Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 16, 1950, Page 30, Image 29

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    Starlet to Begin
'Work for Christ'
New York, Feb. 16 (U.R)Star
let Colleen Townsend has dis
closed that she will begin "my
work for Christ" next month by
starting work on three motion
pictures with religious themes.
The first, she said in an inter
view yesterday, will be based
on intolerance and will be pro
duced by the Protestant com
mission. The other two will be
made by a new religious film
concern called "The Great Com
mission." The pictures will be
shown in churches and schools.
Instead of her present salary
of $350 a week, she will receive
only "a nominal fee to cover ex
penses." Miss Townsend was passing
through New York en route to
Circle Plans
Spring Ritual
Silverton Marion Circle,
314, Neighbors of Woodcraft,
' met during the week following
no-hostess dinner when fi
nancial and other committee re
ports were considered.
Donations are to be made to
ward the funds of the March
of Dimes, reareation project,
and the permanent endowment
fund of the Neighbors of Wood
craft home in Riverside, Calif.
Members who are ill and will
receive acknowledgment are
Mrs. T. M. Lukens, Mrs. Robert
Scott and Mrs. Florence Bowen.
The next meeting will be an
early Sunday afternoon no-host
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Plank. Several
plan to attend the district pep
meeting at Dundee Thursday,
February 23.
Elected officers to be Installed by Mr.
Albert W. Green at the April 2 meeting
Include Mra. Mabel Talbot. P.G.N.i Mrs.
Clarence Plank, Guardian Neighbor; Mrs.
Al Down, advisor: Mrs. MUes Ottoway,
magician: Miss Olive ottoway, clerk; Mrs.
O. E. Hlglnbotham, banker; Mrs. Richard
Nelson, attendant; Mrs. Grace Burnett,
flag bearer; Arthur Nelson, captain; Mrs.
Emma Todd, Inner sentinel; clarence
Plank, outer sentinel; Richard Welson,
musician; Miss Olive ottoway, senior
guardian; managers. Mrs. Arthur Nelson,
Mrs. Robert Scott, Clarence Hlglnbotham;
Mrs. Mabel Talbot, correspondent.
Gervais Boy Scouts
Attend Church Hour
Gervais In observance of Boy
Scout Week a number of scouts
from local troop No. 54 attended
the Presbyterian church in uni
form for the 11 o'clock church
services, and were under the
leadership of their scoutmaster
Jess Adams and Dean Booster,
assistant scout master.
Eugene Armstrong, a scout.
made the presentation of flowers
on behalf of the church to Mrs.
Clara Jones who was honored
for her 90th birthday, Febru
ary 13. Mrs. Jones has been ac
tive in the church for three
quarters of a century.
Trustees Are Names
For Rebekah Lodge
Jefferson The Mt. Jefferson
Rebekah lodge met for their
regular meeting. Trustees elec
ted to serve were Hattie Goin
for three years, and Don Por
ter for one year. Ada McKee
was re-appointed reporter. Bliss
Fiddler and Lillian Smith were
especially honored because of re
cent birthdays. Refreshments
were served by Maude Wise, Eva
Myers, Gertrude Wichersham,
and Margaret Davidson. Mrs,
George Bell of Pendleton was a
Medford Talks
On Prosperity
Stating that machinery creat
ed by American capitalism is
the equivalent 'of a billion hu
man slaves, Ted Medford, div
ision manager of Safeway stores,
told members of the Salem Ex
change club Wednesday that the
constitution was the blueprint
for that form of prosperity.
Medford cited the idea that
the genius of men like Ford and
Edison was possible only under
a system such as prevailed in
this country.
The speaker contended, how
ever, that funds for investment
in new tools was drying up. He
held the present administration
"Spendthrift g o v e r n'm e n t
marching toward socialism, is
even stabbing the back of our
churches by taking money in
taxes which would normally be
. Painter Turns to Ceramics Guy Reese, one-time painter,
one of the 450 new ceramic artists in Paris, works on a vase
using his wife as a model in their studio apartment.
contributed to them," he charg
ed. "No government ever spent
itself rich or taxed its citizens
to prosperity," Medford summarized.
Prairie Social Club
Makes Bed Jackets
Dayton The Dayton Prairie
Social club met with Mrs. Fred
Hackworth. Bed jackets, made
for the Red Cross to be sent to
Barnes hospital, were completed,
The guests for the afternoon
were the county federation of
ficers: Mrs. L. R. Alderman,
president; Mrs. Vernischa New-
by, Amity, vice president; Mrs.
Ruth Goodrich, secretary. A
short program and some games
were held during the afternoon.
Refreshments were served.
Army Still Needs Pigeons
Washington, Feb. 16 VP) The
modern army "still needs its
It wants congress to put up
enough money to keep in train
ing the 800 pigeons it now has.
Crabtree Community
Club Holds Election
Lebanon Organization of the
Crabtree Community club was
completed with the following
officers elected: Ed O'Hara,
president; Larry Gorman, vice
president; Elsie Kennling, sec
retary, and Ernest Maddox,
The executive staff will draw
up by-laws to be presented to
members at the next meeting,
February 24, at the community
hall. Purposes of the club will
be to further educational and
recreation opportunities and pro
mote general community im
Aloha Needle Club
To Work on Quilts
Pleasantdale Members of
the Aloha Needle club attended
the regular meeting held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rich
ards. Refreshments were served.
There will be quilting at the
next all-day meeting, to be held
at the social hall with a cov
ered dish luncheon at noon.
All Teachers
Given Contracts
Albany All teachers now on
the high and grade school staffs
of the Albany district No. 5
school systems who had not in
dicated intention to retire were
offered new contracts, and the
contract of City Superintendent
I. R. Halseth was extended for
three years following the expir
ation of his present contract
June 30, 1951, by the Albany
school board at its meeting.
The district clerk. L. A. White,
explained that the extension of
the superintendent's c o n t r a ct
was in accordance with the ac
tions of school boards at Salem
Corvallis, Eugene, Bend, Leba
non and other towns, where the
so-called "rotary contract" sys
tem has been adopted.
According to this plan, he
said, the superintendent s con
tract is considered a year and a
half before its expiration and if
it is felt his services are desired
for another term it is extended,
if not, no action is taken but
he is thus given a year and a
half in which to seek a new position.
year sedition sentence imposed
in 1942, is wanted in North Carolina.
Indiana Governor Henry F.
Schricker gr a n t e d extradition
yesterday, but Pellcy s lawyers
had forestalled his removal to
North Carolina for at least three
weeks by filing a petition for a
writ of habeas corpus.
Jefferson Firemen
Guest of Auxiliary
Jefferson At the meeting of
the Jefferson volunteer fire de
partment and auxiliary at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.-. Gilbert
Looney, the meeting night was
changed to the second Monday
of each month, and the next fam-
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Feb. 16, 1950 31
ily night get-together will be
February 25.
Mrs. George Richardson was
elected reporter for the auxili
ary. Following the meeting the
firemen joined the women for
Mother-in-Law Praises
Her Wonderful
Pelly Free But Faces
North Carolina Charge
Indianapolis, Feb. 16 (fP)
William Dudley Pelley was the
center of a new maze of legal
entanglements today as he en
joyed freedom from a federal
prison for the first time in more
than seven years.
The former Silver Shirt lead
er, paroled yesterday from a 15-
...vitfi a
in wry fcfe
All solid meat. . . tndar-txturd,
timply deliciousl
jumble Bet Brand
gives you.,.
ToxtWFO BonilS Solid-pack means it's solid meat invit
ing to the eye, and doubly inviting to the palate t
Flavor Boniff. Expert eanners and meticulous cars
guarantee that you get every bit of the natural, deliciously
delicatt flavor 1
Quality BonUf. Constant high quality ... because of
BUMBLE BEE'S selective packing. Only the nicest light-
meat tuna goes into the can.
'.V-r-Ajgg V "jssSA
Have a Glamorous Dessert Tonight
The very first meal I
served "mother-in-law"
brought loud praise for
my glamorous dessert.
The answer, Reddi-wip.
Made with pure, rich
cream, it "whips itself."
Turns simplest desserts
into party treats. Econom
ical. Keep Reddi-wip in
refrigerator. Use it daily.
From Your Milkman or Grocer "It Whips User
refreshments. Gilbert Looney
showed slides. Present for the
auxiliary were Edna Robertson,
Wilma McGuire, Mickie Hoevet,
Ruth Person, Gerry Looney and
Mrs. Betty Richardson, r . ,
I IT" 1 wit. "
'ft oomens &
Feast your ayes on this packago ,
Foait youritJf on what's Inside) Tonde-r,
tarty dlcod fruit, mixed with
Bordtn's prtzowlnnlrtg Cottago Chtitol
At your food iter now-
mm KB I
TIDE cuts washday work in
half! No more rinsing! Just
wash. ..wring out.. .hang up!
Y ES, another Tide miracle has been discovered
and it's the washday news of the mid-century!
With Procter & Gamble's Tide in your
, washing machine you can take your clothes
right out of the suds . . . put them through
, the wringer and hang them on the line daz
zling clean! Without rinsing!
HERE'S WHYI Tide, with its miracle suds,
gets the dirt out of your clothes and keeps it
suspended in the sudsy water. When you
wring out the clothes, the dirt runs.out with
the wash water . . . and the clothes come from
the wringer white . . . fresh . . . CLEAN!
YES, CLEAN! You already know how clean
Tide washes your clothes with rinsing. Actu
ally cleaner than any other product you can
(ays Mrs. Elizabeth Davis of Portsmouth, ohio
"It's true! I took the clothes right out of those wonderful Tide
suds and put them through the wringer and onto the line. And,
they looked so bright and clean I wasproud to hnng thom up!"
buy. Now try the same wonderful Tide with
out rinsing and compare the results. It's
simply unbelievable how bright, fresh and
clean you can get your wash with Tide, with
out rinsing. And think of the work you save!
So get Tide today, and remember! The Tide
that is on your dealer's shelf right now in
the same familiar package will give you a
dazzling clean wash without rinsing!
and of course Bumble Bee Tuna
makes a honey of a sandwich
No other washing
product known
matches TIDE for
getting out both
dirt and soap film!