Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Feb. 16, 1950 27 Lowest E!Biryiy at IFmd Meyer PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY rate BUY AT " APPAREL AND SAVE Lace Trim Knit Gowns $1.99 $3.85 Only Slightest Irregularities Some of the Most Popular Styles and Colors Bold This Year You'll simply have to see these amazing bargains to believe this ex tremely low price. Gowns that are positively the loveliest you've ever dreamed of. Some have the new elastic waist and each one is a popular style with dainty neckline and lacy bodice. All in the most luscious of pastel shades in sizes 34 to 42. AT FRED MEYER APPAREL SHOP Daytime Sheer NYLONS 77c- 3 Pair $2.25 At last! Here's a nylon that'll give you lots of day in and day out service, and yet be lovely and sheer enough to wear with your prettiest suits or dresses. AT FRED MEYER APPAREL SHOPS No. 2 Prize Brand Kose 59c Each 3 for 6 for $1.69 $2.98 Reds - Pinks - Whites - Yellows ' Bi-Colors Florabundas and Climbers SO different varieties and colors to choose from for your this year's blooming. All healthy, Z-year field grown Oregon Rose bushes packed in moist peat moss, root wrapped in heavy graft paper and dipped in hot wax to insure freshness. Many new colors and varieties and all the older popular varieties. Each bush guaranteed to bloom this year, true to color and variety. AT FRED MEYER VARIETIES SWEET PEA ... Collection Save 40c Regular 90e Now 50c Bright fragrant flowers to enhance your flower garden all spring and part of the summer. AT FRED METER VARIETIES Presto Compressed s PEAT MOSS 6 lbs ....59 25 lbs $2.29 Now it's easy to keep a large supply of peat moss for your garden in a small space. Com pressed pellets, when ready to use, soak in water. AT FRED METER VARIETIES DIAMOND LAWN SEED 1.25 lb. Especially for Oregon lawns. Contains creeping fescue. Ideal for new lawns and to rejuvenate old ones. AT FRED METER VARIETIES Save $1.51- Regular 10c $2.40 Value 8 Oz. Tumblers B24f 89c Bargain of bargains. Large size 8-oz. crystal clear tumblers packed 24 in a box. You'll want to get several boxes now for jelly glasses next summer. AT FRED MEYER VARIETIES Goodyear Rubber DRAINBOARD MAT Red or White 49c Each Save your dishes and your sink too! Place a rubber drainboard mat on your sink. Each mat has skid proof backing to prevent slipping. AT FRED MEYER VARIETIES I 1 f 1 i! 1 ", FRED MEYER High Water CAR BATTERIES With Exchange Never have to worry about servicing this battery. Needs water only once a year. Power packed plates, heavy lead bushings and Plastok case join to make this one of the most powerful batteries built. Guar anteen for 18 months. Save 31c - Regular 98c 4-Way Lug Wrench, 67c For fixing flats. Always have one In your car. AT FRED MEYER ATJTO SUPPLIES . Save 19c - Regular 98c Exhaust Extension, 79c Protects the chrome on your rear bumpers. AT FRED MEYER ATJTO SUPPLIES FamousFifth Avenue Chocolates 1 lb. Box Fifth Avenue Everyday Is George Someone's Washington's Birthday Is Feb. 22 Chocolates 5 1.00 No matter what the occasions may be, Fifth Avenue Chocolates always extend your congratulations of the day in the sweetest way. Each tempting piece is masterfully created to be the freshest and finest of chocoates. AT FRED MEYER CANDY SHOPS NATIONAL CHERRY WEEK Cherry Angelfoods Regular 69c Special Now! . V ..v SV-!r eathery light, moist angelfood cake with chopped maraschino cher ries blended in the cake itself and in the creamy icing. Treat your friends and family to a dessert treat tonight with this new cake. AT FRED MEYER BAKERIES Daggett and Ramsdell Save 21c - Regular $1.00 Now 79c Plus Tax The finest in hand creams for rough red hands and tender skin. Lightly fragranced the way you like in a hand cream. HAND LOTION Save 50c Regular $1.50 Now 1.00 Plus Tax For those ladies who prefer a han dlotion with all the fra grance and creaminess of a hand cream, Daggett and Ramsdell create this special lotion. .-.- Save 36c Regular 55c WILLIAMS Lanolin Soap Box of 3 ban 5 5 C Treat your skin to a real beauty treatment with a soap that con tains natural softening Ingredients, and lanolin. Creamy smooth tor a perfect complexion soap and ideal for your tub or shower, tool AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES NUTRI-TONIC PERMANINT'S patented OIL Creme base makes the difference! ' The kind of permanent you get depends on the waving lotion you use. Profeiilontl -Nutrl-Tonlc it the only eold permanent with genuine OIL Creme tx . . . can't be copied - It's paunftd. No wonder beautlelans all over America use Nutri-Tonic for permancnte priced up to $20 and higher. Try Nutrt-Tonk) younelf. See, feel the difference! MARVtLOUS FOR CHdOHIN, TOO f No wonder Nutrl-TonJc glv.e fJ(VS flV f men toft nofuron.u one! wovei A ( V io much faif.r. There'! fhh J j much patnfd OIL Creme S C7 J-wu-'v" ban In every bottle, plastic curleri $J2S 0 f&Zu(t DilUXItHrtiillwSfetwIeiiel rSP ,", K",n Mi m l f to Kiir roue, naii at ih I lvlltt bttwMn nrwimin etk fw V Mvtrl.Tmilc HAH lUXUItV, Mptc-crammi v hat, k,tiint wlrti ChUHrl. S Fred Meyer ANAHIST Bottla of 40't 99c Spring time is the danger time for catching colds. Now is the time for you to be sure that your family is safe from colds with Anahist. Buy the large size bottle of Anahist now. AT ID JfEYBR TOILETBIKS Save 50c Jgm$ Fred Meyer CERTIFIED VITAMIN B COMPLEX Tablets 99c Specially formulated and cer- Uiiea lor vitamin deficiencies. VITAMIN A 25,000 UNITS Tablets 2e98 AT FRED MSTEB BIMBDISS Regular $1.09 ASCORBIC ACID m?. 89c Regular $7.49 Therapeutic Formula Tablets Di47 Regular $1.29 Vitamin B 1 10 mg. QQ AT ntED METER BEMKDIES NEVER BEFORE at this low price! l fta I Bm I tfT. Pre-pfcyJoe-He NykM Tooth LSJ I frj W BohIbm. Tvltod Ob Mono Pio f yjjJJ Save 36c Regular $1.25 Brisk SHAVING CREAM Now Only 89c Specially low priced for your budget savings. The finest shave cream for cooler, smoother, shaving comfort. AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES CANASTA NEEDS Save 26c on a Complete Canasta Set Regular $1.95 1.69 Now Only Complete with 2 decks of Ca nasta cards, playing tray, of ficial rules and score sheets. $1.00 Vinylite Canasta Table Cover.. Plastic Canasta Tray Congress Double Deck of Cards . Gooden's Official Rule Book Official Score Pad, 50 sheets Canasta Card Table Canasta Chairs 89 29 $1.69 89 23 $6.49 4 for $9.89 148 NORTH LIBERTY Silver Star WHIZ PAK DISPENSER AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES YOU THESE 6 BIS ADVANTAGES No wrappfog to foke ofI feeds onty on Mad erf a Wmet Bfoefee feed lit en effrerften only! Bladn will not famf Changes bfoctoe In a Pffyf 9 Wet fingers rfon'f town Matter TRY TKt NfW KIND Of RAXOtl KADI MKUOMf Of AMMCAttt AM MVTNO ABOVTI r20 BLADES I V DISPiNSi 47 iiouua mcx 5 BIADCS FOR 25f Curity FIRST AIDS STERILE COTTON ' j.. 27c 4 oi. 50c 8 ox. .85c GAUZE BANDAGE 2 Inch 20 c 1 Inch 93c 4 Inch 40c HANDI TAPE 12's 10c S6's 29 c ADHESIVE TAPE W Inch x 5 Yds. 15c V& Inch x 10 Yd 29c 3 Cut 5SC LISCO STERILE PADS 2 x 2 25's 45 C 5 x I 12's 35c f x t 25's 65c AT rED MXTKR KKMKOIES THOSI WIATHERED BROWN SPOTS New Kind of Hand Croam Specially Made to do it I SOTEIICA U IM aarTlo urn kind f hoitd cream for fading. IhoM browa pota thai Mfte yow hand, look old. Mm fadei otker wrfoce blomlikM and rcwghfiocs la way no ordinary bond cream or lotion can. tauiec hamh whiter, clearer, yovngor looking cnHUly olt.n within (no flrtl low days. WMo ISOnilCA lookl ond fnll llko the Snort noo-groaty voniihing kond ere, H hot on adifad dnarlng action. rVodWod fn a laboratory thai hot ' " yJ 4 f i itudled tfM ffctd Of tOiwftu CM tMi pigments for 15 yaru Thoutancti glocUy paid (5.00 for ESOTERIC.- How la quantify pmdvdiom, m con b told tor $2.00, phtt tm. U you want cJaorar, whri4ooHiic bandi, gel ESOTERICA. Motktry both the flfit (or dos aol bring dtiecrd reuuiU. Save $1.00 Regular $2.00 ELMO SPECIAL FORMULA CREAM Only 1 .00 Tax' Specially formulated lor deep pore cleansing. AT TOED METER REMEDIES