IS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 14, 1950 OLAMITUD ADVERTISING. fm UN lBo Pet Lint t time ..40c fvr Liu 6 time 60c Pal Uu 1 month 13.00 Outild of Salem ISfl per tin pel 4a. Mln. SOet S Umei mln. 80e ' 4 Umei mln. $1.30. No Refund BSADIW In Local New OfU. Onlrt Me per 11m T Place an Ad Phone t-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BT OWNER: room bouse, 414 Brook St., BUnrton. " IfRTL THEY LAST: Only 5 left. Theae Mootrn uomu bodo. iuou omo, i Boo. Pick your tyle & color. Corner Ltnsln At, St Sllverton Rd. Olenn Hamilton. buUaer. 3015 N. 34th. a." CHOICE LOCATION Htw tea. 1 Mm. U dec. Bendht. 3 ear mui. Irmim, 35 dm nr. Les U. aeh. P.H.A. terms. Call bldr. 4-2521 fee appointment. aaa MAKE OFFER A food 1 br home. Eler heat plus oil If wanted. Conveniently arranged. Nicely located. A king price 18400. FHA terms XJTlV PT 1601 KUg SC. Can wui Walter Musgrave Realtor mi soatwater u. tUM ft acre. 120 N. Elma Avenue, Four comers district, litoo In Aumavllle a nice, new, twe bedroom: immediate possession. HIM Two acres, 355 E. Ewald Avenue; at ream, native ireea, iramtanw vuo- teair. R lift smith 34th street. PLEASED TO DnUW Ani ur nnwa AT AMX UB SALEM REALTY CO, REALTORS Ml H. Hlch fit. Phone 37860 Eve. Phone 36005 - 34591 - 30020 a3B' i PACIFIC liner, 23 It. Complete. How ard Trailer Park. 3560 Portland Rd. a30 OtM SALE New 2 rm. turn, cabin to be BOTH, Matt Oiler, 3096 roruana to. 838 Unusual Bargain, $3300 Hav tou wanted apace to live wnere Children can play St be happy? This Is It. About acre, lots of rult, play yard. Cardan apace, picnic irounds, shade trees a creek too. Neat new house Sc hlcken house. Bettor nurry on tnu. Clot to town. Near School, STO50 Mew, 3 large bedrooms, large living room, laundry room inside. Adorable kitchen nook. Tht la just a dream, Large lot. Easy term. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 410 H. Church. Ph. 2-7643. Eve. 3-0136 m DOWN MOVES TOU IN. Compare the features. L St D rm., 2 BR dn. (stair to unfln. rms. up), kit. St bath. Oovtd ceilings, fireplace, all hdwd. floor, yen. blinds, attached garage. This 1 well const.. In choice neighborhood. If. East. Near store St bus. Immed. pom. i150. Payments Incl. Int.. taxes St Ins. RAg. XEIZER SCHOOL A STORES. This 1 very good 3 BR home, upstairs Is floored, room for 3 more, lot 120x132, dbl. garage. 10.500 with small dn. pay't. jarsen Home & Loan Co. delusive Listings Personal Service 104 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9989 a40 3 B.R. WITH BASMT. L.H, D.R., Nook. Fireplace, Hwd. firs.. Fur. Canning Kitchen. Fruit rm. Dou ble Oar., Chick hse. Vh Acres on paved road. Bus by door. Close to school St chopping center. Located Kclzre DLst. Full, price tl2.600. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 845 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4890 Eve. 3-4313 or 3-9536 a40 IS.7M NEW modern 3 bdrm. home all en one iioor. Engiewooa uist. uiose to school. Fireplace, auto, oil furnace. Immed. poss. CALL STANLEY BROWN WITH State Finance Co., R'ltors 163 S. High at. Phone 3-4121. a41 i $1500 , t Rm. Home, mort. $750. Cash for eq uity; Just outside City Limits within 1 blk. of Bus. caved xtreet. HI School bus. , John a on. f HIGH ON A HILL ! lfeft - new. not old. well-built. 3 B.R. ' Bom In City Limits, full dry bsmt., . nuto.-eu ht., fireplace, just $9350. food terms. craw rord. ! RENT BEATER I Km. Rome, Ice, lot, new roof, Belle vue At. Elec. range, clrculntor. Ved. dreater, washing machine, floor wenpa, Hv. rm. et, rocker, radio JIM take It all. Good terms Craw ford. BURT PICHA, REALTORS - VTt X. High at. orfice: 3-364 Eve: 2-5300 or 3-7451 a38' CHEAPIES $3200 FULL PRICE House, far and 1 acre. TERMS. 1550 a- I3& mo. $3500 FULL PRICE I bdrm. home, 3 chicken hse., 1 acre. Located 8. TERMS. 1650 dn. Si $45 mo. $3950 FULL PRICE bdrm. home with LR, kitch., bath. Utility rm. Ue. lot. TERMS. $4500 FULL PRICE ATTRACTIVE 1H BDRM. HOUSE With LR, Hitch., bath, utility. On 1 acre with feu by door. TERMS 1 1 SCO dn. and (35 month. $5250 FULL PRICE t BDRM. MODERN HOM E with 3 ores excellent soli north, EASY T 11 RMS. CHOICE APT. LOT EXCELLENT LOOATION NEAR UNIVER SITY, size aoxioo. Price only (2500. EE LAMPARTER. EVES. PH. 3-3031 CENTER ST. OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 1883 Center St. Ph. 3-4552. n3D 1,160. NEW modern 2 bdrm. home NE close to school Si bus. Flreilnci, oil furnace, attached garntie. ImmrdliUt poas. 1950 down, paymrnts 151.17 month, Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors ill B. High Phone 3-4121. BDKM. home. Hardwood floors, oil fur nace, large attached garage, with utlll ties. S226 Will handle. Ph. 33396, 476 Bluer. a-tO' I.M. ATTRACTIVE 6 rm. home on large lot In Salem Height Dlst. Nice garden ffpte. Will trade for Eugene property. Call O. V. Hume with Itate Finance Co., R'ltors 1U B. High St. Phone 3-4121 41 ftWRM. modern home. Perfect condition. A Bargain. Bee Tuesday night or any ttato Wedneiday at 696 Iryon Ave. a38 ,Mt B-rm. horn at 746 Mill St. Large room, paved st. and alley. 50x100 lot. He. I ion. Immediate possession. CaU O. V. Hume with Jtate Finance Co. R'ltors 161 S. High 8t. Ph. 1-4121. a41 Salem Heights . sfOMI you will love. New 3 BR, large M. rm, with fireplace. In. rm.. kit. Si occ, nowd. firs, throughout. Base- i tax. Price 116,000. MgTLANV ROAD on bus line. English type 6 rm. home. Fireplace, 85 ft. well, 16 native trees, family fruit, outdoor fireplace, 1 acre. Oood trailer park site or home. DUPLEX BUSINESS DI8T. I bedroom In eacH. Full basement, rent ed for $16 A 165 a mo. Price 116.000. General Real Estate Co. 25 Center Ph. 3 -3 3 SB. a3B MM. LATE built t bdrm. ho me "with aU taehed taracc. Located Inside city lim it. Urge lot. 11260 down, balance FHA. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors Ul A, BlDi i. Phon l-tiai. til FOR SALE HOUSES S7,U00. APPBOX. U acre and clean bdrm. home East, Fireplace. Attach ed garage. Oil furnace. Immediate pos session. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 a. High Phone 3-4131. $750 DOWN 13500. Acre. Kclzer dlst. Small hse. raveo. ho. uiose to store, on bus line C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Phone 3-4590 Eve. 3-9536 a40 SO.7.10. 1 ACRE with clean modern 3 bdrm home unfinished upstairs. Close In. Bus at door, chicken house. Walnut trees. ueautuui yaro and shrubbery. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors laj o. nign pnone a-iiai. $7000 2 bedroom home within one block high school. If you are busy and want a place that won't take much time for upkeep, see this one. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years in Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4120. a40 ONE YEAR old 2 bdrm. house. In Kclzer disc. Hardwood Iloors At attached rage. Full price $5300. Easy terms. In quire 3-0211, a3 $7,R50. ENGLEWOOD Diat. 5-rm. attrac tive home completely furnished with extra nice furniture. Oarage, lawn and anruiM. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B. High St. Phone 3-4121. a41 tWKOO COZY 3 bdrm. home, nice living rm with fireplace, basement St piped iurnacc, jwwa. floors, attached gar age, in city east. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial Ph. 2-3849. Eve. 2-5260. a39' 80.500 VERY nice 5 room modern home on 2Wi acres north, good black soil, paved roaa, jscnooi bus by door, Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 S. Commercial FOR SALE LOTS FAIRMOUNT HILL Nice level 50x100 ft. lot, with 2 car garage. Location at North side of Washington St. between Fir St Fair- mount St. Will take new pickup trade. Oood opportunity for builder. Price 12.000. Cash or term. Call Beverr 34016. Eve. 38213. an38' FOR SALE FARMS STRAWBERRIES Willamette valley most profitable crop. 105 acres very best soil, first strawberry farm of this type to be sold since be fore war. 2 BR house, men. shed, com plete machinery St equpt. to handle. See this fnrm today If you want a real Investment. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years In Salem 350 N. High St. Phone 3-4120. b40 S7,DS0. 1111 Acres South. 3 bdrm. home. garage, poultry house, fruit, nuts, ber ries. Terms. Cnll O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors I S. High St. Phone 3-4121. b4I 10 ACRES 3 Bcdrm. Home. L.R.. D.R., Hwd. Fir. Full basmt. Beautifully landscaped. Owner will consider trade for Prop. In town. Full price 110,600. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 30 ACRES SOUTH Fair Blrtgs. Some berries St pasture. Bal. cultivated land. The crops are nearly nil in St equipment to operate. Call Rnlnh Dent to get this good buy for $6850. C. W. Reeve, Realtor GOOD INCOME HERE with tew cows, hens, berries, fruit, St green bus. 13'i rich ncrcs few miles out, on pvmt., close to school St store, Oood 2 Hit home, bnrn, pltry. St Inc. green hse. with heating plant. A special buy at S9750, Small Investment required. ONION A MINT FARM. Approx. 30 A., Incl. 10 A or thnt deep rich LAKE LA BIS H BEAVER-DAM SOIL, bal. is first class loam. Yr. round stream, for Irrla. . A choice loc. few miles from Sal em. Rond on 3 sides, Bldss, consist of mod. 3 BR home, bsmt. St furnace, bnrn, 5 adj. A good Beaver-dnm available. Out of state owner will take small pymt. down, bal. at 6. SEE THIS TODAY. J26.500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9D89. b40 FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER 5 acrca, modern 3 BR home, nice yard, 3 small ehlx hses, new small bnrn. No dealers please I Might rent. Illness forces sale. Ph. 28180. bb36 ACREAGE FOR SALE 3 acres nice, comfortable, well con structed house. Living R., 3 bdrm., bath, large kitchen, . utility. Double garage. 80 ft. well fully automatic water sys tem. Seven miles out Wallace Rond. A real buy. only 16500. Cnll D. N. Sermon or Mr. Thomas, Phone 3-9131. bb39 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS ON ROBERTS AVE.,, $3500. 3 1e. bdrma., 1 1 v. rm., comb, kitchen St din. rm., shower, wrd. elec. nr.. clrc, wtr. htr., 1 enr attached gar. Not styl ish but quite livable. 3 ncre. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL 3 bdrms., llv. rm., din. rm., dbl. plumb., wrd. for elec. rg., elec. wtr, lilr., Jge. gar., cor. lot. Fruit St nut. tR.OOO. RESTAURANT FOR ACREAGE Out of town reslnurnnt, will trade for am. ncrenno S. oi Salem, up to 57000, HOME AND INCOME Close In furnished apt. lisc, ready to move into, two completely furnished deluxe, one piirtlnlly furnished, Idrnl for retired couple or working couple who want $1700 income plus home, $15,- 750. SUB. FOR FARM 3 ac. Middle Grove Dlst., ten yr. old bdrm. home. wrd. rlec. rg.. hdwd. firs. bsmt., barn, chick. h5e.. gar., 2 ac. ber ries. Fries $10,000, trnde for 10 ac. or more. 20 AC. EQUIPPTD $13,500 12 ac. lilberts 7 to 17 yrs. old. 6 nc. wal nuts 15 years old, mod. 2 bdrm. home, Ine. barn, chick, hsc., brooder hso. 3 wells with 1800 gnl. rapacity per nr. Equip, include Oliver Clelrac with at tach. 112 AC. GENERAL FARM DO ar. cull., ft nc. filberio. 9 ac. walnuts, 24 ac. pasture, 2 springs, 9 rm. hsc.. barn, cnll. hse.. cream hse., on pave ment, bus to school. $15,000. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Special!? 702 N. HlKll St. Ph. 3-4(122. C3 $6500. NKAR LESUK SCII. Net clean 3 UR home, has lge. living rm., big kitchen nook. Inside util ity rm., automatic heat, att. gar., lawn St shrubs In. pvd. st. St walks, $11,500. HOLLYWOOD Home St Income, lower floor for own er has 3 BR, full bath, kllclirn ft nook, living Ss dtnlnc rms., fireplace, oil fur nace, insulated St weather strip,, plus $100 mo. Income from 3 furnished apartment. 11 BLOCKS to DOWN TOWN 150x150 corner lot. Sts. are pvd. Zoned for churches, apt. house or duplex, has oia 4-aotj nouae wun a apt. ns,30Q -0OHU, Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 439 North HUh St. EvePh. 3-70 i-176 . tSf IF YOU WISH to exeli.nie, or rent your property Phone 2-3551 Cluett & Kenyon Real Estate lOflfl FAITtOROUNDS RD. Nlla Cluett, P. O. Kenyon, Fred Frrfer C30 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS NEAT SMALL HOME Located North, 1 bedroom, hardwood-floor, large lot. Just 14800. FOR TRADE Small 2 bedroom home on Fair mount Hill for larger home (This home Is on a beautiful lot 50x150). House 1 on back of lot, plenty of room for new home on front. $5850. BUSINESS LOCATION Located In the 700 block on N. Commercial St. Has old house (usable for warehouse or office). Good business site. $7400. MORE ROOM FOR LESS MONEY 13x20 living-room, 4 bedrooms, corner lot, Insulated and weather stripped, well constructed and well arranged. North. $9400. NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME NORTH 20TH 2 bedrooms up, 2 down, all good sized, oil heat, oak floor. $2000 down, full price Just $11,500. ONE OF THE "ELITE" HOMES OF SALEM Lovely 3 bedroom home located South. Fine view of city and mountain,' some of the outstanding features are 19x26 living-room, 18x18 dining-room, sealed basement with party room, rock fireplace and bar, double set plumb ing, master bedroom with drafting room. To see this fine home call 2-4119 for appointment. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court Street Phone 2-4115 - 3-4116 Eve. Bob Sullivan 3-1770 - Fat Kemper 3-S297 Henry Torvend 3-3931 SUBURBAN $7900.00 New modern style, 2 bdrm., living rm.. bath, large kitchen, nook, attached garage, utility rm. Big lot, 4 block to school and bus. F.H.A. built and approved. 6 ACRES EAST $10,750 Close to town. Very good soil, chicken house, barn, machine shed, 4 bdrm. older home in good condition, basement. Good well, new pump, fenced, 32 fruit trees, good farm equipment can be bought for $1000.00 extra. ANDY HALVORSON Office 2-8629 191 S. High Home 3-7163 A. A. LARSEN, Realtor GRABENHORST SPECIALS 230 ACRE FARM Located 10 miles out, road on 3 sides, beaultful building spot with view. 170 acres under cult. St In crop, balance mostly timber. See this before you buy. Price $25,000.00. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. MR. INVESTOR 2 story business bldg. Income $410 per mo. 2 business rentals, 3 lge. apt., bids. In excellent condition. FOR DETAILS CALL COBURN L. GRABEN HORST. WALNUT PARK HOME 3 bdrms., Igf. llv. rm., with fireplace, lovely din. rm.. lge. kitchen, brfst. nook, full basmt., auto-heat, lovely fenced yard. TO SEE THIS CALL EARL WEST. 2 BDRM. & NURSERY Very liveable home, nice llv. rm. St din. rm.. kitchen with nook, full basmt., auto-ol! heat, fireplace, hdwd. firs., located at 1025 N. Summer St. FOR AP POINTMENT CALL PETER GEISER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evening and Sunday call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-9968 - Earl West 2-0608 c3 REAL ESTATE Spring Is Here Two thousand sq. ft. of living pace In this 3 BR suburban home. Triple plumb ing, large den, plate picture windows, auto, air-condltlonlng furnace and up to the minute In decorating. One acre of rich slit loam and all the fruit and shade trees you could want. $12,500, terms. Eve. Ph. 3-1778. Finish Yourself Three BR or two BR and den, plumbing and wiring all rougnea in, mme ci ed gnrnge. Shako exterior and win dows all In. Over 1100 sq. ft. for only $3,500. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-1776. Builder Attention Where could you do better than this 32 lots in hte Ins tost growing district ar ound Salem. Selling at pre-war prices. Just 2 bocks to Brnde school. At only $250 per lot, Including water system for entlro sub-dlvlslon. Eve, Ph. 2-4479. Little Pudding River Close to Salem. 22 A fine land, about 8 A river bottom and bcaverdam son, Balance upland, some timber, 4 A strawberries, nil can be irrigated, new unfinished 3 Dlt Home. rriCB u,uuu. down. Eve. rn, i-aisu. 25 A North Very good soil. All ha Just been limed and subsotled. Part in crop. Very nice new ranch type 2 BR home, fireplace and electric heat. Good deep well. The man Is leaving r tn te and says, sell It. $12,600 Va cash. Eve. rn. i-aiaa. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255. c40 $500 Down $50 per Mo. ome close in. . :araee. Price $4750 $600 Down $50 per Mo. bdrm. home in city north. Extra lge. f norui. extra iae R50. $52 per Mo. t. Garage. Prlc ftnao. $750 Down Nearly new 3 bdrm. home suburban NE acre. Hdwn. lira., nooa, uumy Price $6300. V Acres Cute 3'i bdrm. home. Fir trees. Rm. for cow and chickens. Located In Hazel green District. Price $6650. $1500 down. 8 Acres Vorv tiiro country home. 4 bdrms. 4 Yr, old. Chick hsc.. brooder hse., small barn. Rich Willamette silt soil. Ideal setup for chickens or turkeys. Located cast Price $10,750. Consider small home ir town a part pnyment. 30 Acres Modrrn 2 bdrm. home. Oood large bnrn. Chick, hse. Yr. stream. Spring. Ideal for sin nil dairy aetup. Located cast. Price $9500. HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 3280 Fnirsroiind.i Rd. Ph. 2-0613. Eves. & Sim. PH. 3-8851 or 3-30'Jl. c38 BEST BUYS Happy Days in the Country l'i ACRFS with 6 rm. home. Some fin ish work to be done. elec. heat, 3 'i ml. from Snlem. Total price $7500. Eves. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. I ACRE close in north, very clean 3 BR home. Lots of shrub St trees, garage, private well, nice setting. Approx. 1 blk. to bus. Total price $7900. Ideal for retired couple. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. M ACRES near small town close to Salem. 6 rm. home. 30x40 barn. All kinds of ber ries. 10 acres Irrigated. See this one for $13,000. Eve, ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. .1 ACRES east, modem home almost new. Willamette soil, garage, chicken bouse. 6 ml. from Salem. Total price $6300. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Very Desirable District Very nice new home, never been lived In. Spacious rooms. Insulation, weather stripped, oil heat, fireplace, attached gnrase. corner lot. Immediate possession. $3200 down. A good buy. Eve, ph. 2-7674 or 3-3 538. Four Bedrooms Elec. heat, insulated, large living, din ing roonts. only 4 yr. old. If you have a laise family thla Li It. Will accept a good lot as part payment. Total price only $8500. Eve, ph. 3-7674 or 3-3596. Apartment Older type In good condition. Clos to state house. Total net Income average $438 per mo. Ail units furnished, very clean, basement. Prlv. bath In each unit, oil heat. Total price only $31,100. Term. Eves. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830, 3-4596. c38 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE URGENTLY NEEDED Have buyer for exceptionally nice 3 bdrm. home. Must have extra large lot or small acreage with trees. Would also like nice view. If you have something that fits this description Si I for sale contact Mr. Hlggins with BERT PICHA Realtors 370 N. High Ph. 3-3649. ca38 HAVE BUYER for exceptionally nice 3 B.R. home, must have extra lge. lot or .small amount of acreage with trees. Would also like a nice view. If you have something that fit this descrip tion St is for sale contact Mr. Klggins with Burt Plcha, Realtor, 379 N. High St. 3-3649. ca38 WANTED Listing on homes, lots, business, acre ages, and farms. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Ph. 3-6680. C03B WE ARE in need of good house to sell In or 'near Salem. If you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca MODERN 3 bedroom, $10,000 to $11,000. M. O. Brenaman, 53 D St., Oswego. Ph. 6511. ca38 NOTICE' If your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. We have nil kinds of cash buyer. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 4 Bdrm. Home Double plumbing. Full basement. Near Leslie school. Will trade for 2 or 3 bdrm. home, and small acreage. Not too far out. Eve. 2-0473 CALL MR. LeCLERC J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7758. cb39 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Income. Suburban 4 acre of good ground, north of 8a lem, on the Wallace Road, about 3 miles from down town Salem. Large well built, older type home, which ha re cently been remodeled into apt, three enr garage, poultry house. Can be han dled on a low down payment to relia ble party. Ideal for a two family ar rangement or for a home with apt. rental. $11,500. Exclusive. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8318. cd40 Coast Locker Plant Grocery store, home. 360 lockers, all rented. Fine established business. Ill health causes sale. Price $30,000. Terms, General Real Estate Co. 355 Center Phone 3-3280. cd38' SOFT DRINK distributorship routes & accounts estauiisnea. une ot leading drinks mnrkcted locally. Right mnn should gross $7500 this year, Must have about $4000 cash to handle. Inquire in person at, iu n. .Liberty hi. caw MOI)i:it il-UNIT court, with 7 rm. home. Frontage for other business. On 99E. KeiLsonably priced. Ph. 2-3212. cd43 Business Lot $2,000 60 ft. frontage on Edit e water near KOCO. A good Investment buy. Call wait Musgrave. Walter Musgrave Realtor i2ii Edgewater en. a-sioa GARAGE and service station In Woodburn No. 09 highway. Lot size 106x193. Five car repair garage, hoist, compressor, etc, two gas pumps (1600 Oa). storaxei alio two bedroom dwelling. Price $14,000. Term $2,000 plus inventory, balance monthly. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. Phone 26605 - 34591 - 20030 ; cd38 PHOTO STUDIO, centrally located, com plete witn order on hand. Orlg, price ji.50, wm taice $790 cab. write cap ital Journal Box 370. cd40 WANTED: Experienced sheetmetal man. a partner in going plumbing business. Box 361 Capital Journal, cd39 FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE Used daveno, $35. Must aell by Feb. 26. Apt. 10. 2009 N. Capital. Call to see ii aiier o p. m. di WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRT, Ph. 35110 Ft' RN ITU RE APPLIANCES wauted. Top casn price paia on me spot, mo iuss or bother. Just call 3-8556, da AUCTIONS NEED FURNITURE? Then attend Olenn woodry's big auction sale tonight, 7:30 p.m. at Olenwood Ballroom. Furniture, appliances, rugs, radios, hundreds of Item. Jfo reserve. tfdsa AUTOMOBILES "McKay's Corner" Two with an "OK" That Counts '50 Oldsmobile "98" Sedan $2895 '47 Plymouth walls. Douglas McKay 550 No. Commercial St. This Week Only at WARNER MOTORS DOWN $$35$$ DOWN NO FINANCING NO INSURANCE NO TRADES 1937 FORD "60" Motor overhauled. 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Very good. 1936 CHEV. MASTER SEDAN New brakes, battery, tires. 1930 CHEV. SEDAN One owner, low mileage. Lilitle more down, and you can drive home a good car for the money ! 1940 LINCOLN SEDAN Mercury motor. 1937 STUDEBAKER Very clean. 1937 CHEV. 2-DOOR Overhauled. 1938 FORD FORDOR Sedan, nice. COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE!! YOUR LINCOLN MER CURY DEALER OFFERS IT THIS WEEK ONLY!! Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER v 545 CENTER PH. 3-3012 AUCTIONS Furniture & Livestock AUCTION WED. FEB. 15, AT 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. COMPLETE DISPOSAL OF 5 RMS. TO BE SOLD WITH NO RESERVE. 2 7-pc. walnut bedroom sets 2 8-pc. dining sets 3 9x12 wool rugs 1 9x15 Mohawk wool rug 0 0x9 wool rug 3 0x12 linoleums 6 pc, breakfast set M.W. electric range 7 ft. Coldspot refrlg. 4 davenos 3 platform rockers M.W. washing machine 8-pc. walnut mod. dining set, like new Davenport ana cnair Table Floor lamps Rollaway bed complete 4-pc, walnut bedroom set Many misc. articles Chicken St rabbits Calves Sc veals Cows, heifers Sz bulls Wclner St feeder pips A Big Sale This Week Come to LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located 1 block W. of Lancaster on Sil verton Rd. Ph. 36098. dd36' Furniture Auction WED., FEB. 15TH. 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 1240 S. 15th St., Salem, Ore. COMPLETE FURNISHINGS OP 6 RM. HOUSE Hotpolnt electric range, Frigidalre '4( model, Frigidalre lroner. Singer elec. sewing machine, beautiful dining set. Many articles not mentioned. MR. E. G. GRIMES dd38 MECHANICS nttentionl Sioux Valve Re- facer complete with motor selling a auction tonight. Olenwood. dd38' FURNITURE AUCTION TONITE 7:30 P.M. SHARP OLENWOOD BATjLROOM, 414 MILES NORTH ON 99E Bedroom, living room, kitchen, dinette items all kinds. GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER Ph. 3-5110 LARGE lot high grade carpenter' tool ell at auction tonight, Olenwood. d(138 LATE MODEL Hoover vacuum cleaner goe at auction tonlte, Olenwood. dd38 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FRESH COW with calf at 3370 Hollywood Dr. 39' LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. MCCRndlUn. 1137 S. 23tn. Ptt. 38147. eS0 LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. . E. Sne. 31345 ea43 then. 150 Lancaster Dr. en. RABBITS r.bblU. 39SS PETS CHOICE canari birds. 30 N. 18th. ec57" FUEL DRY FIR furnace wood. Immediate de livery. Ph. 4-2477. ee40 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 16" Blab Wood and Edging Fresh cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR B&H GREEN STAMPS CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dr? Slab Wood Dry Planer End & Block Wood. Ph. 1-6444 IAUTOMOBILES Completely equipped. Less than 500 miles. New car warranty. Special Deluxe 5-Passenger Coupe. Heater, de froster, back-up lite, white side- $1145 Chevrolet Co. Phone 3-3175. q38 FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phon S5533 EE' West Salem Fuel Co. DRtf PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wdod at 1525 Edge water West Salem PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash, Sz maple. 4 slab and edging. Ph. 3-1458. FOR SALE POUlfrRY NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter, now avi able every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 383u State St. Ph. 3-4969. f PRODUCE DRIED PRUNES for aale, 412 Hrubetx Dr. at Liberty. , f 138 EASTERN ALFALFA St timothy. By ton or truck load. 865 S. 13th. Ph. 2-9923. 114 8 EASTERN ALFALFA HAT. Ph. 8-1456 If HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: YOUNG Wo.oan for office and stenographic work. Experience not neces sary. Call Mr. McCormlck at 34831 for appointment, between S am. Si 5 p.m. gb39 WANTED SALESMAN IF you desire a future. If you can meet the public, if you have self confidence. you are a hard worker not hour conscious, there is a professional po sition for a man with these qualifica tion. Car necessary, prefer married man. State all qualifications in first letter. Writs Capital Journal Box 372. g38 WANTED: ENERGETIC REAL ES TATE SALESMAN NOW ACTIVE IN SELLING REAL ESTATE TO TAKE CHARGE OF OUR REAL ESTATE OFFICE ON 70 BASIS. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUN I T Y FOR RIGHT MAN. CALL AT 212 N. HIOH ST. FOR INTERVIEW, ' gg38 NEAT APPEARING man with car to call on our customers. Established route. As slstance and orders provided. Write Hox 376 Capital Journal. "n:g40 REAL SELLING Dosltlon ODen. Men will ing 10 worn long noura. Who can sell 2 customers weekly, earning $120 weekly. Yearly work, no layoff, car ne cessary, zjioii irom 1 to p.m. WANTED POSITIONS WILL DO housework by hour, 65c. Ph. ..-1347. MO' CHILD CARE 183 8. 16th. Ph. 2-6876. h61 DECORATING. Re as, Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5S23. U61 WANT house work by the hour. Ph. 4-2731, H38' TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph. PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to 1- oeriy iaay. box sea capital journal. h39 YOUNG LADY thoroughly experienced a stenographer, payroll clerk St bookkeep er would like to maintain office at home for 2 or 3 contractor or small firm. Excellent character St abUlty ref erence. Write Capital Journal Box 374. h42 NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, 0 DAYS. AUevd I iU 0. UK, t:jd TU V, tH. 34940. h56 WANTED: Janitor work. Exper Ph. 3-4218 h38 BABY SITTING. Ph. 3-6832. CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 3-3093 H5i TREE WORK, topping, trimming:, remof- ing. ins. op. worg guar w h. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h59 EXP. brush painter. Pre est. Guaranteed. Kea. rn. 3-9132. n49a NURSES BY HOUR, week or live In. Practical Nurse' Registry, Ph. 3-5073. h59 FIR OAKS Nursing 34-hr, care. hS7 Ph. 3-3135. Mimeographing-Typing Poe's 666 North 16th. Phon 3-3643 EXPER. Interior decorator. Free estimate. ouaxuteed, reasonable. Pn. tfaa. Ml EXTRA SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY 1941 FORD Tudor. Radio Ss heater. Good paint St motor. Hurry, this won't last long. $495 SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY Chemeket at Church Ph. 3-7922 qx38 '49 PONTIAC "8" COUPE SEDAN Only 10,000 mile. Local Owner $2065 VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save 465 Center Ph. 3-7073. qx38 1947 FORD TON PICKUP Low mileage. Heater. Very clean. $895 BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE 540 Union Ph. 20703 px38 AUTOMOBILES Best Cars In Town Come in and See for Yourself LOOK THESE OVER 1950 FORD CUST'M. . NEW Custom "8" 4-Door. Ra dio, heater, ww tire. 1949 FORD CUST'M. .$1550 Custom "8" 4-Door. Heater, overdrive, new ww tire. 1948 PACKARD D.L..$1995 4-Door Sedan. $450 In extra. Only 12,000 ac tual miles. 1948 MERCURY $1295 4-Door. Radio St heater. Immaculate. 1946 CHRYSLER $1295 Windsor. Radio, heater, auto.-tran., fog lamps, etc. And many more good late and older models to choose from. Our cars are checked, repaired and re-checked be fore being sold. It pays to buy at LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE In my home. Ph. 33611 TREE WORK, topping, trimming. moving, insured operator, joim rayim, 348 S. Church. PH. a-BUi4. nia1 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. rn. a-au, iioj INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. BABY SITTING. PH. CEHEN1 WORK wanted fh. 3-4850. FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN 1 housekeeping rm. $20. 1244 Mi state. Ph. 30031. jk40 CLOSE IN. nice room In mod. home. Elec. heat. 765 Marion. jkiu ATTRACTIVE ROOM, private home, gen tleman. S85 N. summer, rn. j-bjuo. jk40' HEATED SLEEPING room With hot Sz cold water. 255 Center. jaw PLEASANT sleeping rm. for man. 1050 Nor way. Ph. 2-4547. Jnw LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Hot plate. Gentleman. Ph. 3-302a. 1RW HOLLYWOOD. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3 -6093. jk50 LARGE SLEEPING rm. Couple or ployed lady. 940 N. Winter, pn. 3459. nicely riTRN. Heated. Ladle preferred. 539 N. Winter. , jkob SLEEPING, light hsekpg. rm. Ph. 3-4335, MAN'S sleeping room, auto, heat, prlv. bath and ent. pn. 3-9043. jk.jb- WELL FURN. sleeping room, close in and e. water. Men only. 737 Center. jk38 ROOM FOR rent, 1430 N. 4th. Near bus Ph. 34561. Jk39' ROOM for emDloyed gentleman. Attrac tlve. warm, outside entrance. Ph. 3-4248 JK4Z1 HEATED SLEEPING room, single. 385 N. 14th. double and Jk46 FOR RENT APARTMENTS INVESTMENT 3 apts., North near Capitol, downtown, or Shonolng Center, modern, very clean. Pay excellent return on cost of $13,- ouu. tasy terms. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years in Salem 350 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 Jp40 NEW UNFURN. 3 rm. apt. Bath, elec, heat. Bus line. Ph. 38670. 2217 Lee. Jp40 NEW 2-ROOM apt. Prlv. bath, part furn. Adults. 1047 Madison. Jp43 one 2-rm. apt. Upstairs, Jp40 NEW, COZY 1 bdrm. apt. Ir brick court. Lot of storage, location. 380 S. 17th. modern Excellent jp40 EXCLUSIVE new court apt., range, re frlg. and laundry. 60. Adult. Ph. 2-7071 ip43 3 ROOM APT. In attractive court. Refrlg. range St auto laundry. Convenient to state bldg., univ., and bus. 907 S. 13th after 10 a.m. Jp40 LARGE, UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apt. Electric stove e auto, neat included, private bath. Ph. 37773 or 1437 N. 4th. Jp39' FURN. 3 big rooms, prlv. ent. St bath. phone, laun, faculties. 1431 N. Cottace. Jr39 NEW APTS. 3 or 3 rm. St bath. Partly Xurn. 1065 Madison before 10 or after 4. )P43 reasonable. JP41 LOVELY S RM. court apt. Range, re trig. laundry. Conv to Capitol and univer sity. Reasonable. Ph. 32597. Jp33 CLEAN quiet warm 1 rm. apt. Middle 645 Ferry. Jp38 ageo iaay preierrea. B.S. APT, LR, kitchen, bath, utility, garage. Refrlg, aanltary service furn ished. Near Grant school. After 6 p.m. call 33245. Jp38' MODERN FURN. 1 bdrm. cottage. $35 month. S miles north of Brooks on S9E. OK for baby. Inquire Rose Cottages af ter 6 p.m. Jp39 3 APARTMENTS. Phone 3-5838. jp' FOR RENT HOUSES t RM. MODERN furn. cottage. Ph. 36618. Jm38 NICELY FURN. duplex 3 rms. and bath. narawooa iioors. es. i3tn mo. iree. I' blk. south oi Colonial Houat. Ph. 35765. Jm40' WILSON'S 1949 FRAZER SEDAN. 17,000 MILES. VERY CLEAN. $1795 OttoJ.WilsonCo. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER CHOICE $99 1936 CHEVROLET COUPE 1935 FORD COUPE 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN ALL ARE IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER Ss ALSO HAVE VERY GOOD TIRES. Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - SERVICE - PLYMOUTH QUALITY USED CARS 495 N. Com-l Ph. 3-4U7. qx38 2 1931 FORDS Both run good. Your choice $50 EACH AYNBEE MOTORS 540 Union Ph. 3-0103 qx3 IAUTOMOBILES 1946 FORD $1295 Super Deluxe Tudor. $900 In accessories. The best '48 in town. 1946 LINC'LN CON. ..$2295 Continental. Fully equipped Sc Immaculate in every respect. 1941 CHRYSLER $ 695 Royal 4-Door Sedan. Ra dio, heater, auto.-tran. Very clean. 1941 OLDS "78" $ 695 Club Sedan. Radio, heat er. Hydramatlc. Clean. 1940 BUICK $ 450 Super 4-Door. Radio ft heater, fog Hants, snort lite. Average condition. Ph. 2-1527 FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN 3 bdrm. house. In good cond. 2252 Simpson Ss Ford. Jm38 MODERN 4 -room house, close to chool, store, church St bus. Apply at J. O. Henry, route 9 box 784, 1st he. H of Liberty school. jm39 5 KM. HOUSE 243 Chemeketa, Inquire Square Deal Hriwrc. Co. 263 Chemeketa. Ph. 33924. After 6, 35830. Jm39 CLEAN, MOD. furn. 3 rm., gar., laund, 2 adults, no pets. 3845 Portland Rd. - wwfwfW r r r t r f xx s jj jjj? FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J61 BUSINESS RM. tor rent H L. Stiff. RENT Wheelchairs and hospital beds. Buren. 3-7775. 745 Court St. J62 ' DRIVE Trucks. RoMnson Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 39103. r SINGEF ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rate. Pre pick up A. delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512. J 'OOP USED PIANOS. H. L, Still. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. j POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. J TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Bowser Bro. 141u 6 12th. Wet Salem. TC DO a good job rent a good floor Band er. We sell everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1-3646 WANTED TO RENT unfurn. home. Ja40 WANTED TO RENT Nice 3 B.R. unfurn. home. Will lease for 6 mo. Prefer So. Salem. BURT PICHA, REALTORS . 379 N. High St. Office: 2-3649 jaSfl WANTED Permanently employed man needs two-bedroom house central loca tlon desirable. Phone 2-7830. Ja43 WANTED by March 1st: 2 B.R. modern house with garage. Around $50 mo. Ph. 3-9728 ja43 WANTED B.R. hse. by Write Box 375, cple, Rea., co Capital Ja3S close In, Journal. OR 4 bdrm. house. Steadily employed. References. Ph. 2-7246. J&46 BY MARCH 1ST 3 B.R. unfurn. house. Prefer Englewood Dlst. Ph. J-340O, Mr. Parker. 1a30 LOST & FOUND LOST: Slack purse containing billfold St aiuaoie paper. Kewara. BOX 213 AumsvlUe. k3g LOST: Green canva bag. containing blankets, and personal effect. Call Naval Air Facility. Ph. 2-8494. Reward. k38 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatter, 464 Court. c nuai OalUIUttJJ i;jU. DIM SPENCER CORSETIERE. Call 3-5072. m47 MUSIC LESSONS - Piano k violin. State accredited. STUDIO. PH. 3-6013. m44 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HX SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolp:. Bid?. state St Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m" BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE AT KEITH BROWN! Hx4" Cedar Siding $25 M. WINDOWS to all sizes to fit almost any opening. Some a low a $1.80. REJECT PLY wood: V, V. M", S", V. from 4c per sq. ft. 1x6 and 1x8 RUSTIC FLOOR ING, Ideal for flooring or siding In at tics, farm buildings, tool sheds, etc. Priced cheaper than hlplap. Every thing to build anything at that con venient KEITH BROWN Location, Front and Court, Salem., ma MOUNTAIN CEDAR h Ingle, 4 grades. low priced. No. 3's only $3 square. Ce dar shakes In carton 113.50 sq. Under course included. C. O, Long. fh. 3-6831. 1 mile N. of Kelzer. ma40" (Continued on Page 17) J