16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, February 17, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSE5 REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILES IAUTOMOBILES CLASSIFIED ADVnniXNOl Per Lin Per Line 1 tlmei ..im Per Lin I time 60o Per Line 1 month 12.00 Outside of Sales 160 per line per day. Mln. IOci a time mln. too I time mln. 11.20. No Refunds READERS In Local New CoL Onlyt lOo per line To Place an Ad Phone I-S466 FOR SALE HOUSES While they last: only I Kit. These modern bomu 18050. I960 down, 161 mo. rio jum mnw vviv. . Lansing Ave. Silverton Rd. Glenn Aaxniiton, ou uaer, iiim a . mm. MAKE OFFER A lood br home. Ele- heat plui oD If wanted. Conveniently arranged. Nicely .. located. Astting price bw. n Drive by 1662 Ruse St. Call Walt Mui- falter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 1-6109 mm, too naw muutni num.. on one floor. Englewood Dlst. Close to school, nrepiace, auw. ou uiu.. Immed. posa. CALL STANLEY BROWN WITH State Finance Co., R'ltors 158 S. High St. Phone S-4121. 41 OB.lfiO. NEW modern 2 bdrm. home NE 1n fn anhnnl St BUS. Fireplace. Oil ' furnace, attached garage. Immediate poos, B60 down, pymen oi.n uwuvu. rail fltinlN Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors Phone S-4121. 41 16,980. ATTRACTIVE 6 rm. home on large . lot In Salem Heights Dlat. Nice garden apace, Will trade for Eugene property. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 158 8. High St. Phone 2-4121. a41 4,500 8-rm. home at 748 Mill St. Large rooms, paveo. os. ana , No. 8 zone. Immediate possession, nail n. V. Hum with State Finance Co. R'ltors . 158 8. High St. Pft. l-tiii. 8,980. LATE buUt 2 borm. Dome with at - tached garage. Located Inside city 11m- Its. Large lot. 11250 down, balance FHA. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High St. Phone 3-4121. a41 $7,900. APPROX. U acre and clean 2 bdrm. home East. Fireplace. Attach ed garage. Oil furnace. Immediate pos session. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High Phone 3-4121. a41 9,760. 1 ACRE with clean modern 1 bdrm. home unfinished upstairs. Close In- Bus at door. Chicken house. Walnut trees. Beautiful yard and shrubbery. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High Phone 3-4121. 6NE TEAR old 2 bdrm. house In Keller dlat. Hardwood floors As attached ga rage. Full price 86300. Easy termi. In- auire a-ian. fcl.MO. ENGLEWOOD Dlst. 6-rm. attrac- tlve home completely furnished with ., extra nice furniture. Oarage, lawn and , shrubs. Call O. V. Hume with (State Finance Co., R'ltors 163 8. High St. Phone 3-4121. a41 ENGLEWOOD DISTV 4 bdrm. fob. Hdwd. firs., weather strip ped, Insulated. 2 fireplaces, Ph. 2-5529. a44 OPEN FOR INSPECTION t BR home. Nice corner location, bus at door. For sale by builders. Price $8850. Terms 1010 S. 14th. 44 ENGLEWOOD 5 yrs. old, lovely modem style home, 5 nice size rooms, fireplace, large windows, ven. bltnda, extra good basement, oil fur., Inc. back yard, best , of surroundings, 811,900. Terms. R. E. MEREDITH RLT. or B. M. MASON 176 S. Com'l Ph. 3-8841 a41 BY OWNER Manbrln Gardens ranch type 2-bedroom house, flreplaee, full basement. 420 Manbrln Drive. a43 Unfinished house, a bdrms.; attract ive and wnll nnjitruated on U A. tract. Vt ml. E. of Swegle Sch. on Garden Rd. 83600. Ph. 3-1D39. a46 UNUSUAL 3-bedroom home with very attractive floor Plan. Lovely Interior decorating. Very fine location. Englewood sohool district. Auto-oll heat, fireplace, lots of extra features. 310,600. Ho. 287 EASY WAY to buy a 3-bedroom modern home with auto, oil heat, Hdw. floors. Bendlx, large utility room. Attaohed garage, fenced-in back yard. 1600 down. $75 per month, Inch taxes and Ins. No. 314 Reimann for Real Estate 01 South High Street Phone S-M0S Eves. 2-1327. 4-2874. 3-4638 a41 1 Bedroom, $1,000 Dn. . Balance (40 month. Nearly new email house, yard fenced, fruit trees, close in $1,000 Down t bedrooms, all hardwood floors, Inside laundry room, garage and workshop. This is exceptionally nice, only ibdoq. 3 Bedroom Nearly new. F.H.A. terms, Very, very nice and large eomer lot, new district, 4 Bedroom Full basement, furnace, fireplace, close in. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7642 Eves, and Sundays 2-0126 a42 2235 BREYMAN 2225 BREYMAN " 2 bedrooms. Larue living rooms. Dining room. Kitchen, lots of bullt-lns. Fireplace. Auto, oil heat. Venetian blinds. Hardwood floors thruout. Utility room. Plastered garage. LANDSCAPING TO BE DONE PRICE $9,750. EA. TERMS Wm. T. J. Foster HOME BUILDER 1650 BAKER ST. PHONE 2-9898 a41 $500 Dn., $50 Month Nice 3-BR. home located north, $1000 Dn. We have 3 nice homes available mi the above down payment each, $18,500 Beautiful 4-BR. home, located la Falrmount Hill District. Call Mr. Nooncheater H. E. Corey Real Estate 1365 IT. Broadway Phon. 1-OSfil Eve. 3-010J. 3-H816 al FOR SALE LOTS RESTRICTED BUILDING LOTS SOUTH. HIOH OROUND. OITY WA TER. ELECTRICITY. BUS. $735, LOT 60x127. 3635, LOT 60x132. LOT WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW. 100x165, (1000. EDWARD A. DYCK, REALTOR 328 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. TEL. 2-62U EVE. 3.6686. eH3 EXCEPTIONAL VIEW These are without question the finest view lots available. Adjoined $30,000 (25,000 homes on King wood Drive. Call Walt Musgrave. Walter Musgrave, Rltr. 1311 Ediewater Ph. I I 1M M4I FOR SALE LOTS Business Lot 1841 8. 12th St. 60x100. Has 28'x20' bldg., 13500. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 2-2147 Rt. 1, Box 248 aa42 $50.00 DOWN Business or Motel sight, xh Acre on Main Hlway, So., 342 Ft. of Hlway frontage, approach In, some lumber. price 81200. Payable 120 per mo. Burt Plena, neaitor, H9 h. mgn at. j-aw or FOR SALE FARMS GRADE "A" DAIRY 129 acres with year round creek. 24 stanchion barn. 30x8 silo. 3-bedroom house with basement. Stock and equip ment goes. (30,000, Good terms to re sponsible party. No. 1067 Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High Street Ph. J-t 97,950. 11W Acres Bouin. 2 bdrm. home, garage, poultry house, fruit, nuts, ber ries. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 163 8. High St. Phone 3-4121. b41' 10 Acres $6250 3 bdrm. modern hse., basement, barn, chicken hse., black soil, (1500 down. 10 Acres $7500 2 bdrm. mod. hse.. large poultry hse.. barn, tractor and equipment go, $1000 down. Close to town. 26 Acres $7000 3 bdrm. modern hse., barn for 15, bunk hse.. 4 good cows. Part terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate FOR SALE ACREAGE WELL IMPROVED 10 A, 10 miles SE of Salem. 3 BR, lots iruit et oerr.es, a bargain. Immediate possession. Also 'A mile level river front In 222 close to dam. Box 164 Aumsvllle, Ore. bb43 REAL ESTATE $1000 Down NEW TWO Bedroom Home close to new Washington School. Automatic heat, hardwood floors thruout, attached gar age. Immediate possession $7250. Ex clusive, call Lee Eve. Ph. 3-8342. Englewood District This new one-story home has 5 large rooms, plus utility room and garage, fireplace, electric heat, plenty of bullt 1ns, will qualify for FHA loan. Call Lee Ve. Fl. $1500 Down Kelzer district, acre ranch type home. Hardwood floors, Ven. blinds, fruit, etc. A real buy at $9500 and will go O.I. Call Brown Eve. Ph. 3-4037 ex clusive, $3750 Only 81000 down will buy this modern 2 bedroom cottage, paved street and sidewalk. Call Brown Eve. Ph. 3-4037. Ex clusive. The Good Earth 145 Acres of good Will, soli, all Im proved, stocked and equipped, ready to to. Wonderful Income right from the start. Grade A dairy barn, dairy stock. Cletrac tractor, drill, plenty of other machinery In good condition, irrigation rights. (266.00 per acre. See Wamberg and get your Income started. One Acre 3 bedroom home, L.R., good size kitchen with plenty of bullt-lns. Modern, on a paved road. Plenty of nuts, fruit, good garden, excellent well with electric pressure system. Priced at only (6300 with (2000 down, bal. (40.00 per month. See Bennett. One Acre t room new, very nice 2 bedroom home, modern In every respect, located on a paved road, a real good buy Vt cash, good terms on balance. See Mr. Ben nett. $3750 GOOD SUBURBAN HOME FOR THE PRICE, LOCATED EAST, HAS A VERY DESIRABLE O.I. LOAN. SEE MR. BOURNE. EXCLUSIVE. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 H. Capitol Ph. 3-8216 C41 BEST BUYS ' HOMES Manbrin Gardens Just listed, almost new 3 BR home, 1450 aq. ft. floor space, fireplace, radiant heat, Insulated, hardwood firs, through out, lots of closets St bullt-lns. Extra lge. corner lot; large gar. Owner leaving eitv. This Is a good value for only 113,800. Eves, phones 2-7674 or 3-3558. Englewood New home. 3 BR on main floor. Room for 3 more bdrms. upstairs, mahogany finish, close to Englewood school, cor ner lot, paved street, Bendlx washer, reduced to $1700 down. Total price only 110,000. Eve. phones 2-7671 or j-jdds. Capitola Extra nice new home 1200 sq. ft. fir. naee. Insulated, weather stripped, etec. heat, close to bun, store St schools. Bee this one for $11,000. 32600 dn. Eve. 27674 or 3-306B. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830, 3-4598 C41 McKillop Real .Estate REALTORS Sell or Trade 8 acres with 2 bedroom home. Located north. Will trade for city property. Selling price, (4,500. McKinley District Very compact two-bedroom home, nice living room with fireplace, kitchen, nook and hardwood floors. Priced right (7,500, $1,000 Down Will buy this good, 2-bedroom home, living room, kitchen and nice utility room. Qood floor plan, many bullt-lns. On bus line, near school. Full price, (7,000. Income $960 Per Year 3 houses on one lot. Oood location. Or a nice home with one rental. Call us for more particulars. $8,500. McKINLEY DISTRICT 3-bedroom home. Large living room with fireolace. sood dining room. Kitch en has good bullt-lns, also nook. Full basement, oil neat. An excellent ouy at $10,250. Suburban Home As good as they come. Large corner lot. Lovely lawn . and shrubs. House has brick trim, a fireplace and hardwood floors. All rooms are large. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen. 813,200. McKillop Real Estate 493 CENTER AT HIOH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS Phone 3-8620 Evenings 3-8406 or 3-5514 C4l Immediate Possession (S850 4 Bed Rm. home, Hollywood Dlst. Liv. rm., H.W., floor fireplace, dinette. Wired for range. Cement base ment, sawdust furnace. Can be shown anytime. Call for Mr. Vicary or Mabel Needham, Realtor 341 State St. Ph. 3-0201. Eve. 2-0421 Near Catholic School Late built, strictly modern 2 BR home, full dining room, utility rm., St garage. Worth the asking price of (0800. Edge of Town Practically new, 2 BR completely In sulated home with lance llvini room, 73x135 ft. lot. Price (7650. West Salem Lot 50 ft. paving paid, close to school St bus. Priced isoo. can JBon uicarr. tve Ph. 3-9039. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 1-6109. c43 THIS BEATS PAYING RENT A NEAT LITTLE PLACE ON PAVED STREET IN WEST SALEM. 1 BED ROOMS. WITH LARGE COMBINATION LIVING AND DINING ROOM. 3 BLOCKS FROM BUS LINE. GARAGE AND WORKSHOP FOR PAPA. PRICED 1Q BELL. $5250.- Are You Thinking of Trading Your House For a Farm?. OWNER OF THIS 88 ACRE FARM NEAR SILVERTON HAS BUSINESS IN TOWN, SILVERTON, OR NORTHEAST DISTRICT SALEM. FARM HAS OOOD f ROOM HOUSE, OUTBUILDINGS. 40 ACRES IN CULTIVATION, INCLUD INO 3V4 A. STRAWBERRIES. PRICE $12,500. A Nice Little Place on South High Street CONVENIENT TO LESLIE SCHOOL. 3 BEDROOMS. FULL BASEMENT. GAR AGE. 1 CHERRY TREE. 1 WALNUT TREE. ON BUS LINE. PRICE $6,000. 3 Bedroom and a Full Basement IN KEIZER DISTRICT. CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CITY TRANSPORTATION. PRICE OF $12,600 INCLUDES ltt ACRES OOOD GARDEN. TERMS. For the Man Who Can't Put $10,000 in a Home ' HERE IS THIS NEAT LITTLE 2 BEDROOM HOME PRICED AT ONLY (5.500. 3 BEDROOMS, GARAGE, AND ONLY 2 BLOCKS FROM CITY BUS. TERMS. DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 STATE STREET PHONE 2-3863 EVENINGS CALL MR. VOORHEES 3-4001 MR. BRENNAN 3-4948 THELMA 2-8053 B4 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS BUSINESS BLDG. Excellent value good lease at $70 per mo., concrete block bldg., located on main arterial. Price $6,600. CALL COBURN L. ORABENHORST TWO BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOMES Both have 3 lge. bdrms., lge. liv. rm., din. rm., lge. kitchens with brkfst. nooks, lots of closets it built-ins. Daylight basmt., with fireplace, extra plbf, roughed-ln. Two car celled garages. TO SEE THESE. CALL EARL WEST ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES All brick, hdwd. firs, thruojt, lge. liv. rm., Bt din. rm., brkfst. nook, den & muBlo rm. 4 bdrms., 9 complete baths, full basmt., dbl. garage, beautiful grounds. Priced below replacement cost. CALL ROY FERRIS . GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-9068 - Earl West 2-0608 C WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT TO LEASE or buy easy terms old or unnnisnea nouse. m. 4-000. ca42 RELIABLE PARTY wants to buy nice 2 Bd. Rm. home. Close in. on dus line, corner lot. School, not to exceed $6500. $700 down, (80 mo. No dealers, co Capi tal Journal. Box 300. oa41 WE A HE in need of rood nouses to sell in or near Salem, u you wun to list your property for sale see GRAItENIIORST BROS., REALTOR 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca' Want Zone Three Home We missed making a sale last week to a professional man because we did not have listed a suitable home on an arterial road or heavily traveled street. We have another buyer here now for whom we need such a property. In formation about such property will be greatly appreciated. NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High St. Ph. 3-4622. Ca41 NOTICE' If your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list it wiin us. we have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EQUITV IN modern 2 bdrm. house with furniture xor nouse trailer, avio ju.m. Just off Sunnyview. cb43 TRADE FOR FARM NEW 2-BDRM. SUBURBAN HOME. ELECTRIC HEAT. FIREPLACE. DEEP WELL, ELECTRIC PUMP. LARGE LOT. NICE HOME FOR OOOD LIV ING. ONLY $11,000. CALL MR. RU BERG. EDWARD A. DYCK, REALTOR 328 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. TEL. 2-5211 EVE. 2-6636. cb41 SO. CALIF. In L.A. Furn. duplex. Trade for home, farm, income or Dusiness. Near Salem. Carries 4 loan. Box 381. Capltnl Journal. cb43 BD. RM. modern house. 2 yrs, old, at Mill City. Would like to trade my equity for a late model car. Ph. 3-4320 eves. cb41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Modern income and home. 5 rentals plus owner's 4 rm. apt. Furniture in rentals Included for this low price of $0500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 10 N. High Phone 1-16(10 Eve. 2-0020 - a-l - 2-6805 cdM- ICE CREAM PROFITS Are you interested in a fascinating new business that pays off the first year? Revolutionary new method ot dispensing Ice cream or frozen custard. See the Eagle continuous freezer in operation in new model window service drive In. FROST MAID STORES 1332 N. E. UNION PORTLAND 11. OREGON. INCOME SUBURBAN ACRES OF EXCELLENT SOIL, NORTH OF SALEM ON WALLACE ROAD about 2 miles from down town Snlem, Large wrll built, older type of home, which has recently ben remodeled into apartments. Three car garage, poultry house. Can bo handled on a low down payment to relinblo party. Ideal for a two family arranstment, or for home with. Bpt. rent al. (U, aoo. Exclusive. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8216. Cd41" GROCFKY, gas station. Living quarters, across from sctiool, buy stock and equipment. Phone 2-5166. Cd41 MODERN 6-ITN1T court, with 7 rm. home. Frontage for other business. On B9E. Reasonably priced. Ph. 2-3212. cd43' Business Lot $2,000 50 ft. frontage on Eddcwater near KOCO. A Rood Investment buy. Call Walt Muscrave. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Ed ce water rn. a-aios CAFE & BUILDING (4500. Consider terms. Oood Equip., bus, stock In Salem. Apartments and Duplex Close in. Income (360 plus liv. rms. Own er will consider house, acreage, farm, price reas. at 127,000. Trailer Diner $3500 Move where you like. Has seats tor fountain use. consider terms. FOR THESE AND OTHERS SEE E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-4649. Eve. 2-5407 WANT ambitious man with panel truck to no into business lor nlmsea. box 379. Capital Journal. cd42 FURNITURE FOR SALE USFD DAVENPORT A CHAIR set $25. Ph. 2-5326. i330li18,llj d43. BARGAINS EVERY DAY AT TRADER LOUIE'S, 3055 PORT LAND RD. davenport A chart. Ilk. new. j-aooi. d Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE Used daveno, $25. Must sell by Feb. 26. Apt. io, sous N- capital, can to see It after 6 p. m. d41 AUCTIONS AT SCOTTY'S Auction House lMt- miles East out Center St. this Saturday, Feb. 18, 10 a.m. 1030 Chev. sedan, new cans Fuller paint, 2 oil circulators, refri gerator, sewing machine, Phllco radio, tables, chairs & misc. tools, hay, straw, shingles, roofing paper, apples, pota toes & onions chickens He rabbits. Come bring something to sell take home the cash. dd41 AUCTION SALE On Sunday, February 10, 1050 at 00 Frultdale Drive, Grants Pass, Oregon, beginning at 11 a.m., cov ering approximately (85,000 worth of Logging and Machine Shop equipment. Write for hand-bill to PACIFIC AUC TION CO., C. W. GRAHAM and C. A. MORRISON, Auctioneers, 060 Highway 99 South, P. O. Box 246, Grants Pass, Oregon. dd41 WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRY, Ph. .35110 FURNITURE A APPLIANCES wanted. Top cash price paid on trie spot, no iuss or bother. Just call 3-8558. da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GOOD JERSEY COW. Will freshen in Ap ril. Out Mission St. Rt. 4 box 1070. ph. 2-7170. e43 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McOandllsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 38147. ea50 LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sue- then, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 21345. ea43 RABBITS WINGS needs rabbits. 3085 State. Ph. 3-1489. eb49 PETS cnoiCE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec57 MOORE'S TROPICAL fish. Black tetras. danios, head and tall lights. Discount. Must sell to make room far new ship ment, Rt. 5 Box 483. 2 miles from Lan caster Dr. on Macleay Rd. ec41 FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR B&H GREEN STAMPS CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends & Block Wood Pb. S-6444 ee Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Ed tin Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging (5.50 Iqad Double (10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone S5533 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash. A maple. 4' fir. 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ee1 West Salem Fuel Co. dry: planer ends dry block wood dry slab wood SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL & STOVE OIL Ph Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater West Salem i FOR SALE POULTRY LIVE FAT red hens. 3490 Sunnyview Ave. Fh. 38341. 141" NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter, now avail able every rues, toz uatcnery, atsso State St. Ph. 3-4969. f PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA ft timothy. By ton or truck toad. 865 s i3tn. pn. 2-9923. ff48 HELP WANTED SALES LADIES & MEN WANTED Yes, if It is quick, easy dollar profit you want and feature economic inde pendence, here is the opportunity you have been looking for rlftht In your own home town. Our present personnel Is earning from 5200 to fl.OOO mo., some more. If Interested, write or call Rex Air Division. 757 Center St.. Salem, Ore., between 12 and 1:30 every day. see ELDERLY WOMAN alone would like middle-aged Christian couple to share home rent-free in return for care and services. References required. P h . 38-F-2 Salem. g44 ELPJVNTED MALE BARBER wanted for Sat. 241 Chemeket ga41 YOUNG MEN 19 TO 24 To assist on trip to New York and re turn doing publishers contact work ex cellent earnings with Immediate draw ing account and transportation furn ished. Must be neat appearing, free to travel. See Mr. Brown hotel Marion Be tween 10 and 12 A.M. or 2 and 4 P.M No phone calls. &42 A-l MECHANIC. Must be good tune-up man. Ref. will be required. Good prop osition to right man. No drinkers need apply, 01 urn capital journal, gati 15 DIFFERENT FRUITS & NUTS Has 1 acre of Willamette soil. East, close in. A lovely 3 B.R. unfinished up stairs. 8-year-old cottage. Completely furnished. All poultry, rabbits and tools go. All for $10,500. Bee Mr. Rawlins. MOTHER DOING VERY NICELY and baby, too, with plenty of playroom In a spacious pretty yard of your own. A comfortable 6 rm. hause, a splendid garden spot, can give you a bar gain in Englewood Dlst. Completely furn. (new furniture) only $7850. See Mr. Tlbbetts. . 40 ACRE FARM all in cultivation, level as the floor, everlasting spring, 1 B R. home, nice barn with 12 stanchions, east of Salem. $7500. Good terms. See Mr. Simp son. SACRIFICE FOR COST Very attractive new t B.R. home conveniently arranged, located In' a fine South Salem district. You must see this onel Only 15,400. See Mr. Raw-, lins. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Office: 1-4664, Mr. Rawlins 2-6013. Mr. TibbetU 3-7486, Mr, Simpson 3-823S. 1 180x150 CORNER LOT In 3 lone, ehurch. Apt. house or duplex, has old 1 story house with 2 Apts. 11 blocks to Ladd A Bush bank. $15,300. $6,000. Orocery store, stock and fixtures, good location, on main drag In Salem. Lease $75.00 mo. Really under-priced, this beautiful 3 Lg. B.R. home, located In south Salem, full plumbing up, 'A down, 26x18 living rm. & fireplace, 14x16 dining rm., nice den, kitchen & nook, party rm. with bar St fireplace. 2-car Ga., sprink ling system In lawn. $300. mo. gross Income from five Lg. Roomy Furnished Apts., elose to state office buildings, located on N. Summer St. $7950, Close to Highland Sch. Neat, clean 3 B.R. home, also nice 3 Rm. house on back of lot, can be had with small down payment to right party. Don't pass this one up. (12,500. Nice 2 B.R. home located In Englewood. Has fully dry basm.. dining rm., fireplace, plus nice 1 Rm. Apt. separate from the home. Lge. lot. (B.500. Nice elean 2 B.R. home close to Englewood Sch., full basm., oil heat, vood garden space, fruit ft nut trees. $12,000. Year net income, from residential court overlooking the beach, lo cated In retired man's town in S. California. Will take in trade, resort prop erty, or small farm, In Willamette Valley. What have you? Ph. 2-6880. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE . ! NORTH HIOH ST. HOME SITES Lots on Madrona ave. 90x110 ft, priced at $900. Reasonable terms, city water Johnson. ALMOST 2 ACRES COUNTRY PLACE Very attractive 4 B.R. home with bsm't., L.R., D.R., kit., breakfast nook, flrreplace, oil furn., outside fireplace, nice yard with lots of flowers & shrubs, lge. variety of fruit. This Place Is definitely a buy at $12,000. Mi dn. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ON LY. Kiggins. BURT PICHA. 379 N. High St. Eve: Crawford HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED an cxp. alteration lady. Exp. only, none other need appiy. isssner Foster, 260 N. High. Ph. 3-7741. gb42 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, Short hand required. Homer h. amitn ins. Agcy. Ph. 3-9181. gb41 EXPERIENCED saleslady for curtain and drapery dept. For nationally Known dept. store In Salem. Box 377 CO Capi tal Journal. gb41 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 2-1488. 42 WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER. Good work. Reasonable. Ph. 28226. n3- BRICK WORK, any kind: fireplace, pa tios, veneer, etc., iree eat. jonn w. Hanna, Silverton Rt. 3. h43 CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 3-6876. h61 DECORATING, Re as. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. h61 TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph. 4-2033. nei YOUNG LADY thoroughly experienced as stenographer, payroll cierK A DooKKeep er would like to maintain office at home for 2 or 3 contractors or small firm. Excellent character & ability ref erences. Write Capital Journal Box 374. h42" NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, A DAY8. AGES 2 TO 0. tin. i:30 TU 0. ftl. h58 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. CARPENTER work. New. repair Ph. 2-2093 n57- TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. wore guar w a. ucaiiis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h59 EXP. brush painter. Free est. Guaranteed. Reas. Ph. 3-9732. n4- NURSES BY HOUR, week or live In. Practical Nurses' Registry. Ph. 3-5073. h59' FIR OAKS Nursing Home. 34-hr. care. Ph. 3-3138. nai EXCLUSIVE hand knltteds fc sewing for children. Ph. 2-7619. h45 WANTED part or full time Janitor Job. Good refer. Will do any Kind 01 worK. Ph. 2-2801. . h42 Mimeographing-Typing Poe's 665 North 16th. Phone 1-3643 EXPER. interior decorator. Free estimates. Guaranteed, reasonable. Ph. 3-8732. nal" TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving, insured operator, jonn rayne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h45 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phono opr. Ph. 3-5073. h53a CARPENTER WORK wanted. Remodel ing a specialty. Ph. 37746. h41' DO IRONING In my home. Ph. 21720. h44 SEWING AND Altering. Call 34380. h42 EXP. BOOKKEEPER wishes set of books to keep at home. Ph. 2-8035 after 6 p.m. h42 BABY SITTINO. PH. 20580. CEMEN1 WORK wanted Ph. 34850. h FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. 835 HOOd St. JKV.T SLEEPING ROOM for employed person with or without meals. 2566 Simpson. Close to bus line. Ph. 26078. Jk42 CLOSE IN nice room In modern home, Electric heat. 765 Marlon. Jk42 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Ina. after 4 p.m. or all day Sat. & Sun. I810 Trade. Jk43' MAN'S SLEEPING ROOM, auto, heat, prlv. bath, entry. Ph. 3-9043. JK43 HOLLYWOOD. 2035 McCOT. Ph. 3-6093 Jk50 NICELY FURN. Heated. Ladles preferred. 53 N. Winter. Jk58 SLEEPING, light hsekpg. rms. Pb. 3-4335. Jk55 ROOM for employed gentleman. Attrac tive, warm, outside entrance. Ph. 3-4248 SLEEPING room In good home, Elec. heat. Ph. 3-7508. Jk45 CLEAN WARM sleeping rm. with K, A C. water. 472 N. Liberty. Jk45 HEATED SLEEPING rooms, double and slncle. S85 N. 14th. Jk4B' FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURN. 4 rm. apt. Working couple. Fire place, convenient to State Bldg., Unl- versiij. nui oj uuui. twv s. ji 35045. JP43' 2 RM: FURN. Apt. around floor, private bath St entrance. 725 s. I3tn. jp SPARKLING NEW spacious apt. Built-ins galore. Flni location, partly turn. 380 s. . i7tn. jp- UPSTAIRS. 1 bdrm.. liv. rm., kitchen, bath, close to state office bldg. Immed poss $50. Ph. 1-0617. JP41 IVI. PH. 1-5U3 - 3-1709 - 3-87M 1530 BELLEVUE Yep, that's the address of an older- . type 5 rm. home, paved St., sidewalk, lge. lot, new roof, complete plumbing, interior neat & clean, wired for ranee, elec. water heater & it's completely furnished with good furniture. Full price Is $3750 (1320 dn. will take It. Please- don't bother occupants. CALL CRAWFORD. 7 ACRES N.E. Olose-ln on pavm't., bus service, lays nice for sub-division, 3 rm, mod. house, sell all or any part. good terms, too. Crawford. REALTORS 2-5300, Johnson 3-7451 Office: 2-3649 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEW 2-ROOM apt. Prlv. bath, part furn. Adults. 1047 MadLton. , JP" 8 RM. FURN. apt. 2nd floor, refrig, H.W. heat. 640 Marlon. JP42 ATTRACTIVE 2 room furn. apt. Reason able. 125 aerth west Baiem. jp' WARM REDECORATED furn. apt. Lower floor. 2 adults. 350 N. Liberty. jpi 1 BDRM, furn. upstairs apt. Elec. range & reirig. 24i u. Myers &c. JPi" ROOMS A apts. for -rent. 380 N. Capital. JP41- NEW APTS. 2 or 3 rm. & bath. Partly furn. 1065 Madison beiore 10 or alter 4. Jp43 WILL SUBLET my 4 rooms, furn. apt. for 3 mos., starting March 1st. pn. 2-4905. Jp42 2 RM. furn. apt, upstairs, reasonable. 945 S. 12th. JP41" 2 t-KM. furn. apts. Adults. Ph. 25372, 1836 center st. JPi" 9 APARTMENTS, Phone 3-5838. FOR RENT HOUSES 3 RM, Semi-mod, hse., garden, gar., chick en hse. 825. Adults. Ph. 3-0850. Jm43a TRAILER SPACE for rent. Has all modern conveniences. Quiet location close to everything. Children welcome. Come out de see us. 15 Highway Ave. Ph. 2-1746. Jm46 DEPEND. COUPLE. New mod. turn. 3 rms. bath. Laund., gar. 3845 Portland Rd. Jm42 MOD. 4 ROOM hse. unfurn. Gar. Suit able for couple. Wired for range. 55 Highway Ave. Jm41 UNFURN. 3 bdrm. house. 1 blk. to school & bus. 1424 N. Winter. Jm41 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J61 USED REFRIGERATOR, Al Laue Ref. co aa50 state, rn. 3-5443. jes" BUSINESS RM. lor rent B L. Stiff RENT Wheelchairs and hospital beds. Buren, 3-7775. 745 Court St. J62 C DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J SINGEP ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up . delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512. 1 -UOD USKD PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR BANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. I POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. J TRAILERS (2.00 per day Howser Bros I4iu b 12th. west Salem. r TC DO a good Job rent a good floor sand er. we sen everytmng to complete trie lob HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3648 WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS couple, Wishes to rent with option to buy 2 or 3 rm. clean, modern house, with basement. Near bus. Ph. 2-1828 or 2-0817 eve. Ja43 3 OR 4 bdrm. house. Steadily employed. References. Ph. 2-7246. Ja46 WANTED Permanently employed man needs two-bedroom - nouse central loca tion desirable. Phone 2-7830 Ja43 WANTED by March 1st: 2 B.R. modern house with garage. Around $50 mo. Pn. 3-9728 Ja43 WANTED by 2 employed girls 2 or 3 rm. apt. by March 1st. Call 3-3181, ext. 13 after 5 Phone 2-8402. Ja41 WANT TO RENT 3 or 3 BR house. Cou ple & 5 yr. old daughter. Call 3-6471 not over $50 a month. Ja41 WANTED 2 B.R. house. Suburban. 4 adults. Ph. 2-0219 after 4 p.m. Ja42 LOST & FOUND LOST: GOLD leaf earring. Keepsake. Ph. 34034 eve. ' k43 LOST Ladles Rlma wrist watch on N. Commercial or N. 4th St. Reward. Ph. 3-6840. Mrs. Taylor. k43 LOST: car keys in gas cap. Sunday aft ernoon. Ph. 2-3638. k41' MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m63 SPENCER CORSETIERE. Call 3-5072. m47 MUSIC LESSONS Plftoo ft violin. 8tnt accredited. STUDIO. PH. 3-0013 ! DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HS. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpli Bids. state ft Commercial 8t. balem pnone 3-3311. BUILDING MATERIAL MOUNTAIN SHINGLES No. l ia n. No. 3 0.50 eq. No. 3 3.00 54. C. O. LONO Ph. J-S811. One mile north ol Krlier mai,- Extra! Extra! EXTRA! Read this ad COME IN buy a Quality Guaran teed Used Car and Save Many Dollars. EXAMPLE 1949 Chrysler New Yorker 4-Dr. Sedan . .$1995 1948 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan $1475 1948 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan $1495 1946 Oldsmobile 6 Club Coupe $1295 1946 Dodge Custom 4-Dr. Sedan $1145 1946 Chevrolet Aero Sedan ..$1095 1941 Chevrolet Spec. Del. Club Coupe . . . .$ 695 1939 Chrysler Eoyal 4-Dr. Sedan $ 595 All of the above cars are reconditioned - and guaranteed. Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER Home of Service PLYMOUTH 405 N. Com'l. St. 495 N. Com'l. St. 435 N. Com'l. Street Phon S-4117 "McKay's Corner" Douglas McKay 550 No. Commercial St. BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE AT KEITH BROWN! fcx4" Cedar Siding 25 M. WINDOWS In all sizes to fit almost any opening. Some as low as S1.80. REJECT PLY wood: tt", ", W, ". ", from 4c per aq. ft. 1x6 and 1x8 RUSTIC FLOOR ING, Ideal for flooring or siding in at tics, farm buildings, tool sheds, etc. Priced cheaper than shiplap. Every thing to build anything at that con venient KEITH BROWN LUMBER Y'D Location, Front and Court, Salem., ma ON BUDGET TEEMS You can buy lumber, mlllwork, hard ma terials, hardware, floor covering, el ectric appliances, paints, Insulation, roofing and house wares for as little as 10 down on a purchase of $20 up to 1380. Small, easy monthly payments take care of the rest. Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD At that convenient location Front and Court Streets, Salem, ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE. Good working con dition s?D. en. ZJ17J. nj' SINGER VACUUM cleaner. Also Singer nana cleaner wnn auaenments. Elec tric roaster cheap. 1208 'A N. Church St. n42 6 YEAR OLD crib, off the floor play pen. 6XO yara piay pen, rn. aeuua. nj- NEW ELEC. apt. size range. Table top hot water neater, 30 ti. witn aouoie unit. Will sacrifice at a very low price, will consider terms. Ph, 2-5413 or call at 1150 Hall St, after 5:30 p.m. n43 ONE R.C. VICTOR welding set, $85. One complete piumoing set . rn. jmjoh. n43" G. E. WASHER General Electrlo washer. Very good condition. S3 5. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n41 MUST SELL 14x16 garage. Ph. 3-7093. n43 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8397. VACUUM CLEANER New General Electric vacuum cleaner. Upright. Full' guarantee. S29.95. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. nil GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, Gibson, and Montag Appliances at Qevurtz. n . G. E. WASHER General Electric washer. All white. Demonstrator. With pump. Was 8139.05. now $90 with 1 year guarantee. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n41 USED Electric ranges, $19.95 e up. YEATER APPLIANCE CC. 378 Chemeketa n THOR WASHER Thor washer. Very good condition. $39.95 EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n41 USED Electric Refrigerators, 149.95 St up YEATER APPLIANCE CO 378 Chemeketa n CONLON IRONER Conlon Rotary Ironer. 30 Inch Tolls. Floor sample. Was $199.95. Now $139. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n41 WE HAVE a complete line of garden tools at popular prices. When shopping come In and be convinced, "For a Square Deal" see Square Deal Hdwre. Co. 263 Chemeketa. Ph. 33924. n42 BLOND Spinet Piano. Ph. 3-4641. n41 prmn irrnnninti nV io on pn. 34041, nil WALLING SAND St GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing. -yd shovel drag line Pb. 3-B249 USED RADIOS A record players, 19.95 up YEATER APPLIANCE CO 175 Chemeket ft '49 Chevrolet '.-ton Pickup .Very Low Mileage. Kadio. $1495 '46 Chevrolet '.-ton Pickup Low mileage, "Poncho" cover 4-speed transmission. . $895 Chevrolet Co. Ph. 8-3175 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS REGULAR trailer axle with springs, wheels & good 70Dxie tires, wd.uu. rn. 3-7702, 540 Ferry St. n41 HEAT your home electrically with West lnghouM or Wesln automatic altctrio heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 871 Ohemeketa, PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilizers, well rotted or iresh, any ki- l. By yard or sack. Flagston for all rock work. Cedar fence posts. Telaphon and elec. poles. Any length. Shingle. Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. I-14B8. Rt. , Box 118. n NO WAXING required with PLA8TIO KOTE. the cellophane Ilka finish for floors or linoleum, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Ohemeketa n" OIL CIRCULATORS greatly reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 175 Chemeketa SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer it Basement Equipment RentC 15 B 'A 7ds. 10 B yds. D-7 Cat St Dozer D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon n1 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 119.05 UP. YEATER APPLIANC2 CO. 375 Chemeketa n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: 1 Vh H.P. motor, 1 phase. Clar ence uexcer, mu uenter. en. 3-0833. na46 WANTED: BarkU Douglas fir poles or siump&iie, rn. list Aioany or writ Standard Pole St Piling Co., Inc. na42 SEWING MACHINE any cond Ph. 3-7671. na4t PERSONAL CONSULT: Ordained Psychic advisor and rsycnoiogist ior ail Personal Problems. Apt. 102 - 550 N. Summer St. No phone calls, please. p46 TALL GIRLS are not a problem with spencers individually designed. Ph. 3-5072. Eve. Ph. 3-1619. p41 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to U P.m. daily 173 S.Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and 11.00 get a special reading. Ph. 2-9288. p48 STAJVLEY HOME Products. Ph. 39387. p59 AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S BUNCH of BARGAINS $75 to $695 '38 Chrysler Royal Sedan '40 Ford Coupe '39 Chev. 2-door '36 Ford Coupe '39 Ford Tudor , '41 Pontiac Sedan '38 Buick Sedan '41 Nash 600 Sedan '37 Buick Sedan '41 Plymouth Sedan '41 Buick Special Sedan . '3 ' Ford Tudor '41 Chev. Sp. Del. Club . $199 42S 425 101 3S0 595 295 495 199 295 695 75 645 Otto J. Wilson COMMERCIAL AT CENTER q41 '47 Buick Super Pine condition. SafetT tlru. Radio, Heater, windshield Washer, Tat Lliht, etc.. 139i. Ph. 3-3947. Q3" (Continued on Page 17) y