Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1950, Page 9, Image 9

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    Salem Avalanche
There wasn't a man on Coach
Harold Hauk's basketball team
Saturday that didn't feel that he
had a share In boosting the Vik
tags Into the 1950 Big Six league
cage title.
And every player had. a good
reason to feel that way. Hauk
cleared the bench Friday night
In the clincher with the Spring
field Millers, but the second and
even third platoons poured It on
to win, 73-38.
The regulars Captain Dar
yl Girod, Larry Chamberlain,
Jim Rock, Layton Gilson and
Doug Rogers set the tbeme
of walkaway during the first
quarter when they blistered
the backboards for a 26-6
During that period, Girod
hooped five points, Chamber
lain three, Rock seven, Gilson
eight and Rogers three.
The other quarter scores told
about the same story, with dif
ferent names substituted for the
starting lineup. The halftlme
tally was 40-15 for the Viks and
the scoreboard read 57-25 at the
third period buzzer.
Viking Matmen
End Season With
Win Over Millers
Due to a cancellation with Mo
lalla matmen, Salem high
school's wrestling team closed
out their 1950 campaign Friday
by defeating the Springfield
Millers, 27-17, on the local mats.
Coach Hank Juran's crew, un
defeated in seven matches, will
enter the Big Six derby wrestling
tourney to be held at the Vik
Villa next ,week.
Following the Big Six tour
ney the Viks will tangle in the
dstrict to try for berths In the
state meet to be held at Oregon
State college next month.
Vic Schweitz, 145-pound state
champion from last year, was
elected 1950 wrestling captain
by his teammates after the
Springfield matches.
96 pound. Cooley (8) beat Denny (S)
by default. 104 MeQrady (8p) deo. Neu
Jeldt (8). 113 Blmmona (Sp) dec. Moore
(S, 121 Mathawa (Sp) deo. Hutchlnaon
(S). 128 Knupp (S) won by default. 134
Xublahto (8) dee. Wllllema (Sp). 139
Logan (8) and B. Brougher (Sp) drew.
14(1 Bchwelts (8) deo. J. Brougher (Sp).
185 Stepper (8) pinned Columbia (Sp).
365 Holllster (Sp) deo. Tellen (S). 175
Petereon (St deo. Zlolkowakt (Sp). Heavy
Patrick (Sp) deo. Snger (8).
By FRED ZIMMERMAN, Capitol Journal Sports Editor
A New Variation
In touching upon that notorious two minute rule in basketball,
Johnny Lewis of Willamette, during a talk before the Salem
Breakfast club this week spoke of some of the ideas that have
been directed toward the head of the Pacific Coast confer
ence. One suggestion was that the player who made a foul
would bo compelled to make the penalty shot himself. If he
made it, one point would be awarded the team offended against.
If he missed, the team would be rewarded with two points.
Personally, Lewis, hopes to see the
some workable substitution invented. And speaKing 01 iouis,
Lewis would have officials recognize the "deliberate foul" rule
n bit more. It has been in the rule book a long time but offi
cials seldom if ever recognize it. When one player deliberate
ly throws himself at another to take him out of the play, some
thing more stringent than a single foul shot surely should be
Attendance Pleases
Without resorting to competition with Coast conference
quints, Willamette has boosted attendance to its basketball
games many percentage points over previous years. The
Increased interest Is well deserved for Coach Johnny Lewis
and his Bearcats have provided some first class entertain
ment Unpredictable as the sophomores may be at times,
the very fact that the unexpected may happen and fre
quently does, adds spice to the program. Ever since tak
ing over the coaching chores at Willamette, Lewis has been
seeking a combination that could put on a fast break pro
gram. Ho has succeeded fairly well In this connection
this season, principally because his players are young and
have the desire. What he would like to have next year is
a big guy who would take some of the beating under the
backboards that his scorers now have to absorb. The fact
that the 'Cats have lost three games due to offensive fouls In
the last moments may be charged to inexperience.
Won't Be Long Now
Whether Slats Gill's Beavers
Northern division race depends pretty much on what happens
during their two game series with the Oregon Webfoots. The
two outfits get together at Corvallis the night of February
24 and then wind up their rivalry against each other In Mc
Arthur court the following evening. Even though the Beavers
played the best ball in recent
dals, the Gill men will face a webfoot quint that usually plays
its top game aganist Oregon State. The Beavers will wind up
the season in Seattle, March 3
Huskies. Washington and Washington State have a definite
edge at this time to take the northern division crown.
Scoring Honors
While Gene Conley was posting 174 points in 12 northern
division contests, Bill Sharman of U.S.C. continued to pace
the field In the south with his 138 markers. lie has a rather
phenomenal average of 23 points. Conley's mark Is 14.5.
Perhaps Sharman'a record wont stand out quite so prom
inently when the opposition has had an opportunity to get
more definite lead on his style. That Sharman has a
natural eye for the basket is shown in his work from the
foul line where he has made good 34 times In 38 attempts.
Conley's record in this connection is 56 for 73 for a .767
No De-Emphasis Here
Coutrary to belief held in some quarters, President G. Her
bert Smith of Willamette university is strong advocate of
athletics. Naturally he holds to the belief that most colleges
end universities operate for the purpose of educating vouns
men and women, but there wouldn't have been an investment of
$100,000 in an athletic field and
lieve that athletics had a prominent place in campus life.
Institutions that cannot fall back on the taxpayers for financial
assistance must work out their own problems in this connection.
Scholarships are available for
me saKe oi "stack btackhouse
yuung men can matis we grant.
on Miller Win
The Millers were complete
ly outmanned by the Vikings.
They brought a string of only
eight men for the game and
were unable to field any com
bination which measured up to
the Salem platoons in height.
The one-sided game was play
ed before a full house. Although
the fans lost interest in the un
even match, the Vikings worked
them up to cheering form when
the score mounted to the high
To Gordon Sloan went the
honor of pushing the team to the
70-point mark. A free throw by
Sloan was the last point of the
game. .
Two more contests still re
main on the Salem schedule
before the district tourney gets
under way. The last home
game of the season will be
played in Salem Tuesday
night with Lebanon, a team
which toppled the Viks in one
Mill City Cagers Chalk
609 Points in Season
Mill City The Mill City high
Timberwolves scored 609 points
during the Marion County B
league season which came to a
close recently with a 24-23 win
over Aumsville. With the win
went the championship of the
southern division of the circuit.
Mill City and Gervais, the lat
ter northern division pennant
winners, open a best two out of
Wood burn Surge
Fails by Point
Woodburn The Woodburn
Bulldogs outscored the opposi
tion during the second half of
Friday night's W.V.L. tilt, but
fell short by a single point of
pulling up even. Molalla won,
The 'Dogs trailed 17-10 at the
The Woodburn Bees lost the
preliminary, 32-18.
Woodburn (83) (84) Molalla
D. Beaton 13 F 6 Owens
Pavllcelc 3 F 5 Jenson
Undseth 8 C 3 Klelnsmlth
Vandehey 1 0 13 Norton
Hurlas o 7 Coleman
subs: Woodburn Henderson 4, Bolleque
3, Odgers 3. Molalla Allison 3.
two minute rule tossed out or
remain as a contender in the
weeks in beating the Idaho Van
and 4 in a pair of tilts with the
more to come if he did not be
those who can qualify and for
wi hope a number of strapping
Rolls to
of Its four defeats of the sea
son. . . The finale is a Big Six con
test at Bend Friday.
Loren Mort's Jayvees crushed
the Miller Bees with a 56-32
Springfield (38)
(78) Salem
i g ft pf tp
ig II pi tp
4 Rock.f
2 14 Rogers;! 3 3
1 3 Gilson.c 4 0
4 2 chmbln.f 1 1
1 4 Girod. a- 4 1
3 2 Baggett.a 5 2
1 0 Paulus.s 3 1
0 12
8 Deen.s 3 0
Walling,. 0 0
Davls.s 1 1
Norton.a 1 0
Sloan.a 1 1
McKcnzle.s 1 1
Garver.a 0 1
12 14 15 38 Totals 20 16 18 73
f ree throws missed: Springfield .6, Sa
lem 8. Officials: Emlgh and Llghtner.
Springfield (32)
(56) Salem
Jenkins 4
Corthy 7
...F ,
... 2 Jones
, 10 Conder
11 Scheeler
... 9 Hasel
smiley 7
McClusky 2 ...
Hull 9 0
Reserves scoring: Springfield
1, Bour 2: Salem Bauer 3,
Merchant 3, Harp 1, Buschke
Halrtime score: Salem 36-17,
Warren and Pointer.
12 Hauuen
1, Miller 2.
three series in Salem Saturday
for the league title.
The Timberwolves include
four seniors Lawrence Thorn-
ley, Ollie Muise, Lawrence and
Leo Poole, and one sophomore,
Bob Baltimore.
Muise took scoring honors with
his 234 points in 17 games.
OlllB 'Muise 17 99 36
Law. Poole 16 46 26
Leo Poole 17 46 19
Law. Thornley 17 29 10
Bob Baltimore 17 19 5
Verl Moberg 16 8 4
E. Podrabsky 4 4 0
Thad Roberts 6 11
L. Podrabsky 4 0 0
Dennis Marttala 1 0 0
Junior High Loop
Deadlocked Again
Blues, Greys Win
Salem's junior high loop cir
cuit remained in a deadlock Fri
day night as the league leaders,
Leslie Blues and Parrish Greys,
each notched a game in the win
W L Pet.
Parrlah Oreyi 5 1 .933
Leslie Blues ft 1 ,833
Parrish Pioneers 3 3 .500
Parish Cards 3 3 .500
West fialem 3 4 ,333!
Leslie Golds 0 6 .000
Harry Mohr's Leslie Blues ov
ercame the light end of the score
to eke out a close, 28-23, win
over the Parrish Cards in a tilt
held on the Leslie court.
Hank Lanis' Greys had no
trouble In drubbing the Parrish
Pioneers to the tune of 27-8 on
the Parrish boards at 4 o'clock.
' In a cellar-dwellers game Fri
day afternon at West Salem, Bill
Hanauska's Giants toppled the
winless Leslie Golds 45-41.
Only four more rounds of loop
action remain on the juniors'
Golds (41) (45) West Salem
R. Puhlman S P 6 Mccormick
Helgerson P 7 Flesher
Clark 8 C Hoke
Terry 4 0 4 Bayer
Cobb 10 o Branson
Reserves scdrlng: Golds Pulston 9,
Springer 3, Quamme 4; West Salem Cur
tis 1, Clemens 17. Halftlme score: West
Salem 33, Golds 3. Officials: Warren and
Greya mi
Johnson 1 P....
(R) Pioneers
... 3 Pearce
.... 3 Herra
.... Knlttle
Hoyeas l p ,
Htebert S c
Burke 10 o
Jantie 8
.. Trlplett
Reserves inorins: Orr-va rnntillrt l
Halftlme score: Greys 10, Pioneers 6. Of-
ncii.ii. neison ana rouuer.
Cards (23) mi Blues
Bishop 3 P 4 Mapes
Joy 10 p.,., 13 Myers
Williamson 10 C..,.. 3 Hunt
Cum minus 6 Mlnlfle
Miller 1 a 10 Puhlman
Halftlme score: Cards 13, Blues 7, Offi
cials: Blaslc and Conner.
Silverton Trims
Sandy by 67-50
Silverton The Silverton
Foxes downed the Sandy Pio
neers Friday night 67 to 50 to
grab off their fifth victory in
Willamette Valley league com
petition. Gary Gustnfson ac
counted for 21 of the winner's
The Foxes built up a 37-20
first half lead and had no diffi
culty in protecting It thereafter.
The preliminary went to the
Silverton Bees, 35-33.
Sltrerlon (6?) (80) Sandy
Mccreary 1 P n Barlow
ustafson 11 P... Prederlckson
Cooper IT c 4 Rannow
Kolln Q 17 Cavvey
Burr 11 o 8 H. Canaler
Bubs: Silverton Kirk 6. Douglas 3.
Sandy Lekberg 4, W. Cansler 5. Mln-
yara a.
University Alleys
Thrlftwar Cleaners (0) Crcasr BOB.
Parley 6.H. Shultie 470, Hart 443, Delanry
491; Illthtand Market t Owens 679,1
Mabry SOU, Causey 674, Johnson 549,
Lindsay 489.
Salem Llfhtlnr Appliance (it Doerf
ler 430. Erlckson 451, Bolton (35, DeBow
510, Meier 478; Stratton Plnmblnr
Stratton 457, Olney 433, Pearl 494, Haugen
it, Bacon vd.
Salem Hardware (l Thed 558. Oarrl-
son 454, Lemon 544, West 683, Page 588;
Mayflower Milk (51 Meyer 533, Straw
514, Olson 516, Bud Straw 586, Maoabee
Trallwari () McNall 843. Curtis 400.
Cross 483, Lanvhoff S38, Rrlnhard 545;
Rlnslands (It Brnden 587, Scott 537,
Biiadi 474, Pcajs 477, Clark 477,
Universal Pump (3) Stealer 464, Gard
ner 939, Owen 509, Valdes 533, Ben Val
dea 530: Noble's Tavern M) Nan ley 643.
Butte 615, Janetskl 461, Whlttemors 453,
McMullen 558.
Litis rierlit 4 Kltimllier 495, Uptton
579, Luts 443, Comstock 611, Riches 564;
Good Iloiiekeeplnr (0) Simons 443, Jones
419, Cady 469. Irons 633. Olney. 8r. 453.
Universal Pump (3 Stettler 464, Oard
Hiih Individual fame: Johnson. 336.
HIsh Individual series: Pate, 380. Hlih
tiam aeries; Majllower Milk. 3695. ,
ii In 'mm iswsii r m i mum r j iti 'ihIi'm iii mhi "i '" r ii'i ' i ii-Tt i isi i mmtmmnmm mtntA
Pep Help
Although Jefferson high got
beaten in their game with
Aumsville last night, the cheering
Gervais, Mill City Await
B Go; Saints, Rangers Win
In a colorful Marion county B
league basketball tournament
Friday night, involving the six
teams which finished in the cov
eted spots in the Marion B league
season, Father Mai's Sublimity
Saints won a 42-20 verdict over
Bill Paterson's pack of Chemawa
Indians. .The Aumsville's Rang
ers toppled Jefferson high to the
tune of 39-25 in a thrill-packed
Mill City and Gervais, top
teams in the south and northern
divisions, rested Friday and are
slated to go into action Saturday
night as the main event of the
three games to be played,
Jefferson and Chemawa pair
off at 7 o'clock to see which
team will be eliminated in the
double elimination affair,
In the second game first round
winners, Aumsville and Sublim
ity, will settle their dispute.
Sublimity led all the way
through their contest as the
Saints held a 17-11 half time
Commission Adds
To Dog Days as
Pony Oval Closes
Portland, Feb. 18 VP) Be
cause no horse racing appears
in prospect, the dog-racing sea
son in Portland will be exten
ded 10 days.
So decided the state racing
commission yesterday, granting
the dog racers a 60-day season.
The horse race track, Portland
Meadows, recently was involved
in a mortgage foreclosure suit.
Frank R. Menne, racing com
mission chairman, said a 40-day
horse racing season would be
granted later if a qualified group
Northwest Loopers Vie
For Runner-Up Rating
(By the Associated Press)
The battle for the runner-up
spot in the northwest conference
basketball chase was still in the
no-decision stage today as Lewis
and Clark remained hot on the
heels of College of Idaho.
The L. and C. defending co-
champions took last place Lin
field into camp at McMinnvillc
last night, 59-56. but had to
stave off a whirlwind rally to
turn the trick.
Trailing 52-44 with four
minutes to go, Linfield closed
fast but could not overcome
Lewis and Clark's lead before
time ran out. Bill Anderson of
the losers took game honors
with 14 points. Ed Reed was
high for Lewis and Clark with
At Caldwell, the College of
Idaho Coyotes raced to a 6B-51
win over the Whitman Mis 'on-
anes, who never threatened af
ter the first two minutes of the
game. The Coyotes broke an 11-
Duck Pin
Owon Ttl.phon. Union (4) Tom
Batchttder 378, Bud Trlbble J73, Howard
Dot. 394, Don Rollofson 301, Bus Sawyer
339. W. C. Dm lnivjranea (0) P. Hicks
391, Clarion Dr.r 366. W. Phillips 331, w.
PtilUlps 331, ClfO Hlckl 391, BUI Dm 363.
Stat. Tlr. Scrrto. (41 Rodney Petty
447, Mahlon Pentra 463, JarvU . M. 336,
Warren Taylor 304, D. Morey 336. Bone
steela's (01 Ralph Duniey 437, Ken
neth Vauthn 334, Harold Btlea 391. Vern
McKe. 380, Cletus Boedtfhetmer 406.
llnl.aa Cleaner. (4) J. R. Brooks 453,
Howard Branch 378, Oiorae Shelly 409,
Wally Doss 390, Harvey Aleaander 434.
Dr. Pepper (0) Don Schur 399, Marvin
Hsrksen 339, Bob Lorens 403, Bill Bar
row. 364, Chuck Rennl. 369.
Bin. lake Producers (01 Russell Zlnk
480. Curly Schell 3B0, Paul Fuhrer 43. Jim
Wenter 466, BUI Moor. 333. Ramaae's (4)
Carroll Harlow 376. Geora. stelner 415
Chuck Collins 441, Curly Monntr 379, Cal
Chamber. 303.
Hlfh team aerie, and tarn.: Ramaae's.
3143 and 763. Hlih Individual series: Bui
Sawyer, 639 (Ore. Tele.). Hl,h Individual
am.: Jim Werner (Blu. Lak.) 190.
MjTrT yiTTTTTrHri.
section had
score. At the third period
stop the St. Boniface boys still
held the heavy end of a 23-17
score. In the final period the
Chemeketa Redskins were un
able to score but three points.
The rebound work was domi
nated by Sublimity.
Clement Lulay paced the vic
torious Saints due to the 14 coun
ters racked up.
The Rangers quint held a lop
sided 21-9 half time score.
Following Saturday night's
action at Willamette the B league
tourney teams will rest until
next Wednesday when the tour
nament is slated to go into the
third round.
Chemawa (20)
Matt T
Helsrnnn 1 F
Plummer 3 C
Wells 5 0
Ironplpe 1 o
(48) Sublimity
,.,! 6 Meier
4 Kintz
,.. 3 R. Chrlstnsn
... 3 A. Chrlstnsn
5 Bradley
Chemawa Satanus
Reserves scoring:
7. Belaard 7, antllal 1; Sublimity E. Hlah-
Notre Dame Grid
Star Is Married
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18 (U.B Leon
Hart, Notre Dame's AU-Ameri-can
grid star, and his bride, the
former Lois B. Newyahr, were
on their honeymoon today.
They left on a short honey
moon trip last night following
their wedding in the rectory of
St. Colman's Roman Catholic
church at Turtle Creek, Pa., and
a reception at the Edgewood
country club.
The bride has been employed
as research librarian with West
inghouse Electric Corp. She met
Hart while both were attending
Turtle Creek high school five
years ago. Both are 21.
Last night's ceremony was
performed by Rev. John P.
Shields, pastor of St. Colman's.
11 tie at that point and breezed
the rest of the way. Bill Green,
Whitman forward was the top
point-getter with 16, followed
by Lloyd Neville of C. of I with
Willamette will play Pacific
at Forest Grove Saturday
Woodburn Kahut
oses Split Nod
To Californian
Portland, Feb. 18 (P Joltin'
Joe Kahut, the fighting farmer
from woodburn, Ore., lost the
jar in his jolts last night as he
dropped a split decision to
Rusty Payne, San Diego, Calif.
in the 10-round main event of a
fight card. One judge saw it as
a draw, the second judge and the
referee gave the nod to Payne.
There were no knockdowns. Ka
hut, at 189, had an eight pound
weight advantage.
Preliminary results included:
Chuck Lyons, 159, Portland,
scored a third round TKO over
Dave Ball, 157, Bakersfield, Cal.;
Joey Ortega, 132, Portland, out
pointed Buddy Gilman, 130.
Seattle (6), and Jose Ochea,
191, Boise, Idaho, kayoed Tom
my De Mers, 183, Sandpoint,
Idaho, in the second round.
Everyone Knows Only
Caterized Oil Leaves
35622 or 35606
Salem's Exelaalra Catertsed OU Dealer
Howard J. Smalley
Oil Co. 1405 Broadway
"i ' ajiwisa; i. asM.
plenty of pep. Shown helping leadei Shir
ley Higgens is junior leader Vicky Reed,
four years old, daughter of Don Reed, Jef
ferson coach.
Aamivllle (St) ..
., . (35) Jefferson
,-. 5 Porter
3 Cameron
2 Ramaeyer
4 Marlatt
Jefferson Brown 2.
Dar. Dalke 1
Russell 13
Worley 4
Cox 4
Del. Dalke 7 ....
Reserves scorlna
Wattenbarser i; Aumsville
Officials Williams and Howell.
Page 10
Estacada Throws WV Loop
Into Title Race on Upset
Estacada The Estacada Ran
gers threw the championship of
the Willamette Valley league in
to the doubt column Friday
night when they came through
with something of an upset win
over the Mt. Angel Preps, 36 to
Had Mt. Angel taken the
event, they would have been un
disputed titlists. As it stands
now the outcome depends upon
the make up game between the
Preps and Sandy, slated for
Sandy and other contests snow
ed out in January.
Estacada faced a 16-15 defi-
Amity Hi Cagers
Defeat Dayton
Amity Paced by Norm New-
mans 15 points, Amity nigh
scored a 34-28 cage triumph ov
er Dayton Union high Friday
Amllr (34) (38) Davlon
Chase 4 F 3 Bell
Williams 8 F 5 Mathews
Newman 15 C 3 Sherman
Kelson 6 0 7 J. Allen
Taylor 1 a.... 8 Manning
suos: uayton ruinam z v. Alien .
Enjoy added home comfort ond beauty throughout the year by getting after
those necessary repairs before they grow larger, more costly. Fix-up broken
windows, steps . . . renew cracked walls and ceilings . . . refloor, repaint.
You'll find our materials unbeatable; our advice INVALUABLE. Talk with
our friendly experts today!
Stat St., Four Corners
Idle Bevos Climb; Idaho f
Shoves Ducks in Cellar
(By th. Associated Pressl
The largest crowd of the sea
son 12,000 partisan fans saw
the Washington State college
Cougars increase their Northern
division Pacific Coast conference
basketball lead to a game and a
half last night.
The Cougars went in front
early at 5-4, stretched their
margin as high as 14 points a
few times, sagged at the three-
quarter mark, then rallied to
score a 54-46 victory over the
University of Washington Hus
kies in Seattle.
Idle Oregon State college
moved into second place ahead
of the once dominant Huskies
who must come back against
the Cougars t o n i g h t or kiss
their title hopes goodbye.
In the division's other contest,
the pesky University of Idaho
Vandals shoved the University
of Oregon Ducks into the cellar
with a 53-47 decision on the
Ducks' own floor at Eugene.
The division-leading Cougars
owed most of their success to
veteran Ed Gayda and sopho
more beanpole Gene Conley.
Gayda rallied his youngei for
ces in the second half when a
Washington onslaught was
threatening. Six-foot, eight-inch
Conley controlled the back
boards and popped in 15 points,
several of them after Gayda
pulled the squad together in the
final minutes. Gayda scored 12
At Eugene, Idaho, led most
of the contest, but got a late
second-half scare before the
two-minute rule assisted in
putting a wingclip on the
The merry Vandals had rolled
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, February 18, 1950
cit when the two quints took
the floor after the intermis
sion Friday night and trailed
26 to 23 at the start of the
fourth period.
Mt. Angel now has a full game
and a half lead over Dallas and
Molalla, tied for second place.
Estacada took the preliminary,
Estacada (88)
Nicholson 7 .
Frlckey 7 . . ,
Klgglns 10 ,
(81) HI. Angel
,F , 1 Beyer
.F 6 Ebner
.C 10 Wellman
.a. ........ 4 Peyseno
.0 0 Donley
Fall 4
Subs: Estacada Richardson; Mt. Angel
Bochsler 2.
Lebanon Takes
District Clash
From Toledo 5f
Lebanon The Lebanon War
riors topped Toledo, 45-28 Fri
day night as the two teams
clashed in a district cage game,
Lebanon was ahead 19-17 at the
Lebanon (45) (28) ToleSe
Spolllg 10 F 2 Mabe
Hlnman 11 ,..F 1 Bogert
Holztuss 14 C 12 Keller
Baker 5 a 2 White
Beck 4 0 0 Myers
to a 27-18 halftime lead. Then
the Webfoots ranged in on tie
target, and managed to tie it up
at 40-all with nine minutes left.
Bob Pritchett, Idaho forward
who led the Vandals with ,15
points, southpawed one from
outside the key to start Idaho
toward a 48-43. lead going into
the last 3 M minutes.
Oregon's guard Jack Keller
bagged three points to narrow it
to 48-48, then missed a free
throw in the last two minutes
and Oregon lost the ball. Idaho
kept possession and flipped 'in
five straight foul shots.
Oregon's Will Urban topped
the scorers with 16 counters.
The same teams play out their
series tonight at Seattle and Eu
gene. The Idaho-Oregon box:
Idaho (53)
(13) Oreafln
If It pi tp
IK It PI tp
Prltchett.f 6 3 3 15 Sowercf
Reed.I 3 15 1 urban.I
Wheeler.o 0 2 3 3 Amacher.o
Oelsler.a 3 15 7 Krause.g
Jenklns.z 3 4 2 10 Keller,.
5 S (16
13 3.
4 0 11
3 4 a
2 115
0 0 0 0
10 12
110 3
0 10 1
0 0 10
Stallwrth.o 113 3 Warhera.t
Barker,c-I 3 0 3 4 aireeier.c
Irons,. 3 13 5 Vranlzan,o
MUlard.I 0 0 0 0 Lavey,f
Neeley, f
Total. 20 13 35 53 Totals
16 15 17 47
Halltlme: Idaho 37, Oreaon 18. rre.
throw. mlAsed: Idaho Reed, wheeler,
Oelsler 2, MiUard; Ore.on Sowers, Ur
ban. Amacher 2, Keller 2, wariw:
Laver. streeter 2.
Wiliamina 56, Sheridan 31
Willamina Wiliamina high
defeated Sheridan, 56-31 in . a
Yamhill county league mix Fri
day night. Wiliamina led at the
half, 32-13 and won the prelimi
nary, 46-31.
Sheridan (81)
Oslevle 7 F
Marrs F
Slover 3 O
Ehnes 10 0
Shott 5 0....
Subs: Sheridan Shaw
Wiliamina Ellis 6, Bice 3,
(M) Wiliamina
11 Zetterbers
... 4 Houthorn
... B Nokleby
. .. 11 Peterson
10 H. Helgerson
5, Hlbbert 2;
D. Helgerson 2.
By Walt Ditien
Dial 3-3131
or see us at
889 N. Liberty
Dial 3-8513