it EXTRA SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ONLY '48 Olds "78" DeLUXE CLUB SEDAN "Very low mileage, Hydramatic. Like new condition. Local owner. $1795 VISIT LODERBROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save 4M Center Ph. 3-nn. 1936 FORD Tudor. New paint, heater. Nice clean. $185 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeketa at Church Ph. 3-7922 1942 PLYMOUTH 3-door Special Deluxe Sedan. Radio is heater. $395, CAPP'S USED CARS 253 Union Ph. 3-6143 - 1949 DEMONSTRATORS DOUGLAS McKAY ' CHEVROLET CO. 550 N. Coml Ph. 3-3175. qx45" Requirements for the use of this special section .... 1 Dealerj must submit their copy before 4 p.m day previous to publication. 1 Each car must be an exceptional value. 1 Capital Journal, reserves the right to refuse to publish any listing It feels la not a special value. ' AUTOMOBILES Valley Motor Co. Truck Dept. Special Used Chevrolets 31946 Chev. LWB Trucks. 11945 Chev. Flatbed. - - 1 1941 Chev. Chassis & Cab, long wheelbase. 1 1940 Chev. Dump Truck, 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle. ALSO 1949 Ford F-C V-8 Dump Truck, 2-speed axle. 1948 Ford F-L V-8 Dump Truck, 2-speed & Brownie. 1947 Ford Stake Body, low mileage. 1946 Ford Dump Truck. 5-speed transmission, 2-speed axle. 1936 Ford Cab & Chassis. ; PICKUPS 1949 Ford -ton. Like new, low mileage. 1944 Dodge Vz -ton, 4-speed. Valley Motor LIBERTY & MARION ST. FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State, Bm. 135. Lie. - 8-122 - M-165. C. R. Allen. Mgr. r43- sTOR SALE: Long term monthly-payment 67 Interest real estate contract guar anteed, but will not discount. Write box 380. Capital Journal. ' r43 AUTO LOANS WTXLAMETTTB CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church Parkins a Plenty Ph. 1-M57 Lie. No. M-159 B-154 SEE DS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4W INTEREST 6 to 40 Years and No Commission' DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 State Bt. Phone 3-3801 r MORTGAGE LOANS HOMES BUSINESS FARMS Abrams & Skinner, Inc. r64 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-133 and U-33S and ROY R. SIMMONS INSDRANOft AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 13:05 dally RL8.L.M. 1390 Ke'sll 138 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4tAK and , vena nwN terms ol repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURTTIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-3283. .$ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co, I98r Fairground Road. Nert Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 37033 Lie No. M369-S291 Floyd Eenyon. Mgr. I BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN KAY MAKE TOO -THRIFT? IN 50' PAY OFF YOOR BILLS ' LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAt PACIFIC . INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 ft. LIBERTY PHONE 4-3203 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONDS 138 South Commercial St Phone 39161 TRAILERS CUTE AS A BUGS EAR New 14-ft. Traveleeza trailer house. ISB4 State. 17 NEARLY NEW modern 27-ft. Trallway trailer house. Fir Grove Trailer court, Woodburn, Ore. 48 PACIFIC Liner. 33 ft. complete. How ard Trailer Park, 3580 Portland Rd. t43 MACHINERY AVERT. Model A, with cultivator good eond.. 8SM. Myron Harper. Rt, Box 138. Brooks. Ore. Ph. Gerval 1331 41 Journal Want Ads Pay '41 Plymouth $395 3-door sedan. Radio heater. Good enough transportation lor anyone. STAN BAKER MOTORS Union t HUH Ph. MM. off WILSON'S 1949 FRAZER SEDAN. 17,000 MILES VERY CLEAN , $1795 . Otto J. Wilson COMMERCIAL AT CKNTKR 1947 FORD TON PICKUP Low Miltue - Heater - Very Clean BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE 370 N. Church Ph. 3-9377. qx42 1946 OLDSMOBILE "6" club coupe. Orlilnal Usht blue col or. Almost new tires. Has radio, heater, sun visor St other extras. Also has hy dra matle drive. This car really looks llxe new all the way through. A teal buy at $1295 Salem Automobile Co. OHRYSLKR SERVICE PLYMOUTH QUALITY USED CARS 495 N. Com l Ph. 3-4117 Q.X42 I AUTOMOBILES Truck Dept. PH. 3-3147 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen 4SS Court Phone 3-8773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serv ice. Free estlates. Trade-ins accepted on new appliances. Vlnce's Electrlo, Ph. 3-9239. 157 B. Liberty St. o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phona 3-9288. 3-1804. 333 Center. BUILD INO CARPENTRY New and remodeling contractor. Resi dential St commercial, W. E. Schrunk. Ph. 3-4505. o48 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Palrview Ave. Ph. 1-3148, Salem. o63a CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA e register. All makes sold, rented, re- paired. Roen, 458 Court. Ph. V6773. CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walla, etc Call 3-4B&U. CHIMNEY SWEEP Oil stove, furnace chimneys vacuumed cictnea. snsiey. 7Ti s. am. m. i-7 no. o52 EXCAVATING Ben Otlen 4c Son excavating t grading, Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. 051 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service, Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross, Rt. 6, Box 437-C. 052 Ereithaupt's for flowers. Dial 3-9179. o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co. livery. 1717 Center. products. Free de Ph. 3-5395. o' LANDSCAPE NURSERY P. A. Doerfler & Sons, Ornamentals. 15( N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1323. o; DELDX SERVE SELF Laundry 349 Jef ferson st Phona 33451. o' LAWNMOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers Call Harry W. Scott, 147 8. Com'l. St. o52 LAWN MOWERS KNIFE SHARPENER At Ur Door grinding, lawn mowers, scis sors, knives. Dexter's Ph. 3-8833. o MATTRESSES Capita 'Bedding. Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Ouitar, "Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7569 059 OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chain, tiles and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief eases. lerc Wire Recorders. Roen,. 459 Court. Elfstrom's are equipped to do your painting, jrnone i-bj. PAINTING FAP1RHANGINO Painting paperhanging. Pre mate. 857 Shipping. Ph. 1-9513. itl 059 PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON PH. 3-flU. Expert Paperhanging and Painting. J. Woodsworth, Ph. 3-9107. Pre at. sasasemsssemseaMsesesesesBaWSJ ' j - ,.1..f.- 4.isf.j k - 4 -"n.-5:l f ft Wi. i W 9 ... V v-JW-V- 5w gin, l iafeSam A baby fur seal was rescued on the beach at Pacific City by Mr, and Mrs. Dan Tompkins of Dayton, and is npw at their home on Grand Island. The seal, 28 inches long and weighing 18 pounds, had been washed onto the beach and was almost dead from hunger when found by the Tompkins. They fed it and will keep it until taken over by the state game commission. It is full of life now and considerably on the fight. Donald Tompkins is holding the seal. DIRECTORY Freeze damage repair. Ph. a-M5. q57 Flaher,170 LancnUr Dr. Ph. a-2984. OB0" PICTURE FRAMING Pletur. tramlng. ButchMn Paint Store. Phone 3-3-6687. " ROTO ROOTER Call Electrlo Roto Rooter tor dogged lewen, dralni. Ph. J-5327. L. Howard. SAND GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating, Walling Sand Gravel Co., Phone 3-B349. SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Hamel. eeptlo tanks, aewer and drtln Una cleaned. Guaranteed work 1143 eth St., We6 Salem. Ph. 3-740. 042' Hike's Septlo Service. Tank cleaned Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-8488. 3-5327 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service, 550 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. o SEWER CLEANING SERVICE One man, electrlo sewer cleaning ser vice. Phone 3-4600. Bill Skewls. o44 Electrlo Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent. Razor . Sharp Cutting Blades Clean sewers, drains. L. Howard. Ph. 3-5327. SEWING MACHINES All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial. Ph. 3-3512. J Spraying & pruning. Ph. 3-7900. o52' SPRAYING AND PRUNING Pruning and spraying. Phillip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1208. TRANSFER A STORAGE T-nf-ni jfe Distance Transfer, storage. Burner oils, coal v briquets. Trucks to Portland daily, Agent ior oeiuna. hold goods moved to anywhere in U. S, or Canada. Larmer Transfer Storage, Ph. 3-3131. TYPEWRITERS Rmtth Corona. Remlnnton. Royal, Under wood portables. All makes used machines Kcpairs ano rent, iwcu,. uo w""- VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or reilnlsahed. Reinnoidb ijewia. a-jo.iv. Elmer The Blindman. Ph. 37328. WELL DRILLING R. J. West. 4240 Sunnyvlew. 2-3773. oflO WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimate. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965. WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Window, walls. St woodwork cleaned, noors cieaneo, tBAd nrf nollahed Ph. 3-S337. 347 Court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather, WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller, Made to order. 1 Day Del. Relnholdt A Lewis. Ph. 2-3639. WOOD BAWDUST LEGAL. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the common Council ol the city or asiem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its nurnose and inten tion to Improve Judaon Street f;om the east line or Hign street to inc e ne of CEurch street, in tne uny oi eiatem, Marion Countv. Orezon at the exDense of the abutting and adja cent property except the allem Intersec tions the expense of which will oe assum ed by the City of Ralem uy bringing said portion of said street to the established (trade constructing cement concrete curbs. ana paving saia portion oi aia street with a 21m men aspnaitic concrete pare ment thirty feet In width In accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the Common Council February 13. 1950. which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are mane a part nereoi. me wommoD uouiv ell hereby declares Its purpose and ln tention, to mate tne aoove oescnoea im orovement bv and through the street lm nrovement department. written remonstrance against tne aoove proposed Improvement 'may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten a ays aiter ine iinai puoncaiion ot tnu notice by the owners of -he property af fected. By Order of the Common Council Feb ruary 13. 1950. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is Feb ruary 15, isw. Date of final publication February, 37, 1950. Feb. 15, 18, IT, II, 20, 11, 32, 33, 34, 41 SALEM, MARKETS Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance oi capital Journal Readers. (Revised dally) Retail Fee j Prices: Esr Maih S4.85. Rabbit Pellets S4J0. Dairy Feed 13.70. Panltm B limine d rices Grade A color ed hens, 20c; grade A Leghorn hens and up 14c. grade A old roosters, lie; grade A colored fryers, s ids a&c. Ecu Buylnr Price Large AA. 17c: large A, 34-38c, medium AA, 35c; medium A, 33c: Pullets. 32-27C. Wholeiale Prices Egg wholesale prices l-7c above these prices; above grada A generally quoted at 43c, medium. 38c. Butt erf at Premium 68ci No. 1, 64c; No. 1, CB-BOci (buying prices). Butter Wholesale grade A, 6301 re- aall 73c. STOCKS (By the Associated Press) American Can Am Pow St L6 Am Tel St Tel Anaconda Bcndlx Aviation Beth Stee) i Boeing Airplane i Calif Packing Canadian Paclflo Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler Cons Vul tee Continental Can Crown ZvUerbach Curt las Wright Douglas Aircraft Dupont de Nem Qcneral Electrlo General Food General Motors Goodyear Tire .113 . 21 .HQS . 29 . 424 . 33 . 27 I 15" . 45 . 35 64 . 13 32 . 6 '4 .. 54 .. 64 46 .. 49tt ,. 76 , 48 . 38 int Harvester Int Paper 36 ; Kennecott , 53 Libby McN & L Long Bell "A" 24 i Montgomery Ward 574 Nub Kelvlnator 17 Nat Dairy 40 ft NY Central 13 Northern Paclflo 21 Pao Am Fish 11 Pa Gab St Eleo 33 Pa Tel 6s Tel 104 Penney J O 60 Radio Corp 15 Rayonler 28 1 Rayonler Pfd Reynold Metal Richfield 38 Safeway Stores 35 Scars Roebuck 42Vb Southern Paclflo 55 Standard Oil Co 62 Studebaker Corp. 28 Sunshine Mining 10 Transamerlca 17 Union Oil Cal 28 United Airlines 87 Union Paclflo 15 U 8 Stee) 30 Warner Bros, Plo 14Vb A light and delicious summer dessert is made by poaching meringues in hot milk, then us ing the milk to make a soft cus tard sauce. Serve with sliced sweetened peaches. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Baiem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and In tention to Improve Yew Street from the nortn line or-Electric Avenue to tne souin line of Rural Avenue, in the city oi Ha- em. Marlon Countv. Oregon. at the expense of tne abutting ani adja cent property, except the alley intersec tions tne expnse oi wmcn win d assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said streets to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and navlnc said nortlon of said street with a 6 inch Portland cement concrete pave ment thirty feet wide In accordance with tne plans ana speculations tnereior wnicn were adonted by the Common Council February 13, 1950 which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto aie made a part hereof. The Common Council here by declares its purpose and Intention to make the above aescribea improvement Dy and through the street improvement oe nartment. written remonstrance against tne knave proposed improvement may ne mea wun the city recorder at any time within ten days alter tne iinai puoncaiion oi inn notice by the owners of the property af fected. By Order of the common council Feu ruarv 13. 165(1. ALrKEU Munui, i-i iy necoraer Date of first publication hereof la Feb' ruarv 15. lfiftO. Date of final publication February 27, 1950. Feb. 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 31, 22, 33, 24, 26. 27. LODGE Loyal Order of Moose meet Thurs. mte, 28 a. tomi. fa. i-awi. ov Stocks Advance Fractionally New York, Feb. 18 (IP) Rail road issues took over leadership of a rising stock market today for the second day running. Gains were fractional for the most part but will spread through major groups. Heavy trading accompanied the rise, with turnover for the two-hour session in the neigh borhood of 1,000,000 shares. Yesterday railroad stocks sparked one of the largest over all market gains of the year. De mand was based largely on hopes for quick settlement of the coal strike . Buying persisted today despite the latest word that negotiations for a new coal contract had made little if any progress. Some hope for resumption of coal output, however, was seen in the second message sent by John L. Lewis to the coal miners telling them to go back to work. The first message was ignored. Corporate bonds moved nar rowly. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Manet iBy Valley Packing Company) Wooled lambs 822.00 Feeder Iambs .- $14.00 to $18.00 Calves, good (300-450 IbS.I 122.00 to .34.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top ,.124.00 to $28.00 Pat dairy cows $12.00 to $13.50 cutter cows uo.oo to sis Dairy heifers 113.00 to $15.00 Hulls $14.00 to 919.00 Portland Produce Batterrat Tentative, subject to imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .39 to l percent acidity delivered Portland 67c lb.; 93 score 65o lb.) score, 63; 89 score. 55c. Valley routes and country points zc less tnan it rat. ButlerWholesale fob bulk cube wholesalers, grade 93 score. 63c A score, 62c: B score, 60o lb.. core, 690. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon singles 39-42o. Oregon I small loaf, 44-45c; triplets 1 leu than singles Ercs (to Wholesalers) A trade large 41-41 Vac; A medium, 40-40 'c; grade B, targe, ju-j(o; smaii a graae MYao. rortiaua uairy tuaritet Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints, 68c: AA cartons, 69oi A prints. S8c: A cartons eao; b prints. 66c. Erct Prices to retailers: Grade AA large 45c doz.; certified A large, 43oi A large 43c; AA medium, 43c; A medium, 40c; B medium, 33c; cartons 2o addi tional. Cbeesa Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 3fl-o: Oregon loaf. loafs 44-45o lb.; triplets, ltt cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles. sine id.; loai. wc Poultry Live chickens No. I Quality FOB Plants No. l broilers under 3 lbs. fryers, 2-3 lbs.. 23 -35c: 3-4 lbs.. 37c: 4 lbs and over. 27c ; roasters. 4 . lbs. and over, 27c; Leghorn hens, 4 lbs. and under. 14 -15c: over 4 lbs.. 15-16c: heavv hens, all weights, 19c; roosters, all weights. li-ioc. Turkey Net to growers, tome. 30-Slo. nens. 44c. price to retailers, dressed; ycung hens, 50-5 lc; A young toma. 31 38c i light toms, 41-42C Rabbits Average to growers. live whites 4-5 lbs. 17-300 lb.; 5-6 lbs. 15-18C lb.: colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks, 8-12c Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers, 40ot local, 48- 3ZC. Country-Kilted Meat! Veal. Top quality, 38-40o lb. I other (traded according to weight and quality wun iigmer or neavier, 33-300, Hogs Light blockers, 35-28( sows, 1B-21C Lambs Top quality, springers, 30-41o; mutton 10-iBc. Beef aood cows. 30-3lo lb.: canners- CUtters, 28-29c. Fresh Dressed Meats .wholesalers to retailers per cwt,): Beef steers: Good 500-800 lbs.. $39-42; commercial, $38-39; utility, 135-37. cows: commercial. 134-37: utility. 832- 34; canners-cutters, $29-32. Beef Cuts (Good Steers): Hind quarters $46-49; rounds $45-48; fuU loins trimmed. $60-63; triangle, $38-42; square chucks, $40-43: ribs, $53-57; forequarters. $38-40. Veal and calf: Good. 139-46: commercial. 139-48; utility. 332-39. , Lamb: Good-choice spring lambs, 143 commercial, (39-41; utility. $36-41. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs. down, $26-28. Pork loins: 144-47: shoulders. 16 lbs.. down, $33-34; sparerlbs, $47-50: earcass- $27-29; mixed weights, $3 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous - Onions SuddIt moderate, market stea dy; Ore. yellows, No. 1, $2-2.25; 10 lbs., 50-55C Yellows med.. 12.40-60: lars-e 12.50- 75; boilers, 10 lbs., 35-J8c; onion sets, Lake Lablsh, I2c lb.; Oregon yellows, 50 id., sd.vo-u; eastern ore Ron ana id a no yelldw, 50 lbs., mediums, $2.40-2.75; large. $2.50-2.75. Potatoes Ore. Deschutes russets. No. 1A. $3.50-3.75: No. 2 50 lha S1.35-SD: 25 lbs., $1.00-10. 15 lbs., 65-70C Wash, net ted genu, No. 1., $3.75-65; No. 2, $1.36-45; large bakers, $4.15-50; Idaho Russets No. 14.25-50: waxed. 14.60: ft lb. sacks. $3.60-80; new potatoes, Florida triumphs, size A (3.35-50; size B, $3-3.25. Hay New crop, stack bates, U. S. No. green alfalfa, truck or carlotx F-O-B Portland or Puttet Sound markets, $36.50 41.00 ton; U. S. No. 1 mixed timothy, $44 new crop oats and vetch hay or un certified clover hay, nominally $25-28 de- dlng on quality and location baled on Willamette valley farms. Cascara Bark Dry 12o lb. green 4c lb. Wool- Valley coarse and medium grades 45c lb. Hohatr 25o n 12-mootb growth nominally. Hidea calves 35c lb.: according to weignt, pips, 25c lb., beer, fl-ioe lb., bulls, 0-7c lb Country buyers pay 2o less Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquet tea. first quality Jum- do, 34.7c; large, 32.7c; medium. 27.2c; second quality Jumbos. 30.2c, large. 28.2c; meaium .zc: oaDy.; soi' on en. nrst Crocheted Comfles! This pretty-to-bed set not only looks and feels luxurious, but It is warm, com fortable and easy to make. The set makes a charming and Inexpensive gift for a convalescent friend, or for vour own readlng-ln-bed hours! Pattern Envelope No. R2187 con tains complete crocheting Instruc Wiley Creek and lascadia Out Little hope exists that an amendment of the flood control authorization bill to the point that Wiley Creek and Cascadia projects might be placed on the current list is seen by Congress man Harris Ellsworth, Protest of placing on the re serve list these two alternate flood control dams which would provide protection on the South Santiam river was recently rais ed by the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce. The situation is somewhat confused in view of the fact that the first information was releas ed in the Pacific northwest be fore house and senate members were advised of the action, Con gressman Ellsworth says. "If we are to give protection against damages, we must have authorized, at the very latest, all of the three dams contem plated in the corps of engineers report," the Lebanon group stat ed in letters to the Oregon dele gation, urging that flood dam ages be considered from the standpoint of a total basin. It is estimated that the aver-' age annual damage is in excess of $800,000," the communication stated. "The three dams Green Peter, Cascadia and Wiley Creek, will give approximately 88 percent protection to the low er valley, hut the Green Peter, if the only one, would only give about 50 percent protection. If we are to conserve the soil, it is necessary for much more pro tection than the Green Peter alone will afford." Fathers and Sons To Banquet Monday Silverton Olaf Paulson, Jr., president of the Christian Men's Brotherhood, is announcing the Father and Son banquet at 6:45 o'clock Monday evening. Program plans have been completed to include as speaker Rev. C. E. Henslcy of the Glad stone Christian pastorate. Music is to be furnished by the men s vocal quartet, the Four Norse men. Assisting Paulson will be his secretary, Bill Bunting. Guests Coast Friends Zena Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Brandt, Jr., of Zena were guests at the Wecoma beach home of Mrs. Alvina Vlckery of Portland. Before returning home they visited the Art Center at Ocean Lake, and also the out standing new Congregational church. Chlcaao Grain Chicago, Feb. 18 VP) Grains Inched upward on the board of trade today des pite fairly heavy profit-taking. Gains in the major cereals were mainly Held fractions, but soybeans and lard came through with malrly substantial ad vances. March wheat rose to another new high since December and at its best price was only a cent under the peak since trading In the delivery started. Short-covering featured activity in this contract, al though small commercial buying develop ed following sale of 20,000 tons of hard wheat to Belgium. Snle of new crop wheat first of the seasonwas reported In the cash trade. The price was 3 cents a bushel under the September future for July and Aug ust shipment. The soybean gain put prices where the beans would net around $2.25 In the country, traders said. This led to some profit-taking late In the session on the theory cash beans would move to ter minals at that price. Gains In lard were supported by demand for loose lard at j cents a pound, up n cent. Wheat closed U lower to "4 hls-her. March 12.30H. corn was tt-',4 higher, March $1.28-$ 1.28 ft, oats were higher, March 74W. rye was U lower to V higher. May $1.32t4. soybeans were Va- higher, Match $2.37Mi-i)t, and lard was 13 to 22 cents t hundred pounds higher, March $11.00. quality large. 29.701 medium. 38.2c, first quality large, 29.7c;' medium, 20.2c; sec- ona quality large. 31.20; medium. 3.los baby 22.2c. Ft "lerts Jumbo. 20o Ib.i large, llei Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fissure Fistula Prolapse And other rectal dis orders treated with-1 ut hospitalization. DR. R. REYNOLDS Naturo-Rectal Specialist 111114 Center St. Phone 3-9460; tions, stitch Illustrations, material rerulremento and finishing direc tions. To obtain this pattern, send 20c In COINS, giving pattern number vour name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission street San Fran cisco 3. Calif. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., ... - lllllllW-' k S- i jt- 'wi fe 1 hi Cycle Crushes Plate Window Dan Osborn, employe of Stan Baker Motors, North High and Chemeketa streets, is shown here gazing ruefully at the shards of a big plate glass window of the establishment that he crashed with a three wheel motorcycle Saturday morning. The whole panel, about 9 by 11 feet, crashed. Osborn said he wasn't really an expert at riding motorcycles. Mrs. Douglas-Home Grand I s 1 a n d Mrs. Ernest Douglas has returned home af ter being a guest of her husband, Ernest Douglas, and his sons at their large farm in Sauvies Is land since New Year's day. She was getting acquainted with her new grandson, Stephen Edward, born to Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas at the Emanuel hospital in Portland, December 29. DEATHS John William (Jack) Johnson John Willi am (Jack) Johnson, former resident of Snlem, at his home at cutler City, Ore., February 15, at the age ot 77 years. Surviving are his wife, Emma John son of Cutler City; two sons Harry John son of Hlllsboro, Oregon, and Jonn u. Johnson of Glendale, Calif.; two daugh ters, Llla Stlcklemlre of Whitehall, Mich., and Clara Wright of Whlttler, Calif.; two brothers. Pearl Johnson of Cutler City and Len Johnson of Winter, Wise; three sis ters. Mrs. Martha Tallaksen of Winter, Wise., Mrs. Etna Anderson of Sparta, Mich., and Mrs. Frances uewitt I Mus kegon, Mich.; 13 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Monday. February 20. at i:3u cm. wun ttev. r. u. Knoll officiating. Interment In Bekreat Memorial park. Ritualistic services by Sa lem lodge NO. 4, AP A AM. Prank Thomas Jaekoskl At his home at 1405 Falrmount street. February 17. at the age of 81 years, Frank Thom m Jnskoski. survived uy a son. Phllllo Jaskoskl of Salem: two daughters. Mrs. A. n, ah ore oi uiympia ana miss Lucille Jaskaskl of Snlem; two brothers, John Jaskoskl and Edward Jaskoskl, both of Jamestown. N. D.: two sisters. Mrs. Wlckolf ot Jamestown, N. D., and Miss Dora Jaskoskl of St. Paul, Minn. Reci tation of the rosary at the W. T. Rtadon chapel Sunday, February 19, at 8 p.m. Services will be held at St. Joseph's Cath olic church Monday, February 20, at a.m. Interment In St. Barbara cemetery. Mrs. Paul Jaquet Mrs, Paul Jaquet, late resident of route 3, Silverton, at the Silverton hospital Feb ruary 18, at the age of 49 years. Announce ment of services later by W. T. Hlgdon company. Mrs. Gertrnde B. Kawson Mrs. Gertrude Elizabeth Rawson. late resident of 2114 Broadway St., on Salem route 2 , rcoruary n, at the age of 27 years. Surviving xo her husband. Foster O. Rawson, Salem; a son, Donald F. Raw son, Salem: her mother, Mrs. Anna Ba Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 ,ack, $5.00 Bulk 1 $10.00 a ton.... 17.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 Would you like DRINK YOUR WAY FROM BALDNESS? Another new ond surprising post-war discovery indicates that certain substances taken internally will stimulate the growth of hair on the scalp. SAMSONADE, previously sold merely as a wholesome appetizer, contains these substances and has produced a sharp increase in hair growth in approxi mately 80 of its recent users. This is one more instance of the widespread gains in medi cal and biological knowledge in the last few years. The re search on which this discovery is based was only completed in December, 1949. It is strictly new, and in line with the prin ciple that hair growth depends mainly on internal body chem istry. Will you risk one dollar to find out if you are one of the fortunate 80? As this is far below the regular price, we must limit the offer to this month (orders mailed before March 1) and to those who use the order blank below. rBASIC rTmEDIeT "1 140 N. Echolt St. Monmouth, Oregon Send me immediately, postpaid, one 12-ounce bottle of SAMSONADE. Enclosed is one dollar (), full pay ment for this introductory offer. Name (please print) Address ICity Saturday, Feb. 18, 195013 $ P. '. ses, CorvallLs; four sisters, Mrs. K. A, Wood and Mrs. Charles Baker, both of Sa lem. Mrs. A. J. Fuller, Corvallls; and Earl Andrldge. Helena. Mont.: and four brothers. Francis Sasek. West Salem. John F. and Joseph Sasek, both of East Helena, Mont., and Louts Sasek, Anaconda, Mont. Services win be hekl at the Howell Edwards chapel Monday, February 20, at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. T. J. Bernards offic iating, interment in Belcrest Memorial park. Catherine Louise Beaver Catherine Louise Beaver, lata real. dent of Redmond, Oregon, at a local hospital February 17. Mother of Mrs. Jeanne -Pavel !c of Spokane, Mrs. Mary Brown of Taooma, Mrs. Margaret Cun ningham of Albany, George Beaver of Redmond, Prank Beaver of Anchorage, Alaska, and James Beaver of Talkeetna, Alaska; sister of Mrs. C. Anderson of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Mrs, A. W. Mc George of San Diego, Mrs. J. Bauer and Michael Egan of Durand. Wise, William Egan of Chicago, Franklin Egan of Virgin la, Minn., and Thomas Egan of Spokane. Graveside services will be held at Belcrest Memorial park Monday, February 20, at 3:30 p.m. under the direction ot the Vlr gll T. Qoklen mortuary. OBITU ARY Lloyd Fox Stayton Funeral services for Lloyd Fox. 27, former Salem and West Stayton res ident who died in the mountains near McCloud, Calif., Tuesday trom exposure, will be held trom the Weddle funeral home at 3:30 o'clock Monday. He wag born at Missoula, Mont., Dec. 39, 1922, and came to Marlon county with his fam ily, living almost his entire lire in this vlolnlty with the exception of service In the armed forces during the war. He had been In California for the past year ana at tne time of his death had been employed to repair telephone lines. Surviv ing are his widow, Leella Fox, Wen a tehee, Wash.; and a young daughter; mother, Mrs. Harley MIze, Salem; father, F. J. Pox, West Stayton; half-brother, Fred Davenport Dexter; half-sisters, Mrs. Vi olet Drlessche, Mansfield, Wash,, and Mrs. Alloe Hilton, West Stayton and sis ters, Mrs. Lucille Loe and Betty Jane Fox, both of Salem. Buby B, Reed Amity Funeral services for Ruby B. Reed, who died Wednesday, were held at McMlnnvllle Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with burial here. She Is survived by her husband, Charles L. Reed; sons, Robert and Charlie; daughter, Kathrra Van Otten, all of Amity; brother. War ren D. Bllts, Seattle, and a sister, Mrs. Eva Williams, Portland; three grand daughters and one grandson. Frances Richardson Barber Wlllamlna Graveside services wen hold at the Wlllamlna cemetery for Mrs. Frances Richardson Barber, long-time resident of this community, who passed away at her home in Wlllamlna Febru ary 8. Many relatives and friends at tended the services, and there was abun dance of beautiful flowers. Mrs. Bar ber had been a resident of Wlllamlna since 1893. She was the wife of the late Bcnnlng Barber, who died In November, 1933. She was born at Oxden, Utah, on February 23, 1885, the daughter of Elis abeth and Edward Richardson. Survivors Include three sons, Eugene, Sheridan; Sam, McMlnnvllle; and Ben, Idanha; seven grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren Horace Edward Strong Woodburn Horace Edward Strong, 7t of Woodburn died Friday, Feb. 17, at a Sa lem hospital. He was a former resident of Walla Walla, Wash., and came to Wood burn four years ago. Born at Hlckley, Minnesota January 11, 1879. Survivors Include two sons, Ernest Strong ot Al bany and Morris Strong, residence un known; two daughters, Mrs, Joseph Per setto of St. Paul, Minn., and Mrs. Nell Calkins of Woodburn; one brother Henry Strong of Salem, South Dakota; three grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be held Monday, Feb. 20 at 2 p.m. st the Rlngo chapel here with Rev. Arthur Goble of the Four square church officiating, followed by Interment In Belle Passl cemetery. to I State j "' r: ' A I ttt. 1 7