18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Feb. 16, 1950 In the Doghouse? That's Better than Many a Home By OSCAR FRALEY (United Preu Sports Writer) New York, Feb. 16 U.R The nest time anybody tells yon he's living a dog's life congratulate him You can do a lot worse, and Tearless Fraley can attest to that after a trip to the Westminster Kennel club's annual dog show -at Madison Square Garden. And if you think what I'm about i to tell you is jealousy, you're ; right. Man can now boast that he i Is dog's best friend and any ' beagle who doesn't bark im ! 'mediate approval is a dog ' goned ingrate. For the fido fanciers have succeeded in transforming the pup's post war world into a poodle's paradise. Whether your mutt is a mon i grel with money or a pedi- ' Breed pooch with a snazzy Ch, . (standing, I understand, for "champion") in front of his ; name, he now has more advant 1 ages than a member of the e Mayflower society. Is your dog looking dis- i gruntled these days? Maybe he ' wants his portrait done in oils, ', one of the new highly-polished ' hones, some special candy con , taining Vitamins A, B, D, G and ' minerals, a petburger, perfume J with a new fragrance or, possib i ly, he's miffed because you have- J n't seen the registrar at canine college. Maybe your are feeding the ! master of your doghouse or ' dlnary baby food such as Is i used for mere moral infants. ; One dog firm at the show warns, in bold red print, that ' "animal young require much more calcium, phosphorous, etc.," than just plain babies. , For pampered puppies there i are available excellent play pens and the man who paints oil por t traits was doing a rushing busi . n-ss. As one palpitating lady -explained: HOutfoxes Foxes 8 13, of Castile, N. Y , snared 42 f foxes to win 1949 trapping H championship in contest of New York College of Agrl IZ culture, Cornell university. SCORES in (Vamplet University Alleys Jr CIVIC LEA GUI Bollywood Lions No. S (3) Lants 380, 'Porter 45B, Elliott 428, Donaldson 435, Brown 40. Hollywood Lions No. 1 1 -Hanna 415. Mootry 378, Ay res 424, CHlles waple 360, Collins 380. m Staylon Lions (2) Bates SOS, Morgan mMI, Christrnsen 420. Scliacutslck 4S2, Jor iMdan. Salem Lions No. ! (1) Holmes 470, Beamater 434, Ueddls 470, Smith 459, Stftr jstt 476. M Moote No. t (31 Schyble 374. Nldlno iJM Cooter 40S. Smyers 409, Smith 432. JWooM Lodse No. 1 (1) Smith 456. Pru denu 800. Hurd 380, Prunk 438, Smyers Salem Lions No. S (3) Henderson 185, "Hoy 848, Klmmell 488, RostU 374. Bauers M424. Salem Lloni No. 1 (0 Sholseth 419. """Young 422, Tood 402, Halverson 367, De Lanry 430. " Klwanls (21 Stuttman 432, Calvert 414. "Ltneberry 348, McKlnney 481. Hutchinson 355 Jr. Chambers (1) Schmidt 447, Por- ter 468. Schaeffer 473, Wedel 421, Bonl Mtface 485. High Individual game and aeries: Hoy, 413 and 846. High team: Salem Lions No. -t, 3333. -- STATE HOUSE LEAGUE Bee. of State (0 Miller 489, King 662, ""Grant 444, Porter 477, Schulti 394.Frlnlera tt) Krelcl 560, Mllner 466, Stona 497, -McCrary 432, Mills 301. Ind. Aerldent No. 1 (2) Buchanan 606, Oerdon 423. Savage 383, Baker 494. Ups ton 413. Fo ret try (t Hanneman 386. Oarts 393, Brogan 434, Beyers 418, Maul 440. Hlwar Dept. No. 1 (1) Rostel 359. Towle .400. KaysT 410, Williams 433, Orlfflth 432. Jnd. Accident No. X 2 O a 11 as her 317. Ashby 494, West 487, Harris 472, Oustafson Hlwar Dept. No. I (11 Brown 378, Van ylt 320, Collins 368, Ebsen 305. White 491. ITH I way Dept. No. X 2 Roake 601. Gard ner 386, Wallace 458. Hill 467. Pa won 337. Hlwav Dept. No. 4 (21 Wood 420. Ketch "urn 375. Hess 385, Kane.sk I 474, Schupp 404. """Tax Comm. No. t fl Rathaum 314. We Iff 1 ""373. Mason 358. Huphta 823. Johnson 46S. " Tax Comm. Ne. 1 (D Kles 468. Chal tners 386. Mehalfee 390. Batter 333, &er tt 388. Vet. Affaire (2) Walts 346, Ry an 473, Heed 406, Absentee. 438, HUterlch -09. High game: Mills, 316. High series: King, 142. High team: Printers, J346. Duck Pin AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE Kaiser Frater (0) Lew It Nelson 361, Red Foster 206. Bill Ham by 4S8. Mike -Jleck 377, Hubert Mink 398. Dodge (4) Johnnr Cooter 426, Dallas KJaer 453, Frank -Jone 398, Hal Wilson 331, Howard .Jdumhy 333. Valley Eleelrie (3) Elmer Rlemer 393, . Karl Lambert 387, Ous Quiring 360, Walt , Quiring 339. Ferd Baiter 372. Balek 3i .fthorty Willi a mj 394, Harvey Low all 308. Jim HaU 893, Dare Moon 438, M. Van Dell 483. Cadillac (4) Bob Fry 438. Herbert Ber 87 435, Bud Ready 400, Don Bower 439, Chrll8 Campbell 467. Warner Motors (0)w "Of course, we don't have any oil portraits of our children but we just must have one ot Buster." Buster being a wolfhound with exceptionally large teeth. But if there's anything which convinced me that I made a mis take coming across from the sooty side of the tracks on two legs, it's the dog college. Take Canine college, which flaunts a motto boasting: ' Where your dog is an aris tocrat." A brochure which would shame an exclusive boarding school paints a pic ture of "the beautiful hills of the Berkshires." To get your pup in there for a vacation you write to the registrar. If that ain't puttin on the dog, I don't know. Casanova Named Coach at Pitt Pittsburgh, Feb. 16 OT The University of Pittsburgh today announced the appointment of Len Casanova as head football coach. The former Santa Clara grid mentor succeeds Mike Milligan who resigned last month when he was offered a one year con tract renewal. Casanova quit his California job last night. His resignation was accepted during a hectic session of the Santa Clara board of athletic control. Casanova, had two years to go on his $10,000 a year contract at Santa Clara. It is understood he will get more than $15,000 a year at Pitt on a four-year con tract. Casanova was a backfleld star with the Santa Clara Broncos of the early twenties. Sports Calendar FEBRUARY 16 Basketball Church league: 1st Presbyterian vs Deaf School, 7 p.m.; Calvary Baptist vs KnlKht Memorial, 8 p.m.; 1st Methodist vs 1st Baptist, 9 p.m., ftlrls uym. FEBRUARY 17 Basketball Sprlnrfleld high vs Salem high at Salem, 8: IB p.m. Idaho vs Oregon at Eugene. Willamette Valley league: Mt. Anvel at Estacada. Sandy at Stlverton. Dauby at Dallas, Molalla at Woodburn. FEBRUARY 18 Basketball Willamette vs Pacific at Forest drove. Idaho vs Oregon at Eugene. City Loop Scores Naval Rei. (47) (5 O.T.T,. Bnaaett 7 P 10 R. Bliikcly Hartley 7 F 8 Ktelnnmlth rev 10 17 Waters Fischer 14 4 Fitzslmons Fortner 1 3 14 Clark Half time. Naval Res. 33. C.T.L. 30. Bubs: Naval Res., Hartman 6, Blendsley 2; C.T.L., Cooksey 5. Natl. Guard (82 McReal 8 (18) Fast Office ,.r? 4 Humphreys Brown 11 4 Toucma 8 Gardner ... 3 Lucas Jones 2 ............ C. , Hart 3 .. Young 4 1 Lathrop buds: nail, ouard, Micnaeia a, Blank a. Mar. Reserve, Itt) (84) Burr'mirh, West 8 F 1 Roberts Wilson 3 F 12 HoKcrt Carrow 4 ....C 0 Lee Darnholt a 3 Hon linns Weitllng 3 O 2 McRne Halt time, Mar. Res. 8, Burroughs IB. Bubs: Mar. Res., Wagner 4, Esau 3; Bur roughs, Miller 3. Bert Hirschfteld of the Cin cinnati Mohawks of the Ameri can Hockey league recently scor ed two goals in 10 seconds against Indianapolis. the ALLEYS BMilta) P. B. Churchman 360, Sd Owens 382, Spud Spagle 330, Bob Hulst 393, Eurl Brooks 424. Ford (1) Vern Boock 375. boo Burns 370, Arnold Holmes 397. Al Wolf 345. Glenn Schroyer 394. Co. G National Guard 3) Tom Brown 395, Bob Oreene 333, Frank Baker 283, BUI Oodlovo 369, Bob Strong 358. High team series and game: Cadillac, 2170 and 735. High Individual series: M. Van Dell (Bulck) 482. Hint) Individual game: H. Berry (Cadillac) 201. Why take ! i 'if! Jill' ni It' 11 when its the best of all FULL 100 PROOF j PINT Charter &ak STRAIGHT R0URB0N WH,SKV OmED.N-(OND UNDER U. S. GOVERNMENT SUPRVBION 100 PROOF CONTINENTAL 0ISTILLINO CORPORATION Fearless A? Man Finds AN ICE By JIM BECKER (AP Newjfe.turu Sportj Writer) New York Some guys never know when to quit. Take the fellows who sail In frostbite regattas, for instance. They're still at it. That's right, in February. The boss didn't believe it either. Didn't believe that peo ple hold sailboat races on Long Island Sound in chilblain weather with the wind kicking up waves that would have made Columbus give up. But he wasn't afraid to investigate. Not him. I got the assignment. The launching was at 2 p. m. Sunday, at the Manhasset Bay Yacht Club. Reading from the inside out, I showed up wearing a T shirt, a sweat shirt, a shirt, a sweater and an Army field jacket. Also under pants, over pants, and two pairs of rubber wind-breaking trousers. A muffler, hat and ear muffs completed my ensemble. I was still cold. But I got colder. I was entered in the Penquin class. A Penguin looks a lot like a row boat. It's about 13 and a half feet long and weighs around ISO pounds. It carries one sail of about 80 square feet. It's a two-man boat. A young fellow from the Merchant Mar ine Academy named Red Smith was the skipper. I was the crew. Red gave me my instructions. I was to toss the boom around on order when we changed tack (that is when we moved the sail to a new angle to better catch the wind), and shift my weight to keep the boat as level as possible. There also was a mysterious object called a cen tcrboard. It has some obscure function having to do with keep ing the boat in the water. Red explained the handling of it this way: "See, when the knob is all the way down, the centerboard is up. Aand when the knob is up the board is down. So when I say 'board up' you push the Lou Little Strikes at Platoon Hysteria Coaches By HUGH FULLERTON, JR. New York, Feb. 16 iP) Lou Little has a new word for it two-platoon "hysteria." . . . That may sound strange, coming from football's leading advocate of free substitution, but here's how Lou puts it: . . . 'I'm In favor of free substitution as the pros have it because it helps the coach with a small squad if he can juggle his players any way he wants. I believe this plat oon hysteria will die down be fore long and more players will bo playing on offense and de fense . . . .But you can't limit substitution much and play the game we have now; you'd slow it down too much." .... Little is equally enthusiastic about the new rule restricting the use of forearms in blocking, which was conceived by Duke's Wal lace Wade .... "If the officials enforce this rule and If the coaches teach their players to observe it, most of the roughness should be eliminated, last sea son it was getting so all the linemen were crying for nose guards for protection from those forearm and elbow blocks. Cracked Ice The lads in the AP bureau In Miami thought somebody wos slightly goofy recently when they received a message remind ing them to cover a national hockey league meeting in Flor ida ... . one of them thought he'd take a chance and call Bob Bnlfe, sports editor of the Palm Beach Post-Times . . . . less than bonded ; I'm I And Coih) Only $VI35 WAY TO SPEND knob down. And vice versa. Got that straight?" It was obvious Red took a dim view of the frozen object chosen to accompany him. When he found I weighed 190 pounds he held his hands to his head. Two pounds more would have sunk the boat. But there was nothing to do but go through with it. We got the boat in the water, the mast up and rigged the sail. It wasn't easy, wearing those heavy gloves, especially after the ice formed on them. There were more than 40 boats on the water, about 20 of them Penguins racing against us. Red and I jumped the gun in the first race so we had to start over. but due to superior sailorship on Red's part and a nice bit of weight-shifting by me (if do say so myself) we worked up to sixth place before we com pleted the one-mile figure-eight course. As a matter of strict fact we were jobed at the finish line. An official called another boat in ahead of us but we beat it easy. Good sport that I am, said nothing about it, especially after he threatened to throw me "Sure, I was just about to call you," replied Bob. "They're meeting here. Said they wanted a long-range view of problems.' One-Minute Sports Page Casey Stengel will have eight graduates of the Cal ifornia Intercollegiate Base ball association shooting for places on the Yankee squad this year. The Yanks have Wally Hood, Art Mazmanian, Charley Workman and Jim Brideweser from Southern California; Bill Renna, Tom Kelly and Lou Berberet from Santa Clara and, of course, Jack Jensen from California. Most of them still are a long way from the big club. . . Bob McAllister, Jr., Boston College freshman who has en tered the national AAU sprint races, is a son of the famous "flying cop" of 20-odd years ago .... tips from the south say (A) Loyola of the South plans to hire a new basketball coach next season and Tu Iane's Cliff Wells may go for the job and (B) Pat Stark, who recently scored 60 points in one basketball game for Staunton, Va., Military Acad emy is ticketed for Syracuse IT. And why not? He's a Syr acuse boy. Dots All, Brothers Sam Peden, a Kentuckian coaching at a Collcgeboro, Ga., high school, has Rawdon Deal, Billie Deal and Thomas Deal on his boy basketball team and their cousin, Mary Nell Deal on the girl's team . ! PHILADELPHIA. Pt lout of the race if I didn't shut up. Red and I hit our peak In the second race, grabbing second place.This sailboating, winter or summer, was turning into a thrilling sport for me. We ran two more races and finished in the midle of the pack each time. First it was the wind's fault. The second time it was mine. And all because of that centerboard. We're cruising along, feeling our toes every now and then to make sure they're still there, and we came to a turn. "Center- board down, and lean to loward shouted Red. (At least it sound ed like 'louward'). "Louard," I I thought. "Must mean left." (Starboard means right. Every body Knows that). Left I leaned and I pushed the centerboard knob down. This had some mys- TUBE SPECIAL 600x16 Reg. 4 for $10 Tax Now With TIRES 795 not Tax Plenty Free Parking Paychecks Gladly Cashed Shop Till 9 p.m. Friday cSl&iaftat MRS 55? hJ CAPITOL A DAY terious effect on the maneuver ability of the boat and we head ed str aight for another Penguin. The guy sailing it, evidently an inexperienced hand, got panicky and threw his boom over. It got tanled in ours. He stood up to untangle it. This slowed us both down. Another boat hit us in the rear. It was quite a mess. Red was philosophical. "All right, junior, now you've done it," he smiled to me. We sailed for the dock. I help ed Red take down the mast. "Be careful of the bolt," he warned. "Don't drop ... oh, well." I told him I'd buy him another old bolt. Then we got the boat out of the water and washed it down with warm water which froze almost as soon as it hit the boat! Inside, we learned as we thawed out that we had averaged fifth over the four races. I also learned that frostbite racing began at the Manhasset Bay Club on New Year's Eve (which is likely in 1931). A group of sailors were bemoa nlng the inactivity of winter months, when one hardy soul challenged the rest to a race in dinghies the following day. An odd col lection of hastily rigged boats saw 1932 in on the Sound in a brisk breeze. Now the MBYCers race each Sunday, except on rare occasions when there's too much ice to sail around. There are a few other fleets along the Atlantic seaboard but the majority of the racing is around Manhasset. On New Year's Day, to cele brate the sport's inception, a huge regatta is always staged, and often more than 100 boats brave the wintry blasts. It's mbre fun than it sounds. ALLSTATE BATTERIES 12 Months Guaranteed Type 95 Sixe for Most Cart Installed THE LOWEST COST-PER-MONTH OF GUARANTEED SERVICE! That' what you have when the battery you buy is a powerful ALLSTATE! Compare! See the difference In price! Compare! Feel the difference in ALLSTATE pow er of 39 heavy-duty plates, 80 amp. hr. capacity! Compare! Trade in your old winter-weakened battery todayl Save at Sears! ALLSTATE Cross Country tl Months Guaranteed 11.45 ALLSTATE Heavy-Duty 36 Months Guaranteed 14.45 ALLSTATE Super BATTERY SO Months Guaranteed 12.45 'Installed prices BASKETBALL COLLEGE SCORES (By the Associated Preu) Oregon State 60, Idaho 46. Ban Jose Slate 63, St. Mary' (CaliU 50. Puget Sound 60, St. Martins (Wash.) 45. Holy Cross 67, Dartmouth 50. Princeton 50, Columbia 48. Pordham 72, Army 50. Penn State 82, West Virginia 50, Siena 60, Lemoyns (N.Y.) 56, (Orer tlme) Yale 14. Brown 54. Navy 92, Gettysburg 47. LaSalle 71, Baltimore Loyola 59. Xastern Kentucky 72. Dayton (5, Kentucky State 60. Ftsk 38. Kentucky SO, Mississippi 50. Western Kentucky 79, Miami PIa.) 57. George Washington 68, Georgetown (D.C.) 66. SAFE Economical 11 - extra at Bemler's, to arrange iow as 50. DISPENSING OPTICIANS' CRUSADER TIRES l Guaranteed 12 Mo. Sturdy 4 Ply, Rib Tread 600-16 500x19 550x18 550x17 650x16 9.35 9.75 10.35 n.85 Free Installation include your old battery regardless ot condition! Georgia 79, Georgia Tech 71 Baylor 60, Rice 59. Arlsona 68, Texas Tech 54. HIGH SCHOOL SHORES (By the Associated Press) Oregon State Rooks 34, Salem 28. Willamette Frosh 44, Sweets Home 43. Sacred Heart (Salem) 90, Star of th Sea (Astoria) 41. Triangle Lake 53, Mohawk 37, MeKenzie 40, Maple ton 33. Coburg 39, Creiwell 32. Willamette 45, Springfield 35. Klamath Falls 63, Eagle Point 30. Amity 33, Independence 31 (two orer times). Monmouth 46, Perrydate 35. Tillamook 53. Mtlwaukle 40. Rainier 66. Clatskanle 31. Mill City 26, Aumsvllle 30, Dayton 43. Yamhill 32. Hilliboro 43. McMlnnvllIa 41. Turner 28, Detroit 39. Eitacada 43, Canby 36. Sweet Home 43, W. V. Frosh 44. PROTECT TOUR EYES with, new tTn breakable Glasses featured at Semler. Lenses cant break crack or shatter. Available In all styles . . . ground to the exact prescription of your Regis tered Optometrist. PAY NOTHING for credit It's easy terms as SPEEDY SERVICE WEEK OFFICES an u. mmm m W.let.-Adolph Bldr. STATE & COMMERCIAL Salem, Ore. 95 Phil Tax All Tires Plug Tax FREE Installation