Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 14, 1950, Page 18, Image 18

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    18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 14, 1950
: Red Cross Accepts Faherty
: Resignation With Regret
Resignation of Miss Susan M. Faherty as manager for Marion
-county chapter, American Red Cross, was accepted by the chap
iter board Monday night.
"I The group voted the formal release with regret, stating Miss
;Therty had made an outstanding record here and has assisted in
building the chapter in a pro-
gram of service,
' The resignation is effective
March 31 at which time Miss
Faherty will leave to assume
her new position as assistant ad
ministrator for the southern
'Arizona regional blood center
; with headquarters at Tucson
one wm nave cumpicicu xuui
years with the local chapter the
iirst of April. Announcement
ai made the area office has
recommended a successor for
Miss Faherty, the personnel
committee to make an announce
ment later.
) Plans for the opening of the
annual Red Cross fund campaign
on February 27 were discussed
at the board session and it was
reported organization is com
pleted in the city for the drive
and much neadway made in
completing the county-wide or
ganization. Walter Musgrave is
general campaign chairman.
Mrs. Mark Astrup in report
; lng as Junior Red Cross chair-
working with her now. to or
; ganize the program in the ele
i mentary schools and Mrs. Ridg
' ley Miller in the junior high
' and senior high school units.
Announcement was made the
: mobile unit from the Portland
; regional blood center will visit
. Mt. Angel on February 27, spon-
lored by the American Legion
; post there. I
Invitation was received by the
board members for chapter rep
resentatives to attend the first
anniversary observance of the
Portland regional blood center
next Monday, February 20. Mar
ion county is one of the par
ticipating counties in the cen
ter. Rear Admiral Ross E. Mc-
Intire, Salem native, as head of
the national blood program, is
to be a speaker on the program
that day.
The home service department
reported a caseload of 195 for
the month of January with
$601.95 given out in assistance.
Four cases were disaster ones,
two families having been af
fected by floods, two families
losing their homes by fires.
Legion Has Talent Search
Hollywood, Feb. 14 U,R)The
American Legion announced a
nationwide talent search today
for men and women veterans to
appear in its $300,000 musical
revue "Red, White and Blue."
The Legion, going into show
business for the first time, sign
ed a contract with Movie Di
rector Leroy Prinz and Produc
er Owen Crump to produce the
The harp is believed to have
been developed from the twang
ing of the strings on bows used
for war and hunting.
73.000,000 LBS. POWDERED
169,000,000 LBS. POWDERED
OUR LOSS: $116,000,000
Government 'Give-Away' Here's how the government's
plan to give away $116,000,000 worth of surplus milk and
eggs looks to one artist. The surplus food, purchased to sup
port farm prices, is offered free of charge at warehouse points
to federal, state and local public welfare agencies, the school
lunch program and the bureau of Indian affairs. (Acme
Printers Ask NLRB
To Reconsider Ruling
Washington, Feb. 14 (U.R) The
AFL International Typograph
ical Union, backed by the AFL
National organization and by the
CIO, today asked the National
Labor Relations Board to recon
sider its Taft-Hartley act rulings
against the union in the print
ing industry.
All three labor organizations
told the board that part of the
ITU said.
decisions in a number of cases
arising from the two-year-old
labor dispute over a closed shop
have a "crucial" importance to
the labor movement in general.
The ITU petition noted that
board member J. Copeland Gray,
whose term has since expired,
voted with the majority in the
3 to 2 board decision which
found the ITU guilty of a Taft
Hartley act violation by demand
ing discriminatory hiring prac
tices in the printing industry.
People May Be Asked to Vote
Airport Improvement Money
The people of Salem may tie asked in the May election to ap
prove about $46,000 for further improvements at McNary field
with government assistance.
City Manager J. L. Franzen told the city council Monday night
that $90,000 in federal money is available for runway extension
and improvement of taxiways-
and aprons. The allocation is
good only until June.
Airline pilots who use the Sa
lem field want the main runway
increased in length from 5000
to 6000 feet for the reason that
the Salem field is often substi
tuted for the Portland field in
bad weather. ' This improvement
is projected only for 5500 feet,
but a waiver that would make it
6000 is possible through the civil
aeronautics board in Washing
ton. Robert F. White and Dr. Lewis
P. Campbell were elected the
city's members of the airport
zoning board in a council reso
lution completing formation of
the board jointly with the coun
ty court which has already act
ed. White is chairman of the
Avalanche Sweeps
Worker to Death
Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 14 W)
The foreman of a track clearing
crew was swept into the Fraser
river when a rain-loosened ava
lanche roared off a mountain
side and across railroad tracks
in Frazer canyon yesterday
city planning and zoning com
mission and a member of the
airport advisory board. Dr.
Campbell is an air enthusiast
and flier.
County members are Hedda
Swart, county engineer, and
Donald Cannon, president of the
Salem Gun club. The four will
elect a fifth member.
selected a great wutAey. ' ' ' .
Victim of the hurtling mass
of snow and rock was John Tor
jik of Kamloops, B. C. He was
alone on a 100-ton snowplow
when it was hit by the slide. His
body was tossed into the river
and disappeared under the ice
Now . . . Today, during our Special Showing, drop by and see the exciting New Frigidaire
Appliances. There's an entirely new refrigerator ... and a "just-as-new range . ; ."
Da Luxe models with Su
A colorful new beauty with shimmering Ice-Blue In
terior trim that strikes a new kitchen fashion note.
Super -Storage design holds more in less space, including
almost 60 lbs. frozen foods end twin all-porcelain
Hydrators. Also 10.7 cu. ft. Dc luxe Model.
er-Freezer Chest
Model Shown DM-90
Master models with new gold-and-white beauty
Low in price but big in value I 3 different sizes of
models to choose from -each one having all the
basic Frigidaire advantages that have made Frigid
aire America's No. 1 Refrigerator. Sizes for every
family, every purse, from 7.6 to 17 cu. ft
Modal Shown MM-76
New M.t.r-Mltir-li
more powerful, makes
oceans of cold on a trickle
of current. Only Frigidaire
has it I 6-Year Warranty,
New Deep Hydrators
keep vegetables crisp, are
all porcelain and stack up
to make extra room I Only
Frigidaire hai them I
Qulckube Ice Trays
slide out at a linger touch,
cubes pop up fast. No
tugging, no melting. Only
Frigidaire has them I
New Rust-Proof Shelves
all aluminum and ad
justable. Close-barred for
small items. Only Frigid
aire has them 1
-SSP Model RM-35 with Cook-
' SZJ Master Oven Clock Con-
ggggggSg-gii' trol, Lamp and Utensil
Vl" I US New Thrifty
""SSss-. Giant Oven
ImmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM -j fa J biggest in any house-
UgBBB"!! Iwld range) Cooks mar.
lllsf ,0l wi " mor cur"
.''! fpf5ra?je-sil I rem. ..oven stretches
ifliSifiiSjPJ I dear "cross, provides
IHPWWSJ! it mor sPacc wo front
ErjCPjM One-piece men... par.
celaln finish. Sliding
N lW ,h,lves odjusC to 5
I lCSi-Sfl Opposition., nave
New Meal Storage
Drawer in Master mod
els. It's all porcelain
keeps meat moist-cold
and fresh for days.
New Chill Drawer -in
De Luxe models. It's full
width, holds meat, extra
ice cubes; orchitis bottled
beverages fast I
Ifs completely new and different! Ifs
Frigidaire's compact, Thrifty-30" Elec
tric Range at a sensational low price.
A big rang, in everything that counts
extra oven space, striking beauty, qual
ity construction. It's sized for smaller kit
chens, has plenty of capacity for large
families. Se. it today I
New Rodiantube 5-Sptd Cooking
Units, faster than ever I
Porcelain insid. and ant
e New 30-inch steel cabinet
New High-Speed waist-high Broiler
New styling by Raymond Lo.wy
e New easy-to-reach, easy-to-read
OJ! Many other models and sizes priced from $184.75
Come In I Ask About All The New Frigklain BectWc Ranges!1