusual diet helped the colt named for the city of Tulsa to finish 1949 with four straight wins, three of them in major stake races, explains . Trainer Harry Trotsek. "I decided to try boiled dan- delion greens last summer af Z ter Oil Capitol went off his - feed and began to lose weight," says Troutsek. "He .-. began to pick up Immediate ly, and has been going good ever since." Oil Capitol also has a sweet tooth. He is partial to sugared doughnuts. After the son of Mahmoud, a grey sire, was selected as the best 2-year-old colt, the boys - who write racing began digging. They learned that his name should have been spelled Oil Capital and that The Jockey club registration clerks made the error. Also, on the books he Is a registered grey but he ac tually Is black in color with on ly a few grey hairs on his legs. He is the only horse owned by Tom Gray, Tulsa automobile dealer. Gray thought of buying 23 horse two summers ago and phoned h i s friend Trotsek in 33etrolt. They met a few days later In Lexington, Ky., at the Motorcycle King Claims Racing Keeps Him Young By OSCAR FRALET (ODlUd Prui sport Wrltir) ' Dayton Beach, Fla., Feb. 21 U.R Square-jawed Billy Mat hews had himself out of a see and place rat today by "going for a Sunday afternoon ride." The little Canadian who Is built like an outsized fireplug just had won the 200-mile na tional motorcycle championship but you might have thought he had his two youngsters out for n afternoon walk. "There really wasn't anything to it," said the five foot, four inch rocket rider from HamU ton, Ont. This, despite the fact that all he did was best a field of MS of the best motorcycle ..maniacs In the United States and Canada In a 200-mlle bat tle over Daytona'a famed rac ing sands; that he eranked his British Norton up to 117 miles an hour on the bumpy straightway along the ocean; narrowly missed a doien col lisions; and covered himself with sand, mud and bruises as ha went out of control and hit the deck after t a kl n g the checkered flag. Not only that, but tha little man with the faded blue eyes at 37 "going on 38 faster than an Iron horse" set a new record by covering the 200 miles in 2 hours, IS minutes and two sec onds and averaging a record 88.51 miles per hour over the tortuous four mile course. "It was about time I got out of the rut," added the ISO-pound daredevil with the gaping-tooth grin. "I won this race in 1936 but since the war I've been sec ond both times it was run." These motoroycle riders are a breed apart. Idling their time away on Daytona's main street between races, they are ' a swaggering, devil may care lot who remind spectators of the cowtown cowboys of the old west. They have ridden ' motorcycles Into saloons; once proceeded to actually take the town apart, finally to be re pulsed by fire hoses, and an other time roughed up a rem onstrating sheriff. To look at little Billy you wonder wnat It is, for Mathews Is a mild fellow who talks aoft- . ly, always has a genial grin on his face and is a great favorite among the race riders. But it is typical of the breed that he ex plained: "I was sorry when the race was over. I wanted to ride one mora." Winning wasn't too lmDor tant. Despite the $2,500 first money. Billy, and the others were more interested in "hav NEW LOW PRICES SEE THEM TODAY FERGUSON TRACTOR Teague Motor Co. 355 North Liberty, SaUm, Ofecjon. , A Phone 2-4173 f. yraa, tl am.L ma&.vw ,. jiri&iM&iiaaa Oil Capitol, the horse with the mis-spelled name and sweet tooth, Is In training for the Kentucky Derby. yearling sales, and got the colt for $15,000. The invest ment has been returned many times over, as Oil Capitol won $106,000 as a juvenile. Recently, Gray turned down a $40,000 of fer, for the colt. The horse Is being pointed for the $90,000 Flamingo on March 3 at Hialeah. His main rival probably will be Calumet Farm's Theory, who is being counted on to give Vrainer Ben Jones his sixth Derby winner. ing fun" as they call their 115 mlle - an - hour jockeying and one young fellow forced out of th race was happier than Mat hews b e c a use a photographer took his picture flying through the air minus motorcycle. Mathews, who "never broke a bone" in racing since 1936, is planning to open a cycle shop in the Buffalo area but he isn't quitting the game. "It keeps you young," he said, Ignoring remarks that racers usually didn't live long enough to grow old. "I'm not superstitious, because if I had a luck charm and left It home I'd be licked to start with. I Just ride carefully until the traffic eases up (meaning un til most of the others have eracked up) and then I let her boll." A one-time tool and die oper ator, little Bill got started in this 'super-suicide merry-go-round by "hanging around" a cycle shop. For the 15,000 who watched him flirt with death for 200 miles that has a perfect moral: don't hang around bicycle shops. Turner Defeats Jeff, 42-1 8, in Church Contest Turner The Turner Church of Christ basketball team won over Jefferson Christian cagers, 42 to 18 after leading at the half, 17 to 7. Earlier the Turner squad was beaten by Salem First Christian, 48 to 39. Turner ) ll) Jeffenon St rind ey T 9 Stewart Davenport 7 F A R. Hlnutna a. Muche.lt 11 ....O Rlcka Waif art a a Mouie C. Muhelli t a Lore Suba: Turner Bqu Ire J; Jojlfcraon Miliar Hiffftru s. USC Draws Four Portland Stars Portland, Feb. 21 F) Four Portland high school footbnll stars on last year's teams have indicated they expect to enroll at the University of Southern California. Dale Duff, Len Bcrrle and Fred Paul were members of the undefeated Grant team that captured the state championship. Dwane Hilbig was a star end for Roosevelt high. Duff was the city league's top scorer and will be following in the trail of his older brother, Pat Duff, now a halfback on the Tro jan squad. Jones, incidentally, points out that Oil Capitol "is the only one that has proved he can go the Derby distance of a mile and a quarter.' The reference is the longest big race for juveniles, the Pimli ct Futurity, which Oil Capi tol won by six lengths last fall. City Loop Scores CHURCH LEAGUE Nat-arena (49) (19) B. U. B. Outlir.tr 18 F Betcb K Ibm en 13 P S Sctuff DeLapp 9 c S Staicer uwinn s a Knuth Flail 2 0 3 Straw 6ubi; B. TJ. B. Rlgg 5, Lang 3. Flnl PrwbjterUrj S0) rt7 Oal. Baptist Boatman 17 5 Morrison Oaley 0 P., Hedrlck 1 C Ooodenberaar . . . .O . , , 2 Stewart . 3 White . S Klekel 13 Oraber owon 2 Sub: Flrat Preabyterlan Meyer 4. Flnl Baptlit (44) (46) Flnl Ohrlfllln OorMer 4 p ;.. 4 conder Hayek 4 P 1 Luekenble! Coe 32 0 3 Wrleht Flaher 10 o 9 R. Batea Artumeyer O.... IS Noonehester SUDa: rirat Bant at Baekwlth li Krai Ohriatlan M. Batea 14. Salvation Army U M) Calvary Baptlet uaivin a r it Jonnaon ryan 5 P a Ixaan Harrll 10 0 la Orena Jacobson la o 3 Martin Snort o 1 debauar suba: Salvation Army Brawn 4i Oil. vary Baptlat Raymond 14. riral Mettaodlal (15) (CO) Calvary Baptist Oreen 2 DuBola caraten .. ...F ... ...O... 4 Hendrlck ... 10 Klekel , 9 I. DliBoia i . . 0 Rector Hall 1 .... Kimball .. Cocking 8 nalburi Memorial 1ft) ( lit Msthodlst Brick .P ... Collier Clark 0 ., Carrow 4 ....P...., I Perlman .... 15 Boa ,. 13 Nelson S Stephen Dodd Tlbbeta 1 Porreat S SI. Mark (SO) () First MatherJIst uenteman 4 9 Nlea wander Ho mquut 4 ' ....P ... ....C... ....a.. ....a .. s.. .. 4 Cote .. I Sohrt 3 Mallow Humphrey 6 Smith Zeuaka 20 .. Swart 19 .. Brown .... Free Methodist (41) (16) Chrllt Lutheran w. uwyrm io ....r i, Torteson P. Barham 3 ... B. Owynn 8 ... .F Ham arm . .O JO Meyer .. Q 5 Fox owynn 1 .... D..Bnrham 2 .... Archer 11 ..a 4 Klein Knight Memorial forfeited to Liberty Church of Ood. oitt lea mm (American Division) Capltot Post (86) (60) Kamrts Huns ins 10 P , Hay 9 ... P Batea IS C , ... 31 Unruh , . Comstock 6 Butte 14 McM orris ... IS Spleas . 4 fivarrerud Herreu O Luko 8 0 , Weal Salem (Bit (45) Warner Mel. Banta 41 P 8 Benaon Punk 13 P a Cotton Buckley 10 0 10 Blaaell Wilson ft O 7 Coffee Riley ft O ft Adams sum: weat Salem Skuaeskt 6, Schaei- ler li Warner 'a Mies wander 4, Orlesor 4. 12th Street 4) M Epplnr . 5 Bernlng J. Epplnu Atchraon 9 P... Hlltlker 4 P... Davlca 4 0... ... 8 Rlef . . . 1 Lute Diivni io a ... Davey 4 0... 8 Hauth Subs; 12th St. Stauffer 9, Mile 4. Wea r 7; Epplna B. EppIdk b. Berrr 2. Traetrer 2. . Six new managers were signed for the 1950 season of the eight- club Pioneer baseball league in Idaho, Utah and Montana. bib mw txiQW... Calvert's better taste is assured by the use of choicest American grains... corn, rye and barley mart. No substitutes are ever accepted! ANOTHER. REASON WHY 4 ITS SMART TO SWITCH TO CHOICE BLENDED WHISKEY, 86.8 PROOF J P5J.6KAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. CALVERT DISTILLERS CORPORATION. NCW YORK CITY Washington and Oregon Game Men Study Equal Fees Walla Walla, Feb. 21 W) Washington, Oregon and Idaho game commissions have sat down together today to find a common ground for the equali zation of non-resident hunting and fishing license fees. The fees now vary from state to State with Washington charging a regular $5 non-resi dent fee but assessing Idaho hunters $10 and those from Ore gon $15 to equal the non-resident fees of those states. In seperate session yesterday, the W a s h i n gton commission heard state inspectors report that all game but chukars and quail in eastern Washington come through the winter with out heavy losses. Holy Cross First Team In Decade to Win 22 New York, Feb. 21 (IP) Un beaten Holy Cross, the nation's No. 1 college basketball power, is the first team in more than 10 years to roll up 22 straight victories. Not since 1939 has -any team gone, through its first 22 games without a setback. In that season, Long Island University record ed 24 consecutive triumphs with out a defeat, a mark Holy Cross can tie by downing Boston col- In the Alleys (Complete RasalU) University Alleys LADIES' OFFICE LEAGUE rttrlVa Dairy ID Owens 410. Rath 389, Prank 364, Vlbbert 364. White 359; Metro politan Stores it) Slick S43, D. Jones n A .InnttB 31ft. Rif 316. DOW 330. VjapllOl Viiy unaarr n"" '. Mlchaud 397; Western Paper Purvis iTiirnur ass. HODiineer jm. oeinomiei , 343, Fleck 390. Beams ter u vognweu wo, Anderson 418. Brown's Jewelers (3) Purrer 360, Hau- n 10 Rnlnlc 380. Smith 375. HOURh- am 447: Chuok'e Steak House Holt 278, Curtis 329, Lewis 318, Bennett 366, Koaaermei jdu. Ton Hat rot. Cheney 400. Smith 414, waih inn nnlfLTiftv 3lfl. Gould 332: May flower Milk 3 Settlemler 341, Scharff 343, Craven 463. lauti 375. o. scnarn uu. Orefon Statesman 1 Greene 400, KlUmlller 44S, Cordler 373. White 319, Bower 391. Stop-Lite (2) LOCKen i, Marks 426, McWaln 408. Froderlckaon 366, Kunke 451. Hlffh ind. um. cnaraiotM Mcwam. 117: hlah lnd. series. Cv Craven. 463: hltrh team gam ana series, Btop'Uta . touec Shop, 129 ana 2072. Ace's A Baslncer (1) Beslaver 478. Randan 4f, Hemann 411, u. l.uib Cushlng 429; Teamstera (8) Godkln 479, Mennis id, row J, uranara i a, n. Theli 409. South Salem Fbarmaey (I) Rioraan 419. Merritt ooa. Holt 417, Kecater Hvatt 46D: State 14th (0) Coffman 349. urossier jbo, vox hi, aaayera jjrikj 44S. Monttomery Ward it) Pleet 462, Scheffe 384, Causey 4S9, Cllne 474, Morris 471: nrown'a jewelry farxer aoo. e. Haugen 452, Nystrom 370, H. Haugen 818. V. Haugen 407. Doollttle'a servlea (2) Dutoit sea, scene 443. Burton 481. Wllken 483. Poole 462. State Street Market (1) Srler 414, Prlmba 426. Bone 493, Kieinka 403, Hauaer 497. HlKh lnd. Rima and aeries. Harry Hau gen, 203 and 618; high team game and aeries, uaoiitue e service, uv ana jjoi. Duck Pin LADIES LEA GUI Serr Vr Self Laundry (4) Lorent Ran- sen 358, Ella Scharl 370, Martha PeJas 411, Ruth Powell 371, Alma Penny 447. Hlshland Market 0 Elva Sohroyar 836. Bertha Zeeb S38, Ruth Hanaon 282, Cleona ue hui sii, uertie uarr 407. Master Bread 3) Vlda Flood 394, Bon nie Melum 284, Shirley Studebaker 305, Gertie Cox 393, Charlotte Hub he 443. Dick merer Lumber Co, til Rita Han negane 438, Helen Nolan 333, Evelyn inompson 303, Margaret uoimes 911, uia dye Acuff 306. MrmflMflt Hospital (0) Juno Moora 298. Qrace Mulligan 328, Jaunlta Patera 264, neicu Hill J43, Mary Lets 261; Hobba Real Estate (4) Velma White 300. Jor dlth Harrison 276. Lucille Allen 379. Mary ronnsKi aw, - usrua aaiiier n, ujt Bit, Bye 60. Ladd J Bash Bank fit Pean Short 457, Jo Anna Vovea 302, Theresa Agullar jj. Lionna ureene Jan. faunne usoorne 3vi; sianaie 011 u) aiaaya Antei 342, Helen Randle 311, Jo Hil' 349, Gladys Wood 404. Deo Oauthlcr 433. HlKh team series and Kama. Ladd and Bush, 2064 and 793; high lnd. series and game, reggy onon (liana a BUtn), 457 ana div. fix&A Chew Steak, TECTH7jcorn,Applesl Are yxm unhappy bacauM your talaa teeth allpt Then try btazs, ramarkabla new oream in a handy tub. STAZB enablea thousand to aal& bite Joyoualy into a Juicy steak or even eat corn on the 00b without fear of platea slipping. BTAZS holds plate tlghtar, longer aeala edges tight helpa keep out food partlclea. Oct economical 1$4 sTTAZK. Money-back cuarantea BASKETBALL COLLEOE SCODES (By the Associated Prest) . Whitman 79, Eastern Oregon 61. Skagit Valley JC 81, Yakima IS. Montana 9ft, Wtaltworth 73. Ohio Stat 78, Indiana 68. Michigan 70. Michigan StaU SI. Wisconsin 88, Purdue 41. Nebraska 55, Missouri 48. Bradley 63, St. Louis 45. Oklahoma, 78. Iowa Stat 4$. Zowa 64, Minnesota 62. ' Tennessee 67, Louisiana SUM SI. CCNY 86, Pordham 62. Northwestern 61, Marque tt 91. Columbia 54. Brown 61. Kansas 67, Drake 60. Duquesne 5ft, Indiana Stat 84. Hemline 87, Oustavua Adolphus 84 Denrer 41, Colorado AM 36. WTomine 89. Utah State 33. ' Hardin Simmons 90, New Mexico AAM 87. Florida, 43. Auburn 41. West Virginia, Stat 10J. BluafUld BUM 64. HIGH SCHOOL SCORES (By lh Associated Press) Dufur 69. St. Mary's (The Dalles) Maupln 32, Cascade Locks SO. Odell 61, Mosler 29. Rainier 40, Sherwood 31. lege and Brown next Saturday. The Crusaders, top-ranking quintet in the Associated Press poll, also can be the first major team in six years to finish with a spotless record. Army's 1944 squad (15-0) was the last to turn the elusive trick, accord ing to figures of the national col legiate athletic bureau. However, Boston college figures to be tough for Holy Cross. The, Eagles, though sporting an unimpressive 10 6 record, upset highly regard ed Villanova Saturday and now are out to avenge an early-season 93-46 shellack ing by Holy Cross. Other games on the Crusader schedule Include Valparaiso, New York AC, Columbia and Yale. The last three are road games. Meanwhile, several conference races across the country are tightening to a busting point. . St. Louis and Bradley play , a return engagement at Peoria, 111., tonight with the coveted Mis souri Valley title hanging In the balance. Each club has an Iden tical 7-1 league mark. Bradley, ranked second nationally, beat the Billlkens, 54-45, last month at St. Louis. The Southeastern title comes up for grabs Saturday night at Lexington, Ky., where Ken tucky, shooting for a fourth straight crown, entertains Van derbilt. Vandy has an 11-2 league mark, Kentucky 10-2. Washington State (10-4) con. trols the northern division of the Pacific coast conference while UCLA (7-1) rules the southern sector. Nothing on Earth Mies like a Nash Ambassador I Ho Other Car T1M-IUI high oompretiioo oginn aow ia 7 J to 1 ratio. Baa 7boaringj 100 oounter-balanoad arankahafu Premium parformanea on rfulaf (aaolina. IITUITIC IttTIEt TL rraah airvaiH ttlatiott and beat aootrol. You narar faava duat r know told, front teat or baakj (a anj vaataa. Till Kit for deping-3ar comfort at micht or capping vhila others drirew IICIICA'S HIT HIIITIAIII doaigai THltl'S 333 -Center Bovlegged By JACK HEWINS (AP Newaf.aturw) Seattle Step up and meet Frank Gulsness, Washington's bowlegged bomber, the bo v who perfected the three-point bask et. This terrific sophomore has been the driving force on a Uni versity of Washington team that has ruined all . Pacific Coast basketball predictions. Washington, doped to fin ish a limping last, spun two skeins of six victories each. It knocked over Columbia, Stanford, Idaho and Oregon and split a pair each with Minnesota and Washington State. Hereabouts the club has been tagged "the team wlIHout a star," a notion quietly cultivat ed by Coach Art McLarney. Ad mitting that the team has an over-supply of hustle, and that Mc Larney can dip into his reserves freely without hurting the team rhythm, it's still malarkey. Guisness stays in the game until it's on ice. "If I had him," says Minnesota Coach Ozzie Cowle, "he'd be the making of my team." About that three-point bask et At full speed Guisness (pro nounced Guy-sness) broad jumps from the foul line, soars under the backboard and scoops the ball up and in just before he lands. Anybody who reach- Four County Hoop Tourney Slated For Class B Teams Eugene, Feb. 21 (P) Class B high school champions from Lane, Benton, Lincoln and Linn county open the district 3-B basketball title race here Thurs day. The first game in the single elimination series will pit Lane's Pleasant Hill against Benton's champs from Philomath. Siletz of Lincoln meets Brownsville of Linn in the second game. FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO TRUCK FIRE Our way of operating is the reason for lower premiums. Our product is a Stand ard Policy. Only $12.70 each six months will give you $5105,000 Liability Pro tection. A $5.00 sales costs the first time only. at Any Price Offers What a Hash Ambassador Does SO. 7 leaa air drag than the aYerage of 10 other current can teated. AIILIICI KClllIRt SUT that goea baek u fir u yon like at the touch of a lever, offers Safety Belt Protection. tilFim CINSTIICTIIIL Different from all o there, in Naah the entire frame and body, floor and roof are welded Into one aioglej euper-etrong nniU aqueak-free and rattle-proof. Twice aa rigid, it makea poaaible new perform ance, new economy, new quietneea and new riding amoothneaa. MUCH Of TOMORROW IN ALL NASH DOtS MARION Street Cager Perfects 3-Pointer FRANK GUISNESS Scoring Against Oregon es out a hand to stop the shot Is begging for a hacking foul and Frankie Bowlegs seldom misses a freer. In one recent two-game ser ies, he caged five of these three pointers. . ' So yon think the opposition should switch to a zone de fense and stop him? Idaho tried it. Guisness Just stood at the rim of the key and swish ed long shots. ' The three-pointer is no Guis ness Invention, but he has given it high octane. Sammy White, star of . Washington teams until he jumped to professional base ball last year, developed trie shot to a high degree. Gasp-producing shots are on BILL OSKO 466 Court St. Phone 3-5661 BILL OSKO Oist Mgr. A big promise? Yes and one the 1950 Nash Ambassador stands ready to prove the first time you ride in it. ' Here is something absolutely new in the designs construction and balance of a fine car. 'a For here is Airflyte Construction of double rigidity; Note bow much steadier it rides rough roads . i i how much smoother it is, with super-soft coil springs cushioning all four wheels. And never was a moving car so quiet ; ; . to free of wind roar, thanks to Airflyte design ... so free from body-bolt squeaks and rattles. No, nothing on earth rides like the 1950 Nash Ambassador nor gives you so much fine-car value! Even a Custom model, equipped with Hydra-Matio Drive, costs as much as a thoussnd dollars less than other fine cars. See your Nash dealer. DELIVERED HERE - "1192700 AuituMiiJnf fcyrer 2-cfeef $ 2282 00 (Car Ia.natrat.Ml) Stat aai local taza (If anj) ntra. Hydra-Marl Driva a ru Labia oa (ha Nau Ambaaaador at aaw lorn prie. WtutaaidawaH lira, Airiiaar Raciiiiinf SaU ud Waalber Ey SyiHrrs option! 41 axtra oat. PrfM ana vary aliybtlT is adjoiaiag ooav aamjutiaa dat to traoaporuuoa charfaa. MOTORS , Salem, Oregon ly the half of Guisness. In back- court when the opposition Is pouring on the pressure you'll find him leeched to the enemy's hotshot. Against Minnesota he checked Whitey Skoog and he drew John Azary in the Co lumbia series. Azary - potted eight baskets off Guisness In two games. Skoog got seven; Handy Frank held Idaho'i Bob Pritchett to nine buckets and Oregon's free-shooting Paul Sowers to five in the two-game brushes with each team. Stan ford's high scoring sophomore. Jim Walsh, got four baskets In his one-game visit with Guis ness. This is the crowdingest, sting iest man on the tightest defens ive team along the west coast Frank s own scoring pace la 10.9 points per game and his high was 27 in one scrap with Oregon. On the charity line ha connected 30 times on his first 37 flips. Washington's grand old man, Heo Edmundson, who coached basketball there for a quarter-century, says Guis ness is "one of the two or three best defensive players in Washington history." And he's only a sophomore. . Before Frankie Bowlegs gradu ates he'll probably b e c o m Washington's Horatio at the basketball bridge. HARD OF HEARING You've Waited for This I . HERE IT IS! NO RECEIVER M BUTTON Vf IN THE . f EAR! The Pb.oto. mold combiatd with tht Beltone Hearing Aid jrou of unturpuicd hearing qoalirfof both ton and rolums. Bui beat of sIL, Ten your friend, won't notice thai jrou are wearing bearing aid. Yob owe it to vourielf to tee this newcie hearing Improremeni and convince rounclf that now for the firal time you retllr can conceal jour desfMMj Drop in today and aee It. Mean while, fill ont'Coapon tot free book. i-PAt PNtVUNIT MeMIHO All James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 128 Oregon Bldg. - Salem, Ore. Ambassador CtmpmUm a la. Wad .! Thm MMf Felaet to 11. Car a SanlU. MiMw CctimIm, 0Ml,JI'faUtva TODAY 1