Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 13, 1950, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Capita! Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday; February 13, 1950
Hotter Than Toast,
Melba Tallies 102 Points
Landis, N. C Melba Over-
"eash, Landis high's six-foot-seven
forward, probably establish
ed a high school record for :
regulation girls' game recently
with 102 points.
v "I Just wanted to score 66
t points in a game," she said after
a the East Spencer high game
' which her team won, 107-35.
" "I knew that a girl In South
"Carolina (Miss Nan Eaddy of
-.Hemingway high) scored 65
-I points in a single game and I
-,-wanted to better that record."
Ji" The tall Junior who is only
Vl6 years old collected 79 points
3 In the first half.
"I didn't want to shoot too
-''much but the other forwards,
-realizing that I had a good
-.-chance of beating the 65 scored
iby the South Carolina girl, kept
repassing me the ball and yelling
i to shoot. So I did. But I probab
T,,ly won't do that again."
tJ-7 lanky lass?
J. "I have received several schol
- arships and intend to go on to
1 college," says Melba. "A couple
of the professional girls' teams
2 have written me and asked if I
. were interested in playing with
" them. I replied that I would be
Z when I graduated next year."
Melba, an excellent student,
gays: "I have a lot to learn
2 about the sport, however."
Last year was her first year
Bo the team. Thus far this sea
on the team. Thus far this sea
per game.
ry'y rm::"" P4"" "'
Or i i
Averages 40 Points
Coach Finds Solution to
Sloppy Play With Retort
New York When Al Kirch-
er, Michigan State basketball
coach noticed some sloppy work
by one of his players the other
night, Al called him out and
asked: "What's wrong out
there" ... the kid alibied: "I'm
not getting the ball enough.
Coach." . . . snapped Kireher:
"Well, lit here a while and see
how often yon get It"
Cliff Kimsey, Kansas back
field coach, wants to know
where those IBA boys got their
reputations as defensive bask
etball coaches . . . Cliff once
had a team at Cedartown, Ga.,
which didn't allow a field goal
during the entire game. Cedar
town made Just one in beating
Antioch, Ga., 7-6 .. . Chief Bos
ton, New Hampshire football tu
tor, is going after the optimism
prize by scheduling spring
practice to start March 1. Out
doors? . , . Skeeter Newsome,
new manager of the Wilming
ton, Del., Blue Rocks in the In
terstate league, appeals to the
fans: "Give me all the heck you
want, but give the youngsters a
chance." ... He says it worked
wonders at Portland last sea
son . . .
Kid Gavllan, the Cuban
welterweight, figures his
third amateur bout was a bit
more rugged than his
battle with Billy Graham . . .
the kid not only had to walk
seven miles from Havana to
Palesco, but he had to carry
the ring ropes with him . . .
when he got there, he had to
help put up the ring and
then climb into it to fight, and
win, the main bout . . . good
thing he got out fast, or he
might have had to sweep out
the Joint, too.
Viljo Hcino, the Finnish dis
tance runner, claims he may
start training on cigars so he
can get used to the smoky at
mosphere at the Garden. That
should give him a strong finish
. The winner of the N.A.I.B.
basketball tournament next
month is slated to enter a play
off to pick representatives for
the pan-American games next
year . . . Cliff Summers, St.
Louis Flyers hockey star, ' un
derwent an operation which
transferred a thigh muscle to
his shoulder, which used to pop
out of place . . . now he can mus
cle in anywhere.
Clown Prince of Baseball
Tries to Recapture Dream
rnntled press Snorts Writer)
New York, Feb. IS 0J.B Al
Schacht, the clown prince of
baseball, la eating all types of
horrible midnight concoctions
trying to recapture a dream.
"The other night I had a mid
night lunch and then dreamed
that I was sitting in the stands
at Yankee stadium and they
called me out to pitch," Schacht
explained. "The bases were
loaded, with none out but heck,
that didn't bother me. The bases
were always loaded when I
"So I retired the side on
nine pitched balls nine
straight strikes, and the Yan
kees offered me a contract
for 150,000," Al continued.
"I told them rookies were
getting $100,000 to sign, sup
posedly, so I wouldn t take less
than $75,000. Then I woke
"Now," Al groaned. "I'm try
ing to eat the same thing and
finish the same dream. I want
to find out whether I got the
$75,000." You got it, Al, Just
like these other guys are get
ting $100,000. . . .
Scoop: The word Is around
that when Eddie Dyer steps
down as manager of the St.
Louis Cardinals he will be suc
ceeded by Johnny Keane, man
ager at Houston. Owner Fred
Saigh likes Keane because he
is a second edition of Billy
Southworth, a 24-hour-a-day
manager, 365 days a year. . . .
The big men are domlnat
' Ing basketball, but not every
where. Out in Peoria, Brad
ley's second leading scorer is
five foot, eight Inch Gene
Melchlorre. And the leading
corer of Bradley's freshman
team Is George Macnga only
five feet, five . . . Mel coaches
t will still take a lower scoring
even footer, though. . , .
Trainer H. M. Wool! set a
recent record in Florida which
is going to be difficult for horse
men to top. He personally sad
dled two winners on the same
afternoon at tracks 275 miles
apart. He won the second race
at Sunshine park, nenr Tampa,
and then caught a plane to Mi
ami and saddled the winner in
the eighth race at Hialeah. . . .
Three flyers. . . .
At Rochester, N. Y., press
radio polio fund dinner, Billy
Southworth of the Braves re
ceived two tic pins one as
Rochester's all-time manager
and the other as one of its all
time outfielders. He wears
the one which says: "Outfield
er." "My wife wears the one
which reads 'Manager'," Billy
Dick. DaMkel't College Basketball Power Index
EXPLANATION The Power1 Index provides s direct comparison of the -elatlve strenrih
of any two teams for this season to date. Thus, a 50.0 team has been 10 scoring points
stron r than a 40.0 team on their comparative records, in vhich scoring mar fin has
been welrhed against strength of opposition. This dues not necessarily mean that a 50.0
team should defeat a 40.0 team by exactly 10 points in the uture. Teams rarely follow
past performance that closely. Furthermore, the ratings are not adjusted for such fac
tors as home court, injuries and ineligibilities. The Dunkel system correlates records of
all colter teams and was started in 1929.
(Ration tbroar rma f Trirnmrj s)
40 national UUtn
Holy Cross 81.4 Kama
La Balle 78.3 Michigan ...
Kaniaa fitate ...7BJ Nebruks ...
CCNY 7.lCorntl
Ohio BUU 76-9 Brig. Touns
UCLA 75.1 Syracuse . . .
W. Kr. State ...74.7 Wath. State
St. John, N.Y. 74.5 Kentucky ..
Bradley 74.0 Cincinnati ..
Long Island ....73.5N. C. BUU ...68.9
Duquesne 73.4 Westm'iter, Pa. .68.9
Wisconsin 7J.3 Marsnau m.s
Louis 73.0 8. Francisco ...M.B
Indiana ......... 72.3 Bowling Greta .68.5
Belolt ..73.1 Kent. State .,..68.3
Notre Dame ....71.6 California 68.2
Illinois 71.3 Colorado 68 2
Vlllanova 71.3DePaul 67.6
Minnesota. 71.1 Oklahoma 67.1
Toledo 71.1 St. Bonavent're 67.0
In each listing below, tne team on the
left has established Itself at the favorite
by compiling a higher rating to date than
lis opponent. For example, a 50.0 team has
been 10 points stronger, per game, than a
40.0 team.
" - noma team i
Albright .....
Becker .
Brook. Poly
Cornell ,
Lincoln, Pa.
.49.7TsLeb. Valle ..M4.7
.2B.9vsKeene 8t.r 2.2
.41.4 vs King's Point ."36.0
.69.6 vs Princeton ....'63.5
44.8 vs Moravian 44.7
Loyola. Md. ,59.4 vs Catholic TJ ...
Manhattan . . .62.2 vs Wagner
Haven St. .31.6 vs WlUlmantlc St
Rutgers .
St. Michael's
VUlanova ...
Waynesburg .
ftfl.9 vs tlder
.53.0 vs Vermont ..
.71.1 vs Niagara .
71.2 vs Scran ton
52.3 vs Geneva ..,
Belolt 72.1 vs Hawaii
Bradley "74.0 vs Okla. AAU
Crelghton . ...95.1 vs So. Dakota
Pt. Hays Bt. .'59.3 vs Okla. City .
Heidelberg .. ..'56.8 vs Ashland ...
111. College ,...54.3 vs Qulncy ....
Indiana 72.2 vs Illinois ....
Lake Forest .. .41.9 vs Carroll ....
Minnesota ...71.1 vs Michigan ..
Nebraska 69.7 Vs Oklahoma ..
Ohio State ....75.9 vs Missouri 64.5
St. Vincent ....23.0 vs Steubrnvllla ..18,3
Wisconsin .....73.3 vs Iowa 66.4
Arkansas 58.5vs Texas A&U ...58.3
Auburn 5S.1 vs LSU 50.4
Bethany "44.9 vs W. Vs. Wealyo. 43.9
Cars.-New'n .. .27.3 vs King 16.3
Catawoa 36.8 vs AM. Christian .21.2
Ersklne 44.7 vs Wofford 39.6
Hizh Point ..'51.4 vs. Carolina St, 37.5
Kentuck 68 9 vs Alabama 62.4
Marshall 68.8 vs Louisville
Presby 39.0 vs Citadel 33.4
Roanoke 42.5 vs Rand. Macon 31.4
So. Carolina .. .48.2 vs Maryland 44.7
SMU 57.1vsRlce
Texas 57.9 vs TCU 54.0
Union, Ky. ...'41.1 vs Maryvllle 29.9
Vanderbllt ...'62.4 vs Miss. State ..63.9
Win. & Mary 60.3 vs No. Carolina . .55.7
Far West
Brig. Toung .. .69.5 vs Colo. A&M ..58.3
Coll. Idaho ..'35.9 vs Lewis & Clark 35.9
Nevada "59.2 vs St. Fran.,.HY 55.5
Pacific TJ 36.7 vs Whitman 34.5
S. Francisco , .68.8 vs Santa Clara ,.59.4
Texas Tech . . .47.6 vs Flagstaff St. .38.6
Holy Cross, Ohio Rate
Spots in NCAA Tourney
New York, Feb. 13 U.R The
NCAA basketball tournament
fathers put a big bold "Holy
Cross" on their chart for district
one today, a firm "Ohio State1
for district four and then . .
well, and then they Just crossed
their fingers and hoped for the
Elsewhere around the nation it
was any man's guess who will
play in the eight-team national
elimination tournament come
Here is a district by district
District 1 (New England)
Holy Cross maintained its re
cord as the only undefeated
major team, downing the New
York A. C, 73-56, Saturday
and waited only the formality
of an invitation.
District 2 (Middle-Atlantic)
Duquesne looked best with 18-1
record after its 75-47 conquest
of Geneva. LaSalle (14-3) lost
backing by its defeat by Toledo
59-55, Saturday.
District 3 (south) Kentucky
and North Carolina State were
the top possibilities with Ken
tucky a more likely selection.
Kentucky beat Tennessee, 79-52
and State licked Wake Forest,
District 4 (midwest) Ohio
State, pretty much a cinch for
the Big Ten championship and
the bid, kept rolling with an
87-43 win over Michigan State.
District 5 (midlands) Brad
ley, St. Louis and Kansas State
ranked in lust about that order.
Bradley has the best record, 21-
after its 87-65 win over De-
Paul. St. Louis was impressive
in a 55-45 win over Notre Dame
and now has won 13 and lost 5.
Kansas State lost to Missouri, 59
43, but still has the same record
as St. Louis.
District 6 (southwest) Texas
A&M, Southern Methodist and
Arizona all look good. Arizona's
record of 20-2, best in the sec
ond, was capped by a 72-49
trouncing of Texas Western.
Wi I lamina Plans
Revised Schedule
Willamina The recent bad
weather spell caused disruption
in basketball schedules, making
it necessary to re-schedule sev
eral games. The make-up game
with Tillamook scheduled for
January 20, will now be played
February. 18. The other game
with Tillamook, scheduled for
February 2, will be played here
February 27. The cancelled
game with Amity will be play
ed here - February 24, and the
Newport game has yet to be re
scheduled. All make-up games
must be played before the open
ing of the tournament of
of March 1.
New York VP) Only one of
the stakes winning two-vear-
olds of 1949 had a perfect racing
season. Bred, owned and trained
by Harry L. Miller in Montana.
Nellies Post, a chestnut colt by
Post War-Dark Nellie, started
three times and was undefentd.
Included in his trio of victories
were two Montana Breeders' Fu
turities, one at Great Falls, and
the other at Billings.
Ages 60 to 85
Buy Hospital Insurance
Too ntten overlooked are Uie men
and women bros 60 to 85. Hospital
Insurance Is now made available to
this age group for only a few cents
a aay.
Would you be forced to use your
savings or borrow money If hos
pitalized? Let this policy help you!
It covers both accident, and sickness.
A policy will be sent for FREE
inspection. No obligation no agent
will call. Just send a penny post
card (state age to Old American
Insurance Co., Kansas City 6, Mo.
Dept. H-236B.
Gene Sarazen has played In
more PGA championships than
any other golfer 28 through
District 7 (Rockies) It's a
tossup between Brigham Young
(15-9) and Wyoming (21-8), al
though both lost Saturday BYU
to Colorado A&M by 40-30 and
Wyoming to Washington by 27-36.
District 8 (Pacific coast)
UCLA and Southern California
are fighting it out to play
Washington State for this one.
UCLA beat California, 54-47,
and Southern Cal downed
Stanford, 59-45.
Seattle Juniors
Defeat Academy
The Seattle Pacific college
juniors had too much on the ball
for Salem Academy last Satur
day night and the quint across
the river dropped a 44 to 15 de
cision to the invaders.
The half, rather slow as to of
fense, ended with Seattle lead
ing 15 to 8.
A preliminary went to Salem
Academy s ' B " team over Chris
tian Missionary Alliance of the
Church loop, 31-27.
Salem Academy (15) (11) Seattle Pacific
Zcller 5 P 8 Kenny
Relmer 2 F 9 M. Nelson
Frlesen 1 ....... .0 ......... . 7 Kearny
DeLapp 3 O 5 Ooertzen
Plau 0 8 8. Nelson
Subs: Salem Academy Doerksen 3
Qoode 1; Seattle Pacific Jackson a, Dll
lery 3, Vandermeer 1.
The Referee Said No
-. . - . ,
Mel Seemah (white Jersey) of New York University over
shoots his objective, landing on the back of Manhattan'!
Jack Byrnes. Seeman's "piggyback ride" was ruled a foul
by the referee. Manhattan's Joe Loprete (17) and NYU's
Dan Quilty (right) watch the action. Manhattan won, 80-55.
(Acme Telephoto)
To Meet Viking
Team on Tuesday
The c e 1 1 a r-dwelling Albany
Bulldogs are due to close out
their 1950 basketball series with
Salem high school's Vikings
Tuesday night in a game booked
for the Vik Villa.
The Big Six clash Tuesday is
one of the last five hurdles for
the Vikings before the start of
district 1 1 tournament. It will be
one of three home games which
remain on the Salem slate.
Earlier In the season, the Vik
ings drubbed Albany, 56-22, In
a game played on the Bulldogs'
floor. .
New York PI Jockey Club
Registrar Harold O. Vosburgh
reports a record crop of thor
oughbred foals for 1949. A total
of 8,482 foals of 1949 have been
registered. How many of these
will get to the races as two-year-
olds of 1951, only time and the
vicissitudes of horse rearing will
tell. Last year, of the 7,730 reg
istered foals of 1947, a total of
1,574 won races as two-year-olds.
no juss no muss
no bother no dirt
use Prco-to-logc
Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431
H. (Two
(Bt tbt Associated Ft
Bis- Tib
Wlaoonsln M, MorUtwejttrn M.
lows 70, nilnol M.
Purdu 61. Michlitn St.
Indiana 59, Minnesota It.
EsiUm dry) Inm
Yale CO. Cornell 47.
Harvard 90. Dartmouth St.
Columbia- 51. Pennsylvania 4$,
Seatbwest Confartnea
Texas Christian 4, Rice .
Southern MethodUt 51, Texas 14,
Bis Strati
Kansa 41, Nebraska St.
Missouri 59. Kansas State 41.
Sastbeaateni Cenfereme
Kentucky 79, Tennessee 13,
Vanderbllt 4T. Alabama 18.
Auburn 64. Tulane 60.
Georgia 77, Florida 53.
Mtiiaarl Valley
Detroit 40. Oklahoma Ante M.
Tulsa 44. Wichita 40.
SoBtbern Ceaferene
Georce Washington 63, Duke
urn lines;
North Carolina State TO, Wakt Porest 1ft.
William and Mary 64. YlrainU Tech 50.
Richmond 65, South Carolina 60.
Rkyltne Six
Utah 49, Utah State 38.
Colorado A & H 40. Brleham Tonne JO.
Pactfle Coast Conference 8athara DU.)
uulia at, i;aiiiornia 47.
Southern California 59, Stanford 41.
Other Games
Oregon 61, St. Mary's 51.
Washington 37, Wyoming 36.
Eastern Washington 88. British Colum
bia 46.
Whltvorth 54, Western Washington 40.
Puget Sound 43, Pacific Lutheran 37.
Central Washington 83, St. Martin's 51.
Vanport 63, Eastern Oregon 55.
Lewis & Clark 57. Whitman 47,
College of Idaho 53, Pacific Univ. 44.
Washington Prosh 56. Grays Harbor
J.C. 37.
Olympic J.C. S3, Centralla J.". T4.
Seattle Unlr. 61, Gonsaga 63.
Seattle Unlr. Prosh 88, Skagit Valley
J.C. 65.
Lower Columbl J.C. 56. Takima val
ley J.C. 63.
Wenatcheo J.C. 73, Clark J.C. 61.
Canlslus 63, CONY 49,
St. Johns (Bkn.) 73, Niagara 61.
Syracuse 73, Army 53,
Boston College 43, Seton RaU It,
Colgate 64, Boston Unlr. 45.
Rhode Island State 88, Buckntlt 18.
Pordham 56, Siena 49.
Duquesne 75, Geneva 47.
Holy Cross 73, New York AO M.
Navy 46, Penn State 40.
Bradley 67, DePaul 56.
Ohio State 87, Michigan Stat a.
St, Louts 55. Notre Came 45.
Hamllne 59, Concordia (Minn.) 43.
Belolt 74, Indiana State 68.
Arisona 73, Texas Western 49.
Plane Crash Fatality One Gopher Only casualty in the
crash of an air force C-47 transport at Los Angeles Interna
tional airport was a little gopher (box), who scrambled from
his burrow to see what was going on and was impaled on a
splinter from a shattered propeller. All seven men aboard
the plane escaped without injury. Near-zero visibility was
blamed for the crash. (Acme Telephoto)
(By tlx Associated Picu)
Ashland 41, Kerbr 31.
8andr 51, Woodburn 48.
Mtlwallkle 48. Oregon Cltr 45.
Klamath Palls S3. Hodford 50.
La Grande 44, Baker 41. (OTertlme)
North Bend 53. CcqulQe St.
Bend 71, fiprlufleld 45.
Harrtsburff 55, Shed 38.
Sweet Home 50. Newport SI.
Monmouth 41. IHU Oltr li.
Brownsville 00, Balser 55.
Sclo SB, Monroe la.
New York UP) A defenseman
never has been selected as the
outstandng rookie in the Na
tional Hockey lague. Ever since
the top freshman was first hon
ored in 1933, the choice always
has been a forward or a goal-
tender. And only twice, Frank
Brimsek in 1938-30 and Frank
McCool in 1944-45, have goalies
captured the rookie award. To
ronto players have won this
award the most times on five
occasions a wearer of the Maple
Leaf has been selected the out
standing rookie.
The seven members of the
eastern Intercollegiate basket
ball league are playing their
46th championship season dur
ing 1950.
Detroit Lion football halfback
Cloyce Box needs but another
year study to secure a law de
gree. He is a part-time student
Baylor. I
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