FINANCIAL OSNKRAL PIN AN OB CORP. LOANS Lie. a-133 tod ftl-IM ftDd ROT H. BimiONB tKSURANCK AND LOANS Hear "Top Tradei" 19:05 daily K.8.L.M. 1300 Kc'M 138 8. Commercial St. Tel. 3-B161 T' FARM AND CITY LOANS Vhr, and 6 TOfJB OWN TEBMS of repayment within reuon. Cub for Real EfltaU Contracts and Second Mortsastu. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. Ml Pioneer Traat Bldg. Ph. 4-2383. r $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 198P Palrcroundi Road Next Door to Bank Pre Parkin FhMM 37032 Lie. No. M369-S391 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. l SEE DS POR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST I to 40 Year and No CommLulon DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 144 Btato St. Phone 1-3883 I BE THRIFTY IN '50 I "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY MAKE YOU "THRIFTY IN '80' PAY OFF YOUR DILLS LOYmn YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS B. LIBERTY PHONE 4-1309 PRIVATE MONET Special Rates and Tennj On Larger Loans Lonl and Shorf Tim Payments ROT H. 8IMMONDS 136 South Commercial St Phont 3-9181 TRAILERS IT TRAILER house, equipped with new all gaa heater, cook atove, daveno & awing rocker. Ph. 479J Albany. t39 FOR SALE: Ollder trailer house. 20-ft., fully furnished, Bleeps four. Electric brake. (700. See owner at 1378 Sixth St.. Salem, Oregon. t38 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen 458 Court Phone 3-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serv ice. Free estlates. Trade-Ins accepted on new appliances Vlnre'a Electric Ph. 3-8239. 167 S. Liberty St. o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phono 3-9388. Night a-180. JJ3 uenier. BUILDING CARPENTRY New and remodeling contractor. Resi dential Si commercial. W. E, Schrunk. Fh. 3-4505. 048 Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3148, Salem. o3T BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 rairview Ave. n. a-jim, uaiem. ojc CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register. All makes sold, rented, paired. Roen, 458 Court. Ph. 3-6773. CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walla, etc. Call 3-4880. CHIMNEY SWEEP Oil stove, furnace chimneys vacuumed cleaned. Ensley, 171 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. 052 EXCAVATING " Ben Otjen & Bon excavating St grading, Land clearing. Ph. 3-aoBO. osa- EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. fa. -4i, lea ltoss, hi. o, box 052 FLORIST BTelthaupt'a tor flowers. Dial 3-9179. o Household products J. R. Watklns Co. products. Free de- livcry. 1717 center, pa. 3-63Ba. LANDSCAPE NURSERY F. A. Doerfler & Sons, Ornamentals. 150 w. Lancaster ur. at cor. fa. Z'Wd, LAUNDRY DELUX BERVE SELF Laundry 345 Jef lerson St. Phone 23452. o" Lawnmowers Bhameninn. euaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Barry W. SCOtt, 147 8. Com'l. St. 032 LAWN MOWERS A KNIFE SHARPENER At Ur Door grinding, lawn mowers, scis sors, knives. Dexter's Ph. 36833. o' Mattresses Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7589. 039' OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and tiling supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamDi. typewriter stands, brief cases, teres Wlra Recorders. Roen, 456 Court. FAINTING Elf&trom's are equipped to do your painting, rnons a-muj. FAINTING A PAPERHANGING Fainting & paperhanglng. Free estl mate. 857 Shipping. Ph. 3-9513. o59' PAPERHANGING Freeze damage repairs. Ph. 2-935B. q57 Lancaster Dr. Pb. PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing. Hutchetm Paint Store. Phone 3-3-6687. o ROTO ROOTER Call Electric Roto Rooter for clogged sewers, drains. Ph. 3-5327. o' ' SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock, Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Satid Ac Gravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N. 6th 049' SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel, septic tanks, sewer and drain line cleaned, Ouaranteed work 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 1-7404. 042' Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079 21m St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. -5327 057 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service, 650 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. o SEWER CLEANING SERVICE One man, electric sewer cleaning ser vice. Phone 3-4600. B1U Skewls. o44a Electrlo Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent. Rasor Sharp Cutting Blades Clean sewers, drains. L. Howard. Ph. 1-5327. SEWING MACHINES All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. commercial, pa. 3-3512. Spraying & pruning. Ph. 3-7900. o52' SPRAYING AND PRUNING Pruning and spraying. Phillip W. Belike Ph. 2-1208. oU TRANSFER STORAGE Local & Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal ft briquets. Trucks t' Portland dally, Agent for Bekltu. Housr bold goods moved to anrwhere In U. f or Canada, Larmtr Transfer Btorag rh. J-3131. c. Norblad Urges Budworm Funds Washington, Feb. II (Aft Rep. Norblad (R-Ore) urged a house appropriations subcommittee to day to approve spending $1,200,- 000 to fight the spruce budworm in Washington and Oregon. Norblad said that insects have destroyed more timber in the last 40 years than has been de stroyed by lire. He said private citizens and the two states are cooperating in the program and will shoul der part of the cost to fight the insect on 2,000,000 acres of land. Damage already done by the spruce budworm has amounted to nearly $50,000,000, he said. Urging quick approval of the proposed program, he said the spraying must be done in May and June to be effective. Infant Is Injured West Stayton Deanne Dick man, 13-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dickman, fell and broke her collar bone. How ever the break was not serious and she is up and around. DIRECTORY TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington, Royal, Under wood portables. All makes used machines Repairs and rent. Roen, 456 Court, o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or refinisshed. Relnholdt Si Lewis. 2-3639. Elmer The BUndman. Ph. 37326. WELL DRILLING R. J. West. 4240 Sunnyvlew. 2-2773. oBO WEATIIERSTRIPPING WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners, Window, walls. St woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and polLshed. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court, Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather. WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller, Made to order. 1 Day Del. Relnholdt Se Lewis. Ph. 2-3639. o WOOD & SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031. LEGAL IN THE CIRCUIT COTJRT OT THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION, DEPARTMENT OF PROBATE No. 13,762 In the Matter of the Estate of Ole T. Storaaall. Deceased. Order Appointing Day lor final settlement, etc. Edwin H Lewis the administrator eta of tho Estate of Ole T. Storaasli, De ceased, having rendered and presented for setMemenl, and filed In this Court, his lin .1 account oi his administration oi said Estate. IT is ordered. That Friday the I7tn day of February, AJ3. 1950, at 9:30 o'clock A.M. of said day, be and the same Is herebv appointed for the settlement of said account; and that notice of said settlement be published In the Capital Journal, a newspaper published In Salem, Marion county, Oregon, as oiten as once weeK lor lour successive weens prior to said day of settlement. Done In open court this 10th day oi January, A.D. 1950. OJ HCJl Jt.lIVUVlK.Lilj Circuit Judge. Jan. 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11 THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUN TY OF MARION No. 36208 SUMMONS WM. F. KROEGER. Plaintiff, vs. JOHN F. KHOEGER and JANE DOE KROEOEH, his Wife. HERMAN F. KROEGER and JA E DOE KROEGER, his Wife, JAMES F. KROEGER an. JANE DOE. KROEGER, his Wife, EMIL KROEGER and JANE DOE KROEGER, his Wife, RAYMOND KROE GER and JANE DOE KROEOER, his Wife, ANNA LaFRANCE and JOHN DOE La- FRANCE. her husband. HILDA VAN BUR- EN and JOHN DOE VAN BUREN, her husband, CHRISTINE EHLERS and JOHN DOE EHLERS, her hUS-ufrd. H. F. KROE GER and JANE DOE KROEOER. his wife, MARY DENOLER and JOHN DOE DENO- LEk, her husband, WM. joens ana JANE DOE JOENS. his Wife. HENRY JOENS and JANE DOE JOENS, his Wife, ADELIA PETERSON and JOHN DOE PE TERSON, her husband. META JOANSEN and JOHN DOE JOANSEN. her husband. CLARA BILLERBECK and JOHN DOE BILLERBECK. her husband. LOUIS MAR TENS and JANE DOE MARTENS, hli wife, and an otner persona claiming any Interest In the property described In Dlfllntlff'ft comDlafnt. Defendants. To: John F. Kroeger and Jane Doe Kroeger, his wife, Herman F. Kroeger and Jane Doe Kroeger, his wife, James F. Kroeger and Jane Doe Kroeger, his wife, Emil Kroener and Jane Doe Kroeger. his wife, Raymond Kroeger and Jane Doe Kroeger, his wife,' Anna LaFrance and John Doe LaFrance, her husband, Hilda Van Buren and John Doe Van Burcn, her husband. Christine Ehlers and John Doe Enters, her husband, H. F. Kroeger and Jane Doe Kroeger, his wife, Mary Dennler and John Doe Dengler. her husband, wm. Joens and Jane Doe Joens, his. wife, Henry Joens and Jans Doe Joens, his wife, Adell a Peterson and John Doe Pe terson, her husband, Meta Joansen and John Doe Joansen, her husband, Olara Blllerbeck and John Dos Blllerbeck, her husband, Louis Martens and Jane Doe Martens, his wife, and all other persons claiming any Interest In the property de scribed in Plaintiff s complaint. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby directed to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or oeiore tne expiration 01 four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date of expiration Is fixed by order of the above entitled Court as the 25th day of February. 1950. 1 This suit is brought to determine the adverse claims and clouds upon the title to real property described In plaintiff's complaint and hereinafter described, by tne pisintui. wno claims that by him self he has been In the continuous, open, notorious, exclusive and actual possession of said real property under claim of right for more than ten years Immedi ately prior to the IIUnK of mis suit, and claiming to own the same in fee simple against the claims of any and all other persons whomsoever, to have paid ail taxes of every kind levied or assessed against said property during the period from 1920 to the present time, which said real property Li situated In the County of Marlon, State of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows, to-wlt au mat part 01 tne sou mean quar ter of Section 9, Township 7 South, Range 3 East, of the Willamette Me ridian, situated In Marlon County, Stat of Oregon. You are hereby notified that unless you appear and answer as above required. that plalntirf will take a decree against you. and each of you, that you have no estate, right, title or equity In and to the real property described hereinabove, and that plaintiff's title thereto Is good, valid, prior and subsisting, and that you, and each of you. be forever enjoined re strained and debarred from asserting any claim whatever to said real property, or any part or parcel thereof, adverse to plaintiff's or to his successors, heirs or assigns In Interest, and that Plaintiffs title be quieted in and to said real prop erty, ana mat piainmi nave such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet, Just and equitable In the premises. This summons is published by order of Geo. R. Duncan, Circuit Judst of the aoove entitled court. The order Is dated Feb. 1. 1950. Date of first publication. Feb. 4. 1950 Date of last publication, February 25, STANLEY J. MITCHELL, Attorney for Plaintiff, 101 Hogg Building, Oregon City. Oregon. Feb. 4. 11. 18, 25 LODGE A Kingwood Lodge No. 204, A.F. A.M. Stated Monday, Feb. 3, 7:30 P-m. E.A. Degree. 37' New West Salem Fire House Nearing completion at Park way drive and Glen Creek road is this new fire station that will be manned by a three-man company within 30 days. Equipment will consist of a 500-gallon, triple combination, pumper. Jackie Robinson Finds Film Story of His Life a 'Challenge' By BOB THOMAS Hollywood, Feb. 1 1 VP) "It's a challenge," said Jackie Robinson about acting in his own film story. "But I have had quite a few challenges in the past few years." The hard-hitting Negro second baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers is here to star in what might be called his movie Pledges biven At Hayesville Hayesville, Feb. 11 The Hayesville P.T.A. had at their meeting Friday night Sgt. Avon F. Mayfield of the state police to present the patrol pledges and badges to the patrol boys who have been serving this year. Boys receiving the pledges were Tom Zielinski, Bob Bcyd, Jack Van Cleave, Ronald Bur- tno, Tom Nelson, Kenneth Van Cleave. Jack Berger, Paul Coo ley and Jim Harvey were not present to receive theirs. E. Donald Jessop, Salem pub lic school band instructor, pre sented a musical program and spoke about each of the instru ments. He urged that more of the Hayesville students take ad vantage of the musical oppor tunities offered them. Salem high students partici pating in the program were, Lo ren Bartlett, clarinet; Jerry Gil lespi, saxophone; Gary Hisel drums; David Weeks, flute; Charles Dahlen, baritone; Glenn Benner, trombone; Ann Gibbens, oboe; Bud Lindstrand, sousa phone; Marvin Langland, French horn and Jim Todd Bob Mc Conville and Dennie Hancock in cornet trio. Harvey Christenson, president of the P.T.A., spoke on the meaning of Founders' day. Burns Chnstofferson, the ways ana means chairman, announced that the system of what is called the travelling basket to raise funds for the project this year. Street Markers Will Be Placed Mt. Angel Carl Mucken councilman and chairman, and his committee are engaged in working out a system for the numbering of houses here with the city council placing an or der for 213 street markers at a cost of $364.65. Both street and house markers are lacking in many places and have caused considerable confusion for visi tors. The city attorney was in structed to check on sewers fol lowing a report of excess water. Joe Berchtold reported on fire calls during the month, none of them serious, and asked that the fire and water committees meet with the fire department to discuss a building program. Councilman Mucken was in structed to make a map for a timing record of the new mer cury vapor lights to forestall any loss through faulty wiring or other sources. The council will hold a special meeting on February 20 to discuss a pro posed change in thhe city char ter to comply with current building problems. Trinity Lutheran Aid Society Meets Silverton Miss Nettie Hatte berg, president, was In official charge of the business and socia hour of the Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid society at the church social rooms. Hostesses were Mrs. Nels Langsev and Mrs. Ingeborg Or mbreck. Mrs. R. G. Hovland of Salem wife of Pastor Hovland iocal supply ministci, directed the devotional period. Conducting the self denial hour were Mrs. Arthur Ander son, Mrs. Marie Riveness and Mrs. R. E. Wik. Mrs. Adolph Hauger read the second chapter of Saint John' Gospel and was in charge of the round-table discussion of the text topic. A birthday anniver sary honor guest was Mrs. Nels Langsev. A small whitp turnip . gives delicious flavor to a vegetable soup; peel and dice the turnip and cook with the other vegetables. x-rtWWvv'Y-vv- apjaagafjpjaH t "autobiography. He freely ad- i u: : n- n actor. "I've never done any acting in my life," he grinned. "Not even in school. I have done some work on television and radio, whatever that's worth. "I'm not going to ham up the place. I'll just try to be Jackie Robinson and let the profession al actors try to make me look good." The Robinson story will be gin with Jackie at the age of 12 in Pasadena. It will skim over his football days at UCLA and concentrate on his Dodger triumphs The film will not make an issue of Robinson's difficulties because of his race. It will be treated briefly in two scenes: when he was ignored during an infield practice and when some of the other Dodgers attempted a protest strike over his pres ence on the team. In this connection, I asked Robinson what he thought of the recent films on Negro prob lems. On the whole, I thought they were very fine," he remarked. "I thought 'Lost Boundaries' was a good job. It Is an experi ence (a part-Negro passing for white) which I imagine many people are going through, 'I thought 'Pinky' was good, but I didn't like one scene where the Negro girl was caught with knife in her stocking. I thought that was overdone. 'I liked Home of the Brave' except for the scene where (James) Edwards broke down and felt sorry for himself be cause he was a Negro. I don't think many people feel that way, at least not among the peo ple I know. We feel that God made us this way because that was the way he wanted it." Robinson added that he hasn't seen many pictures about sports figures. Most athletes consider such films pretty corny, he in dicated. He commented on the fact that his old UCLA teammate, Kenny Washington, has acted in a number of pictures. "If Kenny can do it, so can I," he laughed. Robinson will have to race through the picture to report to the Dodger training camp by March 1. He has told his film bosses that he has to be there on time, so his teammates will have no squawks about his lan guishing in Hollywood. Unlike last year, he will re port to training in fairly trim condition. "I'm only 210," he said, "so I won't have much trouble getting down to 192, my playing weight. My legs are already in good shape. I'll just have to get my wind back." a His plans for the coming year include less base-stealing. "I did too much running la3t year, with the result that I was worn out after every game late in the season. "This year I'm going to con centrate on hitting." Salem Heights Club Mothers Are Guests Salem Heights, Feb. 11 Mrs. Herbert Marggi was hostess to the executive committee of the Salem Heights Mothers' club at a luncheon Friday at her home on Ratcliff drive. The board discussed money raising projects and decided they would have a chicken din ner and later on a talent show. There will be babv sitters to care for the pre-school children on Tuesday when the Mothers' club will hold its regular meet ing. Anyone having old toys are asked to bring them. Guests were Mrs. Leon Frahm Mrs. Fred Cords, Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker, Mrs. Ed A. Carleton Mrs. Louis Kurth, Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mrs. Roy McElroy, Mrs. Rollin Baker, Mrs. Lyle Zobel, Mrs. George Beane Mrs E. L. Whltacre and Mrs. Floyd McClellan. Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, Feb. 11 tfP) Ra dio-television stocks went to town again today. While the rest of the market dawdled along in a fractional range, TV issues shot ahead for gains of one to four points. Today's sharp advance was the latest act in the sensational per formance this group has staged since the first of the year. Demand has been based main ly on heavy current sales of TV sets plus highly optimistic estimates of the future by in dustry sources. Announcement that President Truman's fact-finding board had submitted its report on the coal strike to the White House had no appreciable effect on the price trend. The main question in the minds of most traders now is whether or not the coal miners will obey an Injunction just issued. Corporate bonds moved In narrowly irregular range. Aurora Herd Makes Record Lawrence & Robbins' herd of registered Jersey cattle has just completed a year of official herd improvement registry testing. They live near Aurora. The herd averaged 8,069 pounds milk and 438 pounds butterfat per cow during the year. An average of 16 cows were in the herd during the test period. All tests on the herd were made by Oregon State col lege and verified by The Ameri can Jersey Cattle club which has its national headquarters in Co lumbus, O. The above herd produced more than twice as much butterfat throughout the year as is pro duced by the average dairy cow in the United States. The herd improvement registry test for production is part of the pro gram designed by The American Jersey Cattle club to make pos sible the constant improvement in the Jersey breed. Tryphena Rebekahs Offer Flag Drill Silverton The social meeting of Tryphena Rebekah lodge No. 38, was held at the hall with Mrs. Mabel Monson as noble grand, presiding and serving as official hostess. The featured program speak er was Mrs. Alice Agan, a local members for many years, who told of her recent tour of the eastern states and her visit In the southland. Visitors honored were Mrs. Thomas Blundell from the Chad ron, Neb., lodge, and Mrs. Max- ine McMurray of the Odell lodge. On the social and hostess com mittee were Mrs. Martin Han- nan, Mrs. Ruth Lorenzen and Mrs. Axel Olson. At the district convention at Scotts Mills to be held March 11, Saturday, Tryphena Rebekah lodge will present the flag dur ing the ceremonials. R2869 Sew-Easy Coveralls Coveralls mean less work lor Mother, espe cially when they feature the con venient let? opening for "quick changes." Practical knee-pads are appliques In the shape of cute duck ling faces. Pattern Envelope No. R2869 con tain! tlssu pattern, sizes 1 year, Wheat, Other Grains Lower Chicago, Feb. 11 W) Prospect of moisture in parts of the dry winter wheat area sent new crop bread'cereal futures tumbling on the board of trade today. The market opened on fairly wide losses and never got back to the previous close. Lowest prices were made near the finish. Other grains also weakened corn dropping on news that bills had been introduced in congress to permit sales of feed grains owned by the government at be low market prices. The country unloaded a large quantity of corn on cash dealers, bookings being placed at around 100,000 bushels. Oats, rye and soybeans all weakened with the major cere als, although their losses wore not large. Lard showed inde pendent firmness throughout the session in a light trade. Wheat closed Vi-X'a lower, March $2.17, corn was low er, March $1.27, oats were i lower, March 72 i. rye was Yt-Vi lower. May $1.29, soy beans were lower to Y4 higher. March $2.31, and lard was 5 to 15 cents a hundred pounds higher, March $10.60. Sublimity Has Honor Students Sublimity St. Boniface high school "students on the honor roll are: Seniors, first honors, Edward Highberger, Catherine Stcinkamp. Second honors, La vone Benedict, Marlene Hart- man, Joanne Lulay, Marguerite Frost, Donna Susbauer, Margar et Stuckart, Patricia Toepfer, Third honors, Arthur Christian sen, Terressia Garbe, Shirley Ann Kintz, Dolores Minden, Virginia Welter. Juniors, second honors, Mar lene Frank, LaVeta Dozler, Bet ty Ann Wolf, Agnes Steinkamp, Marlene Odenthal, Elaine De- Jardin. Third honors, Francis Gerspacher, DeVeat Nightingale, Marita Zuber. Sophomores, second honors, Francis Etzel, Rose Marie Kirsch, Patricia Schotthoefer. Third honors, Delores Watts. Freshmen, second honors, Thomas Moore, Shirley Weeder, Joanne Holt. Third honors, Dor othy Frank, Carole Jean Doer fler, Marian Fosvar, Doris Lam brecht. Mrs. Leo GrosJacques and children, Carole and David, are staying at the home of Mrs. GrosJacques' parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lulay, while they are traveling in the midwestern states. Misses Margaret and Jo anne Lulay accompaneid their parents. Dog Licenses Available Lebanon Owners of dogs in the Lebanon area were re minded today by Peter Fiedler that a license for their pets can be secured from him at the Leb anon city hall Feb. 24 and 25. He will conduct business be tween the hours ot 10 a.m. and S p.m. Legion Groups Meet Aumsville Meetings were held this week at the city hall by the American Legion post and Auxiliary with Mrs. Claire Gulliford and Mrs. Myron Ni cholson in charge of refresh ments The next scheduled meeting will be held March 1 at the city hall. Hemorrhoids (Files) Fissure Fistula Prolapse And other rectal dis orders treated with- ut hospitalization. DR. R. REYNOLDS Naturo-Rectal Specialist 11144 Center St. Phone 3-9460 18 mos., 3 years, included; ma terial requirements: hot-Iron trans fer for appliques and complete mak ing ana nnisning directions. To obtain this pattern, send 20c in uuiiNs, giving pattern numDcr your name, aaciress ana zone num ber to Peggy Roberta Canltal Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3. cam, Capital Journnl, Salem, Ore., STOCKS (By the Associated Press) American Can Am Pow Si Lt I6V4 Am Tfl 61 Tel 149H Anaconda 29H Bendlx Aviation 404 Beth Stec' 33 Boeing Airplane 21 Calif Paclcinn Canadian Pacific is4 Case J I 45 i Caterpillar 34 Chrysler .. e5 Comwlth As Bom Cons Vullee 12W Continents- Can 3B Crown Zillerbach 311, CurtiAj Wrisht 914 Douitlaa Aircraft n i't Dupont de Nem 941 Oenrral Electric US Oeneral Food 50 General Motors 771)4 Ooodyear Tire 81 Int Harvester 2a4 Int Paper JS Kennecott 541,4 ! joy McN & L , 1 Lonn Bell 'A" 2414 MontEomcry Ward 58 Nash Kelvlnator 17 Nat Dairy 40U NY Contra! 12 13 Northern Pnclflc 19 Pac Am PLth i24 Pa Gas St Elec 33 Pa Tel St Tel 104 Penney J O 59 Radio Corp 1514 Rnyonlcr 3774 Hayonicr Pfd "31 Reynolds Metal 22 Hlehricld 3H'.4 Snfeway Store 35 Sears RoeMirk 431 Southern Pacific 5314 Standard Oil Co 2'k Studebaker Corp agi Suii-shinc Mining ton Trnnaamerica 1714 Union Oil Cal 2(T United Airline Uninn Pacific 1414 w 30 oiiivi iiiun rio Wool worth 14 . 49tt Miss Ellis Honored Dayton Miss Bobbv Ellis. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Ellis, Dayton, and Miss Melissa MUlan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Millan, Dayton, were among the 87 freshman women at the University of Oreenn wno were invited to the "bmarty" party. A freshman woman is only eligible to attend the party when her grade point average is at least 3.00 and above. Club Date Changed West Stayton The' West Stay- ton Community club meeting, wnicn was postponed on ac count of the freezing weather and will be held at the school on March 3. DEATHS Mrs. Bfulah Mills Mrs. Ueulali Mills, late resident of 42S Fawle avenue, at a local hospital Febru- nry ourvmng are her husband, Roy H. Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 sacks $5.00 Bulk 1 ton .... $10.00 2 tons. . . . 17.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere In Salem area Phone 3-8127 Capital Journal LITERARY PARADE WE WAY WEST By A.B.GUTHRIE Jr. This intense, emotional story covers the adven tures of a hundred-odd people who left prosper ous farms and business es to roll west in their big, high-wheeled wagon train. They shared the dream of richer lands and a better life three thousand miles away in me unexplored far READ IT DAILY Beginning Monday February 13th Capital jlJournal "Salem's Lesdlng Newspaper1' Saturday, Feb. 11, 1950 IS Ml I11 three children, lira. Roberta Pric of Wuhoutal, Waah., Mra. 11a Hanson of Stayton and Charlej K, MlUa of Berk eley, Calif.: a brother, H, C. Spauldinv of Newberz; and a aUter, Mra. Ila 8. Grif fith of Salem. Services were held at the W. T, RlKdon chapel Saturday, Feb ruary 11, at 1 p.m. with Rev. Chester Hamblln officiating. Private entomb ment at Mt. Creat Abbey mausoleum. Barbara Amacber in thla city February 9. Barbara Am. acher, late resident of Portland, at the age or 92 years. Shipment has been made to Portland by W. T. Rlgdon company for services and interment. Mri. Nellie Bird Mrs. Nellie Bird, late resident of 1U N. Liberty St., at a local hospital, Febru ary 10. Surviving are a sister. Mrs. Em ma Lipp, Salem; two nieces, Mrs. Charles Pratt, Salem, and Mrs. James Allen. Stockton, Calif.: a grandnephew, Russell Pratt. Salem. Also several nieces and nephews in the east. Private services will be hetd Monday, February 13, at 10 a.m. at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum under direction of Cit ugh-Barrlck company. Reir, Chester W. Ha.nblia will officiate. Mrs. natel W. Etton Mrs. Hazel w. Jtton. late resident of 4929 S. E. Hawthorne Ave., Portland, at a local hospital. February 9. at the an nt 51 years. Survived by two sisters, Mrs. E, O. Sempert, Myrtle Point, and Mrs. Kath ryn Oreenlee, Yakima. Wash.; three broth ers, Oeonte E. O'Brien, Vandergrlft, Pa,, and Harry T. and Jack O'Brien, both at Clearfield, Pa. Also several nieces and nephews. Private services will be held from Lincoln Memorial mausoleum In Portland Monday, February 13, at 10:30 a.m. under direction of Clough-Barrlck company. Always In Season Variation on the shirtwaist theme! The bodtco buttons neatly below a new collar. Shoulder yokes are cut-in-one with short sleeves. Hip pockets are deep, nanay. No. 2549 Is cut In sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. 20. 36, 38 and 40. Size 16, 4k yds. 35-ln. would you like Irnni collection of more than 160 other pattern styles that Includes designs for all mem bers of the family from tiny totj and growing girls to Juniors and misses, mature and larger-size wom en? Just include the WINTER FASHION BOOK In your pattern order It's big aid to every horn sewer. Price per copv 20c. Send 25o lor PATTERN with name. Address and Style Number, uaie size aesirea. Address Capital Journal. 214 Mla -ilon St. San Francisco 5 Calif ' SIZES I .10-40 L ( west. I r m m L