'Capital Women edited bv MARIAN I.OWRI F1SCHEB 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, February 20, 1950 MissMiller, Mr. McCoy To Be Wed Romantic news of Interest an nounced over the weekend is the engagement of Miss Barbara Miller of Troutdale to Raymond Duncan McCoy of Salem, the news being told at a luncheon given at the home of the bride elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clay C. Miller at Troutdale. Mr. McCoy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned T. McCoy of Sa lem. No date is announced for the wedding. Miss Miller, who is a niece of Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding of Sa lem, attended Cottey junior col lege at Nevada, Missouri, and was graduated in music and edu cation at Willamette university in 1949. She has been teaching this past year in the schools at Sutherlin and Oakland, Ore. Miss Miller is a member of PI Beta Phi sorority and of Mu Phi Epsllon music honorary at Wil lamette. Mr. McCoy is to graduate next June in chemistry from Willam ette. He Is past president of his fraternity, Sigma Chi, also a past president of Blue Key hon orary. Mrs. Spaulding was co hostess with her niece for the announcement party. THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Janet Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Miller, Salem to Paul E. Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bell of Arlington, Va., was announced last week at the Alpha Xi Delta sorority house at Oregon State college Miss Miller' has served as presi dent of her sorority for the past year. Dinner was announced when alarm clocks began to ring on the first floor of the house. Each girl found a card board alarm clock at her place with the words "don't be alarmed." Printed on the In side of the favors were the names of the couple. Both young people are seniors at OSC, majoring in education. No date Is set for the wedding. 25th Anniversary Liberty The Liberty Wo man's club will celebrate its 25th birthday anniversary on Friday, February 24 at the Liberty Christian Church of Christ on Skyline road. There will be a luncheon at noon and the program will be gin at 1:00 o'clock. A program is planned for the occasion. A special invitation Is extended to all former members of the club. mm Announcements Out For Convention of General Federation Announcements are coming out regarding the convention for the General Federation of wo men's clubs in Boston, Mass. May 28-June 3, notices coming to all affiliated groups and the State Federation of Women's clubs. Of interest to women in Ore gon in the candidacy of Mrs. William B. Chandlee of Hills boro to be recording secretary for the General Federation, the Oregon federation presenting her name. She was chairman lor the 1948 national convention of the General Federation in Port land. Mrs. Chandlee is a life member of the Scholls Woman's club; member of the Hillsboro Coffee club, the Portland Wo man's club and the Portland Tuesday Afternoon club. She has been interested especially in work among junior clubs, two of the groups, the Pacific Pro gress club of Forrest Grove and the Hillsboro Junior Woman s club, making her an honorary member. She also is active in the Order of Eastern Star and the Daughters of the Nile. V To keep a green salad crisp add the dressing at the last min ute and toss only enough to coat the greens with the mixture of vinegar and oil. If you want to vary a basic French dressing for the salad add a few tablespoons of catchup or chili sauce, a few diced anchovies, or a little crumbled blue or Roquefort cheese. t Hi ( 1 1V Nylon Natch! No girl's spring wardrobe is going to be complete this year without at least one nylon blouse, which she can whisk out in the wash bowl at night and wear with out ironing next morning. This one is of sheer nylon tricot shirred in vertical bands and combined with nylon net for one of the daintiest suit mates of the season. It is de- signed by Yolande. Today's Menu (Br fcbfl Associated Preu) mmmimrtmmmmttmmmmtimjm Hearty Breakfast Orange Juice Hot Cooked Cereal Bacon and Eggs . Sweet Muffins Beverage Sweet Muffins Ingredients: 1 !4 cups sifted all-purpose flour, W cup sugar, 3 teaspoons double-acting bak ing powder, W teaspoon salt, eup soft shortening, 1 egg, H cup milk. Method: Sift together the flour, sugar, baking powder and aalt into a mixing bowl. Add the ahortening, egg (unbeaten), and milk. With a pastry blender or blending fork cut the shorten ing into small pieces in about 10 strokes. Then stir with cir cular motion with blender until flour Is moistened and egg is blended. The batter will look lumpy. Fill greased muffin pans about two-thirds full. Bake in moderately hot (400 F.) oven about 20 to 25 minutes. Serve hot with butter or margarine. Makes 8 to 12 muffins. HERE FOR the weekend from Oregon State college at Corval lis were Miss Patricia Ullman and a sorority sister in PI Beta Phi, Miss Rachael Hamilton of Boise, the two visiting Miss Ull- man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ullman. K tX v-'.' , ? if Wi'. I V . .j - - h Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. Cal Hersey (Carol Fallin) , are visiting in Salem for a time with Mrs. Hersey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant B. Fallin. The young couple recently completed their work at San Francisco college. They were honored at a family party Saturday evening at the Fallin home, the occasion being the first wedding anniversary for the Herseys, the anniversary being last Wednesday. Mrs. Chandlee Is Visitor at Amity Amltv Mrs. William B. Chandler, Hillsboro, president of the Oregon Federation of Wom en's clubs, was an honored guest at the February meeting of the Amitv Woman's Civic club. Other special guests were Mrs. L. R. Alderman, Dayton, presi dent of the Yamhill County Fed eration of Women's clubs and several of her officers: Mrs. A. W. Newby, vice president, Mrs. Dolph Goodrich, secretary, Mrs. Hangen, Sheridan, Mrs.- John Haynes, Carlton, Mrs. W. A. Belts, Dayton, and Mrs. H. W. Torbet, Amity, board member. Three neighborhood clubs, The Friendly Neighbors club, The East Side Sewing club and The Countryside club, their presi dents and members were guests. Mrs. Chandler gave a resume of the national and state federa tions from the beginning 82 years ago for the national and SO years for the Oregon federa tion, to the present. She stress ed the need for all clubs to fed erate with the parent organization. The Civic club announced a pre-school clinic for February 23 at the Amity grade school be tween 9 to 12 a.m. Mrs. Elmer Engelland and volunteers from the club will assist with the clinic. The club voted to give $5.00 to the Red Cross Drive, and the president, Miss Laura Judy, announced that Mrs. William Richtu will be in charge of so liciting with other helpers from the club. The high school girls pep band, directed by Mr. Joe M. Barr, entertained with three numbers. The hostess committee headed by Mrs. Rupert Christen- sen and Mrs. Wanda Richtu served tea. Mrs. Fremont Faul and Mrs. Edwin Morse poured. The Washington birthday motif was used for decorations. The tea table was centered with a bowl of red carnations. VISITORS in Salem last week were State Representative and Mrs. Earl Hill of Cushman. They spent a few days with their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Irvln B. Hill and left for their home this week-end. The Irvln Hills and family recently returned from a trip to California. 6W OKIOINAL aiplrln for chil dren bearing St. Joseph name. 1 Vt (rain tablet al lure accuracy. Orange flavored. Start the NEW YEAR with a New Look! 1 '""'i"",. """""i A ) V ft SffiLl - $3i0 All work guaranteed and sup ervised by competent instruc tors. Phone 3-6800 For Your Appointment Oregon School of Beauty Culture 230 N. LIBERTY (NEXT DOOR TO LEON'S) WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS Surprise Event Four Corners Mrs. LeBar- ron Force was hostess for a sur prise Valentine dinner dance at Marshall's honoring her hus band on his birthday anniver sary. Preceding the dinner Mr and Mrs. Frank Crozier enter tained the group at their home on East State street. Arrange ments of pussy willows combin ed with the Valentine motif were used for decorations. Guests were Art Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sinnet, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crozier, Mr. and Mrs. John Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wing, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Et zel, Mr. and Mrs. Iggy Etzel, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell and Mr. and Mrs. LeBarron Force. Use finely cut scallions or chives to pep up a potato salad. Surround the salad with water cress and coarsely shredded car rot for a pretty effect, and be sure to dust the top layer of potato with paprika before serving. Many Attend Annual Ball One of the largest crowds to attend the affair in recent years turned out for the annual mill tary ball of the Marion county chapter. Reserve Officers asso ciation, Saturday evening at the armory. Patriotic and military decora tions featured the dance. Pan els of red paper with murals de picting scenes from various wars were arranged about the walls, and insignias of the various serv ices were featured. Distinguished guests attending included Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Chester E. McCarty of Portland; Governor and Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay; Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Thom as E. Rilea, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. H. G. Maison, Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, all Salem; Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Robert A. McClure of Vancouver Barracks; Col. and Mrs. Carle Abrams, Sa lem; Comdr. and Mrs. Laird Mc- Kenna, Portland, Lt. Col. Sig n-id Unander, usak, and Miss Vivian Martin, Portland, Comdr. Carl H. Cover, president of the Marion County Reserve Offi cers group, and Mrs. Cover, e e Macleay Club's Benefit Planned Macleay Mrs. Wilbur Miller was hostess for an all-day meet ing, at her home, to members of the Macleay Woman s club During the business meeting plans were made for the ham dinner and fun night sponsored annually by the club as a school benefit. Mrs. Joseph Wodze woda is general chairman. Co-chairmen for dinner ar rangements are Mrs. Albert Solle and Mrs. Wilbur Miller; table arrangements, Mrs. Harry Martin, Sr., and Mrs. John Ed wards; fish pond, Mrs. Leroy Horsley and Mrs. James Hudec Mrs. Stella Masten is program chairman and Mrs. M. M. Ma gee, publicity chairman. Present for the meeting were Mrs Dan Miller, Mrs. Leroy Horsley, , Mrs. John Edwards, Mrs. Albert Solle, Mrs. Arthur Spelbrink, M's. Stella Masten, Mrs Harry Martin, Sr., Mrs. Harry Martin, Jr., Mrs. Robert Anderson, Mrs. James Hudec, Mrs. Joseph Wodzewoda, Mrs. W. F. Cole, Mrs. Joseph Fend rick, Mrs. Irvin Bartels, Mrs. M. M. Magee and the hostess. Tomatoes for summer salads are often nice peeled. To to so dip them whole in hot water for a few minutes, then plunge them into cold water (or hold under the cold water tap) and strip the skin off. tzon. has patented YOU in Enchant Your bast, your waist, your hips copied right down to the nth degree in Barbiion's 3-piece - patented slip classic! Exclusive' new combination of 65 DuPont nylon and 35 Cordura rayon. Lovely, durable . . . washable as a hanky. And it dries so wonderfully fast Choose Petal Pink or White. Come and be meamred for your perfect-fittin "Body-Contour" size. $5.00 The slip that fits like a dress... a made-to-your-figure dress Mita (10-20) Lady Utile Mm Link Lade (542) (915) (141,4221) (31 to 39) 'Rtt.VS.Pm.Ot 135 NORTH LIBERTY Scout Cookie Sale All friends of Girl Scouts are asked to cooperate with the Girl Scouts of the Santiam Area council in their annual cookie sale, which is the only area-wide fund raising activity for troops The largest per cent of the prof it on each box of cookies stays in the individual troop for cost o troop program, whether it be troop camping, attending day camps, or advancement in badge skills by buying troop materials to be so used. A portion of mon ey raised helps to bring the Girl Scout program, especially the camping program, to girls 7-17 in this area. The cookies are this year to be made by Grandma Cookie company, Portland. The dates of the sale are February 23 through March 4. wmmwmmmmsmmmmimmimtmiii Church Group Four Corners Members of the Loyal Ladies group of the Court Street Christian , church met with Mrs. Waldo Miller for a dessert luncheon. Decor was in the Valentine motif. Sewing for their church projects took up the afternoon. Enjoying Mrs. Miller's hospitality were Mrs. Robert Hubbard, Mrs. Phillip McHarness, Mrs. Lee Surgeon, I.Irs. Albert Brownlee, Mrs. Ad olph Oberg, Mrs. A. P. Sher field, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Byron Cooley, Mrs. Clay ton McCaleb, Mrs. Don Good man, Mrs. Willard Gritten, Mrs. Stanley Fagg, Joyce Hubbard Bruce Welch, Stephen McHar ness, Hazel and Janet Sherfield, Donald Goodman, Mary Lou and Joan Surgeon. FOUR CORNERS Mrs. Ed win Slack was honored on Thursday afternoon with a mis cellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. S. H. Cable. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Eldon France and Mrs. Oliver Rickman. Follow ing the social hour the gifts were presented to the honoree. Invited were Mrs. Slack, Mrs. John Hovey, Mrs. W. R. Gould, Mrs. Ned Corning, Mrs. Cecil Snook, Mrs. Roy Thayer, Mrs. E. A. Snook, Mrs.. Harry Ham mond, Mrs. Robert Chapman, Mrs. Victor Loucks. Miss Ruth Moore Leaving Soon to Live in Portland Miss Ruth Moore is leaving Salem soon to make her home in Portland, having been transfer red in her work in the secretary of state's office to the Portland office, effective March 1. She will make her home with an aunt in Portland, Mrs. R. Diller. Several affairs are being ar ranged in farewell to Miss Moore preceding her departure. Mrs. Maude Space is to enter tain on Wednesday evening of this week in compliment to Miss Moore; Mrs. Marvin McClain is to entertain on Friday evening; Mrs. Mona Yoder at a luncheon, Saturday afternoon; and Mrs. A. L. Wallace on next Monday eve ning. AAUW Group Hears Miss Ebert in Talk . A c c o m p 1 i s h ments of the American government in occu pied Germany were discussed by Eloise Abert, assistant state li brarian, in talking for the Sa lem branch, American Associa tion of University Women, Sat urday, the meeting being a luncheon one at the Marion ho tel. Miss Ebert was in Germany for four years as supervisor of library service for the American occupation forces. Miss Susan M. Faherty introduced the speaker. Miss Laura Keller, executive secretary of the local chapter of the Committee on Atlantic Un ion, also gave a short talk as did Steve Anderson, a member of the Atlantic Union committee who attended a conference of the group in the east- recently. The patriotic motif featured the table decorations, arranged by Mrs. W. S. Ankney, Miss Elizabeth Russum, Miss Merle Dimick and Miss Florence Par rish. Miss Elise Schroeder, pre sident, presided at the meeting, e e CHADWICK chapter, Order of Eastern Star, plans its regular meeting for Tuesday at 8 p.m in the Masonic temple. MEETING this evening is the auxiliary to the 369th engineers ant' 409th quartermasters. Initiation For Group On Saturday TivA ntuf mpmhers were ini- tiotprl at the meeting of Job's Daughters, U. D., Saturday after noon. The initiates include: Misses Ann Berger, Sandra Lar son, Barbara Swegart, Charlene Woods, Shirley Crothers. Miss Edna Mae Manning, hon nrAri nnppn. and Miss Marilvn Waters were elected delegates to the srand session to be in Co- quille April 13, 14 and 15. Hnnnrerl and escorted at the meeting were Mrs. Carl L. Eh-ini-t inninr nf crand suardian for'the Job's Daughters of the state; Mrs. Avon vert, grana guide; Mrs. Ward Green, grand lihravian Mrs. Ellsworth Hart- well, guardian for bethel No. 35, Salem. e e e Anniversary for Study Grant Plan Thp American Association of University Women is this month I celebrating the fifth anniversary of Us program of international thrniiph which the Asso- ciation finances study in the United States by women students from war devastated countries .n .U. Clam ki-ani.h ' i CJJU1 LO lilt. VJUIV.i. .... in February 1945. three months before VE Day the AAUW Fellowship funds com mittpp met to launch this idea, and by September of that year enough money had been conin-. buted by AAUW branches to hrinir six women from countries which had recently been liberat ed to the United States for study. This spmester. as the sixth year of the program starts, there are 35 women from 14 countries in the United States on AAUW International Grants. In 29 United States colleges and uni versities, these women, most of them already leaders in their fields at home, are gaining knowledge and acquiring tech niques which they can take back to use in the reconstruction of their home lands, In the five years of the program's operation 155 women from 20 countries have gained needed education in their special fields or professions by study in the United States. JUST RECEIVED i f New lace shadow nets In florals of grace and delicacy $109S Wide, full 50x90 ruffled priicillai I X pr. Beautiful panels to match, 46x90 $4.35 ea, $189 Budget-priced cotton lace panels, 50x90 I ea. DO YOU KNOW . . . ? THAT We have experts in our sewing room to produce custom-built drap eries with finished details that only experience can attain? THAT We have our own slipcover department where slipcovers are made to fit any type of chair, sofa, davenport, couch or ottoman all work is guaranteed? THAT Our fabrics are exclusive and that any pattern selected at Elfstrom'i will NOT be seen in any other store in Salem? THAT Wo have a competent and talented interior decorator you may call any time for appointment to assist In completely decorating your home, at no extra cost? THAT Wt have experienced salespeople in the department who will assist you in planning your colors estimating yardage and will even teach you how to make your own draperies?