Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 14, 1950, Page 17, Image 17

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BUILDING MATERIAL Buiclc Factory Delivery
MOUNTAIN SHINGLES Save $268 to $305 .?JiVin?.
s;:Js;;: otto j. wilson co E3CCAVAIISQ ,
Mo. 3 3.00 sq,
C. Q. LONQ ; Ben Otjen & Bon excavating & grading,
- WW. on. mil. north ,1 Kelser. J , JSH. C""''- - SH
m?li! alne, id. tires, BIcU. MM D St. P. IMM. EXTEBMINATQRS
ON BUDGET TERMS . , - sis a- r02'S.lnL.,SSc
y. bW iumb.r. mui.ork. b.ra Buick Factory Delivery 4 C,0M- Rt- Bo
terlali, hardware, floor coverlni. .1. ono a nonr -,.
eetrlo appliances, paints.. Insulation, Save $268 to $305 FLORIST
loollny and house warea lor as little as -vmrr- t lim ovkt nr Erelthaupt'a for flow.ra. DU1 1-9171. o
1300. Small, easy monthly paymenta ... "ousk"o" rmwutiB
take car. of the reit. Malce It eaay on - q" J. R. watklns Co. products. Fret de-
H"BROwTeLUMlEr Eisner Motors Fine Cars J?'
YARD r - r p. A. Doerfler A Sons, Ornamentals. 150
At that convenient location J3U1CK t! aCtOrV DellVerV Ineaster Dr. at Cor. Ph. a-13. o'
Front and Court street., Balem, m.- MMJ, J LAUNDRY
Special Shipment nJZx T ,i7tt 2 DELDX 8ERVE SELP LUDdr' 345
Dr, i !.. floor!,; o, roof and OTTO J. WILSON CO. f.r.on St. Phon. ma. o-
sldewali sheathing. Cheaper than ship- q42 LAWNMOWEB8
Erra BROWN LUMBER YARD igi"g '' SSTSf hlnd"...."?.?' 2S
Front & CourtSts. Salem, ma 1IH0 STUDE. champ. .-door. Heater, over. w scott 147 Com'l, St. 052
64 drive. Good cond. Must be sold Immed. - - - -
FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS fh- 3-8378- LAtvw mowers knife bhabpeneb
OIL HEATER, , ,al. oil tank. On.M ZEEB'S USED CARS t!r?:S,.'S$i KSff"
Tu't Sfi?,s&SZ'aS 6KLL ,KK "a"esSes
MAYTAG washer. Good condition. Ph. 2325 Fairground ltd. Ph. -94 Capital Beddlni. Phone 3-4068. C
2.1754. n40 520 flood St. Ph '-Til MUSIC LESSONS
G" T? WARTTF.T? -zr . . . ' . Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin.
. Jl. Iliigiiun Blliplf PaftfirV DpllVPrV Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7569.
Oeneral Electric washer. All white. i cU,UUiy XJKUVKl V o5a.
foe90trwlth ir MWMt." ,138,S Save $268 tO $305 OFFICE furniture supplies
EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE riTTfl T WTT QfiTJ Pfi Desk chairs, files and filing supplies,
RT ITT T?QrTPfilVT Pfl VVlUOWl,l KJJ. Bajeai duplicators and supplies, desk
. JU. JCjljr O X RKJm. KjJ. o42 lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases.
340 COURT ST. n38 zrz T 7 lerce Wlr. Recorders. Roen, 45B Court.
VOB SALE Blue mohair davenport and LlSlier MotOrS tO Buy 1'
chair, M&W waahinn machine, like V PAINTING
lZrSSLiib Manbni, Buick Factory Delivery 5'a ag" to a Z
lesTC VSi Save $268 tO $305 panting
be.D,r0,.nt Ph 3.3"-7 0TT0 J' WILSON CO. SSL&. Ihlggph" 38-95l!!" &
FULLER briishejs. 1745 Grant, Pn. 3-83S7. - .
VAUGHN'S ..rd.n tractor for sal.. 173J fa'S JERRY JOHNSON PH. 2-9343. 062.
Broadway. Ph. 3-7146. M0 much Bood transporta,lon. Por ,ai, 0, Expert Paperhanalni and Painting. H.
HOT POINT ranie, porcelain, standard owner. Phono 33083. q39 J. Woodsworth. Ph. 3-9807. Pre. est.
SSJilS o.ndAlio?kl'H0 7? "d"' OWNER: '38 DodBe panel. Good cond. 5li'
automatlo oven it clock, J70. 3175 D t240. Ph. 28026, 2150 S. Com'l. q43 PLUMBING
In itselc, m&dt to order. 1145 H. Liberty. PUher.170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-2984.
GENERAL ELECTRIC, Croaler, Glbaon. A I ITft JtAOTIVF PFPAIP Contract, repair. Glenn Moody, 3-4426.
and Montag Appliance at GevurU. n AUIVIVIUIIVC KEfAlK 039
wed g'""j5o? w- KEBUILT MOTORS MRE , f m
SINGLE GARAGE door hardware 112.00. CHEV. COMPLETE 8160.00 ROTO ROOTER !
Thayer baby buny 18, cost new 140. FORD MODEL A 136.95 """ """
1583 Market. Ph. 30409. D30 FORD V-8 174.95 Call Electric Roto Rooter for clogged
PLY. 34 to 40 184.50 sewers, drains. Ph. 3-6327. o"
THOR WASHER dodge . .... .... . . . 204.50 sand gravel
Thor washer. Very good condition. 139.95 r leCK & jN eUielQ Oarage Garden Boll, crushed rock, shovel and
EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE )sm 8Uverton Rd. Ph. 42054 dragline excavating. Walling Sand A
R. L. ELFSTR0M CO. a2 r"" Co - ph' 3-"'- 2:
340 court st. n38 RrnVp T?p1i'tip Snppial 8AWg
OTP) nectrl. 149.93 up dKe feline OlJCUctl Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N. 6th.
OAKS battery brooder, 1240 chick capa. $13.00 K. P. Hamel. septle tanks, sewer and
city. Ed Lee. Amity, Oregon. n38 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM EXTRA drain line cleaned. Guaranteed work
"Eff? SSlxJffi. b.u'5"R.'ffi Fleck & Neufeld Garage st' w'" 8"- Ph"
Drive, n38- 3500 SUverton Rd. Ph. 42054 Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned
WE HAVE a complete line of garden tool. ,..Ji?il "0 "r .g?"1"., "J?
at popular prices. When shopping come """"""""""" Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 1-9468. -5327.
in and be convinced. "For a Square 057
Deal" see Square Deal Hdwre. Co. 263 FINANCIAL Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge
Chemeketa. Ph. 33024. n42 ' Call u. collect. Todd'. Septic Tank
HALL HIGH grade piano In excellent wnjJtMETTTE : CRIDIT CO. Service, 850 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. o'
condition. Very reasonable. 1690 80. Cot- 183 8 church SEWER CLEANING SERVICE
" Bt- , ,,p,tk'? t.''T.o One man. electric sewer cleaning ser-
BLOND Spinet Piano. Ph. 3-4641. n41 Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-150 6-1E4 f Phone 3-4600. Bill Skewls. 044-
p TT WASTTF.Tf GENERAL BTNANCE CORP. Electrlo Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent.
Vj. Hi. VVAOXirjXV . ,9A . .. Raxor Sharp cutting Blade. Clean
Oeneral Electrlo washer. Very good U. S-133 and al-Ml sewers, drains. L. Howard. Ph. J-5327.
condition. $35. .,.. o
. Jj. JLLJ7 BlXVUm KjJ. Hear "Top Trades" Au m,, repaired, free estimates.
310 COURT ST. n3 12:05 dally K.S.L.M. 1390 Kc .11 Singer Sewing Machine CO. 130 No.
PIANO ACCORDION Ilk. new. 895 .'T.ffL ,lt' Commerce. Ph. 3-3612.
BAT for sale. Frank Krauger, Rt. 1. yoUB OWN TERMs'of repayment within Bpraylng & pruning. Ph. 3.7900. 052-
Box 16, Independence. Ph. 14F22. n38 reason. caSh for Real Estate Contracts SPRAYING AND PRUNING
WALLING SAND si GRAVEL and Second Mortgages. ;
- onSKxS f?r foad. and drlv.- CAPITOL SEODBIim CO ma faof P o44-
ay. cement, ready concrete, garden 201 Pioneer Truat Bldg. Ph. 4-22M. f Ph. 3-1208. o44
and. . Bulldozing, drainage and ditch- a i A OTT fr TRANSFER STORAGE .
inc. -t1. hovel & drag line. Ph. S-M $ $ Local & Dlatanca Transfer, atorage.
. TT-.nirwnnrl TTinnTlPA C,t Burner olli, coal A briquets. Trucka to
KEARLY NEW white gas range, $87.50. XlUll WUUU S UlcUlUtS JJ, Portland daUy, Agent for Bekina. House-
Waaher, good cond. 127.60. Ph. 3-6657 iBBP Fairground Road hold goods moved to anywhere In U. 6.
before 8:30 a. m. or after 5 p. m. n38 Next Door to Bank or Canada. Larmer Transfer Storage.
ilSED RADIOS et record players, 19.95 U a70MLicrNo?gM3a9-91 Ph' 3'3131,
, 8,5 Cfgrneketa n BmHh corona. Remington, Royal, TJnder-
tOAT your home electrically with West wood portables. All makes used machines
InchouM or Wesln automatic electric f f T7 Repairs and rent. Roen, 458 Court, o
Chemeketa. '
otjnT t ion npnfl Balem Venetian Blinda made to order or
lul..rIr?t..d0or tr-b. . $05 TQ $500 ! Relnholdt . Lewis. ,.3.39.
kl-1. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all V" VJ P" c
rock work. Cedar fence posts. Telephone Elmer The BUndman. Ph. 37328. o
and alee, poles. Any length. Shingles. quickly, privately, without embarrass- --,,-
rlw post.. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. , ment. 325 to 500 on Auto, up to 3300 on WELL DRILLING
Box 118. n Salary. No co-algners necessary. Em- pred Wymore, Rt, 2, Box 317. Ph. J-8135.
" tr A iTTTTif -it T7i a TTpp Plover, lelatlvea or friends not notl- 063-
VALUUM UiiUlAJNilji-t "J m Tlll p,ona,,, YES MAN . J. West. 4240 Supnyvl.w. 2-2773 . 060
Jtew (Mnerar Electric vacuum cleaner. today he aayi "Yes" to 4 out of 6 WEATHERSTRIPPING
Upright. Fu 1 guarantee. 320.95. laaB reaue.ts
EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE ""n pre. estimate. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965.
. R.L.ELFSTROMCO. PERSONAL window cleaning
COURT ST FINANCE COMPANY Acme Window Cleaners, window, walls,
ko WAJD.NQ required with plastic- p.,.1,1,, BuUdlnf Room No. 125 A woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned,
KOTE. the cellophane Ilk. finish lor 51a flTATE STREET waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347
Coon w Unolum. phone 1-2464 c. R. Allen. Mgr. Court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather.
YEATER APPL1ANOB CO. Lc. S.-122-M-165 o-
373 Chemeketa ?' Loans made to residents of sll wtNnnw ...on
WILL BOTTED fertiliser. t4 yard, or surrounding towns T40' w'ru"" shames
SOc sack In 10 sack orders. Ph. 2-8648. TTa mnnTIlmv Washable. Roller. Mad. to order. I Day
39 BE THRIFTY Del. Relnholdt ft Lewi.. Ph. 2-3639. o-
PEEP FREEZE 40. at 315 S. 16th. n36- JJT gQ WOOD SAWDUST
-WHEELED TRAILER. Good cond. See a ,. n ... ,. West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. J-4031. o'
at 1590 Cross St. alter 5:30 p.m. n36- A Bill' Consolidation "ww"""""
condition. Ph. 26644. n39- 'THRIFTY IN W ,,. ,T.
Contract Work PAYMENTS PEARL GERTRUDE OWEN, as executrix
Road - Clearing - Ditching - ,f late of ALBERT ELWYN OWEN,
Sewer ie Basemen tO $10UU deceased, has filed her final account as
Equipment Rentc . cat,!. Oft phone TODAY such, and by order of the Circuit Court
15 B W yds. VT A of the State of Oregon for Marlon County,
10 BK yds. rAjiH lJ February 18, 1950 at 10:00 o'clock In the
D-7 Cats Doser nmneumtir r - Ave forenoon of said day has been fixed as
D-6 Cat Ai gorer LNDUSTRIALi LOANS ,lm0i mni tb, courtroom of said court
D-4 Cat & Doser 118 S. LIBERTY PHONE 4-I20S has been fixed as the place for the hear
ts about ditching by ha n. r" ing of objections to said final accounting
Phone Days 3-9408 mni m, settlement of said estate.
Eves. 3-8216 or 2-4400 iTTBllSl JAM LOANS PEARL GERTRUDE OWEN,
. Balern, Oregon n only4"WR 4 "iNTEREST Executrix of the Est.t.'of
CONLON IRONER Vom" nlNTWi rhoten raWw" ,en-teceMK'
. Oonlon Rotary Ironer. 30 inch rolls. DENTON & DEjNlOJM SAM F SPEERSTRA
Floor sample. Was 3199.95. Now 1139. REALTORS Pioneer Trust Building
EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE 3 44 SUM St. Phone 2-368J r ff 17' 'efm ,.,.
R . Attorneys for Executrix.
Ti FJ,FSTROM CO. private money jn. 17. 24. 31, Feb. 7, i
xjajx kJj-xvvAiA v. Special Rates and Terms
340 COURT ST. n38 On Larger Loans EXECUTOR'S NOTICE
OIL CIRCULATORS ., greatly roduced Long and 1 Short Tim. AEJ,3 ."fiWS
"'YEATER APPLIANCB CO. ROY H. SIMMONDS J.1""" 0Urt. 01 th,.B.Ui cl J"
o'Sgf - . th Commercial s, Phon. ...... TZLS!
TTfEP jrr.FrTRlD WASnEHS 1185 up. persons having claims against said estate
YEATER APPLIANCB CO. TD All CDC are "quested to present them, with proper
37J Chemeketa I HAILESJ vouchers, to said executor at 310 Pioneer
n SCHULT trailer house, 11400. 990 f"dIn5v.B IS!: S'nS?.111 U
ir.,n.i.r Dh a ina tso months from the oat. of this notice,
WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Dated this 34th day of January. 1950.
Ar I CLi fflljt.cuLnwm , PACmc i,intri n (l complete. How- oeo. A. rhoten
WANTED: Bark.j Douglas fir poles or ard Trailer Park. 3360 Portland Rd. t42 Executor of the Estate of
stnmpage. Ph. 1287 Albany or write n TRAILER house, equipped with new , Ai"2w5!ller I)ecewcd
Standard Pole Filing co Inc. na42 ,n ,sl heater, cook stove, daveno A f rVonS?.
SEWING MACHINE any cond. Ph. 3-7671. , Jj"' Th .yii.'Hiy;,,..,?! 310 Kof ,t BuUdln,
niscrTADV Salem, Oregon
''''','",,,,,' DIKECTUKT Attorney for Executor.
Mlfnlura Jan. 24, 31; Feb. 7. 14, 21.
BVDCAKI Al ADDING MACHINES rfjf wriirrrjirjirrrirrrrrrfl
All make, used machine, .old, rented, LODGE
xTEED OF too much tummy spoiling the repaired. Roen 436 Court Phong 3-6773 w wi"
looki of jour clothes7 Try a Spencer. o" A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, AJ1
Ph' 3-m2- E"' Fh' 3-""' H2- appliance service , AJJ. stated Tuesday, Feb-
special reading. Ph. 2-9265. p auto RADIOS A a.m. weanesaay, reDruaiy 15
Stanley home Producu. Ph. 39307. p39 marion motors F.O, Degree, 7:30 p.m. 38'
ClK??na, Towln, .ervlc.8 dafphon? J-928.. Hlght If VV --3r
2 550ON.Summ s" 5.SbS!. 2-.M4. 333 center. o- HeiTIOrrhOldS !
Calls, please. P38 BUILDING CARPENTRY j
WILL NOT b. responslb'e for any debts New and remodeling contractor. Res!- j gfSnsV "es' !
other than those made by myself as of dentlal At commercial. W. E. schrunk. . !
February 13, 1950. Warren C. Gaub. p33 Ph. 3-4505. 048 j f 1 rlSSUre J
A uTOMO RIJKJ J'"""""rr bulldozing j flSa Fistula !
. Bulldoaing, leveling, road bldg, dear- J ProUDSB !
'M PONTIAC 6, 4 door. 1150. Call 25261. ing, teeth for brush. Vlrsll Huskey, 1010 j ' i
Falrvle. Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. Q63- j JfQ Aj,d OtlleT rectal dlS- i
TBADE for late Ford or Chev. a '39 Ply. CASH REGISTERS ,fW rgl orri, truatsul with. I
. R. At H, In good cond. Ph. 30190. qto- m.tant delivery of new RCA cash V W'
DOOR Mercury Kin., priv. owner. 1500. register. All makes .old rented re- . IVJJ ,ut nospltalizatlon.
. Ph. 2-6035 DAYS. q43J paired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o' DCVklAI PC !
"mTaV'uB7,p.hV.hl.rM,if" elp,.rt ""?te5 """"i!. .7 ! Naturo-RecUl Specialist !
rs. car is A-l throughout. I69. or repair of foundation, aldewalks, :! .,.. . C4 n. " 9 ....
. ELSNER MOTOR CO. drivewiya, p.tios, euros, walls, .to. call 111144 Center St. Fhone 3-9460 ;
111 . High St. 40 8-UM. l....err-T-r-Ter.twe..r-r-wrrrrf-r-)
Shirley's Husband to Appear
Today on Drunk Driving Count
Hollywood, Feb. 14 (UR Handsome John Agar, former hus
band of Shirley Temple, was released on $150 bail Monday after
pounding on the doors of his jail cell and shouting that a drunk
driving charge would "ruin ray whole life."
He was arrested Sunday night by Highway Patrolman E. L.
Hoover, who claimed Agar was-
bumping cars in front of him.
Valentine Day he must appear
in Beverly Hills justice court.
"This is fantastic," Agar cried
as he pounded at the bars of
his cell. "Why am I here? Sure,
had a few drinks. But I've
done nothing wrong."
When photographers pointed
out the picture probably would
reach' Honolulu, where Miss
Temple and their daughter are
vacationing, Agar quieted.
The onetime child star testi
fied, in divorcing Agar in De
cember, that he drank heavily
and said she was "no fun" be
cause she stayed sober.
Arrested Actor John Ag
ar, Shirley Temple's divorced
husband, talks with newsmen
in the Los Angeles County
jail after he had been arrested
on a misdemeanor drunk driv
ing charge. He was later re
leased on $150 bail.
McNeillyand Dallas Wife
To Doctor Leper Colony
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 14 Mrs. Gordon C. McNcilly, wife of a young
navy officer w ho is giving up his
to "Do what he can" for a leper
Pacific, said today that she and
the new position early in May. !?
"God loves them (the lepers)
and we want to take the Bible
to them." she said.
Mrs. McNeilly and iwo chil
dren, four years and two months,
are visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Fleishmann, in the Salt Creek
district. She said she is a nurse
and became acquainted with her
husband while they were stud
ents at' Wheaton college in Illi
Dr. McNeilly graduated from
the University of Illinois and
entered the navy at Utica, 111.
He recently resigned his post
as resident physician at Sono
ma county hospital, Santa Rosa,
Calif, and has been "training"
at the national leprosarium in
The navy announces that Dr.
McNeilly would return to active
duty as a lieutenant (jg) to re-
Disabled Veteran Handed
POW Check for 1,189 Days
Washington, Feb. 14 VP) Frank H. Bigelow, of Rockville, Md
was handed a check this morning
of the 1,198 days he spent in Jap prison camps.
The two war claims commissioners, Daniel F. Cleary and Mrs.
Georgia Lusk, gave Bigelow the
payment made under the war
claims act. He is a navy veteran
who was captured on Corregi
dor. David N. Lewis, the third war
claims commissioner, was killed
11 weeks ago in the crash of an
airliner in Dallas, Tex.
About 250 other ex-POW will
get their checks this week, too.
Thereafter, payments will leave
Washington at a 50-a-day clip.
The money is supposed to come
from seized enemy assets. So far
the fund could pay only about
one sixth the claims.
The commission had a tough
time selecting Bigelow as win
ner of the first check. Four oth
er POWs who live near Wash
ington and who had sent their
applications in before Bigelow,
led him on the list. But they
couldn't be located.
In fact, the commission need
ed two days and the aid of the
Rockville police to catch up with
Bigelow. ''
That's because the 29-year-
old navy veteran owns a cab
company with his brother, and
spends well over eight hours a
day on the road. He's planning
to use part of his check to com
plete payment on two taxis.
Right now Bigelow is wearing
a new artificial leg.
"It's like breaking in a new
set of false teeth," said the six
foot, four-inch former basket
ball player.
You'd hardly notice that Bige
low wears an artificial limb. He
lost his leg when a large rock
fell on it in a Japanese coal
mine, where he was put to work.
An American doctor d i d the
operating with the only instru
ment he had a meat cleaver, a
meat saw and two U. S. A. razor
blades. Bigelow is glad enough
to get the money but he says he
wouldn't go through his prison
experience again for $40,000,000
Altogether, the commission
expects to pay out $108,000,000
to 133,000 American POWs, their
survivors and 80,000 - 100,000
Happy Is The Day
When Backache
Goes Away . . . .
As we set older, stress and strain, over
exertion, excessive smoking or exposure to
cold sometimes slows down kidney func
tion. This mny lead many folks to com
plain of naftfting backache, loss of pep and
enemy, headaches and dizziness. Getting
up nights or frequent passages may result
from minor bladder Irritations due to cold,
dampness or dietary Indiscretions.
If your discomforts are due to these
causes, don't wait, try Doan's Pill, a mild
diuretic. Used successfully by millions for
over 60 years. While these symptoms may
often otherwise occur, It's amazing how
many times Doan's give hrtppy relief
help the 16 miles of kidney tubes and filtrrf
flush out wasU. Gat Doan's fill todayl
J hi
present practise at Carville, La.
colony on Tinian Island in the
her husband expect to leave for
lieve Lt. (jg) Jack Millar, of
Santa Rosa, now medical officer
at Tinian.
"I am not trying to be a he
ro," Dr. McNeilly is quoted by
the United Press. "I just want
to help those people all I can.
They need it.
"I signed up for two years. I
may stay longer."
Dr. McN.eilly is also quoted
as being no more interested in
the people on Tinian than any
others, but he was going be
cause "they have so few who
will help them."
Neither Dr. McNeilly nor his
wife believe that leprosy is any
more contagious than tubercu
losis and both have experiences
with this class of patients. Dr.
McNeilly will care for about
100 patients in the Leper colony
on Tinian Island.
for $1,198, one dollar for each
check, the first POW subsistence
Completed from reports of Salem dealers
tor tne guidance or capital Joarnal
Readers. (Revised daily).
Retail Fee. Prices:
Ekk Mash 14.(15.
Rabbit Pellets S4.30.
Dairy Feed 13.70.
Ponltrrt Buylna prices Orads A sol nr.
ed hens, 19c: grade A Lechorn hens
ana up 14c, grade A old roosters. Hoi
srade A colored iryera, J lbs 25c.
Buylnr Prices Lgrnvi A A. 37r- knu
A, 34-39c; medium AA, 35c; medium A,
33c; pullets, 22-27c.
Wholeiala Prlcei Eh whnlmiBl, nrtrM
l-7c above these prices) above trade A
generally quoted at 44c; medium, 3Bc.
Premium flSci Ha. L 64a: Ho. a. BS-BOe!
(buying prices).
Butter Wholeiala arada A. Met m.
tall 73c
Chicago Livestock
Chicago, Peb. 14 01.19 Livestock mar
ket: Hogs salable- 7.000. Active, butchers ar
ound 220 lbs. down strong to 2S cents
higher; heavier weights uneven, 25 to
au ccnu nigner; sows iuuv 25 cent hitth-
er: top 18.35 for a few loads choice 200
io aza io ouicners. Most good and choice
180 to 220 lb butchers 18.00 to 18.25; few
loads and lots, mostly good, 100 to 180 lbs
17.00 to 17.75; bulk 230 to 260 lbs 17.00 to
17.75; 270 to 310 lbs 10.25 to 17.00; 310 to
375 lbs 15.75 to 16.25. Most good and chalet.
sows 450 lbs down 15.00 to 15.75; 475 to
ouu ins J3.&0 to 14.7s. Broad early clear
ance. Sheep salable 2.000. BlauKhtur limhi lnw
but fully steady; choice handy weight
offerings absent; early top 26.40 on weigh
ty iea uoioraaos; lour loaas 104 lb fed
Wyoming 36.00; several loads wooled
lambs unsold. Sheep strong; slaughter
ewes to 14.00.
Cattle salable 6.500: calves 300. Steers
grading average medium and better slow.
oareiy steady to so cents lower; common to
low-memum Kinds, steady; heifers large
ly steady to weak: other classes scarce.
fully steady. Two loads Men-good 1200 to
I2au id led steers 30.00, one load held hlgh-
duik medium and good steers 22.75
to 28.00; medium and good heifers 22.S0
to 20,25: package good steers and heifers
mixed 27.50; load ol common to medium
850 lb heifers 22.00; beef cows largely to zu.ud; canners and cutters 13.00 to
10.25: lew light canners down to 12.00:
medium and good sausage bulls 20.00 to
22.00; medium to choice vealers 26.00 to
32.00; few loads medium to low-choice 800
to B50 lb feeding steers 22.00 to 24.75.
Filipino POWs, who were mem
bers of the Philippine island
military forces.
.W ' Va.
at II hlnot. Tho
stain In
koopt yovr brown
heat brown, black
thoet block, red shoes
SHHB. AH standard
Sal.m Llveitock Market
(By Valley Packing Company)
Wooled lambs 322.00
Feeder lambs 317.00 to 119.00
Calves, BOOd (300-450 lbs.) ,22.00 to 331.00
veai u:?-joo ids.i top ..I2t.uu to us.uu
Fat dairy cows 112.00 to 113.50
Cutter cows ,10.00 to 312.00
Dairy heifers 313.00 to 315.00
Bulls 115.00 to 120.00
Portland Eastilde Market
Lemons sold lor (9.35-9.50 a crate for
300's on the Portland Eastslde Farmera
Wholesale Produce market today.
Other lemon prices were: 18.35-8.30 for
360's and t8.50-8.75 lor 252's.
California and Arizona lettuce brought
33.75-5 for four-dozen head crates.
Crates of five-dozen heads sold for 13.75
4.25. Best Western Oregon yellow No. 1
onions were ,2-2.25 a 50-lb. sack.
Eastern Oregon and Idaho yellow on.
Ions brought 12.40-2.50 a 50-lb. sack.
White Rose unwashed No. 1 grape po
tatoes were quoted at 33.00 A hundred
Portland Produce
Duttcrfat Tentative, subject to imme
diate change. Premium quality maximum
to J& to 1 percent acidity delivered in
Portland 67c lb.; S3 score. 62c lb.; DO
score. 63. 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and
country points 2c less than lirst.
Butter Wholesale FOB built cubes to
wnoiesaiers, grade 83 score, 63c. A
92 score. 62c; B score, 60c lb., O 89
score, 59c Above prices are strictly
Cheese Selling pnea to Portland whole
sale Oregon singles 39-2c. Oregon t
small loaf, 44tt-45c; triplets ltt less than
Ekes (to Wholesalers) A grade large
40-41 c; A medium, 40-40 c; grade B,
large, 35-37c; small A grade 34c.
Portland Dairy Market
Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA
prints, esc: AA cartons, flRc; a print.
Stic, A cartons 69c. B prints, 65c.
Esse Prices to retailers. Grade AA
large 45c doz.; certified A large, 43c; A
large 43c; AA medium, 42c; A medium,
40c; B medium, 33c; cartons 2c addi
tional. Cheesa Price to retailers: Portland
Oregon singles 3B-42ci Oregon loaf, 6
1b. loafs 44b-45c lb.; triplets, lVs cent
less than singles. Premium brands, singles.
510 lb.; loaf. 63 Sic
Live chickens No. 1 Quality FOB
plants No. 1 broilers under 2 lbs, 17c;
fryers, 2-3 lbs., 23 -25c. 3-4 lbs., 27c;
4 lbs and over. 27c: roasi -rs. 4 lbs.
and over, 27c; fowl Leghorns, 4 lbs and
under, 14-15v; over 4 lbs., 15-18c; colored
iowi, au weights, ibc; roosters, ail weights,
Turkey Net to growers, to ma, 30-slo.
nens, c. rnce to retailors, areas ea;
ycung hens, 60-51c; A young tarns, 37-
c; light torn, 4i-43o.
Babbits Average to growers, live
whites 4-5 lbs. 17-20C lb.; 5-0 lbs. 15-lBc
colored 3 cents lower: old or heavy
does and bucks, 8-13c. Fresh dressed
Idaho fryers and retailers. 40c; local. 48-
Country-Killed Meats
Veal Top quality. 40-42c lb.: other
grades according to weight and quality
with lighter or heavier, 33-35c.
Hogs Light blockers. 25-26: tows.
Lambs Top quality, springers, 39-41e;
mutton. 16-lSc.
Beef Good cows, 30-32c lb.i eanners-
cutters, 29-30C.
Fresh Dressed Meats
(Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.):
leef steers; Good 500-800 lbs., (39-42;
Commercial, $38-39; utility, 135-37.
Cows: commercial, 134-37; utility, 32
i canners-cutters, $29-33.
Beet Cuts (Good Steers K Hind quarters.
140-48; rounds 145-48; lull loins trimmed.
$60-63; triangle, S38-42; square chucks,.
140-43; ribs, (53-57; forcquarters, J38-40.
Veal and call: Good. 138-40; commercial.
wit-tu; utility,
L.amD: uood-cnoice spring umos, (is
;; commercial, (39-41; utility, (36-41.
Mutton: Good, 70 lbs. down, 826-28.
Pork loins: (44-47; shoulders. 16 lbs.
down, 133-34: sparerlhs. (47-50; carcass-
127-28: mixed weights. per ewt.
Portland Mlseenaneoua
Onions Supplr moderate, market stea
dy; Ore. yellows. No. 1. (2.50-60; 10 lbs.
50-55O Yellows med., (2.40-60; large 12.60-
75; boners, io lbs., 36-3Bo; onion sets,
Lake Lablsh. 12o lb.
Fotatoes Ore. Deschutes russets.
1A, (3.50-3.75; No. 2 DO lbs (1.35-50; 25
ids.,; io ids,, oo-7uc. wasn. net
ted terns. No. 1., (3.75-85; No, 2. (1.35-48:
largo bakers, S4.15-50; Idaho Russets No.
1A, (4.25-50; waxed, (4.60: 6 lb. sacks.
(2.50-60: new potatoes. Florida triumphs.
size A (3.35-50; size B. (3-3.35.
Hay New crop, stack bales, u. B. No.
3 green alfalfa, truck or carlots F-O-B
Portland or Puget sound markets, $36.50
41.00 ton; V. B. No. 1 mixed timothy, (44 I
new crop oats and vetch hay or un
certified clover hay, nominally (25-28 de-
pending on quality and location baled on I
Willamette valley farms.
mascara Bark Dry 12 Mo lb green 4o
Wool valley coarse and medium trade.
45o lb.
Mohair 2Bo Bk on 13-month growth. 1
Hide calves. 370 lb.: according to
weight; Pips, 32c lb.; beef, ll-12o ib.t ,
bulls, 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2c less.
Nut Quotations
Walnuts Franouettes. first aualltv inm.
bo. 34,7c; large. 33.7oi medium. 27.3c:
second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 2B.2c;
medium, 28.2a; baDy, 23.2c; soft shell, first
quality large. 39,7oi medium, 28.2c; first
quality large, 29.7c: medium, 26.2c: sec
ond Quality laraa. 27.2c. medium. 24.7ai
baby 22.2c
Filberts Jumbo.aoe lb.i large, 18c.
Portland Livestock
Portland, Ore., Feb. 14 U.B Livestock:
Cattle salable 200; market active can-
ner and cutter cows: about steady; low
good fed steers above 25; top Monday
26.50 for above average good 1040-1113 lb.
steers; good fed heifers Monday 24-25:
canner-cutter cows 12.50-14.35; mostly 13
up; fat dairy type cows to 15 for com
mons; common beef cows 15.50-17; good
light cows Monday to 30; common-medium
sausage bulls 16-10.
Calves salable 50; market very slow;
all grades under pressure; tew sales ar
ound 2.00 lower than last week: aood-
cholco vealers 26-30; mediums 18-33; com
mons down to 14.
Hogs salable 150; market 'moderately
active, steady; good-choice 180-230 lbs.
10; mediums 18.50; good 160 lbs. 17.50;
good 350-600 lb. sows salable 14.50-15.50:
good-choice feeders salable 16.30-17.50.
sheep salable 100; nothing oilered ear
ly; market quotable weak to 50 cents be
low early Monday; good-choice fed lambs
salable 22-23.50 for under 105 lbs.; feed
ers 10-20 Monday; good slaughter ewes
salable to 10.
Chicago Grain Market
Chicago. Feb. 14 OF) Wheat, corn and
soybeans marked up gains of around 2
cents In some deliveries at today's board
of trade session. Prospects of export bus
iness was the controlling factor In hte
Mexico, Great Britain and Holland were
said to be in the market for wheat and
At the close wheat was to 3 cents
higher than Saturday's close, March (3.19.
Corn was VM to IS higher, March (1.28.
Oats were H to K higher. March 731.
Rye was 2U to 2K higher, May (1.32-3214.
Soybeans were Si to 3 cents higher, March
t2.34-34'4, and lard was 3 cents a hun
dred weight higher to 6 cents lower,
March (10.60.
th M '
Don'f throw tm out. Wear 'am out Dyan
hlno Uqwtst Of Pasta will color Ittoie scuffs
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 14, 195017
(By the Associated Press)
American Can 112X
Am Pow St Lt i
Am Tel & Tel 149 H
Anaconda 29"
Bendlx Aviation 39 'A
Beth Stee.' 32
Boeing Airplane 26
Calif Packing 34B
Canadian Pacific 15 li
Case J 1 4414
Caterpillar , J44
Com with A Sou
Com Vultee 13 i
Continental Can 38
Crown Zellerbach 32 4
Curtlss Wright 9
Douglas Aircraft 74
Dupont de Nem 64d
General Electrlo 44
General Food 49
General Motors 78
Ooodyear Tiro 46
Int Harvester 28
Int Paper 30 'i
Kennecott 63
Libby McN & L 74;
Long Bell "A" 24 th
Montgomery Ward 5714
nasn Keivinator 17
Nat Dairy 40
NY Central
Northern Pacific 19H
rac Am Fish
Pa Gas & Elec
Pa Tel A Tel 104H
Penney J O 59 H
Radio Corp , io-,
Rayonler 27
Rayonler Pfd 314
Reynolds Metal 214;
Richfield 38
Safeway Stores 35
Sears Roebuck l
Southern Pacific 51
Standard Oil Co 02
St ude baker Corp 28 H
Sunshine Mining 10
Transamerlca 17
Union Oil Cal 38
United Airlines 84
Union Pacific 14
U S Steei , 29
Warner Bros Plo 13
Woolworth 49
Wyatt Signed by
Salem Senators
Ken Wyatt, left handed pitch
er who was a member of the
Salem Senator mound staff in
wits ana i47 and who was
traded to Yakima in the middle
of the 1948 season, has again
been secured by the Solons.
George Emigh, business mana
ger stated Tuesday that the
Portland Beavers has assigned
wyatt s contract to Salem.
Wyatt refused to report to
Yakima and later went to Alas
ka where he played semi-pro
ball. Since then he has been
reinstated and appears to be in
good condition. He has pur
chased a home in the Keizer dis
Emigh has been assured by
Bill Mulligan of the Portland
Beavers that the parent club
will send three or four pitchers
to Salem as a result of the train
ing period at Riverside.
Smelt Run Picks Up
Portland, Feb. 14 VP) The
Columbia river smelt run is
picking up. Increased receipts
here prompted retailers to drop
the price to 30 cents a pound a
reduction of ZD cents.
Perltsnd Grain
Portland, Feb. 14 VP) Wheat!
Cash grain: Oats No. 2 38-lb white 87.00:
oariey NO. Z 45-lb B.W. 56.00.
Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.20: soft
white (excluding rex) 3.20: white club
Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.20: in nar
cent 2.20; 11 per cent 2.21: 13 per cent
Today's car receipts: Wheat 118: barley
6: flour 18: corn 4fi: oats l: hy 10; mill
feed 38.
Prentiss Doyle Windsor
Prentiss Doyle Windsor, at the resi
dence at route 3, box 237, Salem, Febru
ary , at tne age oi 72 years. Surviv
ing are the wife, Mrs. Beulah Windsor
of Salem: three daughters, Mrs. J. B.
McCormlck of Salem, Mrs. K. H. Schrei
ber of Pico. Calif., and Mrs. B. H. Rec
ord of Dumas, Texas; two sons, Prentiss O.
wiiituior oi oan Angeio, rexas, ami vernon
The Right Woy to Rebuild
Free of Weed Seeds
6 ,.ckI $5.00
1 ton.... $10.00
2 tons. . . . 17.50
FREE Delivery Anywhere
in Salem area
Phone 3-8127
Derby Duck Deborah ttie duck
ling Is the belle of all linen showers,
parties and bazaars. Her dally ac
tivities are fun to embroider and
simple to do. The designs make a
wonderlul "first" lesson lor a little
Pattern XnTalop No. R3737 eon-
Windsor of Salem; a sister, Mrs. J. sV.
Horton of Floydada, Texas; two broth- .
era, William Windsor of Bakers! leld.'
Calif., R. L. Windsor of San Francis-'
co. and M. N. Windsor of Oakland Calif.:
ana cixnt granacnildren. services will bt
held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Wednei- '
day February 14. at i-ao a.m. with bV
Vernon A. Zona olliclatlnf. Interment In
Belcrest Memorial park. Friends are ask f
ed to please omit flowers and make do-
nations to March of Dimes In Ilea .
Bnfus Grant Greene . .,.
Rufus Grant Oreene, late resident at
1056 N. 18th St.. at a local hospital. Feb. -T
ruary 13, at the age of 79 years. Survlv-. f
ed by three children, Mrs. Norma McPad- '
den, Portland; Mrs, Llla Daily, Salem:
Rim nuuMi u, urtcne, uanas; two Sis-
ters. Mrs. Minnie Currier. Los Anmiu. J1-
and Mrs. Jtuie Parrel!, Perry, Okla.; and 1
seven grandchildren, February 18, at 1
F.m. as wie w. 1. Kigaon onapei, ... v.
Mrs. Anna Dewltl '
Mrs. Anna Dp wits. Int. tMUsnf a 11
Portland, in Portland, February 12, at the"-'
age of 80 years. Surviving are nine chil
dren, W. F. Dewltl, Salem; H. G.. Dewitx, .
Elsie Jurgen and Agnes Souler. sll of
Vancouver, Wash.; H. B. Dewttz. Beaty
Allright, and Cora Hagen, all of Portland,'
.Margaret Blckford, Redmond: and Emma,.,
Elazele. Sloat. Calif.; 32 grandchildren, v
31 great-grandchildren, 11 great-greatgrandchildren
and one great-great-great- .
grandchild. Services will be held Thurs
day, February 16, at 3 p.m. at the W. T, -Rlgdon
chapel. Interment In IOOF ceme. K
Sirs. Jennie May Lytle ' '
Mrs. Jennie May Lytle, late resident at
2381 Cherry Ave., at a local hospital, Feb- "
ruary 13, at tne ave Ol 37 years, surviv
ing Is a son, Lloyd E. Lytle', Salem; a '
grandson, Max H. Lytle, Salem; two sis- "r
ters, Mrs. Olive Bell, York, Neb.; three
brothers, C. W. Lucaa, Holdrege, Neb.:' A V:
Lucas. Salem: and J. G. Lucas. Lerna. '
III.; and several nieces and ne chews.
Services will be held Thursday, February...
16, at 10:30 a.m. at the Clounh-Barrlck '
chapel with Interment in City View ceme
William B. flornbuckle
Silverton Funeral services for William rr
R. Hornbuckle, 80, who died Sunday eve
ning, will be held from the memorial
chapet of the Ekman funeral home at 3
'ciock Thursday. Rev. Arthur Charles -
Bates officiating and burial In the 811- "'
verton hospital. He was born In Texas "
Jan. 20, 1870 and had lived in this com- '.'
son, Joseph Hornbuckle, Orescent; daugtw
ters. Mrs. Mae ueverui ana Mrs. H. i.
Knopf, both or Bakersfleld. Calif.; Mrs,
A. M. Chrlstenson, Silverton and Mrs.'"1
W. A. Mitchell, Albany; brother, J. V.
Hornbuckle, flclo, and two grandchildren.1-;
Lillle May Glasgow
a many Mrs. nine may aiasgow, 73, eis
Jackson street, died at the Albany General -hospital
Sunday. Services will be held at
the Fisher funeral home at a time to bo 1?
announced. Mrs. Glasgow was a native of -.
Kansas- where she remained until cominaf ,.
to Albany In 1939. She was married w A-
jonn k. Glasgow, August ll, 1897 in Os v
borne county, Kan., who survives as do.
two children. Floyd Glasgow. Albany. Mrs.
Thelma Stull, Palco, Kani.; two brothers'; -
Louts and Ellsworth Cobb living In Kansas -and
o sister, Mrs. Leda Brown, Albany,
five grandchildren and seven great grand .
Clond H. Davidson
Albany Cloud H. Davidson, 70, died In 8
Portland hospital Saturday. The funeral ,,,
wan held for the Linn countv native, at tha
Halsey Methodist church Tuesday with. ...
ourisi in me aneaa cemetery. Davidson wag .
born at Shedd and had spent all of hit '
life In the Shedd and Halsey district. Ho.
was tne son oi Mr. ana Mrs. Tnurston Da.
vldson, early Oregon pioneers. He had been I .
active In community projects and agricul Jc
turai promotion worx. Mr. Davtoson marx.
rled Lura V. Wilson at Halsey March 19-;
1907. Sha survives, as do a son, Robert H. .
Davidson, Shedd; a sister. Addle B. David- f
son. Lebanon and two grandchildren. Mr.
uaviason was a memDer oi tne Shedd lodgo
ro. iv, ajt ac am, riaisey loage NO. 86.
IOOF, the Purebred Bheep Breeders' assoT'
elation and the Halsey Methodist church. J
Druggists' Prescription
For Relief of Itch
When your skin is irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from ex-
ternal causes, you re crazy witq"
iicuiug lunure, try aanuona.
Ointment. Itchine stoos Drnmrjr...
ly. Smarting disappears lmmwr;
aiateiv. sanitone ointment in .
also wonderful for itching feet, '
cracks between toes and Ath
lete's foot. " ,
For Bale
Wlll.H. r.nii.i nra. st.... -,1'-''
State at Liberty Phone 3-3118
Comfortable Relief Witb
Bulbltm, Bofoss, Straplem
play and bmlMngf DOBBS TRUSS
supports liko your hand with a
patented concovo pad. No bulb to
sprood weak muscle. No bother
aomo bolts or strain. Wsihihi
sanitary, comfortablo. Perfectly
nttod by ox ports for single or dou
bio rupturo. Get maximum relief
-.vat DORRS TCI ICQ f.u
ruination, no obligation. Coma nf
Capital Drug
8Ute and Liberty
"On the Corner"
tains hot-iron transfers for de...
signs, stitch Illustrations, material -requirements
and color chart. -
To obtain this pattern, send 200...-,.
In COINS, giving pattern number, -your
name, address and zone num. -ber
to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour
nal, 838 Mission Street. San Fraa
cfcool. Calif.