Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 11, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Valentines All,
SOCIAL event of interest for
Monday evening will be the an
. nnai formal dinner dance spon
sored by the Salem Shrine club for mem
bers and their wives.
The party is to be at the Marion hotel,
the social hour set at 7 o'clock, the din
ner to be at 8:30 o'clock. Wolfcr's or
chestra is to play for dancing and there
will be floor show entertainment dur
ing the evening.
A large group will attend, the party
being the highlight social event of the
winter for the Shrine club.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
'"Tir-HE coming week brings a number
" J of parties bridge affairs, teas
and at homes.
Mrs. Eugene Laird is to be hostess
for two parties next week, inviting
guests for luncheon and bridge on
Thursday and again on Friday at her
home. Mrs. Howard Ragan is assisting
the hostess.
Guests asked tor Thursday are Mrs.
Eollin O. Lewis, Mrs. Donald Burke,
Mrs. William E. Healy, Mrs. Hobart
Jackson, Mrs. Tom Bagan, Mrs. P. C.
Anderson, Mrs. Ed Goeckner Mrs. C. A.
Ladd, Mrs. James Morgan, Mrs. Carl
W. Nelson, Mrs. Lynn Miles. Mrs. Rob
ert Davidson, Mrs. Howard Ragan.
Bidden for Friday afternoon are Mrs.
M. E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. William D.
Galloway, Jr., Mrs. William Johnston,
Mrs. Howard Hoskin, Mrs. Russel E.
Pratt, Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Mrs. Charles
F. Feike, Mrs. Roy Todd, Mrs. O. T.
Mansfield, Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs.
Howard Sargent, Mrs. Harry Loggan.
Mrs. Emmons Hostess
Mrs. Carl W. Emmons is to be hostess
for two parties next week, compliment
ing Mrs. Paul Ronniger, a newcomer.
Mrs. Emmons has arranged a lunch
eon and bridge party for 1:15 o'clock
on Wednesday and Thursday each at
her home, places to be marked for 16
each day. Guests will include a group
of doctors' wives and the parties are
first of a series planned by Mrs. Em
mons. Dr. and Mrs. Ronniger and four sons
came to Salem from Salt Lake City. He
is associated with Dr. Emmons in the
women's clinic.
Club Group
Mrs. Douglas McKay has invited
members of her bridge club for lunch
con and afternoon of cards on Thursday.
In the group are Mrs. Roy S. Keene
of Corvallis, Mrs. William L. Phillips,
Sr., Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers, Mrs.
Richard Slater, Mrs. William S. Cole,
Miss Dorathea Steusloff, Mrs. W. W.
Baum, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Harry U.
Miller and Mrs. McKay.
Two Couples Hosts
Among those entertaining at social af
fairs this next week are Mr. and Mrs.
Rex Putnam and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
I. Paulson who have invitations out for
an at home.
The affair will be given at the Put
nam residence, Sunday, February 19,
between 3 and 6 o'clock.
A large group of friends has been in
vited to call during those hours.
Mrs. Albert C. Gragg is to be hostess
for an informal tea on Monday after
noon, honoring Mrs. W. C, Luehrs. Mrs.
Luehrs and little son are here from Den
ver to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. P. Driggs. Guests are bidden to call
at 3:30 o'clock for the Monday tea.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schramm are to
entertain Monday evening for their din
ner and bridge group.
A charmingly arranged tea was the
one for which Mrs. Douglas McKay,
wife of Oregon's governor, was host
ess Friday afternoon at the McKay
residence. A large group was bidden
to call between 2:30 and 5:30 o'clock.
The affair was given in welcome to
Mrs. Harry S. Dorman and Mrs. Law
son McCall, two newcomers in Salem.
Mr. Dorman is (lie state budget dir
ector and Mr. McCall is administrative
assistant to Governor McKay.
Welcoming guests at the door was
Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr. Intro
troducing guests to the line was Miss
Alene Phillips,
Receiving the g u e s ts were Mrs.
McKay in a blue lace gown, and the
two honorees, Mrs. Dorman in plum
velvet and Mrs. McCall in a talfeta gown
of champagne shading into brown.
Assisting about the living room were
Mrs. Roy S. Keene of Corvallis, Miss
Dorathea Steusloff, and the McKays'
two daughters, Mrs. Wayne E. Hadley
and Mrs. Lester D. Green, the latter of
The nosegay theme was used in the
decorations. Bouquets of pastel flowers
in nosegay arrangements were feaured
in the reception room. The tea table,
covered with an embroidered cloth, had
two silver candleabrums set in the cen
ter at the back and holding swirled
pink taper. Small nosegays of violets
and pink and red carnations, set in
pink tulle frills, were arranged around
the candelabrums and encircled two
colonial figurines.
Pouring were Governor McKay's
mother, Mrs. J. W. Frater, and his sis
ter, Mrs. John G. Cheetham, both of
Portland; Mrs. Earl Snell and Mrs. Hall
S. Lusk for the second period, and Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague and Miss Elizabeth
Lord for the third hour.
Assisting in the dining room were
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers, Mrs. Wil
liam S. Cole, Mrs. Harry U. Miller,
Mrs. Richard Slater. Mrs. E. M. Page
invited guests into the dining room.
Among out-of-town guests were Mrs.
Earl Latourette, whose husband it the
new Justice on the supreme court, Ore
gon City; Mrs. Dean H. Walker of
Independence, and Mrs. W. F. Gaaren
troom of Portland.
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Formal Military Ball Next Saturday
Highlight social event of mid-winter
season for a large group will be the
annual formal military ball sponsored
by the Marion county chapter, Reserve
Officers' association, next Saturday eve
ning, February 18, at the Salem armory.
The dance begins at 9 o'clock, the
grand march to be at 10 o'clock.
Elaborate decorations are planned,
carrying out the patriotic and military
Many out-of-town visitors are expect
ed, several being among the distinguish
ed guests for the evening, others guests
of members attending.
The affair is invitational, but all offi
cers appearing in uniform will be wel
come. Captain Dewey Rand, USAR, is
general chairman for the ball. Com
mander Carl H. Cover, USNR, is presi
dent of the Marion county chapter of
the Reserve Officers' association.
Parties with Dance
Among the parties being arranged in
conjunction with the dance will be the
one for which the Salem Women's Army
and Navy league will entertain at the
Marion hotel. The affair is for all mem
bers of the league and their husbands
and guests, and for all Reserve Officers'
association members and their wives and
guests. The party will begin at 8 o'clock
preceding the dance and the room will
be open at intermission.
Mrs. Bert A. Walker, Mrs. Farley Mo
gan, Mrs. Francis T. Wade and Mrs. Wil
liam C. Dyer, Jr., are the committee.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mohatt are among
those entertaining groups preceding the
dance, their guests to include Mr. and
Mrs. Bon Cleary, who are to be their
guests at the ball; Lt. Col. and Mrs.
Frederick Brennan, Major and Mrs.
Henry Medinger and their guests. Lt.
and Mrs. Robert S. Dennison; Command
er and Mrs. Carl H. Cover and their
guests, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bollons
of Portland; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Eugene Laird have
invited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ragan,
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin O. Lewis and Com
mander and Mrs. Carl W. Nelson for an
informal gathering at their home preced
ing the dance.
Mrs. Douglas McKay will be entertain
ing for her usual at home afternoon,
Tuesday, local friends and out-of-town
visitors being invited to call that after
noon. An event for next Tuesday evening
will be the benefit card party to be
sponsored by Cherry court, Order of the
Amaranth, the event to be at 8 o'clock
in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall.
Mrs. James Tinriall is general chairman.
Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church is to meet next Tuesday at the
parish house, the no-host luncheon to be
at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Paul Gcmmcll, Mrs.
W. C. Gabriel, Mrs. Eugene Foster and
Mrs, Austin H, Wilson, Sr., are on the
committee. Guest speaker is to be Mrs.
1. M. Schannep of Portland, a former
guild member, who is to talk on her Eu
ropean trip.
State Board Event
State board of the University of Ore
gon Mothers club is to meet Monday at
the Marion hotel, a luncheon being plan
ned at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. George H.
Swift is the state president.
Cards went out to 45 members to at
tend the gathering, scheduled earlier in
the winter but postponed because of the
The group will consider granting some
emergency scholarships for students at
the university.
Salem members of the board include
Mrs. Swift, Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice,
state recording secretary; Mrs. George
Alexander, a state director, and Mrs.
Grant B. Fallin, president of the Salem
unit of UO mothers.
One of
(JMtM-Mlliw studio picture.)
Wed in Portland this morning were
Miss Phillis Ellis, daughter of Walter
Reid Ellis of Boise, Idaho, and William
Charles Warmuth, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Casper Warmuth of Portland, the serv
ice taking place at 10 o'clock in Sacred
Heart church at Portland with the Rev.
Paul Benidict officiating.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride wore a wedding dress of white slip
per satin fashioned with a yoke of white
nylon and trimmed with champagne lace,
. a full skirt forming a court train. The
fingertip veil of illusion was held in
place with a crown of champagne lace
and pearls. The bride carried a bou
quet of white Calla lilies with white
satin streamers.
Miss Mary Elaine Spacek was maid of
honor. She wore a green satin gown
designed with fitted bodice and full skirt.
The bridesmaids were Misses Rosemary
Curtis and O'Dell Baum. They both
wore gold satin gowns styled similarly
to the dress of the honor maid. All at
tendants carried nosegays of flowers in
contrasting colors.
Charles Wager was best man. Ushers
were Robert Warmuth and Clair Curtis.
A Vedding breakfast was served for
the bridal party immediately following
the service. The reception this after
noon was at the church parlors. Mrs.
Glenn Ellis and Mrs. Lynn Nichols pour
ed. Miss Donna Lebold of Salem passed
the guest book and Mrs. Eugene Lebold
of Salem, sister of the bride, was in
charge of the gifts.
For going away, the bride wore a
navy blue suit with matching accessor
ies and corsage of white orchids.
Following a trip to the coast the
couple will be at home in Portland, after
February 25. The bride is a sister of
Mrs. Eugene Lebold and Clifford Ellis
of Salem.
Annual sweetheart party of the Salem
Lions club is planned for next Thursday
evening, February' 18, for all club mem
bers and their wives, the informal affair
being scheduled as a dinner and pro
gram in the Chamber of Commerce, the
dinner to be at 7 o'clock.
On the committee for the evening are
Wesley E. Stewart, Jr., Leo Reimann, E.
Burr Miller, Carl Aschenbrenner, Leo
Henderson, Dr. Earle Delaney, Richard
Denton and Dr. F. D. Voigt.
Salem Lions club auxiliary has chang
ed its monthly meeting from the third
Thursday to the fourth, the group to be
entertained on February 23 at the home
of Mrs. Evert Givens.
Pi Beta Phi Mothers club is meeting
at the chapter house on Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. C. L. Carson
and Mrs. Paul Morse will be the host
esses. Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling is to be host
ess to her drama club on Tuesday, the
members meeting for luncheon at 1
o'clock. Mrs. C. B. Spencer will con
tinue the reading on "South Pacific."
Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood is to
be entertained by Mrs. Ivan Stewart,
Mrs. Guy Eades and Miss Buena Stew
art at the Stewart home next Thursday
afternoon, luncheon to be at 1 o'clock.
Chapter BC, P.E.O. Sisterhood, Is
meeting for dessert Tuesday afternoon
at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Lynn
Switzer, Mrs. Clare Lee assisting.
Delta Gamma Mothers club is meet
ing Monday afternoon at the chapter
house at 2 o'clock. Mrs. J. J. Sechrist
and Mrs. L. M. Case as hostesses.
Laurel Social Hour club Is to meet on
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Monte Jones, Tabin road, dessert to
be at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Irl Folsom is
A NO-HOST supper and social eve
ning have been arranged by mem
bers of Sojourners club for next
Friday evening at Mayflower hall, the
supper to be at 6:30 o'clock for all club
members and their husbands and guests.
Mrs. O. A. Olson is chairman and on
the committee with her are Mrs. A. P.
Collins, Mrs. Stuart Thede, Mrs. Gilbert
Groff, Mrs. Robert Corey, Mrs. Richard
A. Smith, Mrs. James Mosolf.
Honoring Miss Mary Kowitz, who is to
be wed to Pfc. George Zivkovich of Pitts
burgh, Pa., a shower was given this week
at the Louis du Buy home with Miss
Jeanne du Buy, Miss Lucille Proctor and
Miss Joyce Van Dyke as the hostesses, as
sisted by Mrs. Louis du Buy and Mrs.
William Tanner.
Guests included Miss Kowitz and her
mother, Mrs. Chris Kowitz, Mrs. Norma
Brown, Mrs. Homer Conklin, Hrs. Del
bert Long, Mrs. Fred Roberts, Mi's. Rob
ert Fitts, Mrs. Zina Sharpnack, Mrs. Joe
Cracroft, Mrs. William Dunnigan, Mrs.
Royce inhart, Mrs. Del Tripp, Mrs.
Louis du Buy, Mrs. Sidney Van Dyke,
Mrs. William Tanner, Mrs. J. F. Rauten
krantz, Miss Beverly Roberts, Miss Joan
Fitts, Miss Joyce Rautenkrantz, Miss Ail
een Cracroft, Miss Joan Cracroft, Miss
Mary Cracroft, Miss Lucille Proctor,
Miss Joyce Van Dyke, Miss Geraldine
Radeliff, Miss Dorothy Kaspell, Miss
Gayle Juve, Miss Donna Lou Lambert,
Miss Lucille Allen, Miss Marian Sayre,
Miss Jeanne Doolittle, Miss Edith Tripp.
Rotana club's February meeting is
scheduled for Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. Grant Farris, Roberts dis
trict. Members will assemble at the Marion
hotel, to leave there in a group at 7:45
o'clock for the Farris home.
Mrs. Oliver B. Huston is to be guest
speaker for the meeting, telling of her
recent bicycle trip through Europe with
two of her daughters. Co-hostess with
Mrs. Farris for the meeting is to be Miss
Juana Holmes.
(Kenntlt-ElU photo, Hmm.K
INTERESTINO NEWCOMERS being welcomed to Salem are Colonel and Mrs. Hamrd C. Moore, who have com
here from Eugene, Colonel Moore belnf the physician directing the health service at the state penitenttarr He
retired from a long career in the army at the conclusion of the war. Mrs. Moore kt Interested In the writing field L
and with two of her sisters to eo-aathor of "The Most a keek rrMhti I Ii iIjhlU.. ttT jjlllzf ;
pomilr have tafcea a tdsaca aa Oeeeada Drt. . TTT7 e amn nb- t
to Be Chosen ,mk
(Jcsten-Millw jtutMo ploturt.)
Gala event for the high school group this evening is the annual sweet- -heart
ball of the Hi-Y chapters, the event to be at No-Name ballroom. High- '
light of the evening will be the announcement of the selection of the 1950
Hi-Y sweetheart, one being chosen from five girls named previously as candi-u
dates for the title. Candidates were chosen by members of the five Hi-Y-
Plan Silver Tea
McKinley School Mothers club mem
bers are to be hostesses at a silver tea
next Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Mike Steinbock, 370 Fawk street.
The event is to honor Mrs. Lyle Rea,
principal of the school, and the teach
ers. Hours are between 3 and 5 o'clock;
Invitation is extended through the press
to all parents of the school and inter
ested friends. Proceeds from the silver
tea are to be used by the club in pur
chasing a slide film projector for the
Pouring during the first hour will be
Mrs. Donald Cooper, president of the
club; Mrs. E. C. Hensey, vice president;
Mrs. Victor Palmason and Mrs. Robert
Hawkins. During the second hour, Mrs.
Lyle Rea and Mrs. Edward O. Stadter,
Jr., are to pour.
Serving will be Mrs. Charles E.
Prince, Mrs. Stuart Lancefield, Mrs.
Arthur Erickson, Mrs. Lewis Campbell.
Mrs. John J. Griffith is chairman for
the tea, with Mrs. Donald McCargar as
co-chairman. Other committee chair
men and workers include Mrs. David
Bennett Hill, Mrs. J. A. Griffin, Mrs.
Robert Keudell, Mrs. Loche D. Taylor,
Mrs. George Keortson, Mrs. F. A. Far
rar, Mrs. T. J. Bunch, Mrs. Robert Haw
kins, Mrs. DeCamp, Mrs. Ralph Purvine,
Mrs. Willard Marshall, Mrs. Tom Dun
ham, Mrs. Leonard Kephart, Mrs. L. E.
de Weese.
St. Vincent de Paul Mothers club is
to meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock in the school hall. Second grade
mothers are to be hostesses. An attend
ance award will be given the room with
the most mothers attending.
: ''Xu fK,u, -ihW ' --v
FACULTY Women's club of Wiupm-'
ette university is sponsoring a prty
for members and their husbands
next Thursday evening.,
A no-host supper is to be servd In the
Lausanne hall cafeteria at 6:30 o'clbck,
followed by a social hour.
On the committee for the event are
Mrs. Chester F. Luther, Mrs. KermitCl&i
mans, Miss Gale Currey, Mrs. Rilph
Dobbs, Mrs. James Elliott, Mrs. Robert
M. Gatke, Mrs. Harold Jory, Mrs. Geirge
Martin, Miss Marion Morange, Mrs iE.
S. Oliver, Dr. Helen Pearce, Mrs. Seward.
P. Reese, Mrs. Julian Smith, MrsiEi
Donald Jessop, Miss Lorena Jack.
Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary
has planned its meeting for Monday;
ernoon at 1:30 o'clock at the hospit
Mrs. Harold O. Schneider, Mrs tiMwa
Knickerbocker, Mrs. Olive Lynci,:2r
J. E. Webster and Mrs. William Ei iHealy
are the committee for the meeting.
Delta Zeta alumnae are to meet on
Tuesday evening at the home of 'Mite
Virgil Sexton, 535 Waldo avenue.
Gamma Phi Beta alumnae willi'fpthl
er at the home of Mrs. Richard C.:Ne
son for their February meeting, Monday
evening, a dinner to be served 'St B:30
o'clock. Co-hostesses with Mrs..'Neson
are Mrs. Alton Brannon, Miss Martha
Taber and Mrs. Walter A. BarschjuAny
new Gamma Phi alumnae in the jetty"
are invited and may contact MrsjtUCi
Mrs. Grace Wilson will entertain Ifbn
day evening for the meeting of Chaptejr
BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood. I
the 195Q Hi- Y
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X X X.
(Jesten-MUler rtudto picture.)
The five candidates for the title of Hi-Y sweetheart are these girls
pictured above in the valentine settings, left to right: Miss Ginger Currier,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ruhl; Miss Joan Marie Miller, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller; Mis! Alice Girod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Girod; Miss Marilyn Power, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power;
Miss Pebble DeSart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. DeSart.
VALENTINE tea and program are
booked for Salem Woman's Club
members for Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock in the club house.
Women of the Methodist Old People's
home will be special guests.
Mrs. W. H. Parker is general chair
man. W. A. Reeves and . Mrs. Burton
Crary are on the program committee;
Mrs. Zella James and Mrs. Letha Staats,
transportation; Miss Kate Dickson and
Mrs. P. L. Calvert, refreshments; Mrs.
Thomas Kelly, Mrs. Frank Doerfler and
Mrs. Nelson P. Rogers, decorations.
The Salem Christian Business and
Professional Women will meet for their
dinner Tuesday evening, February 14,
at the Golden Pheasant restaurant.
'- -Rev: E. G. Malyon,' 'teacher from
Powellhurst Bible school in Portland,
will be the speaker. Rev. Mr. Malyon
was active in the Twin Cities, Minn.,
where he directed a radio broadcast and
was director of a youth for Christ rally
and regular speaker at youth camps and
conferences. Other features for Tuesday
will be talks by Miss Evelyn Bartlett
and Miss Mary Hammack, and special
music. Women from all churches are in
vited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Collins are
leaving Wednesday for California. They
will be in San Francisco for a few days,
then will go to Los Angeles and vicinity
for a time, planning to return to the
capital in mid-March.
Marion auxiliary to post No. 661, Vet
erans of Foreign Wars, will meet Mon
day at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall
for a regular business session. There
will be initiation, '
AMONG NEWCOMERS recently arriving !s rasis their home In Salem are Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius W, Lofgren and
family. They came from Glenwood City, Wisconsin, Mr. Lofgren being in the insurance business. Mrs, Lofgren and
the two sons, Charles and James, are pictured here. They have taken a home on Alice avenue, Candalarta Heights.
Hn, Lolfita tea beta acttoe is neirrrr ef iiiainUm, sMfcading the AaMftoaa Asssriailin ef UnWertitr Women,
UO Parents Meet
University of Oregon Dads and Moth
ers clubs will gather for their February
supper meeting Monday evening, the no
host affair to be in Mayflower hall at
6:30 o'clock.
Parents of all students and alumni
of the university are invited as well as
interested alumni and friends. Each
family is to take its own table service
as well as a hot dish.
Dean Karl W. Onthank of the univer
sity faculty is to be guest speaker and
is to discuss placement of graduates in
Mrs. Karl Becke heads the committee
in charge of the supper. Assisting are
Mrs. Edna Olson, Mrs. John H. Carson,
Mrs. Lora Taylor Hawkins, Mrs. John
R. Caughell, Mrs. B. E. Owens, Mrs. Wal
ter Kirk, Mrs. Dolph Craig.
The Degree of Honor Protective asso
ciation plans its installation for Monday
evening at 8 o'clock in Beaver hall. The
installing officer will be Mrs. Ethel
Lindholm Hiatt, national treasurer and
state organizer, assisted by Mrs. Violet
Hyde, state past president, and a staff
from Portland.
The list of officers to be installed for
the local Degree of Honor includes: Mrs.
Harold M. Cook, president; Mrs. Gladys
Miller, past president; Mrs. Henry Hen
derson, first vice president; Mrs. Carl
Preim, second vice president; Mrs. Wes
ley Zellner, usher; Mrs. Ralph Beach,
assistant usher; Miss Joanne Fry, color
bearer; G. E. Zell, inside watch; Mrs.
Violet Fry, outside watch; Mrs. George
Parsons, first assistant to vice president;
Mrs. Leo Folz, second assistant to vice
president; Mrs. Lewis McKinney, treas
urer; Lewis McKinney, financial secre
tary; Mrs. Rose Hagedorn, musician.
Sweetheart at Dance Tonight
(J&stn-JtWHer Mudio picture.)
ARRANGED for Monday evening is
the business meeting for the Jun
ior Woman's club at the Salem
Woman's club house.
The American citizenship committee
is in charge for the evening, including
Mrs. Wallace C. .Wilson, Miss Juanita
Culbertson, Mrs. R. Eugene Morrison,
Miss Lucille Satter, Miss Marilyn Nel
son. Plans will be discussed for the an
nual formal to be given the evening
of February 25 at No-Name ballroom.
On the committee for the dance are Mrs.
Clinton Ault and Mrs. Harold Heiserman
as co-chairmen; Mrs. Jerry Copley, Miss
Juanita Culbertson, Mrs. David C. Duni
way, Mrs. Wesley G. Goodrich, Mrs.
Marvin L. Holland, Mrs. James Mohatt,
Mrs. Lee Port, Mrs. Terry Randall, Mrs.
George Sirnio, Mrs. E. W. York.
The Rev. M. A. Getzendaner, pastor ot
St. Mark Lutheran church, will discuss
displaced persons at a Tuesday luncheon
meeting of the American Association of
University Women's study group on in
ternational relations.
The luncheon meeting is set for noon
in the Senator hotel.
Also on the program will be Mrs.
Thomas C. Wright, who will summarize
displaced persons legislation. The AAUW
has a national policy which advocates
enlarging the U. S. quotas for admitting
displaced persons. Mrs. Robert E. Gang
ware will preside at the luncheon.
Executive board of the Capital Unit
No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, is
meeting Monday at 8 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. George Manning, 336 Oak street.
Initiation is slated for the meeting of
Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow
for Girls, next Tuesday evening at 7:30
o'clock in the Masonic temple. Miss
Dorothy Pederson, worthy adviser, and
Mrs. Wayne Henry, mother adviser, will
be in charge.
(Jexten-Miller jtudio picture.)
fx Y 1 ? V
1 t 1
Many Dancing Parties Scheduled
February continues to be a month of
dances, St. Valentine day and the patri
otic holidays making it a colorful month
for entertaining. Several of the dancing
clubs have their parties scheduled for
next week-end.
Bonheur Party
On Friday evening, February 17, Bon
heur club will stage its February dance
in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall,
dancing starting at 9 o'clock with Wayne
Strachan's orchestra playing.
On the committee for the evening are
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hall, chairmen;
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Goodwin, Dr. and
Mrs, F. D. Voigt, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
W. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L.
Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bartsch.
Cama Club Event
Cama club has scheduled its monthly
dance for Friday evening, February 17,
at Crystal Gardens.
The snack bar will be set up at 9
o'clock with Mrs. Maurice Ebner, Mrs.
A. C. Newell, Mrs. George Riach, Mrs.
Clarence C. Field, Mrs. Tom Bowden,
Mrs. Lawrence Moorman, Mrs. Glen Sav
age and Mrs. Dale Johnson in charge.
Greeting guests at the cToor will be Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Jarvis and Mr. and
Mrs. James F. Mosolf. Dancing will
start at 9:30 o'clock, Claude Bird's or
chestra playing.
Saturday Dance
Monday Night Dance club plans its
party for next Saturday evening, Febru
ary 18, the group arranging a buffet
dinner dance at the No-Name ballroom,
formerly Club Combo. The buffet will
be at 7:30 o'clock, dancing at 9 o'clock.
Mrs. Grant C. Rogers, Mrs. David H.
Cameron, Mrs. Carl W. Chambers and
Mrs. A. J. Crose are the committee for
the evening. '
For Town Club
Town club's February dance is slated
for next Saturday evening, February 18,
a formal dinner dance being arranged
at the Marion hotel, starting at 9 o'clock.
On the decorating committee for the
dance are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Quistad,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeArmond, Mr.
and Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Mennis
Among those entertaining preceding
the dance are Mr. and Mrs. James Wal
ton, who have invited a group to their
Superior street home. Assisting the hosts
will be Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Olinger,
Mr. and Mrs. John Heltzcl, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.
Werner Brown.
Salem members of the Daughters of
the Nile are interested in announcement
the next ceremonial for Nydia temple,
Portland, ( is planned for February 22,
at 1:30 o'clock.
Following the ceremonial there will be
a formal dinner dance honoring the can
didates, the event to be at the Cosmopoli
tan club, 614 S.W. 11th.
Reservations for tickets for the dinner
dance should be in to Mrs. Mclvin Propp,
35749, on or before February 14.
A large group is planning to go from
Social afternoon for Chadwick chap
ter, Order of Eastern Star, is arranged
for Tuesday afternoon, dessert to be at
1:15 o'clock in the Masonic temple. For
the program, Mrs. O. E. Anderson of
Dallas is to review "So Dear to My
Heart," and Miss Grace Ashford is to
The hostesses for the afternoon are
Mrs. C. H. McClung, Mrs. Charles O.
Wilson, Mrs. Lee H. Wetherby, Mrs. Leo
C Dean, Mrs. Adolph Bombcck, Mrs.
Benjamin Knight, Miss Ulva Darby, Mrs.
Bert Flack, Mrs. George E. Hanson, Mrs.
L. E. Barrick, Mrs. Claude H. Murphy.
Marion-Polk Medical society auxiliary
is not scheduling its regular meetings
for this month, the group to meet instead
on Tuesday evening with the Medical
society for a dinner at the Senator hotel
at 6:30 o'clock. Guests at the meeting
will include Dr. James Buckley, state
president of the medical group, and Mrs.
Vamey, state president of the auxiliary.
(JestenMiiIer atudio picture.)
New officers have been chosen by
Willamette university chapter of Chi
Omega sorority. Installation will be
February 28. The new officers include:
Miss Wesley Sue Woodard, Boise,
president; Miss Claribelle Easton, Port
Townsend, vice president; Miss Barbara
Benjamin, Piedmont, secretary; Miss
Marjorie Aldinger, Hillsboro, chapter
correspondent; Miss Arlene Dekins, Pay
ette, Idaho, treasurer; Miss Barbara Ann
Garret, Salem, pledge trainer; Miss Bar
bara Kemmerick, Clackamas, house
manager; Miss Jean Gilmer, Salem. Pan
hellenic representative; Miss JoAnn
Colony, Trona, Calif., rush chairman;
Miss Barbara Lee Miller, Burns, person
nel chairman; Miss Ellie Carr, Palo Alto,
social chairman; Miss Norvada Smedley,
Salem, song leader; Miss Mary Thomas,
Salem, vocations chairman; Miss Helen
Ann Halvorson, Blaine, Wash , historian;
Miss Barbara Freeman, Portland, hos
pitality chairman; Mss Jeanne duBuy,
Salem, civic and social service chairman.
The annual Valentine party of the
St. Mark Lutheran Sunday school will
be held in the social rooms on Wednes
day night, February 15, for the junior
intermediate and senior departments of
the Sunday school. The party will start
at 7:30 and Miss Roberta Sjoding will
be in charge of the entertainment for the
evening. All members of the Sunday
school and friends are invited.
The Woman's Society of Christian
Service in the First Methodist church is
meeting on Wednesday, at the church,
the business session to be at 10 a.m. with
Mrs. Ruth Fugate presiding. Luncheon
will be at noon with circle No. 6 in
charge. The afternoon program starts
at 1:15 o'clock with devotions on "Open
ing the Book of Books," led by Mrs. Ker
mit Clemans.
The program is to be presented by Mrs.
G. Herbert Smith on "The World Must
Learn to Read." An invitation is ex
tended to all interested women to attend
the meeting.
Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is to
meet Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Anna Davis.
Regular meeting for the Salem YWCA
board is an event for Tuesday morning
at 9:45 o'clock in the YW. At this
time new officers for the board will be
elected, directors having been chosen at
the recent annual meeting of the mem
mership. Following the meeting there will be
an informal social foi the retiring and
incoming boards
Mrs. E. B. Fenston and son, Stephen,
have returned to their home in San
Francisco after a ten-day visit at the
home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Smith.
Mcgular meeting for Unit No. 136,
American Legion auxiliary, is planned
for Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the
downstairs room at the Salem Woman's
club house.
Formal initiation and emblem cere
monies will feature the Valentine social
at the monthly recreation night for
Salem Business and Professional Wo
men's club house, next Sunday, the meet
ing being scheduled for 7:45 o'clock.
Three committees are in charge for
the evening's program, the membership
committee, Mrs. Arthur Hocnig as chair
man; the emblem committee, Miss Lois
Kirts as chairman; and the recreation
committee, Mrs. Effie King as chairman.
Mrs. Alma Worstlein is in charge of the
special music.
Following the initiation and program
there will be refreshments, the Valen
tine theme to feature the decorations.
VNCHEON meeting for February
n for Salem branch, American As-
bUU.u..u.. . "unit,!, .a
scheduled next Saturday, February 18,
at the Marion hotel at 1 o'clock.
Miss Eloise Ebert, assistant state libra
rian, is to be the guest speaker. She re
turned this past year from Germany
where she was supervisor of library
service for the American forces in the
occupied zone for four years. Her topic
for the luncheon will be "Mission and
Accomplishments of the American Occu
pation Forces."
Also on the program for a short talk
will be Miss Laura Keeler, elementary
school supervisor, stale department of
education, to briefly review the Atlantic
Reservations for the luncheon should
be telephoned to either Mrs. R. H. Bon
ner or Mrs. Paul Wilson.
Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs.
L. J. Chapin, Mrs. O. A. Chase, Mrs.
Albert Depcnbrock, Mrs. Rollin O.
Lewis, Mrs. E. S. Oliver, Mrs. R. D.
Woodrow. In charge of decorations is
Mrs. Wilbur S. Ankney.
At the recent meeting of the AAUW
board it was voted to pay the expenses
for five Salem high school students to
attend the annual Oregon High School
International Relations league cofer
encc in Eugene, February 24 and 25, on
the University of Oregon campus.
Mrs. James Erickson was honored at
a shower and party for which the wo
men employes of Blue Lake Packing
company entertained Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C. A. Rust.
Special guests were Mrs. James W.
Hollingshead, Mrs. Erickson's mother,
and her aunt, Mrs. Walter Gogle. Games
were played, the prize going to Miss
Molly Heinert.
Others attending the party were Mrs.
B. H. Myers, Mrs. H. C. Hoadley, Mrs.
Ivan Peterson, Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mrs.
Sutter, Mrs. George Combs, Mrs. How
ard Obershaw, Mrs. Arthur Rust, Mrs.
Mary Smith, Miss Rose Rempel, Mrs.
E. A. Dickson, Mrs. Ira Noteboom, Mrs.
Darwin Lawrence, Mrs. Guy Hastings,
Mrs. Burghess Vohland, Mrs. L. W.
Estey, Mrs. Elsie Noteboom, Mrs. Paulina
Gaub, Mrs. W. McCormack and Mrs. C.
A. Rust and her daughter, Mrs. Keith
Morris, who assisted.
Altrusa club's dinner and social meet
ing will be next Wednesday evening at
6:30 o'clock in the Marion hotel.
Soroptimist club has a social meeting
arranged for next Wednesday evening,
February 15, at the home of Mrs. H.
G. Maison.
Mrs. Alice Dowell Jones, northwest
regional director for Soroptimist clubs,
and several members from the Port
land club will be guests.
At this time plans will be discussed
for the regional meeting to be held in
Salem in April.
Co-hostesses with Mrs. Maison for
the meeting are Miss Susan Faherty,
Mrs. Nell Brannon and Mrs. Walter A,
United Commercial Travelers auxil
iary is meeting on Wednesday at 1 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. S. A. Handle, 230
East Washington.
Miss Muriel Steusloff, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Steusloff of Salem,
a freshman at the University of Cali
fornia, has been made' a member of
Tower and Flame, a lower division
scholastic honor society.
Westminster guild of the First Pres
byterian church is meeting next Wed
nesday afternoon, dessert to be at 1:15
Mrs. Oliver Huston is to be guest
speaker to tell of her recent trip to
Europe and to show pictures.
Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Kenneth
Potts and Mrs. P. H. Brydon are the
committee for the afternoon.
A panel discusion on Oregon's prep
aration for the youth conference will
feature the program arranged by the
social studies group of the American
Asociation of University Women for
Wednesday evening, February 15, at
7:30 o'clock in the Salem public library.
Miss Eleanor Stephens, state labrar
ian and member of the governor's com
mittee for child welfare, will be mod
orator and will review the work done
to dale by the committee.
Speaker will be Mrs. Ralph B. Sip
prell, president ot the Marion county
PTA council, who is to discuss family
life; Miss Lucy McAfee, director of Girl
Scouts for the Santiam area council,
whose topic will be recreation: Dr. Ir
vin B. Hill, superintendent of the Fair
view home and member of the gover
nor's committee, who it to talk on
mental health; and Mrs. Arthur Hocnig,
county school supervisor, who is to
discuss education.
The conference with the governor's
committee will be in Salem, April 13
and 14, and the programs such as the
Wednesday one here are being arranged
in various parts of the stale preceding the
The interested public is invited to at
tend the Wednesday program.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baldock were
among those in Eugene last evening for
the Oregon-Oregon State basketball
The Salem Writers' Club will meet
Wednesday, February 15 at 7:30 o'clock
with Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, 1065 S.
Liberty st.