IS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, February 17, 1950 jgWWa!,W'WW.M'.!'W'IW h Sim ' III II 1 I) " 6 WOMEN'S BETTER DRESSES n w - --- - Rescuer Icebound The rescue ship John Biscoe, en route to Stonington Island in the Antarctic to aid a group of ma rooned British scientists, is "iced-up" in Admiralty Bay. Brownout in N. Y. Ordered New York, Feb. 17 W Times Square's fairyland of lights will blink out Sunday as a result of the coal mine strike. A statewide "brownout" of el ectric advertising displays will follow rationing of dwindling coal supplies under priorities, put into effect last night. The conservation steps like those of wartime were ordered to avert the "catastrophe" that Gov. Thomas E. Dewey said might result from the soft coal walkout. New York state's coal admin. fatrator, Bertram D. Tallamy, set the wheels in motion. He issued five emergency or ders, with the full force of law to restrict sale of coal and to dim advertising lights from Broadway to Main street. New York City folks ac customed to blackouts, dimouts and brownouts during war and Industrial strife took the news In stride. Advertising sign men in the Times Square area where you can read a newspaper in the middle of the street at midnight promised full compliance with the brownout orders. But Broadway won't be black. Street lamps and streams of light from windows will suffice, s In past brownouts. It won't be like the deep gloom that pre vailed during part of the war. New Instructor for Art Group Announced The creative art group of the Salem Art association announced today that the services of Phil lip Halley Johnson, of Mon mouth, have been secured as in structor In drawing and paint ing. Johnson received his training at the University of Oregon's School of Architecture and Al lied Arts. While there he spec ialized in frescoe and mural naintlng. He has had consider able teaching experience with groups and individuals, here and In Portland. Johnson's paint ing are to be found in several private collections. The creative art group meets on alternate Friday evenings at the studios, 193 North Commer cial street, for a three-hour ses sion of life drawing, composition and painting. The next meeting will be Friday, February 24, at 7:15 p.m. There are at the present time a few memberships in the group that are vacant. Persons inter ested in joining the group should contact Mrs. Ida Nostcll, Phone J-6247. Rally Dinner For Soph Class Salem high school's sophomore class held a rally dinner Friday evening preceding the Spring-field-Salem game at the high school cafeteria. "School Spirit" was the theme for the affair headed by Jim Mathieson, class president, and assisted by Roberta Sjoding, class secretary. Bv Young and Helen Calla ghan decorated the cafeteria with red and black magaphones with pom-poms dominating. Honored guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. . A. Carleton, Mr. and Mrs. Gurnee Flesher, Miss Elizabeth Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neer and Miss Vivian Carr. The class of '52 has presented several talent shows to the ASB members of Salem high during the noon lunch period for class activities. The sophs are now preparing for the talent compe tition with the juniors and sen iors at a later date. Horizon Club Has Formal Inductions Murel Morris chapter of Hor izon club, Salem high school held its annual winter formal in duction ceremonies Thursday night at the home of Miss Jean Blackwell. Members Initiated by candle eeremony were Val Jean Gos nell, Colleen McNeil, Blllie Mil ler, Margaret Miller, Norma Hamilton and Roberta Sjoding. President Mary Sundctt and Secretary Marilyn Meyers con ducted the affair. Listen! to the broadcast 'hat is interesting and different TONITE DON HARGER'S "FISHCASTER" K.O.C.O. at6:30 Sponsored by Herrall-Owen & The Salem Boat House Robbers Surprise Room Clerk New York, Feb. 17 m ' Two men entered the St. Clare hotel early today, and asked Room Clerk William Knox the rates for a double room. "$4.29," said Knox. "That's robbery," said one of the men. "I'm no robber," Knox re plied, jokingly. "But we are," said the man, shoving an object in his rain coat pocket, apparently a re volver, toward Knox. Police said the men swept $106 from the hotel cash draw er, and fled. Gen. Marshall Lauds Red Cross New York, Feb. 17 W) Gen. George C. Marshall, praising the Red Cross as an instrument for international peace, has open ed that organization's national appeal for $67,000,000. The proposed budget is $7, 000,000 higher than last year. Marshall, former secretary of state and now president of the American Red Cross, told 1800 persons at a Waldorf-Astoria meeting yesterday: "The cultivation of good faith and good will is of monumental importance and I know of no other organizations but the Red Cross which has the power to spread the good faith and the good will which are essential to peace. Fund collections begin official ly March 1. Annexation Vote April 4 Portland, Feb. 17 W Nine suburban areas here will vote April 4 on whether to join Port land. One adjoins southeast Port land. All the others are in the southwest hills. The city coun cil set the date yesterday. FOR Insured Savings SEE First jjjp Federal "4 First Current Dividend 2'j st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty 1 "V THE NEW "CEUOPHANE-UKF FINISH FOR ROOK - WALLS - AUTOS - FURMTURf attiiiwtiini tn ii in 1Wini 0t tmUk far tMkf m iinlii m. 95 SALEM LIGHTING & "U APPLIANCE CO. N. High DU1 1-9411 You can buy a new SINGER SBWtNG MACHfffB S- for as Sow as $8922 5 OjfeslL FREE 8 2-Hour Sewing Course Ey budg torn liberal lrad-hi atlawaiK Ye, jroa can actually own a brand new sworn Electric Portable Ma chine for as little as SS9.50I There are man fine cabinet models, too, in a wide range of price to fit any pune. Colonial, modem, period sty lea. See them, try them, choose win today at your nearest binge SEWING CENTER For your protection singer sella and services Ha Sewing Machines, and other products only through SINGER SEWTNO CENTERS. identified by the Red "S" on the window, and never through other stores or dealers. A IMtrt M THE lINCnm MiNWACTiaHira OOMFAKT. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. 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