tarily cancel the booking at Spo kane theaters." The film is scheduled for Its first showing here Friday. Rossellini Protests Censoring of Film Rome, Feb. 16 ffl Roberto Rossellini said today he felt "af raid" for the future of his film "Strombolo," starring Ingrid Bergman. "The RKO studios in Holly wood made so many changes," he complained. The picture has it' U.S. premiere today in more than 400 theaters simultaneous ly. Asked to comment on the first public showing of "Stromboli" Rosselini referred a reporter to his news conference statement of last week claiming the picture as shown in America "is not my own." He said RKO had proposed to his attorney that "Stromboli" be shown first in the studio's re vised version. "If it is not a success," he added, "then they (the studio) would put out my original ver sion." "I think this is a little child ish," Rossellini snorted. Dallas Mayor Tells of Cost las or less. FBI Search For Briefcase Knoxvllle, Tenn., Feb. 16 m terday after it was left in a hotel lobby by its owner, Arthur G. Huey of Minneapolis, Minn., regional engineer for the U.S. fish and wildlife service. Huey said he set the case down in the lobby and stepped into the hotel's dining room. "When I Reason for the difference is simple, Mayor Smith states It is due to the fact that the neigh Stromboli Out At McMinnville McMinnville, Ore., Feb. 16 () A, motion picture exhibitor said today he would not show the film "Stromboli" here. M. W. Mattecheck, co-owner of the company which controls all three picture houses here, said adverse publicity in "the Ingrid Bergman-Roberto Rosse lini affair" prompted the action. "It is high time," Mattecheck said in a statement, "that exhi bitors refuse to play pictures starring persons who bring dis credit to themselves and the motion picture industry." Spokane, Feb. 16 VP) The ci ty motion picture censor board recommended Tu e s d a y that bookings of the Ingrid Bergman film "Stromboli" be cancelled here. Commissioner Carl Canwell said the film had not been bann ed. He said the board's recom mendation was made to theater operators on the basis that show ing of the film here would not be "in the best interest of the community." The Motion Picture Producers' association in Hollywood was advised of the board's recom mendation. "The censor board wishes to be fair with the distributor and exhibitor of the film," Canwell said. "For that reason, we first boring cities are fortunate in be ing located on the Willamette river and have a large quantity of water at their disposal. Dal las has no such large body of Dallas Mayor Hollis Smith has issued a statement to clarify minds of Dallas voters as to why The FBI and other law enforce returned it was gone," he said. water to help with the disposi tion of its sewage, and when the ment agencies are looking every which way for a' briefcase con taining up to a half-million dol lars in negotiable government Two men who left the hotel anticipated cost of a sewage dis posal plant .here is approximate shortly before the loss was dis covered are being sought. sewage is treated, the water that goes back into LaCreole creek ly double of that expected at some other nearby towns. The question was raised when he "It might have been a mis must be pure. This requires the purchasing orders. take," Huey suggested. Willamina The annual Blue and Golu banquet of the Cub Scouts is being planned for next Friday evening at the Church of Christ. Mrs. Ross Wright has charge of arrange ments. "Boy Scout Sunday" was ob complete digestion by a class A plant. The briefcase disappeared yes- He added that the purchasing recently pointed out that the state sanitary authortiy had or dered the city to have a new plant in operation by the end of 1951. Some of the voters asserted that Independence and other towns along the Willamette were orders amounted to "a blank On the other hand, because check signed by Uncle Sam." the large Willamette rivet can absorb a certain proportion of anticipated that an additional bond issue of perhaps $50,000 will be presented to voters here in the May primary to supple Huey was on his way to the nearby Oak Ridge atomic plant on business. He said it was un sewage, the neighboring cities are required only on construct the much less expensive class B ment a $150,000 issue of some years ago for the purpose The likely that the orders would be plant. accepted for any large amount served at the Willamina Church of Christ honoring Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. constructing or anticipating con struction of plants at half the $175,000 cost estimated for Dal The matter of sewage disposal former issue was partly used for the construction of a $42,000 storm sewer system. unless a person seeking to use is Dallas most pressing prob them could provide identifica are requesting that they volun-1 lem at the present time It is1 tion. 32 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Feb. 16, 1950 J - PLUS FAMOUS FEIEWMY MIDGET lALAMEffi DRAMATIC DOLLAR DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY combined with Fabulous February BUDGET BALANCERS to bring you and every member of your family additional savings during these 2 great MONEY-SAVING DAYS. You'll find SPECTACULAR SAVINGS and HARD -TO -BELIEVE VALUES IN EVERY DEPT. Look for the signs that denote FABULOUS FEBRUARY BUDGET BALANCERS and DRAMATIC DOLLAR DAY SAVINGS! Ladies Cotton DIRNDL SKIRTS $ i. Bright floral and novelty patterns 80 square S-M-Ii Infants Flannel GOWNS and KIMONAS 31. Special purchase White, pink, blue and maize Daintily trimmed Homttfrchod PILLOW TUBING Special purchas 43x36 inohes Stamped to embroider Boys DENIM JEANS $ i. Famous Blue Bell brand i Sizes 2 to I Large Size BATH TOWELS 41 Solt and fluffy Striped patterns of blue, wine and green SlzesJo PURE SILK SCARFS 1 8"Ombre in pastels & deep tones jj m Sfc I Solid colors, postals & deop fonts f W P I Assorted novelty & floral prints w J I Special for This Groat Event -ir 24-inch size Solid & Deep Tones 2 for $1 3 5 -inch size NoveitVrws $1 FABULOUS BUDGET BALANCERS OILCLOTH, slightly irregular, 42" wide. Large selection . 3 yds. for $1 ALUMINUM PERCOLATORS, 6 or 8 cup sixe, first quality $1 PLASTIC APRONS, bib style, ruffled trim, colorful patterns 29 C DISH CLOTHS, large sixe, values to 15e 2 for 1 5 c TOILET TISSUE, 650 sheets - j, WASHCLOTHS 12"x12" Pink or Blue Plaid 6c OUTING FLANNEL, 36" wide, white or pastel stripes 4 yds. for $1 VACUUM BOTTLES 1 pf. sixe, reg. $1 value . ... 69c i Boys Boxer Type PLAY SHORTS Seersucker and print ed sanforized fabrics Dollai Day special Save Now on WOMEN'S BLOUSES $ 1 Whites, prints, solids Sizes 3a to 38 Ladies Limited Quantity 80-SQUARE PERCALE 31. 5C Beautiful floral prints In various color comb. 36 inches wide Unusuol Value! LADIES' SLIPS $ 1 Lace trimmed Sizes 33 to 40 White or pink Ixstsi J tWWteplnk Boys Sanforized TWO-TONE SHIRTS 1. Western type Sizes 3 to 8 A marvelous buy Infants TRAINING PANTS 61. 7 C Finely tailored Cotton with rayon stripe Sizes 3 to 6 NON-RUN PANTIES 51. White, pink, maize and blue Sizes S-M-L Reg. 29c value Men's . RAYON HOSE 6pr$l Ladies Flannel Nightgowns 23. Fancy patterns Cotton and rayon piaiiea I Sizes 10 to 13 Not all sizes' but plenty of large sizes Don't miss this saving What a Buyl DISH TOWELS ' 6..-M. SHEET BLANKETS $ 1. AOnTS-lnoh size Colorful plaid patterns SOFA PILLOWS $ 1. Gay print patterns Looped fringe trim Limit of 3 Men's KNITTED BRIEFS 3$1 Fin combed yarn Sizes S-M-L, First quality Infants Ninon & CREPE DRESSES $ 1. White, and maize Famous name brand pink, blue r Reg. $1.98 COTTON DRESSES 2-3. 80 square percale Florals, stripes, checks All sizes, up to 52 Unhemmed and bleached Size 30x30 inches ) Slightly irregular Men's Work Hose White or asst. m colors fl for ' Slightly irregular. Boxed Asst. Chocolates One pound size ft tm Delicious and for I fresh. I Men's BOOT SOX 31 Part wool Heavy weight If Boys 1 KNIT J, BRIEFS 5 31. 7 C Fine combed yarn First quality 1 Small, medium, large Men's Chambray Shirts w xieHvy w-eignt Blue Bell Made $1 Men's Flannel Shirts Gay plaids j Sizes 14 Mi to 17 Regular $2.98 value Decorated China Plates Ideal for Plate Rails Cej 10 V in size l Reg. $1.49 Boys' Flannel Shirts Plaids Sizes Csj 2. 3 and 4 only I Supply is limited ' Shop Our Windows For More and More Breath Taking Savingi That Await You 136 North Commercial St Paper Draperies 72-inch lengths fk Cf Assorted patterns 1 for! Luncheon Cloth Size 32" x 52" Colorful Damask Cloth $1 Infants Batiste Dresses White and f m Pastels I for I Nicely finished " Rayon Headsquares Water repellent tm prints for I Size 33"x33" W Boys' Knit T-Shirts Asst. colored for - stripes Nicely finished Wool Headsquares White or colors f tm Size 30"x30" 'i for 1 Kiddies Bib Overalls Blue Denim Sizes 2 to 3 Ladies' Handbags One close-out lot of former $1.98 values Sorry, No Phone, Mail or C.O.D. Orders Quantities Are Limited - No Sales to Dealers Salem, Oregon