Luckless Albany Quint Invades SHS on Tuesday Uoacn Harold Hauk's cage troup, now sitting lirmly atop the Big Six league with seven wins and no losses, play host Tuesday night to the Albany Bulldogs. Albany has failed to win a single game in seven Big Six league starts. The Vik-Bulldog game is slat ed to start at 8:15 p.m. follow ing the junior varsity Big Six preliminary between Coach Lo ren Mort's Jayvees and Albany's "B" quint. - If Salem cops tonight's game the title will be clinched for the Capital city boys no mat ter what the second place Bend Lava Bears do the rest of the season. In another game this week, the Vikings face the Oregon State college Rooks Wednesday in a 0:15 preliminary contest preced ing the Oregon State-Idaho game. Friday night the Vikings play host to the fifth place Spring field Millers. Tuesday night of next week the Viks meet Leba non Warrior's five, one of the few teams that holds a victory LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Mulligan Asks for Satchel Paige's Baseball Contract Portland, Ore., Feb. 14 (U.R) General Manager William Mulligan said today that the Portland Beavers had re quested the contract of Leroy "Satchel" Paige, famed Ne gro pitcher, from the Cleve land Indians. Mulligan asked for Paige as part of Cleveland's end of the deal for Hal Saltzman, youth ful Beaver hurler who went to the Tribe for cash and five other players. Another player still is to come from Cleveland, and the , Indians last Saturday asked waivers on Paige, Mulligan said. Vik Musclemen To Meet Tigers ' Coach Hank Juran's Salem high musclemen take to the road Wednesday to tangle with the Newberg Tigers in a return match. The Viking wrestlers notched an easy victory over the New berg squad earlier ih the season. Following the Newberg tilt the Viks only have a make-up with Springfield and a match with Molalla before entering the Big Six tourney at Salem on February 23-24. Jeff Lions Trim OSD Cagers : Jefferson The Jefferson Li one decisioned the Oregon School for the Deaf, 36 to 27 Monday night to grab second place in the northern division of the Marion County B league. Jefferson led 18-8 at the half. FAN FARE wo cail uk6 feu see 'evt M REAU.Y THINK VWIre WISE IMATMJU OUSHTA HAVE SUSSgJ U.S. Wildlife Director Calls for More Agents Washington, Feb. 14 0J.B Di rector Albert M. Day of the fish and wildlife service asked con gress today to double the num ber of game law enforcement agents. Game law enforcement with the present 71 agents, he said, is "woefully inadequate." Illegal hunting killed one third of the game birds taken last year, he said. He estimated that legal hunters took 17, 000,000 and illegal hunters "roughly" 8,000,000. Another 8,000,000 were crippled and lost, he guessed. Day testifed before a senate subcommittee investigating wild life conservation. He said there is a total supply of about 55,000,000 game birds Dow in wintering grounds. If illegal bunting could be eliminated, the brief four week legal season could be over the Haukmen. In the finale of regular season play the local quint travels to Bend to meet the Lava Bears. BASKETBALL COLLEGE SCOKEft (By the Associated Prau) College ol Idaho 63. Lewis & Cltrk ti. Whitman 60, Paclflo D. 48. Oregon Education 72, Eastern Oregon 59. Grays Harbor J.C. 56, Everett J.C. 43. Skagit Valley J.C, 05. Centralis J.C. 57. Santa Clara 51, San FrancLaco 43, (Over time) Colorado A&M 55. Br.Eham Young 46. Mew Mexico 63, Texas Western 55. Montana State 55, Colorado Mines 40. Duquesne U, Carnegie Tech 49. Vlllanova S3, Scranton 33. Niagara 61, Toledo 50. Princeton 51. Cornell 49. Kentucky 77, Alabama 5T. Vanderbllt 85, Mississippi fltate 50. Louisville 74, Marshall 67. North Carolina 52, William and Mary 46. South Carolina 61, Maryland 56, Bradley 59, Oklahoma A&M 40, Ohio State 47, Missouri 46. Nebraska 57, Oklahoma 55. Indiana 83. Illinois 72. Wisconsin 66, Iowa 62. (Overtime) Minnesota 53, Michigan 48. Texas Christian 51, Texas 38. Arkansas 52, Texas A&M 46. Southern Methodist 55, Rice 48, HIGH SCHOOL SCORES (By the Associated Press) University (Eugene) 36, Junction City Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, February 14, 1950 Underdog Bearcats Face Potent Pilots Tuesday Willamette u n 1 v e r s 1 ty's Bearcats with a rating of sev en wins and two defeats in Northwest conference play, will entertain the potent Port land Pilots at 8 o'clock Tues day night. An excellent cage contest is in prospect with the visitors given a slight edge. While Coach Johnny Lewis has been experimenting to a considerable extent in recent contests in connection with his starting five, it is expected the burden of the attack will be placed on Ted Loder, Dick Brouwer, Doug Logue, Hugh Bellinger and Lou Scrivens. Chuck Robinson, one of the taller members of the crew, has seen considerable action as a Bearcat as has Don Mon tag. ' . .' -'.- Coach Mush Torson has an Santiam Sportsmen Probe Deer Starvation Reports Stayton Deer in large num bers are starving in the Elkhorn area S. C. Dark and L. R. Rus sell told the meeting of the North Santiam Sportsmen's club Monday evening. Marvin "Brick" Headrick was appointed to investigate the pos sibility of feeding the deer. The club also heard a talk by R. M. Bond, chief of the biological di vision on wildlife for the soil conservation service, and ap pointed a committee to assist in fish plantings in this area Lry the state game commission. Among other things. Bond stated that there are more deer iVElOSTMVSHMT OHMW BEFORE - Nexr fa toss my wp etiS-J0STONCE COME IN BEPOBe ' , WSTEAP OF W 6EHIHP lengthened, Day Indicated. The limit of four birds a day could also be increased, he said. With present increased funds, the service plans on adding 19 more agents this year, Day said. But at least 80 more are needed, he said. Day asked that congress ap propriate a flat $10,000,000 a year for the service instead of turning over last years excise taxes on game equipment. Ex cise taxes on game equipment have been falling steadily, he said. This year the service ex- pects to receive only $8,500,000 ' from excises, be said. The additional $1,500,000 could be drawn from a trust fund of $13,500,000 the wildlife serv ice holds from money not spent in previous years when ex cise taxes brought more than they needed. iaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHgftsM Page 11 experienced crew in Loe Gros jacques, former Mt. Angel Prep ace; Fred Lee, pint sized ex-Astoria sharpshooter; and Warren Brown, chief point maker. South Marion B Title Game Set For Leslie Cage Aumsville and Mill City will play their southern division, Marion county B league cham pionship game on the Parrish junior high school floor at 8 o'clock Wednesday night. The game was originally slated for the Sublimity court but those involved agreed the Parrish lo cation- would prove better for players and spectators. in this area than before the white man came. He said that the chief food of deer in this area is vine maple and red huckleberry brush, and that "poison oak is also good deer feed." Not more than 25 per cent of a deer's diet can be grass or hay, he stated. Deer are neither forest nor grassland animals, living in the area between the two, it was stated by Mr. Bond. Since log ging operations and forest fires have greatly increased the amount of such border land, the deer population has also in creased greatly. By Walt Ditxen AFTEK eveky bau. YOU'RE AT THE BAR YWTCHINSTEI.E-V6I0N W5 WULPNT CARE IF WP OUST GST BACK , IN A HEALTHIER C0NP-15HIOI.' WVL Leaders to Attempt to Hold Edge in Contest Holding a full game lead over the second place Molalla Buck aroos, the Mt. Angel Preps will be out to defend their leadership of the Willamette Valley league Tuesday night as they entertain the Silverton Foxes. Meanwhile Molalla will travel to Dallas for a session with Coach Gordon Kunkle's Dragons a mere half game behind the Buckaroos. The game will be the first of the season between the two quints, the first having been cancelled due to stormy conditions. The make up will be played at Molalla either Feb ruary 20 to 21. Other league games Tuesday night send Woodburn to Canby and Estacada to Sandy. The Handings: W L pp PA Mt. Angel 9 -1 403 134 Molalla 8 3 354 300 Dallas 8 3 4S4 403 Estacada S 4 397 330 Silverton 4 7 410 434 Woodburn 3 I 444 403 Sandy - 3 6 33 383 Canbr 1 363 381 Breaks Own Record ground, sprints to a finish in the 100-yard backstroke In which he broke his own state record with a time of 1:06.8. Hamblin Sets New Record As Vik Swimmers Falter Despite a 41-25 submerging at the hands of the Benson Tech swimmers, Salem high's tankers pointed with pride Tuesday to a new record posted by Bob Hamblin, the Viking backstroke specialist. Strongly pressed by Tech's Bill Goode, Hamblin pared the state mark he set last year in the championships from 1:07.05 to 1:06.8 for the 100-yard back stroke. Goode finished two feet behind Hamblin. Other Salem winners were Jerry Ullman in the 100-yard Sports Calendar FEBRUARY 14 ProfcRilooftl Wrettllnc at armory, bat tle royal. Otu the Beer. Prank Stoiaclc. Tony Rosa, Leo WalUck, Georg Dtuettc, 8:30 p.m. Baiketball Willamette t Portland, 8 p.m.. Salem. Salem high va Albany high. 8:15 p.m.. Salem. Idaho w O.S.C., Corvallu, p.m. Aumsville Firemen v Page Woolens At Leslie, A.A.U. district title game. Marlon-Polk league: Monmouth at Sa lem Academy. Stayton at Sacred Heart. Willamette Valley league: Silverton at Mt. Angel, Estacada at Sandy, Molalla at uauas, wooaourn at canoy. FEBRUARY IS Baiketball Aumsville vi Mill City at Sublimity for South Marion B title. Salem va O.S.O. Rooks at Corvailu. Idaho vs O.S.O. at Corvallls. City league: Naval Reserve vs C.T.L. T p.m.; Post Office vs National Guard, 8 P.m.; Marine Reserves vs Burrough's, 9 p.m., Leslie gym. FEBRUARY M Baiketball Church league: 1st Presbyterian vs Deaf School, 7 p.m.; Calvary Baptist vs Knight Memonai, b p.m.; ist Metnocusc vs isc Baptist, 9 p.m., girls gym. rr,nKUAKi it Basketball Springfield high vs Salem hlah at Salem. 8:15 P.m. Idaho vs Oregon at Eugene. Willamette Valley league: Mt. Ansel at Estacada, Sandy at Silverton, Canby at Dallas, Molalla at Woodburn. rEBKUAKi 18 Basketball Willamette vs Pacific at Forest Grove. Idaho vs Oregon at Eugene, Gervais Hoopers Stop Vik Sophs, 65-46, in B Loop The Gervais high school bas ketball club downed Salem high Sophs 65 to 46 Monday night to gain first place in the northern division of the Marion County B league. Gervais is expected to meet either Aumsville of Mill City for the league title at a date to be determined. Gervais (nfl) (46) Salem Booh. Shumaker 3 P la Hcston Howe F 4 Thomas Belleque 6 C 12 Bradt! Dunn 23 a.; 5 Nopp Hall 15 a 4 Pepper Subs: Qervals Tooley 9, Martin 3 Ma honey 6: Sophs Oortmaker 1, Crow 4, AAU Title Game Slated Tuesday The district A. A. IT. bas ketball championship will be decided Tuesday night on the Leslie junior high school floor when Page Woolens and the Aumsville Firemen get to gether at 8 o'clock. The winner will be a quali fied entrant in the state tour nament scheduled to be held at McMinnville. ceiuMtiA iiwimn, inc. XLsr breaststroke (time 1:19). The Vik tankers copped all three places in this event as Marlin Nelson finished second and Ar chie Elliott came in third just ahead of Bill Hembree of Ben son. Dale Sheridan made a good omeback after losing a close decision last week to West Linn, copping the 100-yard freestyle in 1:02.8 to collect a few points for the Viks. The Vik tankers rest until Monday when they again take on the state champion Benson in Portland at 4 o'clock. Summary: 40-yard freestyle: 1 aoode (B), 2 Kimball IB), 3 Klinefelter IS), 4 Olark B). Time 31.3. 100-yard breaststroke: 1 J. Oilman (8), 3 Nelson (SI. 3 Elliott B). 4 Hembree (B). Time 1. IB. 230-yard freestyle: 1 Meahke (B), 2 Gllbertson (B), 3 Dunsworth (S). 4 L. Hamlin (S). Time 2:38.6. 100-yard backstroke: 1 Hamblin (8). 2 Goode (B), 3 Peeler (8). .4 Horend (B). Time 1:08.8. 100-yard freestyle: 1 Sheridan (S), Meahke B), 3-D. tniman (8), 4 Likens (B). Time 1:03.B. 130-yard. Individual medley: 1 Kimball (B). 2 Hamblin (8), 3 OUberston (B), 4 Nelson (8). Time 1:35.3. 180-yard medley relay: 1 Benson (Hem- Dree, uowy, Mesnke). 160-yard relay: 1 Benson (Kimball, Bilvertson, Tohn, Ooode). BradleyGainsMomentum In Poll; Crusaders Top New York, Feb. 1 WV-The team Adolph Rupp picked as the best in the nation Bradley uni versity may yet justify the Kentucky baron's faith. The Bradley Braves, gaining momentum, are applying the screws to Holy Cross' rating as the No. 1 baseball power in the nation. While Holy Cross today was voted the top position in the Associated Press poll for a fifth straight week, its mar gin has shrunk to a mere 37 points over the rampaging Braves from Peoria, 111. Last week Holy Cross held a 274-point bulge on Bradley. Holy Cross attracted 56 first place votes from the 140 sports writers and broadcasters across the country. Bradley drew only 16. However, Bradley commanded enough, second, third and fourth place ballots to give the un beaten Crusaders a genuine bat tle. Holy Cross totaled 986 points, Bradley 949. Ohio State, western confer ence kingpin, advanced a peg to the No. 3 slot. Replacing Du quesne of Pittsburgh, which dropped to seventh. St. John's university of Brook lyn held its fourth place rank ing, while Rupp's Kentuckians flashed from seventh to fifth under the steam of seven straight triumphs. Rupp picked Brad ley as the class of the nation at the start of the season. Long Island university placed sixth, a notch ahead of Duquesne. North Carolina state, the only member of the top 10 to lose last fACOMA. VAtHIHBTOM Sacred Heart to Meet Stayton at Sublimity Tuesday The Sacred Heart Cardinals, leaders of the Marion -Polk County league, will engage Stay ton Tuesday night on the Sub limity court. Wednesday night the Cards will entertain Star of the Sea for Astoria and Friday evening return tilt with Concordia is scheduled. Sacred Heart will go to Wood- burn Saturday night and the following Monday evening will wind up the regular season against Stayton on the local floor. OCE Nabs League Win, 72-59, Over Mountaineer Five Monmouth The OCE Wolves took an Oregon Collegiate con ference basketball game here Monday night at the expense of the Eastern Oregon College of Education Mountaineers, 72 to 59. The Wolves grabbed an ear ly lead and managed to maintain it all of the way. They were out in front, 38-31 at half time. Harrell Smith spearheaded the Wolves' attack with his 21 points. Coach Bob Knox employed 11 men in taking the victory. The two clubs will play a sec ond game Tuesday night, thus giving the Wolves an opportu nity to gain revenge for the two losses they sustained against the Mountaineers recently at La Grande. Tuesday night's encounter will mark the last home appearance for Smith, Hogan and Hiebert. OCE OS) (68) EOCE Smith 21 r 13 Irons Hiebert It P Lilly Pitcher 10 C 4 Baling Bushnell 1 G 11 Green Bushnell 8 0 10 Merriman Subs: OCE Baallen 2. Staudlnaer 7. Pinion t, Hogan 3, Humble 4. EOCE Mc Allister, Fox 7. Records 9. Bearers to Host Vandals in North Division Series Corvallis, Ore.. Feb. 14 (U.B Oregon State college's Beavers play host to the Idaho Vandals here tonight and tomorrow night for a two-game Northern division basketball series. Although both teams are now rated as also-rans, the Ida hoans have moved into a three- game winning streak and the Beavers are in the midst of a two-game losing streak and the action may be fast and furious, Three weeks ago, Oregon State handed Idaho two straight set backs, 48-37 and 51-39, at Mos cow. week, finished eighth while two newcomers Western Kentucky and UCLA completed the list. Sectionally, the east dominat ed the rankings with four teams, the south boasted three, the midwest two and the far west one. Washington State, 17th last week, advanced one notch while Southern California moved into 19th place. Wash ington was ranked in 26th place. A significant note was San Francisco, ranked 12th. The Dons, winners of the national in vitation tournament, culled 18 first place votes second only to Holy Cross' total. The top teams (first place votes in parentheses and points on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis) included: IT WAS THE DEST PARTY rVE EVER-BEEN TO, FRANK. YOU CERTAINLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE GREAT DRINKS. I I III"1! '"" 'I -l ....,,,, ,.,,, i i i r ' 1 i i i i t : lTS v 1 cnii.r is the best 4&!f inifthrm' n&'SX9l CHOICE FOR PARTIES l" JST I Of 'I" X, LJ!P IT MAKES RICHER, MELLOWER TSmW VOU deSCrVC '' - RARE BLENDE0 WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 65X GRAIN NEUTRAL jff Sjif VyHj ' ' SPIRITS. W950, SCHENLEV DISTRIBUTORS, INC.. N. V. C. By FRED ZIMMERMAN, Competition for Salem Since Salem was tossed into cide district basketball honors old Hauk's cagers have not experienced too much difficultv in staking out a place in the state ferent this year, although the to grab first place in the tournament that opens February S7 and extends, at intervals, through March 10. Mt, Angel and Sacred Heart are expected to provide the most serious competi tion to Salem's aspirations. Mt. Angel is well on its way to take top honors in the Willamette Valley league, while the Sacred Heart Cardinals have suffered but a single setback in Marion-Polk circles. The tourney will be a double elimination affair, which means that those teams that are beaten early in the series have a tough row to hoe in working their way back to the top. Gil son Real Contender When a high school kid wants to take part in athletic to the extent he is willing to take off 40 or 50 pounds in weight and keep It off, he should be given due credit. Such is the case of Layton Gllson, member of Coach Harold Hauk's Salem high quint. Layton is one of those unfor tunate individuals who puts on weight easily and has to work hard to reduce the poundage. By pushing back from the table before hunger pangs have been completely satisfied he has kept himself in physical trim and his out standing; work on the floor has been the reward. Com petition in such a strenuous game as basketball is bound to bring about a man-sized appetite and a lot of willpower and self-control is needed to keep from putting back mora pounds than have been sweated off In prancing up and down the maple boards. State League to Operate A six club State baseball league will operate during 1950 if tentative plans are carried out. Silverton, Sweet Home, Al bany, Corvallis, Salem and Eugene have been named as the outfits to break away from the barrier in the spring. Bend if eliminated under the reorganization because of the travel dis tance involved. It is presumed Salem's home games will b scheduled to be played when the Senators are on the road, al though nothing definite will be known until league represen tatives get together at Albany some time within the next few weeks. Portland Bows Out How much can a university or college Invest in any given athletic venture without encroaching upon its scholastic program? Apparently the University of Portland haa reached the figure and has decided to sidetrack this par- : ticular activity for the time being. Goniaga made a similar determination a few years ago and so far as this writer -knows, there is no immediate intention of reviving the pigskin sport. If the truth were known, we bave a feel ing that other schools would like to follow the example set by Portland. They may follow suit. The elty of Portland has been none too generous in its support of Pilot athletics even though the latter have brought in some of the better clubs of the Pacifio coast. The smaller schools are hard pressed in making a decision as to whether to be content to hold down competition to outfits of their own siie or try to broaden it out in the hope of attracting greater financial returns. The latter means the building of larger squads of the better type of men, which mean . direct competition with the Paclfie Coast conference institutions. Players Out on a Limb It can't be avoided when a has made, but someone usually gets hurt In this instance the Pilots can either remain . in school and complete their scholastic requirements, or transfer elsewhere and remain out of competition for a year. Since young folk go to school to acquire an education, or presumably so, abandonment of foot ball should result in higher scholastic achievements for the ex- gridders. Nevertheless, many a lege education because of his athletic ability and it is this fel low who gets hurt when a sport is dropped on short notice. City Loop Scores CHURCH LEAGUE "A" Division First Christian I'll) US) Christ Lutheran Conder IB , ...P.... Fox Bates a ....P ....C ..... 5 Torgeson 2 Battalion , 6 Meyer , 1 Theye . 2 Hamann Wright 6 .. Bates 6 ... Lukenhell 13 , Tennel 6 . . Woods 1 ... Calvary Baptist (26) (19) Naiarene Stuart P 16 Parnell Morrison 6 f 3 ueiapp White 0 0 Outhner Oraber B a 4 Klassen Walden a 0 1 Qwynn First Baptist (St) (40) First Freibyterian Sharpnecke 7 ....P 18 Meyers Fisher 7 r 7 uoatman Coe 16 C 6 Hedrlck Cotfrler 4 a 7 Caley Bedtwlth O.... 2 Qoodenberger "B" Division First Methodist (II) (81) Free Methodist Nelson S P D. BBrham Stevens t P Archer Barr 14 o Herring Collier 4 0 17 W. Owynn Pedlman 11 G 1 P. Barham Subs: Freo Methodist B. owynn . J. Qwynn 1. ft I DRINKS Copltol Journal Sports Editor High tournament comrjetitlon to de a few seasons back, Coach Har series at Eugene. It mav be dif Vikings are topheavy favorites decision like the one Portland young man had acquired a col "C" Division Calvary Baptist 18, St. Mark . Churoh of Ood forfeited to Liberty Church of Christ. Court Street Christian forfeited - is Knight Memorial. CITY LEAGUE (American Division) Cap. Post No. (81) (88) Warner Meters Luke 4 p Mleiwander Hay 11 p 14 Bissell Bates 9 c 2 Cotton Darnick 0 6 Coffea Harrell a 2 Adams Reserves scoring: Capital Post Valdea 6. Hugglns 2. W. Motors McOregor, D. 7, Benson 7. Halftlme score: Capital Post 12, W. Motora 17. Karakal Xarpele (68) (86) Ulh St. Mkl. Jones 4 P 4 Atcheson Unruh r 11 Davlee Butte 8 C I Hlllllleker McMorrls 8 a 6 Duval Spiess 20 a 8 Davey Reserves scoring: Karpets avarverud 6, Page 2. 12th St. Market Miles 4. Stauf fer 2. Halftlme score: Karpets 27, 12th St. Markets 24. Officials: Henerr and Ba be rn. Knights of Columbus forfeited a Wast Salem Merchants. American league teams will play 115 games with National league clubs during the baseball spring training season. EVERYBODY RAVED ABOUT MY PARTY, AND I SURE GOT COMPLIMENTS FOR MY THANKS TO SCHENUT