16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Monday, February 20, 1950 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Pm Uni 1B Per Lint I times 40 Pu Lin 6 times M Pei udi 1 month 13.00 Outside ol Salem 15o per lint per day. Min. I Oct a time mtn. log time mlo. 11.20. No Refunds READERS In Local Newj Col Onirt 100 V llM To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES IN KEIZER Small modern home, about H A. Good veil. LoU of treei. Excellent location. 11000 down, iso per mo. 3 BDRM. excellent location. tlOOO down. ISO mo. J. Noonchester R'l Estate 3966 Pleasant View Dr. Pb. Day-Eve. aoios Highland Dist. Nearly new 3 bedroom home, flu dn. payment. Pull price $4500. CW. Reeve Realtor ONE TEAR old 2 bdrm. house In Keller dist, Hardwood Iioori awacnea gu rage. Full price $6300. Easy terms. In quire 3-03 11. a43j ENGLEWOOD DIST. 4 bdrm. fcb. Hdwd. firs., weather itrlp ned. Insulated. 2 fireplaces. Ph. 3-5539, a44 OPEN FOR INSPECTION 2 BR home. Nice corner location, bus at door. For sale by builders. Price SBBS0. Terms 1010 S. 14th. a44 Unfinished house. 2 bdrms., attract' ive and well constructed on fA A. tract, A ml. E. of Swede Sch. on Garden Rd, 13800. Ph. 3-1839. a4S Sullivan Realty Co. Highland Dandy little 3 B.R. home In food dist. North. All nlastered. auto-heat, att er ase. Bis fenced back yard for the kids. A real buy at la.soo flown, aai 4. Kve. Ph. 3-8013. z- Norway St. Bedroom home. Hardwood floors, fire place, two car garage, nice fenced yard. e Small garden spot. Two walnut trees. This home Is not overpriced. Owner says sell for 18,850. "Englewood - Furnished All new furniture Including range, ref. " In this newly decorated 3 BR home. Large lot, paved st. Fireplace, and only ; 17,800. South Heights New 3 BR all plastered home, auto oil heat, clone to Salem Height, achool, A neat, well-built home with 15,801) FHA Joan, run price 17,900. 2D a. in or in J Very good aoll. All has Just been limed and aub-aolled. Part In crop. Very nice new ranch type 2 BR home, fireplace and electrlo heat. Good deep well. The man 1. leavlne atata and a.T.. aell It. 113,001). Sullivan Realty Co. 3315 PORTLAND ROAD Ph. S-3366 Daya - 4-2766 - J-17M Eves a4 My Ideal 17650 Very nice 2-bedroom home on extra large lot, pretty kitchen, hardwood floors, lots of storage space, about 3 years old, Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 360 8. Commercial Ph. 3-3840 - Eve. 2-5380. a43 THE EVERGREENS A cute small house In lovely fir trees: two acres of ground on Improved road, near fine school; live stream. Consider easy terms. 14750. SEVEN ACRES Tour home and an easy living; small neat two bedroom house, barn, ehtcken houoe, garage; fruit and berries; city sewer; school bus at door. 17000, SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. High Bt. Phone 3-76S0 Eve. Ph. 9-660B - 1-4601. a44 BLOCKS TO ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL. WE OFFER YOU a modern home with fireplace, hdwd. firs., L to D rooms, 3 BRs, plus BR In basement, furnace heat. Jin attract. vo proper i j on corner jut, bus by, for only I6DS0, Loan available. 000 DOWN. Late built home, features L to D rms,, 3 BR dn., unfin, upstrs., all hardwood firs., fireplace, coved - ceil ings, ven.' blinds, attached garage, lga. lot. Really worth looking at. $9150. Larsen Home & Loan Co. exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 0. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Kve. 3-9B89. a45 tf.E. LOVELY late built 3 BR home, nice Llv. to Din. rms. H.W. floor, fireplace, basement you'll be proud of, oil furnace. Best of surroundings. $11,900. Terms. R. E. MEREDITH RLT. or B. M. MASON 176 8. Com'l Ph. 3-6841 a44 ENGLEWOOD 4 bdrm. home with LR, DR. full emt. bsmt. with oil furnace. Some furniture. OLDER TYPE HOME IN CHOICE LO CATION. Consider small home on small acreage In exchange. PRICE $7950. $800 DOWN buys small modern plastered home, sub urban east. On bus line, 3 blocks to school. FURNISHED. PRIOE 14790. SMALL ACREAGE SPECIAL Secluded. Quiet. Summer cool. One of those hard to find small acreages east in FRurriiAND district. acres Willamette soil. Old hse. If you like privacy and a nice home site, THIS IS IT. Full price ONLY 13500. $1000 down to right party. SUBURBAN TRADE Modern 2 bdrm. home 1 acre choice soli. Price $6300. Trade for small 1 or 3 bdrm. home in town. PRATUM DISTRICT All Willamette Silt soU. Tiled. All cleared. Can be Irrigated. EXTRA NICE CLEAN 4 BDRM. HOME BUILT 5 YRS. AOO. Small barn, chick hse., brood hse., garage. Located on pvmt. east. Price 110.750. Coiiflitlrr small home in town, HOWELL PRAIRIE 14'i acre deep, rich WILLAMETTE BILT soil Yr. stream. Barn, enicx nee. Modern 3 bdrm. home. Priced right at $8760. OWNED WILL CONSIDER HOME IN TOWN IN EXCHANOE. ARE YOU MAD at your landlord or tired of paying rent? Then why not move to the coun try on thla dandy little place. Modern amall 3 bdrm. homo with fireplace. Good walnut orchard, excellent VIEW. About 6 mllea out. Price 18900. Terms 11000 DOWN AND 190 PER MO. OR TAKE SMALL HOME OR LOT AS DWN. PAYMENT. See T. R. Pyle HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. S286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-0613 $1000 DOWN New 1 bdrm, home, finest hdwd, floors, large bdrm., delightful kitchen, laun dry rm, to garage. Good dist. 18500. Salem Heights School Well built, attractive 1 bdrm. home, finest back yd., fine shrubs to loan. On ly 17,350. Worth more. L. E. Klumpp Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 3-7643. Kve. 1-0136 g a44 UtM, S ROOMS, good location, fireplace. hdwd. floors, close to bus line. Priced for quick sale. Chas. Hudkins & Son ISO N. High St., Phone 1-4139. a45 Englewood Dist. Very nice 3 bdrm., eewlng rm., flrd. attic, full bsmt., fur. Plastd. Oar. Large LR, DR. 1600 ft. fir. space. Fireplace. Sprinkling system In lawn. Corner lot. Price $18,500. C. W. Reeve Realtor tie S. Oom'l. Fh. 1-iWO. Ira. 1-4313. FOR SALE HOUSES COM PORTABLE Insulated 2 B.R. home conveniently located at 100 West Salem HCignu Ave. aB' FOR SALE LOTS EXCEPTIONAL VIEW These are without question the finest view lots available. Adjoined $20,000 to 125,000 homes on King wood Drive. Call wait Musgrave. Walter Musgrave, Rltr. 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109 aa46' FOR SALE FARMS Farm for Sale 70 acres, 60 acres cultivated, 20 acres of mint. 20 acres of 3-year old prune trees, more can oe put in mint, au can be ir rigated, Irrigation equipment including 3 Irrigation pumps. Chehalis soil. 5-room modern house, barn, chicken house, hog house. Close to good school and store, on good highway. Full price f35.000. Will take small acreage close to Salem or house In Salem on part payment. Ivan B. Sutton, Realtor Sullivan Realty Co. Lake Labish Beaverdam Right in the heart of the lake, 10 A, 6 or 7 acres real onion land, about 3 A mint. This farm Is clean.. Irrigation outfit, good 7 car onion house, 3 wells. Very nice 3 bedroom plastered home, fire place, wall to wall carpet, all furnished with the latest electrical appliances. Lots of shade, shrubs, and flowers. The best neighborhood, school buses. This farm has to be seen to be appreciated and It will really pay dividends. 1 Acre N. Close to Salem, fine soil, berries and fruit. Good deep well, can Irrigate. Very nice new 2 bdrm. home, plastered, elec tric heat, fireplace. If you are looking for a real nice country home, don't fall to see this. The price Is right. 13,600, v, easn. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Road Ph. 3-3255. t44' FOR SALE ACREAGE WELL IMPROVED 10 A, 10 miles BE of Salem. 3 BR, lots fruit to berries, a bargain, immediate possession. Also mile level river front In 222 close to dam. Box 164 Aumsvllle, Ore. bb43 REAL ESTATE Near Catholic School Late built, strictly modern 2 BR home, full dining room, utility rm to garage. Worth the asking price of 30800. Edge of Town Practically new, 2 BR completely In sulated home with large living room, 70x135 ft. lot. Price S7650. West Salem Lot 60 ft. paving paid, close to school to bus. Priced (850, Call Bon Cleary. Eve. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5100. c43' IF YOU WISH to sell, exchange, or rent your property Phone 2-3551 Cluett & Kenyon Eeal Estate 1910 FAIRGROUNDS RD. NUa Oluett, F, E. Kenyon, Fred Freler CM" Country Home Site 37900 00 acres, close In on 90E, beau tiful view, fruit trees, small creek, nice location for new home. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 - Eve. 2-5360. c43 BEST BUYS A Business of Your Own Owner reports net Income per year be tween 13 and 17 thousand. Well equipped concrete building and lot in good loca tion. Low overhead we believe this is a rare opportunity. Total Investment for everything 140,000. Eves. Ph. 3-7B74 or 3-3556. Service Station And garage. Well equipped, doing good repair business, building only 10 yrs. old. Located In very prosperous town. Equip ment In best condition. A buy for only 110,600. Terms. Eves. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558 Duplex Plus livable house for owner. Income 8130 per mo. Located In a small town. A real buy for only 87600. Eves. Ph. 3-7874 or 3-S558. Here's a Hot One Hotel, 1 yr. old. Ten units plus living quarters furnished. Possible gross In come of S6780 per year. Low overhead. Total price only 125,000. Owner may consider city property as part payment. Eves. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Rare Home Value 1200 sq. ft. floor space. Brand new very attractive to well arranged, elec. heat, weatherstrlpped to insulated, attached garage, large utll. rm., fireplace, hdwd. firs, throughout, tile bath, 70x125 lot. 13500 down. Total price has been reduc ed to $11,000. Eves. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Acreage & Farm I acres, north with new 3 BR home, par tially furnished with new furniture, good well. A bargain for only (6500. Eva. phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. t acre North, modern home, garage, pri vate well, nice setting, lots of shrubs to trees, close to bus. Total price only 87900. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. 69 Acres, extra modern home to out buildings. This Is a real farm. If you are Interested In a farm with some stock close to Salem and excellent view, see this one for $17,600. Owner may consider income property as part payment. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. 3 acres North, modern home, barn, chicken house. Willamette soil. Total price only 15500. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3-J33S. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596 C44 $4950 Will buy a grocery business that gross- ed 143.000 last vonr. $8950 d 4 bdrm. 1 nent. North. $5200 -Will buy good 4 bdrm. home with fur nace to basement. North. Will buy 18x130 lot. In No. 3 business one with small 4 room house to auto, washer. Ideal for court site or small business. 3 bdrm. home on S. Liberty St. 3 good new rentals, 1 on N. High, 3 on Fairground Rd. WM. BLIVEN & CO. REALTORS 64T N. Hltri St. Ph. 3-3617. Eve. 3-8166 INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED. REAL ESTATE FOR EVERY PURPOSE, c45 FOR SALE FARMS 143 ACRES No butldlnis. 65 acres seeded to fescue grass, balance pasture, all under fence: fine place for sheep; about nine miles out on pavement, 111,500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 3-7680 Eve. Ph. 3-6605 - 3-4591. t44 8PRINO IS HERE CROPS ARE FINE! 384 Acre dairy and stock farm, located on highway, few miles from Willamette Valley town, 95 acres in certified seed erops, about 75 A. more can easily be put In cultivation and bnlance is wood ed pasture. Yr. stream thru place. All Is fenced sheep tight. Bides, consist of modern 3 BR home, Orade A barn and m'.'ik house, other smaller bldgs., all surrounded by neat ranch style plank fence. A very deslreable property, all route by door, 320 electricity and water te barn and house. Priced to sell quick ly at $21,000. Easy terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 14 ft. Com'l Si. Ph. 1-8369. Xve. 1-9989 4ft FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS LOOKING FOR PLENTY OF ROOM? Located In a very fine residential area, 4 bdrm. to den, llv. rm., din. rm., to kitchen, dble. plbg.. fireplace, corner lot, garage, full basm't. Price 113, 600. CALL PETER OEISER. WALNUT PARK HOME This 3 bdrm. home Is in excellent condition Inside to out, large llv. rm., din. rm., Philippine mahogany woodwork, lovely fireplace, full basm't., auto-heat, lovely fenced-in yard. TO SEE CALL EARL WEST. ALL BRICK RANCH TYPE Situated on Vt acre, beautiful grounds overlooking Salem to mtns., wall-to-wall carpeting thruout, big llv. rm. to bdrms., Uce. Inside utility, beautiful doors, patlon, automatic sprinkling system. This home Is a steal. CALL ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phono 3-3471 Evenings and Sundays call Roy Ferris 3-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-0908 - Earl West 3-0608 a Are You Thinking of Trading Your House For a Farm? OWNER OF THIS 86 ACRE FARM NEAR S1LVERTON HAS BUSINESS IN TOWN, AND WANTS TO SELL OR TRADE FARM FOR HOUSE IN TOWN, SILVERTON, OR NORTHEAST DISTRICT SALEM. FARM HAS OOOD 5 ROOM HOUSE, OUTBUILDINGS. 40 ACRES IN CULTIVATION, INCLUDINO 3! A. STRAWBERRIES. PRICE 313,900. DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 STATE STREET PHONE 3-3063 EVENINGS' CALL MR. VOORHEES 3-4007 MR. BRENNAN 3-4048 THELMA 3-S053 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN VALUES 18500 takes this year old 3 B.R. ranch style home on nearly 3 A. east close to school, city bus service, lge. garage, chick house, 12500 will handle. Craw ford. NORTH Pine 4 B.R. home on nearly 3 well landscaped acres, lots of fruit, basm't., auto-oil heat, fireplace, double garage, chick house, outdoor fireplace really a lovely country home to an excellent value for 113,000. Crawford. BURT PICHA, 379 N. High St. Eve: 2-5390 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good houses to sell in or near Salem. If you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca Now is the time to Sell w have many buyers for home with one-two or more bdrms. with basements or without in town or out witn or witn out acreage. Cash buyers or with small down payment. Call days 3-4590, Eve. 2-4312 or 3-9536. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945' S. Commercial ca45 NOTICE' If your property is for sale, rent or exenange, list it witn us. we have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St cm EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EQUITY IN modern 2 bdrm. house with furniture for nouse trailer, aois corai. Just off Sunnyview. cb43 SO. CALIF, in L.A. Furn. duplex. Trade for home, farm, income or ousiness. Near Salem. Carries 4 loan. Box 381, Capital Journal. cb43 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MODERN B-UN1T court, with 7 rm. home. Frontage for other business, on aflE. Reasonably priced. Ph. 2-3212. cd43 INCOME PROPERTY. Modern 3 bdrm. house. Occupied by owner. 2 smaller houses rented. Close to bus, school to stores. 2175 Maple Ave. cd44 FURNITURE FOR SALE GREEN DAVENO and complete rollaway bed. 635 N, Winter. d43' USED DAVENPORT A CHAIR set 125. Ph. WALNUT DINING table, 6 chairs and buf fet. 1010 Laurel Ave. oi WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRY, Ph 35110 AUCTIONS Auction Tuesday, Feb. 21 Glenwood Ballroom 7:30 sharp. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK HEIFERS Just fresh. Ph. 3-7103. e4 GOOD JERSEY COW. Will freshen In Ap ril. Out Mission St. Rt. 4 box 1070. Ph 2-7170. e43 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McOandllsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 38147. ea50a LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. 8ne then, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 31345. ea43' RABBITS WINOS need, rabbit-. 3985 state. Ph. 3-1489. eb49 PETS CHOICE CANARY, male and Icmale. Ph. 34385. ec67 COCKER PUPS, purebred, 110 & 115. 1746 uaKcr. rn. 362H6. ec43' COCKER PUPPIES 17.50 & 110. 3460 8. Com'l. Could be aecn Sat. & Sun. ec43 PUREBRED Daltnntlon puppies. Out Mia. alon St. Rt. 4 box 1070. Ph. 3-7170. ec43 CHOICE canary birds. 360 N. 18th. ecST FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 1-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edemas Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside MIU Wood Dry Wood ASK POR SAH GREEN ST All PS WOOD AND sawdust. Basement service. rn. 37868. ee48 CU.L HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Dle.iel and Stove oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends to Block Wood Ph. 3-6444 Oregon Fuel Co. Drv Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Or sen Edging 15.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE' PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak, ash, to maple. 4' fir. 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ee1 West Salem Fuel Co. DR PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL Al STOVE On, Ph Salem 3-4031 Pick up wood at 1335 Edcawate, Weat Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE. Parmenter. now avail. able aver, Tuea. Fox Hetcherf, 3830 Slate Bt. i-n. 3-,wdi.. PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA to timothy. By ton or truck load. 665 o. I3tn. ph. 1-9923. ff48 EASTERN ALFALFA BAY. Ph. I-14M To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE HOTEL In good central Oregon town. 17 rentals besides owner's 3 rm. apt. Net Income for 1949, $6400. Price complete with 3 story bldg. to all furnishings, 130,000. Don't pass this up. Klggins. FURNISHED HOME 3 B.R. home completely furnished, on lot 60x133. Price 13750. Contract of S2430 payable $40 per mo. Balance cash. Johnson. REALTORS or 3-7451 Office: 3-3649 HELP WANTED SALES LADIES to MEN WANTED Yes, if It Is quick, easy dollar profit you want and feature economic Inde pendence, here Is the . opportunity you have been looking for right In your own home town. Our present personnel Is earning from 1200 to $1,000 mo., some more. If Interested, write or call Rex Air Division, 757 Center St., Salem, Ore., between 12 and 1:30 every day. g68 ELDERLY WOMAN alone would like middle-aged Christian couple to share home rent-free In return for care and services. References required. P h . 38-F-2 Salem. g44 HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, short hand required. Homer H. Smith Ins. Agcy. Ph. 3-9181. gb43 WANTED SALESMAN SALESMEN: Sell fine Oregon Blankets di rect irom tne mm. Low Prices. Big commissions. Territory going last. Make 8100 or more per week. Write for Interview. Box 363 Capital Journal. gg48 I'll Send You a Fine Suit And start you In a BIO MONEY BUSI NESS In the Salem area. Get your made-to-measure suit without cost taking or ders from friends at direct-from-factory prices. Pocket big commission on all or ders. Get splendid demonstration out fit and tested plans. Work from home or office. Top men make up to 812,000 In a year. Famous 37-year-old firm. Write BUSINESS MANAGER, Dept. 8-0, Box 23, Cincinnati 6, Ohio. gg43 LONG NEEDED INVENTION Established Company. Every home, fac tory, store, farm a prospect. Low price, long profit. Exclusive. Fine outfit. No deposit. Information s e n t airmail. Write: Red Comet, Inc., Dept. 559, Lit tleton, Colo. frgi3 WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER. Oood work. Reasonable. fa. auaao. 1143 nmiiir uinoir 1. 1 j . i u.vn II un, BI1J aVlIIU. J. J rClJlliCB, p. uos, veneer, etc., iree esc. Jonn W. Hanna, SUverton Rt. 3. h43 CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6878. h61 DECORATING. Re as. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. h61 TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph. BABY SITTING. Ph 2-6822 NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, 6 DAYS. SUM 2 TO 6. an. 7:30 TO 8. PH. 24940. h56- CARPENTER work. New, repair Pb. 3-2093 ns7 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. worx guar w u. mcauis tcr, 846 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. b59 EXP. brush painter. Free est. Guaranteed. Reas. Ph. 3-9732. h49 NURSES BY noiJR. week or live In. Practical Nurses' Registry. Ph. 3-5072. h59 FIR OAKS Nursing Home. 34-hr. care. Ph. 2-2125. h57 EXCLUSIVE hand knltteds to sewing for cnuaren. pn. 2-7619. h45 Mimeographing-Typing Poe's 665 North 16th. Phone 1-3643. h52 EXPER. Interior decorator. Free estimates. Guaranteed, reasonable. Ph. 3-9732. h51 THEE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-8014. h45 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h53 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp Ph 3-6706. h46 DO IRONING In my home. Ph. 21720. h44' WILL CARE for children to do light work. . Live In your home. Ph. Miss Pittman, 138B-R-3, Tanaent. Oregon. h45 WILL CARE for children in my home, daysPh. 3-785 h45 CHILD CARE, my home. PnT336lT. h68 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes set or books to keep at home. Ph. 28035 after O. h48' BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. CEMEN1 WORK wanted. 1-h. 3-4850. b EDUCATION SEWING CLASSES beginning this week at new home sewing center. Phone 3-3139 for Information. Ralph Johnson Appli ance. 355 Center St. hh47a INSTRUCTION, MALE X would like to talk to reliable men who woulld like to train In spare time to learn welding, metal work, spray painting as related to Auto Body and Fender repairing; should be mechanically Inclined; will not interfere with your Job. For infor mation about this training write at once, giving name, address, atce and working hours. Auto-Crafts Training, Box 382, co Capital Journal. hMS FOR RENT ROOMS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Inq. after 4 p.m. or all day Sat. ft Sun. 1810 Trade. Jk43 MAN'S SLEEPING- ROOM. auto, heat, PHv. bath, entrr. Ph. 3-9043. jk.43 HOLLYWOOD. 3035 UcCoj. Ph. 3-6093 1XS0 NICELT FURN. Heated. Ladles preferred. 339 N. Winter. Iksa SLEEPING, llaht haekpe. rms. Ph. 3-4335. Iksj" PLEASANT Sleeping rm. for tentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 34547. Jk4B LARGE WARM room. 1555 N. Capitol. ROOM FOR Rant. Prlv. bath. Oeotleman. Ph. 37739. Jk45' good home. Elec. JUS- 140 N. 14TH. Simla or double. CLEAN WARM aleeplnf rm. with H. A C. water. 473 N. Liberty. Jk45' HEATED SLEEPING tooxaa, double and aincie, aaa ai. inn, hh REAL ESTATE 15 DIFFERENT FEUITS & NUTS Has 1 acre of Willamette soil, East, close in. A lovely 3 B.R. unfinished up stairs. 6-year-old cottage. Completely furnished. AU? poultry, rabbits and tools go. AU for 110,600. Sec Mr. Rawlins. MOTHER DOING VERY NICELY and baby, too, with plenty of playroom In a spacious pretty yard of your own. A comfortable 6 rm. house, a splendid garden spot, can give you a bar gain in Englewood Dist. Completely furn. (new furniture) only 17850. See Mr. Tibbetts. . 40 ACRE FARM aU In cultivation, level at the floor, everlasting spring, 1 B.R. home, nice barn with 13 stanchions, east of Salem. 87500. Good terms. See Mr. Simp son. SACRIFICE FOR COST Very attractive new 3 B.R. home conveniently arranged, located In a fine South Salem district. You must see this one) Only 85,400. See Mr. Raw lins. RAWLINS REALTY . HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Office: 3-4664, Mr. Rawlins 2-6013, Mr. Tibbetts 3-7486, Mr. Simpson 3-8239. c4 160x150 CORNER LOT in 3 tone, church. Apt. house or duplex, has old 3 story house with 3 Apts. 11 blocks to Ladd 8c Bush bank. 115,300. 16,000, Grocery store, stock and fixtures, good location, on main drag In Salem. Lease 175.00 mo. Really under-priced, this beautiful 3 Lg. B.R. home, located In south Salem, fuU plumbing up, down, 36x18 living rm. to fireplace, 14x16 dining rm., nice den, kitchen to nook, party rm. with bar to fireplace. 2-car Ga., sprink ling system In lawn. 1300. mo, gross Income from five Lg, Roomy Furnished Apts., close to state office buildings, located on N. Summer St. $7950. Close to Highland Sch. Neat, clean 3 B.R. home, also nice 3 Rm. house on back of lot, can be had with smaU down payment to right party. Don't pass this one up. 113,500. Nice 3 B.R. home located in Englewood. Has fuUy dry basm., dining rm.. fireplace, plus nice 1 Rm. Apt, separata from the home. Lge. lot. 88,500. Nice clean 9 B.R. home close to Englewood Sch., full basm., oil heat, good garden space, fruit to nut trees. 112,000. Year net Income, from residential court overlooking the beach, lo cated In retired man's town In S. California. W1U take In trade, resort prop erty, or smaU farm. In Willamette Valley. What have you? Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 NORTH HIOH ST. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS SUBURBAN HOME ON FAIRVIEW AVE. tt acre with comfortable 3 bedroom home, small basement, garage, J5950. Additional acreage available. JUST REDUCED TO 87850 FURNISHED " Englewood School District, good 2-bedroom home with fireplace, fuUy furn ished, large lot Don't miss this buy. DRY BASEMENT! 1 1 OIL HEATH! Exceptionally well-built 2-bedroom home, Englewood School Dist.. fireplace, hardwood floors thruout, beautifully landscaped. A real buy at 19250. GOOD BUY IN A FAMILY HOME Excellent residential district South, 4 bedroom home, lots of room, waU-to-wall carpeting, lovely yard with double lot It's a good deal for 89500. ROOMY (3 BEDROOM) RANCH STYLE HOME Well planned throughout, beautiful hardwood floors, dining room plus nook In kitchen, auto-oil pipe furnace, located Northeast. A home with plenty room priced right at 811,750. FARM SPECIALS 30 ACRES IN CENTRAL HOWELL AH tillable, well drained. 14 stanchion barn with cement floors, silo, 2 chicken houses, machine shed. A dandy farm for a small dairy 817,000. 35 ACRES IN WEST 8TAYTON 10 A bean yard, I A. variety fruit, some timber, old but useable buildings, Irrigation system supplied from 2 wells, top grade soil for any type farm ing 815,000. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 2-4115 - 2-4116 Eve: Henry Torvend 3-3633 Pat Kemper 3-5297 Bob Sullivan 3-6770 c45 FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN 3 rm. second floor apt. Adults. wear siaw diuk. ooo d. .- NEW 8 rm. furn. duplex. Inquire at 460 N. Winter. 1V ... 't ROOM furn. apt. Adults. 570 "Union. FURN. 4 rm. apt. Working couple. Fire place, convenitsni, lu onam WV versity. Bus by door. 190 S. 25th. h. 35045. JP43 CLEAN, QUIET, warm, 1 room apt. Mid- ji. 1 I. J., --avr1 HAK TtHTTV. 11)46 UNIVERSAL TRAILER. Butane equipped. Mission o. rt"c -wuii , Jp45 RM. FURN. Apt. Ground floor, private nam ec eovrnncB. ia a. if SPARKLING NEW spacious apt. Bullt-lns gaiore. rin iochuu, Vmij 8. 17th. JP3 NEW 2-BOOM apt. Priv. bath, part furn. AdUiLS. lull uaauou. 4 BLKB. East of New Capitol Office Bldg. Nicely iurn. oasemeni ip.. w ployed girls or couple. 345. Includes utilities. tn. jmw. v ATTRACTIVE S room furn. apt. Reason aoie. ucn wMkoiireuu ji"" WARM REDECORATED furn. apt. Lower floor. 2 adults. 359 m. noeriy. jpm NEW APTS. 2 or 3 rm. to bath. Partly turn, ivno juaaisoii mwm m wi . 1P43 APARTMENTS. Phone 3-8836. NEW 8-RM. unfurn. apt. Elec. stove, re- iriB. AUIO. waaiicr, imuwu. -. .... 3-7108. - 'P SMALL, clean apartment, 830. 714 S. 19th LARGE 1 BR unfurn apt. Elec. stove and auto oil neat inciuaea. rnv. oam. mn take children. Ph. 37773 or 1437 N. 4th. ip44" UNFURN. S-RM. apt. Elec. heat. 845. 1351 McCoy. PH. 3-6D83. JPM FOR RENT HOUSES fl RM. Semi-mod. hse., garden, gar., chick en hse. $25. Adults, rn. 3-nttap. jnna- S BDRM. Located on S. 14th St. Modern. Rent reasonable, inquire at iasu nr. Jm45 HOUSE. FOR particulars phone 3-4681. NICELY FURN. duplex 3 rooms to bath. hdwd. firs., let, montn. i3tn monm iree. I'a blocks S. of Colonial House. Call 35785. Jm4t' 2 RM. modern furn. cottage. Ph. 26618. trailer SPACE for rent. Has aU modern conveniences, quiet location cioee to everything. Children welcome, come out to see us. 15 Highway Ave. Ph. 2-1746. Jm46 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J61 USED REFRIGERATOR, Al Laua Ref. Co., 3330 state, pn. a-sits. jea- DUSINESS RM. for rent H L Stiff RENT Wheelchairs and hospital beds. Buren, 3-7775. 745 Court Bt. K2 V DRIVE Trucks, Roltlnaon SheU Service Center at cottage, pn toiuj r SINGEP ELECTRIC ponable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pica up & delivery, singer sewing atacmne uo. 130 N. Oom'l. Ph. 33512. J BUS. LIV. quart. Rep. 3-7113. J43 HOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR I ANDERS tor rant Montgomery Ward. I POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Bowser Bros Pn. 8-3046. T BAILERS 13.00 per day. Bowser Bros 141u S 13th. West Salem. J TC DO a good Job rent a good floor sand er. we sell everything to complete tne job HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 1 WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS couple, wishes to rent with option to buy a or l bdrm. unfurn., clean, mod., house, with bsmt. Near bus. Ph. 3-1833 or 3 -08 IT eve. Ja43 YOUNG COUPLE. 3 yr. eld daughter, de sires a bdrm. unrurn. nome. oarage, kx cellent care. Ph. 37995. Ja4V WANTED by March 1st: 3 B.R. modern house with garage. Around IM mo. pn. 3-9738. Jail I REAL ESTATE EVE. PB. 3-5413 - 3-7769 3-3704 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: 2 bdrm. unfurn. apt. or smau nouse. nave own range re frig. Ph. 20536. Ja45 WANTED Permanently employed man needs two-bedroom nouse central loca tion desirable. Phone 2-7830 Ja43 S BDRM. home with basement, Ph, 26421. H. McElhlnny. Ja45 LOST & FOUND LOST: GOLD leaf earring. Keepsake. Ph, 34834 eve. X4J- LOST Ladles Rlma wrist watch on N. Commercial or N. 4th St. Reward. Ph. 3-6640. Mrs. Taylor. k43 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 464 Court. we close Saturdays 13:30. mo3- SPENCER CORSETIERE. Call 3-5073. m47 FREE DIRT for hauling. 1489 Court. m4B MUSIC LESSONS Piano to violin. State accredited. STUDIO. PH. 2-6013. m44 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HX SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpli Bldg. State to Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 3-3311. m BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE AT KEITH BROWN! ttx4" Cedar Siding 825 M: WINDOWS In all sizes to fit almost any opening. Soma as low as $1.80. REJECT PLY- wood: ", W from 4c per sq. ft. 1x6 and 1x8 RUSTIC FLOOR ING, ideal for flooring or siding In at tics, farm buildings, tool sheds, etc. Priced cheaper than smpiap. Every thing to build anything at that con venient KEITH BROWN LUMBER Y'D Location, Front and court, Salem., ma CEMENT BLOCK lootings free for re moval. Ph. 2-6669. ma43 ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber, mlllwork, hard ma terials, hardware, floor covering, el ectric appliances, paints. Insulation. roofing and house wares for as little as 10 r. down on a purchase of $20 up to $300. SmaU, easy monthly payments take care or the rest. Make It easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD At that convenient location Front and Court Streets Salem, ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE. Good working con dition 820. Pn. 23173. D4J NEW ELEC. apt. size range. Table top hot water neater. 30 gai. witn aoume unit. WUl sacrifice at a very low price, will consider terms. Ph. 3-5413 or call at 1150 Hall St. after 5:30 p.m. n' HOTPOINT RANGE Used Hotpolnt range. AU whits por celain. 2 large to 3 small calrod units, Divided cooking top with light. Guar anteed. $50. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. 3 TEAR OLD crib, oil the floor play pen. oxo yarn play pen. pn. aoooa. nu' ONE R.c. VICTOR weldlna set. 335. One complete plumblnf eet 343. pn. 343BV. n43' MUST SELL 14x16 carafe. Ph. 3-7033. B43 GENERAL ELECTRIC. Croaler. Olbaon, and Montaa Appllancea at Oevnrts. n USED Electric raneea. 319.93 up. TEATER APPLIANCE CC. 373 Chemeketa USED Electric Refrlxeratora. 349.93 M np. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 975 Chemeketa n BEAT roar home electrically with WaaV Intnouao or Wealn automata electric heaters. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 376 Chemeketa, STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, ralllnia. in atock, made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n8 USED RADIOS & record plaara, 19.96 l TEATER APPLIANCE CO 676 Ohemeketa EXTRA SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY 1947 KAISER 4-Door. Black finish. Heater. Low mUeage. $1065 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeketa at Church Ph. 3-7022 qx43 1947 FRAZER 4 -Door Sedan. Motor Just overhauled. New tires. Is in top shape. $1095 WARNER MOTOR CO. 545 Center Ph. 3-3012 qx43 WILSON'S 1947 CHRYSLER Wlnsor Sedan. You may drive this car I It wUl seU Itself. $1395 OttoJ.WilsonCo. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER qx43 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TRASH BURNER Used trash burner. Like new. All white porcelain. Fully guaranteed. Only 835 EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n46 WALLING SAND to GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, garden and. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing. -yd shovel to drag line Ph. 8-9249 n A. B APT. RANGE A.B. apartment house range. All white porcelain. 3 surface units. Only $39.95. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. LARGE FLORENCE 2 burner oil circula tor heater. Oood condition. 860. 119 Carlton Way. Ph. 37838. n45 8 INCH TABLE saw. ft h.p. motor. $50. 1B25 n. ajra. nio- PIANO WITH lovely tone In excellent con dition, very reasonaoie. ieuu ct. uouage. n45 IRONER Simplex Deluxe Rotary Ironer, Only $159.95. Fully guaranteed. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST, n48 PHILLIPS BROS Fertilizers, weU rotted or iresh, any k! By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work Cedar fence posts. Telephone and elec. poles Any length Shingles. Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt 6. Sox 118. n NO WAXING required with PLASTIO- KOTE, the cellophane like llnisn lor floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n WASHER Just like new. Used one month. Deluxe Easy Spinner with automatic rinse. $149.95. Fully guaranteed. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST, n48 OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n G. E. RANGE O.E. Range. AU white porcelain. Calrod units. Very good condition. Only 189.95. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n48' SALEM SAND to GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer to Basemen Equipment Renttl 15 BV yds. 10 B yds. D-7 Cat to Dozer D-6 Cat to Dozer D-4 Cat to Dozer See as about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-6246 or 3-4400 Salem, Oregon n1 GIRL'S WORLD bicycle. 425 N. 17th. n44 USED WASHING machine $25. CaU 3-1933. n43 Westinghouse Rahge 2 months old Deluxe 1949 Westinghouse Range. Automatic oven-warmer. 5 speed heat switches, timer. Only $249.95. Fully guaranteed. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 819.98 UP YEATER APPliLANCB CO. 375 Chemeketa n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: 1 114 H.P. motor, 3 phase. Clar ence Dexter, ii40 center, pn. 3-0B33. na46" WANT TO BUY a dog house suitable for large collie. Must be in good condi tion. Ph. 2-0146 after 5:30 p.m. na44 PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than those made by myself as oi Feb. 18, 1950. W. C. Haffley. p44 CONSULT: Ordained Psychic advisor and Psychologist for all Personal Problems. Apt. 102 - 550 N. Summer St. No phone calls, please. p46 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 18 p.m. dally 173 S.Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and 81.00 get a special reading. Ph. 3-9285. P48 STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 39307. P5I WHAT DO you know about a Spencer? pn. 3-5012, eve. pn. 3-1019 lor iuu in formation. P44" AUTOMOBILES '47 Buick Super Fine condition. Safety tires. Radio, Heater, Windshield Washer, Fog Light, etc., $1395. Ph. 3-3947. q43 Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1941 CHEV. 2 door, top cond. 10 Grass Ave. off Tesa Ave. q44 '49 NASH "600". 3500 mileage. Ph, 42602. 2213 Chemawa Rd. q44 FOR SALE K-7 '42 International 5-yd. dump truck. Good mechanical condi tion. $795 Ph. 2-0134. q45 4 DOOS Mercury sdn., prlv. owner, 8500 Ph. 2-6035 DAYS. q43 Eisner Motors to Buy '41 FORD 4-door. Excel, cond. Must seU, $595.00 3025 Garden Road. Ph. 2-6551. q46 19H OLDSMOBILE sedan, good shape. CaU eve. 3-3584. q45 '38 DODGE panel. Oood cond. 6170. Ph. 33400. q' 1948 8TUDEBAKER Sedan. 1949 Studeba ker truck. 5500 miles. Ph. 25161. q45 ' CHEV. 4 -dr. New tires, tubes, to bat tery. Motor In good shape. 8100.00. 4642 Lowell Ave.. Kelser. q45 Eisner Motors to Sell '35 FORD coach, $65 . 2455 S. High, Ph 3-4795. e.44 49 Buick Conv. SUPER CONVERTIBLE . Dm a flow. FuUy equipped. ReaUy a nice automobile. $2295 VISIT Loder Bros. Used Car Mkt. & Save 465 Center Ph. 3-7973 qx43 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-Door Sedan. Heater to sport lite, $995 ' CAPP'S USED CARS 253 Union Ph. 3-6143 O.X43" IAUTOMOBILES OLDSMOBILE ROCKETS AHEAD Oldsmobile FACTORY DELIVERY AGAIN AVAILABLE New Low Pricei STARTINO AT , $1745 Delivered to you at Lansing, Mich. COME IN OR PHONE 3-4119 Loder Bros. 465 Court St. ......... BOATS '49 MERCURY outboard motor. Perfect condition. Phone 2-6028 evenings or FINANCIAL FOR SALE: Long term monthly-payment ova interest reai estate contract guar anteed, but will not discount. Write box 380, Capital Journal. r43 MONEY $25 TO $500 quickly, privately, without embarrass ment $25 to $500 on Auto: up to $500 on Salary or Furniture. No co-signers necessary. Employer, relatives or friends not notified. Phone or visit Personal's YES MAM TODAY he says "Yes" to 4 out of 8 loan requests. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY ' Pacific Building Room No. 121 518 STATE ST. Phone 2-2464 c. R, Allen, Mgr. Lie. S.-122-M-165 LOANS MADE TO RESIDENTS OF ALL SURROUNDING TOWNS. r48 AUTO LOANS WTLLAME7TTTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-154 r ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and No Commission DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 3-3683 r MORTGAGE LOANS HOMES BnSTNFJlfl Vinui Abrams & Skinner, Inc. r64 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Uo. S-133 and at-334 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 12:05 dally K.S.L.M. 1390 Ke'elf 136 S. Commercial St. Tel, 3-9161 r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4A and 6 VOUB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages, CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-2288. r $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. I960 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 Lie. No. M369-4391 Fiord Kenyon, Mgr. 8 BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY MAKE TOO "THRIFTY IN 80" PAY OFF YOOB BILLS LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS US ft, LIBERTY PHONS 4-3301 r PRIVATE MONEY . Special Rates and Tern On Larger Loans Long and Short Time ' Payments ' ROY H. SrMMONDS 136 South Commercial St, Phone l-f 131 TRAILERS CUTE AS A BUGS EAR New 14-ft. Traveleete traUer house. 1984 State. t47 NEARLY NEW modern 37-ft. Trallway trailer nouse. nr orove Trailer court. Woodburn, Ore. t44 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen 456 Court Phong 1-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serv ice. Free estlates. Trade-ins accepted on new appliances. Vlnca'a Electric. Ph. 3-9239. 157 B. Liberty St. o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-3383, Might 2-1804. 333 Center. BUILDING CARPENTRY New and remodeling contractor. Real dentlal to commercial. W. B. Scbrunk. Ph. 3-4505. C48 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrview Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o63 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register. AU makes sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 3-8773. - o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc CaU 3-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Oil stove, furnace chimneys vacuuined cl'-ned. Easier. 771 S 21st Ph. 3-7176. (Continued on Page 17)