Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 14, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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McKinley School Mothers Club
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District Event of
OES on Saturday
A district meeting was spon
sored by Salem chapter, Order
of Eastern Star, Saturday eve
ning, with members of Chad
wick chapter as guests,
Mrs. Edna Throne of St.
Helens, worthy grand matron,
was a visitor, as were Leslie Bass
of Portland, worthy grand pa
tron; Mrs. William Merriott of
Woodburn, grand chaplain; Mrs.
Alice Robison, Independence,
grand conductress; and Mrs.
Leslie Bass of Portland, grand
Others honored included Mrs,
lima Thum, Cottage Grove, past
worthy matron; Mrs. Paul H.
Hauscr, Sr., Salem, past worthy
grand matron; Rex Hartley of
Jefferson, past worthy grand
parton; Mrs. Vada Whctsone of
Lebanon, Mrs. Marjorie Mitchell
of Turner, Mrs. Ruth Hopkins,
Mrs. E. Roop, Salem, all grand
representatives; Clinton Am
brose, Portland, Mrs. Wilhclmina
Jacobson, Portland, grand com
mittee members; and the follow
ing 1950 worthy matrons and
patrons: Mrs. Dorothy Wishart
of Portland, Rex Alsmann, Port
land, Mr. Cohen of Donald, Mrs.
violet Swope of Independence
Lawrence Walenruth, Turner.
Initiation was conducted, those
Inducted including Mrs. Rozclla
Griffith, Mr. and Mis. Floyd
Garrett and Mrs. Lottie Howe.
Valentine decorations were
used, also Valentin refresh
ments were served with Mrs.
James Darby and Mrs. Elsie
Kidwoll, assisted by the court
tsy group, in charge.
was observed by members ot the
two courts of Order of Amar
anth of Salem, Sunday, 35 mem
bers from Hanna Rosa court
and six from Cherry court at
tending the services at the First
Presbyterian church.
See our complete selection
of Hollmark Valentines
v .
130 Court
Tea on Friday The silver tea sponsored by the McKinley
School Mothers club is on the calendar for Friday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Mike Steinbock, 370 Fawk, between 3
and 5 o'clock. Mrs. Lyle Rea, principal of the school, and
the teachers will be honor guests. In the upper picture are
some of the committee members arranging the event, left to
right: Mrs. Donald McCargar, who is co-chairman; Mrs. Tom
H. Dunham, Mrs. Robert Hawkins, and Mrs. John J. Griffith,
chairman. Another group working on the tea are pictured
below, left to right: Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mrs. Ralph
Purvine, Mrs. J. A.Griffin and Mrs. Leonard Kephart. (Jes-ten-Miller
studio candids)
Rose Ellen Pade
Birthday Feted
Rose Ellen Pade, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pade, cele
brated her Valentine birthday
anniversary, Tuesday, being four
years old. Mrs. Pade entertained
a group this afternoon in honor
of the occasion.
Feting Rose Ellen were Ruth
Ann Scheidegger and Alan
Schcideggcr and their mother,
Mrs. Fred Scheidegger; Bruce
Chorba and his mother, Mrs
Alex Chorba; Larry and Dean
Van WynGarden and their mo
ther, Mrs. Bruce VanWyngardcn;
and Mrs. Pade.
SPEAKERS for a meeting of
the newly organized women's
auxiliary in the new Episcopal
Interested in NEW
Here They Are
IVES: Sonata No. 2
John Klrkpatrlck, pin no
PROKOFIEV: Alexander Ncv
sky Cantata, Op. 78
EviRene Grnmndy and th
Philadelphia Orchestra
Symphony No. 6
Frlta Reiner and Pittsburgh
Symphony Orchestra
Leeds Concert Band
Peter Todd, conductor
Symphony No. 2
Dlmitri Mitropoulos and
Minneapolis Symphony Orch.
An Audible Anthology of
Modern Poetry read by its
Downstain, Oregon Bldg.
Phone 38633
Harold A Doreen Shorten
Planning Tea
mission at Lebanon, Wednesday,
will be Mrs. George H. Swift nf
Salem, president of the women's
auxiliary lor the diocese of the
I t'll ( lif' tsjK wVgu!ry
U Lh, ,tkt ' ,r5Pjf Equipped with
Spring Activities
In Junior Woman's
Club Are Announced
A candlelight initiation cere
mony was conducted for 15 new
members at the meeting of the
Junior Woman's club last eve
ning. Mrs. Ralph Atwood pre
sided at the meeting.
Plans were discussed for the
annual spring formal to be stag
ed the evening of February 25
at No-Name ballrom, Mrs. Clin
ton Ault and Mrs. Harold Heis
erman as co-chairmen.
Announced for March 27 was
the annual Easter bonnet bridge
party, Mrs. Donald Freel and
Mrs. O. T. Mansfield as co-chairmen
for the event.
Following the business session,
Mrs. Wallace Wilson and the
American citizenship committee
were in charge of the social hour.
Panhellenic Event
A group of 15 from Willam
ette university were in Eugene
Tuesday to attend a meeting of
the planning committee for the
tn-college Panhellenic workshop
to be conducted on the Willam
ette campus, April 29.
Mrs. C. R. Nelson, Panhellenic
director on the campus here,
Mrs. Regina Ewalt, dean of wom
en, and 10 representatives from
the four sororities at Willamette,
went to the Eugene meeting.
The tri-college Panhellenic
event here April 29 will be for
Panhellenic groups at Univer
sity of Oregon, Oregon State
college and Willamette univer
Judge Kimmell Speaker
Woodburn Judge Rex Kim
mell of Salem, judge of the
Marion County circuit court and
former assistant to the state at
torney general, will be the
speaker for the February din
ner meeting of the Woodburn
Business and Professional Wom
an's club Thursday evening
February 16, at the Laurel cafe.
Dinner will be served at 7 p.m
The program is in charge of
the legislation committee of
which Mrs. W. S. Scarborough
is chiarman. Other members of
the committee are Mrs. W. J.
Wilson, Mrs. Jessie Wageman
and Miss Mabel Livesay. Mem
bers are to bring their husbands
or other guests.
MACCABEES, Capital tent
84-D, will meet Thursday in
Beaver hall. There will be no
host supper at 6:30 o'clock, fol
lowed by a short business ses
sion and folk dancing at 8.30
MRS. J. M. DEVERS, SR., was
hostess yesterday to her bridge
club, entertaining the members
for luncheon and cards. Addi
tional guests included Mrs. How
ard R. Pickett and Mrs. Lauritz
Miller and Mrs. Jane Halpenny,
the latter two both of Mitchell,
S.D. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Hal
penny are sisters-in-law of Mrs.
Devers and are stopping here for
a time en route home from a
trip to California.
church. Mrs. C. B. Spencer will
accompany Mrs. Swift, Mrs.
Spencer's daughter, Mrs. Bing
ham Powell, being president of
the new women's guild there.
width, in- m
eluding inner-
spring mat-
Kf eluding inner- 1 '
spring mat- W
I S tress, illustrated.
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j Capital
J edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 14, 1950
UO Mothers
Set Afternoon
University of Oregon Mothers
club of Salem is to start a new
program of meetings, the moth
ers planning an afternoon ses
sion in the alternate months be
tween the joint dinner meetings
with the Dads club. First of
t'3se afternoon meetings will be
on March 6 at the home of Mrs.
John R. Caughell, at 2:30 o'clock.
At that time there also will be a
white elephant sale.
The Mothers and Dads clubs
met last evening for their joint
dinner in Mayflower hall. Dean
Karl W. Onthank of the univer
sity faculty talking to the group.
Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs.
Paul A. Ficke and Mrs. A. E.
Archibald were named the no
minating committee for the Mo
thers club.
Next joint meeting for the two
groups will be the second Mon
day in April.
State Board Event
Earlier in the day the state
board of the University of Ore
gon Mothers clubs met for lunch
eon at the Marion hotel, Mrs.
George H. Swift, state president,
presiding.' Twenty-three officers
from Portland, Eugene, Lebanon
and Salem attended the gather
ing. The group voted to change the
name of its revolving scholar
ship fund to the endowment and
revolving scholarship fund. It is
hoped to augment this sum to
$15,000, there now being $14,-
211 in the fund. Interest from
the fund eventually is to be suf
ficient to supply three $300
scholarships. Until that time the
mothers clubs supplement the
amount of interest to provide for
the three scholarships. "
The group also voted to pur
chase 20 copies of the Oregana,
student yearbook at the univer
sity, to place in high schools.
Mrs. J. Allan Wickham, dean
of women at the UO, was a guest
at the meeting to discuss the
needs for scholarships.
Dean Karl W. Onthank, who
is executive secretary for the
mothers' state organization, told
the group about students holding
scholarships provided by the
mothers clubs. He administers
the scholarships and keeps rec
ords on the students. This past
year the mothers have assisted
15 students, three of them with
$300 scholarships each, the oth
er 12 with $100 scholarships. Of
the 15, 10 made a grade average
of more than 3 point, and three
others were above average
Twenty students now on the
campus have been assisted or are
being aided now with the schol
arships, Dean Dnthank said.
The Portland unit invited the
board to hold its next session in
conjunction with the Portland
group's meeting on the third
Thursday of March.
SauLy.aiL $1000 On. a.
Enjoy the convenience of a folding cot, plus the luxury of
an inncrspring mattress supported by full coil-springs ... all
at the price of an ordinary folding coc! Automatic leg folding
action and easy rolling casters make it easy to fold and store
when not in use. It's perfect for the "extra" guest, the sleeping
porch, the lake cottage or home. Only a limited quantity . . .
shop early!
Cv torn
275 N. Liberty . Ph. 3-4615
Trip to Europe
Jefferson A group of Tal
bot residents will leave for New
York City, February 15 and on
February 23 will board the
Queen Elizabeth for South Ham
pton. From. South Hampton the
party will visit Le Harve, France,
then go to Rome and Athens by
train, and from there will fly
to Lydda, Israel and a tour of
the Holy Land. Returning to
LaHarve they will also tour
England and Germany. They
plan to be gone two months.
Those making the trip are
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Turnidge,
Rev. and Mrs. Henry Turnidge,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gilmour,
and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Turn-
Monthly Program
Tuesday Evening
Salem Federated Music Coun
selors will present students in
their regular monthly program
at the Stone Piano company on
Fiargrounds road this Tuesday
evening, February 14, at 7:45
o'clock. The interested public is
invited to attend.
Students appearing on the
program are Jody Boies, Steve
Hall, Harold Krueger, Cheryl
Ann Simmons, Stephen Palma-
son, Charles McGee, Carold Ann
Hudson, Daniel Murphy, Judy
Powers, Lane Olson, David Mer
chant, Joyce Mount, John Ham-
merstad, Nancy Owen, Lolita
Morris, Jimmy Hollisy, Janice
Roberts, Betty Bishop, Frank
Lebold, Barbara Calloway, An
ita Tonning, Sandra Nordyke.
Accompanists will be Virginia
Penner and Mrs. Victor Palma
Counselors presenting stud
ents are Mrs. Nettie Larson,
Mrs. Adeline Bradtl, Mrs. C. C.
Gilbert, Mrs. Mary Kiely, Mr,
and Mrs. Victor Palmason, Mrs.
Dalbert Jepsen, Mrs. Ronald
Craven, Miss Dorothy Pearce,
Mrs. Zena Thomas, Mrs. Jessie
Bush Michelson, Mrs. E. Don
ald Jessop, Mrs. Ruth Robinson,
Mrs. Harvey Gibbens, Miss Al
ice Arnold, Mrs. Margaret Raw
lins, Charles A. Hargrave, Mrs.
Jean Hobson Rich, Sacred Heart
Academy, Miss Lena Belle Tar
tar, Miss Ruth Bedford, Mrs.
David Eason.
Monday evening and heard va
rious reports. Mrs. Blanche Hull
gave the report from the budget
committee. Charles Neubauer,
Clarence Kimble and Lynn Hill
were named on the resolutions
committee for Robert Greene
Announcement was made the
Fast Noble Grands club la. to
meet at the home of Mrs. G. C.
Pomeroy, 449 North Capitol,
Wednesday evening.
FL club is to meet at the home
of Mrs. William Jensen, 2495
Myrtle avenue, on Thursday at
8 o clock.
Initiation is planned by the
lodge for next Monday.
on a btq bit
To Wed Navy j
Man in Fall
St. Valentine's day is chosen
as the date for announcement by
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Gragg ofi
the engagement of their daugh
ter, Miss Carroll Jean Gragg, to
Ensign Paul Theodore Karsch
nia, U.S.N, air corps, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Theodore Karsch
nia of St. Paul, Minn.
Friends are being told inform
ally of the engagement. The
wedding is p! .ned for next fall.
The attractive brunette bride
elect is now stationed with the
WAVES at the naval district
headquarters, Norfolk, Va. A
graduate of Salem high school
and of the University of Oregon
she was on the staff at Ladd and
Bush bank when she enlisted for
service with the navy last July.
She was home during the fall to
visit her parents.
Ensign Karschnia attended
University of Minesota and Cor
nell university and received his
flight training at Pcnsacola, Fla.
He is now at the naval air sta
tion at Norfolk, Va.
NEW OFFICERS for the Three
Links club are announced as
follows: Miss Hazel Price, presi
dent; Mrs. Fred Barker, vice
president; Mrs. William Gard
ner, secretary - treasurer. The
group met Friday in the Rebe-
kah lodge club rooms.
The committee for the after
noon included Mrs. Stella Hess
Mrs. Sadie Henderson and Mrs
Margaret Delaney. Valentine
decorations were used in the
dining room for the refresh
Next meeting of the club will
be February 24.
THE SPANISH group, newly
organized study group in the
American Association of Univer
sity Women, will meet Thursday
evening of this week at 1620
North 19th at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs.
Albert Depenbrock is chairman.
The meeting is to be conducted
entirely in Spanish, including
conversation, records, games,
National Week Due
National Junior Catholic
Daughters of American week is
slated for February 19 to 25, in
Salem units of the organiza
tion are to observe the week. A
special mass will be said Sun
day morning in St. Joseph's
church for the local girls. Con
cluding the week will be an ini
tiation on February 26.
I -A iJ .1 ft
With Famous
Brand new watch hits by Elgin
brilliantly designed by Henslee
at tms special introductory price I
1 MV, 1
Auxiliary Tea
On April 20
Ani1 on ic annnlinppri as the
date for the annual spring silver
tea to be given by the Salem
Hospital auxiliary.
The tea will be at the suburb
an home of Mrs. W. N. Thomp
son, route 8.
Preliminary plans for the tea
were discussed at the auxiliary
meeting Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Flager
Named Queen
Mrs. Walter Flager was nam
ed queen at the annual sweet
heart formal dance 01 Aipna
Epsilon chapter, Beta Sigma
Phi. Saturday evening at Arm
strong dance studio. Mrs. Flager
was chosen from a group or three
candidates, the two others be
ing Mrs. Roger Cochran and
Mrs. Donald Stiffler. Mrs. Flager
received her crown from Mrs.
W. L. Morrison, last year's
queen, and was given a silver
bracelet from the sorority.
In keeping with Valentine
time, the dance hall was elabor
ately decorated with hearts, Mrs.
C. A. Stoddard, Mrs. Donand
Stiffler and Miss Joan Kemmer
er being the decorating commit
tee. Mrs. J. M. Cracroft had
charge of the snack bar. The,
music was played by Grayton
Duggan's orchestra of Newberg.
Mrs. Manning at
Medford for Meeting
Mrs. James Manning, grand
royal matron, Order of the Am
aranth, was in Medford Satur
day evening for the organiza
tion of a new group, Roxy Ann
court, U.D., Order of the Am
aranth. Other grand officers went
with Mrs. Manning, including
Mr. Manning, who is the grand
marshal in the order. Members
from Roseburg, Eugene and
Klamath Falls attended the or
ganizational meeting. Mrs. Myr
na Frink is worthy matron for
the new court, Glen Linn the
royal patron.
Following the meeting a re
ception was staged in the Jack
son hotel for the grand offi
cers. Council Meeting
Salem Council of Women's
Organizations plans its meeting
for Thursday afternoon at 2 o'
clock in the YMCA.
C. A. McClure, engineer for
the Salem long range planning
commission, is to be speaker to
discuss the railroad crossing sit
uation in the city.
Various other reports are
planned also for the meeting.
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