Washington's Birthday Desserts Washington Hatchets Something for the tots. AP Newifemturei For a Washington's Birthday party treat, youngsters will like nothing better than the realistic hatchets ol cherry-flavored gela tin pictured here. Serve the hatchets on plates of contrasting color-blue paper plates would be nice. .Washington Hatchets !y Ingredients: 2 packages cherry-flavored gelatin, 4 cups very hot, water, sweetened whipped cream, maraschino cherries. Method: Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Pour into 9x9x2-inch pan. Chill until firm. Cut hatchet pattern from paper, about 5 inches long and with the handle about an inch wide. Place pattern on top of gelatin and cut around it with a sharp knife dipped in hop water Us ing a pancake turner transfer gelatin hatchet to plate. Garnish with whipped cream and cher ries. Makes 4 to 6 servings. For a; more sophisticated des sert for the adults try the fol lowing recipe: Cheese-Filled Pancakes Ingredients: 1 cup sifted all purpose flour, 2 teaspoons bak ing powder, Vz teaspoon salt, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons cooking oil, 44 cup creamed cottage cheese. Method: Sift flour, baking powder, salt together. Beat egg slightly, add oil and milk and beat to combine. Add all at once to dry ingredients and stir until smooth. Bake on hot griddle, using one-third cup batter for each cake. Griddle does not have to be greased if it is well seasoned. Place 2 level table spoons cottage cheese in a row dqwn center of each pancake while hot. Roll cake around it and place open edge down to hold roll closed. Serve hot with warm cherry sauce. Makes 5 pancakes. Cherry Sauce Ingredients: 1 No. 2 can (about 214 cups) unsweetened water pack red cherries, cup sugar, IV2 tablespoons cornstarch. Method: Dram cherries and mix with sugar. Measure juice, add water if necessary to make cup. Mix cornstarch with small amount of liquid to make smooth paste. Heat remaining liquid to almost boiling, stir in cornstarch paste gradually, and simmer 4 or 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add sweetened cher ries, mix well, and bring to boil. Sauce may be made in advance and warmed slightly before serv ing. Makes 2Vs cups sauce. Pancake Day HP1 Back In merry old England In the 12th century Shrove Tues day, the day before Lent begins, wag celebrated as "Pancake Day." The old custom is still observed in England, Canada and parts of the United States. The order of the day is a feast of fluffy golden pancakes. In celebrating Pancake day, or any other special occasion, try Pancakes Adirondack. They arc a party dish of light tender pancakes with melted butter and shaved maple syrup between the pancakes and a mound of whipped cream on top. You'll have to try Pancakes Adiron dack to appreciate their luscious goodness. Pancake Adirondack 2 cups ready-mix for pancakes Vt cups milk Filling and Topping Melted butter, shaved maple sugar, whipped cream. Just add milk to unsifted ready mix all at once and stir lightly. Pour V cup batter for each pancake onto a hot, lightly greased griddle. Bake to a gold en brown, turning only once. Stack three pancakes placing melted butter and shaved maple sugar (or brown sugar) between each. Top with whipped cream; sprinkle with shaved maple sug ar. Makes 14 to 16 medium pancakes. Miss Bailey Wed Feb. 10 Silverton Miss Mildred Bailey, daughter of Rev. and Mrs, Omer Bailey of Silverton, was wed to Ronald J. Schmidt son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmidt of Central Howell, on Friday evening February 10 at 8: o'clock at the North Howell Community church, Rev. Joe Johnson offi ciating. Preceding the ceremony Miss Billie Oliver of Salem, accom panied by Dick Louthan, also of Salem, sang. Miss Oliver played the wedding march. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of traditional white slip per satin, with lace trimmed fingertip veil. Miss Ruth Bailey, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Her formal was pink taf feta and she carried a nosegay bouquet of pink rosebuds and blue irises. Miss Naomi Schulke, bridesmaid, wore a matching style blue taffeta formal with bouquet of daffodils and blue irises. Robert Schmidt was his brother's best man with Elmer Reznicsek of Neskowin also an attendant. Miss Joan Johnston of Al bany and Miss Catherine Bailey, cousin and sister of the bride, were candle lighters. . Ushers were Lee Schmidt, brother of the bridegroom, and Donnell Bailey, causin of the bride. Lucia Zeh, of Salem, little flower girl and Junnie Johnston of Albany, ring bearer, are both cousins of the bride. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Bailey wore a navy crepe dress with matching hat and pink carnation corsage. The bridegroom's mother wore a black crepe dress and match ing hat with a white carnation corsage. The reception was held in the basement of the church. Mrs. Mort Prominski had charge of the guest book. Mrs. Joe John son and Mrs. Andrew Smith cut the cake, Rueben Ditchen and Mort Prominski served the ice cream. Those unwrapping gifts were Miss Esther Reznicsek, Mrs. Doris Rickard, Miss Betty Sorensen, Mrs. Bertha Ditchen, Misses Clotine Blaney, Arletha Meye and Joyce Bailey. HOSTESS Friday to her bridge club was Mrs. Harold M. Olin ger. The group met for lunch eon, cards following Mrs. Ar thur Fisher was an additional guest. Campus Clippings New Releases THS WEEK THI CRT OP THE WILD GOOSE Fr&nkie Laino arrnNG) by the window biuj Estaum LXATl IT TO LOVE Ralph Pluftf on Pot tht Laiotot Seltctlou in Record Visit Downstairs, Oregon Bldg. STATE ft HIGH Phone 38632 Harold ft Dereen Shofren : Cheese-filled Pancakes Dad gets a treat, also. 10-40 mmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmwiHmm WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY By GERI BOWLES Today marks the completion of an impressive relipimie m. phasis week program at Willamette. The main speaker at the various chapels and convocations has been Dr. A. A. Thornberg of Hollywood, Calif., who was honored at a coffee hour yesterday afternoon. Dinners and firesides with prominent men in thp tneoiogicai nem were staged ats all the living organizations on the campus, and the Future Teachers of America cooperated with the theme of the week in selecting as a topic for their meeting the current controversy over religion in the public schools. 2086 2028 11-19 Smart Styles to Sew Smartest the styles that take you South-into-Summer! A wise choice is the dress with com panion bolero a distinctive twenty-four hour fashion that goes out in the daytime and stays out after dark. Another, the endless ly useful bolero suit with jacket and skirt as wonderfully wear able apart as they are together. 2086. This is the much talked about jacket-dress bolero mantling brief sleeves, deeper neckline. Grossgrain ribbon is dashing decor. No. 2086 is cut in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. 36, 38, and 40. Size 16 dress and bolero,. takes 5Yt yds. 39-in., ZVi yds. ribbon. 2028. Interpreting the bolero suit in a new way jacket with unexpected flare in back, skirt with popular pocket detail. No. 2028 is cut in sizes 11, 13, 15, 17, 19. Size 15, suit, takes 3 yds. 54-in. Guaranteed accurate and easy-to-follow patterns for making these garments are obtainable at 25 cents each. Write name and address plainly, state pattern number and size, and send with proper remittance to FASHION PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 214 Mission St., San Francisco 5, Calif. For special hand ling of your order to be delivered via first-class mail include an extra 5" cents per pattern. The Spring 1950 issue of. the Home Sewer's Fashion Book shows more than 150 other styles, all sizes, all ages. 25 cents a copy.- Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, February 17, 19507 The drama department has provided a fitting climax to the event in their excellent produc tion of Isben's "Ghosts," which had its opening last evening, and is scheduled for a repeat per formance tonight at 8 o'clock in Waller chapel. Although once banned from stage for immoral ity, the play does present a frank statement of a social problem. Marian Sparks, Margaret Guice, Phil Hammond, Dave Place, and George Bynon comprise the cast. Something new in a program to provide more adequate coun seling and guidance for students will be tried Tuesday when all lower division men will meet with their advisers to discuss the use of the library and the correct form for writing term papers. Similarly, all women will meet with the dean of wom en in an assembly to discuss pertinent problems and prevail ing practices of the campus. Valentine's day came this year with the usual deluge of candy hearts and red roses, and sur prises serenades and flowers from the Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Sigma Chi fraternities. Cu pid's work was in evidence by the numerous fraternity pins given coeds as Valentine rem embrances. Saturday night the Delta Gam mas will turn to the carefree and informal at their costume ball, "Midnight Masquerade," complete with eye masks. Chair man Gerry Gossett has secured more than 300 balloons and lots of serpentine and confetti to add to the festivity of the occasion. The dance programs will be min iature black masks, and the re freshments, will also carry out the masquerade theme. High lighting the evening's entertain ment will be two vocal solos by Gloria Stone, accompanied by Rose Marie Wilhoit. The Alpha Chi Omegas have also planned a party for Satur day evening a formal "Crim son Ball," with white picket fences and colors of orchid, pur ple, and magenta decorating the dance floor. There will be fa vors of maroon carnations for the men of the evening and dance programs of quilted green paper with an ornate pink car nation. Punch and sherbet will be served,' and dancing will be to the music of a combo. The Alpha Chis have invited several out-of-town high school girls as their guests for the evening Don't Forget Saturday Is Baker's Dozen Day at Your SPUDNUT SHOPS SUBLIMITY Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Wolf recently were: Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wolf and son, Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leninger, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Wolf and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wolf, and Clarence Sabroski. MILL CITY Mrs. William B. Chandlee will be the speaker at the Mill City Woman's club meeting next Tuesday night held in the Presbyterian church recreation rooms. Mrs. Chandlee from Hillsboro, is president of the Oregon Feberation of Wo men's Clubs. Invitations have been extended to the Women's clubs of Mehema, Lyons and Gates and visitors are welcome. In choosing saucepans, look ones that are flat-bottomed and have straight sides and tight-fitting covers; pans of this sort save heat. a $169 I These features make b your best washer buy , , . Spiralator washing action e) Improved spin-action Power Flush-Rinse Two-Tub Washing, Riot tag and Damp-Drying ft Handy new Fill and Rinse Faucet Open Fri. 'Til 9 P. M. 445 Court St. Phone 2-6794 1226 S. 12th St. Phone 2-3463 Appliance Dept. 115 S. Com'l. 3-9148 NOW AT R L. ELFSTROM CO. "SPEED COOKING" WITH "PUSH-BUTTON" CONTROLS! G-E AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC "SPEEP COOKING" AT BUDGET PRICES1 AIRLINER RANGE STRATOLINER RANGE 95 Pay Only $14.95 a Month Hare's a trio that will make any housewife beam O-E auto mata "8pd Cooking," futures galore, a red lew price) All in oat great range ki it today for sure I HI-SPEED CAMOD UNITS for lain, ctoooor noting Ihoa ocor. HUGE MASTS OVSN-ror Wo mlt, mmN nook, Mkiooo mtmU 110 THRIFT COOKM-W My, oooyooofct am. AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMES oooln yoor ataaof or SooM ' TWO APPLIANCE OUTLETS out aufomofffoffy Himd, 000 normal See the wonderful C-l Airliner fodayi sonr 077 LIBERATOR RANGE 369.95 Pay only $13.75 a month "Never-before" G-E Range value! Pay ony $11.20 mo. 299.95 These G-E marvels give you all the wonders of "Speed Cooking" just by pushing but tons! Your choice of two complete ovens in the Liberator, or e Tripl-Oven and built-in preutt cooker in the 8tratoliner. Famous Calrod Unlit I Five cooking speeds. Plus new Exttt-Hi-Speed Calrod unit the fastest heating 0-inch Calrod unit made (right rear unit). Push Buttons with Tel-A-Cook Lights! No guesswork. Exact heats. Automatic Oven Timer! Automatically turns oven Ok and Opp. Hi-style Control Panell Added salety, tauy, to we end to use. Here's a brandnew G-E "Speed-cooWng" Range with , push buttons at a price that's lower than you'd ever expect! -See it today! YouU shout about it, just as we are doing! ; e Push-Button Controls! rises Trlpl-Ovstil V e Automatic Oven Tirnerl Hl-Speed Calrod Heating Big Thrift Cooker! Unltsl e Few lakaMe Unitl 1950 NEW G-E RANGES from as Low as $1 5995 At. 340 Court St. 7& Phone 2-2493 Salem, Oregon