16 Capital Journal, Salem, 0L4MiriU ADVERTISING! Mr Line Ifte Par Lint I timet 40c Par Lin times 90o Pei Lin 1 month 12.00 Outside ol Salem 15a par lint pet day. Mln. SOet 2 timet mln. BOO times mln. 11.20. No Refunds UADIRS In Local News Col. Onlri tOo per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES IIASH! Norway St. Beat of surround- u.. . ,. vmitli nrnud to OWD. on ly 4 yrs. old, 5 nice size rooms, lovely kitchen, H.W. floors, fireplace, tub and ahower bain, large winua, i. lota ol closets, attic, lull dry basement, ...... n frnBr nc!Mcd back yard, Only 111,950. Terms. Might accept late aar or good 1st mtg. in traae. B. E. MEREDITH, RLTR., OR B. M. MASON 178 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-8841 a37' St OWNER: e room house, 414 Brooks St. WHILE THEY LAST: Only 5 left. These modern homes $8050. $950 down, 151 mo. pick your s.yie u Lansing Ave. to Silverton Rd. Glenn Hamilton, buiioer, wia n. CHOICE LOCATION Hew Ice. 3 bdrm. all elec. Bendlx. 2 car garage. Breezeway, 925 oross nr. lie. sen. P.H.A. terms. Call bldr. 4-262 lnnnlntmnt. 3 MAKE OFFER . . i t.Bf nlna nil if wanted. Conveniently arranged, Nicely located. Asking price $8400. FHA terms Drive by 1562 Rune fit. Call Walt Mus- grave. .Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 fOBCWBlCr -- a4l READY TO MOVE IN completely iurniiieu. u, modern cottage with utility room and garage. Jjo- nas inoum invu w anotner nous. wu v" Price $1500. TCNftLEWOOD Owner leaving city, attractive strictly mooera s year ora numc 1 up, yard landscaped and fenced. Price $11,600. F.H.A. terms. Call Bon Walter Musgrave Realtor 1111 Edgewaier ro. Eves. 39939. 4S0O acre, 120 N. Elma Avenue, Four Comers district. 14600 In Aumsville a nice, new, two bedroom; Immediate possession. 14750 Two acres, 255 E. Ewald Avenue; stream, native trees; immediate pos session. aaoisn am aio South 24th street. PLEASED TO SHOW ANY OF ABOVE AT ANY TIME SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 1 N. High Bt. Phone 37660 Ev. Phones 36606 34591 - 30030 BY OWNER lfanbrlD Gardens. 2 bedroom house with s finished rooms In full base ment. Forced air oil furnace. Large patio. 420 Manbrln Drive. Ph. 27278. a37 XabGE OLDER 6 -bedroom house, large eomer lot Epglewood district. Full base ment, oil furnico heat, completely fur nished. Reduced to 18500, will take small acreat.4 as part of payment. Phone 2-0595 evenings. a37 1 BDRMS., l-.d llv. rm., din, rm., Inside iitiutv. udwd. firs., large lot. Will tru e iOT older hse. 250 West Rural. PtOIPIO liner, 23 ft. Complete. How ard Trarier Park, 3560 Portland Rd. a3fl FOR BALI New 2 rm. furn. cnbln to bo moved. Make offer. 3095 Portland rd. a3B Unusual Bargain, $3300 Have you wanted space to live where children can play to be happy? This is It. About acre, lots of fruit, play yard, ' garden space, picnic grounds, shade tree At a. creek too. Neat new house to chicken house. Better hurry on this. OlOBo to town. . Near School, $7950 Hew, 3 large bedrooms, large living room, laundry room inside. Adornblo kitchen nook. This Is Just a dream. Large lot. Easy terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 460 K. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. 2-0126 a38 tM DOWN MOVES YOU IN. Compare these features. LAD rms., 3 BR dn. (stairs to unfln. rms. up), kit. to bath. Ooved ceilings, fireplace, - all hdwd. floors, ven. blinds, attached garage. This la well const.. In choice neighborhood, jr. Bast. Near store to bus. Immed. poss. $9130. Payments Incl. Int., taxes to Ins. WEAR XEIZER SCHOOL STORES. This Is a very good 2 BR home, upstairs is floored, room for 2 more, lot 120x133, dole, garage. $11,500 with small dn. pay't. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Sxcluelve Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l, St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-D9B0 I a40 tFOR SALE LOTS ; FAIRMOUNT HILL 3tlce level 50x100 ft. Int. with 2 ear ; garage. Location at North side of ; Washington St. between Fir to Falr- ) mount St. Will take new pickup In ;' trade. Oood opportunity for builder. ' Price $3,000, Cash or terms. Call Severn 1 84016. Eve. 38213. nn3R FOR SALE FARMS GOOD INCOME HERE with few cows, ; hens, berries, fruit, to green house bus. ' 13 Vi rich acres few miles out, on pvmt., I close to school to store. Good 2 mt ; home, barn, pltry. hse. Ac 1b e. green ; hse. with heating plant. A special buy at $9750, Small Investment required. ONION A MINT FARM. Approx. 30 A., . Incl. 10 A of that doep rich LAKE LA 1 BISH BEAVER-DAM SOIL, bnl. is first class loam. Yr, round strtinm, for Irrlg, A choice loc. few miles from Salem. Road on 2 sides, nidus, consist of mod. 3 BR home, bsmt. to furnace, barn. 5 adj. A good Beaver-dam available. Out of state owner will tnkr small pymt. down, bal. at 6. SEE THIS TODAY. $26,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Prrsoniil Service 164 S. Com'l, St. Ph. 3-B3H9. Eve. 3-tllH!l. FOR SALE ACREAGE BT OWNER: 33 Acres 4 mV'N.W. Building sites, view. Level, fruit. $4,050. Terms. Ph. 3-7236. bb37 Y OWNER ft acres, modern 3 BR home, nice yard, 3 small chlx hses, new small barn. No dealers please I Might rrnt. Illness forcei sale. Ph. 38180. bb38 ACREAGE FOR SALE I acres nice, comfortable, well con structed house. Living R., 2 bdrms., bath, large kitchen, utility. Double garage. 30 ft. well fully automatic water sys tem. Seven miles out Wallace Road. A real buy, only $6500. Call D. N. Sermon or Mr. Thomas, Phone 3-9131. bb39 REAL ESTATE $8500. NEAR LESLIE 6CH. Neat clean 3 JJK home, has lse. living rm., big kitchen to nook, inside util ity rm., automatic heat, att. gar,, lawn A shrubs in. pvd. at. to walks. $11,500. HOLLYWOOD Home to Income, lower floor for own er has 2 BR, full bath, kitchen A nook, living At dining rms., fireplace, oil fur nace. Insulated to weather strip., plus 1100 mo. Income from 2 furnished apartments. 11 BLOCKS to DOWN TOWN 150x150 corner lot. Sis. are pvd. Zoned for churches, apt, house or duplex, has old 3-story bouse with 3 apts. $15,300. Ph. 2-6680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 2-8704- 2-7769 , 3-5413. c33 ir YOU WISH to sell, exchange, or rent your property Phone 2-3551 Cluett & Kenyon Real Estate 19B0 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Flla Oluett, F. C. Kenyon, Fred Freler 3B Ore., Monday, February 13, 1950 REAL ESTATE $500 Down $50 per Mo, Modern suDuroan nome c ose in. bdrms., dining rm., garage. Price $4750. $600 Down $50 per Mo, 2 bdrm. home in city north. Extra Ige. lot. Garage. Price $5850. $750 Down $52 per Mo, Nearly new 2 bdrm. home suburban NE on acre. Hdwd. firs., nook, utility rm. Price $6300. 1V Acres Cute 214 bdrm. home. Fir trees. Rm. for cow and chickens. Located In Hazel- green District. Price $6850. $1500 down. 8 Acres Very nice country home. 4 bdrms. 4 yrs. old. Chick hse.. brooder hse.. small barn. Rich Willamette silt soil. Ideal setup for chickens or turkeys. Located east, Price $10,750. Consider small home In town as part payment. 30 Acres Modern Z bdrm. home. Good large barn Chick, hse. Yr. stream. Spring. Ideal for small dairy setup. Located east. Price $0500. HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-0613. Eves, to Sun. Ph. 2-8651 or 2-3821. c38 BEST BUYS Happy Days in the Country Hi ACRES with 6 rm. home. Some fin ish work to be done, clec. heat, 3 'j ml. from Salem. Total prlco $7500. Eves, Ph. 3-473S or 3-3558. 1 ACRE close In north, very clean 2 BR home. Lots of shrubs to trees, garage, private well, nice setting. Approx. 1 blk. to bus. Total price $7900. Ideal for retired couple. Eves, ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. SO ACRES near small town close to Salem. 6 rm, home, 30x40 barn. All kinds of ber ries. 10 acres irrigated. See this one lor $iz,doo. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. S ACRES east, modern home almost new. winameue sou, garage, cnicKcn nouse. 6 ml. from Salem. Total price $6800. Eves. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Very Desirable District Very nice new home, never been lived in. Spacious rooms, Insulation, weather stripped, oil heat, fireplace, attached garage, corner lot. Immediate possession. jjzuu aown. a goon ouy. isvea. pit. 2-7074 or 3-355B. Four Bedrooms Elec. heat, insulated, large living, din ing rooms, only 4 yrs. old. If you have a large family this is It. Will accept a good lot as part payment. Total price only 40300. eves. ph. 2-7674 or 3-353H. Apartment Older type In good condition. Close to state house. Total net income average $438 per mo. All units furnished, very clean, onsement. rriv. oath in each unit, oil heat. Total price only $21,100. Teims. Eves. ph. 2-7674 or 2-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Eealtors 3035PorUand Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596. c3B WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Listings on homes, lots, business, acre ages, and farms, ED, LUKINDEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Ph. 2-6680. ca38 WE ARE In need of good houses to sell in or near aaicm. 11 you witb to list your property for sale see GRAFIENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca MODERN 3 bedroom, $10,000 to $11,000. M. u. urcnaman, oj u ai., uswego. tn. 6511. j ca38 NOTICE' If your property is for sale. rent or exchange, list It with us. We have nil kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Lot $2,000 eo it. irontage on Edgewater near KOCO. A good Investment buy. Call Walt Musgrave. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Kdgewater Ph. 3-5109 cd41- GARAGE and service station in Woodburn on No. 89 highway. Lot size 106x193. Five car repair garage, hoist, compressor, etc., two gas pumps (1600 Gal. storage) also two bedroom dwelling. Price tH.000, Terms $2,000 plus inventory, balance monthly. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. Phones 26608 - 24391 - 20020 cd38 PnOTO STUDIO, centrally located, com plete wun oraers on nana. urig. price $1750. will take $750 cash. Write Cap ital Journal Box 370. cd40 WANTED: Experienced sheetmetal man, as partner In going plumbing business. Box 361 Capital Journal. cd30 Service Station - - $6,200 2 pumps and repair shop. Oood terms. Eve. 3-0473 5 Completely Furnished Apartments - $20,000 Walking distance to everything. Income $230 a month. Eve. 2-0473 Court & Apartment $36,500 Income $350 a month and 5 room living quarters. Eve. 2-0473 Dress Shop - $1250 and Inventory Oood apot lor 1 person. Cve. 2-0473 NO PHONE INFORMATION, PLEASE J, F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7758 CftTJ AUCTIONS EXTRA LARGE Auction TUES., FEB. 14 7:30 P.M. SHARP GLEN WOOD BALLROOM, 4'.fc MILES N. ON OPE. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS OF ALL KINDS INCLUDED 3 bed suites, complete, 2 0x13 rims. Walnut chest. Walnut vanity. Slipper chair. Hollaway bed, complete, g) Thor wnsher. Laundry tubs. Lino, rugs to yardaga. OH circulator. Mnns bicycle. Tricycle. 3 Chrome Dinettes. 6 pc. wood dinette. 2 budetts. 4x6 wool rues. 6 end to cocktail tables. 9 3 new floor lamps. U.ted floor lamis. Now table to boudoir lamps. Guitar to mandolin. Violin. RCA radio combination. Kneeliole to drop desks. Occasional chairs. Swing rockers. Da vp no suites, new to uied (3). Iloasler Kitchen Cabinet. Lrge wardrobe. More beds. Banjo clock. Throw tag. Vacuum cleaners. Kitchen tranh burner. Ditties, utcn.ills. S Small appliances. Crib to mattress. Telephone table many more items Come friends a save GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER Ph. K-5110 PATS CASH OR SELLS ON COMMISSION (km To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 (FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS WALNUT PARK HOME 3 bdrm. lee. llv. rm. with fireplace, lovely d)n. rm., lse. kitchen, brkfst. nook, full basmt., auto-heat, lovely fenced yard. TO SEE THIS HOME CALL EARL WEST. ROOM TO BREATHE Plenty of room in this attractive home. 4 bdrms., den, lots of closet space, lge. llv. to din. rms.. kitchen Ac nook, dble. plbg., garage, fenced back yard, auto-oil heat. Price $11,500. CALL PETER OEISER. ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST All brick home, hdwd. firs, thruout, lge. liv. rm. to din .rm., brkfst. nook, den to music rm. 4 bdrms., 2 complete baths, full basmt., dble. garage, beau tiful grounds. Priced below replacement cost. CALL ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Getser 3-S988 - Earl West 2-060S a3 2225 2235 2 BEDR0OM3 LARGE LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM KITCHEN, lots of bullt-ins FIREPLACE LANDSCAPING PRICE $9750 EACH - TERMS Wm. T. J. Foster HOME 1550 BAKER ST. AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE On Sunday, February 19, 1950 at 90 rruitaaic uiwe, umiiu Pons, Oregon, oeginning at n a.m.. covering approximately $85,000.00 worth of LogBing and Machine Shop equip ment. Write for hand-bill to PAOIFIC AUCTION CO., C. W. GRAHAM and n a MORRISON. Auctioneers. Highway 99 South, P.O. Box 246, Grants Pass. Orenon. dd37 FURNITURE FOR SALE pii AiHTif'Al.l.Y NEW davenport to chair. Price reasonaoie. n. ziimj. ioio . FOR SALE Used daveno, $25. Must sell by Feb. 26. Apt. 10, uua n. vapiw. toseatj6jn.j WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRY, Ph. 35110 FURNITURE A APPLIANCES wanted. Top cash price paid on tne spot, no suss or bother. Just call 3-8538. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. O. Mccandlisn, iin o. in. fa. sain. ea50" LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. I . E. Sne 21345. ca43 then, 1550 Lancaster ur. fa. RABBITS rabbits. 3085 State. Ph. PETS CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ect'. DRY FIR furnace wood. Immediate de livery. Ph. 4-2477. ec40 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Qreen Edging $5.50 load Double $10.0 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 West Salem Fuel Co. dry: planer ends dry block wood dry slab wood SCREENED BAWDUST DIESEL to STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edge water West Salem CLL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends to Block Wood Ph. 1-6444 ee PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak. ash, to maple. 4 stub nnd Ms In us. Ph. 3-1458. FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter, now avail able every Tues. Koi Hatchery. 3830 Stnte St. Ph. 3-4969. PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA to timothy. By ton or truck load. BUS S. 13th. Ph. 2-9923 IMS' EASTERN ALFALFA HAY Ph. S-145K HELP WANTED W.lNTF.n Man and wife to keep house for elderly gentleman nnd shnre home. iJ8 E. Cleveland, Woodburn. Tel. H ELP WANTED MALE K.i rH'MlllNG repair man for steady work. Oprn shop, state lie, desired. Box 371 Capital Journal. gn37 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTFD: YOUNG Wo.nan for office and BteuoKrnphlc work. Experience not neces sary. Call Mr. McCormlck at 34831 for appointment, between 9 a m. to 5 p.m. BMP' WANTED SALESMAN WANTED 3 salesmen to work a city 3365 gg37 property. Sullivan Realty Portland Rd. Co. INSULATION, experienced salesman. New revolutionary product. At long last something different. A mm ln. Exciting demonstration makes sales ejy. Exclu sive territory. Competition eliminated. Ph. 23462, between 9 to 10 a.m. Dlst. Mnnntitr. gg LO N N V K m: n"I N V V. NTIOx EstablUhed Company. Every home, factory, store, farm a prospect. Low price, long prof it. Exclusive. Fine outfit. No deposit. Information sent airmail. Write: Red Comet, Inc., Dept. 563G2, Littleton. Colo. ac37 you desire a future. H you can meet the public. If you have self confidence. If you are a hard worker not hour conscious, there ls n professional po sition for g man with the.e qualifica tions. Car necessary, prefer married man. Stnte all qualifications in first letter. Write Capital Journal Bm 373. gg38 WANTBO: ENERGETIC REAL ES TATE SALESMAN NOW ACTIVE IN SELLING REAL ESTATE TO TAKE CHARGE OF OUR REAL ESTATE OFFICE ON 70 BASIS. KXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUN 1 T Y FOR RIOHT MAN. CALL AT 313 N. HIUH ST. FOR INTERVIEW. a38 IFOR SALE HOUSES Breyman Breyman AUTO OIL HEAT VENETIAN BLINDS HARDWOOD FLOORS THRUOUT UTILITY ROOM PLASTERED GARAGE TO BE DONE BUILDER PH. 29853 WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. hfll DECORATING. Reas. Don Lucero, 3-5522. PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to el derly lady. Box 365 Capital Journal. h3 YOUNG LADY thoroughly experienced as stenographer, payroll clerk As bookkeep er would like to maintain office at home for 2 or 3 contractors or small firm. Excellent character to ability ref erences. Write Capital Journal Box 374. h42 NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, 6 DAYS. AGES 2 TO 5. HR. 7:30 TO . PH. 24040. h56' WANTED: Janitor work. Exper. Ph. 3-4218 1)38 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093 h57" TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar W H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h59 EXP. brush painter. Free est. Guaranteed. Reas. Ph. 3-9732. h49 NURSES BY HOUR, week or live in. Ph. 3-5072. h5fl Practical Nurses' Registry. Mimeographing-Typing Poe's 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 h52' EXPER. Interior decorator. Free estimates. Qua ran teed, reasonable. Ph. 3-9732. hal' my home. Ph. 33611 h3B TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne, 246 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h45 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h&3 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 1-4850. FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT sleeping rm. for man. 1050 Nor way. Ph. 2-4547. Jk40 ATTRACTIVE ROOM, private home, gen tleman, 865 N, summer, pn. 3-6368, Jk37' LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Hot plate Gentleman. Ph. 3-3028. Jk40 HOLLYWOOD. 2033 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093 jk50 LARGE SLEEPING rm. Couple or em ployed lady. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 36459, Jk3fl' NICELY FURN. Heated. Ladles preferred. 539 N. Winter. JJc58 SLEEPING, light hsekpg. rms. Pb. 3-4335 jk55 SINGLE SLEEPING rm. 473 N. Liberty. Jk37 MAN'S sleeping room, auto, heat, prlv. bath and ent. Ph. 3-9043. Jk.38' WELL FURN. sleeping room, close In h. and e. water. Men only. 737 Center. Jk38 Near bus. Jk39 ROOM for employed gentleman. Attrac the, warm, outside entrance. Ph. 3-4248 Jk42 double and Jk46' FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 ROOM APT, in attractive court. Refrlg., range to auto laundry. Convenient to stnte bldgs., unlv., and bus. 907 S. 13th after 10 a.m. Jp40 2 RM. FURN. electric stove to refrig. $3(f Ph. 3-7176. Jp37 LARGE, UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apt. Electric stove to auto, heat included. Private bath. Ph. 37773 or 1437 N, 4th. Jp39' FURN. 3 big rooms, priv. ent. to bathi phone, laun., facilities. 1431 N. Cottage. iP39 NEW V-KOOM nit. Prlv. bath, part turn, Adults. 1047 Madison. Jp37' NEW APTS. 3 or 3 rm. to bath. Partly furn, 1065 Madrona before 10 or after 4. JP42. upstairs, reasonable. JP41- LOVELY 3 RM. court apt. Range, refrlg. laundry. Conv to Cnpttol and univer sity. Iteason able. Ph. 22597. Jp38 CLEAN quiet warm 1 rm. apt. Middle agea latty prcierrea. B45 rerry. JP38 TWO-ROOM apartment., first floor. Prl- N te ba t h . 483 M arlon S t. J p3 7 RM. FURN. apt. newly redecorated. Close-In north $37.50. Burt Picha, Realtors, 379 N. High. 2-3649 or 2-5240. JP37' B.R. APT, LR, kitchen, bath, utility, garage. Refrlg, sanitary service furn ished. Near Grant school. After 6 p.m call 3245. Jp38' MODERN FURN. 1 bdrm. cottage. S33 2 miles north of Brooks on she. month. OK for baby. Inquire Rose Cottages af ter a p.m. JpJ' 3 APARTMENTS. Phone 3-5838. iP' FOR RENT HOUSES IV 3 room partly furn., clean, gar ie 45 month. 3560 Portland Rd. Jm I BDRM. unfurn. house. Ph. 35641. Jm38 ItDKM. house. Fully modern, electric heat. Close in. Call at 670 N. Church. JnU3 RM. HOt'SF. 243 Chemeketa. Inquire square ueai mow re. to. aw cnemeketa. Ph. 33924. After 6, 35M9. Jm39 CLEAN, MOD. turn. 3 rm., gar., taund. 2 adults, no pets. 3845 Portland Rd. Jm39 4 RM. HOUSE, ehtcken house. RL . ue Leon, oervaii, ore. RM HOUSE, garage to shed. Prefer elderly people. l ji'JSt. Jm37 0 FT. cabin to a worthy pen(oneror veteran couple. Very reasonable rent. Box 351 Capital Journal. Jm37 REAL ESTATE A GOOD FARM 180 A. farm. 70 A. under cultivation. consisting of Chehalls to Willamette son. moo. rm. plastered nome. Elec, lights to pump. Barn 30x40 ft., poultry nouse Ac shed, renced. spring on place. School bus, Ford tractor with full equipment. Will take inc. property in Salem on purchase price. The price Ls $22,700 to carries a mortgage of $4000. Johnson. JUST LISTED Nice home located at 2381 State St. Business Zone No. . airmr leaving Sa lem As wishes to sell completely furn ished. Ideal location for Doctor's Office or other business. Plenty of traffic, $10,000 takes it. Kiggins. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. High St. Eve: Crawford, 2-5390 Office: 2-3649 Johnson, 3-7451 OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS NEAT SMALL HOME Located North, 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, large lot. Just $4800, FOR TRADE Small 2 bedroom home on Falrmouot Hill for larger home (This home ls on a beautiful lot 50x150). House is on back of lot, plenty of room for new home on front. $5850. BUSINESS LOCATION Located in the 700 block on N. Commercial St. Has old house (usable for warehouse or office). Good business site, $7400. MORE ROOM FOR LESS MONEY 13x20 living-room, 4 bedrooms, corner lot, insulated and weather stripped, well constructed and well arranged. North, $9400. NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME NORTH 20TH 2 bedrooms up, 2 down, all good sized, oil heat, oak floors. $2000 down, full price Just $11,500. ONE OF THE "ELITE" HOMES OF SALEM Lovely 3 bedroom home located South. Fine view of city and mountains, some of the outstanding features are 19x26 living-room, 18x18 dining-room sealed basement with party room, rock fireplace and bar, double set plumb ing, master bedroom with drsslng room. To see this fine home call 2-4115 for appointment. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court Street Phone 2-4115 - 2-4116 Eve. Bob Sullivan 3-6770 - Pat Kemper 2-5207 - Henry Torvend 3-3633 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J61 BUSINESS RM. for rent, a U. Stiff. RENT Wheelchairs and hospital beds Buren, 3-7775. 745 Court St. J62 DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. SINGES ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates, rree pick up A. delivery. Singer Sewing Machine co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512. J' lOOD USED PIANOS. B. L, Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J' POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrlal use. Howser Bros Ph. 3-3646 r TRAILERS S3.00 per day. Bowser Bros 14 lu 6 12th, West Salem. tc DO a wood lob rent a good floor Sand er. We sell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-364 J' WANTED TO RENT 3 OR 4 bdrm. house. Steadily employed. References. Ph. 2-7246. Ja46 BY MARCH 1ST 2 B.R. unfurn. house. Prefer Englewood Dist. Ph. 3-3400, Mr. Parker. Ja39 WANTED 1 or 2 bdrms. house or apt. Eve. 2-0473 CALL MR. LeOLERC J. P. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7756. Ja37' LOST & FOUND FOUND Jacket Mon. at D St. Ph. 3-7972. LOST: Black purse containing billfold to valuable papers. Kewara. BOX i u Aumsville. k38 LOST: Br. billfold near Benson Bakery. Return to Mary Chastain, 550 Water St., Apt, 4, or Shrocdcr's Grocery. k37 LOST: Green canvas bag, containing blankets, and personal effects. Call Naval Air Facility. Ph. 2-8494. Reward, k38 LOST: Dodge car keys downtown, Reward. 466 Water St. MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 464 Court. we ciose aaturoays is:jo. ma r SPENCER CORSETIERE. Call 3-5072. xn47 MUSIC LESSONS Piano violin. State accredited. STUDIO. PH. 2-6013. ftl44 DENTAL PLATE REPAIH 2- SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State to Commercial Sts, SALEM Phone 3-3311. m BUILDING MATERIAL MOUNTAIN CEDAR shingles, 4 grades, low priced. No. 3's only $3 square. Ce dar shakes In carton $12 sq. Under course included. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5831 1 mile N. of Kclzer. ma40a MOUNTAIN SHINGLES No. 1 $8.25 sq. No. 2 5.50 sq. No. 3 3.00 sq. C. G. LONG Ph, 2-5831. One mile north of Kelzer. ma42 ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber. mlUwork. hard ma terials, hardware, floor covering, el ectric appliances, paints, insulation. roofing and house wares for as little as 10 down on a purchase of $20 up to $300, Small, easy monthly payments taKe care of tne rest. Make It easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD At that convenient location Front and Court Streets, Salem, ma1 Special Shipment Dry kiln 1x6" B. flooring, or roof and sioewau sneatning. uneaper tnan snip lap. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front to Court Sts. Salem, ma' FOrSALEMTsETuNTotjr ELECTRIC National cash register. Good conouion. pn. 3-7tno days. n37 WRECKING HOUSE, built Ins. windows. ooors, piaster ooara. jsiu uaraen Rd. n37 MAYTAG used washer. Good cond. 675 n37 . 12th. Ph. 3-9978. SUMP PUMP to fittings. G. E. motor, used 1 day. Ph. 2-1318. 3460 Center. n37 HOTPOINT electric range, 2120 Center. n37 STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railings. In stock, made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n40 GENERAL ELECTRIC. Crosley, Gibson. and Montag Appliances at Gevurtz. n FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant- Ph. 3-8357. n37 G. E. WASHER General Electric washer. All white. Demonstrator. With pump. Was $139.95, now $90 with 1 year guarantee. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n37 Electric ranges. $19.95 it dp. Y EATER APPLIANCE CC. 373 Chemeketa SINGLE GARAGE door hardware $12.00. 'inayer oaoy ouggy lis, cost new $40. 1583 Market. Ph. 39409. n39 USED Electric Refrigerators, $49.95 to up TtATEK APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n VACUUM CLEANER New General Electrle vacuum eleaner. Upright. Full guarantee. $29.95. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n37 OAKS battery brooder, 1340 chick capa city, ko ue, Amuy, Oregon. . n3s tt HEELER steromatic baby buggy, teeter oaoe a piatioxm rocker. s Ratcmi Drive. 3i REAL ESTATE 1615 CANDLEWOOD 3 Rm. all-elec. home on A. eor. lot high 'n dry just $2500. $1000 will handle. Crawford. TRAILER COURT 3 B R. Home, duplex Ac mod. trailer court, plenty rm, to expand on thli Vt in uuy limits. 121,000. Crawford, FINE 5 B.R. HOME Drive by 366 N. Capitol and see what a nice home this is. This is an exception ally fine home and ls the best location in Salem for an Apt. House. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB the tenants, but Phone for an appointment, Kiggins. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WE HAVE a complete line of cnrHon fnnl. ttt popular prices, wncn shopping come in and be convinced. "For a Sou are Deal" see Square Deal Hdwre. Co. 263 Chemeketa. Ph. 33D24. n42' small high grade piano in excellent conaition, very reasonable. 1690 So. Cot- tge at,. 1,391 BLOND Spinet Piano. Ph. 3-4641. n41 PIANO ACCORDION like new. Ph. 34641. HAY for sale. Frank Krauger, Rt. uox 18, independence. Ph. 14F22. n38 WALLING SAND to GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive. ways, cement, ready concrete, garden sauu. ouiiaozing, drainage ana alien ing, K-yd. shovel to drag line. Ph. 3-9249 n .ir . NEW whlt gas range, 387.50, .mallei, gooa cona. 137.30. Pa. 3-6657 oetore a. tn. or alter 5 p. m. n38 USED RADIOS s record players, $9.95 Up YEATER APPLIANCJC CO 375 Chemeketa n" BEAT your home electrlcalry with West- ingnouse or wesin automatic electric neawira. XJUtxiuc AffL,lAHCS CO Chemeketa. PHILLIPS BROS rvriuizers, well rotted or iresh, any kl '. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock wort Cedar fence posts. Telephone na eiec. poies. Any length. Shingles. Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Bt. 6, Box 118. n THOR WASHER Thor washer. Very good condition. $39.95 EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n37 NO WAKING required witb PLA8TTC- KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa CONLON IRONER Conlon Rotary Ironer. 30 Inch rolls. Floor sample. Was $199.95. Now $139. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 30 COURT ST. HIT WELL SOTTED fertiliser. 14 yard, or fiOc jack In 10 sack orders. Ph. 2.864B. n3 DEEP FREEZE $40. at 315 8. 18th. n38 2-WHEELED TRAILER. Good cond. Set at 1590 cross St. after 5:30 p.m. B38- G. E. WASHER General Electrle washer. Very good condition. $35. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n31 range. SALEM SAND to GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer & Basement Equipment Rente! 15 B a yds. 10 B yds. D-7 Cat to Dozer D-6 Cat to Dozer D-4 Cat to Doser See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon n OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 119.15 np 375 Chemeketa n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Barki. Douglas fir poles or stumpage. Ph. 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole to Piling Co., Inc. na2 SEWING MACHINE any cond Ph. 3-7671. na41 PERSONAL DID YOU KNOW that Spencers are made lor cniidren too? Ph. 3-5072. Eve. ph. 3-1619. p37- MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 P.m. oauy 173 s.com'l. under new man agement. With this ad and 31.00 get a special reading. Ph. 3-9365. p48 STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 39307. p59 N"'LT: Ordained Psychic advisor and Psychologist for all Personal Problemi. Ap:. 103 - 550 N. Summer St. No phone calls, please. p38 WILL NOT be responslb'e for any debts ouier man mose made by myself as of February 13. 1950. Warren C. Gaub. p38 AUTOMOBILES '33 PONTIAC 3. 4 door, $150. Call 35381. 7- 1941 CHEVROLET SEDAN New motor. Dew paint and seat eor ers. Car ls A-l throughout. 1695. ELSNER MOTOR CO. 333 N. HlJh St. q40 Buick Factory Delivery Save $268 to $305 OTTO J. WILSON CO. 0.43- BEST CAR value in town 3345. '37 Hud- son cpe., new paint and battery, '43 en Ilne, Id. tires, RAH. 3695 D St. P. 33143 O.40 Buick Factory Delivery save $268 to $305 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Eisner Motors Fine Cars Buick Factory Delivery save $268 to $305 OTTO J. "7ILS0N ro. 043' 1334 rOBD coup, 113. Ph. J93W. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY . 1950 FORD Custom "8" 4-dr. sedan. Radio, heater, ww tires. This car carries new car guarantee. Here ls your chance to gave on tnat new car. LEE'S USED CARS itO M. Church Ph. 2-1S57 qx3T 1949 DEMONSTRATORS DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 150 W. Com'l. Ph. 3-3175. 0X39' 1940 PLYMOUTH $495 Deluxe club coupe. Black color. Very clean Interior. Extra good tires. Come in buy now and save. Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - SERVICE - PLYMOUTH QUALITY USED CARS 495 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4117. 0,x37 '41 Plymouth $395 3-door sedan. Radio to heater. Oood enoughtransportatlon for anyone. STAN BAKER MOTORS Union at High. Ph. 2-2468. qx37" Requirements for the use of this special section .... 1 Dealers must submit their copy before 4 p.m. day previous to publication. 2 Each car must be an exceptional value. 3 Capital Journal reserves the right to refuse to publish any listing It feels Is not a special value. AUTOMOBILES 1040 STUDE. Champ. 4-door. Heater, over drive. Good cond. Must be sold immed Ph. 3-8976. q39 ZEEB'S USED CARS BCT7 TERU8 SELL TRAD 1 LOTS 332S Fairground 130 Hood 8k Ph. 3-8434 Ph 1-7714 Buick Factory Delivery Save $268 to $305 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Eisner Motors to Buy Buick Factory Delivery Save $268 to $305 OTTO J. WILSON CO. q42 1937 TERRAPLANE 6; motor recently com pletely overnauied: good tires: runs well; much good transportation. For sale by owner, fnone 330H3. q LOG TRUCK & trailer. Will take late mo- aei car as part. 1258 N. 6th. q37" 30 Dodge panel. Good 28026, 2150 S. Com'l. cond. q42 Eisner Motors to Sell AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR REBUILT MOTORS EX.. INSTALLED COMPLETE CHEV. COMPLETE $100.00 FORD MODEL A 136.95 FORD V-8 174.95 PLY. 34 to 40 184.50 DODGE 204.50 Fleck & Neufeld Garage souu eitverion tta. rn. 42054 qc38 Brake Reline Special ON FORD - CHEVROLET - PLYMOUTH $13.00 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM EXTRA Fleck & Neufeld Garage S9UO SMVertOO Rd. , Pn. 43054 qc38 FINANCIAL SOUND, SAFE BUSINESS Investment. Money Maker, call for appointment. Eve. 2-0473 CALL MR. LeCLERO J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 court Btreet. Ph. 3-7756. r37' AUTO LOANS WTLLAMETTTE CREDIT CO. 182 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-3457 Llo. No. M-139 8-154 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. 33-333 and U-333 and ROT B. snmoNs nreuRANCB and loans Hear "Top Trade," 13:05 dally R.S.L.U. 1390 Rc'sll 130 8. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4Ar. and Sr. YOU OWN TERMS ol repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estat, Contracts ano second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-2283. $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. i98r Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 Lie No. M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. i MONEY $25 TO $500 quickly, privately, without embarrass ment. $25 to $500 on Auto, up to $300 on Salary. No co-signers necessary. Em ployer, relatives or friends not noti fied. Phone or visit Personal's YES MAN TODAY he says "Yes" to 4 out of 6 loan requests. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Pacific Building Room No. 125 518 STATE STREET Phone 2-2464 c. R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. S.-132-M-165 Loans made to residents of all surrounding towns r40" BE THRIFTY IN '50 . "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY MAKE YOU "THRIFTY IN '5l' PAY OFF YOUR BILLS LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PRONE TODAT PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS S. LIBERTY PHONE 4-330! SEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4V4 INTEREST S to 40 Years and No Commission DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 144 State St, phone 3-36S3 r '48 OLDSMOBILE "66" CLUB COUPE Hydramatlc drive. One owner. Like new. $1395 VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save 463 Center Ph. 8-7873. qx37" 1936 PONTIAC 4 door sfdan. Lie. to ready to roll. Coma to get It. $69.50 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeketa at Church Ph. 3-7933. qx37 WILSON'S 1949 CHEVROLET STYLINE 4-DOOR SEDAN Fully equipped. Two tone sreen finish. 1,700 actual miles. $1695 OttoJ.WilsonCo. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER qx37 1935 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Better than average. Huns good. $95 AYNBEE MOTORS 540 Union Ph. 2-0703. qxS7J 1946 CHEVROLET Coupe. New paint. Radio to heater. $880 BONESHEELE SALES & SERVICE 370 N. Church. Ph. 3-9277. qx37 FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Term On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. 81MMONDS 126 South Commercial St. Phone 2-9161 TRAILERS HOUSE trailer like new. Steel body. Part ly furn., $275.00. Capital Hop Farm, Rt. 2, Box 201, Salem, Ore. t37 '48 PACIFIC Liner, 23 ft. complete. How ard Trailer Park, 3560 Portland Rd. t42 7' TRAILER house, equipped wfth new all gas heater, cook stove, daveno 1- rpCKer. in. 47BJ Albany. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen 456 Court Phong 3-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serr ice. Free estiates. Trade-ini accepted on new appliances. Vince'e Eleetrle. Ph. 3-0239. 157 8. Liberty fit. o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-9316. Might 2-1804. 333 Center. BUILDING CARPENTRY New and remodeling contractor. Resi dential to commercial. W. E. Sehrunk Ph. 3-4505. of Remodel, repair that home now. Terms, raitymw Ave, ca. a-3i4g, Salem. o37 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fairvlew Ave, h. 3-3146. Salem. o37 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register. All makes sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o" CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patleg, curbs, walls, ate. Call 2-4850. fl CHIMNEY SWEEP OH stove, furnace chimneys vacuumed cleaned. Ensley, 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. 052 EXCAVATING Ben Otjen to Son excavating fc grading, EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph, 4-2474. Lee Cross, Rt. I, Box 437-C. 052 Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 2-9179. o" HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co. products. Free de llvery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5395. o LANDSCAPE NURSERY F. A. Doerfler At Sons, Ornamentals. 1SI N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 2-1322. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 346 Jef ferson St. Phone 23452, o LAWNMOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l. St. o52 LAWN MOWERS to KNIFE SHARPENER At Ur Door grinding, lawn mowera, scls sors, knives. Dexter's Ph. 3-6833. o" MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief eases, ierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court. PAINTING Elfstrom'i are equipped painting. Phone 2-2493. to do your PAINTING to PAPERHANGPfO Painting to paperbanging. Frea estl mate. 657 Shipping. Ph. 3-9513. o59" PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON PH. 2-9348. o62 Expert Paperhanglng and Painting. H. J. Woodsworth. Ph. 3-9807. Fret est. Free2e damage repairs. Ph. 2-9358. q57 Flsher,170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-3964. 050 Contract, repair. Olenn Moody, 3-4428. OJS PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing. Hutcheun Paint Store. Phone 3-3-6687. ROTO ROOTER Call Electric Roto Rooter for clogged sewers, drains. Ph. 3-5327. o SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soli, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating, Walling Sand to Gravel Co., Phone 3-9249. e Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7803. 1293 N. 8th. 049" , SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hemel, septfo tanks, sewer and arain line cleaned. Guaranteed work 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 042 Mikes Septic Service. Tank cleaned Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 1-9461. 1-5337. 057" Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call ui collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service, 550 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. o (Continued on Page 17)