12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, February 20, 1950 Senators Sign McMillan . With the signing of Frank .."Buster" McMillan, announced Monday by Business Manager George Emigh, the Salem Sena- - tors now have 16 players con tracted for the 1950 Western In .temational league season. - McMillan, a resident of Port land, hit .310 when he played with the Senators in 1948 as .catcher and outfielder. Be is a left handed hitter. , Others who have signed con tracts are: Ken Courtin, right . handed pitcher; Marvin Diericks, outfielder, who goes to Port land's training camp; Bill Os born, pitcher; Bud Peterson, in fielder, in Portland camp; ..Wayne Peterson, second base- man; Everett Schrivner, infield- hampion Obliges 47th International ladies' skating competition over 16 com petitors at Davos, Switzerland. Baysinger Makes Navy Sound Hungry for Stars By HUGH FULLERTON, JR New York, Feb. 20 W The (ay who probably has the most secure Job in baseball is a resi dent of Willlamsport, Fa., not Versailles, Ky. . . . Carl Stots, commissioner of Little League baseball, has a ten-year con tract, paying better tban 10 G's a year, which can't be cancelled. ... Of course, if you've ever tried to keep peace among a bunch of ten-year-olds playing ball, you'll understand he bas one of the toughest Jobs, too, . . . The Cincinnati Reds' statis ticians reveal that right-handed Reds hit 23 homers off right handed pitchers last season and 19 off left handers, while the southpaw swingers hit 27 off rlghty flingers and only seven off the wrong-arm guys. . . . That may help explain what hap pened to Bucky Walters, who derided the old theory about witching hitters according to the pitching. Baysinger Up the Wrong Tree At a recent sports dinner in Newport News, Va., Ensign Reaves Baysinger, who helps coach Navy plebe football be sides teaching marine engineer ing, singled out a likely looking prospect among a group of high school athletes . . . Working the big young man off to one side, Reaves began: "I understand you're interested in the naval acaaemy." . . . The prospect looked bewildered. . . . "Isn't your name Jones?" asked Bay- finger. . . . "No, I'm Lou HoitsJ ma. freshman coach at William and Mary. Are you guys try ing to get Jones, too?" 1 IF YOUR CAR ACTS LIKE i A ducKlNG dnOfCQ 1...e sOR If 'S Tin ' U"" S.ND .iierti"-- I, i I FIRESTONE STORES Cantor and N. Liberty St. . Phono 2-2491 er; Harold Zurcher, outfielder; Ted Yeamans, lnfielder; Nick Muti, shortstop; Ken Wyatt, left handed pitcher; Vic Wiljeto, right handed pitcher; Walter Lord, right handed pitcher; Bill Beard, catcher; Bob Haddock, infielder; Dick Waibel, right handed pitcher. Gene Peterson, pitcher, has asked to be placed on the retire ment list. He expects to go into business in the McMinnville dis trict. Emigh reports he has hot as yet reached an agreement with Mel Wasley, home run hitting outfielder who lives at Grass Valley. Cal. Spring training will open at Corvallis, March 30. Jeanette Altwegg of England . shows one of the figures that won Sportspourrl Leo Durocher plans to make Blackie Dark field captain of the Giants to give him the ex tra confidence he needs. Yon can't say Leo isn't a smart manager. ... Marty Cran dell, Syracuse's NCAA heavy weight boxing champion, is having a rough season because he can't get anybody to spar with him. Marty already has lost to Army's Bill Kcllum and Penn State's Joe Drazenovich, and if it goes much farther he's liable to class boxing with football. As for football, Crandell says: "I bad three years of it in high school and almost got my brains knocked out Boxing isn't half as bad." . . . Brad Rowland, McMur ry college's little All America halfback, who writes poetry and plays the piano for amuse ment, has taken up a really tough assignment for the win ter. He's sports editor of the college paper. . . . Hope he gets the mall from all the publicity guys who want some player named for the little Ail America. Weak End Notes Sonny Boy West, the Washing ton lightweight, has the same birthday as Joe Louis (May 13) and is a great nephew of Jack Johnson. He can't fight like either. ... St. John's U. is aim ing for places in both the NCAA and invitation basketball tourna meiUs. . . . Plain Ben Jones, who can't helping seeing plenty of good looking gams about Miami says Coaltown has "the nicest and cleanest" legs he ever has seen On a race horse. . . . Still Coalio usually is listed under "Horses to wash." Hero's what w do Balance front wheels weights included. Inspect, dean and repack front wheel bearings. Check wheel alignment and toe-in. .4 95 FOR Only Grandstand Rebuilt t&SFTJ!Z race track, Inglewood, Calif., to replace the structure de stroyed by fire, In time for 19SS meeting (Acme Telephoto.) Photog Goes to All Games But Would Pay to See One Seattle, Feb. 21 JPl Our Mr. Paul Wagner advised ns today he'd pay 25 bucks Just to sit in the stands like a human next fall and watch a football game. This is a tempting offer but it isn't enough. We'll have to have Wagner down on the field run ning his legs off in pursuit of the athletes. He's the Associated Press pho tographer at Seattle. "So you're going to write about me?" Wagner said, putting on his its's-about-timc-some-body - noticed - Wagner-around-here look. "Say, listen, will ya? Tell those boxing fans to quit throwing beer bottles at me, huh? "A few years ago at the Steele-Hostak fight I was lean ing over the ring shooting pix when some Joker hit me In the back with a suds container. What d'ya mean, did I catch the guy? Hurt so much I did n't even notice what brand the beer was." Wagner has run the gamut in sports photography and the gal lop often left him winded. He's climbed step ladders, boathouse roofs, diving towers and moun tains. He s crawled under bench es, fences and regulations to give you a look at the ace in action. If there's anyone Wagner hasn't pictures the guy must be a no body. Joe Louis, Ben Hogan, Brenda Helser (Ah, There was a picture), Leon Hart, Alex Gro- Casey Stengel the list is endless. In the direct words of Wagner It ain't easy."- You get lined up for a picture of the touch down and the quarterback runs the play right over you. A tackle In the Alleys University Alleys CITY ASSOCIATION TOURNAMENT STANDING! Team Event 1. a Oldies 3683 3. S & N Clothiers 3370 J. Western Paper 38M 4. BurkUnd Lumber 3830 5. Sclo 2850 8. Pumlllte 2817 1. Salem Iron Worm 2805 0. Interstate Tare tor 2193 8. Aces Barber Shop 2787 10. Hois Bros 2785 11. National Buttery 2748 12. Momyers Chevron Station ..272B Doubles - 1. Knnth Purer ...1JOT 1. McCaltlster & LeTourneaux 1204 3. Barber A Kaneslcl 115S 4. Duncan A Kelly 1148 6. Morris s Pearl 1144 6. Reed & HUlerlch 1139 7. Conun & Hoflnter 1135 8. Wen or it Bavins ..1121 0. Lacey A Livingston ...1118 10. Rockwell A Main 1110 11. Ransom A Bolsar 1110 Sin tea i. Re en 3. Purdy 041 3. P. Eeeb 823 4. Pearl 610 5. KreJcl 018 8. Knuth 614 7. Benston 013 8. B. Carr 606 0. R. Hag en 593 10. S. Zb 591 11. D. Porter 590 12. E. Peterson S89 13. R. Parmer I8T Scratch Leaders Team: Gold lea of 811 vert on 3501 Doubles: McCalllster LeTourneaux 1013 Shinies: Bd. Pearl 553 All events scratch: KreJcl 1577 All events handicap: Knuth 1751 The DtlCO-HEAT Oil Burner gives yoo lfloro Hoat For Less wHh off rtosff cKtVortcoKi1 forturesf JtsfloVtsw (fa combines sA moving parts la s single cartridge type wait fat easy inspecrioo sod adiuscmenc 1 Thin-Mis fmU Cmttrwi gnstda iW supply. Meters oil controls pernors etuni nates wasted osl. BmHt-lm TurhmUmr can't got out of sdfvsc mem. "Bggbesccc" action completely atomizes fuel gives top combustion efficiency I Oil CsWittssisr of spcbaJlj woond cotton yam traps the tiniest Imparities only dean oil teaches the noule 1 D4U-H$t CesrWse W Cant keep tem perature withio 1 of desired heat. Added economy because fuel a used only when heat is needed 1 steps on your camera and a half back on your face. You want a shot of the cleanup man hitting a home run, so what happens? The pitcher walks the guy. "Take the time," shivered Wagner, "that 1 was doing a batch on steelhead fishing on the Filchuck river. I was wading in the Icy water tak ing shots of a fisherman fight ing a steelie two feet long. Suddenly I stepped in a hole and went clear out of sight, camera and all. You never saw a wetter Wagner." Paul is convinced that people who stage sporting events lay awake nights thinking up n e w rules to hamstring photograph ers. Don't take pictures of the finish it blinds the judges. Don't get closer than 15 feet to the field of play. Don't take flash pictures of girls in wet regula tion swim suits it makes em look undressed. "So," growls Paul, "what does the boss want? He says 'Get me a shot of the finish ... Go right out on the field for a closeup of the quarterback . . . get us a pic ture of that good looking babe from Pasadena climbing out of the pool. . . .' Girls are funny people. They fluff like turkey gobblers (watch it, Wagner you re mixing your sexes) when a camera is around I want 'em when they're swim ming or golfing or playing ten nis. They only want me when they have time to pose. "In any sport the winners never notice the camera. The losers are either preening or belly-aching. Golfers are the most easily bothered. Bob Hamilton got sore at one pho tographer because the guy was Wearing a white shirt (Ed's q ; I I Pail HaH WpHc L"" Hart, Notre Dame's All-Ameri- lcoii nan iiguj can end and his brl(le embrace ,t Turtle Creek, Fa., following their wedding at St. Colman'i Catholic church. She is Lois Newyahr, the big football player's high school sweetheart. (Acme Telephoto.) I . .... 1 SALEM HEATING & SHEET METAL CO l Slicker Playoff Pairings Slated The annual "Winter Slicker' sponsored by the Salem Men's club, and much delayed on ac count of snow, has now advanc-1 ed to its final stages. Champion-! ships in all divisions have been1 clubbed off at the Salem Golf club with one exception the American. This event has been handicapped by the Illness of Bill Goodwin who is paired with Leo Estey. Other divisional champions are: Texas Hunt and Graham; W.I.L. Hill and Allen; Nation al Ingram-Schafer; Coast Needham-Gwynn; Three I Al-ley-Miklia; Grays Hicks-Hay. Pairings for the playoffs are expected to be arranged this week. A record list of 391 indivi dual entries from 28 colleges is listed for competition in the 28th annual Michigan State Relays. note: Must have been a rich amateur photographer). Ham ilton swore the shirt distract ed him every time he tried to putt" Wagner never gets to see an entire ball game and that's whyl he made the $25 offer for a seat At a football or basketball af fair he starts firing with the op ening whistle. As soon as he has his camera crammed with ac tion he rushes to the office, While the fans are out there yelling themselves hoarse, Wag ner is rushing his pix through the "soup ' and out to the na tion's sports pages on the wire- photo network. His favorite sport. Wagner in sisted today, is football. Con fidentially, his preference is as1 changeable as the weather. Next fall, when halfbacks start land ing in his lap, our Paul will swear that nothing can beat the thrill of catching a ski jumper in his little black box. Fuel V tprff imuB s new Ddco-Hest OK Burner Is your present furnace or boiler and give yon a completely automatic heating system thee wul operate tt rodr-bottom cost I You 11 say goodbye so oM rmsbiooed, bscsV breaking hand Bring , , . sad yoalt get big? savings in time, money and labor I Remember, you're d&mUy sure with Delav Heat, For it's a General Motors product built by men with the "know-how" to build the best. And because we've bees bctory-trained by Ddco-Hcac we hove the "know-bow" to install it rifoV. You Installatioei can be made quickly sd essAy hi hue s few hours time. Come ta bow sod see the handsome Delco-Heat Od Burner and the entire line of Deko Het equipment. aw (Ratings threat raws et Pebntarr 18) 49 NaUanal Leaden Holy Cross 79.1 TJ.8 Notre Dams".! Niagara c.c.N.y. Toledo .. Syracuse , 71.1 in a Ohio 8Uto .. Bradley , 75.1 75.5 75.4 io.r La Salle ...... 70.0 69.5 69.4 69.4 68.7 6S.7 W.Ky. Stttl ., U.OXJL ..... 75.3 Colorado Duquesne Indiana ...... 75.0 Minnesota' , 14.6 Denver .. St.John's NY . 74.3 Illinois Kentucky .... 73.7 73.1 72 .9 73.9 73.7 72.4 73.3 72.1 71.5 71.3 71J West'mster, Pa. 68.7 Wisconsin ... nearest ..... Canlalua Iowa Cincinnati ... 6o. Call! California .... Michigan Wash. State .. Vanderbllt ... BowUns Ore'n. N.C. Stata VlUanova .... Kansas State St. Louis .... Belolt Long- Island . Kansas E Ky. state .. Missouri In each 1 Latins' below the team on the left has established Itself as the favorite by eomplllns a higher ratlifcr to date than Its opponent. For example, a 50.0 team has been 10 points stronger, par game, than s 40.0 team. - home team ' Prebabla Probable Winners Losers MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 East Amerle'n TJ, O.C.N.Y. Columbia Duquesne ., 50.4 vs Rand. Macon 32.S 70.6 vs Fordham .. 83.0 84.2 vs Brown 53.2 75.0 vs Indiana State 62.1 Laiayette . Maine ..... N.Brlfnflt. Niagara .., Upsola ... 65.4vsSeton Hall '56.1 "45.7 vs Colby 51.9 vs Hawaii 70.0 vs J. CarroU ... 41.4 vs Adelphl - Midwest 61.3 vs Case , 25.5 vs Indiana Teh. 75.7 VS St. Louis ... ,42.0 vs Taylor 35.7 vs Steubenvllle . 63.7 vs O. Adolpbus. 50.5 vs Albion 45.2 47.8 59.4 38.6 Akron 43.8 17.4 73.4 39.6 20.9 Assumption .. Bradley .... Canterbury . , Call forma. Pa Hamlin .... 41.1 Hope 33.5 HI. Wesley an. ' '4B.S vs IJL college .. 49.1 lows T'ehers .51.2 vs Mornlngsldo . J. Mllll kin .. 55.5VSW. HI. St. .. 45.3 55.3 59.3 55.7 68.5 69.6 30.7 48.4 74.0 59.7 39.5 37.0 39.5 67.1 39.3 47.8 45.9 38.5 Kansas 71.5 vs Drake 67.8 vs Mich. State . 69.4 vs Iowa 71.3 vs Nebraska ... 46.5 vs Midland .... Michigan Minnesota Missouri . Neb.wesl'n Northwestern 65.8 vs Marquette . Ohio State . -77.6 vs Indiana Oklahoma . . 67.0 va Iowa State .. 53.0 vs KlrksvlUe St. Sprinsfld St. Washington TJ 59.9 vs Wayne D. .. Wheaton ... 51.6 vs Lake Forest . Wisconsin .. 73.1 vs Purdue South Auburn 55.1 vs Florida Centenary ... "53. vs fl.W.La.Inst. . O. Washing ton 60.1 vs Virginia .... O'gla Tchra . 55.3 va Presbyterian. Hardin-Sim'g "Sl.B vs N.Mex.A&M . Howard .... 35.7 vs Oclethorpe .. L.8.U 55.4 vs Tennessee ., 46.8 21.8 55.2 49.8 41.7 41.4 37.0 34.2 45.9 56.6 63.5 Murray State "63.3 vsMemnhls SL. Stetson "41.8 vs Ersklne Tenn. Tech . 46.8 vs Llpscombe .. Union, Ky. 43.1 vs Ky.Wesl'n .. 67,7 vs Mld.Tenn.St.. 50.4 vs Clemson .... 59.3 vs Va. Tech. ... Far West 73. S vs Arizona 68.7 vsColo.A&M .. 64.9 vs Whltworth .. 67.3 vs Utah State . Vanderbllt , Wsl .... Wm.Uary Belolt Denver .... Montana ., 63.1 41.0 60.3 Wyoming TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 31 East 30.3 v s Hobart 41.4 vs Fredonla St. 64,2 va Harvard .... 56.5 vs Boston U. - .. 32.7 vs Yeshiva ..... 49.9 vs LeMoyne ..; 79.1 vs Boston Coll.. 39.4 vs Mansfield St. 75.5 vs Manhattan . Alfred Buffalo St. . Columbia ... Connecticut Ft. Schuyler. Hartwick ... Holy Cross .. Klnfs.Pa .. 36.9 7.5 55.4 41.9 27.3 45.3 57.3 31.7 60.0 38.8 25.2 33.0 Le. Salle Mt. St. M'rys "39.9 vs Catholic U. . Panzer 36.9 vsBloomfleld .. R.I. State ... 59.8 vs N.Hampshire St.JohnsNY . 74.3 vs New York U . 57.6 Siena "00.8 vs Iona 54.1 Slip'ry Boek. "416 ts Indiana. Pa . Swarthmore . 43.4 vs Drexet Syracuse ... 69.5 vs Cornell Trinity 44.S vs Wore. Poly .. 32.0 40.9 64.9 36.9 51.4 Waynesbnrc SI. 5 vs St.FrancPs. W.Maryl'nd . 36.9 vs Baltimore ... W'stnuterP.. 66.7 vs Thlel 35.2 38.9 27.9 Midwest August'na, HI.. "40 v s Carthage ... Ball state ... 57. v a Manchester. . 45.3 34.5 53.8 Bethany .... 45.6 Vs Hiram Butter 64.0vsW.Mlch Dick Dunkel't College Basketball Power Index EXPLANATION Tht Power Index provide! a direct eompartem tJ the -elntive strength of any two learns for this season U date. Thus, a fie team has been U seering points stran r than a 40.0 team on their comparative records, In vhieh scoria margin has been weighed against strength of opposition, 'this does not necessarily mean that a 5eJ team should defeat a 40.0 team by exactly 10 points in the nture. Teams rarely follow past performance that closely. Furthermore, the ratings are not adjusted for such fac tors as home court, injuries and Ineligibilities. The Dunk el system correlates records of all college teams and was started In 1929. . r , Central. Mo.. 51.3 ti Mo.Valley 415 49 .4 1 50.S 38.8 53 J 43J 50.3 34.1 37.7 17.4 49.0 35.0 33.4 44.5 64.3 41.3 39.X 51.5 53.3 36.7 35.6 29.6 24.5 Dayton .......63.4 va aflaml.O. De Pauw 31.7 vs Wabash Plpdlay . .., Ft. Hays at.. Franklin . . . 39.0 vs Wilmington . 61.7vgS'wst'n Kan 49.1 vs Canterbury . 5I.9vsInd. Cent. 49.0 vs Ashland .... 43.0 vs a. Williams . 55.3 vs Ind. Tech. .. 52.6 vs Warnsb'g St. 35.3 vs W'stm'steT.Mo 43.3 vs Wittenberg . 4S.8 vs Otterbeln ... 65.3 vs Wichita .... 45.1 Vs Oshkoah St. . Booth 39.3 vs WAlberty St., 59.4 vsRIc 69.0 vs Texas ...... 45.9 vs V.MJ. 34.4 vs Carson-N'w'n 40.3 vs Salem Hanover . .,, He delberc .. Ill.Tech Lawr. Tech., Maryvllle St. Mo.Mines ., O. Northern , O.Wesleyan , OJcla. A&M. Ripon ..... Alderson Arkansas ., Baylor Olemson ... E.Tenn.St. . Fairmont St. Florence St.. 37.0vsMlss. College. Hardln-SJms. 51 .9 vs Tex.West. . . Maryland ... 50.3 vs Richmond .. Mercer 46.8 vs Presbyterian. Mors Harv'y . 47.8 vs W.Va.Tech. , N.S. State . . 73.9 vs No. Caro. ... 45.0 43.5 38.5 39. 57.4 32.4 57.9 ' 55.9 38.5 61.3 41.1 63.3 Carolina. M7.8 vs Citadel T.C.U 'SS-Ovs Texas A&M , Wake Forest. 56.0 vs Duke Wm.&Mary 59 J vs Roanoke .... Far West 64.3 v a Pepperdlne . 55.5 vs Willamette .. 65.4 vs San Jose St.. Loyola. Cal.. Portland ... S.Frsnclsco . Golfers Swing To Houston as Burke Wins Rio Harllngen, Tex., Feb. 20 CP) Golf's tourists rolled on to Houston today for another $10, 000 open golf tournament with young Jack Burke, Jr., winner of the Rio Grande valley open, the little man of the hour. The boyish son of Houston's famed professional the late Jack Burke moves into the city that knows him best as second leading money-winner of the year. He laid down a six-under-par 65, featured by two eagles, on the 6.095-yard Harlingen municipal course yesterday to finish with a record-breaking 72-hole 264 and grab first mon ey of $2,000 in the $10,000 val ley open. Burke, who registers from White Plains, N. ., ran his total money winnings for the year to $4,940. Ahead of Burke in money- winnings is only Sam Snead of White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., with $7,558, Snead isn't play ing at Houston. He decided to skip both the Rio Grande valley and Houston opens. Jimmie Demaret of Ojai Calif., was second money-win ner last week, won only $196.66 here and fell to third place with a total of $4,778.66. Demaret had 272 for a tie for twelfth place. Burke's 264 was two strokes under the tournament record here, set by Henry Plcard in 1941. DON'T CHOOSE BLIND KEITH BROWN has "everything . to build anything all under one roof! When It comes to construction materials,' that says and saves a lot! But, you'll find it's true at that convenient KEITH BROWN location, Front and Court Streets, Salem. Right here, under one roof, are millwork, roofing, lumber, hard materials, floor cov erings, paints and all the other building ma terials you'll need for, your home from blue- . print to finished, move-in stage. When you build, take advantage, too, of . KEITH BROWN'S helpful, FREE Home Planning department. And don't forget there's a; budget plan available for buying all the materials you need, under one roof, at that "convenient location. ' ' LU u WEDNESDAY, PEBBUAKY tt Adetphl .... Albright .... American IT Arnold ..... 38. S vs Pace 3941 51.4 vs Moravian .... jj 50.4 vsW. Maryland .39 45.7 VS BrtdegpOTt .... J7J 37.5 vs Bowdoln 304 25.3 vs Drew n.a Bates Bloom field Blomiburg St. 45.0 vi Lock Haven St. U.S Brooklyn Poly 34 J vs Cooper Union 9 7 BuckneU ... 45.9 vsF M 2a.v Carnmrle Tech 48.0 vs Pittsburgh .... 47.0 Colgate 62.5 va Army ........51.5 Gettysburg 49.0 vs Dickinson .... 39.3 orove ciif 41.0 vs Clarion tn. .. 38.8 Haverford . 4S.6vsUrslnua 36.6 Hofstra 49.flvsKinpB point . 30.4 65.4 vi Lehigh ...... 37.1 44.6 vi Juniata 39. 34.7 vi J. Hopkins .. 30.1 47.5 vs Norwich .... 26.1 40.9 vs E. Itroudsburg 43.3 59.0 vs Trenton St. 30. 70.9 vs Rutgers u.s Laiayette ... Leb. Valley .. Loyola, Md. ., Millersyllle .. Montclalr St. Navy Niagara Newk. Rutgers 41.7 vi St. Bonaventure Nortneasiern wJ9.i vs rra.it 34.3 Oswego St. . Paterson St. 36 J vs M. I T. 314 39.3 vs Cortland St. . 34.3 65.6 va Newark Eng. . 33.4 48.8 va Oeorget'n, O. C. 61.4 Penn M. C enn State . R. I. Stats Rochester . . 63.6 vs Delaware .... 43.3 59.8 vs Temple ...... 03.1 48.0 vs Maine 46.T 46.3 as Allegheny .. 30.9 49.8 vs A. 1. C 35.4 66.1 vs St. Peter's ., 49.8 63.4 va Munlenberg .. 56.1 44.3 vs Coast Guard 38.S 00.5 vs Amherst .... 41 J 43.0 vsChmaplsin .. 38.9 73.9 vs Hawaii 47. 59.4 vs Hamilton .... 33.1 St. Anselm's . Sc rant on ... Seton Hall . Springfield . Trinity Tufts Vermont ... VI llano v ,. Wagner Weetm'iter.Pa. 68.7v Wayneaburg .. Mi Williams .... 47.4 vs Wesleysn .... 34.l Yale 68.ovs Princeton .... 64J Midwest Akron 1.3 ti Ohio TJ. 49.3 Culv. Stockton 44.9vsQulney 3S.8 Detroit 61.7 vs Wayne U. .... 37.. E. Illinois St. . 64.4 Vi 111. Normal 44.3 Kent State .. 68.0 viMt. Union .. 53.3 Knox ...... 43.7 vi Monmouth 36.3 Pittsburg St. "50.8 w Emporia St, . 50.S O. Wesleyan .. 4S.8 vi Dentson .... 40.4 St. Benedict . 44.6 vs Rockhurst ... 35.3 S. Illinois St. . 59.3 vi N. Illinois St. . 47.B Toledo 70.0 vi Bawling Green 07.5 Sooth Alabama ..... 60.4 vs Mississippi .. 50.4 Centenary ... 53.3 vs La. Tech .... 40.3 Davidson 47.5 vs Furman 41.5 Davis-Bikini .S4.5 vi w. Va. Wesley'n 4e.fl Pla. Southern 39.5 vs Wofford 36.0 Georgia Tech 58.0 vs Auburn SS.l OlenvUle St. 45.9ViW. Liberty St. 39.1 Texas St. .45.Svs8. W. Texas St. 45.4 Tampa 47.9 vs Florida 39.2 Tex. Wesleyan 45.4 vs Abil. Christian 39 J j 57.4 vsw. Virginia .. "54.1 W ft L 50.4 vs Richmond 434 Far West Arlrona .... 63.5vsN. Mexico .. N. Idaho St. . 39.7 vs Whitman . . . . 46.1 11.8 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY II East 3. N. Y. 70.6 vs Syracuse .... 69.B 75.0 vs Oenevs 48.5 Duquesne roronajB .. IonS LeMoyne .,, Long Island Manhattan , Paterson St. Queens . . . . Seton Hall Tufts Union ..... 63.0 vs Oeoregt'n, D. O. 61.4 5..1 re Lowell Tex .. 35.8 54.1 vs Hobart 38.B 73.3 vs Cincinnati ... 88 A oo.o vs Horstrs 49.8 3B.3 vs Becker 39.t 40.3 vs Ft. Schlyler . 33.7 59.1 vs Hawaii 47.8 50.8 vs Mossachus'tts Ht.t 44.0 vsR. P. L 43.1 Midwest Ball State .... 57.3 vs Canterbury .. 43J Capital S1.7vaKenyon 34.3 Crelgnton .... 84.8 vs Omaha ...... 16.8 Huntington . 33.0vi Bluff ton .... 36.4 ill. Tech .... 43.6 vs Aurora i 36.1 Muskingum . 48.8 vs Otterbeln .... 44.8 Okie. A to U .65.3 vs Tulsa 17,3 Okie. City .. 56.8 vs moorta St. 50.8 St. Louis .... 73.4 vi Notre Dame . 11.1 TheU 38.0 vs Kent, Canton 33.4 Soetli Emery M Henry 33.3 vs Concord St. .. 30.S Ersklne M1.7 vs Presbyterian . 38.8 a. Washington 00.1 va Qnentleo Mar 49.4 Hamp. Sydney 45.3 vs Rand. Macon 33Ji Kentucky .... T3.T vs Xavter, O. ... 88.7 Maryvllle ... 38.5 vs Carson-Newm'n 35.6 MUslsslppI .. -50.4 vs Miss. SUto .. 80.3 Mor's Harvey '47.8 vs Salem 39.6 Stetson 414vs Florida St. 41.7 OHIO Y ALLEY TOURNEY. Louisville, Ky.. Feb. 33-38 W. Ky. State, 75.4 Evansvtlle, 81.7 E. Ky State, 71J Morehead St S6.0 Murray State 83.3 Tenn. Tech., 46.6 Marshall 87.8 home team Copyright 1930, by R. C. Dtrakel 1085 BROADWAY V Dial 3-8555