Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 14, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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Wed Saturday
At a simple home service
solemnized Saturday morning,
Miss Genevieve Arlene Olson,
daughter of Mrs. Genevieve O.
Olson and Oscar M. C. Olson,
was married to Clair JS. Priem,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
The weddine took dace at 11
o'clock at the home of the bride's
mother, the Rev. W. H. Lyman
' officiating. The ceremony was
solemnized before the fireplace
which was banked with laurel
' and fern greens and on the man
tel was a bouquet of pink and
: white snapdragons, and white
.tapers. The double-ring service
was used.
. Mr. Olson gave his daughter
in marriage. She wore a teal
blue dressmaker suit with navy
accessories and a corsage of
white carnations.
Only members of the imme
diate families attended the
wedding. The bride's mother
wore an aaua crepe dress and
corsage of pink carnations. The
bridegroom's mother wore a
gray and white polka dot crepe
dress and corsage of pink carna
' , Following the service there
were a breakfast and reception
at the home of the bridegroom's
v parents. Mrs. Frank Jeppe, uor
uis, sister or. ivir. rriem, cut
the cake. Mrs. Leroy Priem
Portland, sister-in-law of the
bridegroom, poured.
i A Following a short trip, the
; couple will be at home at 495
! North Summer street, Salem. For
going away the bride wore a
navv blue fitted iod coat over
li her wedding ensemble.
! 2
'4 GERVAIS The Past Matrons
club met Friday at the home of
Mrs. Howard Booster for a lun
cheon. Mrs. Marion Henning,
Mrs. Sam H. Brown, Mrs.
George T. Wadsworth and Mrs.
f. Thomas A. Ditmars were co
if hostesses. Mrs. F. L. Marsh of
The Dalles and Mrs. Jarvls Cuts-
; forth of Gervais were guests and
I 14 members were present.
d Mrs. Clara Jones, who for
', many years has been an active
' member, was presented a cor
, sage and gifts in honor of her
i 80th birthday which was Febru
V ary 13.
J The club will meet with Mrs,
U.John Imlah of Salem for the
' JTarch meeting.
Showmanship With Seasoning
The cheapest fish at your lo
cal market can be a popular re
peater on family menus. The
thrifty technique that will put
the budget seafood special into
the preferred treat category is
a simple matter, of showmanship
with seasonings and no need
for expensive truffles or al
monds either. A cup of beer or
ale plus a bit of prepared, mus
tard and a dash of paprika, for
example, will transform famil
iar flounder into a savory sur
prise that will be a star per
former for family dinner or a
company feast.
Savory bread crumb stuffing
is another tjick for glamorizing
bargain counter seafood specials
that's easily achieved. Sweet
and sour seasoning technique is
a basic favorite of the ocean re
sort chefs, that uses, beer as the
base of the sauce. The delicate
malt flavor co-stars with onion,
peppercorns and a dash of Wor
cestershire to achieve an entire
ly different tang that will make
fillets of cod or haddock taste
like entirely new delicacies.
Mustard Hollandaise is still an
othed chef's wavorite for giving
zest to cod or haddock, pickle
relish added to lemon butter
sauce is added another way to
achieve variety in short order.
And always remember to give
strict attention to timing when
cooking fish; even a minute's
over cooking can spoil the fine
Devilled Fish Fillets
2 pounds fillet of flounder
Prepared mustard
3 tablespoons melted butter
or margarine
Salt and pepper
Vi cup minced parsley
1 cup beer
1 tablespoon Worcestershire
sauce '
Cut fillets in pieces 4 inches
long. Spread lightly with mus
tard; brush with melted butter,
sprinkle with paprika. Broil un
til beginning to brown. Combine
beer and Worsestershire sauce
Continue broiling under low
heat, basting with beer, until
fish is brown and tender, about
15 minutes. Serve hot, sprinkled
with remaining parsley. Yield:
4 servings.
THE MACLEAY Woman' club
met at. the home of Mrs. Wm.
Betteyoun recently for an after
noon session with Mrs. Miller
The next meeting is to-be with
Mrs. Wilbur Miller on February
16 all day with a no-host dinner
at noon.
Jefferso n Mr. and Mrs
George Armstrong announce the
Deiromai or meir daughter, Miss
Maxine Armstrong to Larry
Johnston, son of Mr. and luc
Guy Johnston residing southeast
or jenerson. as yet no date has
been set for the wedding.
Rotana Votes
To Aid Funds
At the meeting of Rotana cluo
last evening a sum of $10 was
voted to the March of Dimes and
a sum of $25 for a revolving edu
cational loan for Chin-Up club
Mrs. Grant Farris and Miss
Juana Holmes were hostesses for
the meeting at the home of the
former. Mrs. O. K. Murphy was
a guest and Mrs. Mildred Sny
der was welcomed as a new
Miss Gladys Tipton, Mrs.
George Bagnall and Mrs. L. H.
Mittendorf were named sponsors
for the Camp Fire Girls group
the club is sponsoring at Wash
ington school. A report was
given on the recent successful
rummage sale of the club.
Guest speaker was Mrs. Oliver
Huston who gave an interesting
talk and showed pictures on the
bicycle trip she and two daugh
ters took the past fall through
. Jefferson Mrs. Alfred Pow
ell, Mrs. Russell Daulton, Mrs.
Robert Magart and Mrs. George
Richardson were hostesses for
the meeting of the Woman's
club at the city hall. The buffet
lunch was served at 7:30, and
the decorations were in keeping
with St. Valentine's day. Films
on Keep Oregon Green were
shown by the Oregon state board
of forestry and marimba num
bers were played by Wayne Mer
cer of Salem. Forty-six members
and guests were in attendance.
GATES The February meet
ing of the Gates Woman's club
was held in the social rooms of
the high school. A dessert lunch
eon was served by the hostesses
Mrs. Frank Saunders, Mrs. Ed
ward Chance and Mrs. Joe Joa
The business session was call
ed by the president, Mrs. Elmer
Stewart, following the luncheon
hour. Mrs. Glen Hearing, Mrs.
Theodore Burton. Mrs. Paul
Davis, Mrs. Edward Chance,
Mrs. Floyd , Volkel and Mrs.
Stewart were appointed a com
mittee to arange a community
card party to be given Saturday
evening, February 25. The pro
ceeds from the party are to be
added to the building fund. The
treasurer, Mrs. Velma Carey,
reported that the sum of $135.48
had been cleared from the
bazaar, held in December.
The following program was
presented: Reading by Mrs.
Clarence Ball; acordion solos by
Carmen Stafford; reading by
Mrs. Lincoln Henness; accordion
solo, Wiley Muise. A Valentine
game was played, Mrs. Paul
Davis receiving the prize Mrs.
Kay McCarty was welcomed as
a new member of the club.
Sixteen guests and 15 mem
bers were present at the meeting,
The social club day will be
Thursday afternoon, February
23, the place and hostesses to be
announced later.
Salem chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, will be Wednesday, a no
host luncheon to be served at
noon in the Masonic temple.
in Eugene over the week-end
and holiday to visit her daugh
ters, Misses Gloria and Barbara
McClintock, students at Univer
sity of Oregon.
Engagement Announced
Announcement is made by
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Fluitt of the
engagement of their daughter,
Miss Jane Fluitt, to James
Treat, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Treat of Albany.
The wedding is planned for
September, the date to be set
later. The bride-elect is a sen
ior at Salem high school. Mr.
Treat attended Albany schools.
THE HABISH Garden club
met with Mrs. Zeno Gregg for
a 1:30 o clock dessert luncheon
The topics for the meeting
were "What The Well Dressed
Vegetable Garden Will Wear,"
by Mrs. Anna Heilman and
"Without Perennials It Isn't a
Garden" by Mrs. Margaret
Zahare. Arrangements for a
Spring flower show also were
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 14, 19507
Members pninvinc? iho nffAv-
noon were Mesdames Anna Heil
man, A. M. Zahare, Dorothy
Zielinski, Roy Reid, Alvin Van
Cleave, A. Wright, W. M. Bar
tlett. Leslie Tontz. Glen WariW
G. A. McNeff. Jne Heniw VranC
Johnson, Hattie Van Cleave, Wm.
U. McClure, Waldo Lowery, Ed
Ziellnskl and the hnKtp.cs.
The next, meetinff will V will
Mrs. Leslie Tontz February 23
SIGMA KAPPA alumnae are
to meet on Thursday evening of
444 State St. Salem, Ore.
ue -' w" i Mr-
aspirin for chil
dren bearing St.
Joseph name. I1, 4
grain tablets as
sure accuracy.
Orange flavored.
li hi u. s. rt. oir. BiaW Mm
by Tb alNORH HI, c. Ha aWm
Free Sewing Course
130 North Commercial
Dial 3-3512
Tap Dancing Class
for Pre-School
10 a.m. Thursday
Feb. 16
For School Children
3:30 p.m. Wednesday
Feb. 15
Ballet and Acrobatic
3:30 p.m. Thursday
Feb. 16
this week at the home of Mrs.
Frank DeWitt, 760 E street, at
8 o clock.
CLIFF will speak on "Persons
and Places in England" for the
Social Hour club meeting in
Monmouth on Wednesday.
VISITOR here from Portland
for a few days is Mrs. Maude
Eayrs who is guest of her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Milo Van Houten.
Studios 1990 Mission St.
i. to size now
3 size now 1.95 pituu
Ideal for dry
king. Rich
in lanolin.
Refreshing for
normal and oily
skins. Givea akin
a fresher look.
Capital Drug Store
State & Liberty '
"On the Corner"
VV'S (
e voaue
Aalem . . .
takes pleasure in inviting you
to it s . . .
C Opening Special ... J
Gay, heavenly
Nylon Petticoats I
in white or pink I
To you . . . this
opening day!
Famous British imported
sharkskin . . . man-tailored
by Frank and tmback Bev
erley Hills ... of Forst
mann milateen ...
.... 'HiT '
Wednesday, February 15th
Here at the vogue you'll be playing the role
you love best: a lady delectable, desirable! for
at vogue you dress for the part in fashions of
.beauty and individuality that dramatize your
special feminine charms! See the wide selec-
tions of lovely, gay dresses in all the colors of
coming spring! Newest in coat and suit
fashions . . . all colors and fabrics.
V Opening Special ... j
Famous Eclispe and Winston I
I Nylon sheers, taffetas and I
I P $5v
To help us celebrote famous
Louis Skopp or Parke Layne . . .
a 10.95 hat of your choice
from our regular stock with every
purchase of
Your Gift
With each dress purchase of
1 7.95 or more,
one pair of Larkwood nylon hose
60 gauge 15 denier.
Aft AC
from Tr r ar up
Remember, Doors Open Promptly Tomorrow Morning
e voaue
D .
of Aalem .
C, Opening Special r
7 Finest Forstmann 100 vir- I
I gin wool I
I Designed by Frank and Imback I
I of Beverly Hills. $125 value ... 1
445 Stota Street