Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 14, 1950, Page 15, Image 15

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    Armless Woman Fainter Mile. Victorine Dufaux, 55, of
Ferplgnan, France, armless for 19 years following an acci
dent, paints by holding the brush between her teeth.
September. 24, 1949, was New
Year, 5710 In Israel, which has
adopted the Jewish calendar.
$$ MONEY $$
KVi Real Estate Loans
Farm or City
Personal and Anto Loans
State Finance Co.
(53 t High St Lie. 8-216 .4 tM
Clay Nixon, Seattle attor
ney, is the new national com
mandant of the Marine corps
league, national all-Leatherneck
veterans' group founded
in 1922 by the late Lt. Gen.
John A. Lejeune. He suc
ceeds Theus J. MacQueen of
Baton Rouge, La.
First Bathtub Yarn Proved
To Be Old-Time Mencken Hoax
Washington, Feb. 14 (U.R) I doubt if I can ever look a bath
tub in the face again.
I have been guilty of perpetuating a newspaper hoax the
one about the introduction of the tub into the American home.
It's all the fault of the Library of Congress.
Back in early December a'
woman in Council Bluffs, la., got
herself stuck in a tub and stayed
there for 60 hours. It seems she
had taken over management of
a home owned by a midget
friend and decided to take a
bath in the midget tub. That
sent me to the library to find
out about tubs.
In one of the volumes I found
a yarn about the "first tub ever
installed in America one used
by an Adam Thompson in Cin
cinnati." It (the tub) was en
cased in Nicaraguan mahogany,
lined with metal. It was seven
feet long and four feet wide
and weighed 1,750 pounds.
It seems that the story was
put out as fiction by H. L.
Mencken. Or mostly fiction. He
later let it out that Adam
Thompson was an "imposter."
The writer made the whole
thing up.
Anyhow, I got a sharp letter
from George N. Lamb, secretary
of the Mahogany Association,
Inc., which has been worrying
about the hoax ever since
Mencken wrote it in the New
York Evening Mail on Dec. 28,
"Worst part of it is," says
Lamb, "every time anybody
tries to bat down the hoax they
have to repeat the story. That
makes it twice as bad."
It seems that the whole
Mencken story turned back his
tory to 1842 when this man
"Thompson," a Cincinnati cotton
planter, imported a tub and
pitched a big party to show it off.
First, the story goes and has
been going ever since he took
a hot bath in the morning and a
cold bath In the afternoon. Then
he invited a flock of big shots
to look over the new gimmick.
A few' of 'em shed their fine
clothes and took on a few suds.
Aparently it wasn't so,
A little more research reveal
ed that Benjamin Franklin was
this country's pioneer in syste
matic bathing.
He shocked the folks around
him by taking "two baths a
week," according to books on
file with the plumbing and heat
ing industries bureau in Chica
go. As early as 1770, Franklin
fetched to America a thing that
was described as a "bathing
You would sit on the end of
the slipper that looked like the
"heel" and put your feet in the
part that resembled a toe.
Under the heel part was a
place for a small fire, which was
supposed to keep the tub warm.
Water was poured in by the
bucketsful and later was lugged
into the back yard and dumped.
It must have taken a lot of man
power to perform the task.
After that, Franklin is sup
posed to have invented a less
cumbersome tub resembling an
oversized coal scuttle.
It was a copy of some of the
old tubs Franklin had seen while
abroad and gave rise to many
of the legends of how a man got
his back washed. Whether he
hired small boys to dump pitch
ers of suds on him or whether
his wife did the chore.
Anyhow, let this be the end of
the Mencken hoax about Adam
Thompson, And forgive me, Mr.
Columbia Basin
Plan Discussed
Portland, Feb. 14 VPl How to
develop and conserve the Co
lumbia basin's land, water and
forests is being talked at a meet
ing of department of agricul
ture experts here today.
The two - day session is re
garded as the first step in pre
paring a plan to fit into the
comprehensive program of the
corps of engineers and the bu
reau pf reclamation. That pro
gram now is before congress.
The meeting is being attend
ed by regional heads of nine
bureaus and agencies of the de
partment of agriculture and by
directors of farm extension work
and experiment stations of sev
eral northwest land grant col
leges. Together they make up
the department's regional ad
visory committee, headed by
Herbert M. Peet, the secretary
of agriculture's Columbia basin
Aiding them in their discus
sions are two representatives
of other regions: Gladwin E.
Young of Lincoln, Neb., who pre
pared the department's Missouri
basin program, and Warren T.
Murphy of Salt Lake City, head
of the Pacific southwest region
3 Bus Unions Seek
NLB Recognition
Portland, Ore., Feb. 14 (Pi-
Three unions disputed today for
recognition as bargaining agent
of west coast Trailways bus
Two of them the AFL Am
algamated Street, Electric Rail
way and Motor Coach em
ployes and the independent
Brotherhood of Railway Train
men asked yesterday for a na
tional labor relations board elec
The present contract is now
held by a third union, which is
not relinquishing its claim, the
AFL Miscellaneous Drivers, a
Teamsters' union affiliate.
The .line has 47 regular and
some extra drivers on the pay
roll. Its buses operate from Se
attle to San Francisco.
Man's Body Recovered
Portland, Feb. 14 (P) The
body of a middle-aged man, pos
sibly the victim of a slugging
was recovered yesterday from
the Willamette river below Port
land. Follce said there was a
large bruise on the forehead
and th at the pockets of his suit
were turned inside out. The
body had been in the water sev
eral days.
" w :
wtriiramiiiimiiiiirWCT mim
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 14, 1950 !
Truman Drnnram roa commun'8m-"
irUlilan r lOyianl u. S. Senator Schoeppel tc
n J J f " la 1' 140" republicans at a Lincc
Dr3nded jOCIBllStlC daV dinner that the party mi
avoid any tinge of "me too-isr
Seattle, Feb. 14 (PI A Kan- in its campaign this year a
sas republican senator describ- fight aggressively against '
ed President Truman's program national administration th
last night as "plain and simple has depreciated our lndividi;
socialism, which, after all, is freedom for a passing tempoi
just the halfway house on the dole."
Good News Manager Jim Mosolf of the Salem Sears, Roe
buck & Co. store and these employes justifiably look pleased
when they got the news showing their participation in the
company's saving and profit-sharing pension fund. Eighty
four others in the Salem store participated. In the picture,
from left, Ray Roach, Clarence Williams, Manager Jim Mosolf,
Ann Walther.
Sears, Roebuck Employes
Share in Pension Fund
Eighty-eight employes of the Salem Sears, Roebuck k Co. store
today received the good news.
"It was contained in individual statements handed to them by
Jim Mosolf, manager of the store, at an employes' meeting. The
statements show the 'extent to which each of the 88 men and
women staff members are shar-1
ing in the company's 1949 profits
through their membership in
'The Saving and Profit Sharing
Pension Fund of Sears, Roebuck
& Co. Employes."
According to Manager Mosolf,
the local employe group has to
its credit in the fund 2976 shares
of Sears stock plus a cash bal
ance of $33,302. Based on a
year-end market value of $4414
per share for the Sears stock,
this group now has a total in
vestment worth $183,024.
Mosolf said the fund was first
established by Sears manage-
If You Have Two Cows, You
Can Figure These Definitions
Some political definitions from a bulletin issued by the Colo
rado department of agriculture:
Idealism: If you have two cows, you milk them both, use all
the milk you need and have enough left for everyone else.
Socialism: If you have two cows, you keep one and give the
otner to your neignDor.
Communism: If you have two
cows, you give both to the gov
ernment; then the government
gives you back some milk.
Imperialism: If you have two
New York Girls Hope Boys
Will Bring Diamonds, Mink
New York, Feb. 14 (U.R) The girls are hoping the boys will
come calling tonight with Valentines like diamonds and mink
and tickets to "South Pacific."
They'll be lucky, the boys confided, if they get a little sen
timent and hearts andor flowers.
An unscientific survey of as--
sorted people hinted, in fact,
that a girl might dine happy on
hamburger if her guy just re
members the date. But that
didn't stop their wishing.
"I'd like a good, expensive
diamond with a nice little plat
inum band to go with it," said
one forthright, young,
ried woman.
A middle-aged widow said she
wanted her diamonds set in a
cross to wear on a necklace.
"Oh, dear," wailed Arthur
Treacher, "when is it?"
Nine out of 10 men asked the
same question.
Reminded, the boys promised
they'd remember their wives
and sweethearts with gifts that
ranged in rather limited fash
ion between "nothing" and
"half a dozen golf balls, may
be." In between were candy and
flowers and flowers and can
dy and Treacher.
The "perfect butler" of the
movies, now playing the "per
fect slave" on Broadway, will
send his Mrs, in California a
presumably perfect check, com
plete with sentiments romantic.
Mrs. Treacher is a lucky
I might take some girl some
candy or flowers or something,"
one unattached young man said.
"Or I might just stay home that
One girl said she really did
want flowers. No girl wanted
Mink ran about neckpiece to
unmar- I necklace with the diamonds. Af
ter that the girls picked charms
for their charm bracelets gold,
that is.
"I had to writel After 25 years of dos
ing for constipation, I started to eat
ALL-BRAN for breakfast. The re
sults are wonderful 1
Andrew H. Truby,
Box 42, Woodland,
111. Just one of hun
dred! of unsolicited
letters from ALL
BRAN urn: Marvel
ous results can be
yours, too, if you suf
fer from constiDation
due to lack of dietary bulk. Eat an
ounce of tasty Kellore's ALL-BRAN
daily, drink plenty of water! If not
completely satisfied after 10 days,
return empty carton to KelloRg's,
Battle Creek, Mich. GET DOUBLE
cows, you steal somebody's bull.
Soft-pink communism: If you
have two-cows, you are a cap
Capitalism: If you have two
cows, you sell one cow and buy
a bull.
New Dealism: If you have two
cows, the government shoots one
cow, you milk the other cow,
then throw part of the milk
down the sink.
Anarchism: If you have two
cows, your neighbor shoots one
and takes the other.
Nazism: If you have two cows,
the government shoots you and
takes both cows.
Realism: If you have two
cows, they're both dry.
ment in 1916, long before gov
ernment social security, and be
fore profit sharing plans were
prevalent in American industry
The Sears fund now owns over
20 per cent of Sears stock and
this ownership makes it the com
pany's largest single stockholder.
The fund's total current assets
now amount to $267,328,000,
based on a $44 Vs per share per
year-end market value for Sears
stock. However, in order to
amass this value the fund's 102,-
458 members have deposited
only $46,700,000 out of their
wages and salaries into the fund.
Mosolf explained that all reg
ular Sears employes are eligible
to join the fund after one year
of service, and that the purpose
of the fund is not only to permit
employes to share in the com
pany's profits, but also to assist
them in creating a financial re
serve which will help take care
of their financial needs after
their eventual retirement from
Employe members of the fund
deposit 5 percent of their sal
aries into their individual ac
counts each year, with the maxi
mum deposit limited to $250 an
nually. Sears each year places
in the fund an established per
centage of its profits. This sum
is credited to the employe-members
on a length-of-service basis.
Crude oil Is a base for more
than 1,200 useful products in
cluding medicines, dyes, cos
metics, preservatives, rayon, ny
lon, alcohol, rubber, plastics,
paints, solvents, insecticides be
sides fuel, lubricants and paving
Says Hoover Report
Ignored by Demos
Washington, Feb. 14 VP) Rep.
Norblad (R., Ore.) accused the
administration last night of play
ing politics with the Hoover re
He asserted in a radio broad
cast (Mutual) that the adminis
tration was ignoring recommen
dations of the Hoover commission.
"In my opinion neither the
president nor his leaders want
the report with its accompany
ing great savings put on the
statute books for the simple rea
son that too many people on the
federal payroll who vote the
right way would be out of a
job," he said.
A Grand Way to Go
says Mrs. Callahan
'Greyhound is my favorite way
to travel. ..just like riding in a
private car, but you can really
relax and enjoy your trip. You
pay so much less and see so
much more. Stops for rest and
meals are especially interesting.
It's a grand way to go anywhere."
88 Parker Avt., San FrnnciBco, Calif.
SAVE MONEY! There Are No lower Fares
SAVE TIME! frequent Schedules Everywhere
One Way
PORTLAND $ 1.05. .
LOS ANGELES 13.90. .
MEDFORD 4.55..
SEATTLE 4.05..
SPOKANE 8.50. ,
BOISE 10.10. ,
CHICAGO 41.60. .
, .20
,. 7
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ft M Ftirral Til
Buy Bound Trip Ticket!..
.Save 20 on Return Trip!
V. H. Switzer, Agent
450 North Church
Phone 22428
At Your Service!
FOR YOUR . . .
V Fuel
. .'. NEEDS
DIAL 3 3131
OR SEE US AT . . .
889 N. Liberty
whiskey as us
distillers drink
J45QT. j Olf Pi I
$195 bSfsi&t
si h
".has such Flavor
ns S&r I
'Aasthe Neasure-Vak
On the table and in the kitchen, Nucoa is tlie
favorite because its fresh-churned sweetness
delicious on bread, adds flavor to vegetables
is wonderful for baking and cooking, too.
Nutritious Nucoa margarine is so convenient
use now that it comes in the hnndy Measure
. . . easier to measure, easier to color ... at no
extra cost. Why don't you try Nucoa soon?
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