Acting Career for Crosby Boys Must Wait College Completion By BOB THOMAS Hollywood, Feb. 16 W) It's still too early to determine whether Bing Crosby's sons will follow in their famed father's footsteps. That's the word of Papa Croz himself. The groaner was noticeably proud of the singing debut of his oldest sprout, Gary. But he doesn't know whether Gary wants a career in show business. 6 "Right now he's more in terested in football," said Bing of his husky first-born. I asked if Gary would be allowed to make records or accept any sing ing dates. "No, he's got to finish col lege first," Bing answered. "That goes for all the boys." Do the other three lads show talent? "Well, they sing around the house, just like Gary. But they seem more interested in claying right now. They're all good at baseball and football." He added that the boys will appear on his radio show once a year, but that will be the ex tent of their singing and acting careers until they become col lege graduates. Much-traveled Crosby was in town briefly for a musical num ber with Groucho Marx in "Mr, Rhythm." I asked about reports he would be seeing Rome this year. "I doubt it," he said. "I ex pect to go to Europe this sum mer, but I don't think I'll have time to get down there." The trip will be strictly pleasure and will center around Paris. As for the boys, "they'll be still in school." , Bing will be pretty busy with picture making in the future, He has two or three films al ready lined up. I asked if one would be another "Road" pic ture with Bob Hope. "I guess not," he answered. "The studio seems to think 'road' pictures are too expensive." The' reasoning around Para mount seems to be: Why waste Hope and Crosby in the same picture when they can be mak ing a picture apiece.. Twenty years ago in Holly wood . . . Flapper Joan Craw ford turned to cooking and sew ing since her marriage to Doug las Fairbanks, Jr. . . . Loretta Young was a star at a mere 17. . . , Rudy Vallee got his first screen kiss from Loretta's sis1 ter, Sally Blaine, in "The Vaga bond Lover. Clara Bow was starring in a film called "Station :S-E-X" . . . Noah Beery emerged in a career a singer . . . Richard Barthelmess' new contract gave him one of the top salaries in the business $10,000 a week. Lon Chaney conquered his mic rophone phobia and was making a talkie. Claudette Colbert was a new face in Hollywood . . . Young Joan Bennett was making her fifth picture . . . Jack Oakie was a comedy sensation ana making pictures "as fast as he could from stage to stage" . . . Gloria Swanson took a New York apartment and seemed to be settling in the East . . . Vir ginia Bruce possesed "the per fect figure of 13U.", " Leave for Missouri Silverton Dr. and Mrs R. J VanCleave left Wednesday for a ten-day stay in St. Louis, Mo where Dr. VanCleave will take a course in the work of the Scientific Session of the Acad emy of General Practitioners, of which he is fortunate to be a member. Relatives of the fam ily are caring for the three chil dren of the Var.Cleaves during their absence. FOR Insured Sayings SEE First Federal jGl77i) Savings Current Dividend 1Vi st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 Soutb Liberty 1 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Feb. 16, 1950 11 JELLY-MAKING SPECIALISTS SAY... ... NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEET AND CANE SUGAR Many years ago beet sugar was dif ferent from cane sugar. But for the last generation the two sugars have been just the same. The U. S. Government's Bureau of Home Economics has proved that beet and cane sugar give equally good results in jelly-making. "Repeated tests have shown that refined beet and cane sugar produce exactly the same results." "HOME-MADE JELLIES, JAMS & PRESERVES" 1945 Farmer's Bulletin 1800, Bureau of Home Economics, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture YOUR BEST BUY-IS BEET SUGAR Grown and produced right here in the West WESTERN IEET SUGAR PRODUCERS, INC f.l.!-!WWHJJ?!W.i.WA!WJWjijft 19c 25e 15e 4,k.,.29c CHERRIES S.JW. Maraschino 4-or. TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn, 46-oz. can FANCY PEAS Sugar Belle, No. 303 can JELL-WELL 4pkgs.25c Gelatines v 3 JELL-0 Gelatines SALAD DRESSING 94c Duchess pint jar ' can SAVE YOU MONEY ORANGE JUICE Sutter's Gold 35e From . , Golden 46-01. Ripe Fruit! Can All Safeway stores in Salem are open Friday evening until 8 P. M. Safeway stores in Hollywood and 1420 State St., open every week-day eve ning until 8 P. M. Shop leisurely in the evening avoid the rush of daytime crowds. You save more when everything you buy is priced low. That's why we say compare prices on all items not just a few "specials." See -how Safeway's prices are right right down the line. Start with the items listed here. They are typical of the hundreds of values which make Safeway the place for regular savings. Shop Safeway and save. Prices in this ad effective Friday, Sat., Mon., Feb. 17, 18, 20. 45c SODA CRACKERS Busy Baker 2-lb. box DROMEDARY Gingerbread Mix. I4-oi. MARSHMALLOWS QQe Fluff-i-est I -lb. pkg. Ay SHORTENING 5C Royal Satin 3-lb. can KRAFT DINNERS ig. Macaroiii Dish pkg. DOG FOOD 3 Playfair cam TILLAMOOK CHEESE PORTER'S FRILLETS FLOUR COFFEE American Cheddar EGG Mb. NOODLES pkg. KITCHEN CRAFT 25-lb. ENRICHED ack $ 1 98 50-ib sack Fresh whole bean NOB HILL Mb. bag 71r AIR- Mb. 1 VWAY bag lb. 65' 31c 67c Time to enjoy BEANS AND SAVE! Small or large whites and Idaho reds 2-lb. Pkg.23C 4-lb. Pkg.39C We Redeem Swift Coupons! 29c WRISLEY'S SOAPS Plastic bag of 10 bar -Only 59 DREFT Bake a Cherry Pie! For lots of billowy suds, i5.o 25c pkg. Made by Purex TREND 12V'4-ox. pkg. PRIZE SUNNYBANK MARGARINE DREAM KITCHEN C0NTES1 fatyl fun to ntr! Oat full details and 19' per . 25c Feb. 15 to 22 is National Cherry Week! Pie Cherries 29c DELRICH MARGARINE In easy to color package', lb. 30c Honeybird pitted, no. 2's 4Fc mix plcg. 1 Pi crust SNOWDRIFT Pure vegetable 3-lb. fkQf shortening, can u.w j 1 1 j u.'m j ij.-m.iim j viwum FLORIDA WHITI GRAPEFRUIT 10c Sugar Boy! These Are Swell! Wafers As "cooling and refreshing at an ice cream sandwich, and you know how kiddies love ihem? Not eight ounces or twelve ounces but a full one pound package at this deep cut price! Mb. Pkg. flftff 1 Q ALSO AT THIS LOW PRICE: Iced Honey Jumbles Crisp Lettuce Ib 11c GrOpeS Red Emperors 2 lbs. 29c Oranges Navels 5 lb. baj 59c Oranges Navel, Calif, lb. . . 12c Green Cabbage ib 9c Dry Onions Yellow lb. . . 7c Potatoes U. S. No. 1.. 10, bs. 49c Rutabagas Yakima lb Hubbard Squash ,b 8c Tomatoes 14 oz. tube . , , 20c Wide, Juicy Sections Ib APPLES Red Delicious ft 1JC Wrapped & Packed L lbs. J.jC Wine- MQ saps J Ib. bag tl BEEF POT ROASTS Ib. 59c SIRLOIN STEAKS Ib. 75c T-BONE STEAKS Ib. 89c PURE GROUND BEEF Ib. 45c PORK SAUSAGE Ib. 45c SLICED BACON ' Ib. 39c SKINLESS WIENERS Ib. 49c HEN TURKEYS lb. 59e CHILI BRICK 1 Ib. 55c Smoked Hams lb.53c Sugar Cured Half or Whole Fricassee Fowl ib.49c Waste-free & Pan-Ready PORK LOIN ROASTS : . 43c PORK (HOPS r - 65c W II I 111! 1 I CD