mlmmf . II I I jj Wire, 33, to aee nusoana, Children for the First Time t il rrntrii' ' 'ir Named Gov. Earl Warren's crime commission has named Jack Dragna (above) as an I important rival ol mobster Mickey Cohen. The commis sion identified Dragna as a 55-car-old Mafia member of Los Angeles. (AP Wirephoto) Red Pact Aimed At America Washington, Feb. 16 VP) Diplomatic authorities said to day Soviet Russia and Red Chi na apparently had designed their new treaty of alliance in part as a weapon for cutting thr ground from under Ameri can policy toward China. That was the initial interpre tation placed on the annex to the pact, announced last night. Under this, Russia promises to hand over to Communist China withing two years the South Manchurian railway, which the Soviets now operate, and the port of Dairen. Moscow also says it eventually will withdraw So viet troops from the "jointly used naval base" of Port Ar thur. American policy, as stated by Secretary of State Acheson Jan, 12 is based on the hope of a con. flict of .interest between Russia and China in North China and particularly in Manchuria. If Russia actually returns the railways, Dairen and Port Ar thur the effect would be to min imize this conflict. Meanwhile, state department officials are certain that both Moscow and the Chinese Red regime will make propaganda capital of the fact that Russia has entered into a treaty to re linquish the special rights which the United States has assailed as a form of old fashioned imper ialism in China. Mary Ruth Dowd Chosen Maid of Honor Linfield College, McMinn ville, Feb. 16 Mary Ruth Dowd, Salem, a freshman at Linfield college, McMinnville was elected maid of honor to reign with the Sweetheart of Inter-collegiate Knights on cam pus Friday, Saturday and Sun day, February 10-12. The court included three other attendants as well as the two top gins. The court members were guests of honor at a banquet in the college commons Friday evening, and at a formal ball Saturday. The outstanding freshmen were selected by mem bers of the national service fra ternity on the basis of poise, neatness, attractivenes, friend liness, scholastic ability, and participation in school activi ties. i Atlanta. Feb. 16 W)--A delicate operation performed as 1,000 .... .u-j onhlo n rntton mill worker s wife to see her husband and two children for the first time, i It was the surgical transplant ten days ago of a cornea from a still-born baby to the left eye of Mrs. Mary Ella Sams, 33, of '. . Manchester, Ga. Color television picked up mi nute details and displayed them to physicians at a southeastern medical meeting. ' Mrs. Sams' sight was tested with a liasnngnt oeara. i children and relatives clustered around her and told them she could detect the light. Her doctors at Grady hospital were silent on the final results. But she herself said joyfully: You know, they think I'll probably have 80 per cent vision in this eye. Isn' that great?" Mrs. Sams has been blind since an infection at the age of 18 months. If sight is restored to her left eye, a similar opera tion may be performed later on her other eye. Cold War End Election Issue London, Feb. 16 iP) Win ston Churchill's suggestion for new Big Three talks to end the cold war has pushed the debate on the hydrogen super bomb In to the British election campaign. Churchill mentioned the bomb but not by name last night in a speech at Edinburgh. Then he called for east-west talks on the "highest level" in a "su preme effort to bridge the gulf between two worlds so that each can live their life, if not in friendship, at least without the hatreds and maneuvers of cold war." It was the first attempt by either conservatives or laborites to inject the east-west issue into the Feb. 23 election campaign that so far has been fought sole ly on domestic grounds more or less socialism. This suggested that conserva tives may end up their campaign by claiming that Churchill if he becomes prime minister could deal better with Russia's Generalissimo Stalin than could Laborite Prime Minister Clem ent Attlee. Nugget Inka Ormsby In Production Test Nugget Inka Ormsby, a regis tered Holstein-Friesian cow owned by C. J. Berning, Mt. Angel, has completed a 365-day production test of 843 pounds of butterfat and 20,214 pounds of 4.25 per cent milk made in herd improvement registry. Testing was supervised by Oregon State colleke in coopera tion with the Holstrin-Friesian Association of America. The cow was milked twice daily and was 6 years 4 months when she began her test period. Business Group Meets Aumsville The Aumsville Business Men's association met at the fire hall. There were eight members present. The next meeting will be held Feb. 21 at the fire hall. FRESH! T-A-S-T-Y! ECONOMICAL! i -na 1 fcrj! FRESHER t year GROCER'S! HtAlTHFUl VKS W NOURISHINO ' E prop tfAfpfeg j jP Capltnl Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Feb. 16, 195015 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Staififfl Just look at the terrific VALUES your DOLLAR will buy! All the more amazing Hunt's fine foods are FAMOUS FOR QUALITY wonderful eat ing! So STOCK UP the more you buy the more you SAVE. HURRY! 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