12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore Friday, February 17, 1950 Fast Climbing Irishman Hopes For Shot at Pep By OSCAR FRALEY I United press Sporu Alitor) J New York, Feb. 17 U The Irish are fighters and dreamers, ao little Jimmy Rooney was I angling today for a title ro with featherweight champion Willie iPep a bout his mind told htm he couldn't win but his fighting ) Irish heart told him he might. ! Little Jimmy goes against , George La Falgio at Madison Square Garden on Friday 1 night and if he wins the hustling Hibernian is expected to get i shot at Pep. That's moving fast J for a young fellow with only 38 , guts unuci ma ucib, uuiri fwu' ney, his round, baby face eri J ous, explained: "Okay, maybe I'm not J ready for the likes of Pep. But I'll fight anybody and if I can hit him, I can win it." 1 That's enough for the fight- J lng orphan from Bridgeport, Conn, And his record of 21 j knockouts in those 38 fights in- ik.ucaie mat una izo-pouna zi j' year-old Just might lay a cllnch- cr on me elusive rep ounon, Jimmy, despite his compara 4 tlvely few bouts, is no novice. j He has been fighting ever since , lie can rememDer ana inose in which he engaged "for the fun I of it" and ruined his dream of ' becoming a jockey don't show I on the record. Not on the box- lng record, anyhow. Orphaned as a baby, Jimmy pent bis youth In Norwalk, Conn., county home. As a youngster he was sent to vari ous farms to work and six farmers in a row fired blm swiftly. 2 "Too many fights," Rooney - laughs. 2 Rooney's swift rise In the featherweight ranks points up J the comeback of the clouting .Celts and brings back memories Jot the old days when the Irish .ruled the ring. Not all of the present crop possess the punch ling prowess of the five-foot. six-Inch Jimmy but for the first itlme in years the Irish are mak ing a respectable overall show ting. 4. Among the featherweights, b addition to Rooney, yon have such sons of the old sod as Glen Flanagan and Tommy 4. Collins. Rlnty Monaghan of Ireland is the flyweight king and the chief challenger for bantamweight honors Is Dan- sty O'Snlllvan. t. Moving up in the heavier di visions, lightweight standouts Include Dennis Pat Brady, Jim my Warren and Del Flanagan. Among the leading welters are Billy Graham, Jackie Keough and Paddy Young, and the mid dleweight have such sharp shooters as Jimmy Flood, Jim my Herring and Roger Dona- ghue. Even the heavyweight di vision is bringing forward wear ers of the green In Bob Murphy of San Diego; Rex Layne, out of Utah, and Curt Wichita, Kans. Kennedy of Baseball Season Opens March 24 For WV League The Willamette Valley lea sue, comprising Dallas, Wood burn, Canby, Silverton, Molalla Sandy, Mt. Angel and Estacada high schools will open the 1950 baseball season March 24, ac cording to a schedule released Friday. The season will consist of nine rounds of competition with two clubs drawing byes for each round to permit of play with non-league schools. The March 24 games include; Sandy at Dallas, Mt. Angel at Woodburn, Estacada at Canby, Silverton and Molalla byes. The 1950 football season schedule has been compiled for the W. V. L. with the first games slated for September 22. The season will end Nov. 3. Williams Expects Mild Workout in Non-Title Clash New York, Feb.; 17 MB Lightweight Ike Williams ex pects little more than a ( mild workout in his 10-round non- title bout tonight . with Sonny Boy West of Washington, D C, at Madison Square Garden West is substituting for Bern ard Docusen, New Orleans wel terweight who is bed - ridden with influenza. The odds are definitely against West, who will be making his first Mew York appearance. Bookies were offering as high as B to 1 on the champion from Trenton, If. J. West, regarded as a fair punch er, has lost only four times in 42 bouts. However, he was ex pected to be at the mercy of the hard-hitting, more-experi enced Williams. t Swiss Ski Winner Calls I Yank Course School boyish i Aspen, Colo, Feb. 17 iF) Good-looking Georges Schneider 23s a man of utmost confidence in his skiing ability, but he is not boasting about the world slalom championship he won here yes terday. "The course was much too easy," the blond Swiss athlete complained through an Interpre ter. "In Europe, our small schoolboys would run such a course. I am accustomed to something more difficult." - There were 40 gates on the steep, 3,000-foot Aspen mountain run where 60 men from 30 na tions competed for the world's slalom title. In Schneider's opinion, this was an unthink ably small number. "In Switzerland," he explain ed, "we would have SO, maybe 65, and It would be much harder. "We had courses like this one in Switzerland 10 years ago un til they became too simple for all but our schoolboys. Then we began making them more diffi cult We do not like them so easy." Aspen mountain itself, Sch neider said, offers as stem i challenge as anything in Eu rope. If there had been more gates on the slalom course, and sharper turns, he declared, !t would have given the Euro peans a delightful test. The confident Schneider, who negotiated the slalom Journey twice in a combined time of two minutes, 0.4 seconds to beat out favored Zeno Colo of Italy for the world championship, said he knew all along that he would win. . ! "If the course had been hard er," he grinned, "I would have won by more seconds." NEW! vvViHWzy SAFE! so. 3 SOVI .HtMHRI 'i&aS W-ViisssssV tmf-r . Clean! Dissolves sludge and carbon! Minimises strainer clogglngl Insures top peak fur nace efficiency I INVESTIGATE! NOW! TODAY! Bold Exeluslraly at ASK ABOUT IT! Can be stored with absolute safety! Reduces stack fir hasards 75 I Cleaner burning throughout! DIAL 3-5622 or 3-5606 " li " 4mi lim Japanese Women Take Up Baseball rTi. dates for battery positions warm up at the first tryouts for the women's professional baseball league in Tokyo. SCORES in the ALLEYS Caateta ImiHi) Capitol Alleys BEAKS HEN'S LEAGUE Harmony Hoase () PILftor 433. Daver 4M. Hill 440. Paulson 401. Craftsmen (0) Kraua 378, Barker 400, Klein 338, Morris 388. Kenmora (1) Werner 438. Adam, 306, Carver 478, Jenson 398. Coldspot (8) sevens 470, eautrom 47B, eierp 380, os lund 635. Homart (2 Forbes B31. Roach 658. Cooper 474, Cook 585. All State (1) Mc Oulre 300, Clark 451, Rich I 560, Olisar 600. Pllirlm (1) Ooush 463, Chrlstensen 303, Letofsky 633, Porstram 441. Coldspot ) Drye 466. Quesnell 460. HaUer 468. Patton 340. Hifn team icnu, Homart 3138. High team game, Homart 735. High Individual aerlw. Cook 685, High Individual game, Roach 333. Duck Pin COMMERCIAL LEAGUE O.H.C. Truck Co. 8) Darby Sermon 333, John Fullenwlder 436. Joe Brooks 356, Darwin Sermon 33T, Hilt Thorn aa 446. A, L. Cummlnc'i lleatlnr (1) Mac Lar- oon 377, LeMer Woods 380, Tom Klulah 381, Bob Rateeburg 337, Dave Spauldlng 457. Qaalitr uied Can (4) Rotu Pawler 468, Bill Campbell 616. B. B. Snelcrome 361,- Mose Van Dell 486, Emll Schols 453. Willamette Valley Bank (0) Carroll Meats 376, Keith Kaye 436. Bob Jungllng 370, carnei weiatng 3io, ai fiicxer soi. Willamette Amsiement C. () Clar ence Apple ate 440, Roy Robinson 400, Wilfred Wilier 361, Eddie Goertxen 433, bye 480. Tweedle Oil (4) Carl Flood 373. Harry Scharf 339, Ira Short 407, Vein sun sii, Al Ken field 536. B, A R. Wholesale (0) AI Hakanson 4itf, Ario Young 448, Bob Griffith 399, Wm Goodrich 437. John Wood 300. Olea- ona Bakery (4) Tom Wood 814, Bill Moad 409, Harold Bonner 431. Marlon Oleason 615, . Wulff 333. man warn senea. Tweedle 2275. High team same. Quality Used Cars 805. High individual series and game, Al Kenlleld (Tweedle) 656 and 337. University Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 TFW ) White 413, Miller 381. Parkes 418, Vatican 380, Wodeewoda 421; Jndson's Flumblnr It) AngOVe 442, Bronson 388, B. Judson 320, Little 428, Jeffries 386. Cushlnr's Union Ber. (1) Pease 837. Farley 541, Stone 363, Scott 840, Comstock 513; Yeater Appl. Co. (8 Frank 477, R. Bell 463, Mohlman 485, Hlllerlcb 480, A. Bell 47. Naval Air Fao. (X)-Haworth 441, Rob erta 483, Baal 473, J. Knedler 410, Brown 444: Pumllite Elwood 417. Bolser 409. Sheridan 350, Kelley 439, Duncan 608. western Paper Con v. Co. (l) Oftdacn 14, Andersen 307, J. Kuebler 411, Luke 446, L. Kuebler 470; SAN Clotblers S Ricks 505. Barker 496. Pekar 522. Kane ski 439, Nagley 467. i 1st Nat Bank (t) Drlggi 443, Kottke 477, Marr 403, Marshall 348, A. Morris 490; Interstate Tractor Co. (2) Morris 452, Robinson 411, Sbackman 802, Tanque ry 404. Pearl 454. Dyer A Sons Ins. (1) Sehroeher 465, Cherrlngton 486, Brought 486, Plauti 433, Perm an 431; Eagles (3) Peterson 667, Reld 467, Rltaman 470, Pero 801, Knedler B. 417. High lnd. tarn. Peaat, 914; high Ind. series, Peterson, Eagles, 687; high team game. Eagles, 740; high team series, Yea ter AppL, 3768. WILLAMETTE U. INTRAMURAL LEAGUE Baxter Hall No. 1 (4) R. HaUlday 466, O. Halliday 455. Jole 430. Stauffer 413. Smith 404; Independents (0) Slmonsen 336, Shannon 422, Pederson 343, Stratton 396, Oalbraith 336. Slrma Chi No. 3 (8) Mallory 420, Pear son 401, Ross 330, Hartley 453. Bolton 328: Sigma Alpha Epsllon No. 8 !) Skim as 441. OlSOn 457. DUVall 309. DeBord 370. Gunther 173, Dummy 230. Baxter Hall No. S 3 Collier 457, Mal agamba 405, Gordon 378, Payne 340, Booth by 418; Phi Delta Theta No. 1 (1) Col lins 435, Phillips 449, Card 306, Ryan 340, Adams 469. Sigma Alpha Epsllon No. S 8) Law rence 362. Nelson 302. Edward 398. Fnit- chett 412, Shangle 428; Sigma Chi No. 1 (1) Olsen 457, Southworth 431, Maudlin 423, Lafky 448, Joseph 364. Sigma Aloha Evsilsn No. 1 t) Lorenx 408, Norvell 426, Kerr 417, Coen 493, Val dea 670; Beta Theta PI (2) Harris 402, Straumfjord 386, Gusey 422, Hedeen 438, Washburn 410. Baxter Hall No. t Davies 420. Ste vens 368, Paddock 378, Johnson 405, Gra ham 353; Phi Delta Theta No, 2 S MacOregor 464, Patterson 370, Merrlam 403, Hllmer 409, Hearn 378. tiign (earn series, oigma Aipna Epsllon o. 1, 3573: htsh team game. Phi Delta Theta No. 3, 915; high lnd. series, Blackle Vsldei 670; high lnd. same Shoes Olson 310. Boxing Game Bragging Is Sign Louis Quit for Good By HUGH FCLLERTON, Jr. New York, Feb. 17 P) Judg ing from the sounds, the guys In the fight mob must be pretty certain Joe Louis is going to stay retired . . . Jake Mintz, Eizard Charles' manager, has been hol lering that Joe owes It to boxing, to the public, and to Ezzard to come out of retirement and give the NBA champ a chance to show how good he is . . . Now Joey Maxim is back from England with the light heavyweight title and (he has) a burning desire to fight Louis rather than Charles . If those guys aren't careful they may get Joe mad enough to go into serious training and belt their ears off . . . And, speaking seriously, it doesn't make Charles and Maxim look any too god when they proclaim loudly they can't attract a big enough crowd for a real payday without Louis to help them. Quote, Unquote George Sauer. new Baylor football coach: "As soon as spring practice is over, I'm going to havb a picture of myself made and give it to my wife. Then I'm going to take off for 40 days and meet all the alumni I can find." One-Minute Sports Page After listening to a certain number o f wails about "Homer" officiating, National Basketball association statis ticians checked up. Results of 363 games show the home teams incurred 49.5 per cent of the fouls and won 67.5 per cent of the games. In nine of of the 17 cities, the home clubs averaged more fouls than the visitors . . . Johnny Vander Meer finally broke down and bought a house in Tampa, Fla., Cincinnati's training base, this winter. So, of coarse, a short tune later he was shipped to the Cubs, who train in Cali fornia . . .-That loud cheer from Texas Tuesday night was raised by McMurray College basketball fans when their team beat Southwestern. 44- 40, after losing 20 straight games ; . . Iowa folks say Len Raffensberger Inherited the best football material Iowa IT. has had in 25 years from Dr. Eddie Anderson. A soph back named Bill Reichardt is the subject of special raves. Round Trip Bill Chambers, who'll play tackle for the N. Y. Bulldogs next fall, started his higher edu cation at Alabama before the war. Then he went to Georgia Tech as a naval trainee and fin ished his undergraduate work at U. C. L. A. after hostilities ceas ed. He played for the Yankees a couple of seasons, and now he's back at U. C. L. A. work ing for a master's degree, nine years after he entered Alabama. City Loop Scores CHURCH LEAGUE 'C Dlrliloa III Hilhodlit (M) (H) l,t Baptist Hall 13 T Htlna KlmbaU 5 P 7 Wll.on Cocklna s c 1 B. Loveland Caraten O Owlna Oreen 4 o Bothman subs: lat Methodlat Ooddard 1. lat rraabrtariaa (17) (St) Deaf Seha.1 Bteaans I P 5 McOann Ramp s r 11 rehlman Bower 7 0 3 Wella McCarablttfl O t Ebeiutelner Olbbenj o 7 Walker Suba: lat Presbyterian Coltan 3: Deaf School Uayard 3, Hyatt 1. Cal. Baptist (I) . Bishop a Wollf 3 Thompson Wells Merrill (52) Knliht Mem. . 10 Holt . P Huihes . C Brown .O Edwards ..O t rule Physical Culture Dept. Communique from Bogota, Colombia, reports that only 5,000 customers turned out for a bullfight on a recent Sun day but 12,000 attended a wrestling show In the same bullring on Wednesday . . . "Wrestling is the same as in the states," our informants adds, "except the wrestlers carry terrifying Spanish names and grunt and groan with an accent . . . And the advertise ment reads: "Wrestling the cultural sport preferred by ladies." BASKETBALL COLLEGE SCORES (Br the Associated Press) Sastern Washington 18, Whltworth II. Pacific Lutheran 38. Central Washing ton 34. Pepnerdlne M. Fresno Stat 88. Eastern Montana 81. Western llosiitana ov. Ricks 55, Southern Idaho 50. Duquesne 80, Long Island 53 Niagara 68, CCNY 61. Vanderbltt 80, Mississippi 4T. Western Kentucky 83, Miami (Pit) 47. William and Marr 70. Washington and Lee 57. Virginia 71, Virginia UlUtarr Chicago Loyola 65, Western Michigan Tl. Indiana State Tl. Canterbury 88. West Texas 70, New Mexico U HIGH SCHOOL SCORES (By the Associated Press) Grants Past 48. Southern Orea-on CoDetra Prosh 41. Jaekeon Cty "B" TeanMyt itogu Hiver jq, aoia nut 21. Butte Palls 37, Jacksonville 31. Talent 43, St. Mary's (Medford) II. Phoenix 53. Prosnect 33. Linn-Benton "B' Toarneyt Alsea 43, Shedd 33. Harrlsburg 58, Sclo 34. Brownsville 53. Halsev 61. Lane Coanty "B" Toarnvyi uoniwt o, ijoweii jj. Coburg 83, McKenila St. Lorane 40, Crow 38. Pleasant RU1 66, Triangle Lake 3t. Subs: Calvary Baptist Payne 8. B' Division HI. Mark (60) (14) L.D.S. Stewart 13 P 2 K. Brown Rc P Stock Zenske 17 0 C. Vetlto Oenteman S 0 1 Hall Brown 11 0 Murphy Subs: St, Mark Walker 10, Hohnquist 3: L.D.S. B. Brown 7. L. Vetlto 3. John. son a. Plrat Christian forfeited to Presbyteri an: Plrat Bantist forfeit, tn ImIu uthn. dUt. SMOOTH AS "OCEAN-ROCKED" WHISKEY, lys rrt"il dtsWeW TOXOnta ft - 1 Protect your' ' L p 1 It What do I need wkh a Safe Deposit Box, I said to myself wbea ZSt tj I I saw the sign card in the bank. Bat then I took a second look at 'JJj the list of kerns people should keep in Safe Deposit Boxes. Sud- ' " '''' ' i ' denly I realized I had both keepsakes and important papers not 1 0 -r 1 protected from fire or thefc Losing them could be mighty incon- . 3 CHECK ""lTor.kTJ 1 enient and maybe costly. Then and there I rented a safe deposit a 7HI5 V'D lotm,Tii I box at the First National. Now my importaot things are in a place 3 D iS.oKi arit" 1 thatt'i safe and private ... costs me little more than a penny a day. 4 Sonds ,o.t"" I rt Q C.rtKVt0 . p. u, DooxMrt F TIH. H .IK P" " I Cofitroda q u. J. SovoS I Pretoct Toot Valmbtes for UtHo More Tka a Pmit a Day. Real a Safe DoposJl Box al tho... Opoa 10 to S laclvtllas fatorday SALEM D RANCH FDSIT - HATIOC3AL BANEt Or PORTLAND HITS BUI ID OftfOON TOOffTNf R Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway In Solsm