Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Feb. 18, 1950 9 RADIO PROGRAMS ON TO OREGON I vfi i rw nFF o- w-WMAT ArxATViPvrvTrnaJaPWMMWgM1 u 2T g apcxtt -tufv UMMAinmn 1 is rrr-is something w?otWEYES open now! JHfm avlli IV I I mr. roper- if I evr complain agn, S WITH THE BABIES f T r -CMON.' YELLOW 3sw ssJWiI Il4l I K-KJCK MC SO HARD MY SHJRT ROLLS J J mp 2 MY BACK UKEOD The Way West SATURDAY P. M. By A. B. GUTHRIE, JR. SYNOPSIS: The On-to-Orenon Outfit is already on the trail. Thev have crossed the Kaw. and (Indians have tried to stampede (the cattle. Mack, angry with his ieool wife Amanda, is taking out this rage by riding oft into the dark to try to snoot Indians I against the advice of the old Sacout Dick Summers, leader of Rhe party). Meanwhile Llje, Re- joecca ana jsrowme cvans, wmie Kruh McBee. Tadlock and the (others realize that they are really in Indian country. It is spring, (1845. Now go on with the story Chapter 6 Mack reined his horse out from lie water and walked him clear f the trees and struck west, lid jjiK hard in the direction he re hembered the cattle had taken. I Nothing happened. The Oreatl iipper wneeiea in tne Buy ana a gar dropped and wolves howled and re horse stumbled. K' was far out when, faint as cmething imagined, he heard rifle Ire downstream, from the direction if camp. He pulled his horse up, llanr. leaping in him, thirii'ig. be cre he had time to regulate his tioughts, of Indians and the camp (hd Amanda without him to pro ject her: and then it occurred to lira that it must be four o'clock uvuf the sentinels would be firing to touse the camp lor the oays jour ley. He kicked his horse into a lope. (,He was close enough to bear the icho of voices, sounding thin In the Jolll of morning, when he saw ihe Indian in the tree. At first he took him for a big coon, or maybe a bear, and then, coming closer, he made out the shaved head with its comb of hair and the blanket gather ed around the shoulders. From nis vantage point above the lower xowth the Indian was watching the camp. Ke was noiaing to rus percn and watching. -Mack dismounted and tied his horse and walked ahead, stepping oft. 'nun nrHl KIaajI ft1M1no in nun ana nis lungs worKing, ne couldn't miss not if he fired. There was the barrel lifting and the sights lining up ana the linger waiting on the trigger. The Indian turned, nis sharp lace composed but watchful, and his eyes ran over the back country. Mack saw them nearing, saw them widen and fix in the shocked Instant of finding him. 4 The Indian dropped as the rule cracked. AiMack ran up. The Indian was dead all right, dead as a doornail. A louse worked in the tuft of hair, and a small breeze fanned it. Watching, Mack felt fatigue drag ging at him, felt loneliness and regret creeping on him and bear ing him down. Now, unaccountably, be wanted to talk to Amanda. i ... SThe Kaw lay behind them, the Wakarusa and the Kaw each stand ing out in memory as tne train wormed up and down the hills and aldewise through the trees, each costing something time and sweat and breatn, a DroKen tongue or piece , oi rmrness. MS TNebecca said "Haw" to the oxen ttipout her neck. She was walking at the side of the wagon, being so tired and sore she didn't want to ride, If a person had flesh on her. she got stitches and aches OH .from the jolting and spo ts on the flesh sore to the touch. Ahead of her Idle turned and rniea ana turnea oacs: again to hl team, tucking his chin into the breeze that made a mourning sound along the canvas of the wagons. Bock moved along behind him. That was the way with that dog. Most Stne time ne louoweo uje or ownle as if on a lead rope. 5,-iEverything was going as well as vwoay couia nope, -ixiey were mail ing fair time, even Dick Summers aid. and they hadn't had any trou ble to speak of. Just the stampede was ail, ana tne xnaian juacK naa hot for some reason, and later OIL the Kaws that - came to call bout the shooting and had got Booed off by Tadlock. The men hid found the cattle, all but one. Dick didn't lay the stampede to Ofdians, except that maybe the fitters were spooky from the smell Hi them there along the Kaw. A Heen animal, he said, always scared Indian scent. nWUOW HCpi, UC1 CJTG WUV WH ttie and Brownie. Ind for Dick jammers, too, tnougn ne was most- out of sight, scouting lor in. ns or deciding the way or hunt' . He kept tne pot iuii. At iirst, e to tne settlements, ne naa e in with ducks and snipe and eens, but now he hunted bigger ne. Last night he brought back n turkeys and a strange thing it ne cauea a wna goat out ouiers d it was an antelope. He kept pots lull, tneir pot ana urouier atherby's too. lost ox tne time .Brownie was k with the cows. She saw him tetimes when the train was 'mbinor a rise and waved at him. d he would give iust a little wave Ick. being a bov vet and bashful lout showing his feelings. wagons at the tall had to near sight of dust, and so it was they tided places day by day. the back les hoving up and the fore ones jmlng back. une wma tnat Diew was not liae winds of home. It was steadier ad more devilish. DOM AND BOARD She knew herself for a strong- enough woman, but now she needed her husband's strength. "You think things will be all right, sure enough, Line?" "SUcker'n grease, honey," he said,! using the rare name for her as if I he understood her need. "Don't I vou fret vourself." She heard sounds behind her and I turned and saw Tadlock coming on a horse. He spoke while he was! two jumps away, "wen corral." 'All right," use answered. 'High and mighty, ain't he?" I asked Rebecca. "Yep." Lile spoke without heat. weighing things in his mind. "Long-I er he's captain the mightier he gets. He's got his p'lnts, though. He tries hard. It ain'i an easy place, with some wantin' to hurry and some to hold back and some scared of Indians and some sorry they set out and some just naturally orn ery. "iie won t last tne trip, uje." ... "Time we get to the Platte, we can i figure we've made a start," Dick! Summers said. Evans soulnted ahead, searching i for the hills that people spoke oil as the coasts of Nebraska. "It's the! ony trip I ever made that it took the best part of a month to get! started on," he said. paten rode along with nun and Dick. Patch and Daughertv and I Martin. Together they were scout ing lor Indians and picking out the I way for the wagons that followed alter, dick carried a rag rag with him and sometimes tore pieces from It and posted little flags across breaks and washes to show the lead teamster where to head. Evans turned In his saddle. Back of them, maybe a mile down the gradual slope they had climbed, he could see the wagon train winding, the gray-wnlte train squirming In I Its haze of dust. I Evans could see his own wagons. I he thought, and a figure by one I of them that he took for Rebecca.! Brownie must be Inside the second I wagon, riding. He knew, with a lit tle welling of secret pride, that Re becca would be searching ahead for him, wanting him to be all right, I just as ne was searcmng pack lor l ner. i This was one dav. he thought. when Brownie wouldn't have to breathe so much dust. Mack had talked Shields into helping him once in a while, and today Shields was oacK witn tne cows. Evans never thought of Mack but he thought of the night of the s tarn-1 oede and the Indian Mack and shot. The shooting seemed like a cruel and useless thing from what he could make out of it, though some of the men laughed and said tne Indian got a case of falling! sickness. I Dick picked out the nooning place. The wagons rolled in by and by, pulling up in columns four abreast as thev did at noon, and the oxen were unloosened but not unyoked, and the women got busy! witn tne victuals. Before the wagons started. Ev ans had climbed his horse, going to loin witn dick ana ratcn ana tne other outfitters, rock had got up, I slow nut autuui. and followed nun. They rode without talking very mucn. Later Dick standing in his stir rups said, "There's the coast, I'm tninung." What Evans saw looked like a range of high broken hills, stand ing sharp and blue against the northwest sky. As they drew closer, weaving among a long set of badger holes, tne hills shrank, until at last they were lust piles of sand forty to sixty feet high, blown up by the I wind and held together by cactus and thistle and, Evans saw as he rode into them, by fine grasses that his horse kept tugging for. A pow derlike salt patched the ground witn wnite. Evans had heard about the Platte. He had pictured it in his mind. He I t nought he knew what he was go ing to see, but now that his horse stood on the summit, he couldn't believe. He couldn't believe that flat could be so flat or that distance ran so far or that the sky lifted so dizzy-deep or that the world stood so empty. He saw old Rock chase a badger into a hole, saw a bunch of antelope drifting,saw the river sluiced and the woods rising or its islands and the sand In a great gray waste, but it was some thing he couldn't put a name to I that held him. He thought he never had seen the world before. He nev- er had known distance until now. He had lived shut off by trees and hills and had thought the world! was a doll's world and distance just three nouers awav and tne skv no higher than a rifle shot. iie said, "By uoa, Dick: By aoar and dick noaaea, knowing now it was with him, and silence stronger than any sound closed In on the words as if he had broken the rules by speaking. (To be continued) Club Board Meets Amity Mrs. A. W. Newby and Mrs. H. W. Torbet attended an executive board meeting of the Yamhill county Federation of Women's Clubs, at the home of Mrs. L. R. Alderman at Day ton. Mrs. Alderman served a luncheon. Bv Gene Ahern W I VALUE BROTHER. Ifjf? Y'KNOW WHATS IN THIS BOX? 1 ? PINKYS JUDGMENT, -.W 'MORTON' DA MOUSE I : AND HE'S PROBABLY '.?3 I WAS OUT IN DA COUNTRY V RIGHT IN SAYING MY '. 'A VISITIN' A FRIEND WHO OWNS : IDEA FOR AN AROMA ' I A RACE HORSE, AN'I FOUND J . ALARM CLOCK IS TOO : 'MORTON IN A TIN-LINED '. FANTASTIC SO I'LL ; FEED BOX HE COULDNT . DISCONTINUE FURTHER ; CLIMB OUTA-SOl RESCUED J 'v THOUGHT ON IT. y V HIM FOR A PET Newsmakers K. Smith Salt Lake Taber Salt Lake Taber! More of Life More of Life Guest Stan News I OH. MV! TEN . I 1 WELL! LATE . I I MR.B1G8RA1N, DID IT EVER I I 1 HAVE A VERY Tm I V MINUTES LATE! f II AGAIN! WHATS I I I OCCUR. TO YOU THAT I AM I I I COMPETENT I 5;5S II . IN YOUREXCUWs II PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF J V ttKfc I AKT ; 8:45 i lfK cum . wbw i. m ' ' ' 7:00 Bsdla Polpll MM ip BMMiaaj 7:15 Rdt Pulpit O I tmilW " mJfli'' mkrt g HOLLERtN AMD RUNNBM' AROUND , y THAT WATER'S COLO-ICg FLOATM A .'l" F.mlly Tin. P f OHOH WHAT WAS THOT? V I OUT THB5E-AND LIGHTS ! THAT I 'VI W IN rr IF rr WAS SOM6 GUY WHO I I 8:0(1 1. Doe'i Misic A SPLASH I rVI SURG I HERRCk 1 I SPOTLIGHT STABBHi AROUND J R FEU. OVERBOftRO, THEYTJ BETTER 1 ! :!5 chh ta'K!; P rT ft WHILE BACK-JUCT FAHTLY- I V ON TH-WATER - A HORRY IP THEY EVER S-pECT "TO RSH' I I :s Hon. H 1 THEY HEARD IT, Tgat THCn ftfjj MVMi 3 IVHM OUTftLWE-SR.R-R- 9:00 rBA irOQta KUiH W WHEftE ANG&S fEAft TO TOAD THE lONUND MOB WHS W00MW1 f .Uy) WVA- AkWiiS i:SS SSSt - ITHIS HERE. T ITS A KINDA1O0K' T THEV CLAIMS F WHAT K5NOPWNT l PArREE- ' SAW( C V5S I i.m&Y,EM J i'teji .i 8 .r. 4 lEVIL-EVE" I HE'S S'POSED T' HIT 1 A FULL, CRUMBS HERE, T HAVE I OOARTW r Nlg I ?'b rtJSTSi I " " 8"rl , 1 FLEAGLE AYA WITH. A'HAUT- WHAMMV FAIT' IN DlS CHILDISH I I WHAMMV- I rfGPif jM r 47(51 I if2 .St i I THUMB,ONaA STREETCAR, AN' OR MELT S AN' TAKE OVER 1 I L -SN$?r' WUi &!5sZ3tllAsl I ACCOUNT CT J BOIN ALL TH' lA L0COMOTlVE.?i OHOOmtN.rJ I '' I TNCS S-M&J WvlM I H EAtWvaPl I ( GEE HOPPYYOU SA !i)g5jk'WEU RIOETHIS L00K,SHAWirs CAS9I0YSET' ij ' .NSS?? M MADE 1T JUSr ,N TIME- 1 t (iB3rWHKL DOWN AND UP HERE,HOFALONG,rVE A O C s3J?tSWXs:L LOIAMONO WAS BREATHIN'J I FKTsWM TO THE 0OCK. SCORE TO SETTLE ' . gpPEfesSfifllY DOWN MY NECK VtSMpSml MBE WE CAN WITH YOU JI "4 P A 'wbyvnKlkstiXssStry B-iBsi gSar I WK5arEKt subpoise diamond ?1Ib sr . l . nt'-"T 'Yr" rf f fr,rr-Ti rrrJ"'Ti--n anwi feMra wa s i unit , atih. mtemrmammma mssi rim&z&y wmwmMmmm wmmmsm ve-mamm jmurw mrm fHE's A goodck., I'll Buy HP"-yWmm O PT HEY MUTT i Us-ir well, what do you J - (MATCH DOG HIM! I NEED m .1, iprjjl - "t DON'T WANT InP THOFF BUCKS - IA" T I'LL LET VOU A WATCH DOG ' O jQS 4 THIS DOG MfMHDv ' iBdWB mm B ' . OH, TEX, I DON'T IT SOUNPS PLUMB LOOO ,?v)J?7? : Til .. I (50TCl PHONC MESSAGE PES 1 UNPSZSTANP.' WOOLLyfe WHY CO THEV SUSPECT MUCH. ONE MORE THINS, WINTERS. U ?SSl6TOVM J BEEN ARRESTED FOR .WOOLLY?. JjJf SAV ANTHINS TOAHYBOPV I I S WHATS WRONG? E V LLINS THAT MAN WHO V1 7?fI. .711 .W- ABOUT THAT WRENCH. THE J-l WHATS ROG t jA STARTED THE FT6HT , TT"l I If ANP HE WAS AWY P. A. WANTS TO KEEP IT f T W i ' V INHERE J, I W FROM HERE AT THE VERY AS A PIECE OF SURPRISE ElfiHT' v t-JSttm 1 Av, i wascommIttcp IME VBtKBLy-j L- I Hill Itmr X X rvou gave mEm WW q TVVENTV-THREE AN5 fl fP LjLKS-1- f ' TWELVE CENTS S ' . . I. s " A NICKEL. IS TWENTyJ tJlT3 1 J? TOO MUCH n 1 (fW " O l FISUT... 1 ;sr II Waif rUAKKP I l-. T Vs-J I .-. j.ti...mj rK-A , Kmf r. J exBj I J KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 20 NBC fl70 CBS 1180 ABO 1390 MBO W Ke. Bandi of Land Jo DIMatdo Speolal Event Trn or Fall Cy Shannon. Band! of Land Joe DIMaiilo Remember Troe or False Cy Shannon Bandi of Land Dancer Ahead Navy Hour Orran Reveries Political Pols Elmer Peterson News Navy Hour Christ. Science t-Sguaro QoiP. Dixieland Jasi Guest Stars Bab Roth A A F Candlellfht Dixieland Jau Memo, in Music Homo Edition A A F Silver Omnia Day Goldberrs Mod, Romane Nit Rldera News Dennis Day Goldbens Mod. Romance Nlta Rldera Ass'blr Qoal Jody Canova Sine It Ataln nollyw'd Byline Mr. Feathers Time Waa Judy Canova Sine It Acaln Hollyw'd Byline Mr. Feather Driver Playhs Grand Ol' Opry Sins It Acaln Chandu Mai-lo West Coast Strlko TJ Bud Grand Ol' Opry Sing It Ataln Chandu Maglo Ramblers Mldcoort Troth or V. Monro Lon Ramer Eddie Duehln W U - Paclflo " Comeonenees V. Monro Lone Ranter Eddie Duchin W U Paclfla Hollywood Star Gen Autrr Heinle's Band Meet the Press W U - Paclfla Hollywood SUf Gene Antry Heinle's Band Meet the Press W V - Paclflo Hit Parade Gantbniter Bob Crosby Sews W TJ Paclfla Hit Parade O ant hasten Bob Crosby "rrstal Gard. W V - Paolfi Life of Riley Art Godfrey Bob Crosby Buddy Marine News Ufa of Rtley Art Godfrey Bob Crosby Buddy Marin Troplcam, Sam Hayes S-Star Final News Monica Wbalen Saint Reserve Morton Downey Wate-Hour Interacts Benny Strong Salute Reserve Orchestra Capitol Dance Band Benny Strong Dancing Party Orchestra Cloakroom Dane Band Benny Strong Dancing Party News Treasury Band Let's Dance Open House Dancing Party Wax Museum Treasury Band Let's Dance Open House Dancing Party Wax Museum Organ Melodies Let's Dane Open House Dancing Party Wax Museum Organ Melodies Let's Dance Open House Dancing Party Sign Off Client Ixtra Hour ""I Sim Off (sign Off DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 Saturday P. . Chll- . , , , M Grand Opera, Tonlghtl ItW, dren's Theatert 8:15. On th I Upbeat; 6:B0. 680 Sports Clubi 6:00. Newai Bitballi t:80, Mews weaweri v.ea. W:1H, London Letteri 8:M. V. of O. Sen. I D" r FM Meg., KGW 100.3, 1-10 P.m., KOIN 101.1, 0 a.m., II p.m., KEX tt.l I Is I pJfc SUNDAY Church of Air Church of Air Church of Atr Church of Air Band Box Band Box Band Box Band Box Revival Hour Revival Hour Revival Hour Revival Hour Southemalrea Southern aires Message of Israel People's Platform Invitation to Learning You Are There Vou Are There Gallery Gossip News Newa Rumanee Sunday Vespers Sunday Vespers NV Phllharm. NT Phllharm. NT Phllharm. Iill harm. NT Phllharm. NT Phllharm. My Serenade News LP Records LP Records Galen Drake Jack Sterling Family Hour Family flour Boston Blackle 'Boston Blackle 1st Baptist Cb.l Baptist Ch. Voice Prophecy Voice Prophecy1 Ra, Bible Class Bible Class Lutheran no or Lutheran Hoar News Song Bill Lang Foreign Reportl A Ernst Plane Playhouse Hoar of Faith Hour of Faith Opera. Album Opera Album Week's World (Week's World Voice of Proph. Voice of rropn. President President Greatest Story Greatest Stofv Lutheran Hour iLuthoran Hour Music with the Girls River Boys News FeU'shl Voice Fello'shlp Volee Bible Program Lutheran jAve Maria flr. Av Maria Hr. Ch'roh to Wild. Organ Loft Secret Heart Wayne King Concert Hall Concert Hall House, Hymns Canaries News Guest Star Unvenile Jury Lluvenlle Jury Tex Mason rTex Mason Martin Kan Martin Kan The Shadow . The Shadow True Detective True Detective John Steel John Stetil iNick Carter Nlek Carter First Baptist First Baptist First Baptist First Baptist Serenade for Strings Headline New United Nation Church Prog. (Church Prog Baptist C. Baptist Musi for Daydreaming Band Showcase Band Showcase iDallaa Cantata Dallas Cantata Dallas Cantata 'Dallas Cantata 4:00 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Speaking Sont (Falcon Donald Stewart 4:15 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Here's to Vets Falcon Donald Stewart 4:30 Harrls-Faye Amos 'n' Andy Guest Star News Concert 4 ;45 Harrls-Faye Amos 'n' Andy Speaking Songs Congress Rep't Concert SlOO Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Ilawail Calls Dallas Minister 5:15 Sam Spade ' Rerx.-M'C'rthy Stop t&e Music Hawaii Calls Here's to Vetl 5:30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray Suppertlma 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray Serenade 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer W'lter Wlnohell Lincoln Speaker of Wk 6:15 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer lamella Parsons Lincoln Speaker at Wk 6:30 Album Familiar Horace Heldt Chance f a Family Iheatre News 6:45 Muilo Horace Heldt Lifetime Family Theatre Trepleana 7:00 Take it or Contented Hr. Jlmmle Pldler Medical Hill tea Sunday laleat 7:15 Isave It Contented Hr. Chapel Sonrx ef Times Sunday Sales 7:30 Bob Crosby The Whistler Amaslng Roy Roger Natarene Ch. 7 :45 Bob Crosby The Whistler Malone Roy Rogers Natarene Ch. 8:00 1 Man's amlly Miss Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'stlons Natarene Ch. 8:151 Man's Family Miss Brooks Headlines Twenty Q'stlons Natarene Ch. 8:3(1 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter Wlnebell Can Tou Frank de Vol 8:45 Symphony nour Berg.-M'C'rthy Louella Parsons Top This? Frank ds Vol fl:0fl Symphony nour Red Skelton Think Fast News Sunday Reverie 9:15 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast Editorial Sunday ftever'a j):30 Best Seller Jack Benny Orchestra Cunningham Dallas Church 9:45 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Bov. McKay NW News Dallas Church 10:00 News Five Star Final Rlchf Id Rcp'tr Sign Off Moon Dream 10:15 Mary A. Mercer Night Editor Inter mesio Moon Dreams 10:31) Cathollo Hour St. Francis Hr. Orchestra Moon Dreams 10 :45 Catholic Hour Orchestra Orchestra Moon Dreams 11:00 News Treasury Band Drew Pearson Sign Off 11:15 Wax Museum Treasury Band Nocturne 11:30 Wax Museum Organ Music Nocturne 11:45 Wax Museum Organ Music Nocturne 12:00'n Q Sign Off Xtra Hour MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Hodge Podge Newa Farm News News 615 News KOIN Kleck Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6-30 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Time KOCO Klock 6:45 F"n Time KOIN Klock Jack Norman News KOCO Klock 700 Early "Bird KOIN Klock News News Tex Kltter 7:15 Old Songs Duncan M'Leod Bob G erred Breakfast Gang KOCO Klock 7 '3(1 N'cws News Bob Haten Musio News ; 7:15 Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zeke Manners Top Trades KOCO Kleck 8:00-d(t'ft Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Bargain Countr Hrusader 8)5!'Jdle Albert Dave Valle Tlrrakfasl :iub Family Alter Crusaders 8:31) lack Brrrh Grand Slam Breakfast Club Bible Institute Western Melody 8:45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Temple Echoes 9:00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N W News Melody Time )-15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Sidney Walton Melody Tim 9:30 Hnmctowners llrlen Trent ulck as Flash Pastor's Call Stars Sing 9:45 Newa . Gal Sunday Quick as Flash Waits lime John C. Thorn. 10:00 Marriage for 8 Big Sister Ladles Be Seat Newt NW. News " 10:15 Car. Cavallero Ma Perkins Ted Malone Gospel Sinter Memory Musi 1 0 :3f Rrad Reynolds Rr. Malone My True Story Concert Mln. Tune Time 10:45 Geo. Murphy Guiding Light My True Story Rnss Morgan W Keys 11:00 Double or Mrsi Purton Betty Cracker Ladles Fair Muile Mart 11:15 Nothing rrv Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladies Fair Muslo Mart 11:30 Children Today No rah Drak N'westerners Queen for Day Jan Garber 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'westerners Queen for Day Vocal Variety 12:00 News Newa Baukhage Talk Top Trades H'wood Musle 12:15 Road ef Life Come At Get It News News H'wood Musi 1?.:30 P- V's's Family House 'arty Meet Menjous Gay 00's News 12:45 Right to llappi. HouseJParty Art Baker Jimmy Wakely Dave Dennis 1:00 Rackst.te Wife From Nowhere" Welcome to Bob Mitchell Mae's Melodies' 1:15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Show Hollywood Bab Mitchell Mac's Melodies l:30 Lorrnxo Jones Garry Moore Kay West Tell Neighbor Mae's Melodies 1 :45 Wldder Brown Klrkham News Kay West Ring Sings Mae's Melodies 2:00 Girl Marries Klrkham News Jay Stewirt Bob Poole Mac's MelodftV 2:15 Por. Faces Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poote Mac's Melodies 2:30 Just Plain Bill Sieve Allen Hannibal Cobb Ladies First Mac's Melodies 2:45 Fr. Pge. Farrell Tunefully Frs. IlannibalCobb Ladles First Mac's Melodic 3:00 Wrlo. Travelers tlrkham New. Bride A Groom r'arm-Home Mao's Melodies 3:15 Welc. Traveler- Arthur Godfrey Walt. Kiernan Polka Time Mac's Melodies 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Pick A Date News Mac's Melodies 3:45 Love A Learn Arthur Godfrey Pick A Date Hawaiian Har. Mac's Melodies 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur C'-odfrcy RhythnT-a-tiks- Fulton" Lewis Movie Time 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Care Frnk. Hem' way Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Miisev Squirrel Cage Behind Story Byera Can 4:45 Paula Stone Kd. R. Murrow Firefighters News Be Beautiful ACROSS L Form.-il proposal T. Small hou"ss 12. Kxuct siitlt- fuction 11. A antclllte of U ran ua lb. Mountain lake 1R. Dip, 18. Palm leaf 19. Sea eagle 20. iltdooua 21. Short sleep 22. Parta In a play 24. Jumbled typo 25. Head covering 28. Tablet 20. Kind of meat 82. Perceived by the eye 81. Give 85. Part ol cer tain (lowers 88. Nourished 37. Tennis shot 38. At bat 39. Jury list 41. Old musical note 43. Agreement 44. Dip 48. Ka the mtmer 4!t. Part of the eya Ml. W Infill' 61. Formal Breeting B3. Garden fruit 65. Appointment 66. Puffs up DOWN 1. Ship's officer ABE TflFA P Eflu M E 9. .1 A1P L slsf tor nR e v "eTr s e tesil-l aIbIeQO J T S Pi A C E DpR A B Tg X a"tBei3 s en a l eHacr e sQt e D Y S lb RQaI S A HPT t nPsssss p l eIaJs a n tMgou D E EE nIoIsUsIaIt 8olutlon of Yesterday's Puzzlt) t. City In Portugal S. Btrd of the gull family Z 3 4 J" 6 p7 0 tj ,q ,t ,3 971L ZZ ,f 1 1 S55 mm Z WLJmk 35 7 32 33 WB:a m iCzz ?izzlizziizzz si sa m sr JT p I I I I ) W?rt I 1 I I I 4. Interior E. King of Baahaa f. Like a oloud 7. Winds spirally I. Competently . Exist 10. Sarcaatlo 11. Italian city 13. Crackle 17. Old 23. Jewel 2L Broad opea vessel 26. Summit 26. Topnotchar 27. Jointly 29. Portend 80. American Indian 81. Beak 33. Ripple asralnaa 34. Having a toothed margin !S. Stand opposite 39. Covers with a hard au rf aoa 40. South Ameri can animal 41. Direction 42. Pruvarlcator 43. Golf stroke 46. Salted: Phil. 1st. 48. Tropical fruit 47. God of love 62. Ourselves 64. Oil: suinx Af Newitofef