Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 14, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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    ical Case in
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 14, 1950 8
f ,'s iKV" , life K" - s
K ''
60-Day Recess
Portland, Ore., Feb. 14 OJ.PJ
A lull entered the federal anti
trust suit against the Oregon
Medical society, affiliated phy
sicians and county memcai
groups today as government at
torneys worked on a brief due
in 60 days.
The last government and de
fense witnesses were heard Sat
urday and Judge Claude McCol
loch posted time limits for the
filing of briefs.
Defense attorneys will have
6 j days to prepare an answer to
the government's brief, and the
government will be granted 15
days for a reply.
Arguments will begin after
the last brief is submitted. The
go-ernment charges Oregon
medical groups tried to exclude
hospital associations and set up
their own organizations to
monopolize pre - paid medical
care in the state.
Miss Valentine In Person Yvonne De Carlo of the films
likes the spirit of St. Valentine's day so much she had a spe
cial dress made to observe the occasion. Her new movie
is "Buccaneer's Girl," in Technicolor, which Universal-International
wilt release shortly.
Colleges Send Debaters to
West Point Late in April
Sixty-six students, representing colleges and universities all
over the United States, will be bound for West Point, N. Y.,
the latter Dart of April. Purpose of their trip will be to participate
in the fourth annual West Point national invitational intercol
legiate debate tournament.
The three-day tournament
opens April 27 at the Military
academy. All senior colleges,
universities and teachers' col
leges are eligible for the tourn
ament, regardless of their con
ference or debating society af
filiations. This year the United States
has been divided into eight re
gions and from three to five
teams will be chosen from each
by a regional nominating com
mittee. Any college interested
Ir entering, the tournament is
ad"ised to contact a member of
the committee in their area for
further details.
Committees Listed
Prof. R.,D. Mahaffey of Lin
field college is the chairman of
the regional nominating com
mittee for this area, including
Washington, Oregon, Idaho,
Montana and Wyoming..
Other members of the com
mittee are Prof. P. X. Knell of
Oregon State college, Prof. R.
McGinnis of University of Mon
tana; Prof. L. Newcomef, Whit-
man college; Prof. C. Isaacson of
Idaho State college; Prof. W. H.
Veatch of Washington State
college; and Prof. E. R. Nichols,
Jr., University of Oregon.
In addition to the debate
teams from the eight regions the
winner of the contest last year,
the University of Alabama, and
the U. S. Military academy
teams will participate in the
Question for Debate
For the contest the National
Debate question is to be divided
into the following schedule:
First two preliminary rounds
the National debate question:
"Resolved, That the United
States Should Nationalize the
Basic Non-agricultural Indus
tries"; rounds 3 and 4, "Resolv
ed that in Order to Control the
Business Cycle, the United
States Should Nationalize the
Basic Non-agricultural Indus
tries"; rounds 5 and 6, "Resolv
ed, that the Interests of National
Security the United States
Should Nationalize the Basic
N o n - agricultural Industries";
Suspect Held in
L. A. Bombing Case
Los Angeles, Feb. 14 W)
Booked on suspicion of attempt
ed murder in the February 6
bombing of Mickey Cohen's
home, the brother of the man
the little gambler killed in 1946
says he "might have" threatened
to "blow Mickey to hell."
Moe Shammon, 38, was arrest
ed last night. His brother, Max.
was shoty Cohen in the latter's
office. Cohen surrendered but
was freed on the ground of self
Police Capt. Lynn White said
Shammon was asked if he had
threatened to "blow Mickey to
hell." White quoted Shammon
as replying, "Oh, I don't know;
I might have." Shammon refus
ed to answer most questions put
to him, White said.
and 7 and 8 rounds, "Resolved,
that the United States Should
Nationalize the Steel Industry."
In the final rounds the order
of the questions will be revised
so that in the fourth and final
round the entire national ques
tion will again be debated.
Seven out of
ten people do
ing close work
have visual de
fects. Only Three
Have Done
About It.
725 Court St. Ph. 2-4469
Two for the Price of One
Many washers ALONE cost more than $150. Many ironers ALONE cost
over $150. But here for even less than $150. you can buy BOTH a
washer and ironer and get genuine Speed Queen quality besides. It's the
biggest complete laundry outfit bargain we-ve been in a position to offer!
I J If ;.
A genuine, full-size Speed Queen . . .
built by Speed Queen . , . and guaran
teed by Speed Queen. It will wash your
clothes clean ond serve you faithfully
for Vnany, many years'. Fast-washing
agitator type.
Junior Model. Cabinet type. Scratch
proof, chrome shoe. Thermostat con
trol. Compactly designed to save space,
irons everything perfectly. Cuts iron
ing time in half.
TrW I Yftr
OU Wnkir
Ctivmlmf tint payntnf
Umt cm f rnif i
177 north liberty
We give and redeem
S & II Green Stamps
177 north liberty
An opportunity to pick up many, many items you need and want for much less
than they're worth-Wednesday Only! Sorry-no mail, phone. C.O.D. orders.
2 for the price of one!
Trimmed rayon tricot briefs
ill DAY
These smooth fitting
briefs are fashioned in
runproof rayon tricot,
prettied with dainty rib
bon rosebuds. Contrast
ing trim. First quality in
pink, blue, white. S, M, L
2 for
(Reg. $1 ea.)
l.lnaertt, main floor
Save from 95c to 1.49
on a new Spring Handbag
Here's a brand-new as
sortment in styles - and
colors that will be favor
ites this spring. You'll
find plastic leathers, pat
ents, suedes, with nicely
fitted irteri .s.
AccegiorUtt main floor
($1.95 to $2.49 val.)
Comfort at a low price!
Soft Sole Felt Slippers
Here's a areat buv for
just $1. These coiy felt &
slippers have soft, pad- 5'
ded soles and heels; come
in mellow shades of blue,
grey, wine. Siies 4 to 9.
Handy needle -threader is
easy-as-pie to use!
This neat little "Thread
master" eliminates eye
strain, threads needles in
second. All metal
frame, works automatic
ally. Comes boxed.
Aoltona, main floor
El ' l , MJ
Big savings for boys!
Colored "T" shirts -briefs
Colors are tan, blue,
maize. Soft combed cot
ton tee shirts are cut
full, have ribbed crew
neck; briefs styled with
elastic waist band. Sizes
4 to 12.
(Reg. 65c ea.)
Bow9 mmim floor
4 pr.
Guaranteed to wear 3 months or
be replaced. Elastic top, nylon re
inforced. 7l3-l0. "Rodeo" brand.
Boyf, main floor
Reg. $1.95. Service weight, sec
onds of famous maker. Popular
spring shades. 8'2 o 1 0l2.
BonlerNt main floor
Reg. $1.69. Service weight, with
cotton welt. Closeout from popu
lar maker. Spring shades, S'j-IO1.
Botlorm, mmlm floor
(plus fax)
Reg. $1.79. Handy, over-the-shoulder
style, in choice of red,
royal, light blue quilted plastic.
Chlldron9a, tocond floor
Children's $
$1.69 value. Sanforized blue
denim, boxer style. Two pockets
are bar-tacked. Sizes 2 to 6 yrs.
Children' f iecvnrf II or
Children's $
Reg. $1.69. Medium blue color,
bib-style overalls. Elastic back,
adjustable shoulders. 2 to 4.
CklHron'a, aoeomd floor
One Day Only!
Pry ifimtkn lafewrsi
K 46 nhie. Accordlon-typo Indoor olothai
dryer ol smooth, sanded wood, stands 4T
Inches high, M Inches wide. Buy to set
Howewarea, downttain
Special purchase means extra savings for you! ae
Double napped in assorted width colored Value
stripes, guaranteed fast colors. Buy all you
want at this price. 4 yds.
Warm balbriggan and cotton tuckstitch in this
group from a famous maker. Some with
minute imperfections. Blue, pink, maize, in
small, medium, large sizes.
hlnaerle, main floor
Flour -ri
5 for JA.
35c value. Unopened 100 lb. size.
Bleached and laundered. 10 to a
BomoKtlent mmtn floor
2 for
Cannon's quality muslin, available
in rose, blue, green, yellow, peach.
Imperfects. 42x36.
Vemnlln, main floor
8 for
19c value. Standard size in soft,
gentle terry. Plaid design on
white ground.
Domenflra, main floor
Cotton Mesh Tl
Reg. 19c ea. Nlcelv tailored imiil-is
f washable cotton mesh. In soft
shellcolor, measure 78" long. 42"
wide. They're headed, ready to
2 for
Reg. $1. Long sheers and small
squares in a bright assortment of
colors and prints.
itrrijiftrfeii, main floor
2 pr.
Reg. $1. There's plenty of blacks,
browns, also some colors. Shortie,
4-button lengths. Sizes 6-8.
Aermaorleo, main floor
This automatic darner mends locks
perfectly every time. Instructions
included for proper use.
iVoflofi. main floor
Reg. $1.89. Ruffled sash style, in
unusually attractive prints. As
sorted colors. 45" long.
4 yds.
Reg. 39c yd. "Milliken" brand.
42", high count muslin. Curtains,
drapes, linings. First quality.
Men's .
5 pr.
Reg. 49c pr. Mixed wool combina
tion in dark grey colors. Long
length, reinforced at heel and toe.
Work Clothe;
12 for --
Reg. 15c. You can save 50c by
buying 12. Fast color red and
blue, 18" size. Limit 12.
Worlf Clothe,
Hand ,
4 for -L-
Special assortment of Cannon
towels. Also, bath towels, 2 for
$1; wash cloths, 6 for $1.
Horn !frs
Plastic Hose
Bathroom campanion piece, inia
shell-shaped dryer will hold five
pair of hose. Folds compactly
igainst wall wnen mie. ureen,
yellow, pink, blue.
Linen Dish
4 for
49e value. 25 linen, provides
faster, lintless drying. Standard
size. Ecru with striped border.