8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., First Batting Practice tion in baseball from his famous father, Lloyd, outfielder for the Cincinnati Reds and former ace fullback for Stanford uni versity. The fanette, of course, Is Mrs. Merriman. They are shown In their home at Sacramento, Calif. (AP Wiiephoto) Reds Sentence For Plot in Moravia Prague, Czechoslovakia, Feb. 11 A Moravian state court today sentenced three men to death for plotting to overthrow the nation's communist-led regime. Two others were sentenced to life imprisonment. Eighteen defendants received prison terms ranging from four to 25 years. All were convicted at Jihlava, 70 miles southeast of Prague, of being members of an "under ground band of terrorists and murderers" which allegedly plot ted to assassinate public officials, helped Czechs escape the coun try and collected military, po litical, and economic informa tion for anti-state purposes. More than 20 other alleged members of the same organiza tion are to go on trial Tuesday in the court at Jihlava. The government prosecutor had asked the death penalty for 14 of the 23 defendants. Only one of them pleaded guilty to all charges, the others pleading Innocent to all counts of the In dictment or to part of them. The convictions are subject to appeal to the Czech supreme court at Prague. The 23 men sentenced today made up the largest group of defendants announced for a trial in Moravia since the communists came to power almost two years ago. Those sentenced to death were: Karel Vesely, 33, leather goods Worker: Jan Tucek, 34, textile dealer Frantisek Rod, 48, tool ma chine operator. Others sentenced included i sculptor, several workers, and two members of the communist dominated Jihlava district com mittee which controls the re gion's government. Jeff Lions Nose Gervais, 27-26 Jefferson Jeferson high's Li ens nosed Gervais Friday night, 27 to 26 in an exciting Marion County B league mix. The loss was the first of the season for Gervais. A two pointer by Daryl Ricks with seconds to go decid ed the issue The prelim went to Gervais 31 to 28. Jefferson (37) (itfll G.rvais Blaclewell 2 F. Sohumncher Cameron 3 p 3 Tooley Marian 3 c 3 Bellcque Ricks 6 0 4 Dunn Wattenbaruer ....a 10 Hall Bubs: Jeflerson D. Porter 7, Ramseyer 3; Gervais McCall fl. Dance Program Offered Monmouth The Orcnesis Modern Dance club of Oregon College of Education attended the intermural program of dimc lng in Corvallis, Thursday eve ning. Nine houses participated. Mrs. Robert Knox, Oregon Col lege of Education acted as one of the judges and others were Mrs Dorothy Fox, Corvallis and Rob ert Wall, Corvallis. The national championship rowing regatta will be staged at Philadelphia, on the Schuylkill, during the third week of July. Call or See SCELLARS, 143 South Liberty, Salem, Saturday.February 11, 1950 Three weeks old Robin Jay Merriman gets his first instruc 3 to Death G-Man Is Named Winner of Race In AAU Reversal New York, Feb. 11 iVP) G- Man Fred Wilt, and not Wis consin's Don Gchrmann, won that thrilling 4:00.3 Wanamaker mile here two weeks ago. The two hit the tape a split second apart at Madison Square Garden. There was a delay while the finish judges conferr ed. Then it was announced Gehr- man had won by a 3 to 2 vote. Chief Finish Judge Asa Bush nell cast the deciding vote. The metropolitan AAU ap peals group reversed the decis ion last night in a hotly debated 2 14 -hour meeting. The conference table arbit ers decided Bushnell made a wrong rules interpretation in naming Gehrman the winner. They ruled that only three finish line judges had the right to name the winner. Two of the three picked Wilt first. Scio Teams Win Over Monroe 5's Scio A Linn-Benton league basketball tilt w ent to Scio over Monroe. 45 to 43 Friday night Scio blanketed Monroe. 34 to 7 in the preliminary. Hclo (45) (im Monroe Q. Oabrlelion fi ,,..F 1 Dortaon P. Sprague I F U Steward Morris 8 C Blttner I. Spramu H CI 4 Ooracke weal 10 0 8 Hoiisht okitui 4 o i L.arsm SILVERTON CLUB VOTES FUNDS FOR DAMAGES Silverton At the week's meeting of the Silverton Recre ational association a sum of mon ey was voted, to replace equip ment damaged by the bursting of water pipes at the Washing ton Irving building. Boys' basketball practise was announced for Monday nights and the girls' practise is to be each Wednesday evening. Both groups meet at Eugene Field gym. The leading 17-ycar-old horse of 1949 was So Good, a gelded son of Waygood-My-Swectie, which in three starts at Billings, Mont., earned $30, finishing fourth on one occasion. Ell JutC Beautiful Oversize JUMBO Prints Roll Developed 8 Jumbo Prints J3C Extra prints and reprints 4o ea. Free MAtllng Baitft on Request JUMBO FILM CO. F.y.tl., ItUhs When uill ifcu be Aue4? More accidents happen around homes than anyplace else. Serious and costly claims frequently arise from some of them. Personal acts of yourself and family often lead to Lia bility Law Suits. $10,000.00 protection may be had for as little as $)0.00 per year. INSURANCE COUNSELORS FOLEY & RISING. INC. Ore. Promoter Admits Fainting To Grab Boxing Publicity By RUDY CERNKOVIC lUnlted Press Sporu Writer Pittsburgh, Feb. 11 U.R) Sure, Jake Mintz staged a pho ney faint the night Ezzard Charles won the heavyweight title but he boasted today that stunt brought him publicity and laughs. Supposedly he passed out from the excitement, yet "All right, so it wasn't the McCoy," Jake sputtered. "But look. 1 get up to make a speech. Someone hollers: 'Tell us about the phoney faint.' So I tell 'em. They all laugh. And I'm more popular every day. Anyway, I'm not monopolous like a lotta speakers. "I even pinched myself when I was lyin' on the canvas. 1 could feel it. Then I knew I was fakin'. "Anyway, there were three other managers from Cincin nati and they were always pushing me out of the way to gp1 their pictures in the- pa per," Jake said. , "I figured this time I'd get the publicity. So I keel over. I didn't know I was going to get so much notice. If I had, I'd hive stayed fainted longer. "That faint of mine will be as famous as the long count in the Dempsey-Tunney fight. Just wait and see." Then the loquacious Lilli putian got off on his favorite pe?ve "them people in New York." He also talked about his stomach "ulsters" that he got from eating good food since Charles was recognized as heavyweight champion Mr. Angel Hears WVL Title With 55-39 Sandy Win Mt. Angel The Mt, Angel Preps were one step nearer the championship of the Willamette Valley league as the result of a 55 to 39 decision over Sandy Friday night. Norbert Wellman of the Preps took scoring honors with his 22 points. The B game went to Mt. An gel, 36-32. Mt. Aniel fifi) (31) Sandy Beyer 7 F 4 Barlow Bochaler P.... 8 Fredrlckson Wellman 33 C 1 Rannow Donley 12 a 8 Cawvey Payseno 8 0 " 8 H. Cannier budh: Mt. Angel Ebner 4, Turin 2; Sandy, Lekberg 8, W. Cansler 1, Noventy St. Paul Splits Games With OSD The St. Paul Bucks beat the Oregon School of the Deaf cag- ers Friday night, 36 to 22. The O.S.D. second string beat St. Paul 18-17 in the preliminary. OSD ('.") 3fl St. Pul K. Collfty 3 F 10 MarthHller W. colley 8 F 6 M. Kirk Wallstrom 9 C 8 Rusmunsen Schulke 1 0 2 Bretano Nelson 2 0 8 Smith subs: OSD Black harp 2: St. Paul Kirk Hyatt 2. Cougar Center Snares North Statistics Crown Los Angeles, Feb, 11 Sopho more center Gene Conley and his mates from Washington State college dominated the statistical picture as well as the won and loss columns of the Northern Division of the PCC through games of February 14, according to figures released today by the commissioner's office. Conley, who has led the divi sion throughout the season, held his lead over Frank Guisness of Washington last week. Conley has averaged 14.3 points a game and Guisness' averages figures to 13.4 a game. Conley also leads the figure in field goal percentages. His 46 goals in. 103 attempts gives him an average of .447. Guis ness moved into the lead In free throw percentages, and now has an even .800 average on 60 attempts. Washington continues to be the highest scoring club of the HEAR BETTER TODAY WITH "MINIATURE" THE AMAZINGI RADIONIC HEARING AID 6V4-OUNCE MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 444 State St. Salem, Ore. Dial 2-4143 in all states but New York. "That New York. They should succeed from the union," he said. "As far as I care, there's only 47 states in this country and New York ain't one of them. We ought to do away with that state anyway. 1 Someone dared breathe the nam; of Eddie Eagan, New York boxing commissioner. "Ha, that Colonel Eagle," Jake snorted. "Won't recognize my boy as heavyweight cham pion. If he wants to be the laughing stock of the world then let him not recognize my Ezzard. "No sir, we won't beg the New York boxing commission to recognize Charles. But I'll get even. I won't recognize Colonel Eagle." Cardinals Trim Monmouth, 36-21 In M-P Leaguer . Monmouth The Sacred Heart Cardinals of Salem took a Mar- ion-Polk league decision over the Wolverines Friday night, 36 to 21. The win brought the Cardi nals closer to the league title. The Wolverines trailed 10-8 at the half. Sacred Heart won the prelimi nary 38 to 36 in an overtime ses sion. Monmouth i'il) Lytle 10 1 Buss 6 1 Rosenstock Thompson 1 ,..( Loch 4 ( (38) Sacred Heart 5 SUudlnger S Ecker 8 Colleran 4 Cooney 7 Weger Jirres 1. Subs: SUA Weber Silverton Drubs Estacada, 50-31 Silverton The Silverton Foxes grabbed an early lead and increased it all of the way as they turned back the Estacada Rangers, 50-31 in a Willamette Valley hoop contest Friday night. The Foxes led at the half, 23-11. The preliminary was won by Silverton,39-27. Sllv.rttm (M) (31) Estacada Nickelson Mccreary Oustafson Cooper 7 6 Frickley 4 Kiggens 2 Melvln ,,, Ballov Kolln 12 a Burr 8 a Subs: Silverton Richardson HauBh- 7, Stoltenberg Hopsters Harvest Win from Stayton Stayton The Independence Hopsters turned in a 40-31 Marion-Polk league win over the Stayton Eagles Friday night. The Hopsters held a slim 14-13 lead at the half. Stayton won the curtain rais er, 30 to 28. Stayton (31) (40) Independence Norton 14 Frykberg Sample 1 Titus 7 . Morgan 9 Haines 6 Johnson 2 Robinson L Harwood 3 Posey 15 Davis ND with 54.7 points per con test, and Washington State has been toughest on defense, allow ing 44.0 points a game. In the matter of fouls com mitted, Oregon has been called 24.2 times a game for rule in fractions, and Idaho has been fouled an average of 24.4 times per game. $$ MONEY $$ FHA m Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-216 M 222 V f 2p ; 'M u . Serving Salem and Vicinity as Funeral Director for 21 Years Convenient location for both friends and family. Direct route to cemeteries no cross traffic. New modern building ample parking space. Complete funeral services within the means of everyone. Virgil T. 60S South Commercial St. Looking Ahead Eva Frawltz and Horst Faber, German ice dancing champions, train for the figure skating title tests in the Olympic ice stadium at Garmisch, Germany. Molalla Retains Second WVL Spot Molalla The Buckaroos of Molalla retained second spot in Willamette Valley loop compe lion Friday night by. downing the Canby Cougars, 37 to 24. Canby trailed their opponents closely during the first two pe riods, but slipped back follow ing the intermission. The B preliminary went to Molalla, 50 to 26. Canby CM) (87) Molalla Coleman Horton Holland McLaren 15: Irwin 4 lelnsmlth Diller 6 Jensen Perkett Owens Subs: Canby, Palmer 2; Molalla, Monroe Willamina Tops Newport, 69-36 Willamina With Ron Peter son scoring 22 points for the win ners, Willamina high defeated Newport on the latter's floor Fri day night, 67 to 36, after piling up a 29-15 half time lead, Newport salvaged the prelimi nary, iv-zu. Willamina (117) (36) Newport ZetterberE 13 F 3 Osrr Henthorn It P Hslverson Nokleby 18 c 8 Anderson Peterson 32 Q 11 Reed a. Hulgerson 3 3 Bahm subs: WiMsmlna Dlllson 3; Newporfr Bcntty 3, Wilklns 10. olin CLarieA Jlt The Kings Men Monday through Friday, 9:45 a.m. KOCO- 1490 KC. Golden Co. Mortuary Tolophonr 4-2257 SCORES in Capitol Alleys CAPITOL SCRATCH Busick'a Market (3) Frank Evans 018. Stan Br ad en 648. Jim Rosi 554, Dick Phlpps 551; Wynkoop Sc Blair wt mih Hartwell 544, Terry Gannon 616, Millard Peltar 483, Tony Blgler S67. CaslUI Bedding (3) BOD DBVH Jack Cherrington 432, Ere Kay 576, Walt Larson t3U; ir.eien rurmiura (qi uo. Mlrlch 839. Stan Torgeaon 445, Prink Carruth 468, Bob Gray 404 Hlewert conn, in virg. uregory ots. Vaughn Gardner 483, Ev Clark 550, Chut Boyce S77. Hign team aenei ana game, buiicki Market, 2335 and 867; high Ind. game, Jim Rons, 233; high Ind. oerlei, Stan Bra den, 648. MERCANTILE Sattm Iron Wki. (8) Lohrman 474, Cordier 458, Hart man 431, Koliky 440, Oberman 604; Capitol No. 2 (0 Over holts 497, Wacken 438, McAllister 459, Sid doway 400, Cherrington 430. Hanway Eipresa tuj uuner mo, uray 389, Maness 440, Lake 498, Hartwell 464; Pink Elephant 3 Hurd 613. Thompson 580, Knight 414, Prudente 484, Delaney 401. Ilogr Brs. No. t ) George 47a Car ruth 511, Bachle 411. Claus 427, West- phal 468; Cbappelles Mkt. (1) Wlclzer 436, Hoyt iio, Morris 437, cnappeiia 623, Jory 383. uregonlan (3) Finden 6J8, Davis B87. Buckholt 469, Boyd 468, Baldwin 467; Hogg Brs. No. 1 (0) Cartnr 12D, Coe 126, Barr 183, Luke 188, Nuss 187. High team series and game, Oregontan, 2841 and 977; high Ind, game, Chappelle 6c Thompson, 212; high Ind. series, Davis, 587. Duck Pin COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. S State Tlr Service (3) Mahlon Pen m 317, Warren Taylor 384, Rodney Pet ty 394, John Llndblom 354, Mike Jirvl. 390. Dr. Pepper (2) Don Sehur 533, Mar vin Harksen 333, Joe Formiclc 373, Bob Loreni 413, Bill Barrowa 309. Orearon Telephone union (3) Tom Batchelder 330, Bud Triable 373, Howard Dove 302, Don Rolloinon 393, Buz Sawyer 407. Blue Lake Producers (3) Curly Bchell 373, Jim Wenger 388, Paul Fuhrer 407, Moore 440, Bye 203. Rimne'i (1) Carroll Harlow 387, Geome Stelner 301, Chuck Collins 380, Curly Monner 353. Cat Chambers 321. W. C. Dyer Insurance (3) Cleo Hicks Nature's Most Perfect Food? Sure It's Curly' s Milk! CURLY'S Your Friendly Home Owned Dairy Phone 38783 Clough-Barrick Company CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO LISTEN TO HYMNS OF THE WORLD BEAUTIFULLY SUNG FOR YOU BY omai and the ALLEYS 430, BUI Dyer 281, P. Hick 409, Clayton Dyer 438, Howard Smith 473. I Boneiteele'a (4--CletUA Boedlgheimer 1 4. Ralph Dunsey 521. Vern McKee 440. Harold Biles 348. Mac Laraon 458. Unique Cltaneri (0) J. R. Brook-. 305, Howard Branch 388, George Shelly 425, Willy Do&s I 345, Harvey Alexander 410. Hllh team aeries and game: Bone eteele'4 2123 and 760. Hllh individual aerify! and game: Don Schur (Dr. Pepper) 533 and 230. Cougar Swimmers Sink Ducks, 62-22 Pullman, Wash., Feb. 11 (U.R) Four pool records were broken as Washington State college dumped the University of Ore gon, 62-22 in a North division Pacific Coast conference swim ming meet last night. HOLLY SAYS.:.. Smart and tentunentil, that'i our new Elgin American eblnptce ipeciall)r designed to express yom tender thoughts on Vilentine't pay. Because it has Elgin American's jewel-like bush and fine Icraftsminjhip, this is a gift she'll be proud to tut aomething. ito remember you by for a long, long time. P.S. Remember, feminine fashion demands variety. Evtati though she has a compact, she'll treasure this addition to bet (jewelry accessories. r. . ...-. - Jackson Jewelers 225 N. Liberty - Next Doer to Sally's ,4r3tt)r1r) when hearts are trtmtp , show your hand with a Faberge gift in sets of deuces i the nicest Valentine of alt Insembfe of perfume and (notching cologne i.SO Cologne Duett, two fragrances in golden gift box 3.50 Iruembl of purse-perfect TOUCH CONTROL "fobergetle" and matching cologne 3.50 AphroaflaJta, Weihv, HgrM or Straw Ha m own re real cfwrn taawc newr tomtit rrUmMa.lj Dallas Holds Off Woodburn, 44-42 Woodburn A nine point ad vantage the Dallas Dragons pil ed up during the first half bare ly stood up Friday night as the Woodburn Bulldogs came back with a rally after the intermis sion. The final score was Dal las 44, Woodburn 42 Dallas took the preliminary, 42-25. Woodb.rn (48) (441 OstlM D. 3eton I r t Kdlser psvllcek 11 F riiher Undseth 7 c 4 Olson Hurlfts 1 0 13 Cook Vandehejr 4 0 8 Olark subs: Woodburn Belleqne 4, C. Beaton 3, Henderson 4; Dallas Read 4, Bess.a 3. Harold Paulsen, Michigan State's hockey coach, was a star puckman for the University of Minnesota. V