10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, Feb. 11, 1950 X 1 White Brothers' Own Bare Lincoln Portrait Autographed portrait of Abraham Lincoln, owned by Floyd and Harley White of Salem, was inherited from their grandfather, Pouncey A. White, whose friendship with Lincoln was close. BIRTHDAY MEMORIES Oregon Played Significant Role in Lincoln's Career By BEN MAXWELL Oregon played a significant role in the career of Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is celebrated Sunday. In a letter dated September 27, 1849 Lincoln refused to consider an appointment as governor for Oregon. It was hard decision. As governor for the Territory he would be in line for the U. S. senate when state- hood was achieved. But the posi tion was not to his taste. Per haps it was not to Mrs. Lincoln's taste. She had had enough of frontier life, was opposed to going to the' Pacific coast and would hear nothing of it. Again, In 1860, the republi can national convention was held at the Wigwam in Chicago. Lincoln was a candidate for the presidential nomination. But his nomination was by no means assured. Then came four of Oregon's five votes for Lincoln on the third preliminary ballot. Now Abraham Lincoln was within one and a half votes of his goal. On the third formal ballot all of Oregon's votes went to Lin coln and the nomination as re publican candidate for president was his. Immediately after the first gun was fired upon Fort Sump ter, April 12, 1861, Lincoln is sued an appeal for 75,000 vol unteers. This notice reached Oregon May 11. Governor John Whlteaker did not respond,. He felt that the Confederacy could never be defeated. Besides, Ore gon was too far from the scene of conflict to be too much cen cerned. Nnr did the Emancipation Proclamation meet with univer sal favor In Oregon. The temper of the state was about as hos tile to the negro as it was to extension of slavery. In fact, the population was somewhat evenly divided between North em and Southern sympathizers. Many slaunch supporters of Lincoln and the North thought it might be wiser to remain at home and keep a close eye on local secessionists and their dreams of a Pacific Republic along with that dubious frater nity Knights of the Golden Circle. David Watson Craig, proprie tor of tile Salem Argus .from 1858 to 1863, studied law In T.ncoln and Herndon's law of fice at Springfield, Illinois and when he took the bar examln atlon Lincoln was one of his exnmlncrs. D. W. Craig was the father of F. Sumptcr Craig, an oldtlme Salem newspaper man who only recently moved away from the city. One of Lincoln's bitterest foes Congress was George K. Shiel, an Oregon representative with strong southern sympathies who served from March 4, 1861 to March 3, 1863. In view of his sympathies Shle could expect no patronage and, indeed, received none. He returned to Salem and lived here almost continuously until the time of his death early in 1803. Abraham Lincoln was shot April 14, 1865 and the report of his death was published in a Salem newspaper for April 17. That same momentous issue car ried news about Lee's surrend er at Appomattox and the most devastating fire that occurred in Salem during that decade. Page two was ruled heavy black for all seven columns and the annoucement was carried In a small box at the top of col umn five: "About 10 o'clock in the eve ning of last Friday, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated and died 22 minutes past 7 o'clock on Saturday morning ... It is not time for intemperate words, but if assassination is now the game of the rebels and their sympathizers, let Union men re new their oaths- over the Flag . . . take brothers by the hand and swear before Heaven that the blood of Abraham Lincoln shall be avenged and that this damnable treason to our nation our laws and our country shall be forever destroyed." Name of the sixteenth presi dent of the United States is per petuated in Oregon by the ham let of Lincoln in Polk county and by Lincoln county, created by act of the Legislature Feb ruary 20, 1893. Unit Sale Success Webfoot The Webfoot Home Demonstration unit rummage and cooked food sale held at Cohn Brotherj furniture store at McMinnville was a decided success and furnished funds for the Azalea house at Corvallis and some for the unit's treasury. ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern BEFORE LEAVING FOR. WORK.. I WENT INTO YOUR. ROOM AND HELD A STRIP OF BACON AND CUP OP COFFEE UNDER. YOUR NOSE, BUT THE AROMA DIDN'T WAKE YOU UP WITH A SMILE AS YOU SAY YOUR NEW-TYPE ALAFW CLOCK WILL DO --INSTEAD, vyr-ii I .Tl ICT ClC X HAPPY GRUNT AND 6 ROLLED OVER. ' ,C INTO DEEPER. f A sleep rUe V HM-AA NO WONDER. I DREAMED I ATE MY BREAKFA5T-AND J SLEPT LONG AOON 1HY0U OWIBW JK I W SMU. CHANGCANO 1 T WHEN I (SET THE -A CONTRACT TO EXHIBrr THE W UKE rr SO LTTTLe OF DOG SLEDS, BLURB? "TO CHICKEN FEED. ROPER' FATHER'S SIGNATURE ON SEXTUPLETS IN SDESHOWS ALL hW I'LL SEE YOU S l.LrXL-(;3SetSUeH -ryjGOTTrETlW THB, rTSBETTCTHAN OVER THE WORLD HOW LVYA yBOILED IN BRIMSTONE I r 0 lgaaaaaanaaailii fm I -THREE VICtmTeCMEmToNEflCMSM f J 8 WWW-HOW IT WSS O'TOO R Wf WOW t LOOK! I PWABROUCHT 1 I tHEREHEREAMDl "BOUT SOMETHrTBOur I I COME -PAPPTNEUSJ H JOB -ALWAYS- I I D St ALL TW PITCHERS- JLI LOTS Ct PftPERS- 1 , A WON- ft REUEF- ) UNEMPtOYMBfT l GOT ON RELIEF AT ' , fTHM-AD EvSSc-i 1S J . JeSZSSZSZi.'Sgl " I ftto THOSE-OUR -THREE Jr" J El THEY Vrr? - f NrysEaiRnV.l r, OH.THEY WftKTHi PV ' AHGOnAHAntErTs7T Twujnoxttocatem" tamt'tqicnI hereasTtoasuubr USX IRREGARD1 ESS. AM A HOT- J FttPERS FDR VA PRCVIDIN" YA WHEN THIS HERE BOM TOOK l,WHO AM ) (yMN.') INT'RUSTIN; LCWE IS LOVE.-7' r- BLOODED WILL HELP ME WITH A CERTAIN VUP BOXING. NOW, HE IS AWREACty Q BUT WHUT DO AM 1 -r ., I BKOOHtYH ) 'PROBLEM. NOEL M'WOODNIK, KNOWN AS BATTLINS"MtNOOD- IN SHAPE, DO FO' VOT T'QIT y ' (J tSf& SGIRL.SOI MV INTENDED, USETA BE NIK, AND HE SPENDS HIS , AM GOIN' yvTH' LIST? y-v L ' UfNtJOTAHO SUFFICIENTLY ROMANTIC 1 . EVENINQS GETTING INTO J TO S ) HA WASTE gj, u I i rsff THIS LITTLE WINDOW IS TOO I MEANWHILE.NEARIN6 THE OLD MILL-I -' LOOKS LIKE DIAMOND H W&Mkmmtm HIGH TO JUMP FBOH. BESIDES SOM 'L SwSST 60THERE FIRST ?SPRt HO n r W5SaEl r 0F diamonds men are probably (istem,finneysY shore "T our men hope we-re M rwHERE'D VOU MV MOTHER! GAVE YHOW LONG HAVE) EVER SINOECl DIDN'T V I DIDN'T I Vf WELL, THEN s U GET THE Bl6 '" TO ME WHEN VOU BECX t WAS A KNOW VOU )WANTED TO BE WHV DID f I SWALLOWED I T BASS JA r-wAS A LITTLE SlifjfW'K L'Kvf r WANTED I A TRAFFICCOP YOuR MOIHER C THE WHISTLE ljF- T?'" C3"'''B5?'''''0'r',iDfrv,ij ?,mi I lI "V .- .,. I I ANDAT 7US EOGB OF THAT hEAR-BY GfOVS 1fS WRENCH f WW, No, iVg LOOKED ALL 0VE8 J T SURE AS HECK n ' "VIVIFHSFl R JPElS. DID VOU BRIMS THAT J WLVENT 1 CAM,"r5.NP AT JfSSfflJiS 1U BETTER LAY THIS THINS MUWiA U BI6 WRENCH IN? I refrf jf TS eONEv ETCOYMUSTVE WHERE IT'LL 6URELY BE mWjMQ S 6EEN BE IO0K, PEGGY! . -IF YOU'RE 5QUEAMI5H A. . wr . .MV sutEr K BUT. -UNDER NO ORCUM5TANCE5 1 I THE5TRAN6ETHING50NE Jtuatuut AuiiuncriAi JSfi ABOUT CONTACT LEME5"THEY ARE . , neq OLD WE PME MR PHOTCRAPHS I h SEC mi(",n PAINIE65 AND HARMLESS!--SURELY, i MONEY TOGETHER!-- IM 50RRY. .MORE t, HOLLYWOOD! jrrS.J 7 191cV7l,-S V M FORtlOOO---' w-T npPf OA-ril V . I THAN Y0UT.L EVER KNOW--BUT-. K "jSziSJ ThL FELLOW HAS BET ON THE. , I RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO" U0 NBC B70 CB8 UPO ABC 1390 MBC 1490 Ko. 6:0OBkndi of Land Jot DIMkkI Remember True or Falit Rhythm Rinch 5:15BaDdi of Lnd Jo DIMnflo Specltl Evtntl True or Fklis Rhythm Rocb 5:30 Bandi of Land Dinter Ahead Trio Orcan Reverlei Political Pulse , Si45 Elmer Petenon Newi Teen Tunea Chrltt. Science t-Bqoara Oo'sp. 6:00 DlileIand-jiiiT Gueat Start Baba Bath A A F Candlelight A o'.lH Dfilelaod Jais Memo. In Muilc Home Edition A A F Silver 6:30 Dennfa Day Ooldbern Mod. Romance Nlte Rldera News 6:45 Uennli Day Goldberg. Mod Romance Nlta Rldera Aia'bly of God 7:00 Judy Canora Sins It Aialn One Freedom Mr, Feather Tlmt Waa 7:15 judy Canova Sine It Again Rex Maupln Mr. Fealhera Drlvera Playhat 7:30 Grand 01' Opry Sin It Again Obandu Magle YVeit Coait Strike Up Band ,7:45 Grand 01' Opry Sing It Again Chanda Magle Ramblera S porta 8:00 Troth or V. Monroe Lone Ranger Dance Oroh, Proudly Ball 8:15 Comeqnencea V, Monroe Lone Ranger Dance Orch. Proudly Hall 8:30 Hollywood Star Gene Autry llelnle'a Band Meet the Pre Dancing Fartr 45 Hollywood Star Gene Antrr Helnle'g Band Meet the Freaa Dancing Fartr 9:00 Hit Parade Gangbuatcra Bob Crosby Newa Dancing Fartr S:I5 Hit Parade Gangbuatcra Bob Crosby Crystal Card. Dancing Fartr t'.jtt Life of Riley Art Godfrey Bob Crosby Dance Orch. News g-45 Life ot Riley Art Godfrey Bob Crosby Dance Orch. Iroplcanft JS:P93,n '"Star Final News Monica Whalen Salute Reaern in 'in Morton Downey Wage-Hour Intermezse Ray Hackett Salute ReserTe iiI'ak 0rchestr Capitol Dance Band Denny Strong Dancing Fartr t!LL4-5 Orchestra Cloakroom Dance Band Benny Strong Dancing Farty ii tie '''ew, Treasury Band Left Dance Open House Dancing Fartr' li in W" Mu,euai Treasury Band Left Dance Open Housa Dancing Fartr 11 -At J1 Muieun Organ Melodies Let's Dane Open House Dancing Fartr 1 Wa Museum Organ Melodies Let's Dance Open House Dancing Fartr 12:00 Sign Oft silent Xtra Hour Isign Off Isign Off THAT, IjISSTINfS. KOAf) SSA KOAC 5,t".ra"Jfc P. MaT?00'n C!;LI" I lnr' 7!00' GtaA 0ptr Tonlrhtt UBS, Upbeat; 5:00, A AO Sporta Clubi 6:00, Ncwai 5, London Lettert :80, P. of O. Sem- Basketballt 9:30, News Weatheri H45, Danoe Paradei 10:00, Sign Off, SUNDAY 7:00 Radio Pulpit (Church ef Air Band Bos 715 Radio Pulpit Church of Air Band Bo 730 Family Time Church of Air Band Box Mutual Muile ,7:45 Family Time Church of Air Band Box Mutual Muale "fiOO L Doe's Misic Newsmakers Revival Hour 1st Baptist Cb. River Bori 8:15 Morn. Serenade H. K, Smith Revival Hour 1st Baptist Ch. News 8:30 Church In Your Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Voice Prophecy Feli'sblp Tlo 8;45 Home Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Voice Prophecy Fello'sblp M 9:00 T B A More of Life Southernairea Ra. Bible Class Bible PronMB 9:15 Garden Talk More of Life Southernairea Ra. Bible Clasa Lutheran 9 '30 Eternal Light Drivers' Flay Message of Lutheran Hour Ava Maria Hr. 9:45 Eternal Light News Israel Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Hr, 0-00 Glenn Shelley, People's News News Ch'reb In VFUi, 0:15 Organist Platform Romance Songs Organ Loft 0:30 Chicago Round Invitation t Sunday Vespers News Sacred Heart 10:45 Table Learning Sunday Vespers Bill Lang Wayne King 11:00 NBC Theater Sammy Ray Foreign Report Concert Hall First Baptist 11:15 NBO Theater Sammy Kara auk A Ernst Concert Hall First Baptist 11:30 NBC Theater Gallery Gossip Piano House, Hymns First Baptist 11:45 NBO Theater News Flayhonse Canaries First Baptist 2:00 Mr. Fis-H NF Philharm, Hour of Faith News Serenade for 2:15 Chuck Foster NT Philharm, Hour or Faith Gueat ftUr Strings 2:30 0oi K'da NY Philharm. Opera Album Juvenile Jury Headline News 2:45 Quli Kids 1 hUhrtrm. Opera Album Juvenile Jury United Natlona 1;00 MGM Theater NT Philharm. Weeka World Tex Mason Church Prop. 1:15 MGM Theater NT Philharm. Week's World Tex Mason Church Prog. ;30 MGM Theater My Serenade Voice ef Froph. Martin Kane C. Baptist 1:45 MGM Theater News Voice of Proph. Martin Kane C. Baptist 2:00 Dick Powell LP Records Mr. President The Shadow Music for " 2:15 Dick Powell LP Records Mr. President The Shadow Daydreamlnp 2:30 H'veat of Stars Galen Drake Greatest Story True Detective Band Showcase 2;45 H'vest of Stars Jack Sterling Grratcst Stofv True Detective Band Showeaae 3:00 The Hardy Family Houi Lutheran Hour John Steele Sun, Serenade 3;15 Family Family tljur Lutheran Hour John Stella Sun. Serenade 3:30 nenry Morgan Boston Blackle Muslo with Nick Carter Muslo for Bun. 3:45 Henry Morgan Boston Blackle the Girls Nick Carter Music for Sun. 4:00 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Speaking Songs (Falcon Donald Stewart 4:15 Glenn Ford Jack Bennr Here's to Vets Falcon Donald Stewart 4:30 Harrls-Faye Amos n' Andy Guest Star News Concert 4:45 Harris-Fare Amos 'n' Andy Ted Malone Congress Hep't Concert 6:00 Sam Spade Beig.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Hawaii Caits Dallas Minister 5:15 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Hawaii Calls Here's to Vet 5:30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Mir ray Suppertime 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray Serenade 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer W'lter WIncheM Lincoln Speaker of Wk. 6:15 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer Louclta Parsons Lincoln Speaker ef Wk. 6:30 Album Familiar Horace Heldt Chance of a Family 7heatreNews 6:45 Mnalo Horace Heldt Lifetime Family Theatre Troplcann 7:00 Take II or , Contented Hr. Jlmmle Fldler Medical Hllltes Sunday lalen 7:15 Leave It Contented Hr. Chapel Songs of Times Sunday Salon 7:30 Bob Crosby The Whistler Amazing . Roy Rogers Nazarene Ch. 7 :45 Bob Crosby The Whistler Malone Roy Rogers Nazarene Ch. 8:00' Man's amlly Miss Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'stlons Nazarene Cb. 8:15 Man's Family Iflfsa Brooks Headlines Twenty Q'stlons Naxarene Ch. 8:30 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter Winohell Can You Frank do Vol 8:45 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy Louclla Parsons Top This? Frank de Vol 9:00 Symphonr nour Red Skelton Think Fast News Sunday Reverie 9:15 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast Editorial Sunday ftever 9:30 Best Seller Jack Benny Orchestra Cunningham Dallaa Church 9:45 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Gov. McKay NW News Dallaa Chnreh 10:00 News Five Star Final Rlchf'Id Rep'ir Sign Oft Moon Dreams 10:15 Mary A. Mercer Night Editor Intermetso Moon Dreama 0:30 Catholic nour St. Francis Hr. Orchestra Moon Dreama 10 :45 Catholic Hour Orchestra Orchestra Moon Dreams 11:00 News Treasury Band Drew Pearson Sign Off ' 11:15 Wax Museum Treasury Band Nocturne 11:30 Wax Museum Organ Muslo Nocturne 11:45 Wax Museum Organ Muslo Nocturne 12:00 'sign Off Isign Oft " Ixtra Hour 1 " ' MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Hodge Potfge News Farm News News 6:15 News KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6:30 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Tim KOCO Klock 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Jack Norman News KOCO Klock 770fl Early Bird KOIN Klock News News Tex Kilter " 7:15 Old Songs Duncan M'Leod Bob Garred Breakfast Gang KOCO Klock 7:3(1 News News Bob Hasen Music News 7 : 15 Sam Hayea Fred Beck Zcka Manner Top Trades KOCO Klock 8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Bargain Countr Crusaders ' 8:15 Eddie Albert Dave Valle Breakfast Club Family Alter Crusaders 8:30 Jack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Bible Institute Western Melody 8:45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Temple Echoes 9:00 Second1 Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N W News Melody Time 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Sldner Walton Melody Time 9:30 Hometownera Helen Trent Tulck as Flash Pastor's Call Stars Sing 9:45 Nw Gal Sunday Quick as Flash Walts lime John C. Thorn. 10:00 Marriage for Big Sister Ladles Be Seat News NW. News 10:15 Car. Cavallero Ma Perkins Ted Malone Gospel Singer Memory Mule 10:30 Brad Reynolds Rr. Milono My True Story Concert Mln. Tune Time 0:45 Geo. Murphy Guiding Light My True Story Ruse Morgan 98 Keys 1:00 Double or Mrs. Purton Betty Crocker Ladles Fair Music Mart ' 1:15 Nothing "tv niason Victor Llndlahr Ladies Fair Music Mart 1:30 Children Today Norab Drake N'westernera Queen for Day Jan Garber 1:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'wcsternera Queen for Day Vocal Variety 12:00 News News Baukhage Talk Top Trades H'wood Musle ' 12:15 Road or Life Come ft Get It News News H'wood Musle 2:30 P. Y'g'a Family House 1'arty Meet Menjout Gay 00's News 12:45 Bight to Happl. House Party Art Baker Jimmy Wafcely Dave Dennis 1:00 Backstage Wife From Nowhere Welcome to Bob Mitchell Mao'a Melodies" J:15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Show Hollywood Bob Mitchell Mao's Melodlea ;30 Lorenzo Jones Garry Moore Kay West Tell Neighbor Mac's Melodies l;45Wldder Brown Klrkham News Kay West Blng Sings Mac'a Melodies 2:00 Girl Marries Klrkham News Jay Stewirt Bob Poole Mac's Melodlea' 2:15 Por. Faces Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mao's Melodlea 2:30 Just Plain Bill Steve Alten Hannibal Cobb Ladles First Mac'a Melodlea 2:45 Fr. Pge. Farrell Tunefully Yrs. Hannibal Cobb Ladles First Mac's Melodies 3:00 Welc Travelers Klrkham New Bride & Groom Tarm-Home Mac'a Melodies)1 3:15 Welc. Traveler' Arthur Godfrey Walt. Klernan Polka Time Mac's Melodlea 3:30 Aunt Mary - Arthur Godfrey Tick A Date News Mac's Melodlea 3:45 Love & Learn Arthur Godfrey Pick A Date Hawaiian Har. Mac's Melodlea 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Rhythm-a-tlka Fulton Lewis Movie Time 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Frnk. Hem 'war Philosopher 4:30 Dr Paul Curt Maisev Squirrel Cage Behind Story Byers Can 4:45 Paula Stone Ed. It. Murrow Firefighters News Be Beautiful ACROSS 1. Mosque In Jerusalem 6. Sailor t. Money 12. Filthy 13. City In Paragruay 14. Egfr-shaped, 15. God of love 16. Sticking together 18. River In Virginia 20. Let down 21. Canceled 23. Restaurant 26. Millpond 27. Gone by 80. Ascended 32. Season of the year 84. Kind of candle 35. Tier 37. Coai 3S. Bars 40. Winged 43. Gay 47. Misfortune! 49. Scent 60. Particle 61. High: musical 62. Electrical units Bit. Curves 64. River In , Prance and i Belgium E6. Satiata DOWN L Across PrRi nAILIOIHIADSlKllI LSJo MUolelvlEk ofprfg AIM glNlPHElRU BIUIrIi Ho RfonA jiffs MCa S P VQS Jf)PJf.O AM t Qac r om sou s e -1 f- bmK hHx Z s 4 i IffS T H OlSffE N R A 8 PffN I C NffSm E lijT AlNQElaglTs off C U R WlEN TffAjP R I L o v e rI e jeJrse ol vi jBse Rsclles o Solution of Yesterday', Puzzl t. Variable atar 1. Unsymm.trlcaJ . Live. ' 2 3 t WMS I I7 is I? I' I" , M M to Ul Uz ?W, 4Z 44 Us Uio" m , r ,r fc 11 I I ikd I I I I 6. Siamese coin t. Expiated 7. Cheering syllable I. Sat for aa artist t. Malign 10. Molten rock 11. Bend 17. Hermits 19. Renegade 22. Make Into leather It. Cry of the crow 14. Southern conatellatlon 25, Determine 27. Luxon native 23. So. American Indians 39. Metal-be&rlnR rock 31. And not 38. Wise counselor! 36. Befitting a married woman 8S. Stalks 39. Nuisances 40. Desert dweller 4L Mother of , APOUO 41. Acknowledge openly 44. Mental picture) 46. Electrical unit 46. Oaello a, san AP Ntwafeorwraa