Churches List Week's Affairs Silverton Special church program and social activities for the coming week include for Immanuel Lutheran a meeting fo- Thursday evening, at the Al bert Overlund rural home, for the young married couple's club of the church. Canby .Luther Leaguers will be entertained so cially by Immanuel young folk Sunday evening, February 19. W.M.F. area worshop is to meet Tuesday from 10 a.m. until 2:30 in the afternoon. The new minister, Rev. Jos eph A. Luthro and Mrs. Luthro are moving into their parsonage home near Trinity Lutheran church, this week. Sunday school teachers meet Monday evening at the home of the L. A. Meyers, 309 S. Sec ond street. The Dorcas society are announcing the annual birthday party of the members "Wednesday evening, February 22. Rev. Arthur Charles Bates is conducting a series of Wednes day evening Bible studies on the Book of Revelations, the topics to be from chapters 15 and 16 at the First Christian church for the coming week, to be at the South Third street home of the P. A. Coopers. Wilbur R. Hensley is to be tiiff speaker for the Christian ,f Men's Brotherhood Father and Son banquet to be at 6:30 o'clock Monday evening, Olaf Paulson, Jr., president of the brotherhood, is official host. Calvary Lutheran evangelistic meetings are each evening be ginning Friday evening of this week. Rev. E. F. Brandt, speak er. Calvary choir meets for re hearsal Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Gordon T. Bratvold of Christian and Missionary alli ance is announcing the begin ning of studies in the first chap ter of Revelations at the Wed nesday evening 7:30 o'clock ses sion which will continue at the Bible study weekly hour as a series from Revelations. Silverton Churches Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Sunday school at 10. Evening service at 7. - Christian Science Sunday school at 1:45. Services at 11. St. Paul's Catholie Father John J. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, I and 10. Weekdays 8. Assembly of God Berrel H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Divine worship, 11. Young people's society at 6:45. Evan gelistic at 8. Charch jf God Rev. P. E. Nix, pastor, Sunday school at 10. Worship hour at 11, Evening services at 8. Seventh Day Adventlst Elder A, D. Chilson. Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo cal elder in charge. Sabbath school Sat urday, s:30. Morning worship at ll, Sat urday, Sunday evening evangelistic ser vice. Pilgrim Holiness D. C. Olson, pastor, Sunday school, 9:45. Sermon by pastor, 11, Young people meet at 7. Evangelistic ser mon at 6. Methodist Marquam and Molalla Joint pastorate. J. S. Kendall, minister. Bible school and sermon, forenoon Sunday, sit Marquam, aiternoon at Moiaiia. First Christian Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school 9:45 a.m. Com munion and sermon, "Sardls, a Dead church. ContinulnK the Series on Chur ches of the Book of Revelations." Junior and Senior C.E. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 evening sermon topio is "urotnernooa. Church of Christ MWA Hall. Minister, Richard McNeil. Bible study. 10 a.m, Divine worship 11 a.m. Sermon: "The New Testament Church." Communion at 11:46 a.m. Evangelistic service, 7:30 p.m. Minister Mcneii spearing. . Calvary Lutheran P. W. Eriekson. iun ply pastor. Evangelistic service beginning Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. Sunday school and Bible class, 10 a.m. momma worsnip at 11; sermon ny Evan gelist E. 7. Brandt. Luther league 1 p.m, Christian and Missionary Alliance Gor don T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday school iu a.m. Morning service ll a.m. Ser mon by pastor: "Golden Opportunities.' Y.P. .6:30 p.m. Evening evangelistic ser vice, 7:30. Sermon by pastor: "What iniot le oi unriBtir Methodist Ben F. Browning, pastor. Sunday school 6:45 a.m. General wor ship, 11. Sermon by pastor: "The Power oi uivine worsnip. - xoutn renowsnip, 7:30 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle, pas tor, Bunaay scnooi ana uioie classes, 10 a.m. Divine worshin. ll. srmnn- "Jesus Christ Is Passing By." Sunday evening, 7:30, Luther leaguers entertain guests from Canby church In a special program ana social nour. Trinity Lutheran Joseph A. Luthro, pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes. 10 a.m. Dlvint worship, 11, Sermon by Amity Churches Baptist Bruce Wakeman. naiifcor. Htm. day school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Sermon topic: "Behold the Hands of Jesus." Rev. Frank McCray, B.D., guest speaker. Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. Evening service, 8 p.m. Sermon: "Mis taken xaenuty," Hey, McCray, Charch of Chrlai William v Mnr na, tor. Bible school, 10 a.m. Worship and communion. Messaae: "When Re Cnm. eth.' Junior C.E., 6:30 p.m. Evening worship, 730 p.m. Message: "He Wouldn't iiefc uo." Methodist Fremont Faul. minister, ftun. day school, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Junior Fellowship, 8 p.m. Youth iiownip, i p.m. nwraiDiy n uoo wiuiam w. eeacny, aitor. Sunday school, 0:45 a.m. Morn-1 "'. yping service, 7:45 p.m. Auto or Pinonal CASH LOANS 400 1. '1000 si.. COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN BlNCOftPOftATIDw atem Afenc. 461 N. Chareh 81 TeL mmmmmsmiiiimsm Saiem 96 Ckurcked Inattlula mt Reiltrieui Selene flaltm Womn'i club, 480 N. Cottage. Rev. Olive Stevens. Sunday ichool, 10. Service, 11; topic, "Effective Prayer Jesus Used It." rift Church ml Chriit. Scientist Liber ty and Chemeketa. Sunday school, 11, Morning service, 11; lesson-sermon subject, "Mind." Nursery for children under 3 years of age provided during the morn ing service. Even Ins service, 8; lesson sermon subject, "Mind." St. John's Latheraa (Me. Synod) 16th and A. Services, 9 and 11, Sunday school and Bible class, 10. With Wednesday of next week, Feb. 32, our midweek Lenten services begin. First Bantlst Marion at Liberty. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:46, with classes for all ages. Morning worship, 11; guest speaker. Rev. Edwin L. Hartlll, dean of the Northwestern Bible, school, Minneapolis. Youth meetings, 6:15. : Evening gospel service, 7:30; guest speak er, Dr. Vaclav Votja, uean of the Russian I department, Northwestern schools. Halbcrt Memorial Baptist One mile! north of underpass on Highway S9E. Rev. C. E. Brlekwedel, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, with classes for all ages. Morning worship, 11; missionary speaker, Rev. Hi deo Aokl from. Japan. Young People's league, 6:30. Evening missionary meeting, 7:30. Rev. J. Fenner of the American European mission. Four Corners Baptist State and Elm a. Rev. Victor L. Loucks, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, with classes for all ages. Morning worship, 11: missionary speaker, Mfu Nelda Palmer of Africa. Evening gos pel service, 7:30; missionary speaker, Miss Beth Albert, China. - Salem Helthts Community Liberty Rd. and Madrona, Mr. Lee Shipley, minister. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Assembly of God "The Chapel." B. 12th and Leslie. John W. Hodges, minister. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Sunday night and avery night Rev. Wal ter .Hugford, radio evangelist, will be speaking, 7:45. Sunday afternoon, 1:30, mass meeting with Rev. Hugford speak ing on "The Palestine Partition." First Christian High and Center. Dud- lev atraln. minister. Walter Naff, assistant minister. Church scnool, 9:45. Morning worship and communion, 10:50. Sermon, "Peace oi Mind and wore," uudiey Strain. Anthem, "Rejoice Ye with Jerusa lem," ttpinney. cwio, -rne ninety ana Nine," Campion (Josephine Albert Spauld lnsri. Youth arouM. 6:15. Adult Bible study class, 6:15, In the Junior department. Evening worship, 7:30; sermon, "The unmt oi xouin," waiter nan. United Pentecostal 445 Perry. Rev. Na thaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, 11. Evening service, 7:45. First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win ter. Chester W. Hamblin. castor. John L. Qoodenberger, assistant pastor, , Church school, 9:45; J. J. Fitzslmons, superinten dent, two identical services, 9:45 and 11; "What Is Christ's Church Doing?" ser mon by the pastor. Junior high fellow ship, 8:30. High school fellowship, 6. Col lege fellowship, 7. St. Mark ETanrelleal Lutheran 343 N. Church. Rev. M. A. Oetzendaner, D.D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship, 11; sermon topic, "On the Way." Luther league, 6:30. Court Street Christian 17th and Court. W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible school as sembly, 9:48. Morning worship and com munion, 10:50; sermon subject, "God's Chosen Leaders." Youth and Bible study hour, 6:30. Evening worship, 7:30; sermon subject, "The Simplicity of Faith." Jason Lee Methodist N. Winter at .1f- ferson. Louis C. Klrby, D.D., minister. Sunday school, 9:45. Worsnip, 11; sermon, miy acuon in mc unurcn, Antnem, 'And the Lord Said. Let the Earth." with Incidental solo by Bob Klempel. Duet, "The Lord's Prayer," by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell. Evening worshin. 7:30: ser- mno topic, "A Threefold Miracle of Grace." Youth fellowship group, 6:30. Leslie Methodist 6. Commercial at Mv. ers. O. Wesley Turner, pastor, Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, 11; ser- ihwu Buojeci, "M iioves us ouii. nursery for small children. Youth fellowship, 6:30. Evening service, 7:30; sermon - subject, XllY 1MB VTlVUCBECS. ... Central Chureh ' Christ Chemeketa at Cottage. M,4C. Cuthbertson, minister. Bi ble school, 9:48. Preaching, 10:45 and 7:30. Bethel Baptist N. Cottars and D. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Sunday -schooL 9:45. WorshlD service. 11. the nantor preaching on "Christ, the Way, the Truth na tne iaie." Evening service, 7:30; topic, "Can You Recommend Your Christianity?" First Evantelieal United Brethren- Marlon and Summer. Rev. Wllmer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morn ing worship, 11, message by Dr. Fred Taylor. Evening service, 7:45; sacred con cert by Cascade College A Cappella choir. Christ Lutheran State at 18th. C. R. Schuls, pastor, Sunday church school, 10. uivinv worsnip, m ana ll. Klnrwood Bible 1135 Elm. A. H. Facfon- recht, pastor, Bible school. 9:45. Morninv worship, 10:46; Dr. Vaclav Vojta, guest Bpoaaar, xoutn groups, o:o. evening serv ice, 7:45; showing the film, "Stephen tin n UT ntanan. 1 Vl'l 1 school, 9 :4S ; Mrs. Clemens, superlnten- Clanahan, topic, "Banotificatlon.' Youth louunouip, jjBvcue Disnop, president. Evening worship, 7:45; topic, "The White Throne Judgment," . Evangelist McClana- jibu, AvaiiaciMMG services nisntiy, 7:40, Viral UHh.II ui vr n 1-1 Rex. Maxlne Roberts, speaker. Services,' t.ju ana i.ju. a Z " unurcn ana mate. wit io, lumiBbcr. unurcn scnooi, nuuimi worsnip, m sermon, "Are ioii uurca na une weorge n, owut, B.U., rec tor. Holy communion (in the chapel), 7:30 Nursery school In parish house, 11. Prayer service and sermon, 11. Youth vespers, 6. "" '" "orning worsnip, 11 Yy " " M".aou rwuu, ounaay . exaijgcuobiu crvice, i;ju. Tnlrht r .1 ,... and Ferry. Louis E. White, minister. Sun day school, 9:45; graded worship and In struction, two adult classes. Morning wor th i ""' tne invisiDie," "The Gospel of Happiness." Pilgrim fel lowship groups for Junior high and senior I high ages, 6:30. Bethany Evantelieal and Reformed .--.. -im uoiii.ui. jwr. nuiien Mayer. P"tr. Sunday school, 10, Morning wor- national Christian Leper mission. Evening worship, 7:46. ....uvum unto ana uertn. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school, w hiM'f;. 1160 Estey' uPrintendent. W4 Ism U.ll.. Jl.l IM.I . - , I " wu"i noiy .imagination." Choir rehearsal after lervlce. Junior choir IV Tr ; ' leiiowinip, b;ju. xoung adult fellowship, 8. Chweh of chriit of Day Saints 17th and Chemeketa. 7 n:1A,nw pastor, unurcn school, 10. Worship service, 11; Kenneth W. Bio- Vr. m1rr Klnn'a la..- a, in n service 7:30. ' central Lutheran N. Capitol and Gaines. 0. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Broad- it var auw, ;is. eunaay school, 8:45. Morning worship, ll. Gospel hour, 7:45. M16t I ff J.g. 3I World Day of Prayer to Be Observed February 24 "World Dav of Prayer" will be observed Friday, the first day of Lent, February 24, with some 80 countries over the world participating. Locally the observance will take place at Leslie Methodist church with Mrs. Roy Fedje, of Church Women, calling the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. Luncheon will be served by wo men of the host church and the afternoon session will be be tween 1:30 and 3 o'clock. Theme for this year's obser vance "Faith For Our Time" was written by Mich! Kawai, a na tive of Japan whose father was a Shinto priest. She was gradua ted from Bryn Mawr college in 1904 and after returning to her native country helped found the Y.W.C.A. in Japan. She also founded a Christian school for girls on the outskirts of Tokyo. Following the sun the day of prayer will open in the Fiji is lands at dawn and continue a round the world. The movement is interdenominational, inter racial and international in scope. The offering taken will be used in the promotion of Christ ian colleges in Japan, Christian literature, American Indians and work with migrants. The Salem Council of Church Women has had a kindergarten for small children of workers in the bean and hop fields for some years, a project made possible through the cooperation of Sa lem churches. Wood burn Churches Church of God Raymond W. Hood, pas tor. Church school, 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Y.P. 7 p.m. Assembly ! God Lester Gibson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. ana i:o p.m. x.r. : p.m. Free Methodist Mrs. Roxella fi. Doug las, pastor, Sunday School 9:46 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:48 p.m. Christian Don Priest, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Service 11 a.m. C.E. 7 p.m. Evening service 8 p.m. Methodist Ormal B. Trick, pastor. Church school 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Fonrsauart Arthur Ooble. pastor. Sun day school, 8:46 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Y.P. 6:45 p.m. Bethel Presbyterian Earl K. Fen ton. pastor. Worship 10 a.m, Sunday school iu.u a.m. Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Sacrament meeting 11:30. Bt. Atnei Catholie (Hubbard) Attended by Woodburn parish priests. Sunday masses 8:30 a.m. St. Mary's Episcopal Clarence C. Slo- cum, vicar. Church school 9:30 a.m. Divine worship, 11 a.m. Bible Bantlst Earl Baker, castor. Sun day school 8:45 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. y.p. 6:46 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran Harvin N. Chrls- tensen, pastor. Worship service l a.m. Sunday school 10 a.m. Gervais Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship li a.m. 7:jo p.m. St. Lake's Catholie V. L. Moffenbeler, pastor. Sunday services 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Devotions 4 p.m. Sun day. Weekday mass 8:16 a.m. Devotions Friday, 7:45 p.m. The Reon anlked Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints George Omans, pas tor. Church school 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. Zioni league 7 p.m. Lecture study 8 p.m. First Presbyterian Earl K. Fenton. pas tor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m, Y.P. 6:30. Stayron Churches Baptist Rev. Wtllard Buckner. pastor Sundav school. 10. Moraine: worship. 11. Training hour. 7:15. Evening service, 8. Chureh of Christ Clyde Freeman, pas tor. Bible school, 10, Worship service, 11. Youth fellowship, 6:30. Evening worship, 8 o'clock. Chareh of Christ L. M. Seld. minister. Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve ning worship. 5. Methodist John Moranse. castor. Bible school, 10, Worship service, 11. Youth fel lowship, 6:50. Evening worsnip, . Immaealato Conception Catholic Rev. Nath. Jonaa, pastor. Sunday itrrfcw! Mauai 6, 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. , St, Patrick'! Catholie (Lyoni) Fathe! Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter ached ule, 1st . 2nd and 5th Sundays nui at 8:31 a.m. Oar Lady of Loardes (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter ached ule. 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays mass 8:30 a.m.! 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30 Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor Bun day school 10. Morning worship. 11. 7outb fellowship, 7. Evening service. 8. Church of Christ Win, P. Morse, min ister. Bible school 10. Morning worship 11 Junior meeting, 7. young people's meet ing, 7. Evening services, 8. Methodist Rev. Fremont Faul, pastor Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11 Junior fellowship, 8. Youth fellowship. 7 o'clock. Asiembly of God Stayton. Rev. F. C. Walcher, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morn lng worship service, II. Evangelistic serr Ice, 8 p.m. Young people's meeting, 7 pja. Talbot Churches Talbot Community Talbot Ore. Rev, R. Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school, 10, a class for every age group; Loren Hoven, superintendent. Divine worship, 11; ser mon subject, "Experiences of the Apostle Peter." Young People's societies, 8:30, Evening lervlce. 7:30: termon sublect. "For What Kind of Harvest Art You preparing?" HEAR Her. and Mn. J. J. Boggan Colored Singers & Evangelist From Institute, W. V. DURING 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship 6:15 p.m. Young People's 7:30 p.m. 'A Balm in Gilead' Pastor Preaching This Service Broadcast overKOCO Hear our pastor 7:40 a.m. this week over KOCO First- Church of the Nazarene Center at 13th Orville W. Jenkins, Pastor "The Singing Church" president of the Salem Council Dallas Churches First Presbyterian Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon: "The Nar row Door." Mennonlte Brethren O. H. Jentsen. pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Worship service, 10:45. Evening service, 7. Evanrelical Mennonlte Brethren A. P. Toews, pastor. Sunday school, 9:35. Wor snip service, ll. sermon; "uooa uesigns from Oood Principles." Cantata, "The Nasarene," 3 p.m. AllUnee a. E. McOarvev. castor. Sun day school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Evening prayer service, 7:16. Evangelistic service, 7:46. Afterglow radio broadcast, 9:30. Aoostolie Faith Forrest Damron, pas tor. Sunday school. 9:30. Morning wor ship, 11. Evangelistic meeting, 7:30. Evanrellcal United Brethren R. Wil liam Elmer, ouster. Concert by Cascade college a cappella choir, 11. Sunday school 9:45. Informal service of song, 7:45. xoung people's meetings, 7. Graee Mennonlte J. J. Regier. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Young people's service. 7:jo. special pro gram, 8:18. Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship, 11, Evangelistic meeting with Rev, H. Palfenler of Forest Park, 111., speak ing, 7:30. First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas tor. Bible school, 9:45. Morning wor ship, 11, Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evan gelistic service, 7:30. Assembly of God Alfred R. Brown, cas tor, Sunday school. 9:45. Morn Inn wor ship, 11, Christ Ambassadors, Junior CA's, vesper service, 7. Evangelistic service, 8, First Baptist E. J. Bchroeder. pastor. Sunday school, 9:48. Morning worship, ii. sermon: "salvation pure ana sure." Baptist tralnlnn union. 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. Sermon, "How to Deal wnn tne seii-Rignteous." First Methodist Clark S. Enn. castor. Church school, 9:45. Morning worship, it. oermon: "ixve never i-'anetn." in termediate fellowship, 8:30. School of Missions, study. "Japan Begins Attain." 6:30. Rev. O. L. Covault, recent visitor to Japan, speaks at 7:30. Christian Science Sundav school. 0:45. Service, 11, Subject of the lesson sermon ior wis week is "Mind." Seventh Day Adventlst Sabbath school. 9:45. Sermon, 11. Chureh of God Henrv Lodean. castor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, ii. ioung people's meeting, s:d. Evan gelistic service, 7:45. Church of Christ E. A. Pace, castor. Bible class, 10. Sermon, 11. Communion, ii. o. evening service, ouu. Falls City Free Methodist Gilbert John son, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning service, 11. Young people's meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic service, 8. Falls City Seventh Day Adventlst rreston smitn. aastor. Preach ne. 11. Sabbath school, 9:30. Rlekreall Sundav School J. N. Thles- sen, Supt, Sunday school, 9:30. Falls City Methodfnt James K. Rnvr. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor ship, 11. Eela Sundav School Sundav school. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Free Methodist R. W. McCormick. can tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching, 11 Mia i;v. odium, iv. oh eminent meeting, n:o. Oak Grove Chanel Fremont Faul. nan. tor. Morning service, 9:45, Sunday school luiiuws. Fouraauara Gomel Edwin anrf VnniHo Ourney, pastors. Sunday school, 10. iwurmnB worsnip, ii. evangelistic ser vice, v;id, St. Thomas Episcopal Cyril P. Hanney, vicar. Church school, 10. Morning ijijci, ii, xioiy Baptism, iz:ju. St. Phillip's Catholie Father John Ba byak, pastor. Mass, 10:15. Falls Cltv Christian CharlM Knnv. nn. tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor- Biup, ii. unristian isnaeavor, h:ju, Union Missionary Baptist W. A. Heard. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Sermon, 11. Monitor Churches Monitor Community Full Gospel Mon itor, Ore, Rev. and Mrs. E. c. Schilling, pastors. Sunday school. 10. Mornlne wor ship, 11. Young peoples, 7, Opal Schick ana ray Lean sraugnton n charge. Evan gelistic, 8, Pleurisy By J. H. WILLETT of the capital Drug 8tor If you ever experience that sharp pain in the side which is one of the symptoms of pleurisy you will not soon forget it. And if you wish to avoid a long siege of illness you will see your doc tor as soon as possible. Pleurisy usually results from subjecting the body to extremes of heat and cold without being properly clothed for these changes. With prompt medical attention and effective medicine the sick period can often be reduced to a few days. To be effective med icine must be' pure, potent, and accurately compounded. Thli Ii th, Mltb of s uric, of Editorial Advertisement! appearing In thli paper each Frldar. Coprrirht Capital Drug Store State It Liberty Phono 1-1111 Faith Lutherans Open Services Fifty-six pupils were present Sunday when Faith Lutheran church in the Keizer district held its first Sunday school work. The 12 to 15-year age group had the largest enroll ment. Teachers include Mrs. G. Holmquist, Mrs. R. Morse, Mrs. O. Olson, Mrs. Carl Tonack, Marvin Langland, Mary Holm quist, Mrs. M. Humm, Carl Holmquist and Paul Holmquist. Confirmation classes for those having passed their 14th year will meet at 9 a.m. Saturday and those in their 14th year at 10:30. Members of the organization board will go to Willamina to witness the formal organization of a congregation there Sunday and the Sunday school staff will attend the district meeting in Portland. Mid-week Lenten services will be held beginning Wednesday, February 22. Negro Singers at Nazarene Church Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Boggan, Negro singers and evangelists from Institute, W. Va., are to be at the First Church of the Naz arene Sunday morning during the Sunday school hour and the morning worship service. Rev, and Mrs. Boggan are currently on a tour of the Oregon Pacific district of the Church of the Naz arene in the interest of helping to begin a work among the col ored people in Portland. Rev. Boggan served for some time as pastor of the Negro Church of the Nazarene in Institute, W. Va,. and was instrumental in start ing the first Bible training school for Negroes there. Rev. Orville W. Jenkins, the pastor, will be preaching in the Sunday evening service on the subject: "A Balm in Gilead." Men's Fellowship To Hear Sword The Men's Fellowship of Les lie Methodist church will be hosts to Methodist Men of Salem Churches next Monday. A tur key dinner will be served by Leslie W.S.C.S. ladies at 6:30 p.m. Special music will be IiTrn- ished by the Men's Fellowship chorus of Leslie church. Dr. Victor H. Sword, missionary from India, currently serving as interim pastor at Calvary Bap tist church, will speak on his experiences as missionary and the international situation. Guest Speakers Baptist Church Rev. J. Edwin Hartill, dean of the Northwestern Bible school, Minneapolis, will be speaking at the morning worship service Sunday morning at the First Baptist church. In addition to his duties as dean, Rev. Hartill teaches Bible doctrine and her meneutics. At the 7:30 evening hour, Dr. Vaclav Vojta, dean of the Russian department of the same scohol, will be the speak er. Dr. Vojta has just returned from Europe, where he has been working among the people in the displaced persons camps, and brings a picture of the need of the hour over there. Christian Education Director Will Speak Woodburn Rev. Charles Losie, director of Christian Edu cation for the Conservative Bap tist association of Oregon, will speak in the Bible Baptist church here Sunday night at 7:45 o clock. At the 11 a.m. worship service the pastor, Rev. Earl L. Baker, will speak on the subject, "Su-pe'-Highways and Dead End Roads in Christian Service." Evangelicals to Hear Rev. Taylor Dr. Fred Taylor, minister in the Methodist church, will be the guest speaker in the First Evan gelical United Brethren church, Marion and Summer streets, Sunday morning. Dr. Taylor is well known and loved by the congregation as he has spoken in the church on several occa sions. The a cappella choir from Cascade college, Portland, will be presented in sacred concert Sunday night at 7:45. The choir is under direction of Prof. Keith Macy. This will be the 15th annual presentation of the choir in Salem. Laymen Conduct Turner Services The laymen of the Turner Methodist church will conduct the service February 19, with Principal Richard Gwillim of the Turner grade school in charge. Frank Lockman, who is both a student and teacher in the Willamette university speech department, will speak on the topic, "The Faith of a Layman." Lockman, who retired from business to become a student, has won wide recognition' as a speaker. Terry Murray of Wil lamette university will sing. An all-church fellowship dinner will follow the service. Church of God Revival Goes On The revival which began last Sunday morning at the First Church of God, Hood and North Cottage, will continue through next week. The Evangelist Hol lie McClanahan will be speak ing this evening on the subject "Eternity," and singing numbers will be furnished by the Salem academy. The service will be gin at 7:45 o'clock and the pas tor, Rev. Oral W. Clemens ex tends a cordial invitation to the public. Mugford Series At Henry's Hall A series of evangelistic meet ing? are being held in Henry's hall, 12th and Leslie streets by Rnv. W. T. Mugford under the sponsorship of the Chapel As sembly of God. The evangelist will speak three times Sunday at 11 a.m. (otiooo colli) Fly to Honolulu on a United Air Lines Stratocruiser. Enjoy 10 glorious days with all expenses paid for yourself and anyone you take along. GAS WATER HEATER f GRAND PRIZE 10 Day, All-ixpnf Vacation in Hawaii for 2 People (or $ 1,000 in caih) PLUS 6 WEEKLY CASH PRIZES EVERY WEEK FOR S WEEKS Every Week 1 SI 00 Every Week 1 $SO Every Week 1 $20 Every Week 3 $10 Bills . S IIO WIIKLY CONTItTS lit wMr cnoil nodi Pen. 1, tnit mlrinltlil fmh. SI 3nd wakly cnuit nam Pb. 3, n mldnliht Mr. 4 r4 wukly fonttt nirti Mr. I, M mlrfnltM Mar. 1 1 4lh wkly nfii trh Mr. II, ndi mldnliht Mar. It Slh wttkly n)t.l ttsrft Mar. If. ndl mldnliht Mar. IS ANT OF THI AIOVI WIIKIY CAIH mill Will tl DOUIIID H rlw wlnntr hsi bought a Mw vtmatit fai wata. hoattf ilmg tht rtart M (nlott, but bttor ubmtttlnf tntry. IHav avrrhMt Mrtlfltd ntrr blonh.l J:W.'.fcMU:lJllf.M:: Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., on the subject, "Counting the Cost"; at 2:30 p.m., "The Pal estine Partition," and at 7:45 on "Salem's Sad Supper." The latter is based on a "tragic meal served in this city." The program for next week will include Monday night, "Father Divine Is He God?": Tuesday night, "Hell's Black out ; Wednesday night, "Can a Suicide Be Saved?"; Thursday night, "Was Governor Snell Right?"; Friday night, "Deliv ered from Blindness." Founder of Mission Speaks at Woodburn Woodburn The Rev. Leon Rosenberg, founder of the Beth el Mission of Eastern Europe after the first world war, will speak at the Woodburn Presby terian church tonight at 7:30 o'clock. He will relate the sig nificance of the new Israeli na tion in world events and it con nection with world unrest. Dr. Rosenberg escaped the na zi's growing power in Poland prior to the outbreak of World war II but his wife remained at the mission because escape was cut off. She survived starvation with the Bethel Mission orphans in Poland through the period of CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1230 South Liberty MMfc' 'i M 'IIS Meetings every ntght next week except Saturday, 7:45 P.M. MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL "FATHER DIVINE IS HE GOD?" (A personal interview with him by the Evangelist) Rev. JOHN HODGES, Pastor ENTER THE LOCAL Bill . . .Soo7 Bill . . .Sgl? 1 Bill . . ,?go 1 Friday, February 17, 1950 13 the war. Dr. Rosenberg, a Russian Jew, was in Poland last year and vis ited many other stations behind the "Iron Curtain." His head, quarters are now in Los Angal- - HEAR - Dr. Fred Taylor Sunday, Feb. 19 11:00 A.M. First Evangelical United Brethren Church Marion and Summer Sts, ALSO Cascade College A Cappella Choir In 15th Annual Presentation In Salem Victor Hugo Sword, Th.D. Interim Pastor 1 1 :00 a.m. Morning Worship "OUR FATHER" Special Observance of Brotherhood Sunday 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship "WITH CHRIST" 0:30 p.m. Youth Fellowships 9:45 Bible School "The Church With a Warm and Friendly Heart" A 'The Chapel' Assembly of God South 12th at Leslie REVIVAL NOW ON Rev. W. T. Mugford Radio Evangelist of Portland Sermon at 11 A.M. "COUNTNG THE COST" Mass Meeting 2:30 P.M. SERMON "THE PALESTINE PARTITION" Evangelistic Service 7:45 PJW. SERMON "SALIM'S SAD SUPPER" (Bawd on a tragedy In Salem) CONTEST Just gee a fre entry blank from any gat appliance dealer, plumber or Portland Gal Ii Coke Co. office. Then finish this statement in ii addi tional words or lets : "Every Home Needs an Automatic Gas Water Heater Because ..." The tree entry blank has many facts oo automatic gas water heaters and hints that will help you write your itatement. It also has official contest rules. CONTEST LIMITED TO THIS ARIAI Anyone living in the following counties may enter this contest : Clark, Multnomah, Clackamas, Marion, Linn. Benton, Pollt, Yamhill or Washingtco.