Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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Opening February 27
'$ Jb una Liampatgn
eOSMIS club's February dance Is
scheduled for next Saturday eve
ning, February 25, at Mayflower
hall, dancing beginning at 9 o'clock.
Claude Bird's orchestra will play.
On the committee for the party are
Mr. and Mrs. John Przybilla, Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Stuhr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Monismith, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnston.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
ip EVERAL sorority alumnae clubs
have meetings scheduled for the
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae are to be
entertained Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers. Co-hostesses
are Mrs. James Walton, Mrs. For
rest Bodmer, Mrs.. William Croghan and
Miss Dorathea Steusloff.
Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mrs. Harry U.
Miller, Mrs. Roscoe C. Wilson and Mrs.
David Eason will be hostesses Monday
evening for the meeting of Kappa Kappa
Gamma alumnae at the home of Mrs.
Claggett's mother, Mrs. Frank G. Myers,
on North Winter street. The meeting
is at 8 o'clock, a desbtrt preceding the
business session.
Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae will be
guests of Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, 1321
North 21st, for their Tuesday evening
Lt. and Mrs. Douglas Ross and daugh
ter, Virginia, arrived the latter part of
the week from Japan for a visit with Lt.
Ross' mother, Mrs. Custer E. Ross. They
will be here a few weeks, Lt. Ross then
to report for duty at Washington, D.C.
The family have been in China the past
two years and were among those evacu
ated from Shanghai when the Chinese
Red army moved in there. The Ross fa
mily went to Japan from Shanghai.
Mrs. Douglas McKay and Mrs. Harry
U. Miller were honored at a buffet sup
per and bridge party given last evening
by Mrs. Miller's sister-in-law, Mrs. W.
Frank Miller, at her home in Forest
Grove. Governor and Mrs. McKay and
Mrs. Miller motored to Forest Grove for
the evening, Governor McKay attending
a meeting there.
Mrs. Alex de Schweinitz and two sons,
Allan and George, left this morning for
Bellingham, Wash., to join Mr. da
Schweinitz, the family to make their
home there. Mr. de Schweinitz is in
radio work at Bellingham, the family
moving recently from Burley, Idaho.
Mrs. de Schweinitz and sons have spent
the past two weeks with her parents,
Justice and Mrs. Harry H. Belt.
Mr. and Mrs. Budd Coons of Corvallis
are here for the week-end visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn S. Paxson.
Miss Jane Carson if home from Uni
versity of Oregon, Eugene, this week
end to visit her parent, Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Carson.
Mrs. Frank H. 8 pears Is to entertain
for her bridge club Tuesday, inviting
the group for luncheon and cards.
Members of Chapter $JjLO. Sister
hood, are entertaining their mfebands at
one of their B.I.L. parties, Tuesday eve
ning, a no-host dinner being planned at
the home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert L.
Elfstrom at 6:30 o'clock.
On the committee are Mrs. Frank
Voigt, Mrs. William S. Cole, Mrs. Floyd
Sampson, Miss Mabel Gaines, Mrs. Ralph
Dobbs, Mrs. Melvin Geist, Mrs. Charles
Monthly lunoheon meeting for the Sa
lem P.E.O. counoil is to be Monday at 1
p.m. in the Golden Pheasant. All mem
bers, especially unaffiliated P.E.O. mem
bers, are invited.
A George Washington day party is
planned by Sojourners club members on
Thursday, the group to meet at the Salem
Woman's club for a dessert luncheon at
1 o'clock, cards following.
Mrs. Charles J. Kidwcll is chairman
and will be assisted by Mrs. Lloyd H.
DeGroote, Mrs. Leland Mackprang, Mrs.
J. D. Martin, Mrs. Janis Wooden, Mrs.
Richard Denton, Mrs. Jordan Johnson.
Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion
auxiliary, will meet Monday evening
at 8 o'clock in the Salem Woman's club
house. Past presidents are to be honored.
Mrs. John Gordon is chairman of the
committee for the evening.
Reception Friday
Following the program and service ar
ranged as a feature of National Broth
erhood week, a reception is to be given
next Friday evening, February 24, at the
Temple Beth Sholom recreation room,
sponsored by the B'nni B'rith men and
The reception is planned for around
9 o'clock. Mrs. Mike Stcinbock is gen
eral chairman for the event.
Invited to pour are Mrs. Douglas Mc
Kay, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Scth
R. Huntington, Mrs. George H. Swift,
Mrs. Abram Volchok, Mrs. Herbert Ad
ler. Assisting about the rooms will be Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Tucski, Mr. and Mrs. Sol
Serving will be Mrs, Abe Stcinbock,
Mrs. Donald Kirschner, Mrs, Harry
Merin, Mrs. Alex Cohen, Mrs. Sydney
Ievene, Mrs. Robert Golden, Mrs. Sandy
Invitation is extended to all friends
to attend the program and reception.
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Jetn-Mll!er atudto candid
ORGANIZING THE WOMEN'S division for the annual American Red Cross fund cam
paign, which will begin February 27 in Marion county, are Mrs. J. S. tochead, at left,
co-chairman and Mrs. Frank B. ShaCer, general chairman.
N event of Interest to a large
group of friends for tomorrow af-
ternoon is the at home for which
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Putnam and Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson are to entertain
at the Putnam residence between S and
6 o'clock.
Greeting guests at the door will be
Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Putnam. The
four hosts will receive informally, Mrs.
Carl W. Emmons introducing guests to
the line. Assisting about the living room
will be Mrs. Walter Snyder and Mrs. Les
ter Wilcox.
Pouring during the first hour will be
Mrs. Earl Cooley and Mrs. Charles
Feike; during the second hour, Mrs,
George H. Swift and Mrs. George A.
Rhoten; and for the final period, Mrs.
Albert C. Gragg and Miss Eleanor Steph
ens. Mrs. Albert A. Cohen and Mrs.
Harvey Wright will invite guests into
the dining room. Assisting in the din
ing room wll be Mrs. Loren Mort and
Mrs. Oscar Paulson, Jr., and serving will
be Misses Betty Cooley and Mary Feike.
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor, will be at home Tuesday for
her regular at home afternoon, local and
out-of-town friends being invited to call.
Local Junior Woman's
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AN ANTICIPATED event on each year's calendar for the Junior Woman's club Is the
spring semi-formal. Mrs. Clinton Ault, at left above, and Mrs. Harold Hekernwa axe
eo-ohaJnaea for this ras trout.
ST. ANNE'S guild, St. Paul's Epis-'
copal church, has planned its meet
ing for Monday afternoon, the first .
since November. Dessert will be served
at 1:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard will be host
ess to the group at her North Summer
street home and assisting will be Mrs.
F. W. Poorman, Mrs. William J. Busick,
Mrs. T. M. Medford, Mrs. George Weller,
Mrs. Breyman Boise and Mrs. Charles
Clarke. Mrs. Bertram Thomson, presi
dent, will preside at the business session.
Salem Women's Golf association mem
bers are looking ahead to start of their
new season in late March. First event
for the local group will come Wednesday,
March 29. Mrs. Fred Bernard! is cap
tain for the women's group this year.
On March 21 the Oregon Women's
Golf association will start its season at
the Portland Country club, several local
women planning to go that day.
Visiting in Eugene this week-end is
Miss Alene Phillips as guest at the an
nual Oregon press oonferenoe there.
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DETAILS OF the women's participation In the drive during: previous years were
is serving as adviser to the women's division. Left to right: Mrs. T. M. Medford,
Dyke, a leader. .
Miss Childs Tells Wedding Plans
Prominent on the early March calen
dar is the wedding of Miss Betty Childs
and Frederick G. Bradshaw, the cere
mony to be solemnized at 5 o'clock the
evening of March 4 in the First Presby
terian church with Dr. Chester W. Ham
blin officiating.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Leo N. Childs and Mr. Brad
shaw the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
O. Bradshaw, all of Salem.
Miss Childs is announcing members of
the wedding party this week-end;
Mrs. Rodney Taylor o Eugene is to
be matron of honor. Miss Frances Ben
nett of Portland will be bridesmaid. Don
ald Bower of Portland, formerly of Sa
lem, will be best man for Mr.. Bradshaw
and ushering will be Raymond Farmer
and Ted Ogdahl, both of Portland and
formerly of Salem, and George Tomlin
son and Warren Ling of Salem.
The reception following will be at the
Childs residence. 1
Parties Planned
Miss Childs, who is a case worker with
the Multnomah county child welfare de
partment, is to arrive next Thursday to
be here until after the wedding.
Several parties are planned this week
for Miss Childs.
On Thursday evening, Mrs. K. N. Voor
hees and Miss Nila Cluett are entertain
ing at the Superior street home of Mrs.
Voorhees for a linen shower. A late
supper will follow'the informal evening.
Invited are Miss Childs, Mrs. Leo N.
Childs, Mrs. Frederick O. Bradshaw,
Mrs. Frederick J. Brennan, Mrs. Lee
Haskins, Mrs. A, E. Danlelson Mrs. John
Club Members Will Be ,
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THREE OTHERS workinr on plant for the club party are this trio, left to right:
Oooarkli and Mrs. brin Xork. Sevaral parUw are balnf arranged to precede the
Brimacombe, Miss Jean Brimacombe,
Mrs. James Hartman, Mrs. Fred Freier,
Mrs. F. E. Kenyon, Mrs. E. J. Huffman,
Miss Etta Sutter, Mrs. Magdalena Sutter,
Miss Alice Mathey, Miss Roberta Mat
thews and the hostesses.
Mrs. Duane Gibson is entertaining
Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Childs.
Invited for the afternoon are Miss
Childs, Mrs. Leo N. Childs, Mrs. Freder
ick O. Bradshaw, Mrs. Francis Kern and
Mrs. J. Everett Buckley, both of Port
land, Mrs. H. G. Maison, Mrs. Clarence
Byrd, Mrs. Irvine Caplinger, Mrs.
Charles E. Wagner, Mrs. Arthur D. Hay,
Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, Mrs. W. Frank
Crawford, Mrs. T. J. Brabec, Mrs. Fred
erick Brennan, Mrs. Adam Engel, Mrs.
Lyman McDonald. '
Next Saturday evening, February 25,
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison are to be
hosts at a supper party for Miss Childs
and Mr. Bradshaw.
. Mrs. John Steelhammer is to entertain
for Miss Childs at a party and kitchen
shower on the evening of February 27
at her home.
Etotka club members aremeetingTues
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mason
Bishop, 1541 South Church, dessert to
be at 1:15 o'clock. '
Influence of glass on home decorating
will be the topic for the afternoon, Mrs.
W. J. Entress and Mrs. Ralph Scott to
present the discussion.
Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. S.
B. Gillette, Mrs. Herbert Winkler, Mrs.
Lloyd Springer and Mrs. Arthur Upston.
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discussed by Mrs. Floyd Ultcr, who
a leader, Mrs. Utter and Mrs. John
ALEM Lions club auxiliary meii
bers are meeting on Thursday ee
ning for their February gathering;
the meeting to be at the home of Ml
Evert Givens at 8 o clock.
Mrs. Victor Palmason is chairman
the committee for the evening and
being assisted by Mrs. Donald Braae,
Mrs. Clarence Zielinski, Mrs. Lawrerce
E. Moore, Mrs. Gerald Christoffersdn,
Mrs. John Seitz and Mrs. Morrell Cramv
Spinsters club is to be entertained 4y
Miss Suzanne Small, Mrs. Richard Gent
kow and Miss Harriet Huston at the hoie
of Miss Small on Monday evening.
Several groups in the American AstM
ciation of University Women have pio?
grams arranged for next week.
The Wednesday afternoon Hter'
iUUJ la mewing tl I.11C uuiutf UJ. wglj
Charles Ratcliff, 170 Ratcliff drive't-
1:15 o'clock, Mrs. Ratcliff to review "fllte
Peaceable Kingdom" by Kennelly.
The Wednesday evening literatuW
group is to meet at the home of Miss Mel"
E. Dimick, 909 Market street, Mrs. WB;'
Ankney to review "Son of the Moon,
Travel group is meeting on Tuesdw.
evening at 7:45 o'clock at the homepf
Miss Irene Hollenbeck, 1026 North Wii
ter, Miss Amanda Anderson and MM
Eloise Ebert assisting. Dr. Victor Hufai
Sword of the Calvary Baptist church is1
talk on India.
Theatre Arts group Is meeting Tub
day at the home of Miss Kate Dicksohji)1
407 North Summer, at 1 p.m. Mrs. Oti
Paulus is to review the play, "The SihW i
Whistle" by Robert E. McEnroe.
Hostesses fan
Jun-Hm udl etn'
Mrs. James Mohatt, Mrs. Wesley
dance, by mem ban and guetU.
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I SUPPLIES AND INSTRUCTIONS for the residential solicitation were riven in th wnmnn ni a. niPoiinP (his I I
SUPPLIES AND INSTRUCTIONS for the residential solicitation were given to the
at the home of Mrs. Shafer. Three of the leaders are pictured here, left to right:
Jackson and Mrs. Robert Letts Jones.
EMBERS of Unit No. 136, Ameri
can Legion auxiliary, are spon
soring a no-host supper and en-
tertainment next Wednesday evening,
February 22, for all members, prospec
tive members, and families, the supper
. to be at 6:30 o'clock in Mayflower hall.
Entertainment to be presented by chil
, dren of members will follow the dinner
and later there will be dancing.
Mrs. Robert A. Green, chairman of the
Americanism committee in the unit, and
Mrs. Lenn C. Davis, national security
chairman, are heading the committees
In charge, their assistants including Mrs.
. Charles Creighton, Mrs. Carl Ahlers,
Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, Mrs. Elvin Thomas,
Mrs. Pauline Tidwell, Mrs. Burl Cox,
Mrs. Howard Mix, Mis. Effie Tyler, Mrs.
James Jarrett.
, The Salem Writers' club met this week
"jvith Mrs. Robert Hutcheon. Presiding
qwas Mrs. Jessie Singleton. Original con
tributions were read by Miss Renska
Swart, Mrs. Blanch Jones, Mrs. N. F.
Anderson, Mrs. Grace Covey, Mrs.
Lloyd Smith, Mrs. E. M. White, Mrs.
' Jessie Singleton, Perry Reigleman, Prof.
Morton Peck. Others present were N. F.
Anderson and Mrs. Morton Peck. Guests
tor the evening were Mrs. Harvard C.
Moore of Salem and her sister, Mrs.
; Condon McCornack of Eugene, who are
' members of Penwomen in Eugene.
For the regular program sponsored by
the Oregon organization of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution over
KOAC, Monday; at 1 p.m., the program
, will be on the Schminck museum at
Lakeview, Mrs. Tom Farrell, member of
the Lakeview chapter of the DAR, pre
paring the paper.
SentiFormal Dance Next Saturday
Jutcn.Miller studio endld
THE JUNIOR WOMAN'S dance is scheduled for February 25 this year In the No-Name ballroom. Among committee
workers planning the event ara these four, left to right: Mrs. Lea Pert, Mrs. Marvin HeiuuML Mn. Robert Copley
and Mm Smtj dill
Junior Women's Dance Saturday
A highlight event on next week-end's
social calendar will be the annual semi
formal spring dance of the Junior Wo
man's club, Saturday evening, February
25. v . .
This year's affair will be at No Name
ballroom, dancing to be between 10 a.m.
and 1 a.m. Spring flowers in pastel
shades and pussywillows will decorate
the dancing room.
Tickets may be obtained from any
member of the committee or from Miss
Juanita Culbertson at Miller's store.
Several parties preceding the dance
are being planned. Among those who
will entertain groups before the dance
are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiserman who
are inviting a group to their home; Miss
Juanita Culbertson, also, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Atwood.
On the committee for the dance are
Mrs. Clinton Ault and Mrs. Harold Hei
serman as co-chairmen; Mrs. Jerry Cop
ley, Miss Juanita Culbertson, Mrs. David
C. Duniway, Mrs. Wesley Goodrich, Mrs.
Marvin L. Helland, Mrs. James Mohatt,
Mrs. Lee Port, Mrs. Terry Randall, Mrs.
George Sirnio, Mrs, E, W. York.
The First Presbyterian Women's asso
ciation will meet at the church, Wednes
day. There will be an executive board
meeting at 11 o'clock. The luncheon
will be at 12 noon and the business
session at 1 p.m. Elderly ladies of the
church will be honored especially, and
the program will present sketches of the
mothers of George Washington and Ab
raham Lincoln.
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Jcsten-Miller studio candid I I
women at a meeting this week
Mrs. Jack Taggart, Mrs. Holly
Tir OB'S Daughters, Salem bethel No.
p III 35, is to entertain for Portland
bethel, No. 9, at its regular meet
ing Monday evening in Beaver hall at
7:30 o'clock. Miss Leona Todd is chair
man of the program to entertain the
Miss Ann Gibbons will preside as hon
ored queen. At a recent meeting, Misss
Hearrit Hiday and Jean Hartwell were
elected by the bethel to attend the grand
session at Coquille on April 13, 14 and 15.
The bethel is cooperating with Salem
bethel U.D. for a formal dance to be
given May 12 at Crystal Gardens.
Executive board of the Salem Busi
ness and Professional Women's club is
meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the
North .Winter .street .home .of Mrs.
Charles Forrette.
Chi Rho club, a group of young peo
' pie in St. Joseph's Catholic church, spon
sored a formal dance Friday evening in
the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall,
about 60 Couples attending.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Greene were the
On committees arranging the event
were Misses Cecelia Greene, Frances
Dvorak, Joan McCarthy, Louise . Marx,
Angela Zack, Clara Baune, Gretchen
Kropp and Lydia Braun, and Ben Zie
linski. '
Among those entertaining at pre
dance parties were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis
Jesten-Mlller atudlo candid
TWO OTHERS OF the leaders look over the maps drawn for assistance in covering the
residential section this year, in the picture above, Mrs, Kenneth Potts, at left, and Mrs,
Robert F. Wulf.
Program, Tea
Important on next week's social calen
dar is the February program and tea of
the Town and Gown club, Thursday aft
ernoon, in the1 Carrier room of the First
Methodist church, starting at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Louis Gerlinger is to give a re
view at a recent play. Edith Fairham
Gunnar will sing, accompanied by Miss
Gladys Blue. Mrs. P. H. Brydon is in
charge of the music, and Miss Mabel P.
Eobertson has arranged the program.
Mrs. Robert F. Wulf is tea chairman
and on the committee with her are Mrs.
Merrill D. Ohling, Mrs. Russel E. Pratt,
Mrs. H. V. Compton, Mrs. Urlin Page,
Mrs. Ervin W. Potter, Mrs. F. W. Break
ey, Mrs. Herbert Stiff, Sr., Mrs. Blanche
Proctor, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Cus
ter Ross, Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs. George
Schwarz, Mrs. G, Herbert Smith, Mrs.
Bruce Spaulding, Mrs. L. H. McMahan,
Mrs. Charles Hudkins, Mrs. Estes L. Mor
ton, Mrs. Hugh Hull, Mrs. Howard Hun
saker, Mrs. J. W. Hutchison, Mrs. Zella
James, Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mrs. Claude
Johns, Mrs. F. B. Keeler, Mrs. A. A.
Keene, Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs. J. L.
Kennedy, Mrs. F. D. Kielsmeier, Mrs.
Evening, February 25
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ANOTHER DUO assisting with plans for the Junior Woman's party are Mrs. George
Sirnio, at left above, and Misa Juanita Culbertaon. The committee workers met recently
a the ham ef Mia, MebaM.
F. D. Kibbee, Mrs. W. E. Kimsey, Mrs.
W. E. Kirk, Mrs. W, E. Knower, Mrs.
arl Kugel, Mrs. Ben Lambert, Mrs. W.
F. Leary, Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. W. S.
Levens, Mrs. Frederick Leupold, Mrs.
Roy Lockenour, Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell, Mrs.
Louis Lorenz, Mrs. Walter Smith.
Pouring will be Mrs. G. Herbert Smith
and Miss Mabel P. Robertson.
Circles of the Jason Lee Methodist
church are to meet for dessert Wednes
day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock as follows:
February-August, in the church, Mrs.
George Pro as chairman.
March-September, meeting with Mrs.
George Parsons, 2095 Maple avenue, Mrs.
Roy Roberts as chairman.
April-October, meeting with Mrs. E.
J. Williams, 740 Chemeketa street, Mrs.
E. J. Williams as chairman.
May-November, meeting with Mrs.
George Benson, 850 Market street, Mrs.
W. W. Chadwick as chairman.
June-December, meeting with Mrs. W.
B. Whittington, 851 South street, Mrs.
Earle Boyle, chairman.
January-July, meeting with Mrs. J.
L. Batdorf, 160 Division street, a lunch
eon to be served at 1 o'clock.
Juten-Mlllor studio candid
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TWO events are on next week's
calendar for members of the Sa
lem club, Daughters of the Nile.
Annual dinner honoring the past
president will be next Friday evening
at the Masonic temple at 6:30 o'clock
for all members and their husbands.
Mrs. Charles Boyer, last year's president,
is the honoree for this event.
In charge of the dinner are Mrs. Otto
Eckersley, Mrs. Charles R. Staats, Mrs.
John Miller, Mrs. Joe Bourne, Mrs. Paul
W. Hale, Mrs. A. A. Feitelson, Mrs. Cecil
Rhodes, Mrs. Max Alford, Mrs. M. F.
Grub, Mrs. Walter Dry, Mrs. Charles
Harris, Mrs. Stanley Brown, Mrs. J. W.
On the decorating committee are Mrs.
Lynn B. Lambeth, Mrs. J. S. Lochead,
Mrs. Roy Tweedie, Mrs. Virgil T. Golden,
Mrs. Elsie Rhoten, Mrs. Paul Shaffer.
Mrs. John Graybill, Mrs. Merle Travis
and Mrs. L. J. Stewart are on the pro
gram committee. Mrs. David Wright is
to be the toastmistress for the event.
Greeting guests at the door will be
Mrs. C. Ward Davis and Mrs. Jacob
Ceremonial in Portland
The ceremonial of Nydia Temple,
Daughters of the Nile, will be in Port
land Wednesday afternoon, starting at
1 30 o'clock. A large group of Salem
women will attend.
In the evening, a dinner dance hon
oring candidates being inducted at the
ceremoial will be given at the Cosmo
politan club. Among those from Salem
making reservations for the dinner are
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Eckersley, Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Grub, Mr. and Mrs. John
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Post, Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Propp, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul W.
Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Al Koctch and Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Smith, both couples of
Independence, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Has
brook, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hughes.
Intercity Meeting
Salem Zonta club members are enter
taining for a special intercity meeting
and program next Thursday evening,
February 23, at the country home of Mrs.
Saul Janz in the Turner area.
Albany Zonta club members will be
guests for the evening, some 20 members
of the visiting group to attend. Miss
Lucille Stearmer is president of the
Albany club.
Featuring the program will be varied
musical numbers to be presented by Bru
netta Mazzolini, soprano, instructor of
voice at University of Portland, who will
be accompanied by Aurora Potter Un
derwood; piano solos by Mrs. Under
wood, also of Portland university faculty;
piano and organ numbers by Miss Jessica
Kinsey and Prof. T. S. Roberts. Con
cluding the program will be numbers
combining voice, organ and piano.
Miss Mazzolini appeared as soloist with
the Portland Symphony and Portland
Symphonic choir in December for the
presentation of "The Messiah." Born in
Michigan, she won a scholarship to Cur
tis Institute of Music and later studied
with Mme. Tilly de Garmo in Europe.
She has sung with the Los Angeles Grand
Opera company,
Mrs. Underwood has been a popular
concert pianist throughout the north
west. For many years she was associate
professor of piano at the University of
Oregon School of Music. She has done
advanced work and coaching with many
well known artists in America and Eu
rope. Mr. Roberts is a well known Salem or
gan and piano teacher and for 20 years
served as organist at the First Meth
odist church.
Miss Kinsey is a popular musician in
Salem, having appeared on many pro
grams here and serving as organist in
church work.
Miss Lena Belle Tartar has arrang
cd the musical program.
The meeting is scheduled for 7:30
o'clock. There is to be a short business
session at which time decision will be
made on date for the annual spring sil
ver tea to be given by the club in May
at the Daniel J. Fry home for the bene
fit of the Helen Yockey Memorial fund
for the Salem General hospital.
Members of the intercity committee
of the club are hostesses for the evening",
including Miss Alene Phillips, chairman;
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Eleanor
Clearwater, Mrs. Ben Lambert, Miss
Lena Belle Tarter, Miss Mabel Savage,
Mrs. Herbert Brownell, Mrs. Naomi Mas
see, Miss Dorothy Pearce.
A late supper will be served follow
ing the program.
Preceding the meeting Zonta board
members will assemble at the Senator
hotel for dinner at 6 o'clock.
Mrs. Wayne Allen entertained this
week at a luncheon and party honoring
her mother, Mrs. Elmer Addison of In
dependence, on the occasion of the lat
ter's birthday anniversary.
Guests were served at small tables
decorated with Valentine features. Hon
ors at bridge went to Mrs. Harrison
Brant and Mrs. Clara Williams. Guests
were Mrs. Addison, Mrs. Harrison Brant,
Mrs. Clara Williams, Mrs. Glen Smith,
Mrs. R. M. Walker, Mrs. Clarence Har
wood, Mrs. Ralph Klelzing and Mrs. K.
L. Williams, all of Independence
Altrusa club's board is to meet on
Wednesday evening at the home of Miss
Eleanor Bailey.
The Ladies' auxiliary to the National
Association of Letter Carriers will hold
its regular monthly meeting at the home
of Mrs. Roy Rocks on Monday, Feb
ruary 20 at 8 p.m.
The Ladies' Dakota club is to meet
Tuesday noon for a no-host luncheon at
the home of Mrs. Clarence Bower, 522
North Church,